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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frivården : Hur ser relationen ut mellan lekmannaövervakare och klient?

Broberg-Nordström, Lena, Liljewall, Lovisa January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att se hur lekmannaövervakare och klienter uppfattar relationerna sinsemellan ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Även hur dessa parter uppfattar relationen när det gäller kontakten och tilliten. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ intervjumetod där vi har intervjuat sammanlagt åtta personer varav fyra lekmannaövervakare och fyra klienter. I arbetet har vi utgått ifrån fyra teorier, intrycksstyrning, stigmatisering, stämplingsteori av Erving Goffman samt den abstrakta tilliten av Anthony Giddens. Resultatet visar att lekmannaövervakarna och klienterna har en viss tillit till varandra men visar samtidigt att det finns gränser på hur nära man som lekmannaövervakare vill komma sin klient och tvärtom. Vi har också kommit fram till att både klienter och lekmannaövervakare har en vetskap om hur man gör för att bygga upp ett förtroende hos varandra, men att alla bygger detta på olika sätt. I analysen kommer du att få läsa om hur vi kopplat vårt resultat till de fyra olika teorierna för att sedan kunna ge en förklaring ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Nyckelord: Frivård, relationer, tillit, klient och lekmannaövervakare / The purpose of this study is to see how the layman and clients perceive the relations between them from a sociological perspective. Also how these parties perceive the relationship in terms of contact and trust. We have used a qualitative interview method where we have interviewed a total of eight people including four layman and four clients. In this study we used four different theories, impression management, stigma, labeling theory by Erving Goffman and the abstract trust by Anthony Giddens. The results show that the layman and the clients have some trust in each other but also show that there are limits on how close a layman wants to be to his client and vice versa. We have also found that both clients and the layman have knowledge of how to do to build trust in one another, but that all achieve this in different ways. In the analysis you will read about how we have connected our result to the four different theories in order to give an explanation from a sociological point of view. Keywords: Probation, relationships, trust, client and layman

Motiverande samtal Inom Kriminalvården MIK : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers upplevelser av MIK

Lindahl, Johan, Ljungdahl, Gustaf January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to describe how probation service officers regard their professional role and their liberty of action within the motivational treatment program, MIK, and the probation organization. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: 1) Does the probation service organization affect the individual discretion for the probation service officers, and in that case how? 2) Does the motivational treatment program, MIK, influence the probation officers’ professionalism and their professional role? 3) What advantages and disadvantages do the probation service officers consider MIK being related to? The method conducted in the study was interviews with five probation service officers in Stockholm. The interviews were combined with a theoretical framework based on themes as organization, professional role, professionalism and motivation. The result showed that probation officers consider themselves to have a relatively high discretion within their work. They also think that work with treatment programs generally increases their professionalism and it provides a more distinct professional role in meeting with clients. An advantage of MIK is that it is more suited to the client. A disadvantage is that it can be perceived as difficult to know how big effect the program will have in the long term.

Frivårdsinspektörens tvådelade roll : En kvalitativ studie om att bemöta klienter utifrån ett professionellt alternativt privat förhållningssätt / The two-part role of probation officers

Boström, Emma, Danielsson, Amilia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore probation officers approach professionally and privately to clients who are convicted or suspected of crime. We wanted to highlight the emotional strain that the professional role can create. We used a qualitative research approach in which the data collection method consisted of semi-structured interviews with six probation officers. The result showed that within the occupation there was a two-part view of whether there was difficulties to remain neutral toward clients who have committed more severe types of crime. The result showed that there were probation officers whose private values were too strong. There was some challenges in keeping distance between the professional and the private role when a closeness to the client was created. However, the closeness was considered a fundamental part to create a supportive relationship in order to achieve successful rehabilitation, which in some ways showed to be complicated. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka yrkesgruppen frivårdsinspektörer och dess förhållningssätt både professionellt och privat gentemot de klienter som är dömda eller misstänkta för brott. Vidare ville vi belysa den emotionella belastningen som yrkesrollen skapar och hur denna hanteras. För att beskriva detta använde vi oss av en kvalitativ forskningsansats där datainsamlingsmetoden bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken frivårdsinspektörer. Resultatet visade att det inom yrkesgruppen fanns en tvådelad syn gällande svårigheten att förhålla sig neutralt gentemot klienter som utfört svårare typer av brott. Detta då det framkom att det inom verksamheten fanns frivårdsinspektörer vars privata värderingar var för starka. Vidare visade resultatet en viss utmaning gällande att hålla distans mellan yrkesrollen och den privata då det skapades en närhet till klienten. Närheten ansågs dock grundläggande för att skapa en bärande relation i syfte att nå ett lyckat rehabiliteringsarbete, något som resulterade i ett komplext förhållningssätt.

