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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Essays in macroeconomics

Nguebou Sime, Alex Gervais 07 1900 (has links)
Dans le chapitre 1, j'examine l'impact des politiques de taxation qui favorisent les entreprises à faible chiffre d'affaires (en dessous d'un certain seuil d'imposition) sur la production globale. Au Cameroun, les entreprises dont le chiffre d'affaires est inférieur au seuil d'imposition paient une taxe forfaitaire ne dépassant pas 1% du chiffre d'affaires. Les entreprises dont le chiffre d'affaires dépasse le seuil d'imposition doivent s'acquitter d'un impôt proportionnel sur les bénéfices dont le taux était de 38,5% en 2008. Les données du Recensement général des entreprises du Cameroun de 2008 exhibent une concentration des entreprises au seuil d'imposition de 15 millions XAF. Ceci est cohérent avec le fait que cette politique de taxation peut théoriquement conduire à des distorsions qui entraînent certaines entreprises à embaucher moins de travailleurs que d'autres moins productives qu'elles afin de rester au seuil d'imposition et d'éviter de payer des impôts importants. Je développe un modèle basé sur le modèle de Hopenhayn (1992) de dynamique des firmes prenant en compte la taxation des entreprises. Je trouve un intervalle critique pour la productivité dans lequel la demande de main-d'oeuvre diminue à mesure que la productivité augmente. Le modèle est calibré avec les données camerounaises de 2008. Comme résultat, la production globale augmente de 4\% lorsqu'un impôt proportionnel uniforme sur les bénéfices est utilisé à la place de la taxe existante, et de 17\% lorsqu'un impôt forfaitaire uniforme est utilisé, pour les mêmes recettes fiscales. Je mène des expériences de politiques basées sur des politiques d'imposition similaires présentes dans d'autres pays en développement tels que la Côte d'Ivoire et le Mali en Afrique de l'Ouest, et le Gabon et le Congo en Afrique centrale. Je trouve un impact positif sur la production agrégée lorsque le seuil d'imposition baisse de manière significative (pour les mêmes recettes fiscales) ou lorsque l'impôt payé par les entreprises juste en dessous du seuil se rapproche de celui payé par les entreprises juste au-dessus du seuil d'imposition. Dans le chapitre 2, j'étudie l'effet de l'utilisation du réseau social dans la recherche d'emploi sur les résultats agrégés. Empiriquement, à partir des donnée camerounaises de 2010, je mets en évidence l'association de l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux à des niveaux de salaires plus bas et à des emplois de moindre qualité. Je développe un modèle de recherche et d'appariement dans lequel les travailleurs sont hétérogènes dans leur réseau social et les entreprises sont hétérogènes dans l'emploi qu'elles ouvrent (qualifiés vs non qualifiés). Je trouve qu'il y a une pénalité salariale provenant de la possibilité rechercher un autre emploi quand on est employé. Cette pénalité salariale est plus élevée pour les travailleurs ayant un plus grand réseau social. Elle pourrait dominer l'effet positif d'avoir un plus grand réseau social sur le salaire, et conduire les travailleurs ayant un plus grand réseau social à avoir un salaire plus faible. Le chapitre 3 décrit une économie dans laquelle la taxe est prélevée à deux niveaux : le niveau du pays et le niveau de l'État. L'impôt au niveau de l'État peut également être considéré comme un impôt local pour les pays qui ne sont pas administrativement divisés en États. Le décideur au niveau de l'état doit tenir compte de la politique au niveau du pays lorsqu'il définit sa propre politique. Il peut choisir d'imposer avec ou sans déduction. Je développe un modèle de dynamique de firmes basé sur Hopenhayn (1992) augmenté pour prendre en compte la taxation à deux niveaux : le pays et l'état. Le modèle à calibré à l'économie américaine et des expériences numériques sont menées. J'analyse le cas des taxes sur les sorties au niveau des pays et des États. Je trouve que les résultats optimaux sont les mêmes avec et sans déduction, à l'exception des valeurs élevées de la taxe au niveau des pays. Aussi, prélever la taxe sur les facteurs donc le prix est flexible affecterait moins négativement la production agrégée. / In chapter 1, I examine the impact of tax policies that favorise low-turnover businesses (below a certain threshold of taxation) on aggregate output. Specifically, in Cameroon, the tax policy consists of a lumpsum tax of no more than 1% of sales for firms with sales below the taxation threshold; and firms with sales above the taxation threshold must pay a proportional profit tax, the rate of which was 38.5% in 2008. From the 2008 Cameroon General Business Census data, the concentration of businesses is right at the tax threshold of XAF 15 million. This is consistent with the fact that this tax policy can theoretically lead to size distortions that lead some firms to hire fewer workers than others who are less productive than them in order to remain at the tax threshold and avoid paying a large amount of tax. In a model based on the Hopenhayn (1992) model of firm dynamics extended to include taxation. I find a critical interval for productivity in which labor demand decreases as productivity increases. I calibrate the model with 2008 Cameroon data and find that aggregate output increases by 4% when a uniform proportional profit tax is used instead of the existing tax policy, and by 17% when a uniform lump sum tax is used, for the same tax revenue. I conduct policy experiments based on similar tax policies in other developing countries such as Côte d'Ivoire and Mali in West Africa, and Gabon and Congo in Central Africa. I find a positive impact on aggregate output when the threshold for taxation falls significantly (for the same tax revenue for the government) or when the tax paid by firms just below the threshold approaches that paid by firms just above the threshold for taxation. In Chapter 2, In the environment of a developing economy, I study the effect of the use of social networks in job search on aggregate outcomes. Empirically, I highlight some facts linking the use of social networks to average wages and job quality. I find that the use of social is associated with a lower wage. I also find that nonusers of social networks have better job quality (in terms of education accuracy, and benefitting training from the firm). I develop a model of search and matching in which workers are heterogenous in their social network and firms are heterogenous in the job they open (skilled vs unskilled). I find that there is a wage penalty coming from the presence of on-the-job search, and this wage penalty is higher for workers with higher social Networks. This penalty could dominate the positive effect of having a higher social network on wages, and lead workers with a higher social network to have lower wages. Chapter 3 describes an economy in which the tax is levied at two levels: The country level and the state level. The tax at the state level can also be seen as a local tax for countries that are not administratively divided into states. The policy-maker at the state level has to take into account the policy at the country level when setting his own policy. He can choose to tax with and without deduction. I develop a model of firm dynamic based on Hopenhayn (1992) augmented to take into account taxation two levels: the country and the state. I calibrate the Benchmark model to the US economy and I conduct numerical experiments. I analyze the case of output taxes at the country and state levels. I find that the optimal results are the same with and without deduction, except for the high values of the tax at the country level. I also for output tax at the country level, it looks more efficient to raise the tax at the state on the input with the more flexible price.

