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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heter Vägverket Tielaitos eller Tievirasto på finska? : Benämningar på svenska samhällsfenomen i sverigefinska tidningar / Does Swedish Vägverket become Tielaitos or Tievirasto in Finnish?

Ehrnebo, Paula January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study how names for phenomena in Swedish society are expressed in Finnish language newspaper texts in Sweden. As part of the thesis the question of whether the newspapers use Finnish or Swedish names is investigated. Additional questions taken up in the thesis include the extent to which the Finnish names concur with the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council in Sweden, and the bases for the Council’s recommendations. The primary material consists of volumes 1983, 1990 and 1997 of the newspaper Viikkoviesti and issues 6-50/2003 of the daily newspaper Ruotsin Sanomat. A total of 591 phenomena and 1277 names are investigated. The results show that 95% of the names used are Finnish although there is some variation among different types of names. Approximately 78% of the Finnish names found in the material follow the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council in Sweden. Most of the Finnish names that are established in Sweden are translation loans, common to Standard Finnish or modified according to a Standard Finnish model. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a name is part of Standard Finnish or if it is only a translation loan, since both alternatives often seem equally plausible. The results of the study show that the Sweden-Finnish newspapers investigated have accepted and employed the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council to a great extent. The recommendations of the Council can thus be considered normative. This implies that The Finnish Language Council has developed realistic and prudent principles for the composition of their recommendations.

Kommer finskan i Sverige att fortleva? : en studie av språkkunskaper och språkanvändning hos andragenerationens sverigefinnar i Botkyrka och hos finlandssvenskar i Åbo

Janulf, Pirjo January 1998 (has links)
This dissertation is the result of studies concerning the prerequisites for Finnish to survive in contemporary Sweden. When the Sweden Finnish parents want instruction in Finnish for their children the only choice available in Swedish municipal schools is between two language programs: one giving instruction in Swedish classes with 1-2 hours of home language training in Finnish per week, and the other giving instruction in and of Finnish in Finnish classes. In a four part study I investigate whether Sweden Finnish pupils who take part in these programs use and have a command of both languages. The focus of the dissertation is nonetheless on Finnish and the possibilities for Sweden Finns to preserve and develop their language and culture. A total of 560 second generation Sweden Finns from Botkyrka participated in the studies and are divided by language programs into Finnish classes (273) and Swedish classes (287). The introduction of the dissertation gives a picture of the composition of the Sweden Finnish group, cultural aspirations and education possibilities. It also discusses the official position of the Swedish authorities as well as their efforts in relation to the Sweden Finnish aspirations. For comparison 411 Finland Swedish pupils from Turku as well as monolingual control groups in Finland and Sweden are also investigated. Questionnaires, tests, and essays were collected on two occasions, in 1980 and 1995. Command of reading and writing skills in Finnish and Swedish are compared among the Sweden Finnish, the Finland Swedish, and the monolingual pupils. The most bilingual were the Finland Swedish pupils. This group achieved better results on the Swedish tests than the other groups. On the Finnish tests they were better than the Sweden Finnish pupils in the Swedish classes. Compared to the Sweden Finnish pupils in Finnish classes, the Finland Swedish pupils read just as well or better but wrote less well. In the studies the Sweden Finnish pupils' language use in school and at home and the changes which had taken place during the fifteen years which had passed between the times of data collection were scrutinized. Compared to the Sweden Finnish pupils in Swedish classes in 1980 the Sweden Finnish pupils use much more Swedish today (1995) while the Sweden Finnish pupils in Finnish classes nowadays use both languages more often than those who took part in the same language program in 1980. In one study 41 former Sweden Finnish informants with an average age of 27 were re-visited. Those who had been in the Swedish classes tended to let Swedish take over at home while those who had been in the Finnish classes used both languages. Sixteen of the former informants had children of their own. The language chosen to use when speaking to their children correlated with their own language skills and the language of their partner. None of those who had been in the Swedish classes spoke Finnish with their children. Among those who were in Finnish classes various combinations of languages were applied: 40% spoke Finnish, 25% spoke both languages and 33% spoke Swedish. Nearly 90% of those who had been in Finnish classes wanted their children to learn Finnish in school while not quite 60% of those who took part in home language training wanted their children to learn Finnish in school. Judging from the results of the study, attendance in Finnish classes was of great significance for the preservation of Finnish in Sweden because only this program seemed to guarantee many-sided language skills in Finnish. The number of pupils in Finnish classes has decreased sharply since 1980, and nowadays such classes exist only in a few places in Sweden. Swedish school political practices have contributed strongly to the difficulties Finnish is having and will have surviving beyond the coming two or three generations.

