Spelling suggestions: "subject:"friendly""
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Balanserat styrkort i svenska kommuner : En studie av upplevd användbarhet och användarvänlighet / Balanced scorecard in Swedish municipalities : A study of perceived usefulness and ease of useLilja Engström, Caroline, Hoffmann, Marlene January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur styrkortsanvändning hos svenska kommuner upplevs av involverade chefer, särskilt sett till användbarhet och användarvänlighet. Metod: Denna studie antar ett kvalitativt och tolkningsinriktat synsätt och har en abduktiv ansats. Tillvägagångssättet omfattar en litteraturstudie samt empiri-insamling medelst semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka sedan växelvis har ställts mot varandra genom en tematiserad analys. Slutsats: Vår slutsats är att styrkortsanvändning hos svenska kommuner uppvisar avsevärd variation, men att styrkorten överlag upplevs som användbara för organisationen; något mindre användbara för den enskilde chefen samt att bristfällig användarvänlighet är vanligt förekommande. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Se stycke 6.4. Studiens bidrag: Vår studie bidrar med empirisk bekräftelse av att balanserat styrkort upplevs vara ett användbart koncept för kommunal styrning. Vidare påvisar studien att styrkortet främst är praktiskt användbart för organisationen som helhet; sett till den enskilde chefen är användbarheten och användarvänligheten mer begränsad, och förbättringspotentialen upplevs vara stor sett till båda perspektiv. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding for how scorecard usage in Swedish local government is perceived by the involved managers, especially in terms of usefulness and ease of use. Method: This study adopts a qualitative and interpretative stance and has an abductive approach. The mode of procedure includes a literature study and collection of empiric material through semistructured interviews, which have then iteratively been positioned versus each other in a thematised analysis. Conclusions: Our conclusions are that scorecard usage in Swedish local government organisations encompasses considerable variation, but that the scorecards in general are perceived as useful for the organisation; somewhat less useful for the individual manager and that inadequate ease of use is commonly occurring. Suggested future research: See paragraph 6.4 below. Contribution of the thesis: Our study contributes with empiric confirmation that the balanced scorecard is perceived to be a suitable concept for Swedish local government management. The study also shows that the scorecard is useful primarily for the organisation as a whole; the usefulness and ease of use seen to the individual manager is more limited, and the potential for improvement is perceived to be considerable seen to both perspectives.
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Filöverföring i modern tid : En jämförelse av SMTP, SFTP och HTTPGilis, Matteus, Hörnsten, David, Larsson, David January 2015 (has links)
Överföring eller mottagande av datorfiler är en syssla som de flesta av oss ägnar ossåt regelbundet i ett eller annat sammanhang, oavsett om det sker privat eller om detär arbetsrelaterat. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) är ett protokoll för just detta ändamålsom lanserades under tiden då persondatorer hade blivit allt vanligare i hemmetoch på arbetsplatsen. Sedan dess har flera andra protokoll introducerats och i dagslägetfinns det flertalet valmöjligheter tillgängliga, alla med sina unika såväl som gemensammaegenskaper. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) kompletterad medMIME-standarden är ett populärt alternativ till de renodlade filöverföringsprotokollenpå grund av användarnas bekantskap och tidigare erfarenheter med e-posttjänster.Att skicka och ta emot filer via e-post innebär dock vissa begränsningar samt att vissasäkerhetsaspekter måste tas i beaktande, i synnerhet för företagsanvändare som dagin och dag ut måste hantera känslig data. I denna uppsats har tre olika filöverföringsprotokoll(SFTP, SMTP och HTTP) utvärderats ur ett användarvänlighetsperspektivsåväl som ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Resultatet indikerar att HTTP(S) tillsammans meduttökningen WebDAV kan anses vara ett lämpligt alternativ för organisationer somsamtidigt är enkelt att använda. De övriga protokollen, SMTP och SFTP, har ocksåsina användningsområden där SFTP verkar vara mer tilltalande för avanceradeanvändare och där SMTP förblir ett gångbart alternativ för privat bruk av mindreavancerade användare under vissa förutsättningar. / Transferring and receiving computer files are something most of us do on a regularbasis whether it is for private purposes or if it is work related. FTP is a protocolused for this very purpose which was launched during a time when personal computerswere growing increasingly popular in both home and workplace environments.Since then, more protocols have been introduced and today there are a number ofoptions available bringing new and common features alike to the market. The SMTPprotocol, extended with the MIME standard, is currently a widely used alternative tothe pure file transfer protocols due to the user familiarity and past experiences withthese mail services. Sending and receiving files through e-mail does however implysome limitations together with the fact that some security aspects need to be takeninto consideration, particularly for company users handling sensitive data. In thisthesis, three different file transfer protocols (SMTP, SFTP and HTTP) have all beenevaluated in account of their user friendliness as well as their security features. Theresults indicate that HTTP(S) combined with the WebDAV extension can be considereda viable alternative for organizations due to its user friendliness and security.The remaining protocols, SMTP and SFTP, also have their uses where SFTP wouldseem to be an appealing option for advanced users and where SMTP remains a passablealternative for private usage by regular users under the right conditions.
