Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fokusgrupper""
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Dokumentär, eller? : - En fokusgruppsstudie av hur två olika grupper uppfattar framställningen av funktionshindrade i "I en annan del av Köping"Larsson, Emilie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Hur uppfattar en grupp med yrkeserfarenhet av funktionshindrade personer respektive en studentgrupp som studerat livsvillkor för olika samhällsgrupper, dokumentärserien ”I en annan del av Köping”? Detta är utgångspunkten i denna uppsats som är en receptionsanalys med två fokusgrupper avseende stereotypa föreställningar, representation, normalitet och avvikelse i samtal kring uppfattningar och tolkningar av programmet ”I en annan del av Köping”. Till viss del berörs även medias, och i detta fall TVs, roll som producent och reproducent av verkligheten.</p>
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Blir dubbel verksamhet dubbel upplevelse? : En studie om upplevelser i kombinationsbutikerForslund, Liselott, Kerfstedt, Nina, Hamnholm, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Den utan socker : En undersökning om skillnader mellan generationer då det gäller inställning, tillförlitlighet och påverkan av tv-reklam / The one without sugar : A survey about differences between generation when it comes to Tv-commercialCarmling, Cecilia, Carlholt, Hanna January 2008 (has links)
The first company to send TV-commercial was the American company NBC, it was in the year of 1941. In Sweden, TV-commercials were first shown in 1987/88. TV 4 was the first channel to send commercial in Swedish television. TV has the advantage of showing both sound and picture, which makes TV the strongest channel of communication to mediate a message between a company and the consumer. Although TV-commercial is the most expensive choice to mediate a message, it is also the most effective one. (Persson, 1993) Almost everyone is exposed to TV-commercial daily. And as said before, TV is the most effective way to deliver a message to a receiver. So what is our experience of TV-advertising? Do we see TV-commercial as an annoying interruption or as entertaining? Does our generation, born in the 80´s, have the same experience as our parents’ generation? Do the advertising companies manage to trick us in to buying the products we have seen in the TV-commercial? And is there any difference between the both generations concerning our reliable in what the commercial tells us? This is some of the questions that we as authors have chosen to focus on in this paper. In general companies spend a lot of money on TV-commercial. And for companies that do, it is important to know that the message reach the consumers. In case a commercial is misunderstood and even rejected because the consumers experience it to be dull, it may lead to an economical damage for the company. Since we use our study to see a difference between generations, we will also know what attracts the generations. Our paper will help companies in their marketing communication strategy which also helps to prevent any harm to the companies finance.
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Dokumentär, eller? : - En fokusgruppsstudie av hur två olika grupper uppfattar framställningen av funktionshindrade i "I en annan del av Köping"Larsson, Emilie January 2009 (has links)
Hur uppfattar en grupp med yrkeserfarenhet av funktionshindrade personer respektive en studentgrupp som studerat livsvillkor för olika samhällsgrupper, dokumentärserien ”I en annan del av Köping”? Detta är utgångspunkten i denna uppsats som är en receptionsanalys med två fokusgrupper avseende stereotypa föreställningar, representation, normalitet och avvikelse i samtal kring uppfattningar och tolkningar av programmet ”I en annan del av Köping”. Till viss del berörs även medias, och i detta fall TVs, roll som producent och reproducent av verkligheten.
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Sexualiserade rykten - en del av vardagen? : En studie av några unga kvinnors förhållningssätt till rykten.Glasser Skog, Linn January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to understand the ways in which rumors affect the everyday lives of a few young women. The questions are: What kinds of rumors do the young women find are the most common? How do they respond to these rumors? Do the rumors affect their everyday lives and if so, how do they react to them? Do they resist them? Do they feel limited by them? The empirical data was collected through unstructured interviews (focus groups) with three groups. The groups discussed different themes without prompting questions by the interviewer and it was clear that rumors played an important role, in multiple ways, in the lives of the young women. The most common rumors were sexualized and were mostly concerned with the view that the young women should not engage in “too many” heterosexual relations – preferably none. The meaning and significance of rumors fluctuated from different public and private places but the connecting link was that they were used as a means of controlling the young women’s sexuality (including making and maintaining it heterosexual). Rumors implied norms for the expected behavior of the young women, which would be expressed through normative opinions about clothes, looks, and behaviors in order to prevent rumors. It also involved the women being compelled to avoid certain public places and to be outdoors during certain hours because even these situations could lead to rumors. In numerous ways various factors were correlated and led to many of the young women feeling limited and adapting to the norms in order to avoid being the subjects of more rumors. This led to a limitation of ways they could act and a decrease in places they could go. Rumors played an important role in terms of the possibilities these young women had to move and act in public and in terms of their sexual subjectivity. The resistance against rumors was mostly noted in the young women’s questioning of the structures that allow differing possibilities and opportunities of action depending on one’s gender.