Évaluation environnementale des programmes d'efficacité énergétique de Gaz Métro

Faucher, Alexandre 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer la performance environnementale des programmes d’efficacité énergétique de Gaz Métro pour la période 2011-2012. Leur évaluation environnementale est nécessaire pour s’assurer que les programmes offerts réduisent les émissions de GES efficacement. La méthode proposée consiste à actualiser le coût social des économies de GES annuelles pour les comparer au coût initial de mettre en place une mesure ou un programme d’efficacité énergétique. En tout, trois évaluations sont effectuées pour 22 des 27 PEÉ de Gaz Métro. Ces évaluations permettent de vérifier si les mesures d’efficacité énergétique et les programmes d’efficacité énergétique réduisent les émissions de GES à un coût inférieur au coût social du carbone. Les résultats nous démontrent que les PEÉ sont majoritairement des instruments de réduction des émissions de GES très profitables lorsque l’on intègre les coûts évités à l’analyse.

Analyse empirique des facteurs explicatifs de l'intérêt pour le biométhane des clients de Gaz Métro

Michaud, Christian 19 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous investiguons le niveau d’intérêt de la clientèle résidentielle de Gaz Métro pour remplacer une partie de leur consommation de gaz naturel par du biométhane. Plus particulièrement, nous tentons d’identifier les caractéristiques pouvant expliquer un intérêt plus ou moins important pour le paiement d’un supplément pour consommer du biométhane. L’analyse se base sur un échantillon de 200 clients de Gaz Métro. Ces données ont l’avantage de fournir beaucoup d’information sur les caractéristiques socio-économiques des répondants, incluant le niveau de revenu, le niveau d’éducation ainsi que la taille du ménage. Afin de décomposer l’effet de chacune de ces caractéristiques sur l’intérêt pour le biométhane (exprimé sous forme de variables discrètes), la méthode économétrique retenue repose sur un modèle logit multinomial ordonné. Nous découvrons un lien positif entre l’intérêt à payer un supplément pour consommer le biométhane et le fait d’avoir un revenu élevé, d’être jeune ainsi que la sensibilité environnementale. À l’inverse, le fait d’être plus âgé a un effet négatif sur l’intérêt pour le biométhane.