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Questioning child-friendliness of public spaces in a modernist district Sykhiv (Lviv, Ukraine)Kalash, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Importance of seeing and implementing children’s needs in the urban public realm is widely discussed among urban researchers in recent years. It is becoming more challenging, as nowadays there are more than one billion children growing up in cities,which is more than ever before. In this research, I discuss a specific context of a modernist area, Sykhiv, which represents the most widespread type of residential area in Ukraine. The research aims to understand the quality of Sykhiv’s neighborhoods for children and to understand the different perspectives of experts and parents onchild-friendliness in the public realm of Sykhiv. The first research question is dedicatedto parents’ perspectives and children’s spatial practices, the second part is dedicated toexpert views on existing policies, practices, narratives towards child-friendly environment in Sykhiv. The third question represents the synthesis of two previous and reflects on the rethinking of public spaces in Sykhiv in terms of child-friendliness. Three key theories that help to frame this study are: holistic theory on Environmentalchild-friendliness helps to envision a complexity of a phenomenon of child-friendlinessof the environment, critical study on reconceptualizing the playground, which reflects onan extension of the focus of researching a play in the physical environment, andaffordance theory, which bridges the physical environment and human behavior. Theresults showed that Sykhiv has lots of features of a child-friendly environment, noticedboth by experts and parents, however, play infrastructure has numerous disadvantages.The holistic strategy, effective cooperation of all actors (public authorities, civic activists,parents and children, urban planners), awareness and knowledge are lacking in order tocontribute to a child-friendly environment, or at least to prevent negative tendencies tointensity of traffic, shortage of greenery, densening residential areas, etc. Extended safegreen spaces are more likely to perform children’s needs in a public realm, thanplaygrounds that are very frequent but of poor quality in Sykhiv.
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Customer Attitudes Towards the Use of Intelligent Conversational AgentsSohail, Maarif January 2022 (has links)
Intelligent conversational agents (ICAs) are artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled systems that can communicate with humans through text or voice using natural language. The first ICA, “Eliza,” appeared in 1966 to simulate human conversation using pattern matching. Commercial ICAs appeared on the AOL and MSN platforms in 2001 and aided in developing advanced AI and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Since then, ICAs have progressively appeared in consumer products and services. Their success depends on the user’s experience and attitude towards these services. This research examines customer attitudes towards ICAs through a theoretical framework of integrated Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Task Technology Fit Theory (TTF). By exploring user experience via an experiment that engages end-users with ICA’s different functions and tasks, this study examines user perception of ICA’s AI capabilities, such as Conversation Ability, Friendliness, Intelligence, Responsiveness, Task Performance, and Trust. This research investigates how customer satisfaction with ICA capabilities and perceived task technology fit influence their intention to use ICAs. A field survey of 380 Canadian end-users utilizing ICAs on the websites of five large Canadian telecom service providers enabled empirical testing of the model. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Designprinciper och användarupplevelse inom streamingtjänster / Design principles and user experience in streaming servicesTodorovic, Dragana, Aktan, Petrus, Lundberg Puglia, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
