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Design of Power-Scalable Gallium Nitride Class E Power AmplifiersConnor, Mark Anthony 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Parametric Study via Numerical Simulations of Natural Convection in Laterally Heated Cylindrical Enclosures: Investigating Characteristic LengthHirt, David M. 11 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Growth and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Magnetic Films on Semiconductors and Development of Molecular Beam Epitaxy/Pulsed Laser Deposition and Cryogenic Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy SystemLin, Wenzhi 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of AlGaN films and nickel/AlGaN Schottky diodes using depth-dependent cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometryBradley, Shawn Todd 04 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of MOCVD GaN Homoepitaxy for Vertical Power Electronic Device ApplicationsZhang, Yuxuan 02 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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High-Efficiency and High-Frequency Resonant Converter Based Single-Stage Soft-Switching Isolated Inverter Design and Optimization with Gallium-Nitride (GaN)Wen, Hao 30 September 2021 (has links)
Isolated inverter can provide galvanic isolation which is necessary for some applications with safety regulations. Traditionally, a two-stage configuration is widely applied with isolated dc-dc stage and a sinusoidal pulse-width-modulated (SPWM) dc-ac stage. However, this two-stage configuration suffers from more components count, more complex control and tend to have lower efficiency and lower power density. Meanwhile, a large dc bus capacitor is needed to attenuate the double line frequency from SPWM for two-stage configuration. Therefore, the single-stage approach including an isolated dc-rectified sine stage and a line frequency unfolder is preferable. Since the unfolder circuit is at line frequency being almost lossless, the isolated dc-rectified sine stage becomes critical.
However, the relevant research for the single-stage isolated inverter is limited. People either utilize PWM based converter as dc-rectified sine stage with duty cycle adjustment or apply SRC or LLC resonant converter for better soft switching characteristics. For PWM based converter, hard switching restricts the overall inverter efficiency, while for SRC/LLC, enough wide voltage gain range and full range ZVS are the major issues.
This dissertation aims to provide solutions for a high-efficiency, high-frequency resonant converter based single-stage soft-switching isolated inverter design. The LLC and LCLCL resonant converters are applied as the isolated dc-rectified sine stage with variable frequency modulation (VFM). Therefore, the rectified sine wave generation consists of many dc-dc conversion with different switching frequencies and an efficient dc-rectified sine stage design needs each dc-dc conversion to be with high efficiency.
This dissertation will first propose the optimization methods for LLC converter dc-dc conversion. ZVS models are derived to ensure fully ZVS performance for primary side GaN devices. As a large part in loss breakdown, the optimization for transformer is essential. The LLC converter can achieve above 99% efficiency with proposed optimization approach. Moreover, the channel turn-off energy model is presented for a more accurate loss analysis.
With all the design and optimization considerations, a MHz LLC converter based isolated inverter is designed and a hybrid modulation method is proposed, which includes full bridge (FB) VFM for output high line region and half bridge (HB) VFM for output low line region. By changing from FB to HB, the output voltage gain is reduced to half to have a wider voltage gain range. However, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of output voltage at light load will be impacted since the voltage gain will be higher with lighter load at the maximum switching frequency.
A MHz LCLCL converter based isolated inverter is proposed for a better output voltage THD at light load conditions. The paralleled LC inside the LCLCL resonant tank can naturally create a zero voltage gain point at their resonant frequency, which shows superior performance for rectified sine wave generation. Besides the better THD performance, the LCLCL converter based isolated inverter also features for easier control, better ZVS performance and narrower switching frequency range.
Meanwhile, the LCLCL based inverter topology has bi-directional power flow capability as well. With variable frequency modulation for ac-dc, this topology is still a single-stage solution compared to the traditional two-stage solution including PFC + LLC configuration. / Doctor of Philosophy / Inverters can convert dc voltage to ac voltage and typically people use two-stage approach with isolated dc-dc stage and dc-ac stage. However, this two-stage configuration suffers from more components count, more complex control and tend to have lower efficiency and lower power density. Therefore, the single-stage solution with dc-rectified sine wave stage and a line frequency unfolder becomes appealing. The unfolder circuit is to unfold the rectifier sine wave to an ac sine wave at the output. Since the unfolder is at line frequency and can be considered lossless, the key design is for the dc-rectified sine stage.