O Lago Grande do Curuai : história fundiária, usos da terra e relações de poder numa área de transição várzea-terra firme na Amazônia / Le Lago Grande de Curuai : histoire foncière, usages de la terre et relations de pouvoir dans une zone de transition entre terre ferme et plaines d’inondation en Amazonie / Lago Grande do Curuai : land tenure, land use and power relations in transition areas between floodplain and terra firme forest ecosystems

Theophilo Folhes, Ricardo 07 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment des facteurs d’ordre social et environnemental ont influencé, en Amazonie brésilienne, le peuplement, l’appropriation et l’usage conjugué des ressouces naturelles, dans une région de transition entre des écosystèmes de plaines d’inondation et de terre ferme. L’approche adoptée est historique et ethnographique, afin d’examiner comment les relations de pouvoir et les pratiques sociales sont articulées au régime hydraulique de crues et d’étiages. Le lieu de l’étude est la région du Lago Grande do Curuai, dans la commune de Santarém (État du Pará), au croisement des communes d’Óbidos et Juruti. Je me suis interrogé sur de possibles continuités et ruptures entre les relations de pouvoir actuelles et celles de l’époque coloniale – relations qui influencent la circulation des hommes entre ces deux écosystèmes. Je conclue que les plaines d’inondation (várzeas) sont, aujourd’hui encore, contrôlées par des segments sociaux issus de l’élite locale, formés de propriétaires terriens et d’éleveurs de bovins. Ceux-ci ont construit leur pouvoir pendant la colonie portugaise et ont graditativement impulsé un mouvement vers des terres situées de plus en plus loin dans la terre ferme, avançant sur la forêt. Depuis 1950, l’élevage est la principale activité économique à l’origine de cette expansion, au moyen des pratiques liées à la transhumance du bétail. Parmi les facteurs qui induisent la circulation saisonnière entre la várzea et la terre ferme, la transhumance a reçu une attention particulière dans ce travail. Initialement réservée aux grands fazendeiros, cette pratique s’est popularisée dès les années 1970 parmi les différents profiles d’éleveurs, avec une intensification dans les années 1990. L’élevage repose sur trois pratiques locales qui favorisent la transumance : les « sociétés », les « permissions » et les locations de terrain (arrendamentos). Leur analyse conjointe m’a permis de montrer que les « sociétés » entre grands et petits éleveurs sont à l’origine de l’expansion de l’élevage. Cette activité va bien au-delà d’un « livret d’épargne » ; elle confère du prestige et une opportunité d’accéder régulièrement aux plaines d’inondation. Lors de la création, en 2005, d’un projet d’établissement agro-extractiviste – le PAE Lago Grande – afin de régulariser l’occupation foncière des populations régionales, seuls les terrains de terre ferme ont été intégrés dans la nouvelle unité territoriale. Ceux de várzea en ont été exclus. Les données disponibles permettent de montrer qu’au fond, la structure foncière n’a pas été modifiée. Dès lors, les relations de pouvoir historiquement inscrites dans ce paysage restent relativement inchangées. Enfin, la circulation des populations régionales entre ces deux écosystèmes ainsi que les pratiques de transhumance n’ont pas été prises en compte lors de la mise en œuvre des politiques de gestion territoriale en Amazonie. / The aim of this study is to understand the role of the social and environmental order influenced the peopling, land appropriation and the seasonal use of natural resources between floodplains (várzea) and firm land (terra firme) ecosystems in the Brazilian Amazon. I follow an historical and ethnographical approach to examine how social practices and the local power relations influenced the interrelated dynamic between social life and water movements (floods and droughts). The study area is Lago Grande, located in the city of Santarem, Pará State bordering the towns of Óbidos and Juruti. The main question is to investigate if power relations among social groups established and inherited during the colonial living in Lago Grande region are still operating in current times, and how this situation affects the control of transhumance between várzea and terra