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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le droit face à l'imprévisibilité du fait / Law and unpredictability

Heinich, Julia 21 November 2013 (has links)
La tentation est grande de proclamer qu’aujourd’hui toute imprévisibilité a disparu. Dès lors qu’un fait s’est produit, il semble rétrospectivement acquis qu’il était prévisible avant même sa réalisation. Puisque l’on doit s’attendre à tout, rien ne peut être considéré comme imprévisible ; ni une crise économique, ni une catastrophe naturelle, ni un simple accident, dont on sait qu’ils peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment, frapper n’importe où et n’importe qui. L’imprévisibilité, privée de consistance et d’effets, se voit alors inexorablement écartée du domaine du droit.Pourtant, l’imprévisibilité demeure une réalité, dès lors que l’on est incapable de prévoir le moment, le lieu, l’intensité ou la victime du fait. Admettre l’existence de l’imprévisibilité sans renoncer à l’encadrer, voilà le défi qui est lancé au droit. Les moyens d’y répondre sont nombreux mais épars, et leur application souffre souvent d’une mauvaise identification de la notion. L’ambition de cette étude est de démontrer que l’imprévisibilité du fait innerve l’ensemble du droit privé contemporain, et de dessiner les contours de l’attitude de ce dernier à son égard. Une réception ordonnée et délimitée d’une imprévisibilité irréductible n’est à ce titre pas incompatible avec une attitude plus active du droit pour canaliser cette imprévisibilité. Identifier ses effets de droit, construire une définition, démontrer les ressorts et les possibilités de l’anticiper ou de la maintenir, tels sont les éléments indispensables à apporter à la réflexion juridique pour que le droit puisse faire face le plus sereinement possible à l’imprévisibilité d’un fait. / Nowadays, one could be tempted to state that the concept of unpredictability has disappeared. Indeed, if some event actually occurs, it is likely to be deemed predictable retrospectively, even before its taking place. As any event can occur, no event can be deemed unpredictable any longer : neither an economic crisis, nor natural disaster, nor the most banal accident. It is common knowledge that such events may occur at any time, strike anybody, anywhere. In this way, unpredictability is deprived of its legal purpose and effects and discarded by law. However, unpredictability remains a reality, when one is unable to foresee the moment, the place, the intensity or the victim caused by the event. The challenge laid down by law shall consist in recognizing the existence of unpredictability in order for law to be able to frame this concept. There are many ways to reach this goal, and the solutions and their implementation remain dispersed owing to the difficulty to clearly identifying the concept of unpredictability. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the notion of unpredictability invigorates the whole scope of contemporary private law, and to show how this concept shall be apprehended by law. A defined and specific implementation of the irreductible aspects of the concept of unpredictability by law will not be incompatible with a more active approach, in order for unpredictability to be captured by law. Identifying legal effects, creating a definition, demonstrating the means and the abilities to anticipate unpredictability or to maintain it, will remain essential steps in the legal constructing, so that law shall be able to face unpredictability serenely.

Age Differences in Emotional Reactivity to Subtypes of Sadness and Anger

Muskin, Ryan M. 24 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Magnetické stavy spinového ledu v umělých magneticky frustrovaných systémech / Magnetic spin ice states in artificial magnetic frustrated systems

Schánilec, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Uměle vytvořené systémy spinového ledu jsou vhodným nástrojem pro zkoumání neobvyklých jevů, které se v přírodě dají jen těžko pozorovat. Speciálním případem umělého spinového ledu je kagome mřížka, která umožňuje zkoumat kolektivní chování spinů v látce. Tento systém má řadu předpovězených exotických magnetických fází, které zatím nebyly změřeny a prozkoumány v reálném prostoru. V rámci této práce se zabýváme úpravou kagome mřížky tak, aby mohla být využita ke zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru. Experimenty provedené na naší upravené mřížce ukazují, že jsme schopni detekovat nízko i vysoko energiové stavy, a tedy, že námi navržená úprava kagome mřížky je vhodná pro zkoumání exotických stavů v reálném prostoru.