Tar frivårdens arbetsmetoder hänsyn till funktionsvariationer? : En kvalitativ studie om hur frivårdskoordinatorers arbetsmetoder och kunskap stödjer klienter med intellektuella- och/eller neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer / Does the working methods of probation services take functional variation in to account? : A qualitative study of how probation coordinators’ working methods and knowledge support clients with intellectual and/or neuropsychiatric functional variations

Efverström, Selma, Hernell, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Kriminalvården rapporterar om att förekomsten av neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer (NPF) inom kriminalvården är överrepresenterad (Nilsson, 2011). Det finns även anledning att anta att personer med intellektuell funktionsvariation (IF) finns bland klientelet inom frivården. Då det enligt motion (2021/22:1474) som beskriver att Sveriges domstolar inte behöver ta personer med IF:s ansvarsförmåga i beaktning vid brottsmål. Sett till den möjliga andelen klienter med dessa diagnoser bör därför personal inom frivård vara väl förtrogna med de olika NPF eller IF diagnoserna (Motion 2005/06:Ju440). Utifrån detta finns en relevans till att undersöka hur evidensbaserad kunskap om förhållningssätt till vald målgrupp tillhandahålls av koordinatorer i frivården. Studien är en kvalitativ kandidatuppsatts som ämnar undersöka om koordinatorer på frivårdens kontor i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige upplever att de har den kunskap som möter stödbehovet bland klienter med IF och/eller NPF. Detta undersöks utifrån hur arbetsmetoder och utbildning skapar förutsättning till evidensbaserade kunskaper om arbetssätt och bemötande gentemot vald målgrupp. Studien bestod av fyra intervjuer med frivårdskoordinatorer. Intervjuerna transkriberades och bearbetades därefter med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet analyserades med avstamp från teorierna symbolisk interaktionism och stigmatiseringsteorin. Vad som framkom från denna studie var att koordinatorerna har god erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap. Detta utifrån de förmågor som kunde identifieras hos respondenterna tillhörande att skapa egen uppfattning om och anpassningar för klienter med IF och/eller NPF. Samt att de med hjälp av de arbetsmetoder som finns inom frivården har tillgång till många hjälpmedel till klienter inom nämnd målgrupp. Det som däremot också framkom vara att utbildning, evidensbaserad kunskap, om bemötande och arbetssätt för klienter med NPF och IF är bristfällig i dagsläget om än det funnits tidigare inom kriminalvården. Utifrån vald metod och det resultat som framkom i denna studie ser vi en betydelse av ytterligare forskning. Forskning som kan medföra en kartläggning till vad som ska prioriteras och inte inom socialt arbete och vilka konsekvenser det möjligtvis kan ge upphov till.

"Efter nu aktuell händelse så upplever hon stor skuld och skam"- Konstruktionen av den kvinnliga rattfylleristen i frivårdens personutredningar

Petters, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Every year, approximately 17 500 drunk drivers are sued in Sweden. Of these, only 10 percent are women. The women are therefore considered a minority. In this study, I have taken interest in how the female drunk driver is constructed implemented by the probation service. By using critical discourse analysis I have found that the woman in these investigations is contributed the role of a deviant in two senses. She deviates because she is a woman who has committed a criminal deed and also because she often has problems with alcohol as well. I have found that the woman, because of these deviations, is depicted as a victim, both for the situation she is in and for her own actions.

