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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

På väg från ingenstans : kritik och emancipation av kunskapsorganisation för feministisk forskning

Samuelsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
This study deals with knowledge organization of feminist research, in bibliographic catalogues and in a Swedish context. The thesis develops a definition of feminist discourse which incorporates but is not limited to feminist research. Feminist research, in turn, is understood as articulating a critical approach aimed at critiquing and changing inequitable gender relations. The thesis analyzes the meaning of a range of feminist perspectives through a close text analysis of feminist PhD-dissertations. Two universal knowledge organization systems: Svenska ämnesord and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek; and one subject-specific system: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, are studied in order to discuss the extent to which they are able to articulate feminist perspectives, as well as how they actually articulate such perspectives in practice. The two universal systems studied tend to marginalize feminist perspectives as forms of knowledge. This thesis interprets this marginalization in the light of these systems’ putative objectivistic and universalistic epistemology and ontology. It is suggested that they privilege disciplinary knowledge over interdisciplinary knowledge forms, and substantive topics over conceptual perspectives. Guidelines for knowledge organizatory practice tend to encourage indexers and classifiers to search for central substantive themes. In this schema, feminism is understood as a field relating to socio-political women’s issues. Feminist knowledge qua knowledge is marginalized by the systems studied, and is at times given a plain wrong classifycation. further, this thesis suggests that the subject-specific knowledge organization system studied: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, is only able to deal with feminist research in an incomplete and inadequate way. Although this index is designed to classify texts within the broad subject field of: women’s studies, masculinity studies and gender research, as well as other material relevant to the field, the structure of the index is too simple and does not allow for associative relationships between terms; nor does it define feminist discourse. The premises and guidelines for knowledge organization practice are also under-developed or not well defined. Successful organization of feminist knowledge needs instead to be based on a particular understanding of knowledge and knowledge organization as contextually shaped (and shaping). Feminist literature is first and foremost about expressing feminist discourse qua theme, perspective, and part of the feminist tradition (such as critical, women-centring, and reflexive feminisms) – an observation that needs to be reflected in the knowledge organization.

Varför ska de lindas in i en bomullsvärld? : En studie om hur idrottslärare resonerar kring betygssättning och kunskapsbedömning på grundsärskolan

Ivetun, Ulrika January 2013 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera och diskutera hur idrottslärare samt en person som är ansvarig för grundsärskolefrågor på Skolverket, resonerar kring betygsättning och skriftliga omdömen i idrottsämnet på grundsärskolan. Detta ska besvaras genom följade frågeställningar: Hur upplever idrottslärare undervisning och bedömning av kunskap i idrott och hälsa i grundsärskolan? Vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns med betyg respektive skriftliga omdömen i grundsärskolan? Vilka antaganden ligger bakom skillnader i kursplanen för idrottsämnet på grundskolan och grundsärskolan? Vad utmärker idrottsämnet avseende bedömning och inkludering i jämförelse med andra ämnen? Vilka ramfaktorer möjliggör respektive begränsar bedömningen av eleverna på grundsärskolan i idrottsämnet? Metod Kvalitativa intervjuer valdes för att få en mer djupgående inblick i hur respondenterna resonerar kring betyg och skriftliga kunskapsomdömen i idrott och hälsa på grundsärskolan.. Resultat Lärarna ger motsägelsefulla uttryck för om betyg eller skriftliga kunskapsomdömen är bäst för eleven på grundsärskolan. Personen på Skolverket förespråkar dock att betyg vore bäst för både eleven och hela skolan.Kursplanerna i respektive skolform är lika, det är i bedömningen som skillnaden finns. Kravet på E-nivån i grundsärskolan är relativt lågt anser lärarna och personen på Skolverket. Samtidigt ger införandet av E-nivån konsekvenser för eleven.  Uppfylls inte E-nivån, ska då eleven flyttas ner till träningsskolan? Ramfaktorer som påverkar bedömningen är: otydlighet i formuleringstexten av kursplanen, att lärare tolkar kursplanen på olika sätt, att lärarna inte vet hur eleverna förstår innebörden i ett betyg eller bedömning, att lärarna är positiva till att undervisa särskoleelever och att skolan är otydlig när det gäller att informera om rätten till betyg.   Slutsats Även om betyg och bedömning är något som diskuterats i denna uppsats, så är det fortfarande inte obligatoriskt på grundsärskolan. / <p>Studiegång Idrott, fritidskultur och hälsa. Ht 2012</p>