Förskolans modersmålsstöd utan finska pedagoger : Från ett föräldraperspektiv

Garvén, Ulla January 2022 (has links)
Läroplanen för förskolans strävansmål gör att arbetet kring modermålsutvecklingen kommer upp till diskussion allt mer. I studiens region har yttre stöd i form av modermålspedagoger tagits bort och uppdraget ligger nu enbart på förskolans pedagoger. Barn med annat modersmål än svenska är en utmaning för pedagogerna.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur föräldrarna upplever att modersmålsstöd fungerar för barn med finska som modersmål. Forskningsfrågan var: hur upplever de finsktalande föräldrarna att deras barns språkutveckling i finska stöds i förskolan? Vad händer med barnets modersmål när pedagogerna inte talar finska utan bara erbjuder barnen att ta del av olika kulturuttryck på sitt modersmål. På Gotland finns 610 invånare med finskt ursprung. Det finns en modersmålslärare, 15 grundskoleelever och 4 gymnasieelever som har modersmålsundervisning i finska. I den gruppen finns 12 föräldrar, som alla fick enkäten varav 10 svarade. Studiens slutsats är att föräldrarna tycker att det inte fungerar med det modersmålsstöd som erbjuds nu. Det räcker inte med olika kulturuttryck på barnens modersmål med svensktalande pedagoger för att bibehålla språket, det behövs finsktalande pedagoger flera gånger i veckan i förskolan. Det är då språkinlärningen är som intensivast och det stödjer även andraspråksinlärningen. / Esikoulun (tässä päiväkodin) opetussuunnitelman toiveet merkitsevät sitä, että äidinkielen kehitystyö nousee yhä enemmän keskusteluun. Tutkitussa kunnassa tuki äidinkielenopettajien muodossa on poistettu ja tehtävä on nyt yksinomaan esikoulun opettajilla. Lapset, joiden äidinkieli on muu kuin ruotsi, ovat haaste esikoulun opettajille. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten vanhemmat kokevat suomenkielisten lasten äidinkielen tuen toimivan. Tutkimuskysymys oli: miten suomenkieliset vanhemmat kokevat, että heidän lastensa kielen kehitystä tuetaan esikoulussa?  Mitä tapahtuu lapsen äidinkielelle, kun esikoulunopettajat eivät puhu suomea, vaan tarjoavat sen sijaan lapsille mahdollisuuden osallistua erilaisiin kulttuuri-ilmaisuihin omalla äidinkielellään?  Gotlannissa on 610 alkuperältään suomalaista asukasta. Äidinkielenopettajia suomen kielessä on vain yksi, äidinkielen oppilaita on 15 peruskoulussa ja 4 lukiossa. Tässä ryhmässä vanhempia on 12, joille lähetin kyselylomakkeen, johon sain 10 vastausta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätös on, että vanhempien mielestä äidinkielen tuki nykyisessä muodossaan ei riitä.  Eri kulttuuri-ilmaisuihin osallistuminen ruotsinkielisten esikouluopettajien kanssa äidinkielen ylläpitämiseen ei riitä, vaan tarvitaan suomenkielisiä esikoulunopettajia useita kertoja viikossa esikoulussa. Silloin kielen oppiminen on kaikista tehokkainta ja tukee myös toisen kielen oppimista.

