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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matematické metody a přesné prostoročasy v kvadratické gravitaci / Mathematical methods and exact spacetimes in quadratic gravity

Miškovský, David January 2021 (has links)
Within this work we have been interested in the frame approach to analysis of the field equations in the context of theories of gravity, in particular, the Einstein General Relativ- ity and Quadratic theory of gravity. As the starting point we have summarised the least action principle formulation of the General Relativity and introduced the Quadratic grav- ity extending the classic Einstein-Hilbert action by adding quadratic curvature terms. The Quadratic gravity field equation have been rewritten into the form separating the Ricci tensor contribution. As a next step we have reviewed the Newman-Penrose formal- ism on a purely geometrical level and discussed employing the field equations constraints. While in the case of General Relativity it is quite trivial, in the Quadratic gravity it be- comes much more involved, however, the General Relativity procedure can be followed even here. As an illustration, we have formulated the constraints on the gravitational field in the cases of the spherically symmetric spacetimes and so-called pp-waves both in the GR as well as Quadratic gravity. 1


Mohammad, Nopoush 11 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Gleanings in French Fields: A Formal Approach to the Translation of French Poetry

Armstrong, Robert A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Don Quijote mezi literární teorií a literární historií a mezi výklady z kontextu vnějšího a vnitřního / Don Quijote in-between Literary Theory and Literary History and in-between Outer and Inner Explanatory Contexs

Juračková, Pavlína January 2022 (has links)
Cervantes' Don Quixote (1605, 1615) is one of the most significant works of European literature. In the 20th century, the two-part novel became one of the fundamental texts for literary and cultural theorists, on which they based their theoretical studies on writing, literature, and culture in general. But do external theoretical views agree with a specific literary history? The diploma thesis presents three selected interpretations of Don Quixote (by V. Shklovsky, M. Bakhtin, and M. Foucault), which are compared with the findings from Spanish studies and with the novel in the original. At the same time, the reading of theoretical works should not be primarily revisionist; the thesis has a comparative character, and the aim is to express the relation between external and internal views of Cervantes' novel.


