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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fitocompostos capazes de inibir a adesão e outros fatores de virulência bacterianos / Plant-derived compounds able to inhibit adhesion and other bacterial virulence factors

Silva, Laura Nunes January 2016 (has links)
O surgimento de cepas bacterianas resistentes a múltiplos fármacos impulsiona a busca por agentes antimicrobianos que possuem novos mecanismos de ação, incluindo compostos antivirulência. Apesar da ampla variedade de moléculas derivadas de química combinatória produzidas pela indústria farmacêutica, produtos naturais continuam a desempenhar um papel chave no desenvolvimento de fármacos. A seleção de plantas como fonte de compostos antimicrobianos é adequada do ponto de vista ecológico, uma vez que elas naturalmente produzem uma grande variedade de metabólitos secundários que atuam como defesa química contra micro-organismos no ambiente. Neste estudo, nós relatamos que miricetina (Myr), um flavonoide comum derivado de vegetais, frutas, nozes, frutas e chá, pode diminuir a produção de vários fatores de virulência de Staphylococcus aureus utilizando diferentes ensaios fenotípicos. Para explorar o mecanismo pelo qual Myr inibe a virulência de S. aureus, enquanto a sua forma glicosilada não, verificamos os níveis de expressão de genes relacionados à virulência e empregamos simulações de dinâmica molecular com enzimas cruciais no processo de patogênese. Além disso, Myr conferiu um grau significativo de proteção contra a infecção estafilocócica em modelo in vivo de Galleria mellonella. Outro foco deste estudo e com base em dados anteriores, o extrato de Harpochilus neesianus foi selecionado para o fracionamento bioguiado, uma vez que não há estudos fitoquímicos e de atividade biológica relatados na literatura para esta espécie. Utilizando o ensaio de proteinase e análises por MALDI-TOF, peptídeos foram identificados como os compostos bioativos, sendo então isolados por cromatografia em Sephadex G-50 e RPC18. Este estudo revela compostos derivados de plantas com um elevado potencial como protótipos antivirulência contra agentes bacterianos patogênicos e uma possível aplicação destes agentes na concepção de superfícies biomédicas anti-infectivas. / The emergence of drug-resistant bacterial strains drives the search for antimicrobials possessing new modes of action, including antivirulence compounds. Despite the wide variety of molecules derived from combinatorial chemistry by the pharmaceutical industry, natural products still play a key role in the development of pharmaceuticals. The selection of plants as source of antimicrobial compounds is appropriate from the ecological standpoint, since they naturally produce a wide range of secondary metabolites that act as a chemical defense against microorganisms in the environment. In this study, we report that myricetin (Myr), a common flavonol derived from vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries and tea, can remarkably decrease the production of several Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors using different phenotypic assays. To explore the mechanism by which Myr inhibits S. aureus virulence, while its glycosylated form does not, we verified the relative expression levels of virulence related genes and employed molecular dynamics simulations with pivotal enzymes in pathogenesis process. Furthermore, Myr conferred a significant degree of protection against staphylococcal infection in Galleria mellonella in vivo model. In addition to this study and based on previous data, Harpochilus neesianus extract was selected for the bioguided fractionation, since no phytochemical studies and biological activity is reported in the literature for this species. By using proteinase assay and MALDI-TOF analyses, peptides were identified as bioactive compounds which were isolated by Sephadex G-50 and RP-C18. This study reveals plant-derived compounds with high potential as antivirulence prototypes against bacterial pathogens and a possible application of these agents in the design of anti-infective biomedical surfaces.

<em>Galleria Mellonella</em> as an Alternate Infection Model for <em>Burkholderia</em> Species and a Comparison of Suspension and Surface Test Methods for Evaluating Sporicidal Efficacy

Thiriot, Joseph D. 01 December 2018 (has links)
Melioidosis is a neglected tropical disease that continues unabated in many countries, particularly in Southeast Asia. There is no vaccine and antimicrobial treatment is expensive and complicated. Virulence models are important tools used to investigate genes involved in pathogenesis. Galleria mellonella is the larvae of the wax worm moth that has been used to model various infections. Based on previous studies, we attempted to establish an infection model using Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia thailandensis, a related species which is avirulent in humans. Injections of various forms of these species (fresh and frozen) were used to develop Kaplan-Meier plots. We also tested Burkholderia cepacia, Burkholderia vietnamiensis, Burkholeria ambifaria, and Burkholderia multivorans to understand how they affect the larvae. We found that larvae injected with B. pseudomallei and B. thailandensis did not accurately model the respective infections these species cause in humans, while the other non-virulent species did not produce disease, as expected. We conclude that G. mellonella is not an appropriate infection model for B. pseudomallei and B. thailandensis. Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are on the rise, and place a heavy burden on our healthcare system each year. Disinfectants used in healthcare settings can reduce HAIs, but first must be evaluated for proper efficacy. To date there are few statistical models that are useful in comparing disinfectant test methods. We conducted a head-to-head comparison of two common test methods, suspension and surface, using Clostridium difficile spores as the test organism. A novel statistical method was developed to evaluate which test method better predicted disinfectant performance. An activated disinfectant that gradually lost activity over time was used in these evaluations. Results showed that the suspension test method was less variable, and was a better predictor of disinfectant efficacy over time.