Minäkin haluan oppia suomea! : Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksen kartoitus / I Want to Learn Finnish Too! : A Survey of Finnish Language Teachingin Swedish Primary Schools

Silfsten, Jemina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Suomen kieli on yksi Ruotsin vähemmistökielistä. Lain mukaan kaikki lapset, joilla on suomenkielinen tausta ja perustavat taidot suomen kielessä, ovat oikeutettuja suomenkielen opetukseen.</p><p>Tämä opinnäytetyö on pieni muotoinen kvalitatiivinen kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen kielen opetuksesta. Teoria perustuu Ruotsin lakiin ja Ruotsin suomen kielen opetushistoriaan. Empiirinen osuus koostuu suomen kielen opettajien ja suomea opiskelevien oppilaiden haastatteluista sekä ruotsinsuomalaisen vapaakoulun rehtorin ja suomalaistaustaisen vanhemman kanssa käymistäni keskusteluista. Olen myös kysynyt usealta kunnalta suomen kielen opetuksen järjestelyistä ja sen toteuttamisesta.</p><p>Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomen kielen opetuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Ruotsin peruskoulussa. Eräs tutkimustulokseni osoittaa, että kunta ei tiedota tarpeeksi suomen kielen opetuksesta. Olen saanut myös selville, että pätevistä suomen kielenopettajista on pulaa Ruotsissa. Lisäksi olen todennut, että suomen kielen oppituntien pituus ei joissakin kunnissa yllä edes yhteen tuntiin. Kiertävien suomen opettajien työolot ovat stressaavia ja työpäivät koostuvat lähes pelkästään opetustunneista.</p><p>Kaikesta tästä olen tehnyt johtopäätöksen: suomen kielen opetuksen tilaa on parannettava laadukkailla opetustunneilla ja pätevillä opettajilla, joilla on hyväksyttävät työolot. Lisäksi opetuksen määrää täytyisi lisätä.</p> / <p>Finska är ett av Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt svensk lag har barn som har finsk bakgrund och grundläggande kunskaper i finska språket rätt till att få undervisning i finska.</p><p>I detta examensarbete presenterar jag en kort kvalitativ kartläggning av undervisningen i finska i den svenska grundskolan. Teoridelen bygger på förordningstexter och andra styrdokument samt litteratur om den historiska bakgrunden till dagens finskundervising i Sverige. Den empiriska informationen består av intervjuer av finska lärare och elever som läser finska samt diskussioner med en rektor i en sverigefinsk friskola och en förälder till ett barn som har ansökt om finskundervisning. Jag har även frågat flera kommuner om deras sätt att organisera och genomföra finskundervisning.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att kartlägga finska språkets situation i dagens svenska grundskola. Ett av mina resultat är att kommunen inte informerar tillräckligt om finskundervisningen. Jag har också fått reda på att det råder brist på behöriga finska lärare i Sverige. Jag har även kommit fram till att finska lektioner i vissa kommuner är kortare än en timma. Ambulerande lärarna har stressiga arbetsförhållanden och arbetsdagarna består nästan endast av undervisningstillfällen.</p><p>Med hjälp av allt detta har jag kommit fram till följande slutsats: man måste förbättra villkoren för finskundervisningen med hjälp av högkvalitativ undervisning och behöriga lärare, som arbetar under acceptabla arbetsförhållanden. Dessutom bör undervisningstiden utökas.</p> / <p>Finnish is one of the Swedish minority languages. According to Swedish law children who have a Finnish background and basic knowledge of the Finnish language have a right to Finnish education.</p><p>In this Degree Project I present a short qualitative survey of the field of teaching of Finnish in Swedish primary schools. The theoretical frame work is based on Swedish law and the literature on the history of Finnish teaching in Sweden. The empirical data consist of interviews with Finnish teachers and their pupils and some discussions with a principal of the Sweden Finnish independent school and a parent for a child who had applied for Finnish education. In addition, several municipalities were surveyed about their plans forteaching Finnish.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to document the situation of the Finnish language in Swedish primary schools today. One of my findings is that municipalities do not provide adequate information about teaching in Finnish. A further finding is that there is a shortage of competent Finnish teachers in Sweden. I have also established that in some Swedish states schools the Finnish lessons are not even an hour long. The travelling teachers have stressful circumstances at work and workdays consist almost only of lessons.</p><p>From this my conclusion is that we have to improve conditions for Finnish language teaching with high qualitative teaching and with competent teachers who have acceptable working conditions. Furthermore teaching time should be increased.</p>