Studien undersöker betydelsen av god användarupplevelse inom streamingtjänster. För att utforska detta område ytterligare kommer syftet med studien att fokusera på hur designprinciper kan förbättra användarupplevelsen för streamingtjänster samt vilka av dessa designprinciper som bör beaktas för att förbättra användarupplevelsen bland streamingtjänster. För att samla in data genomfördes användbarhetstester på två olika streamingtjänster, där 8 olika personer fick utföra olika uppgifter på de utvalda streamingtjänsterna. Efter att testerna slutfördes ställdes några uppföljningsfrågor för att utforska vissa uppgifter ytterligare, beroende på resultatet. Alla tester spelades in med samtycke från personen som utförde testet. Resultatet av testerna noterades och analyserades senare. Data som insamlades ledde till slutsatsen att de designprinciper som utmärkte sig mest och hade störst inverkan på testpersonernas användarupplevelse var navigationsdesign, konsistens och feedback samt synlighet. Studien vänder sig till personer som arbetar inom områden såsom användargränssnittsdesign och interaktionsdesign men även till systemvetare, UX-designers, och till och med webbdesigners. Andra användare som är intresserade av användarupplevelse och användbarhet i gränssnitt, till exempel de som arbetar inom gränssnittsutveckling eller liknande områden. Denna studie initierades med att sammanställa olika teorier om varför Netflix har en sådan fördel gentemot andra streamingtjänster och varför många föredrar Netflix framför andra streamingtjänster. Vi har använt en kvalitativ metod för att samla in vår information där vi har analyserat teorin med den empiriska data vi har fått. / The study explores the importance of user experience within streaming services. To explore this area even further the purpose of the study will focus on how design principles can improve the user experience for streaming services and which of these design principles should be considered to improve the user experience among streaming services. To gather data, usability testing on two different streaming services was conducted on 8 different people where they did different tasks on the chosen streaming services. After the tests were done some follow up questions were made to explore some tasks even further, depending on the result. All the tests were recorded with the consent of the person who did the test. The result of the tests was later noted and analyzed. The data led to the conclusion that the design principles that stood out the most and had the biggest impact on the tester’s user experience was navigation design, consistency, and feedback as well as visibility. The study is aimed at people who work in the areas that are being studied by us for example, User interface designers, system scientists, UX designers and interaction designers. Also, other users that are interested in user experience and usability in interfaces, for example those who work in interface development or similar areas. This study began by compiling various theories as to why Netflix has such an advantage over other streaming services and why many people prefer Netflix over other streaming services. We have used a qualitative method for collecting our information where we have analyzed the theory with the empirical data we have received.
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The facilitation of youth friendliness in a Youth Activity Centre (YAC) in BotswanaMatshediso, Ellah 27 November 2009 (has links)
The concept of youth activity centre (YAC) has not yet been evaluated. The purpose of this
study was to evaluate the YAC in Botswana. Accordingly, the researcher explored and
described the lived experience of young people utilising the YAC as well as the perceptions
of service providers at the Mochudi Centre in the Kgatleng District, in Botswana.
Furthermore, the objective was to develop and describe guidelines for the facilitation of
youth-friendly services (YFS) at YAC.
A phenomenological, qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual research design
was used to extract young people’s experiences and perceptions of service providers.
Thirty-two young people and 27 service providers (peer educators and service delivery
officers [SDOs]) were purposefully selected. Methods of data collection used were
unstructured individual in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations in
the forms of field notes. The data, mainly tape-recorded interviews and field notes were
transcribed verbatim for data analysis. Tesch’s eight-step data analysis model (Creswell
1994:155) was used.
One major theme, youth friendliness emerged with three categories, namely: physical,
administrative, and psychological aspects of youth-friendly services. All the respondents
indicated that they benefited and affirmed they were empowered and better people after
using the facility. However, limited access to the facility by the target group due to location,
cost of reaching the facility, and attitudes of service providers as well as failure to
implement planned activities due to financial and staff shortage were obstacles to youth
friendliness of the YAC.