JOHANN MEERBAUM 08 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Este é um trabalho sobre a natureza das razões as quais a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos recorre para resolver casos envolvendo a liberdade de discurso. Considero que sejam dois os tipos de razões que orientam o processo decisório da Primeira Emenda: as formais e as substantivas. As razões substantivas são aquelas que o direito compartilha com outros domínios da ação social humana, como a moral, a economia e a política. As formais, por sua vez, são razões jurídicas autoritativas - no sentido de derivarem de uma norma jurídica válida (Constituição, leis, regulamentos, precedentes, contratos, e outros documentos normativos afins) – e compulsórias (ou excludentes), pois geralmente excluem do horizonte do raciocínio decisório razões substantivas concorrentes. O meu objetivo nesta dissertação é descrever a maneira pela qual o raciocínio jurídico formal e o raciocínio jurídico substantivo foram em certa medida conciliados no âmago da prática decisória da Suprema Corte norte-americana. Para tanto, esforço-me em apresentar, comentar e comparar entre si alguns dos mais emblemáticos julgamentos levados a cabo pela Corte ao longo de mais de um século de jurisdição constitucional da Primeira Emenda. Procuro mostrar também que os métodos adjudicatórios por ela desenvolvidos podem ser classificados de acordo com a importância que cada um deles atribui às razões formais (ou, por outro lado, às razões substanciais) da liberdade de discurso. Por exemplo: o conflito entre “balanceamento” e as metodologias pertencentes a “tradição definicional” (e.g., absolutismo, categorização) nada mais representa senão uma instância particular do conflito mais geral entre forma e substância no pensamento jurídico norte-americano. Mas se até meados da década de 1960 a discussão sobre métodos decisórios da liberdade de discurso era completamente dominada pela oposição entre balanceamento e absolutismo, aos poucos a Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos, em companhia com grandes nomes do pensamento jurídico daquele país, foi abrindo seus olhos para a existência de pontos médios entre aqueles dois extremos. O resultado disto foi a criação de novas teorias normativas da decisão (e.g., o balanceamento definicional), bem como de uma série de testes, fórmulas, parâmetros e presunções, tornando assim possível que elementos formais e substantivos do raciocínio jurídico da Primeira Emenda passassem a conviver no domínio das mesmas metodologias decisórias. Para além do meu esforço em reconstruir racionalmente as transformações pelas quais passaram as abordagens metodológicas da Suprema Corte ao longo das últimas décadas, me proponho também a dotá-las de algum sentido. Interpreto que a preocupação que a Corte historicamente tem demonstrado com a estabilização de seus procedimentos decisórios, bem como com a previsibilidade de seus julgamentos, guarda íntima relação com a crença de que as justificativas subjacentes à Primeira Emenda (e.g., maior controle do governo pelo povo; busca pela verdade e autoexpressão artística e intelectual) são mais eficazmente promovidas mediante a adoção de uma abordagem decisória que priorize o alcance de melhores resultados em um nível global em detrimento daquilo que muitas vezes parece ser o melhor resultado para o caso mais imediato. / [en] This is a paper about the nature of the reasons that the United States Supreme Court uses to resolve cases involving freedom of speech. I believe that there are two types of reasons that guide the First Amendment decision-making process: formal and substantive. Substantive reasons are those that law shares with other domains of human social action, such as morality, economics and politics. Formal reasons, in turn, are authoritative legal reasons - in the sense that they derive from a valid legal norm (Constitution, laws, regulations, precedents, contracts, and other related normative documents) - and compulsory (or exclusionary), because they generally exclude competing substantive reasons from the horizon of decisional reasoning. My aim in this dissertation is to describe the way in which formal legal reasoning and substantive legal reasoning have to some extent been reconciled at the heart of the decision-making practice of the US Supreme Court. To this end, I endeavor to present, comment on and compare with each other some of the most emblematic judgments carried out by the Court over more than a century of First Amendment constitutional jurisdiction. I also try to show that the adjudicatory methods she has developed can be classified according to the importance each of them attaches to the formal reasons (or, on the other hand, the substantial reasons) for freedom of discourse. For example: the conflict between balancing and the methodologies belonging to the definitional tradition (e.g., absolutism, categorization) represents nothing more than a particular instance of the more general conflict between form and substance in American legal thought. But while until the mid-1960s the discussion about methods of deciding freedom of speech was completely dominated by the opposition between balancing and absolutism, little by little the United States Supreme Court, in company with the great names of legal thought in that country, opened its eyes to the existence of middle points between those two extremes. The result was the creation of new normative theories of decision (e.g., definitional balancing), as well as a series of tests, formulas, parameters and presumptions, thus making it possible for formal and substantive elements of First Amendment legal reasoning to coexist in the realm of the same decision-making methodologies. Beyond my effort to rationally reconstruct the transformations that the Supreme Court s methodological approaches have undergone over the last few decades, I also propose to give them some meaning. I argue that the Court s historical concern with the stabilization of its decision-making procedures, as well as with the predictability of its judgments, is closely related to the belief that the justifications underlying the First Amendment (e.g., greater control of government by the people; the search for truth; and artistic and intellectual self-expression) are most effectively promoted by adopting a decision-making approach that prioritizes the achievement of better outcomes on a global level over what often appears to be the best outcome for the most immediate case.

Bi-fractional transforms in phase space

Agyo, Sanfo D. January 2016 (has links)
The displacement operator is related to the displaced parity operator through a two dimensional Fourier transform. Both operators are important operators in phase space and the trace of both with respect to the density operator gives the Wigner functions (displaced parity operator) and Weyl functions (displacement operator). The generalisation of the parity-displacement operator relationship considered here is called the bi-fractional displacement operator, O(α, β; θα, θβ). Additionally, the bi-fractional displacement operators lead to the novel concept of bi-fractional coherent states. The generalisation from Fourier transform to fractional Fourier transform can be applied to other phase space functions. The case of the Wigner-Weyl function is considered and a generalisation is given, which is called the bi-fractional Wigner functions, H(α, β; θα, θβ). Furthermore, the Q−function and P−function are also generalised to give the bi-fractional Q−functions and bi-fractional P−functions respectively. The generalisation is likewise applied to the Moyal star product and Berezin formalism for products of non-commutating operators. These are called the bi-fractional Moyal star product and bi-fractional Berezin formalism. Finally, analysis, applications and implications of these bi-fractional transforms to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, photon statistics and future applications are discussed.