firme ecosystems. I conclude that the Amazon floodplains are still controlled by local elites, represented by land and livestock owners. The local elite established their socio-political power during colonial times, dominating an increasing process of entering from várzea to terra firme areas (i.e. deforestation). Since 1950, the main economical activity responsible for the expansion of land use from várzea to terra firme was cattle raising through transhumance between both ecosystems. Transumance has received a specific attention in this study, for it is among the main factors encouraging the circulation of local population between várzea and terra firme environments. From 1970’s, large farmers started the transhumance which was later followed by smaller farmers, and intensified through the 1990’s. Cattle ranching builds on three local practices which promote transhumance: “societies”, “permissions” and land rentals (arrendamentos). A joint analysis allowed me to demonstrate that “societies” between large and small farmers sustain the cattle ranching growth. This activity is lucrative and bestows prestige and opportunities to access the floodplains more regularly. In 2005, an Agro-extractivist Settlement was created (PAE Lago Grande) to favor land distribution and better economical opportunities among local populations. Though, the territorial unit included terra firme but not the areas of the várzea ecosystem, vital for the local economy part of the year. Additionally, the PAE also did not alter the land tenure, keeping the same historically constructed power structures it aimed to deconstruct. / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi compreender como fatores de ordem social e ambientalinfluenciaram o povoamento, a apropriação e o uso conjugado dos recursos naturais em umaregião de transição entre os ecossistemas de várzea e de terra firme na Amazônia brasileira.Adotei uma abordagem histórica e etnográfica para examinar como relações de poder e práticassociais mediaram a articulação da vida social ao regime de cheias e vazantes. A área eleita paraa realização da pesquisa foi a região do Lago Grande, localizada no município de Santarém-PA, na confluência com os municípios de Óbidos e Juruti. Questionei se seria possível, naatualidade, enxergar nas relações entre os segmentos sociais que coabitam a região do LagoGrande continuidades e rupturas com as relações de poder herdadas do período colonial e comotais relações poderiam estar intervindo na circulação humana entre os dois ecossistemas.Conclui-se que as várzeas ainda são controladas por segmentos das elites locais, formadas porproprietários de terras e gado. Estes fundaram seu poder no período colonial e lentamentecomandaram o processo de ampliação dos sistemas de uso da terra para os interiores da terrafirme. Desde 1950, a principal atividade econômica a impulsionar esta expansão tem sido apecuária, por meio da prática da transumância. Entre os diversos fatores que sustentam acirculação sazonal entre a várzea e a terra firme pela população local, a transumância recebeuatenção especial da pesquisa. Iniciada pelos grandes fazendeiros, a transumância se popularizouentre os diversos perfis de criadores a partir das décadas de 1970 e foi intensificada na décadade 1990. Três instituições comandam a atividade pecuária e logo sustentam a transumância: as“sociedades”, as permissões e os arrendamentos. Analisados em conjunto estes institutospermitiram que a pesquisa chegasse à conclusão de que as “sociedades” entre grandes epequenos criadores sustentam o crescimento da pecuária, atividade que muito mais do que umasimples poupança é sinônimo de prestígio e oportunidade de acesso regular a várzea. A criaçãode um projeto de assentamento agroextrativista em 2005, o PAE Lago Grande, anexou apenasa faixa de terra firme da região do Lago Grande, deixando as várzeas de fora. O PAE não anexouas várzeas e não alterou a estrutura fundiária em terra firme. Desta forma, pouco alterou asrelações de poder historicamente construídas. Por fim, considera-se que a circulação realizadaentre as populações regionais entre os dois ecossistemas, de maneira geral, e a transumância,em particular, não vem sendo levada em consideração nas políticas de ordenamento territorialna Amazônia.