Inre motivation hos badmintonspelare och deras avsikt till fortsatt spel i framtiden

Biel, Evelina, Lundqvist, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Inre motivation som konceptualiseras inom Self Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 2000) har en viktig roll i att främja fortsatt idrottande och välmående. Till vilken grad en individ upplever inre motivation kan ses utifrån faktorerna behovstillfredsställelse och behovsfrustration. Motivationen påverkas även av omgivningen genom så kallat behovsstöd och behovshindrande. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan svenska badmintonspelares upplevelse av behovstillfredsställelse/-frustration och behovsstöd/-hindrande och deras intention att fortsätta med badminton i framtiden. 133 aktiva svenska badmintonspelare, i åldern 15-66 år och äldre deltog i studien. Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton uppvisade ett statistiskt signifikant positivt samband med variablerna behovsstöd och behovstillfredsställelse. Inget samband hittades mellan Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton och variablerna behovshindrande och behovsfrustration. Intentionen att fortsätta spela badminton var även högre ju äldre spelaren var, ju fler år spelaren spelat badminton och ju fler år med nuvarande huvudtränare de haft.  Behovsstöd och behovstillfredsställelse förefaller således vara områden att fokusera på inom idrottsföreningar med syfte att bidra till ett långsiktigt idrottande, även inom andra idrotter än badminton. / Studies have shown the importance of intrinsic motivation and Self Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 2000) when it comes to promoting sport participation and well-being. The amount of intrinsic motivation experienced by an individual can be estimated using the factors Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration and also be influenced by the surrounding people through Need Support and Need Thwarting. This study aimed to investigate whether a correlation between the experience of Need Satisfaction/-Frustration and Need Support/-Thwarting in Swedish badminton players and their intention to continue with badminton in the future existed. 133 active Swedish badminton players participated in the study, age 15 to 66 and older. The intention to continue playing badminton indicated a statistically significant positive correlation with the variables Need Support and Need Satisfaction. No correlation was found between the intention to continue playing badminton and the variables Need Thwarting and Need Frustration. The higher the age, more years as an active badminton player and more years with their current coach, the higher was also the intention to continue with badminton in the future. Need Support and Need Satisfaction can therefore be important areas of interest within sport clubs to promote long-term sport participation, in badminton as well as other sports.

Elektronenspinresonanz in Systemen mit ferromagnetischen Korrelationen

Förster, Tobias 21 October 2011 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme mit ferromagnetischen Wechselwirkungen. Es wurden dafür Messungen an den Kondogitter-Systemen CeRuPO und CeOsPO, der Dotierungsreihe CeFeAs1-xPxO, den niederdimensionalen frustrierten Quadratgittern AA’VO(PO4)2 sowie in dem schwach ferromagnetischen Metall Nb1-yFe2+y durchgeführt. Alle Verbindungen zeigen entweder eine ferromagnetische Ordnung oder befinden sich in der Nähe einer ferromagnetischen Instabilität, die die Eigenschaften des stark korrelierten Systems beeinflusst.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis xi Einleitung 1 1 Theoretische Modelle 5 1.1 Auswirkungen des Kristallfeldes 1.2 Phasenübergänge, Landau-Ginzburg Theorie und Quantenphasenübergänge 1.3 Physik Niederdimensionaler Spin-Systeme 1.3.1 Das zweidimensionale XY-Modell 1.3.2 Das J1-J2-Modell auf dem Quadratgitter 1.4 4f-Magnetismus, Kondoeffekt und Kondogitter 1.4.1 Vom freien Elektronengas zur Landau-Fermi-Flüssigkeit 1.4.2 Kondo-Effekt, RKKY-Wechselwirkung und Schwere Fermionen Systeme 1.4.3 Cer: 4f-Magnetismus 1.5 Schwach magnetische Metalle 1.5.1 Pauli-Suszeptibilität und spontan aufgespaltene Bänder 1.5.2 Spinfluktuationen in itineranten Magneten und marginale Fermiflüssigkeit 1.6 Dichtefunktionaltheorie 2 Grundlagen der Elektronenspinresonanz 31 2.1 Prinzip der magnetischen Resonanz und ESR Parameter 2.1.1 Linienform 2.1.2 Intensität 2.1.3 g-Faktor 2.1.4 Linienbreite und Spin-Relaxation 2.2 Experimenteller Aufbau 2.3 ESR in niederdimensionalen Systemen 2.4 ESR an Metallen und Kondogitter Systemen 2.4.1 Auswirkungen der Wechselwirkungen zwischen lokalen Momenten und Leitungselektronen auf die ESR 2.4.2 ESR in Kondogittersystemen 2.5 Leitungselektronenspinresonanz 2.5.1 Linienform in der LESR 2.5.2 Elliot-Yafet Theorie und ihre Verallgemeinerung 2.6 ESR an magnetischen Phasenübergängen 3 ESR in CeTPO (T=Ru, Os) und CeFeAs1-xPxO 59 3.1 Die Eigenschaften von CeTPO (T=Ru, Os) & CeFeAs1-xPxO 3.1.1 Das ferromagnetische Kondogitter CeRuPO 3.1.2 Das antiferromagnetische Kondogitter CeOsPO 3.1.3 Die Dotierungsreihe CeFeAs1-xPxO 3.2 CeRuPO und CeOsPO: Die Bedeutung FM Fluktuationen für die Beobachtbarkeit der ESR in Kondo-Gitter Systemen 3.3 ESR an CeRuPO Einkristallen 3.3.1 Anisotropie und Temperaturverhalten des g-Faktors 3.3.2 Anisotropie und Temperaturverhalten der Linienbreite 3.4 Entwicklung der ESR in der Dotierungsreihe CeFeAs1-xPxO 3.4.1 CeFeAs0.7P0.3O - Supraleitung und Ferromagnetismus 3.5 Zusammenfassung ESR in CeTPO und CeFeAs1-xPxO 4 ESR in den frustrierten Quadratgittern AA’VO(PO4)2 97 4.1 Struktur und magnetische Eigenschaften AA’VO(PO4)2 4.2 ESR an polykristallinen SrZnVO(PO4)2 & BaCdVO(PO4)2 4.2.1 SrZnVO(PO4)2 4.2.2 BaCdVO(PO4)2 4.3 ESR an Pb2VO(PO4)2-Einkristallen 4.3.1 Anisotropie der Resonanz 4.3.2 Temperaturabhängigkeit 4.4 Zusammenfassung der ESR in den frustrierten Quadratgittern 7 4.4.1 Analyse der Linienbreitendivergenz am Phasenübergang 5 Leitungselektronenspinresonanz in Nb1-yFe2+y 125 5.1 Das magnetische Phasendigramm von Nb1-yFe2+y 5.2 LESR in polykristallinen Nb1-yFe2+y 5.2.1 Proben mit ferromagnetischer Ordnung 5.2.2 Proben mit SDW-Ordnung 5.2.3 Zusammenfassung polykristalline Proben 5.3 Bandstruktur und verallgemeinerte Elliot-Yafet-Theorie in NbFe2 5.4 LESR in einkristallinen Proben von Nb1-yFe2+y 5.4.1 Fe-reicher Einkristall: y=0.016 5.4.2 Stöchiometrischer Einkristall: NbFe2 5.4.3 Nb-reicher Einkristall: y=-0.008 5.5 Zusammenfassung LESR in Nb1-yFe2+y 6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Anhang A.1 Das zweite Moment der Dipol-Dipol-Wechselwirkung A.2 Untersuchte CeFeAs1-xPxO-Proben Literaturverzeichnis