Hur kan en befintlig centrumnära galleria omformas för att bidra till en mer attraktiv och hållbar stad? : En studie av Odenhuset i Trollhättan

Andersson, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Under 1960 och 1970-talet öppnade flera Domusvaruhus runt om i Sveriges stadskärnor. Med bilen kunde både nära- och långväga besökareresa till varuhuset. I takt med att externa köpcenter och e-handel har tillkommit har antalet besökare till de centrumnära galleriabyggnaderna (tidigare Domusvaruhus) minskat. Numera är det vanligt förekommande att handelsverksamheter tvingas stänga på grund av konkurrensen från externa köpcenter och e-handel. Detta resulterar i tomma lokaler i centrumnära galleriabyggnader som för med sig ett mindre utbud att erbjuda besökare. Färre besökare till de centrumnära galleriabyggnaderna resulterar i färre besökare till platsen runt om galleriabyggnaden men också hela stadskärnan.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bidra med ökad kunskap om hur befintliga centrumnära gallerior kan omformuleras som idé och i singestaltning. Detta för att möta dagens utmaningar hur galleriabyggnaderna återigen kan bidra till centrumutveckling samt hållbara och attraktiva stadsmiljöer. Målet är att finna en ny utformning och funktion för Odenhuset i Trollhättan. Resultatet ska även kunna tillämpas på andra befintliga gallerior i liknande centrala stadsmiljöer. Studien utfördes genom metoden Research by Design som innehåller detre faserna: förstudie, designprocess och designanalys. Genom Research by Design är det möjligt att skapa ett gestaltningsförslag för den nya utformningen där förslaget bygger på en vetenskaplig förstudie. Den första fasen förstudie, inkluderar platsbesök och litteraturstudier. De gallerior som besöktes i studien är antingen i framkant av att kombinera verksamheter i byggnaden (Mixed Use) eller är i en liknande situation som Odenhuset med allt färre aktiva verksamheter. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att det är grundläggande att acceptera handelns utveckling för att finna en ny funktion för centrumnära galleriabyggnader. Handeln har kontinuerligt förändrats utifrån människans behov. Då externa köpcenter samt e-handel uppfyller människans nya behov bättre än vad centrumnära galleriabyggnader gör har denna konkurrens uppstått. Resultatet av gestaltningsförslaget i detta arbete är därför flexibelt och anpassningsbart för centrumnära galleriabyggnader så att de återigen kan uppfylla människans nya och framtida behov. Gestaltningsförslaget och den nya funktionen av den centrumnära galleriabyggnaden bör lämpligen inkludera olika typer av verksamheter. Fler verksamheter samlade på samma plats skapar ett större utbud och därmed skapas bättre förutsättningar för att locka till sig besökare. Att kombinera verksamheter ger goda förutsättningar till att skapa mångfald och rörelse i och utanför byggnaden. Den nya utformningen inkluderar verksamheter som ger förutsättningar till att få människors vardag att fungera bättre. / During 1960 and 1970, several Domus department stores opened in the city centres of Sweden. By car, both local and long distance visitors could visit the Domus department store. As the external shopping centres and electronic commerce appeared, the number of visitors to the city malls (previously Domus department stores) has decreased. Nowadays, it is common for trade business to be forced to close the business because of the competition from external shopping centres and electronic commerce. This results in the fact that empty rooms nowadays are commonly found in city mall buildings. With the empty spaces, the city mall buildings have a limited range of goods and services. Less visitors to the city mall buildings result in less visitors to the place next to the city mall building, but also less visitors to the entire city centre.The purpose of this master thesis is to contribute with increased knowledge of how the existing city mall buildings can be redesigned as an idea and in its design. This because it is necessary to meet today’s challenges how the city mall buildings can contribute to a better sustainable and an attractive urban environment. The aim of this master thesis is to find a new design and function for Odenhuset in Trollhättan. The result should also be able to apply for similar existing city malls in central urban environments.The study was conducted by using the method called Research by Design. The method contains the three phases: pre-studies, design process and design analysis. Through Research by Design, it is possible to create a design proposal for the new function of the building where the proposal is based on scientific pre-studies. The first phase pre-studies includes site visits and literature studies. The city mall buildings that were visited for thestudy are either in the leading edge of Mixed Use or does the visited city mall building has many empty premises in the building.The conclusion of this master thesis is to find a new function for a centreclose city mall building, it is essential to accept the trade development. How trade has developed and changed is based on what human needs has looked like. Since external shopping malls and electronic commerce meetpeople nowadays needs better than the city malls does, the competition for customers has arisen. The result of the design proposal is therefore flexible and adaptable in order to make the city mall buildings once againbe able to meet new and future human needs. The design proposal and the new function of the city mall building should conveniently include different activities available for everyone. To combine different activities creates a wider range for the place. A wider range makes better conditions for the building to get more visitors and movement around the place.The design proposal gives space in the city mall building for activities thatmakes people’s everyday lives work better.