La légitimité des institutions productives dans les sociétés démocratiques européennes : le cas de l’internationalisation de la « firme urbaine » française en Suède et Roumanie / The legitimacy of productive institutions in democratic European societies : the case of the internationalization of the French “urban firm” in Sweden and Romania

Burlat, Claire 08 April 2010 (has links)
Ce travail confronte le phénomène de l’internationalisation des pratiques de gestion des entreprises à celui de la légitimité des institutions intermédiaires. L’étude de cas porte sur l’internationalisation d’une entreprise française, Veolia Environnement, en Suède et en Roumanie. Cette firme est dite « urbaine » dans la mesure où elle est spécialisée dans les services publics locaux. Les résultats attestent des processus de légitimation que la « firme urbaine » déploie au moyen de sa « dimension institutionnelle » lors de son expansion internationale. Ils prennent la forme de régulations « par le haut » et « par le bas ». Lorsque la firme régule « par le haut », elle tente de mettre en place des types de coopération avec les institutions publiques. Lors de la régulation « par le bas », elle impulse un modèle gestionnaire, couplé à des formes de socialisation des individus, dans les organisations du travail. Dans les deux cas, la firme tente de prolonger ou assurer le rôle dévolu à l’autorité publique, d’où sa « dimensions institutionnelle ». La légitimité de la « firme urbaine » est ainsi mise à l’épreuve de la régulation d’une action collective se confrontant à un principe démocratique variable selon les pays. En France, la « firme urbaine » développe sa « dimension institutionnelle » en raison de l’existence d’une démocratie déléguée. En Suède, son action est limitée par la démocratie participative effective. En Roumanie, la démocratie en constitution représente, certes un obstacle à son expansion économique mais, en revanche, un terrain favorable au développement de sa « dimension institutionnelle ». / This work confronts the phenomenon of management practices internationalization of corporations to the legitimacy of intermediate institutions. The case study deals with the internationalization of a French company, Veolia Environnement, in Sweden and Romania. Being specialized in local public services, this firm is considered as “urban”. The results show the legitimating processes the “urban firm” resorts to while settling abroad thanks to its “institutional dimension”. Such processes turn into “high-level” and “low-level” regulations. When the firm regulates on the “high level”, it tries to implement cooperation strategies with the public institutions. When the firm regulates on the “low-level”, it promotes a management model, associated with individuals’ socialization processes, into the labor organizations. In both cases the firm aims at pursuing or replacing the public authority, hence its “institutional dimension”. Thus, the legitimacy of the “urban firm” depends on the regulation of a collective action that faces a democratic principle varying according to the countries. In France, the “urban firm” develops its “institutional dimension” owing to the fact that there is a delegated democracy. In Sweden, its action is limited by the effective participating democracy. As to Romania, the democracy in constitution can, on the one hand, be seen as an obstacle to its economic expansion. But on the other hand, it enables the development of its “institutional dimension”.


EDUARDO THOMAZ FARIA 16 November 2004 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta monografia é investigar a aplicação de distintas metodologias de alocação de energia firme de usinas hidrelétricas através da teoria dos jogos de coalizão. Mostra-se que não existe uma maneira ótima, única, de se fazer esta repartição, mas existem critérios para verificar se uma metodologia de repartição específica apresenta algum aspecto inadequado. Um desses critérios é a justiça. Mostra-se que este critério equivale a pertencer ao chamado núcleo de um jogo cooperativo. O cálculo da energia firme será formulado como um problema de otimização linear e serão investigadas vantagens e desvantagens de distintos métodos de alocação (a benefícios marginais, geração média no período crítico, última adição e nucleolus). Em seguida será desenvolvida uma aplicação do esquema Aumann-Shapley (AS) à repartição da energia firme de usinas hidrelétricas. Demonstra-se que além de robusto em relação aos tamanhos dos recursos e eficiente computacionalmente, este método fornece para o problema do firme uma alocação pertencente ao núcleo e, portanto, atende à condição de justiça. A aplicação do esquema AS será apresentada para o Sistema Brasileiro e serão comparados os resultados obtidos por este método com outros esquemas de alocação adotados no Sistema Hidrelétrico Brasileiro. / [en] The objective of this work is to investigate the application of different methodologies of allocation of firm energy rights among hydro plants using a gametheoretic framework. It is shown that there is not an optimal and unique approach to make this allocation but there are criteria to verify if a given approach presents any inadequate aspect. One of these criteria is the justice, or fairness. It is shown that this criterion is equivalent to the condition of the core of a cooperative game. The calculation of the firm energy will be formulated as a linear program and advantages/disadvantages of different allocation methods (marginal allocation, average production on the dry period, incremental allocation and nucleolus) will be investigated. Next, an application of the Aumann-Shapley (AS) scheme to the problem of allocation of firm energy rights will be developed. It is shown that, besides being robust and computationally efficient, this scheme provides an allocation that belongs to the core of the game and therefore meets the condition of justice. The AS scheme will be applied to the Brazilian system (composed of about 100 hydro plants) and the results obtained will be compared with the allocation schemes currently adopted in the Brazilian system.