Nouvelles méthodes multi-échelles pour l'analyse non-linéaire de la parole / Novel multiscale methods for nonlinear speech analysis

Khanagha, Vahid 16 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une recherche exploratoire sur l'application du Formalisme Microcanonique Multiéchelles (FMM) à l'analyse de la parole. Dérivé de principes issus en physique statistique, le FMM permet une analyse géométrique précise de la dynamique non linéaire des signaux complexes. Il est fondé sur l'estimation des paramètres géométriques locaux (les exposants de singularité) qui quantifient le degré de prédictibilité à chaque point du signal. Si correctement définis est estimés, ils fournissent des informations précieuses sur la dynamique locale de signaux complexes. Nous démontrons le potentiel du FMM dans l'analyse de la parole en développant: un algorithme performant pour la segmentation phonétique, un nouveau codeur, un algorithme robuste pour la détection précise des instants de fermeture glottale, un algorithme rapide pour l’analyse par prédiction linéaire parcimonieuse et une solution efficace pour l’approximation multipulse du signal source d'excitation. / This thesis presents an exploratory research on the application of a nonlinear multiscale formalism, called the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism (the MMF), to the analysis of speech signals. Derived from principles in Statistical Physics, the MMF allows accurate analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of complex signals. It relies on the estimation of local geometrical parameters, the singularity exponents (SE), which quantify the degree of predictability at each point of the signal domain. When correctly defined and estimated, these exponents can provide valuable information about the local dynamics of complex signals and has been successfully used in many applications ranging from signal representation to inference and prediction.We show the relevance of the MMF to speech analysis and develop several applications to show the strength and potential of the formalism. Using the MMF, in this thesis we introduce: a novel and accurate text-independent phonetic segmentation algorithm, a novel waveform coder, a robust accurate algorithm for detection of the Glottal Closure Instants, a closed-form solution for the problem of sparse linear prediction analysis and finally, an efficient algorithm for estimation of the excitation source signal.

Generating and simplifying sentences / Génération et simplification des phrases

Narayan, Shashi 07 November 2014 (has links)
Selon la représentation d’entrée, cette thèse étudie ces deux types : la génération de texte à partir de représentation de sens et à partir de texte. En la première partie (Génération des phrases), nous étudions comment effectuer la réalisation de surface symbolique à l’aide d’une grammaire robuste et efficace. Cette approche s’appuie sur une grammaire FB-LTAG et prend en entrée des arbres de dépendance peu profondes. La structure d’entrée est utilisée pour filtrer l’espace de recherche initial à l’aide d’un concept de filtrage local par polarité afin de paralléliser les processus. Afin nous proposons deux algorithmes de fouille d’erreur: le premier, un algorithme qui exploite les arbres de dépendance plutôt que des données séquentielles et le second, un algorithme qui structure la sortie de la fouille d’erreur au sein d’un arbre afin de représenter les erreurs de façon plus pertinente. Nous montrons que nos réalisateurs combinés à ces algorithmes de fouille d’erreur améliorent leur couverture significativement. En la seconde partie (Simplification des phrases), nous proposons l’utilisation d’une forme de représentations sémantiques (contre à approches basées la syntaxe ou SMT) afin d’améliorer la tâche de simplification de phrase. Nous utilisons les structures de représentation du discours pour la représentation sémantique profonde. Nous proposons alors deux méthodes de simplification de phrase: une première approche supervisée hybride qui combine une sémantique profonde à de la traduction automatique, et une seconde approche non-supervisée qui s’appuie sur un corpus comparable de Wikipedia / Depending on the input representation, this dissertation investigates issues from two classes: meaning representation (MR) to text and text-to-text generation. In the first class (MR-to-text generation, "Generating Sentences"), we investigate how to make symbolic grammar based surface realisation robust and efficient. We propose an efficient approach to surface realisation using a FB-LTAG and taking as input shallow dependency trees. Our algorithm combines techniques and ideas from the head-driven and lexicalist approaches. In addition, the input structure is used to filter the initial search space using a concept called local polarity filtering; and to parallelise processes. To further improve our robustness, we propose two error mining algorithms: one, an algorithm for mining dependency trees rather than sequential data and two, an algorithm that structures the output of error mining into a tree to represent them in a more meaningful way. We show that our realisers together with these error mining algorithms improves on both efficiency and coverage by a wide margin. In the second class (text-to-text generation, "Simplifying Sentences"), we argue for using deep semantic representations (compared to syntax or SMT based approaches) to improve the sentence simplification task. We use the Discourse Representation Structures for the deep semantic representation of the input. We propose two methods: a supervised approach (with state-of-the-art results) to hybrid simplification using deep semantics and SMT, and an unsupervised approach (with competitive results to the state-of-the-art systems) to simplification using the comparable Wikipedia corpus