Uso de Galleria mellonella como modelo de infecção e estudo de fatores relacionados com a virulência de Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae / Use of Galleria mellonella as a model of infection and study of factors related to the virulence of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

Pereira, Monalessa Fábia 24 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antônio de Ramos Chagas (mchagas@ufv.br) on 2016-09-05T18:15:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 693325 bytes, checksum: 2afbc494cbadf4704a75769d027d64d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-05T18:15:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 693325 bytes, checksum: 2afbc494cbadf4704a75769d027d64d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae é o agente etiológico da pleuropneumonia suína, uma severa enfermidade que acomete suínos de todas as idades, gerando perdas econômicas significativas para a suinocultura mundial. Embora os 15 sorotipos conhecidos dessa bactéria possam causar a doença, existem diferenças marcantes de virulência entre eles. A virulência de A. pleuropneumoniae é multifatorial e está relacionada à composição e estrutura de polissacarídeos da cápsula, LPS, e toxinas da família RTX, além desses fatores, a aderência em forma de biofilme e a resistência a agentes antimicrobianos podem ser determinantes para virulência. Este trabalho estabeleceu um modelo de infecção alternativo para o estudo de A. pleuropneumoniae, utilizando larvas de Galleria mellonella e, posteriormente esse modelo foi usado para investigar a virulência de isolados clínicos de A. pleuropneumoniae sorotipo 8. Os mesmos isolados foram avaliados quanto ao potencial de formação de biofilme e resistência a antimicrobianos comumente empregados em campo. A partir dessas informações, isolados clínicos com diferenças significativas na virulência, no potencial de formação de biofilme e no perfil de resistência foram selecionados para o sequenciamento genômico. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo de infecção A. pleuropneumoniae – G. mellonella é capaz de diferenciar níveis de virulência de isolados clínicos de mesmo sorotipo, além de permitir a avaliação da eficiência de agentes antimicrobianos contra este patógeno. O modelo também mostrou eficiência para diferenciar virulência entre linhagens selvagem e mutante da mesma bactéria. Uma análise de correlação entre os dados de virulência, formação de biofilme e resistência a antimicrobianos permitiu que seis isolados fossem selecionados para o sequenciamento. Com a montagem e anotação foi possível verificar que os genomas de A. pleuropneumoniae sorotipo 8 apresentam tamanho de 2,2 ± 0,004 Mpb, com o conteúdo GC de 40,33% ± 0,263 e regiões codificadoras com uma média de tamanho de 817,3 ± 6,8 pb. As regiões codificadoras correspondem a 89,05% ± 0,13 do genoma, das quais a maior parte foi anotada como genes funcionais, o que permitirá a realização de estudos comparativos. Estes genomas apresentam em média 79,5 ± 24,05 genes exclusivos, revelando a alta variabilidade genética dessa espécie, que pode estar relacionada com a variação da virulência entre os isolados estudados. / Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is the etiological agent of porcine pleuropneumonia, a severe disease that affects pigs of all ages, causing significant economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. Although the 15 serotypes of this bacterium are known to cause the disease, there are marked differences in virulence between them. A. pleuropneumoniae virulence is multifactorial and involves capsular polysaccharides, LPS, and toxins of the RTX family. In addition to these factors, the adhesion in biofilm form and resistance to antimicrobial agents may be determinant for virulence. This work has established an alternative infection model for the study of A. pleuropneumoniae, using larvae of Galleria mellonella and this model was subsequently used to investigate the virulence of clinical isolates of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 8. The same isolates were evaluated for biofilm formation potential and resistance to antimicrobials commonly used in the field. From this information, clinical isolates with significant differences in virulence, biofilm formation potential and resistance profile were selected for genomic sequencing. Results show that the A. pleuropneumoniae - G. mellonella infection model is capable of differentiating levels of virulence of clinical isolates of the same serotype. Furthermore, it can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents against this pathogen. The model also showed efficiency to differentiate the virulence between wild and mutant strains of the same bacteria. A correlation analysis between the virulence data, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance allowed six isolates to be selected for genome sequencing. With the assembly and annotation, we found that the genomes of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 8 present size of 2.2 ± 0.004 Mpb, with GC content of 40.33% ± 0.263 and coding regions with an average size of 817.3 ± 6.8 bp. The coding regions correspond to 89.05 ± 0.13% of the genome, most of which was recorded as functional genes, enabling the comparative studies with these genomes. These genomes have 79.5 ± 24.05 exclusive proteins, revealing the high genetic variability of the species, which may be related to the variation in virulence between these isolates.