Essays on wage bargaining / Essais sur les négociations salariales

Ozkardas, Ahmet 17 November 2014 (has links)
Cette dissertation de doctorat développe des contributions importantes à la littérature sur la négociation salariale. Nous introduisons des taux d’actualisation variant dans le temps pour les modèles de négociation salariale afin de modéliser des situations réelles d’une manière plus précise. Dans le Chapitre 1, nous présentons les objectifs principaux de cette dissertation. Dans le Chapitre 2, nous offrons un bref aperçu de la littérature sur les modèles de négociation, plus précisément des modèles de négociation salariale. Nous rappelons les approches axiomatiques et stratégiques des modèles de négociation et étudions en détail l’approche stratégique des modèles de négociation salariale. Dans le Chapitre 3, nous étudions le modèle de négociation salariale avec des préférences qui varient dans le temps. Tout d’abord, nous analysons les équilibres en sous-jeu parfait dans le modèle, d’autre part, nous déterminons les gains d’équilibre en sous-jeux parfaits des parties. Par ailleurs, nous étudions les équilibres inefficaces dans le modèle. Dans le Chapitre 4, nous étudions quelques extensions du modèle de négociation salariale généralisé. Premièrement, nous analysons les négociations salariales avec les actions de “go-slow” et étudions les gains d’équilibre en sous-jeux parfaits. Par ailleurs, nous étudions un modèle de négociation salariale où la firme a l’option de “lockouts”. Dans le Chapitre 5, nous appliquons les modèles de négociation de salaires généralisés aux problèmes de la vie réelle, comme les négociations de prix. Dans le Chapitre 6, nous présentons les conclusions et donnons de nouvelles perspectives à nos recherches futures. / This Ph.D. dissertation develops important contributions to the literature on wage bargaining. We introduce discount rates varying in time to the wage bargaining models in order to model real life situations in a more accurate way. In Chapter 1, we state the main objectives of this dissertation. In Chapter 2, we deliver a brief literature overview of bargaining models, more precisely wage bargaining models. We recall axiomatic and strategic approaches to bargaining and then describe in details strategic approach to wage bargaining models. In Chapter 3, we investigate the wage bargaining model with preferences varying in time. First, we analyze subgame perfect equilibria in the model and then determine the subgame perfect equilibria payoffs of the parties. Furthermore, we study the inefficient equilibria in the model. In Chapter 4, we investigate some extensions of the generalized wage bargaining model. First, we analyze wage bargaining with the go-slow actions of the union and study the subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs. Next, we investigate a wage bargaining model where the firm has the lockout option. In Chapter 5, we apply the generalized wage bargaining models to real life problems, such as price negotiations. In Chapter 6, we present conclusions and give new insights to our future research.

Papagaio, pira, peteca e coisas do gênero / Playchasing, and things of the genders