The resonant converter featured for soft switching seems to be a good candidate. However, the inverter needs soft switching for the whole range and an enough wide voltage gain, which makes the design difficult, especially the target is high efficiency for the overall inverter. This dissertation aims to provide solutions for a high-efficiency, high-frequency resonant converter based single-stage soft-switching isolated inverter design. The LLC and LCLCL resonant converters are applied as the isolated dc-rectified sine stage with variable frequency modulation (VFM). Therefore, the rectified sine wave generation consists of many dc-dc conversion with different switching frequencies and an efficient dc-rectified sine stage design needs each dc-dc conversion to be with high efficiency.
The design considerations and optimization methods for the LLC dc-dc conversion are firstly investigated. Based on these approaches, a MHz LLC converter based isolated inverter is designed with proposed hybrid modulation method. To further improve the light load performance, a MHz LCLCL converter based isolated inverter topology is proposed. The paralleled LC inside the LCLCL resonant tank can naturally create a zero voltage gain point which shows superior characteristics for rectified sine wave generation. Moreover, the LCLCL resonant converter based topology has bi-directional capability as well so it can work well for ac voltage to dc voltage conversion.
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Untersuchung der Spinrelaxation in GaN anhand spin- und zeitaufgelöster differentieller ReflektanzspektroskopieUbben, Kai Ubbo 12 February 2015 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Untersuchungen der Spinrelaxation in epitaktischen GaN-Schichten mit unterschiedlichen Donatorkonzentrationen und Versetzungsdichten mit Hilfe spin- und zeitaufgelöster differentieller Reflektanzspektroskopie präsentiert. Dabei wurden die optischen Anregungsbedingungen sehr sorgfältig gewählt. Neben der genauen Abstimmung der Anregungsenergie, unterstützt durch die Modellierung der differentiellen Reflektanz, wurden insbesondere spektral schmale Laserpulse verwendet. Diese erlauben eine selektive Anregung der untersuchten Übergänge. Es wurden Spinlebensdauern von 30 bis 170~ps bei tiefen Temperaturen für das freie A-Exziton bestimmt. In der Nähe des Metall-Isolator-Übergangs ließ sich eine langsamere Spinrelaxation als für schwächer dotierte Proben nachweisen. Die längsten beobachteten Spinrelaxationszeiten zeigen freistehende GaN-Schichten hoher Materialqualität mit sehr geringen Versetzungsdichten. In der Literatur besteht eine kategorische Unterteilung der Ergebnisse in lange elektronische Spinlebensdauern bis in den Nanosekundenbereich, erhalten mit Kerr-Messungen, und extrem kurze exzitonische Spinrelaxation in Reflektanz-Experimenten im (Sub-)Pikosenkundenbereich. Dieses Bild wird hier nicht bestätigt. Die beobachteten Spinrelaxationszeiten liegen eineinhalb bis zweieinhalb Größenordnungen über Ergebnissen, von denen bisher mit der hier verwendeten Methode berichtet wurde. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Beobachtungen extrem kurzer Spinrelaxationszeiten an anderer Stelle eine Folge der optischen Anregungsbedingungen sind. Die Verwendung sehr kurzer und damit spektral breiter Laserpulse, die eine selektive Exziton-Anregung verbieten, führt zu einem deutlich anderen zeitlichen Verhalten und stark verfälschten Ergebnissen. Diese Beobachtung löst den scheinbaren Widerspruch zwischen den beiden Ergebnisgruppen in der Literatur auf und bildet die Grundlage für weiterführende Untersuchungen. / In this work, an investigation of spin relaxation in GaN epitaxial layers with different doping concentrations and dislocation densities is presented. The measurements were carried out by the means of spin- and time-resolved differential reflectance spectroscopy. The conditions of optical excitation were chosen with special care. In particular, spectrally narrow laser pulses were used to achieve selective excitation of the examined transitions in addition to the precise adjustment of the excitation energy, supported by the modeling of the differential reflectance. The spin relaxation times obtained for the free A exciton at low temperatures are in the range of 30 to 170 ps. In the proximity of the metal insulator transition, a slower spin relaxation was observed than for lower doping concentrations. The longest spin relaxation times were found in high quality, free-standing GaN layers with very low dislocation densities. Existing results in the literature can be strictly grouped into long electronic spin lifetimes of up to a few nanoseconds, obtained with Kerr rotation, and extremely short spin relaxation in the (sub)picosecond range, measured with reflectance experiments. This picture cannot be confirmed here. The spin relaxation times observed here lie 1.5 to 2.5 orders of magnitude above the values previously reported using the same experimental method. It is shown that the instances of extremely fast spin relaxation are caused by the properties of the optical excitation. The use of ultra-short and thus spectrally broad laser pulses, which prohibits the selective excitation of excitons, leads to a significantly different temporal behavior and strongly distorted results. This finding elucidates the apparent conflict between the two groups of results and forms the basis for further investigations.