Based on the findings and literature review, the researcher developed guidelines to
facilitate YFS and improved access to the YAC. Recommendations made are for practise
in the YAC, education of SDOs and for further research. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Teachers' experiences of implementing the curriculum and assessment policy in Grade 10 in selected schools at Ndwedwe in DurbanMbatha, Mvikeleni Goodwill 03 1900 (has links)
The education ministry has introduced a number of important curriculum forms, including Curriculum 2005 (C2005) in 1998, the National Curriculum Statement (NCS) in 2002, and most recently, the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) in 2012 in Grade 10. The latter was aimed at replacing the NCS in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The need for replacement was necessitated by problems that teachers experienced concerning understanding and implementing various previous curriculum policies. The literature study and theoretical framework explored scholarly contributions that are relevant to CAPS implementation. The purpose of this study is to determine teachers‟ perceptions, and identify and clarify possible barriers relating to the implementation of CAPS in Grade 10 in selected schools at Ndwedwe in Durban. For sampling purposes, rural disadvantaged schools were selected to explore the knowledge and experiences teachers hold with regard to curriculum implementation. Exploratory qualitative research design was executed with a sample of purposively selected participants which constitute one Head of Department and two teachers from each of the five different schools. Data collection was facilitated by means of interviews. The findings revealed that teachers were at first eager to welcome and accept CAPS. Furthermore, this study indicated that some challenges emerged and impeded teachers from effectively implementing CAPS. The challenges experienced relate to resource shortages, teacher training, resistance to change, class size, lack of time, professional development, workload, administrative support, monitoring and language as a barrier ( on the part of the learners). The study argues that without proper infrastructure, schools can neither hope nor manage to successfully implement CAPS. Based on the findings from literature and interviews, teachers still need immediate assistance with CAPS related matters. Recommendations are made to teachers, head of departments, principals, subject advisors, DBE and parents to aid effective implementation of CAPS. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Aspects méthodologiques, mesure et facteurs associés à l’autonomie des patients utilisant les technologies de dialyse péritonéale à domicileMoqadem, Khalil 03 1900 (has links)
La dialyse péritonéale (DP) est une thérapie d’épuration extra-rénale qui peut se réaliser à domicile par l’entremise d’une technologie. Elle exige, du patient certaines aptitudes, (motivation et compétence) et de l’équipe de soins, une organisation particulière pour arriver à une autonomie d’exécution de l’épuration. Dans un contexte de thérapie à domicile, comme celui de la dialyse péritonéale, le niveau d’autonomie des patients ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés n’ont pas été examinés auparavant. C’est l’objet de cette thèse.
En se fondant sur la théorie de l’autodétermination et sur une revue de la littérature, un cadre conceptuel a été développé et fait l’hypothèse que trois types de facteurs essentiels pourraient influencer l’autonomie. Il s’agit de facteurs individuels, technologiques et organisationnels.
Pour tester ces hypothèses, un devis mixte séquentiel, composé de deux volets, a été réalisé. Un premier volet qualitatif - opérationnalisé par des entrevues auprès de 12 patients et de 11 infirmières - a permis, d’une part, d’explorer et de mieux définir les dimensions de l’autonomie pertinente dans le cadre de la DP; d’autre part de bonifier le développement d’un questionnaire. Après validation, ce dernier a servi à la collecte de données lors du deuxième volet quantitatif et alors a permis d’obtenir des résultats auprès d’un échantillon probabiliste (n =98), tiré de la population des dialysés péritonéaux du Québec (N=700). L’objectif de ce deuxième volet était de mesurer le degré d’autonomie des patients, d’examiner les associations entre les facteurs technologiques, organisationnels ainsi qu’individuels et les différentes dimensions de l’autonomie. Des analyses univariées et multivariées ont été réalisées à cet effet.
Les résultats obtenus montrent que quatre dimensions d’autonomie sont essentielles à atteindre en dialyse à domicile. Il s’agit de l’autonomie, sur le plan clinique, technique, fonctionnel (liberté journalière) et organisationnel (indépendance par rapport à l’institution de soins). Pour ces quatre types d’autonomie, les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes, un résultat qui se reflète dans les scores obtenus sur une échelle de 1 à 5 : l’autonomie clinique (4,1), l’autonomie technique (4,8), l’autonomie fonctionnelle (4,1) et l’autonomie organisationnelle (4,5).
Chacun de ces types d’autonomie est associé à des degrés variables aux trois facteurs du modèle conceptuel : facteurs individuels (motivation et compétence), technologique (convivialité) et organisationnels (soutien clinique, technique et familial). Plus spécifiquement, la motivation serait associée à l’autonomie fonctionnelle. La convivialité serait associée à l’autonomie clinique, alors que la myopathie pourrait la compromettre. La convivialité de la technologie et la compétence du patient contribueraient à une meilleure autonomie organisationnelle. Quant à l’autonomie sur le plan technique, tous les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes en ce qui concerne la manipulation de la technologie. Ce résultat s’expliquerait par une formation adéquate mise à la disposition des patients en prédialyse, par le suivi continu et par la manipulation quotidienne pendant des années d’utilisation.