Fitocompostos capazes de inibir a adesão e outros fatores de virulência bacterianos / Plant-derived compounds able to inhibit adhesion and other bacterial virulence factors

Silva, Laura Nunes January 2016 (has links)
O surgimento de cepas bacterianas resistentes a múltiplos fármacos impulsiona a busca por agentes antimicrobianos que possuem novos mecanismos de ação, incluindo compostos antivirulência. Apesar da ampla variedade de moléculas derivadas de química combinatória produzidas pela indústria farmacêutica, produtos naturais continuam a desempenhar um papel chave no desenvolvimento de fármacos. A seleção de plantas como fonte de compostos antimicrobianos é adequada do ponto de vista ecológico, uma vez que elas naturalmente produzem uma grande variedade de metabólitos secundários que atuam como defesa química contra micro-organismos no ambiente. Neste estudo, nós relatamos que miricetina (Myr), um flavonoide comum derivado de vegetais, frutas, nozes, frutas e chá, pode diminuir a produção de vários fatores de virulência de Staphylococcus aureus utilizando diferentes ensaios fenotípicos. Para explorar o mecanismo pelo qual Myr inibe a virulência de S. aureus, enquanto a sua forma glicosilada não, verificamos os níveis de expressão de genes relacionados à virulência e empregamos simulações de dinâmica molecular com enzimas cruciais no processo de patogênese. Além disso, Myr conferiu um grau significativo de proteção contra a infecção estafilocócica em modelo in vivo de Galleria mellonella. Outro foco deste estudo e com base em dados anteriores, o extrato de Harpochilus neesianus foi selecionado para o fracionamento bioguiado, uma vez que não há estudos fitoquímicos e de atividade biológica relatados na literatura para esta espécie. Utilizando o ensaio de proteinase e análises por MALDI-TOF, peptídeos foram identificados como os compostos bioativos, sendo então isolados por cromatografia em Sephadex G-50 e RPC18. Este estudo revela compostos derivados de plantas com um elevado potencial como protótipos antivirulência contra agentes bacterianos patogênicos e uma possível aplicação destes agentes na concepção de superfícies biomédicas anti-infectivas. / The emergence of drug-resistant bacterial strains drives the search for antimicrobials possessing new modes of action, including antivirulence compounds. Despite the wide variety of molecules derived from combinatorial chemistry by the pharmaceutical industry, natural products still play a key role in the development of pharmaceuticals. The selection of plants as source of antimicrobial compounds is appropriate from the ecological standpoint, since they naturally produce a wide range of secondary metabolites that act as a chemical defense against microorganisms in the environment. In this study, we report that myricetin (Myr), a common flavonol derived from vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries and tea, can remarkably decrease the production of several Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors using different phenotypic assays. To explore the mechanism by which Myr inhibits S. aureus virulence, while its glycosylated form does not, we verified the relative expression levels of virulence related genes and employed molecular dynamics simulations with pivotal enzymes in pathogenesis process. Furthermore, Myr conferred a significant degree of protection against staphylococcal infection in Galleria mellonella in vivo model. In addition to this study and based on previous data, Harpochilus neesianus extract was selected for the bioguided fractionation, since no phytochemical studies and biological activity is reported in the literature for this species. By using proteinase assay and MALDI-TOF analyses, peptides were identified as bioactive compounds which were isolated by Sephadex G-50 and RP-C18. This study reveals plant-derived compounds with high potential as antivirulence prototypes against bacterial pathogens and a possible application of these agents in the design of anti-infective biomedical surfaces.