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Localization, disorder, and polarization fields in wide-gap semiconductor quantum wellsMayrock, Oliver 18 January 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Aspekte des Einflusses von Lokalisation, Unordnung und Polarisationsfeldern auf Elektron-Loch Zustände in Quantengräben (QWs von engl. quantum wells) aus Halbleitern mit großer Bandlücke theoretisch untersucht. Unter Verwendung eines Schwerpunktseparationsansatzes wird das Verhalten von QW Exzitonen und Biexzitonen im Grenzfall schwacher Lokalisation beschrieben. Es zeigt sich, daß die Lokalisationsenergie des Biexzitons mehr als doppelt so groß ist wie die des Exzitons. Dies wird verursacht durch ein universelles Gesetz der Lokalisation in schwachen zwei-dimensionalen Potentialen, welches lediglich durch das "Potentialvolumen" und die Masse des lokalisierten Teilchens bestimmt wird. Ein einfaches Modell des QW Biexzitons wird entwickelt, dessen Ergebnisse gut mit jenen übereinstimmen, die man mit Hilfe eines aufwendigeren numerischen Modells erhält. Der Grenzfall starker Lokalisation von QW Exzitonen und höheren Exzitonenkomplexen wird mittels einer Dichtefunktionalrechnung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß Zustände bis mindestens zum X4 in den nm-großen Potentialminima lokalisieren können, die durch Phasenseparation in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs enstehen. Es wird das Übergangsspektrum des sukzessiven Zerfalls eines lokalisierten X4 berechnet. Auf Grundlage der selbstkonsistenten Lösung von Poisson- und Schrödinger-Gleichung wird der Einfluß des Probendesigns von (In,Ga)N/GaN QW-Strukturen auf den makroskopischen Verlauf des Polarisationsfeldes in Wachstumsrichtung und somit auf optische Übergangsenergie und Oszillatorstärke systematisch untersucht. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei der Abschirmung der Felder durch Raumladungszonen zu. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Position des QW bezüglich einer ausgedehnten Oberflächen-Verarmungszone - die in n-dotierten, Ga-polarisierten Proben auftritt - erheblichen Einfluß auf Übergangsenergie und Oszillatorstärke hat. Durch die räumliche Variation der Polarisationsfeldstärke in dieser Verarmungszone kann das optische Übergangsspektrum eines Mehrfach-QW Schultern oder mehrere Maxima aufweisen. Indium Oberflächen-Segregation ruft eine Blauverschiebung der Übergangsenergie hervor, die bis zu einem Drittel der vom Polarisationsfeld verursachten quantum confined Stark-Verschiebung kompensiert. Diese Blauverschiebung wird von einer Verringerung des Elektron-Loch Überlapps begleitet. Die Polarisationsfelder in (In,Ga)N/GaN Mehrfach-QWs verschmieren das stufenförmige Einteilchen-Absorptionsspektrum. Durch die Aufhebung der näherungsweisen Diagonalität von Inter-Subband Übergängen und durch die Miniband-Dispersion in höheren, gekoppelten Zuständen haben diese Felder, neben dem Beitrag von Potentialfluktuationen, einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Form des Absorptionsspektrums. Ein in der Literatur diskutierter Mechanismus, der allein durch Polarisationsfelder eine Verbreiterung optischer Spektren hervorruft, kann nicht bestätigt werden. Unter Annahme einer unkorrelierten Zusammensetzung von (In,Ga)N und einer lateral korrelierten Grenzflächenrauhigkeit von einer Monolage in jeder Grenzfläche zeigt die spektrale Breite des Exzitonen-Schwerpunktpotentials eine Verschmälerung mit zunehmendem Feld. Diese wird verursacht durch das Eindringen der Teilchen in die binären Barrieren und durch ein vergrößertes Exzitonenvolumen. Im Fall einer langreichweitigen Grenzfächenrauhigkeit findet man eine Aufspaltung des Spektrums in einzelne Linien. / In this thesis, various aspects of the influence of localization, disorder, and polarization fields on electron-hole states in wide-gap semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) are investigated theoretically. A theoretical treatment of quantum well exciton and biexciton states in the limit of weak localization is presented, using a center-of-mass separation ansatz. It shows that the localization energy of the biexciton is more than twice as large as that of the exciton due to the universal behaviour of localization in weak two-dimensional potentials which is ruled only by the potential "volume" and the mass of the localized particle. A useful simple model of the QW biexciton wavefunction is developed which provides good agreement with the results obtained with an extensive numerical solution. The limit of strong localization of QW excitons and higher exciton complexes is investigated with a density functional calculation. It is demonstrated that states at least up to X4 may localize in nm-scale potential boxes caused by indium phase separation in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs. The transition spectrum of the successive recombination of a localized X4 is calculated. A systematic investigation of the influence of the sample design of (In,Ga)N/GaN QW structures on optical transition energy and oscillator strength reveals the importance of space charge layers with regard to screening of polarization fields along the QW-axis. Based on a self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger-Poisson