Skatteincitament för forsknings- och utvecklingskostnader : en komparativ studie / Tax incentives for research- and development costs : a comparative study

Djerf, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
En komparativ uppsats inom företagsbeskattning som handlar om skatteincitament för FoU-kostnader i Sverige, Norge, Storbritannien och Australien. Det svenska systemet för avdrag gällande arbetsgivaravgifter presenteras tillsammans med reglerna i 16:9 IL gällande avdrag för utgifter relaterade till ett företags FoU-verksamhet. Det svenska systemet jämförs, utvärderas och diskuteras sedan i förhållande till motsvarande regler i de övriga tre länderna. Slutligen diskuteras även skatteincitament som fenomen, dess förhållande till EU-rätt och behovet av skatteincitament för FoU över huvud taget.

EU, "Unity in diversity" eller en klubb för privilegierade medlemmar?

Brage, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria. The method that is used in this thesis is idea analysis. The EU has both official criteria, which are found in the foundation treaties, and unofficial criteria, which are the public and political opinions among the candidate countries and current EU member states. It is suggested that none of the criteria are more important than others; a candidate country must fulfill virtually all the official and unofficial criteria in order to gain EU membership. Although all criteria must be met, the application of the criteria is uneven between candidate countries. The EU does not treat countries differently when it comes to the official criteria. However, when it comes to the unofficial criteria, Turkey is treated differently from Romania and Poland. There is greater resistance to Turkey’s future membership, making it much more difficult for Turkey to reach the stage of full EU membership.

Europaparlamentsval och valdeltagande : En kvantitativ analys av förutsättningar för valdeltagandet

Sjölund, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
This study examines whether the policy breadth and the alternatives in European politics affect variations in voter turnout between member states in elections to the European Union Parliament. The theoretical approach assumes that; a larger political polarization, an increase in EU-skeptical parties and a greater voting mobilization among groups with less means results in higher voter turnout figures. The study also consider four other variables; whether the election is held on weekends or weekdays, whether elections coincide with other national elections, whether a country has held the presidential of the EU during or the immediate term prior to the election and finally the turnout figures from national elections. The research design is based upon a quantitative analysis using data from EP elections, national elections and databases from the European Elections Studies (EES). Study unit is twelve member-state countries and their four latest EP elections (1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009). The selected member-states origin from the EU-15 excluding Belgium, Greece and Luxembourg due to their compulsory voting laws. The study found relationships between higher turnout figures in EP-elections and increase in EU-skeptical parties, greater mobilization among groups with less means, elections held on weekends, elections coinciding with other, national elections and an increase in voter figures in national elections.

Att aktivera eller att inte aktivera, det är frågan : En uppsats om redovisning av forsknings- och utvecklingsutgifter i läkemedelsföretag

Jonasson, Annica, Marciniak, Monika January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative and descriptive essay discusses pharmaceutical companies’ financial reporting of research and development expenditures, if separate acquisitions and development expenditure for internally generated intangible assets are expensed or capitalized, and the reason for this. The problem statements are: How do pharmaceutical companies report their development and research expenditures? Why do pharmaceutical companies choose to expense or capitalize their separate acquisitions and development expenditures for internally generated intangible assets? Interviews have been conducted with pharmaceutical companies that comply with IFRS in their consolidated reporting and which conduct research and development. It is internally generated intangible assets and separate acquisitions that are in focus of this study. Since 2005 it is mandatory for publicly listed companies in the EU to apply to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) in their consolidated reporting. Since IFRS rules are principle based this allows for a more flexible application of accounting standards, which contributes to a subjective interpretation. Expenditures for research and development should be reported either by direct expensing in the income statement or capitalization as an intangible asset in the balance sheet if certain criteria according to IAS 38 are met. Choice of method affects the company´s key ratios along with the balance and income statements and it is the companies themselves which are to determine whether these conditions are met or not. Institutional theory has been used to establish whether companies’ choice of expensing or capitalizing can be explained through different forms of isomorphism, habits and practices, or if choice of method is based on the organization and its environment´s mutual dependency and how the stake holders will perceive the company. Evidence shows that it is mainly coercive isomorphism through laws and regulations that govern the choice of method, but also habits and practices as well as mimetic isomorphism to achieve legitimacy affect choice of method.