Metodologia da criação de Galleria mellonella para uso como modelo de infecção e efeitos de Lactobacillus rhamnosus inativado pelo calor in vivo e in vitro, desafiados por Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli / Methodology Galleria mellonella creation for use as infection model and effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus inactivated in vivo and in vitro, challenged by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

Jorjão, Adeline Lacerda [UNESP] 20 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ADELINE LACERDA JORJÃO null (adelj@ig.com.br) on 2016-03-19T16:02:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Adeline Lacerda Jorjão (1).pdf: 1517646 bytes, checksum: 3cfe1af970ef3cd0a074dc121a576759 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-22T14:09:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 jorjao_al_dr_sjc.pdf: 1517646 bytes, checksum: 3cfe1af970ef3cd0a074dc121a576759 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T14:09:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 jorjao_al_dr_sjc.pdf: 1517646 bytes, checksum: 3cfe1af970ef3cd0a074dc121a576759 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-20 / Galleria mellonella é utilizada para estudar a virulência de micro-organismos e a potência de antimicrobianos. Este estudo buscou estabelecer criação de lagartas utilizadas em ensaios in vivo e avaliar o efeito do probiótico Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469, inativado pelo calor, no modelo e in vitro. Os objetivos foram: a) desenvolver uma metodologia de criação de G. mellonella, avaliando quatro dietas diferentes sobre crescimento larval, volume da hemolinfa, quantidade de hemócitos e resposta à infecção por meio da curva de sobrevivência b) avaliar os efeitos de L. rhamnosus sobre G. mellonella analisando: curva de sobrevivência; contagem de hemócitos, melanização da hemolinfa, produção de óxido nítrico na hemolinfa e os efeitos de L. rhamnosus sobre macrófagos RAW 264.7 desafiados por S. aureus ou E. coli, analisando o perfil de indução de citocinas e óxido nítrico. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente (ANOVA e Tukey, 5%) e a curva de morte e estimativa das diferenças na sobrevivência foram determinadas por Log-rank (Mantel-Cox, 5%). As rações a base de fubá e pólen apresentaram os melhores resultados, sendo semelhantes entre si e diferentes das demais rações (p < 0,05), sendo a ração a base de fubá escolhida por apresentar resultados semelhante ao pólen e menor custo. Os resultados in vivo demontraram diminuição na mortalidade das lagartas no grupo com inoculação de L. rhamnosus, entretanto, sem diferença estatística. Houve aumento na contagem de hemócitos quando G. mellonella foi inoculada com S. aureus e E. coli, com ou sem inoculação de L. rhamnosus, além de haver melanização da hemolinfa, demonstradno que o L. rhamnosus melhorou a resposta de G. mellonella quando desafiada por bactérias. Os resultados in vitro demonstram que L. rhamnosus induziu alta produçaõ de TNF-α, igualmente aos demais grupos (p ≤ 0,05), não havendo produção de IL-1β e IL-6 no grupo estimulado apenas por L. rhamnosus. Nos grupos que receberam o segundo estímulo ou apenas o contato com S. aureus ou E. coli, houve produção de IL-1β, IL-6 e IL-10. As maiores produções de óxido nítrico foram observadas nos grupos estimulados com S. aureus. Houve diminuição na contagem de UFC/mL de S. aureus e E. coli, quando os macrófagos foram estimulados com lactobcilos. Isso sugere que L. rhamnosus inativado foi capaz de modular produção de citocinas e óxido nítrico quando as células foram desafiadas por S. aureus e E. coli, além de diminuir a contagem de CFU/mL, sugerindo melhorar a capacidade fagocitária dos macrófagos. / Galleria mellonella is used to study microorganisms virulence and antimicrobial power. This study aimed to standardize the creation of worms used in In vivo assays and evaluate the effect of heat-killed probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469, on this model and in in vitro studies. The objectives were: a) developing a methodology for breeding G. mellonella with four different diets influence on larval growth, hemolymph volume, quantity of hemocytes and infection response by means of survival curve; b) evaluating the effects of L. rhamnosus on G. mellonella by means of the following analyzes: survival curve, hemocytes counting, hemolymph melanization, nitric oxide release, and the effects of L. rhamnosus on macrophages RAW 264.7 challenged by S. aureus or E. coli by means of cytokines and nitric oxide production. Results were statistically analyzed (ANOVA and Tukey, 5%). Death curve and estimation of differences in survival were determined by Log-rank (MantelCox, 5%). Cornmeal and pollen-based rations showed the best results, being similar to each other and different from the other ones (p <0.05).Cornmeal ration was chosen since it presents results similar to pollen and lower cost. In vivo results showed reduction in mortality of caterpillars in the group inoculated with L. rhamnosus, with no statistical difference. Hemocyte counting increased when G. mellonella was inoculated with S. aureus and E. coli, with or without inoculation of L. rhamnosus, add to that hemolymph melanization, showing that L. rhamnosus improved G. mellonella response challenged by bacteria. In vitro results show that L. rhamnosus induced high production of TNF-α, like other groups (p = 0.05), with no production of IL-1β and IL-6 in the group stimulated only by L. rhamnosus. The groups which received only the second stimulus or only the contact with S. aureus or E. coli, there was IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 production. The highest nitric oxide production was observed in the groups challenged with S. aureus. S. aureus and E. coli CFU/mL counting decreased when macrophages were stimulated with lactobacilli. This suggests that heat-killed L. rhamnosus was capable of modulating cytokine and nitric oxide production when cells were challenged with S. aureus and E. coli and reduce the CFU/mL counting, suggesting that there was enhancement in the phagocytic capacity of macrophages.