equations, the overall situation of the macroscopic spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization fields is discussed in dependence on various substantial sample parameters. It is found that the position of a QW in the sample with respect to an extended surface depletion layer - which is shown to exist in n-type Ga-face grown material - severely affects transition energy and electron-hole overlap. Due to the spatial variation of the field strength in this surface depletion layer, the optical transition spectrum of a Ga-face grown multiple-QW can display shoulders or even a multiple-peak structure. Indium surface segregation results in a blueshift of the transition energy compensating up to one third of the quantum confined Stark shift produced by the polarization field. This blueshift is accompanied by a decrease of the electron-hole overlap. Polarization fields in (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple-QWs result in a smoothing of the step-like single-particle absorption spectrum. Apart from the contribution of compositional fluctuations, the fields have significant influence on the shape of the spectrum via the abrogation of the nearly diagonality of inter-subband transitions and via the mini-band dispersion of higher coupled states in case of a periodic structure. A line broadening-mechanism due to polarization fields in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs, as sometimes discussed in literature, could not be confirmed. Assuming uncorrelated (In,Ga)N alloy and in-plane-correlated interface roughness of one monolayer in each interface, the calculation of the spectral width of the QW exciton center-of-mass potential yields a narrowing with increasing average field. This is a result of the penetration of the carriers into the barriers and of an increasing exciton volume. In case of a long-range interface roughness, a splitting of the spectrum into individual lines can be predicted.
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Optical properties of single semiconductor nanowires and nanowire ensembles / probing surface physics by photoluminescence spectroscopyPfüller, Carsten 07 July 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die optische Charakterisierung mittels Photolumineszenzspektroskopie (PL) von Halbleiter-Nanodrähten (ND) im allgemeinen und einzelnen GaN-ND und GaN-ND-Ensembles im speziellen. ND werden oftmals als vielversprechende Bausteine zukünftiger, kleinster Bauele- mente bezeichnet. Diese Vision beruht insbesondere auf einigen attraktiven Eigenheiten, die ND im allgemeinen zugeschrieben werden. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden exemplarisch einige dieser Eigenschaften näher untersucht. So wird anhand von temperaturabhängigen PL-Messungen an Au- und selbstinduzierten GaAs/(Al,Ga)As-ND der Einfluss des Keimmaterials auf die PL der ND untersucht. Weiterhin werden die optischen Eigenschaften von ZnO-ND untersucht, die auf Si-, Saphir- und ZnO-Substraten gewachsen wurden. Die optische Charakterisierung von GaN-ND nimmt den Hauptteil dieser Arbeit ein. Die detaillierte Untersuchung einzelner GaN-ND und von GaN-ND-Ensembles zeigt die Relevanz des großen Oberflächen-zu-Volumen-Verhältnisses und dass jeder ND ganz eigene optische Eigenschaften aufweist. Die unerwartet starke Verbreiterung des strahlenden Übergangs donatorgebundener Exzitonen wird durch das vermehrte Auftreten von Oberflächendonatoren erklärt, deren statistische Relevanz durch PL-Messungen an einzelnen ausgestreuten und freistehenden GaN-ND nachgewiesen werden kann. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss elektrischer Felder auf die optischen Eigenschaften von GaN-ND ermittelt. Die Ein- und Auskopplung von Licht mit GaN ND wird mithilfe von Reflektanz- und Ramanmessungen bestimmt. Die zentralen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit motivieren die Einführung eines Modells, dass die typischerweise nichtexponentielle Rekombinationsdynamik in ND-Ensemblen erklärt. Es basiert auf einer Verteilung der Rekombinationsraten. Vorläufige Ergebnisse dieses Modells beschreiben das nichtexponentielle Rekombinationdynamik in GaN ND-Ensemblen zufriedenstellend und erlauben eine Abschätzung ihrer internen Quanteneffizienz. / This thesis presents a detailed investigation of the optical properties of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) in general and single GaN NWs and GaN NW ensembles in particular by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. NWs are often considered as potential building blocks for future nanometer-scaled devices. This vision is based on several attractive features that are generally ascribed to NWs. In the first part of the thesis, some of these features are examined using semiconductor NWs of different materials. On the basis of the temperature-dependent PL of Au- and self-assisted GaAs/(Al,Ga)As core-shell NWs, the influence of foreign catalyst particles on the optical properties of NWs is investigated. The effect of the substrate choice is studied by comparing the PL of ZnO NWs grown on Si, Sapphire, and ZnO substrates. The major part of this thesis discusses the optical properties of GaN NWs. The investigation of the PL of single GaN NWs