Some Topics concerning Graphs, Signed Graphs and Matroids

Sivaraman, Vaidyanathan 19 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Learners' aggressive behaviour in secondary school: a psycho-social perspective

Gasa, Velisiwe Goldencia 30 June 2005 (has links)
This study was undertaken to determine the extent of aggressive behaviour exhibited by secondary school learners. Many factors were considered when investigating the problem of aggressive behaviour. The problem was traced from the theorists' perspectives and factors related to the family, school and community. An extensive literature review showed that the above factors contribute to aggressive behaviour among adolescents. In order to support or reject the findings of the literature study, quantitative (questionnaire) research and qualitative research (interviews) were conducted. The results of the quantitative research concerning learners' aggressive behaviour in secondary schools were analysed and interpreted while at the same time a deeper understanding of aggressive behaviour was revealed through qualitative research. The results of the empirical research indicated that the more negative the family climate, school climate, community climate or influence of friends are, or the more negative the emotional self-concept of the adolescent is, the more aggressive the adolescent is, and vice versa. Based on these findings recommendations for the implementation of prevention programmes were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Socio-Education)

Doodvonnis in Suid-Afrika : dinamiek van nie-teregstelling en afskaffing

Visser, Gerhardus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Executions were discontinued during November 1989. In February 1990 the State President announced a moratorium on executions. Since 27 July 1990 the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1990 effected important changes to the substantive law and procedure regarding the death sentence. The "new" death sentence dispensation was applied by the courts and the moratorium would be lifted as soon as the new dispensation became effective. That never materialised. The death sentence issue was dealt with in a game of political compromise. Criminal law and the esteem of the Government suffered as a result. Judicial frustration and uncertainty developed regarding application of the death sentence. The opportunity was seized by the abolitionists to attain their ideal. The Constitutional Court declared the death sentence unconstitutional. Presently a final Constitution is being drafted which will probably finally do away with the death sentence. An effective process of denigration of the death sentence thus resulted from the moratorium on executions. / Teregstellings is gedurende November 1989 gestaak. Op 2 Februarie 1990 het die Staatspresident 'n moratorium op teregstellings afgekondig. Vanaf 27 Julie 1990 het die Strafregwysigingswet, 1990, belangrike verstellings aan die materiele en prosessuele reg met betrekking tot die doodvonnis gemaak. Die "nuwe" doodvonnisbedeling is deur die howe toegepas. Die moratorium sou opgehef word sodra die "nuwe bedeling" op dreef was. Dit het nie gebeur nie. 'n Spel van kornprornie-politiek random die doodvonniskwessie het horn afgespeel. Die strafregpleging en die Regering se aansien het daaronder gely. Regterlike frustrasie het posgevat en regsonsekerheid oar die toepassing van die doodvonnis het ontstaan. Die geleentheid is deur die afskaffers aangegryp om hul ideaal te verwesenlik. Die Konstitusionele Hof het die doodvonnis ongrondwetlik verklaar. Tans word 'n finale Grondwet geskryf wat waarskynlik die doodvonnis gaan afskaf. 'n Effektiewe proses van aftakeling van die doodvonnis het dus sedert die moratorium op teregstellings plaasgevind. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL. M.