Frihet, jämlikhet och teater

Pettersson, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Patienters upplevelser i samband med rehabilitering efter stroke : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Broman, Marinah, Nyberg, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är en folksjukdom som drabbar ungefär 30 000 personer i Sverige varje år och beräknas kosta samhället runt 18 miljarder kronor. Rehabiliteringen efter stroke är ofta intensiv, mångfacetterad och långvarig. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser i samband med rehabiliteringen efter stroke samt att beskriva undersökningsgruppen i de ingående artiklarna. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som grundar sig på 12 kvalitativa artiklars resultat. Resultat: Stroke upplevdes som en omvälvande livshändelse och huvudmålet med all rehabilitering var att få återgå till det liv som patienterna levt innan stroken. Hoppet om att återfå förlorade funktioner upplevdes som viktigt och varje tecken på förbättring gav motivation till fortsatt rehabilitering. Det var stor kontrast mellan de patienter som upplevde delaktighet i rehabiliteringsprocessen och de som önskade att de hade haft ett större inflytande. Kvinnor upplevde sig mindre delaktiga än män. Det framkom att patienter upplevde att de hade skrivits ut för tidigt från strokeenheten och inte förberetts tillräckligt inför hemkomsten. Den nedsatta funktionsnivån blev mycket tydligare när de kom tillbaka till sin vardag hemma och de saknade den nära kontakten och erfarenhetsutbytet som de hade haft med andra patienter på sjukhuset. Slutsats: Det framkom att patienter med stroke har skilda upplevelser beträffande mål, stöd, information och delaktighet i rehabiliteringen. Ett individanpassat förhållningsätt till patienters målsättningar är betydelsefullt och adekvat information viktigt. Ändamålsenligt stöd från vårdpersonal bidrar till ökad delaktighet samt ökar patientens förmåga att utföra och klara av aktiviteter i rehabiliteringen. / Background: Stroke is a disease that affects approximately 30,000 people in Sweden each year, and is estimated to cost society around SEK 18 billion. Rehabilitation after stroke is often intense, multi-faceted and long lasting. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe patients' experiences of rehabilitation after stroke and to describe the study group in the included articles. Methods: A descriptive literature review based on 12 qualitative studies. Results: Stroke was perceived as a disruptive life events and the main goal of all rehabilitation was to return to the life that patients lived before the stroke.The hope of regaining lost functions were perceived as important and any signs of improvement gave motivation to continue rehabilitation.The contrast was considerable between those patients who experienced participation in the rehabilitation process, and those who wished they had a bigger influence.Women felt less involved than men. It was revealed that the patients felt that they had been discharged prematurely from the stroke unit and were not prepared for the homecoming. Their reduced abilities became much clearer when they returned to their everyday lives at home and they lacked the close contact and the exchange of experiences they had had with other patients in the hospital. Conclusion: It was found that patients with stroke have different experiences regarding goals, support, information and participation in rehabilitation. An individualized approach to patient goals is significant and adequate information is important. Effective support from health professionals contribute to increased participation and increase the patient's ability to perform and manage activities in the rehabilitation.

Infertilitet - Vems rätt att bestämma? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring barnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med infertilitet.