and GaN NW ensembles reveals the significance of their large surface-to-volume ratio and that each NW exhibits its own individual recombination behavior. An unexpected broadening of the donor-bound exciton transition is explained by the abundant presence of surface donors in NWs. The existence and statistical relevance of these surface donors is confirmed by PL experiments of single GaN NWs which are either dispersed or free-standing. Furthermore, the influence of electric fields on the optical properties of GaN NWs is investigated and the coupling of light with GaN NWs is studied by reflectance and Raman measurements. The central results of this thesis motivate the introduction of a model that explains the typically observed nonexponential recombination dynamics in NW ensembles. It is based on a distribution of recombination rates. Preliminary simulations using this model describe the nonexponential decay of GaN NW ensembles satisfactorily and allow for an estimation of their internal quantum efficiency.
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Microstructural characterisation of novel nitride nanostructures using electron microscopySevers, John January 2014 (has links)
Novel semiconductor nanostructures possess a range of notable properties that have the potential to be harnessed in the next generation of optical devices. Electron microscopy is uniquely suited to characterising the complex microstructure, the results of which may be related to the growth conditions and optical properties. This thesis investigates three such novel materials: (1) GaN/InGaN core/shell nanowires, (2) n-GaN/InGaN/p-GaN core/multi-shell microrods and (3) Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles, all of which were grown at Sharp Laboratories of Europe. GaN nanowires were grown by a Ni-catalysed VLS process and were characterised by various techniques before and after InGaN shells were deposited by MOCVD. The majority of the core wires were found to have the expected wurtzite structure and completely defect free – reflected in the strong strain-free photoluminescence peak –with a- and m- axis orientations identified with shadow imaging. A small component, <5%, were found to have the cubic zinc-blende phase and a high density of planar faults running the length of the wires. The deposited shells were highly polycrystalline, partially attributed to a layer of silicon at the core shell interface identified through FIB lift-out of cross section samples, and accordingly the PL was very broad likely due to recombination at defects and grain boundaries. A high throughput method of identifying the core size indirectly via the catalyst particle EDX signal is described which may be used to link the shell microstructure to core size in further studies. An n-GaN/InGaN/p-GaN shell structure was deposited by MOCVD on the side walls of microrods etched from c-axis GaN film on sapphire, which offers the possibility of achieving non-polar junctions without the issues due to non-uniformity found in nanowires. Threading dislocations within the core related to the initial growth on sapphire were shown to be confined to this region, therefore avoiding any harmful effect on the junction microstructure. The shell defect density showed a surprising relationship to core size with the smaller diameter rods having a high density of unusual 'flag' defects in the junction region whereas the larger diameter sample shells appeared largely defect free, suggesting the geometry of the etched core has an impact on the strain in the shell layers. The structure of unusual 'flag' defects in the m-plane junctions was characterised via diffraction contrast TEM, weak beam and atomic resolution ADF STEM and were shown to consist of a basal plane stacking faults meeting a perfect or partial dislocation loop on a pyramidal plane, the latter likely gliding in to resolve residual strain due to the fault formed during growth. Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> has the required bandgap energy to be utilised as a phosphor with the additional advantage over conventional materials of its constituent elements not being toxic or scarce. The first successful synthesis of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles appropriate to this application was confirmed via SAD, EDX and HRTEM, with software developed to fit experimental polycrystalline diffraction patterns to simulated components suggesting a maximum Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> composition of ~30%. There was an apparent decrease in crystallinity with decreasing particle size evidenced in radial distribution function studies with the smallest particles appearing completely amorphous in 80kV HRTEM images. A rapid change in the particles under the electron beam was observed, characterised by growth of large grains of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> and ZnO which increased with increasing acceleration voltage suggesting knock-on effects driving the change. PL data was consistent with the bandgap of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> blue shifted from 1.1eV to around 1.8eV, confirming the potential of the material for application as a phosphor.
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