Análise de fatores de virulência de Candida albicans na associação com Streptococcus mitis e Streptococcus sanguinis in vitro e in vivo / Analysis of virulence factors of Candida albicans in association with Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis in vitro and in vivo

Palma, Ana Luiza do Rosário [UNESP] 16 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA LUIZA DO ROSÁRIO PALMA null (ana.luiza.rp@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-11T17:41:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Luiza do Rosário Palma, Biopatologia Bucal.pdf: 3299481 bytes, checksum: 9eb1d5e0b50827ce3d17e38baa851362 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-01-12T16:46:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 palma_alr_me_sjc.pdf: 3299481 bytes, checksum: 9eb1d5e0b50827ce3d17e38baa851362 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-12T16:46:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 palma_alr_me_sjc.pdf: 3299481 bytes, checksum: 9eb1d5e0b50827ce3d17e38baa851362 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo foi avaliar as interações entre Candida albicans (ATCC 18804) com Streptococcus mitis (49456) e Streptococcus sanguinis (10556) in vitro e in vivo avaliando-se a possível influência destas associações, na expressão de genes, na filamentação e formação de biofilme de Candida albicans. A formação de biofilme, foi realizado mono e multiespécie em placa de 96 poços por 48 h à 37 ºC com 5% CO2. Os biofilmes foram desagregados e diluídos para semeadura em ágar e após incubação as UFC/mL foram contadas. A filamentação de C. albicans, in vitro foi realizada em placas de 24 poços e in vivo em Galleria mellonella, com análise histológica e contagem de UFC/mL. A avaliação da expressão gênica de ALS1, ALS3, BRC1, CPH1, EFG1 e HWP1, foi realizada por PCR em tempo real utilizando o gene normalizador ACT1. Os resultados da UFC/mL (p < 0.05), demonstrou que o biofilme de C. albicans monoespécie apresentou maior crescimento, quando comparado com o biofilme associado com S. mitis (p = 0,001) ou com S. sanguinis (p = 0,001). A filamentação in vitro demonstrou que a interação com S. mitis inibiu a filamentação de C. albicans (p = 0,0006), entretanto, a interação com S. sanguinis não inibiu (p = 0,1554). Os genes ALS1, ALS3 e HWP1 foram super expressos na interação com S. mitis. A interação com S. sanguinis, promoveu super expressão dos genes ALS3 e HWP1. Os genes BRC1, CPH1 e EFG1 foram super expressos na interação com S. mitis e sub expressos, na interação com S. sanguinis. Não houve diferença estatística nos estudos in vivo de filamentação e UFC/mL. Conclui-se que in vitro, S. mitis e S. sanguinis foram capazes de inibir a formação de biofilme de C. albicans. Assim como a interação com S. mitis inibiu a sua filamentação. A interação com S. mitis parece aumentar o fator de virulência de C. albicans, quanto a expressão dos genes de aderência ALS1, ALS3 e HWP1, bem como na associação com S. sanguinis (ALS3 e HWP1). Os genes de formação de biofilme, BRC1, CPH1 e EFG1, na interação com S. mitis promoveu aumento do fator de virulência. / The objective was to evaluate the interactions between Candida albicans (ATCC 18804) with Streptococcus mitis (49456) and Streptococcus sanguinis (10556) in vitro and in vivo evaluating the possible influence of these associations, in the expression of genes, in the filamentation and biofilm formation of Candida albicans. Biofilm formation was performed mono- and multispecies in 96-well plate for 48 h at 37 ºC with 5% CO2. Biofilms sonicated and diluted for sowing on agar and after incubation the colonies counted to obtain the colony forming units (CFU/mL). The filamentation in vitro was performed in 24-well plate and in vivo Galleria mellonella, with histological and CFU/mL. The evaluation of gene expression ALS1, ALS3, BRC1, CPH1, EFG1 and HWP1 was performed by real-time PCR using the normalizing gene ACT1. The results of CFU/ml (p<0.05), found that C. albicans biofilm monoespécie showed increased growth, as compared to the biofilm associated with S. mitis (p = 0.001) and S. sanguinis (p = 0.001). The filamentation in vitro demonstrated that the interaction with S. mitis inhibited C. albicans filamentation (p = 0.0006), interaction with S. sanguinis could not (p = 0.1554). The ALS1, ALS3, HWP1 gene, were superexpressed in S. mitis interaction. Interaction with S. sanguinis, promoted overexpression of ALS3 and HWP1 genes. The BRC1 genes, CPH1 and EFG1 were super expressed in interaction with S. mitis and sub expressed when there was interaction with S. sanguinis. There was no statistical difference in the in vivo studies of filamentation and CFU/mL. It follows that in vitro, S. mitis and S. sanguinis were able to inhibit the formation of C. albicans biofilms. Like the interaction with S. mitis inhibited its filamentation. The interaction with S. mitis appears to increase the virulence factors of C. albicans. ALS1, ALS3, HWP1 as the expression of adhesion genes, and as well as in association with S. sanguinis (ALS3 and HWP1). Biofilm formation genes, BRC1, CPH1 and EFG1 in interaction with S. mitis promoted increased virulence factor.