Kristensen Berlin, Rebecka January 2016 (has links)
Abstrakt (svenska) Titel: Infertilitet – vems rätt att bestämma? En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring barnmorskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med infertilitet. Författare: Rebecka Kristensen Berlin, Umeå Universitet -Institutionen för Omvårdnad   Syfte: Att undersöka hur barnmorskans erfarenheter av parens reaktioner uppfattas i samband med infertilitetsproblematik. Studiedesign: En kvalitativ intervjustudie innefattande fyra barnmorskor har genomförts på en barnmorskemottagning. Intervjumaterialet analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket i korthet innebar följande steg: Materialet transkriberades ordagrant och bröts därefter ned i meningsbärande enheter, för att kunna sortera data utifrån innehåll. Kondensering utfördes i syfte att lyfta fram kärninnehållet. Abstraktion utfördes för att få fram koder, i syfte att reducera mängden text men även för att därefter kunna sammanfoga snarlika ämnen till underkategorier, vilka sedan grupperades i huvudkategorier tillhörande ett gemensamt tema. Resultat: De fyra huvudkategorier som uppkom var känslor, kommunikation, rättighet och prevention. Känslor: Oro, stress samt nedstämdhet var vanligt förekommande. Mäns känslor var svårare att identifiera då kvinnor ibland kom ensamma till besöken, samt män ibland dolde känslor bakom aggressivitet. Kommunikation: God information skapade förtroende. Råd om livsstilsförändringar samt vidareremittering var en viktig form av stöd. Rättighet: Ingen har rätt till barn, men alla ansågs ha rätt att försöka få barn. Privatekonomi samt samhällets krav påverkar dock i stor utsträckning paren vid misslyckade försök eller önskan om ytterligare barn. Prevention: Vikten av information kring infertilitet vid undervisning i skolan, vid preventivmedelsamtal och vid cellprovtagning poängterades. Slutsats: Att vara väl införstådd med de känslor som kan uppstå i samband med infertilitet möjliggör att ge tillfredställande stöd. Särskilda ansträngningar behöver göras för att nå män, såväl emotionellt som preventivt. Stort utrymme för förbättring finns gällande preventiva åtgärder, i syfte att fördjupa allmänhetens kunskaper kring infertilitet. Nyckelord: kvinnlig infertilitet; manlig infertilitet; känslor; barnmorska; kvalitativ forskning / Abstract (English)     Title: Infertility. Who´s right to decide? A qualitative interview study regarding midwives experiences to work with infertility. Author: Rebecka Kristensen Berlin, Umeå University- Department of nursing   Objective: To investigate midwives thoughts and experiences regarding couples reactions in connection with infertility.  Study design: A qualitative interview study comprising four midwives have been conducted. The resulting data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis, consisting of the following steps: The material was transcribed verbatim and then broken down into sentences, to aid in sorting the data based on content. Condensation was carried out in order to highlight the core content. Abstraction was performed to obtain codes, in order to reduce the amount of text , but also to subsequently merge similar content into subcategories , which were then grouped into categories. Results: Four main categories emerged. Feelings: anxiety, stress and depression were common. Men’s feelings were more difficult to identify since women sometimes came alone to appointments, and men sometimes concealed their feelings behind aggression. Communication: Good information created trust. Advice on lifestyle changes and referrals were important forms of support. Empowerment: No-one has the right to a child, but the right to try to have a child. Personal and societal demands, however, affect the couples at failure to conceive or desire for additional children. Prevention: The importance of information about fertility in school, at contraception counselling and routine smear exams was emphasized. Conclusion: Awareness of the feelings that infertility may give rise to, enables providing satisfactory support. Further efforts need to be made to reach males emotionally as well as preventatively. There is great possibility for improvement in regards to public awareness about infertility. Keywords: female infertility; male infertility; emotions; midwife; qualitative research

The Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipeline & the European Union's security situation; : a case study of economic securitization

Goglund, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis has investigated and analysed whether or not the Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipeline has affected or changed Europe's security situation. By analysing how the Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipeline has been described as a political or economic project by the EU, one can conclude whether the project has been securitized by the EU or not. This is done through the study of official EU documents. The documents have been analysed using framework for sector analysis  and securitization as theorised by the Copenhagen School of international relations. By distinguishing the different conceptions of threat, security and methods discussed in these documents it is possible to analyse whether arguments belong to either the economic or political sector of sector analysis, and how they can be seen as signs of securitization. This has been done by utilizing qualitative text analysis in a case study framework. The thesis concludes that the  Nord Stream Natural Gas Pipeline has not been securitized as a threat by the EU. On the contrary, the project is endorsed as a part of energy proliferation. The EU insist and encourages upon the project and several similar ones in order to ensure energy security for the EU in the future.</p>

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