Det tänkande landskapet : landskapsskildringarna i Olavi Paavolainens Synkkä yksinpuhelu (Finlandia i moll)

Vosthenko, Tuula January 1997 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the distinctive character and variations in the landscape portraits in Synkkä yksinpuhelu, by the Finnish author Olavi Paavolainen, as well as investigate the significance of the landscape portraits for the work as a whole. Paavolainen calls his work a war diary. It comprises the years 1939-1944 when Finland suffered first the Winter War (Russo-Finnish War) and then the Continuation War with the Soviet Union. The author served at the front during the first year of the Continuation War and then afterwards at general staff headquaters. In the first part of the work the author focuses on describing the Karelian landscape which had become the battlefield. The latter part brings out the war time political events in Finland and in other parts of the warring world. As a form, the diary gives the author possibilities to use texts with various styles and content. In general, Synkkä yksinpuhelu can be said to contain history, autobiography, political and cultural essays, landscape portraits and travel sketches. The landscape portraits assume a central position in the book because of the scope, about a third of the total pages. In these portraits a few of the main themes of the work are developed. At the same time these themes build an antithetical relationship: nature creates and preserves life while war annihilates it. A number of the portraits, for exemple, descriptions of the moon and burial places, are a recurrent motif, giving the text structure and strengthening the theme of impermanence. In an exteded sense, Paavolainen's own concept of the thinking landscape can be used to characterize his portraits because the surrounding landscapes communicate his own moods and thoughts. This manner of describing nature ties together schools of art, such as romanticism, symbolism, expressionism and surrealism, where it is characteristic to allow the outer world to reflect the inner state of the soul. Paavolainen makes numerous references to works, authors and artists from the 19th and 20th centuries in his portraits. Using means such as irony and antithesis and with a sprinkling of ambivalence, the intertextual and interartistic relations illuminate the author's attitudes towards prevailing conditions. They also accentuate his thoughts about the purpose of existence.

På mitt modersmål : En kvalitativ studie av biblioteksanvändare med samiska, finska och meänkieli som modersmål / In my Mother Tongue : A Qualitative Study of Library Users with Sami, Finnish and Meänkieli as Mother Tongue

Gunnare, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to show how some persons with one of the Swedish national minority languages as mother tongue use a library with regard to their mother tongue and culture. The research questions are: How do Sami-speaking, Finnish-speaking and Meänkieli-speaking (Tornedalen Finnish-speaking) persons use a library with regard to their mother tongue and their culture? What aspects do they find important in this use? As a theoretical frame I have used Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen’s model of the functions of the local library and Will Kymlicka’s theory of the value of maintenance of minority cultures. The study is a qualitative user study. Deep interviews have been conducted with 9 persons with Finnish, Meänkieli or Sami as mother tongue.The results show that the main use of the library is as a cultural centre and the most frequently used service is borrowing of literature. Most Finnish-speaking persons use the library this way and find it satisfactory. The Sami-speaking persons who read in Sami use the library but the small supply of Sami literature at the libraries is partly a limiting factor. The literature available in Meänkieli is limited, but some use the library to get access to this literature. Exhibitions and cultural arrangements are not attended very frequently and the library’s social function is not very prominent. Some persons use the library in their studies or in their profession to get access to literature in Finnish or Sami. The use of the library as information centre is minimal.The access to literature, the possibility to speak their mother tongue with the library staff and the highlighting of the literature and culture at the library are factors that are important and contribute to language-maintenance and strengthening of the identity. The accessibility to the literature itself and the children’s possibilities to use the library are also important factors. The study is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Folkbiblioteket som minoritetspolitisk arena : Bibliotek Uppsalas arbete med att skydda och främja det nationella minoritetsspråket finska / Public Library as a Forum for Minority Politics : Uppsala Library’s work to support and promote the national minority language Finnish