Fitocompostos capazes de inibir a adesão e outros fatores de virulência bacterianos / Plant-derived compounds able to inhibit adhesion and other bacterial virulence factors

Silva, Laura Nunes January 2016 (has links)
O surgimento de cepas bacterianas resistentes a múltiplos fármacos impulsiona a busca por agentes antimicrobianos que possuem novos mecanismos de ação, incluindo compostos antivirulência. Apesar da ampla variedade de moléculas derivadas de química combinatória produzidas pela indústria farmacêutica, produtos naturais continuam a desempenhar um papel chave no desenvolvimento de fármacos. A seleção de plantas como fonte de compostos antimicrobianos é adequada do ponto de vista ecológico, uma vez que elas naturalmente produzem uma grande variedade de metabólitos secundários que atuam como defesa química contra micro-organismos no ambiente. Neste estudo, nós relatamos que miricetina (Myr), um flavonoide comum derivado de vegetais, frutas, nozes, frutas e chá, pode diminuir a produção de vários fatores de virulência de Staphylococcus aureus utilizando diferentes ensaios fenotípicos. Para explorar o mecanismo pelo qual Myr inibe a virulência de S. aureus, enquanto a sua forma glicosilada não, verificamos os níveis de expressão de genes relacionados à virulência e empregamos simulações de dinâmica molecular com enzimas cruciais no processo de patogênese. Além disso, Myr conferiu um grau significativo de proteção contra a infecção estafilocócica em modelo in vivo de Galleria mellonella. Outro foco deste estudo e com base em dados anteriores, o extrato de Harpochilus neesianus foi selecionado para o fracionamento bioguiado, uma vez que não há estudos fitoquímicos e de atividade biológica relatados na literatura para esta espécie. Utilizando o ensaio de proteinase e análises por MALDI-TOF, peptídeos foram identificados como os compostos bioativos, sendo então isolados por cromatografia em Sephadex G-50 e RPC18. Este estudo revela compostos derivados de plantas com um elevado potencial como protótipos antivirulência contra agentes bacterianos patogênicos e uma possível aplicação destes agentes na concepção de superfícies biomédicas anti-infectivas. / The emergence of drug-resistant bacterial strains drives the search for antimicrobials possessing new modes of action, including antivirulence compounds. Despite the wide variety of molecules derived from combinatorial chemistry by the pharmaceutical industry, natural products still play a key role in the development of pharmaceuticals. The selection of plants as source of antimicrobial compounds is appropriate from the ecological standpoint, since they naturally produce a wide range of secondary metabolites that act as a chemical defense against microorganisms in the environment. In this study, we report that myricetin (Myr), a common flavonol derived from vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries and tea, can remarkably decrease the production of several Staphylococcus aureus virulence factors using different phenotypic assays. To explore the mechanism by which Myr inhibits S. aureus virulence, while its glycosylated form does not, we verified the relative expression levels of virulence related genes and employed molecular dynamics simulations with pivotal enzymes in pathogenesis process. Furthermore, Myr conferred a significant degree of protection against staphylococcal infection in Galleria mellonella in vivo model. In addition to this study and based on previous data, Harpochilus neesianus extract was selected for the bioguided fractionation, since no phytochemical studies and biological activity is reported in the literature for this species. By using proteinase assay and MALDI-TOF analyses, peptides were identified as bioactive compounds which were isolated by Sephadex G-50 and RP-C18. This study reveals plant-derived compounds with high potential as antivirulence prototypes against bacterial pathogens and a possible application of these agents in the design of anti-infective biomedical surfaces.