SILVA, Lúcia Isabel da Conceição 26 June 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-06-04T17:50:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Tese_PapagaioPiraPeteca.pdf: 2443434 bytes, checksum: 6c54587f48e9252635f31d649be04c21 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-06-05T13:27:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Tese_PapagaioPiraPeteca.pdf: 2443434 bytes, checksum: 6c54587f48e9252635f31d649be04c21 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-06-05T13:27:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Tese_PapagaioPiraPeteca.pdf: 2443434 bytes, checksum: 6c54587f48e9252635f31d649be04c21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06 / Este estudo investigou o significado dos grupos de brincadeiras na rua como um contexto da cultura de pares, percebendo-os não apenas como espaços de expressão e reprodução da cultura de gênero, mas principalmente como contexto de reconstrução e co-construção destes aspectos: papéis sexuais, identidade de gênero e ideologia de papéis sexuais. O estudo incluiu 689 sujeitos entre 0 e 18 anos (440 meninos – 249 meninas), que brincavam juntos, sendo moradores ou visitantes de três ruas num bairro da periferia de Belém- Pará, durante um ano. Os dados foram coletados através de três procedimentos: descrição dos aspectos sócio-demográficos da área através de um formulário; identificação quantitativa das atividades dos grupos de brincadeira utilizando a técnica de varredura (scan sampling) e a descrição qualitativa das atividades através da filmagem de episódios. Os resultados revelam diferenças de gênero quanto à participação na rua e à variedade da subcultura lúdica. Observou-se predominância dos meninos na rua, segregação e tipificação sexual nas brincadeiras e estratégias diferenciadas de interação entre os dois grupos de gênero. Houve maior aproximação das meninas naquilo a que se denominou subcultura masculina, configurando estratégias de subversão das ideologias e papéis de gênero. A partir de três modelos explicativos do desenvolvimento humano (Hinde, 1979, 1987 e 1997; Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1994 e 1999 e Rossetti-Ferreira, Amorin, Silva & Carvalho, 2003), busca-se discutir a relação entre macro e microdeterminações na construção da cultura dos gêneros dentro dos grupos de brincadeiras. Os dados sobre composição dos grupos, segregação, tipificação e preferência por brincadeiras e conteúdo e qualidade das interações entre os grupos de sexo/gênero confirmam o caráter relacional da construção do gênero e levam à proposição de um padrão de aproximação unilateral entre estes grupos, sendo que este padrão é protagonizado pelas meninas. / This study investigated the meaning of play‟s groups at street like a peer culture context, noticing them not only as forms of expression and reproduction of this culture but, principally as reconstruction and co-construction context of: sex roles, gender identity and sex role ideology. The study has included 689 people among 0 and 18 years old (440 boys – 249 girls), who played together and they were resident or visitant of three streets around there in a district of Belém/Pará, during one year. The data were collected through three procedures: description from the social and demographic aspects from the area through a formulate; the number of the groups activities of play using scan sampling and the quality of these activities done through the recording of episodes. The results reveal gender differences between the participation in the street and the variety of the play subculture. It was observed a predominance of boys in the street, segregation in plays and different strategies of interaction between two groups of gender. There were major approach girls to the male subculture, doing subversion strategies of ideologies and gender roles. As of three explicative models of human being development (Hinde, 1979, 1987 e 1997; Bronfenbrenner, 1977, 1994 e 1999 e Rossetti-Ferreira, Amorin, Silva & Carvalho, 2003), trying to discuss about the relation between macro and micro determination in the culture formation of gender in play groups. The data about groups composition, segregation, preferences, content and quality of sharing the gender groups sex/ gender, confirm the relation of gender formation and take to a proposition of a unilateral approach among these groups which the girls are the first.

Gestão das estatísticas criminais na Polícia Militar do Pará: novo paradigma do policiamento moderno e seus reflexos no planejamento operacional

LIMA, Héldson Tomaso Pereira de 27 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-03-07T12:28:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_GestaoEstatisticasCriminais.pdf: 1549585 bytes, checksum: c0b6d4c002fb64090660e76ca4ac9859 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-03-26T15:01:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_GestaoEstatisticasCriminais.pdf: 1549585 bytes, checksum: c0b6d4c002fb64090660e76ca4ac9859 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-03-26T15:01:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_GestaoEstatisticasCriminais.pdf: 1549585 bytes, checksum: c0b6d4c002fb64090660e76ca4ac9859 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / A busca pela integração com a comunidade, a gestão da informação criminal e as tecnologias da informação se colocam entre as principais razões que alavancam mudanças nas estruturas e no modo de atuação das Polícias. Buscar planejamentos operacionais com bases mais científicas é a razão de ser para mudanças de paradigmas nas forças policiais. Neste contexto, as Estatísticas Criminais desempenham um papel importantíssimo, por ser a fonte fundamental para a construção da análise criminal, além de oferecer um diagnóstico mais aproximado da realidade que envolve a criminalidade e da violência. Assim, esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar como as estatísticas criminais produzidas pelo Sistema Estadual de Segurança Pública e Defesa Social do Estado do Pará são empregas no planejamento operacional da Polícia Militar, levando-se em conta a integração das informações e como os policiais que trabalham nos bairros do Guamá e da Terra Firme as utilizam para desenvolverem suas atividades constitucionais de policiamento ostensivo e preventivo. Para tanto, foram levantadas os seguintes temas para o desenvolvimento da discussão: os novos paradigmas do policiamento moderno, levando-se em consideração o emprego de ferramentais mais científicos para melhorar a efetividade do policiamento, dentre eles as estatísticas criminais; segundo, como são produzidas as estatísticas criminais dentro do Sistema Estadual de Segurança Pública e Defesa Social e quais banco de dados que são utilizados para produção das análises; terceiro são apresentados resultados da pesquisa de campo realizada nos policiais militares dos bairros do Guamá e da Terra Firme visando mostrar a utilização das estatísticas criminais por parte destes profissionais da segurança pública. Mostrando-se como resultado principal a necessidade de integração das informações do Sistema Estadual de Segurança Pública e Defesa Social e a necessidade de que o processo de produção de conhecimento chegue a todos os níveis da Polícia Militar, principalmente aos que trabalham na atividade operacional. / The search for integration with the community, the criminal information management and information technology are among the main reasons to leverage changes in structures and in the performance of the Police. Seek operational plans with more scientific bases is the key point for change of paradigms in the police forces.In this context, Criminal Statistics play an important role, being the fundamental source for the construction of criminal analysis, in addition to offering an approximate diagnosis of the reality that involves crime and violence. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze how criminal statistics produced by the State System of Public Security and Social Defense of the State of Pará are use in the operational planning of the military police, taking into account the integration of the information and how the policemen who work in Guamá and Terra Firme neighborhoods use it to develop their constitutional activities of the ostensible and preventive policing.To this end, the following themes wereselected for the development of the discussion: the new paradigms of modern policing, taking into consideration the use of more scientific tools to improve the effectiveness of policing, including criminal statistics; second, how criminal statistics are produced within the System of Public Security and Social Defense and which database are used for production of analyses; third are presented results of the field research conducted in the military policemen of the Guamá and Terra Firme neighborhoods in order to show the use of crime statistics from these public safety professionals. Showing as main result the need for integration of information from System of Public Security and Social Defense and the need for the process of knowledge production reaches all levels of the military police, mainly to those who work in operational activity.