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Blir dubbel verksamhet dubbel upplevelse? : En studie om upplevelser i kombinationsbutikerForslund, Liselott, Kerfstedt, Nina, Hamnholm, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Då zappar de inte vidare : En semiotisk studie kring uppfattningar om kommunikationsstrategier i TV-reklamJansson, Pär, Norberg, Erik, Stridh Carlson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund: TV-reklam är något som de allra flesta kommer i kontakt meddagligen, och det är ett vanligt samtalsämne. Diskussioner kan fokusera på den roliga reklamfilmen som du kan se på TV just nu eller hur irriterande det är när en spännande film stannar för ett reklamavbrott. Vad vi kan säga är att de flesta människorna har en uppfattning om TV-reklam och en del människor tycker att reklam är något positivt och en del människor ser det som något negativt. TV är en av de största marknadsföringskanalerna, men samtidigt ett av de reklamformat som uppfattas mest negativt. Detta innebär ett problemför företag som väljer denna reklamkanal då de tilltänkta mottagarna väljer att byta kanal vid reklampauserna. Hur ska reklamfilmerna utformas för att minska risken att det problemet uppstår? Syfte: Författarna vill, utan att generalisera, öka förståelsen för hur de olikakommunikationsstrategierna, den rationella strategin, den känslomässiga strategin, den repetitiva strategin och den sociala strategin uppfattas. Med hjälp av studien vill författarna bidra till att ta reda på hur en reklamfilm kan utformas för att minska risken för att den tilltänkta konsumenten zappar förbi reklamfilmen. Metod: I studien använde sig författarna av fokusgruppsundersökningar föratt se tendenser kring ungdomars åsikter om reklamfilm. Författarna använde också semiotik för att genomföra analyser av reklamfilmer. Resultat: Alla kommunikationsstrategier innehåller delar som deltagarna uppskattar, men det är tydligt vilken av kommunikationsstrategierna som uppskattades mest. Det visar sig också tydligt, efter undersökningen, hur en effektiv reklamfilm kan utformas. / Television advertising is something that the vast majority comes in contact with every day, and it is a common topic of conversation. Discussions may focus on the funny commercials that you can see on TV at the moment or how annoying it is when an exciting movie stops for a commercial break. What we can say is that people have an opinion about television advertising; some people think that advertising is something positive and some people see it as negative.A thesis from 2008 made at Gothenburg University showed that only 14% of the population perceive television advertising as something positive. Despite this, television remains one of the largest advertising forums in Sweden. 2006, the investment in television advertising stood for 15% of the total investment in advertising. Is it possible to receive TV advertising to become popular with most? Or at least reduce the negativity of television advertising? There have been four different communication strategies to adapt marketing to the audience that is most interesting. These communication strategies are developed based on the audience thinking, rational or emotional. They are also based on how motivated the audience is in their buying behavior. These strategies are the basis of our study. Our study raises the question if one of the communication strategies is more appreciated than the others, and in that case, what does that strategy contain that the other strategies lack? A response to this could lead to the conclusion that not all television advertisements are perceived as equally negative, and thus, by using the most positively perceived communication strategy, it would be easier for a company to get its message across. Many companies spend large sums on televisionadvertising and they want to feel sure that their message gets across. Now their intended consumers change channel during the commercial break because the advertising is seen as boring and annoying.