Phenotypic and Genomic Assessment of Listeria monocytogenes Virulence

Cardenas Alvarez, Maria Ximena January 2019 (has links)
Listeria monocytogenes is the etiological agent of listeriosis in humans and ruminants causing bacteremia, central nervous system (CNS) infections, abortion, and gastroenteritis among other clinical outcomes. Recent studies have integrated whole genome sequence (WGS), epidemiology data, and host susceptibility to provide evidence for variation in virulence among strains, as a small number of hypervirulent clones have been found linked to a high proportion of human and ruminant invasive listeriosis cases, however, still little is known about variation in virulence across different L. monocytogenes subgroups. To assess and compare the genetic diversity of clinical listeriosis isolates from ruminants in the Upper Great Plains states, we used multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and found that the variation in virulence potential varies among clonal complex (CC), which is reflected in the epidemiology of L. monocytogenes. Based on these results, we evaluated the strains’ virulence potential in Galleria mellonella through larvae survival, LD50, and cytotoxicity, and monitored health index scores and bacterial concentrations post-infection as quantifiable indicators of virulence and immunogenicity. Our findings suggest that strains belonging to CC14, as well as isolates from MN infections are hypervirulent in G. mellonella, as they need a lower bacterial concentration to cause disease and produce a low-level infection that could help in evading the host immune response. We also identify genomic elements associated with strains causing three different clinical outcomes: bacteremia, central nervous system infections, and maternal-neonatal infections. By analyzing 232 whole genome sequences from invasive listeriosis cases, we identified orthologous genes of phage phiX174, transfer RNAs and type I restrictionmodification (RM) system genes along with SNPs in loci associated with environmental adaptation such as rpoB and the phosphotransferase system (PTS) associated with one or more clinical outcomes. Novel genetic variants may be associated with a particular virulence phenotype, as it is likely that strains causing the same clinical outcome share unique genetic elements. Variation in virulence among L. monocytogenes subgroups may confer an increased ability to cross host barriers or higher adaptability to food processing environments, thus the investigation of strainspecific genetic features can impact the design of prevention and management plans for listeriosis.

Investigation of sex-based differences in responses to artificial light of the greater waxmoth (Galleria mellonella) / Investigation of sex-based differences in responses to artificial light of the greater waxmoth (Galleria mellonella)

Singh, Prasoon January 2021 (has links)
Artificial light at night (ALAN) is becoming a greater threat to nocturnal species. Aside from the overall increase in light output, replacing outdated monochromatic street lighting with light-emitting diode (LED) lights with a broad emission spectrum could raise this issue more. However, studies evaluating the effect of artificial lights on nocturnal species, such as moths, are scarce. This study examines any variations in moth attraction as well as any other sex-based behavioural differences (mating behaviour – wing fanning, trajectory-circular movement, overall movement time) between male and female moths in the presence of warm-white light. This study used warm-white light LED (2718 K) and Galleria mellonella moth, reared in the lab and completed the experiment under standardised conditions in an enclosed setting. I found the male moths (100%)  were significantly (p = 0.024) attracted to warm-white light LED compare to female moths (37%). While other behaviours such as wing fanning, circular movement, overall moving time, and favoured light illuminance for rest weren't significantly different (p &gt; 0.05). In the future, it will be important to investigate the effects of warm-white light LED with different lower CCT (&lt; 2718K) on moths, as well as the sex differences in their behaviour both in a controlled and an open environment. This will help authorities to decide on outdoor lighting systems in different countries and continents.

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