Östberg, Eeva January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study how public libraries can work to support and promote a national minority language. In the thesis Uppsala Library’s work with the Finnish language is reviewed from 2000 to present.  The data was collected through qualitative interviews with five key figures from Uppsala Library and the Uppsala municipality, visits in four local public libraries and the digital library during the spring 2019 and by examining the official documents of the municipality and information that the local public libraries have produced between 2000 and 2019. Uppsala Library’s work with the Finnish language is discussed in the thesis through themes of power, nationalism and identity processes and analyzed in terms of language revitalization. The findings show that during the first decade Uppsala treated the Finnish language as any other foreign language. It provided access to media in Finnish, but the Finnish language was not visible in the library policy or in the library’s information material and program activities in Finnish were few. A major change in Uppsala Library’s work with the Finnish language started in 2010 when the municipality joined the administrative area for the Finnish language. Since 2010 Uppsala Library has with special efforts supported and promoted the Finnish language. Finnish is used in the library’s information material and is visible in the municipality’s and the library’s documents. Uppsala Library offers many kinds of media in Finnish. The library has organized events where the Finnish language is used for children and adults. The events have also brought to light the Swedish Finns’ experiences and the historical connection the Finnish language has to Sweden. Information in Finnish in the physical and digital libraries, however, could be improved. The objective of the Swedish policy on minorities is to provide support for the historical minority languages so that they are kept alive. Uppsala Library’s work during the 2010s shows public libraries’ potential as a forum for minority politics and their importance in the work with minority language revitalization. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Kvantitativa studier av syntaxen i finsk ungdomslitteratur / Quantitative studies of the syntax in Finnish books for young people

Määttä, Tuija January 1992 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the syntax in Finnish literature for young people in order to arrive at fundamental information about the character of the language in literature of this kind. The corpus consists of three Tiina books by Anni Polva. My method is mainly quantitative, but also comparative. The language of the three books is compared, but the results of this comparison are also contrasted with other Finnish and also Swedish quantitative linguistic investigations. The investigation begins at the sentence and clause levels. To some extent is also considered whether syntactic features occur in main clauses or in subordinate clauses, in narrative text or in dialogues. The length of sentences and clauses is investigated. It appears that the length of sentences stated in clauses (2.2 clauses on averige) and the length of clauses in words (5 words on averige) do not differ from those typical of literature for children or adults. On the other hand the length of sentences stated in words (11 words on averige) is somewhat higher than in literature for children and adults. Active and passive clauses, mode, tense and negation in the clauses are investigated. The results show that the frequency of active clauses is high and the frequency of passive clauses is very low. The frequency of negated clauses is also very high. The most frequent mode is the indicative, followed by the conditional. There are few predicates in the imperative, and there are only isolated instances of predicates in the potential. The use of tenses resembles that in literature for children and adults: most predicates are in the past tense, followed by the present, the pluperfect and the perfect. Main clauses and subordinate clauses of different kinds are dealt with in the investigation. The proportion between main clauses and subordinate clauses is about the same as in the spoken language. The coordinating as well as the subordinating conjunctions are investigated both with regard to the actual occurrences of the conjunctions and with regard to their meanings. The most frequent coordi­nating conjunctions are ja 'and* (55.8 %) and multa 'but' (21.4 %). The classification of the conjunctions according to meaning shows that copulative conjunctions are the most frequent ones (50.7 %). Of the subordinating conjunctions että 'that' (35.7 %) and kun 'when, because' (25.0 %) are the most frequent ones. Semantically explicative conjunctions are the most frequent subordinating conjunctions (27.6 %). Syndetic coordination is most frequent in main clauses (78.8 %) as well as in subordinate clauses (98.9 %). Asyndetic coordination is clearly used as a stylistic device. A large number of different constructions are used in the corpus. Some of them are contracted clauses, some are other constructions which resemble them. The frequency of these constructions is unexpectedly high. The most frequent types of contracted clause are the necessive construction (47.9 %), the participle construction (18.3 %) and the temporal construction (15.3 %). Of the other constructions the modal construction (60.4 %) and the agent construction (12.8 %) are the most frequent ones. The structure of the sentences in the Tiina books is varied and sometimes complex. In all there are 167 different combinations of clauses in the corpus. The most frequent type of sentence consists of one main clause (27.8 %). In the combination of clauses we also find clauses with different degrees of subordination. Grade 1 is the most frequent one (87.1 %). However, there are even instances of grade 4. The position of main clauses and subordinate clauses varies a great deal. They may be mixed at will. The corpus contains a large number of clause combinations which occur once only. / digitalisering@umu