Bien que dans cette thèse la technologie d’application soit la dialyse péritonéale, nous retenons que lorsqu’on transfère la maîtrise d’une technologie thérapeutique à domicile pour traiter une maladie chronique, il est primordial d’organiser ce transfert de telle façon que les trois facteurs techniques (convivialité), individuels (motivation, formation et compétence), et organisationnels (soutien de l’aidant) soient mis en place pour garantir une autonomie aux quatre niveaux, technique, clinique, fonctionnel et organisationnel. / Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a home-based therapy that purifies blood via a peritoneal membrane to treat patients with end-stage renal disease. It requires from the patient some aptitudes (competence and motivation) and from the caregivers a particular organization to foster patient autonomy. However, in the context of a home-based therapy, such as in peritoneal dialysis, autonomy is a poorly conceptualized entity and has not been specifically measured. The objective of this thesis was to identify the dimensions and the levels of the patient’s autonomy and the factors associated in the context of using peritoneal dialysis.
On the basis of the Self-determination theory and a literature review, a conceptual framework was developed which assumed that three main factors could influence the autonomy: individual (motivation, competence), technological (user-friendliness), and organizational factors (different types of support).
To test the assumptions supported by our framework, a mixed method design composed of two sequential phases was developed. A first qualitative phase - conducted through open-ended interviews with 12 patients and 11 nurses - was performed to explore and better define the dimensions of autonomy of the patients treated by peritoneal dialysis. The data obtained was used to enhance the development of a questionnaire, which was mailed during the second quantitative phase to a random sample of patients. This questionnaire was completed and returned by 98 patients from the population of Québec peritoneal dialysis users (N=700). The objective of this second phase was to assess the patients’ autonomy levels and to examine the relationship between the three factors (individual, technological and organizational) and the four dimensions of autonomy. Data were analysed using univariate statistics and multiple linear regression model.
Our results show that four dimensions of autonomy are essential to achieve peritoneal dialysis at home : clinical autonomy (performing basic clinical tasks), technical (technical tasks), functional (daily freedom) and organizational autonomy (independence from the care centre). The patients gave higher rating for organizational autonomy (4,5 mean score on five-point Likert scale); 4,1 for clinical autonomy; 4,1 score for functional autonomy and 4,8 for technical autonomy.
Each of these dimensions of autonomy was associated with one or more of three factors from the conceptual model : individual, technology and organizational factors. In some cases, the type of the peritoneal dialysis technology (manual or automated) contributed to some dimension of autonomy. More specifically, the motivation could facilitate functional autonomy. The technology user-friendliness might allow greater clinical autonomy, but a muscular disease could compromise it. The patient competence and the user-friendliness might contribute to the organizational autonomy. Finally, all the patients reported being highly autonomous on manipulating the technology.
This result could be explained by adequate training during the predialysis period, continuous support and daily manipulation of the technology. Even though our results were obtained for the peritoneal dialysis application, we retain that when transferring the handling of a home therapy technology to treat a chronic disease, it is essential to coordinate the transfer so that the three factors, the user-friendliness, individual factors such as motivation and competence, and organizational factors (different types of support) are in place to ensure autonomy at the four levels, technical, clinical, functional and organizational.
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Aspects méthodologiques, mesure et facteurs associés à l’autonomie des patients utilisant les technologies de dialyse péritonéale à domicileMoqadem, Khalil 03 1900 (has links)
La dialyse péritonéale (DP) est une thérapie d’épuration extra-rénale qui peut se réaliser à domicile par l’entremise d’une technologie. Elle exige, du patient certaines aptitudes, (motivation et compétence) et de l’équipe de soins, une organisation particulière pour arriver à une autonomie d’exécution de l’épuration. Dans un contexte de thérapie à domicile, comme celui de la dialyse péritonéale, le niveau d’autonomie des patients ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés n’ont pas été examinés auparavant. C’est l’objet de cette thèse.
En se fondant sur la théorie de l’autodétermination et sur une revue de la littérature, un cadre conceptuel a été développé et fait l’hypothèse que trois types de facteurs essentiels pourraient influencer l’autonomie. Il s’agit de facteurs individuels, technologiques et organisationnels.