IÖV- Kollektiv bestraffning ur ett familjeperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie som berör Frivårdens arbete med de anhöriga, ur de frivårdsanställdas vinkel / Intensive Supervision with Electronic Monitoring – Collective punishment with a family perspectiveFör

Abrahamsson, Emma, Fast, Annie January 2013 (has links)
This is a qualitative study based on eight interviews, four of which have been probation inspectors and three have been external controllers, or controllers as they say, and one have been an email interview with the headquarters of the correctional treatment. The interviews have been made on probation service offices in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the professionals in Probation service see their work with intensive supervision with electronic monitoring. We are interested in their work from mainly three aspects, how they look at their control, how they see the intensive supervision with electronic monitoring as collective punishment and how they work with the client's family. In our results it emerges through interviews that probation staff in general find it difficult to work with the Children Convention (CRC) and the law when it comes to intensive supervision with electronic monitoring. They mostly do not believe that intensive supervision with electronic monitoring is a collective punishment for the adults but when it comes to children it becomes a longer discussion with different arguments and thoughts. Our results have found that in comparison to prison, most people seem to find that intensive supervision with electronic monitoring is a decent punishment. Most of the professionals are aware, and think it's important to recognize, that they are in a position of power in relation to the client. In the analysis, we establish an outcome from the interviews into our theories and trying to find a connection between them.

"Efter nu aktuell händelse så upplever hon stor skuld och skam"- Konstruktionen av den kvinnliga rattfylleristen i frivårdens personutredningar

Petters, Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Every year, approximately 17 500 drunk drivers are sued in Sweden. Of these, only 10 percent are women. The women are therefore considered a minority. In this study, I have taken interest in how the female drunk driver is constructed implemented by the probation service. By using critical discourse analysis I have found that the woman in these investigations is contributed the role of a deviant in two senses. She deviates because she is a woman who has committed a criminal deed and also because she often has problems with alcohol as well. I have found that the woman, because of these deviations, is depicted as a victim, both for the situation she is in and for her own actions.</p>

Frivården, lika för alla? : Könsrelaterade mönster och variationer i Frivårdens personutredningar / The Swedish probation service, same for everyone? : Gender pattern and variations in probation service recommendations of sanction

Olsson, Jenny, Palmersjö, Marie-Louise January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Forskning har visat att myndigheters beslut och insatser påverkas av klientens könstillhörighet. Frivården har deltagit i ett regeringsprojekt kallat JiM vilket syftar till att säkerställa att myndigheters verksamhet präglas av ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Denna uppsats har utifrån ett genusperspektiv undersökt hur kön influerar personutredares förslag och motiveringar till påföljd. Genom en kvalitativ vinjettmetod har sex personutredare fått bedöma en vinjett där endast könstillhörigheten på klienten har ändrats. Resultaten analyserades sedan med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori vilket visade att könsrelaterade mönster framträder i personutredarnas förslag och motiveringar samt att klientens könstillhörighet tycks inverka på förslaget till påföljd. Vår slutsats är att genus omedvetet kan influera oss också i en yrkesroll som exempelvis personutredare på ett frivårdskontor, detta är något vi måste vara vaksamma på och diskutera för att inte riskera att reproducera och upprätthålla genuskontrakt och den sociala könsordningen. / Abstract The Swedish probation service, same for everyone? Gender pattern and variations in probation service recommendations of sanction Research has shown that public decisions and interventions are often affected by the clients´ gender. The Swedish probation service has participated in a governmental project called JiM to ensure that the working practice of the authorities must be characterized by a gender equality perspective. This paper is based on a gender perspective and has explored how gender influences on the probation officers risk assessments and recommendations of sanction. Through a qualitative vignette method six individual probation officers received a vignette where only the gender of the client had changed. Yvonne Hirdmans´ gender theory was used to analyze the results. It showed that gender patterns appear in probation officers risk assessments and recommendations of sanction and that the clients´ gender seems to influence the recommendations of sanction. Our conclusion is that gender unconsciously can influence us in a professional capacity such as probations officers, and this is something we must be aware of and discuss to reduce the risk of reproducing and maintaining gender contracts and the social gender order.