Integrability in weakly coupled super Yang-Mills theory: form factors, on-shell methods and Q-operators

Meidinger, David 25 June 2018 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht die N = 4 super-Yang-Mills-Theorie bei schwacher Kopplung, mit dem Ziel eines tieferen Verständnisses von Größen der Theorie als Zustände des integrablen Modells dass der planaren Theorie zu Grunde liegt. Wir leiten On-Shell-Diagramme für Formfaktoren des chiralen Energie-Impuls-Tensor-Multipletts aus der BCFW-Rekursion her, und untersuchen deren Eigenschaften. Dies erlaubt die Herleitung eines Graßmannschen Integrals. Für NMHV-Formfaktoren bestimmen wir die Integrationskontur. Dies erlaubt es das Integral mit einer Twistor-String-Formulierung in Beziehung zu setzen. Mit Hilfe dieser Methoden zeigen wir dass Formfaktoren des chiralen Energie-Impuls-Tensor-Multipletts und On-Shell-Funktionen mit Einfügungen beliebiger Operatoren Eigenzustände integrabler Transfermatrizen sind. Diese Identitäten verallgemeinern die Yangsche Invarianz der On-Shell-Funktionen von Amplituden. Wir zeigen weiterhin dass ein Teil der Yangschen Symmetrien erhalten bleibt. Wir erweitern unsere Untersuchung auf nichtplanare On-Shell-Funktionen und zeigen dass sie ebenfalls solche Symmetrien besitzen. Weitere Identitäten mit Transfermatrizen werden hergeleitet, und zeigen insbesondere dass Diagramme auf Zylindern als Intertwiner fungieren. Als Schritt hin zur Berechnung der Eigenzustände des integrablen Modells zu höheren Schleifenordnungen untersuchen wir Einspuroperatoren. Hier erlaubt die Quantum Spectral Curve die nichtperturbative Berechnung ihres Spektrums, liefert jedoch keine Information zu den Zustände. Die QSC kann als Q-System verstanden werden, welches durch Baxter Q-Operatoren formulierbar sein sollte. Um darauf hinzuarbeiten untersuchen wir die Q-Operatoren nichtkompakter Superspinketten und entwickeln ein effiziente Methode zur Berechnung ihrer Matrixelemente. Dies erlaubt es das gesamte Q-System durch Matrizen für jeden Anregungssektor zu realisieren, und liefert die Grundlage für perturbative Rechnungungen mit der QSC in Operatorform. / This thesis investigates weakly coupled N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, aiming at a better understanding of various quantities as states of the integrable model underlying the planar theory. We use the BCFW recursion relations to develop on-shell diagrams for form factors of the chiral stress-tensor multiplet, and investigate their properties. The diagrams allow to derive a Graßmannian integral for these form factors. We devise the contour of this integral for NMHV form factors, and use this knowledge to relate the integral to a twistor string formulation. Based on these methods, we show that both form factors of the chiral stress-tensor multiplet as well as on-shell functions with insertions of arbitrary operators are eigenstates of integrable transfer matrices. These identities can be seen as symmetries generalizing the Yangian invariance of amplitude on-shell functions. In addition, a part of these Yangian symmetries are unbroken. We furthermore consider nonplanar on-shell functions and prove that they exhibit a partial Yangian invariance. We also derive identities with transfer matrices, and show that on-shell diagrams on cylinders can be understood as intertwiners. To make progress towards the calculation of the higher loop eigenstates of the integrable model, we consider single trace operators, for which the Quantum Spectral Curve determines their spectrum non-perturbatively. This formulation however carries no information about the states. The QSC is an algebraic Q-system, for which an operatorial form in terms of Baxter Q-operators should exist. To initiate the development such a formulation we investigate the Q-operators of non-compact super spin chains and devise efficient methods to evaluate their matrix elements. This allows to obtain the entire Q-system in terms of matrices for each magnon sector. These can be used as input data for perturbative calculations using the QSC in operatorial form.