Pour tester ces hypothèses, un devis mixte séquentiel, composé de deux volets, a été réalisé. Un premier volet qualitatif - opérationnalisé par des entrevues auprès de 12 patients et de 11 infirmières - a permis, d’une part, d’explorer et de mieux définir les dimensions de l’autonomie pertinente dans le cadre de la DP; d’autre part de bonifier le développement d’un questionnaire. Après validation, ce dernier a servi à la collecte de données lors du deuxième volet quantitatif et alors a permis d’obtenir des résultats auprès d’un échantillon probabiliste (n =98), tiré de la population des dialysés péritonéaux du Québec (N=700). L’objectif de ce deuxième volet était de mesurer le degré d’autonomie des patients, d’examiner les associations entre les facteurs technologiques, organisationnels ainsi qu’individuels et les différentes dimensions de l’autonomie. Des analyses univariées et multivariées ont été réalisées à cet effet.
Les résultats obtenus montrent que quatre dimensions d’autonomie sont essentielles à atteindre en dialyse à domicile. Il s’agit de l’autonomie, sur le plan clinique, technique, fonctionnel (liberté journalière) et organisationnel (indépendance par rapport à l’institution de soins). Pour ces quatre types d’autonomie, les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes, un résultat qui se reflète dans les scores obtenus sur une échelle de 1 à 5 : l’autonomie clinique (4,1), l’autonomie technique (4,8), l’autonomie fonctionnelle (4,1) et l’autonomie organisationnelle (4,5).
Chacun de ces types d’autonomie est associé à des degrés variables aux trois facteurs du modèle conceptuel : facteurs individuels (motivation et compétence), technologique (convivialité) et organisationnels (soutien clinique, technique et familial). Plus spécifiquement, la motivation serait associée à l’autonomie fonctionnelle. La convivialité serait associée à l’autonomie clinique, alors que la myopathie pourrait la compromettre. La convivialité de la technologie et la compétence du patient contribueraient à une meilleure autonomie organisationnelle. Quant à l’autonomie sur le plan technique, tous les patients ont rapporté être hautement autonomes en ce qui concerne la manipulation de la technologie. Ce résultat s’expliquerait par une formation adéquate mise à la disposition des patients en prédialyse, par le suivi continu et par la manipulation quotidienne pendant des années d’utilisation.
Bien que dans cette thèse la technologie d’application soit la dialyse péritonéale, nous retenons que lorsqu’on transfère la maîtrise d’une technologie thérapeutique à domicile pour traiter une maladie chronique, il est primordial d’organiser ce transfert de telle façon que les trois facteurs techniques (convivialité), individuels (motivation, formation et compétence), et organisationnels (soutien de l’aidant) soient mis en place pour garantir une autonomie aux quatre niveaux, technique, clinique, fonctionnel et organisationnel. / Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a home-based therapy that purifies blood via a peritoneal membrane to treat patients with end-stage renal disease. It requires from the patient some aptitudes (competence and motivation) and from the caregivers a particular organization to foster patient autonomy. However, in the context of a home-based therapy, such as in peritoneal dialysis, autonomy is a poorly conceptualized entity and has not been specifically measured. The objective of this thesis was to identify the dimensions and the levels of the patient’s autonomy and the factors associated in the context of using peritoneal dialysis.
On the basis of the Self-determination theory and a literature review, a conceptual framework was developed which assumed that three main factors could influence the autonomy: individual (motivation, competence), technological (user-friendliness), and organizational factors (different types of support).
To test the assumptions supported by our framework, a mixed method design composed of two sequential phases was developed. A first qualitative phase - conducted through open-ended interviews with 12 patients and 11 nurses - was performed to explore and better define the dimensions of autonomy of the patients treated by peritoneal dialysis. The data obtained was used to enhance the development of a questionnaire, which was mailed during the second quantitative phase to a random sample of patients. This questionnaire was completed and returned by 98 patients from the population of Québec peritoneal dialysis users (N=700). The objective of this second phase was to assess the patients’ autonomy levels and to examine the relationship between the three factors (individual, technological and organizational) and the four dimensions of autonomy. Data were analysed using univariate statistics and multiple linear regression model.