En liten gärning med stor betydelse : En jämförande innehållsanalys av finskspråkiga allmännyttiga texter om covid-19 i Sverige och Finland / Pieni teko. Suuri vaikutus : Vertaileva sisällönanalyysi suomenkielisistäyleishyödyllisistä koronavirusteksteistä Ruotsissa ja Suomessa

Engver-Jensen, Joachim January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur finskspråkiga texter om covid-19 skiljer sig mellan den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM) och det finländska Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (THL). Uppsatsens hypotes är att FHM:s svenska källspråkstexter bör ha påverkat de finskspråkiga texterna i Sverige, med risk för att informationen senare skulle kunna tolkas felaktigt av den sverigefinska minoritetsgruppen. Inledningsvis ges en teoretisk beskrivning av översättningsteorin, med fokus på de fyra grundaspekterna struktur, stil, semantik och pragmatik. Därefter följer en redogörelse av översättningsstrategier vid imperativa och informativa texter samt en metodbeskrivning för hur en jämförande innehållsanalys bedrivs, som också är den valda forskningsmetoden. Från de båda myndigheterna har sedan fyra texter undersökts; två imperativa och två informativa med utgångspunkt i de tidigare nämnda grundaspekterna. Resultatet visar att texterna framtagna av FHM följer finskans konventioner väl, men att språkbruket tenderar att vara något mer komplicerat än nödvändigt. En slutsats är därför att det skulle kunna leda till att informationsmaterialet förstås felakigt av de sverigefinska läsarna, då de inte lika ofta kommer i kontakt med denna typ av text som Finlands inhemska befolkning. / Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee suomenkielisiä tekstejä koronaviruksesta ja analysoi sitä mitä eroja teksteissä on ruotsalaisen Kansanterveysviraston (FHM) ja suomalaisen Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) välillä. Tutkielman hypoteesi on, että FHM:n ruotsinkieliset lähdetekstit vaikuttavat suomenkielisiin teksteihin Ruotsissa. Tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että ruotsinsuomalainen vähemmistö tulkitsee tietoja väärin. Tutkielmassa kuvaillaan aluksi käännösteoriaa, joka keskittyy neljään perusnäkökohtaan rakenne, tyyli, semantiikka ja pragmatiikka. Sitten esittelen käännösstrategioita, joita ylensä käytetään imperatiivisen ja informatiivisen tekstien kääntämisessä. Menetelmäosiossa kuvaan sitä, miten valittu tutkimusmenetelmä, vertaileva sisällönanalyysi, toteutetaan. Molemmilta viranomaisilta on tutkittu neljä tekstiä; kaksi imperatiivista ja kaksi informatiivista. Analyysi perustuu edellä mainittuihin perusnäkökohtiin. Tulos osoittaa, että FHM:n valmistamat tekstit seuraavat suomen kielen konventioita hyvin, mutta kielenkäyttö on yleensä monimutkaisempaa kuin on tarpeen. On siis perusteltua päätellä, että tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että tiedotusmateriaalia suomenkieliselle lukijoille ymmäretään väärin. Tämä johtuu siitä, että he eivät ole kosketuksissa tällaisten tekstien kanssa harvemmin kuin suomalaiset.

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