A morosidade da prestação jurisdicional e a efetivação do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo: construindo alternativas possíveis.

Icle, Virginia 27 October 2010 (has links)
Submitted by CARLA MARIA GOULART DE MORAES (carlagm) on 2015-06-24T18:22:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VirginiaIcleDireito.pdf: 919455 bytes, checksum: 652d8c36d0e378644606e95ab56970b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-24T18:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VirginiaIcleDireito.pdf: 919455 bytes, checksum: 652d8c36d0e378644606e95ab56970b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-27 / Nenhuma / A proposta em desenvolver os processos judiciais sem dilações indevidas deve ser desenvolvida mediante práticas que estejam em concordância com os ditames Constitucionais. Para a concretização da tutela jurisdicional, é necessário que tais práticas, além de estarem em conformidade com a segurança do ordenamento jurídico e, capazes de efetivarem o direito fundamental a razoável duração do processo, contribuam, de forma efetiva, com os objetivos traçados pela Constituição. A audiência preliminar será investigada como um instrumento processual capaz de evitar dilações indevidas no decorrer dos processos, seja mediante a possibilidade de conciliação entre as partes, seja por meio do saneamento do processo. Permite a participação mais ativa dos agentes do processo, através do uso da oralidade. Neste sentido, compõe um sistema processual dinâmico, permitindo o “acesso à justiça” em sentido amplo, contemplando ao povo, a adjetivação de cidadão e difundindo a democracia participativa como proposta de Estado a ser adotada para a sociedade contemporânea. Nesse contexto, se pode vislumbrar que o dispositivo do art.331 do Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro, contribui com a efetividade do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo, objetivando a redução da demora processual injustificável. Para tanto, cabe aos magistrados utilizarem-se de uma interpretação hermenêutica dos ditames constitucionais conjugada com os fatores externos que irão influenciá-lo. A problematização em questão pretende estudar a sociedade no momento atual, onde anseia pela consagração do direito fundamental ao processo em tempo razoável, o qual deve ser promovido por parte do Estado, já que o mesmo lhe consagrou constitucionalmente com o advento da EC 45/2004. Nesse contexto, cabe ao Estado responder pela demora injustificada dos tempos processuais. E a reparação deve manifestar-se através da indenização em favor do cidadão que teve seu direito tolhido, por conseqüência de um ato estatal, ou, no caso da audiência preliminar, sua inércia. / The proposal to develop the judicial procedures without undue delay should be developed through practices that are in accordance with the constitutional dictates. For the completion of judicial review, it is necessary that such practices, and comply with the safety of the legal system and able to enforce the fundamental right to a reasonable duration of the process, contribute, effectively, to the goals set by Constitution. The preliminary hearing will be investigated as a procedural tool that will prevent undue delays during the process, either through the possibility of conciliation between the parties, either through the restructuring process. Allows more active participation of the process’s, through the use of orality. In this sense, forms a dynamic procedural system, allowing "access to justice" in a broad sense, covering the people, the adjective of citizen participatory democracy and spreading as a proposed rule to be adopted to contemporary society. In this context, we can see that the machinery of article 331 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, contributes to the effectiveness of the fundamental right of a reasonable duration of the process, aiming at the reduction of procedural delay unjustifiable. For this, use it to judges is a hermeneutic interpretation of constitutional principles coupled with external factors which will influence him, adopting the theory as formalism evaluative procedures. The questioning concerned intends to study the society at present, which yearns for the consecration of the fundamental right to process in reasonable time, which should be promoted by the state, since the constitutionally enshrined it even with the advent of constitutional emendment 45/2004. In this context, the State must answer for the undue delay of the procedural time. And the repair should be manifested through indemnity in favor of the citizen who had checked his right, as a consequence of a state act, or, if the preliminary hearing, his inertia.

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