Our results show that four dimensions of autonomy are essential to achieve peritoneal dialysis at home : clinical autonomy (performing basic clinical tasks), technical (technical tasks), functional (daily freedom) and organizational autonomy (independence from the care centre). The patients gave higher rating for organizational autonomy (4,5 mean score on five-point Likert scale); 4,1 for clinical autonomy; 4,1 score for functional autonomy and 4,8 for technical autonomy.
Each of these dimensions of autonomy was associated with one or more of three factors from the conceptual model : individual, technology and organizational factors. In some cases, the type of the peritoneal dialysis technology (manual or automated) contributed to some dimension of autonomy. More specifically, the motivation could facilitate functional autonomy. The technology user-friendliness might allow greater clinical autonomy, but a muscular disease could compromise it. The patient competence and the user-friendliness might contribute to the organizational autonomy. Finally, all the patients reported being highly autonomous on manipulating the technology.
This result could be explained by adequate training during the predialysis period, continuous support and daily manipulation of the technology. Even though our results were obtained for the peritoneal dialysis application, we retain that when transferring the handling of a home therapy technology to treat a chronic disease, it is essential to coordinate the transfer so that the three factors, the user-friendliness, individual factors such as motivation and competence, and organizational factors (different types of support) are in place to ensure autonomy at the four levels, technical, clinical, functional and organizational.
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Hållbar Textil Produktutveckling : med växtfärgning / Sustainable Textile Product Development : with Natural DyeingFridjonsson, Liselotte, Brink, Mathilda, Brytting, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Författarna har haft ett samarbete med Panduro Hobby i samband med deras årliga miljökampanj. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att med hjälp av befintliga produktutvecklingsprocesser och livscykelanalyser (LCA) ta fram en hållbar textil produkt med växtfärgning. Tanken var att konsumenter sedan själva skall kunna ta fram och växtfärga denna hållbara textilprodukt. Miljömedvetenhet och hållbarhet inom textilindustrin är ett aktuellt ämne. Trots det saknar dagens konsumenter förståelse för textilindustrins påverkan på miljön och har bristande kunskap om textila material för att kunna göra miljövänliga val ute i handeln. Både konsumenter och företag uttrycker att de gärna vill bidra till en mer miljövänlig textilindustri men att de saknar kännedom, resurser och verktyg för att göra det. Därför valde författarna av examensarbetet att undersöka hur en hållbar textil produkt kan tas fram med hjälp av livscykelanalyser, produktutvecklingsmetoden Product Ideas Tree (PIT) samt växtfärgning. Alla steg under produktutvecklingsprocessen valdes ur miljöhänsyn och efter de förutsättningar som krävs för att göra en så miljövänlig textil produkt som möjligt. Resultatet av undersökningen blev en växtfärgad tygkasse i 100 % lin. Efter framtagningen av produkten gjordes en livscykelanalys benämnd MET-matris för att analysera produktens miljöpåfrestning. Matrisen konstaterade att produkten inte har avsevärda miljöbrister. Med examensarbetet och den framtagna produkten vill författarna uppmuntra konsumenter och företag till att fortsätta visa engagemang och intresse för förändringar som gynnar miljön med förhoppningen om att få fler att agera mer hållbart. / The authors have had a collaboration with Panduro Hobby in addition to their annual environmental sustainability campaign. The aim of the thesis has been to develop a sustainable textile product with natural dye using existing product development processes and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The idea was that consumers later on would be able to produce this sustainable textile product and dye it themselves. Environmental awareness and sustainability in the textile industry is a topical subject. Nevertheless many consumers lack sufficient knowledge of textile materials to make environmentally friendly choices in the commerce. Both consumers and businesses express that they would like to contribute to a more environmentally friendly textile industry, but that they lack the knowledge, resources and tools to do it. Therefore, the authors of the thesis chose to explore how a sustainable textile product may be produced with the help of Life Cycle Assessment and the product development method Product Ideas Tree (PIT). All steps in the product development process were carefully chosen with consideration to the environment and the circumstances required to make the textile product as sustainable as possible. The study resulted in the development of a canvas bag made out of 100% linen dyed it with natural dye. After the product development a Life Cycle Analysis, referred to as MET Matrix, was done to analyse the product's environmental strain. The matrix noted that the product does not have significant environmental burdens. With the thesis and the produced product the authors would like to encourage consumers and businesses to continue to show commitment and interest in changes that benefit the environment, with the hope of getting more people to act more sustainably.
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