Influência das variáveis ambientais na comunidade de anuros de florestas de Terra-Firme na Amazônia Oriental

GONÇALVES, Alinne Nayara Negrão January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2015-09-21T16:44:58Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_InfluenciaVariaveisAmbientais.pdf: 849682 bytes, checksum: b7d1cdb86d986b13755a64b6be307490 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2015-09-22T14:06:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_InfluenciaVariaveisAmbientais.pdf: 849682 bytes, checksum: b7d1cdb86d986b13755a64b6be307490 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-22T14:06:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_InfluenciaVariaveisAmbientais.pdf: 849682 bytes, checksum: b7d1cdb86d986b13755a64b6be307490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / O conhecimento da variabilidade ambiental auxilia nas predições que podem ser feitas sobre o que as alterações no meio abiótico causariam à distribuição das espécies. Neste estudo nós avaliamos em escala local e regional a influência de variáveis ambientais sobre a composição das comunidades de anuros de três áreas de floresta de terra-firme na Amazônia: Floresta Nacional do Amapá, Floresta Nacional do Tapajós e Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. Foram realizadas três expedições uma a cada área, no período de janeiro a abril de 2012, concomitantemente com o período chuvoso em cada uma. Foram amostradas 56 parcelas, utilizando o método de procura auditiva/visual. As variáveis ambientais coletadas foram: altura de serrapilheira, abertura de dossel, circunferência à altura do peito de plantas com CAP ≥ 5 cm e densidade de árvores e cipós, temperatura e umidade do ar. Em escala local a composição de espécies não foi afetada por nenhuma das variáveis ambientais testadas, mas em escala regional, a altura de serrapilheira, abertura de dossel, umidade e temperatura contribuíram com 2% da variação na composição de espécies. A análise de redundância parcial indicou que não há influência significativa da distância e das variáveis ambientais localmente, mas regionalmente tanto as variáveis ambientais quanto a distância influenciam na composição de espécies da comunidade. / The knowledge of environmental variability assists in predictions about how changes in abiotic environment could affect species distribution. In this study, we evaluated the influence of environmental variables in the composition of frogs communities on local and regional scale from three preserved areas of rainforest mainland: Amapá National Forest, Tapajós National Forest and Caxiuanã National Forest. During the rainy season, between January and April 2012, a total of 56 plots were installed, and we survived for amphibians once on each plot, using simultaneously auditive and visual surveys. The environmental variables collected were: leaf litter height, canopy openness, length at breast height of trees and tree density, air temperature and moisture. In each area the species composition was not affected by canopy openness, leaf litter height and length at breast height of trees. On a regional scale, moisture, temperature, leaf litter height and canopy openness influenced the species composition of the community. The partial redundancy analysis for each area did not indicate significant influence of distance and environmental variables locally, but regionally showed that both distance and environmental variables may influence the community.

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