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Arbetsterapeuten som coach respektive behandlareAlmberg , Therse, Johansson, Lena January 2009 (has links)
SammanfattningArbetsterapeuten arbetar holistiskt med individen i centrum, utifrån individens egna förmågor i relation till aktivitet. Arbetsterapi som profession står med sin breda kompetens och breda förståelseperspektiv inför nya utmaningar. Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeu-ters uppfattningar om att arbeta som coach respektive behandlare. Kvalitativ metod med ett målinriktat urval kombinerat med nätverksurval användes. Två fokusgruppsdiskussioner genomfördes. Deltagarantalet var nio kvinnliga yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter från varie-rande verksamhetsområden. Dataanalysen genomfördes genom att olika kategorier definiera-des utifrån syftet. Arbetsterapeuterna anser sig kombinera rollerna som behandlare respektive coach i sitt arbete med olika individer. Vilka uppdragsgivare arbetsterapeuten har och vilken verksamhet han/hon arbetar i är avgörande för tillvägagångssätt. Ekonomi, politiska faktorer och fokus för verksamheten styr. Beroende på verksamhet och fokus har individen varierande ansvar för sin behandling/rehabilitering. Arbetsterapeututbildningen genererar en gemensam terminologi och ett aktivitetsperspektiv som skapar en gemensam grund. Den traditionella yrkesrollen har blivit omarbetad, frågan blir om coach är ett modeord och behandlare mer traditionellt? Det är av vikt att yrket har en klar profilering och idag söker arbetsterapeuter samma tjänster som andra yrkesprofessioner. Slutsatsen blir att arbetsterapeutyrket är mång-facetterat med en gemensam grund. Verksamhet och den enskilde individen styr arbetstera-peutens tillvägagångssätt och angreppssätt i rehabiliteringen/behandlingen / SummaryTitle: Occupational therapists as a coach or paramedicOccupational therapists have a holistic view and works with each individual in focus, based on individuals abilities in relation to activity. The occupational therapy profession with its broad expertise and broad perspective of understanding is facing new challenges. The purpose of this study was to describe occupational therapists perception of working as a coach or as a paramedic. A qualitative method with a purposive sampling combined with a net-work sam-pling were used. Two focus group discussions were conducted. The number of participants were nine female working occupational therapists from a various scope of practice. The data-analysis was conducted through individual and group analysis and different categories were defined in accordance with the purpose. The occupational therapists combine the two roles as coach and paramedic in their work with different individuals. What employer and work area the occupational therapists work in, is essential for what approach they have. Economics, po-litical factors and the focus of the work influences. Depending on work area and focus, the individual has varying responsibility in their rehabilitation/treatment. The occupational thera-py education generates a joint terminology and an activity perspective that forms a common basis. The traditional professional roles has been revised, the question is whether coach is a buzz-word and paramedic more traditional? It’s essential that the profession has a clear profile and today occupational therapists apply for the same posts as other professions. In conclusion the occupational therapy profession is multifaceted with a common ground. Work area and the individual are essential for the occupational therapists approach in the rehabilita-tion/treatment.
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- Jag kunde prata med min son : En fokusgruppsstudie av föräldrars deltagande i föräldragruppAndersson, Emma, Andersson, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of our study is to examine how parents experienced their participation and their involvement in a solution-focused parenting group. The parenting groups are a part of the social welfare system in a town in south of Sweden. The study is conducted as a qualitative study with focus groups. 11 parents have participated. The study´s theoretical framework considers solution focused theory, social constructionism and process within groups.In the study we found that participants generally perceived their participation as positive and that they received confirmation by meeting other parents in the same situation. Participants’ expectations for practical tips and advice were fulfilled indirectly through their participation, but the focus of the parent group was to strengthen the participants themselves by thinking solution-focused. Although the participants did not receive the practical advice they initially expected, the parent group's approach felt to be positive and the participants have understood the idea behind the solution-focused approach. Overall, participants felt that they have become stronger as people and thus also as parents.The study shows that based on the parents’ statements the group leaders have throughout the parenting groups been faithful to the solution focused idea and have implemented this way of thinking within its participants.This study can be seen as a contribute to the development of future solution focused parenting groups. It also shows that there is a need for parenting groups and that this kind of activity can generate positive effects for participants.
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Barns eget perspektiv på ”bra” mat : en kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurs tre / Youth's own perspectives on "Good" food : A qualitative study of students in grades threeBadla Nilsson, Leila January 2011 (has links)
This exam is about student’s perception of food and dietary advice. I illustrate food and eating from the youth's own perspective. The aim is to investigate how students perceive as "good" diet. It also reveals that students at the surveyed schools have poor knowledge of what is plate model. In the Swedish curriculum Lgr11 it is clear that the core content for students in grades 1-6 will contain the student include being informed about the selection and use of goods used in the home and how they in turn affect health (National Agency for Education, Lgr11: 43). I have interviewed students in grades 3 through focus groups to make it clear to you as readers to understand their own knowledge about nutrition.
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