Det kan vara godtagbart, bättre än ingenting : En kvalitativ studie av behandlares upplevelse av att bedriva KBT-baserade program med hjälp av videosamtal / It Can Be Acceptable, Better than Nothing : A Qualitative Study of Therapists Experiences of Carrying Cbt Based Programming Using Video Calls

Larsson, Karolin January 2022 (has links)
I och med covid-19-pandemin som startade 2020 har fler kontakter mellan människor flyttats online för att minska smittspridningen, så även det sociala arbetet. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur personal som arbetar med behandlingsprogram inom Frivården har upplevt att det har varit att genomföra behandlingsprogram via videosamtal. Frivården började med detta arbetssätt i samband med covid-19-restriktionerna 2020 och då fenomenet är nytt i Sverige finns inte mycket tidigare nationell forskning kring detta. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med behandlingspersonal på fyra frivårdskontor i Sverige och vill skapa en bild av deras upplevelse. Av intervjuerna framgick att personalen upplever problem med det tekniska genomförandet och i samarbetet med klienterna. Man anser dock att det fungerat bättre än förväntat. Problemen kring genomförandet förklarats i detta examensarbete med hjälp av mottaglighetsprincipen och tankar kring kollaborativ empirism. Det har framgått att genomförandet till stor del påverkas av klienternas mottaglighet och att denna i sin tur påverkar möjligheten till kollaborativ empirism i arbetet med behandling. / With the start of the covid-19 pandemic 2020, more contacts between people have been moved online to reduce the spread of infection, as has social work. The purpose of this study was to find out how staff who work with treatment programs within the Swedish probation service have experienced that it has been to implement treatment programs via video calls. The probation service began with this approach in connection with the covid-19 restrictions in 2020 and since the phenomenon is new in Sweden, there is not much previous national research on this. The study is based on qualitative interviews with treatment staff at four probation offices in Sweden and wants to create a picture of their experience. The interviews showed that the staff experience problems with the technical implementation and in the collaboration with the clients. However, it is believed that it worked better than expected. The problems with implementation have been explained in this thesis with the help of the principle of responsivity and thoughts about collaborative empiricism. It has been shown that the implementation is largely affected by the clients' responsivity and that this in turn affects the possibility of collaborative empiricism in the work with treatment.

”Nu tar vi alla ett steg fram” : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom frivården och socialtjänsten upplever samverkan vid påföljden ungdomsövervakning / "Now we all take a step forward" : A qualitative study on how professionals in probation and social services experience collaboration in the new sanction of youth supervision

Lindéen, Vilma, Arvidsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Juvenile delinquency is a social problem and has existed for a long time. Combating juvenile delinquency requires that agencies transcend their organizational boundaries and cooperate with each other. An example of such cooperation is the new sanction of youth supervision. The probation service and social services must work together to achieve their common goals, which include preventing young people from reoffending. The new law on juvenile supervision was implemented in 2021 and is therefore relatively new for the professionals who will work with it, which will be of interest to this study as it examines professionals' experiences of collaboration when the sanction becomes relevant. Data was collected through interviews with two professionals from social services and seven professionals from probation services. The empirical data has been analyzed thematically. The results of the study show that there are several factors that can both inhibit and favor collaboration. A few factors that can favor collaboration is a functional communication between the two organizations and a professional who are committed and interested in both the law and the work that concerns collaboration. A few factors that can inhibit a collaboration is lack of knowledge and a vague leadership. The existing collaboration between probation services and social services can be improved because the result of our study shows that a few of the aforementioned factors are deficient which can affect the collaboration between the two agencies.

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