Comparative and critical analysis of the doctrine of exemption/frustration/force majeure under the United Nations Convention on the Contract for International Sale of Goods, English law and UNIDROIT principles

Nwafor, Ndubuisi Augustine January 2015 (has links)
This thesis attempts to critically and comparatively analyse the doctrine of exemption/frustration /force majeure under the United Nations Convention on the Contract for International Sale of Goods (CISG) the UNIDRIOT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UNIDROIT) and the English Law. The doctrine of exemption/frustration/force majeure is very important in the area of contract and commercial law, it is a doctrine deeply rooted in fairness and allows a party to be excused from performing an obligation in a contract if at the conclusion of the contract an inhibition beyond the foreseeable control of the party happens to render the performance of the contract impossible. However, it is not easy to effectively streamline this doctrine and properly determine its applications. It has been observed in this thesis that, the doctrines of exemption/frustration /force majeure are not exactly the same; this thesis explores in details severally and jointly the various differences and similarities in the interpretations and applications of these impossibility doctrines. For instance, the open and flexible use of words in the definition of this doctrine under the CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles left much to be desired. Thus, it is one of the succinct arguments of this thesis that couching international law in loose words will work against the uniformity of application of this law, due to the different interpretations national law courts will be subjecting it to. This among other issues retarded the growth and development of the doctrine of exemption and force majeure. Furthermore, English law stance on the doctrine of frustration which can be gleaned from both the Sale of Goods Act of 1979 and the Common law are far from being adequate and need to be updated. This thesis therefore incisively laid bare the applications, interpretations and way forward for the doctrine of exemption/frustration/force majeure under the legal instruments of focus of this work. The thesis also comparatively compares the relationship between the doctrine of frustration/force majeure/exemption and other related doctrines like mistake, termination, avoidance, risk, and hardship. The thesis is concluded with a Draft Model Frustration Clause (DMFC) which is an attempt to rise above the status quo doctrine of frustration in the extant laws and develop a frustration clause that will be able to provide answers to the many flaws that trail these laws.

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial MnSi(111) Thin Films

Karhu, Eric 12 January 2012 (has links)
MnSi(111) films were grown on Si(111) substrates by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to determine their magnetic structures. A lattice mismatch of -3.1% causes an in-plane tensile strain in the film, which is partially relaxed by misfit dislocations. A correlation between the thickness dependence of the Curie temperature (TC) and strain is hypothesized to be due to the presence of interstitial defects. The in-plane tensile strain leads to an increase in the unit cell volume that results in an increased TC as large as TC = 45 K compared to TC = 29.5 K for bulk MnSi crystals. The epitaxially induced tensile stress in the MnSi thin films creates an easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy. The magnetoelastic coefficient was obtained from superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry measurements combined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) data. The experimental value agrees with the coefficient determined from density functional calculations, which supports the conclusion that the uniaxial anisotropy originates from the magnetoelastic coupling. Interfacial roughness obscured the magnetic structure of the SPE films, which motivated the search for a better method of film growth. MBE grown films displayed much lower interfacial roughness that enabled a determination of the magnetic structure using SQUID and polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR). Out-of-plane magnetic field measurements on MBE grown MnSi(111) thin films on Si(111) substrates show the formation of a helical conical phase with a wavelength of 2?/Q = 13.9 ± 0.1 nm. The presence of both left-handed and right-handed magnetic chiralities is found to be due to the existence of inversion domains that result from the non-centrosymmetric crystal structure of MnSi. The magnetic frustration created at the domain boundaries explains an observed glassy behaviour in the magnetic response of the films. PNR and SQUID measurements of MnSi thin films performed in an in-plane magnetic field show a complex magnetic behaviour. Experimental results combined with theoretical results obtained from a Dzyaloshinskii model with an added easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy reveals the existence of numerous magnetic modulated states that do not exist in bulk MnSi. It is demonstrated in this thesis that modulated chiral magnetic states can be investigated with epitaxially grown MnSi(111) thin films on insulating Si substrates, which offers opportunities to investigate spin-dependent transport in chiral magnetic heterostructures based on this system.

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