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Demonstration of versatile nonvolatile logic gates in 28nm HKMG FeFET technologyBreyer, E. T., Mulaosmanovic, H., Slesazeck, S., Mikolajick, T. 08 December 2021 (has links)
Logic-in-memory circuits promise to overcome the von-Neumann bottleneck, which constitutes one of the limiting factors to data throughput and power consumption of electronic devices. In the following we present four-input logic gates based on only two ferroelectric FETs (FeFETs) with hafnium oxide as the ferroelectric material. By utilizing two complementary inputs, a XOR and a XNOR gate are created. The use of only two FeFETs results in a compact and nonvolatile design. This realization, moreover, directly couples the memory and logic function of the FeFET. The feasibility of the proposed structures is revealed by electrical measurements of HKMG FeFET memory arrays manufactured in 28nm technology.
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The Paradox of /ˈnɪɡə/: Ex·cite·able Acts, Ex·cess·able MomentsMaxwell, Joyce Annette January 2021 (has links)
As a historically racialized utterance, nigger has been a contested and despised word since the late 17th Century. Now, in the 21st Century, nigga is still considered one of the most impactful words in the English lexicon. This dissertation provides one situated and contingent analysis of nigga as a moment of excess in the Higher Education classroom. I wed Judith Butler’s theorizing of ex-citable speech via her analyses of J.L. Austin’s influential conceptualizations of speech acts and Louis Althusser’s interpellation to Henry Louis Gates’ theory of Signifyin(g) in order to interrogate the multitudinous articulations and appropriations of nigga as a Signifyin(g) performative. Through my theorizing of nigger-nigga as a Signifyin(g) performative, I interrogate the continuity and discontinuity of use specific to the English Composition and Literature classroom, as well as within multiple Higher Education classrooms and discussions.
I interrogate use through the methodology of what I classify as Foucauldian-lite Discourse Analysis, in order to examine nigger and nigga as ex-citable speech. My intention is to interrogate how these utterances inflect and influence constructions of multiply conflicting and complimentary histories, identities, subjectivities and power relationships of professors and students in visible and invisible ways. The Untitled Supplemental Image is a metaphor for my methodology. The image is of my mother’s hands, which a woven throughout the dissertation, symbolically represents my memory of the first time I heard the utterance nigger.
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Mormon Culture Meets Popular Fiction: Susa Young Gates and the Cultural Work of Home LiteratureTait, Lisa Olsen 01 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
The few studies of Mormon home literature that have been published to date dismiss it as inferior artistry, an embarrassing if necessary step in the progression towards true Mormon literature. These studies are inadequate, however, because they divorce the texts from their context, holding them up to standards that did not exist for their original audience. Jane Tompkins' theory of texts as cultural work provides a more satisfactory way of looking at these narratives. Home literature is thoroughly enmeshed in the cultural discourse of its day. Beneath the surface, these didactic stories about young Mormons finding love with their foreordained mates performed important cultural work by helping Mormons to think about their personal and collective identities, by co-opting mainstream fictional forms and giving them safe expression, and by reconceptualizing marriage in the wake of polygamy's demise. The stories of Susa Young Gates illustrate these functions well. Gates was a prominent youth leader and prolific home author during the 1890s. Her stories extend and enact Mormon cultural discourse of the time and point up the connections between Mormon fiction and mainstream models. The last decade of the nineteenth century marked the beginning of Mormonism's transition from an isolated separatist movement to a thoroughly assimilated and modem mainstream religion. As Mormons shifted away from the defining practices of polygamy, communal economics, and ecclesiastical dominance of politics, they sought for new ways to define themselves that would retain their sense of distinctness from a world they still viewed as sinful. The result was new emphasis on formerly dormant or relatively unemphasized practices such as the Word of Wisdom and the law of tithing. This emphasis shows up in the story "Donald's Boy" which repeatedly focuses on the necessity for Mormon youth to shun the corruptions of the world. "Seven Times," which ran in the 1893-94 volume of the Young Woman's Journal, shows Gates's debt to mainstream fiction in its extensive adoption of popular conventions, reworking such devices as the heroine's development, the divine child, the lecherous villain, and the sick bed ordeal into a Mormon conversion narrative. As in popular American fiction, the role of the narrator is central to the didactic intentions of the story. The narrator becomes the dominant personality of the text as she both creates and controls the emotion necessary to the formal and ideological demands of the narrative. Gates claimed to consider popular didactic fiction inconsequential, but her own comments and her wholesale use of its conventions suggests that her relationship with these novels was much more complex than she acknowledged. "John Stevens' Courtship" is Gates's most popular and ambitious work. Its setting in the early years of Mormon settlement in Utah at the time of the first large-scale influx of "outsiders" into Mormon society constructs an idealized view of early Mormon culture that contrasts with the diminished faithfulness Gates perceived in her day. Gates's artistic ambitions show up most clearly in her intense descriptions of her characters. These character descriptions draw on popular conventions to inscribe idealized gender constructs that interacted with Mormon ideology to remain in force in Mormon society long after they had faded elsewhere. Finally, Gates's emphasis on the idea of a foreordained mate replaces polygamy as the essential doctrine of marriage, an important shift in post-Manifesto Mormondom.
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Why the Rise in DronesDuffy, Sean David 01 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantum Information Processing with Color Center Qubits: Theory of Initialization and Robust ControlDong, Wenzheng 21 May 2021 (has links)
Quantum information technologies include secure quantum communications and ultra precise quantum sensing that are significantly more efficient than their classical counterparts. To enable such technologies, we need a scalable quantum platform in which qubits are con trollable. Color centers provide controllable optically-active spin qubits within the coherence time limit. Moreover, the nearby nuclear spins have long coherence times suitable for quantum memories. In this thesis, I present a theoretical understanding of and control protocols for various color centers. Using group theory, I explore the wave functions and laser pumping-induced dynamics of VSi color centers in silicon carbide. I also provide dynamical decoupling-based high-fidelity control of nuclear spins around the color center. I also present a control technique that combines holonomic control and dynamically corrected control to tolerate simultaneous errors from various sources. The work described here includes a theoretical understanding and control techniques of color center spin qubits and nuclear spin quantum memories, as well as a new platform-independent control formalism towards robust qubit control. / Doctor of Philosophy / Quantum information technologies promise to offer efficient computations of certain algorithms and secure communications beyond the reach of their classical counterparts. To achieve such technologies, we must find a suitable quantum platform to manipulate the quantum information units (qubits). Color centers host spin qubits that can enable such technologies. However, it is challenging due to our incomplete understanding of their physical properties and, more importantly, the controllability and scalability of such spin qubits. In this thesis, I present a theoretical understanding of and control protocols for various color centers. By using group theory that describes the symmetry of color centers, I give a phenomenological model of spin qubit dynamics under optical control of VSi color centers in silicon carbide. I also provide an improved technique for controlling nuclear spin qubits with higher precision. Moreover, I propose a new qubit control technique that combines two methods - holonomic control and dynamical corrected control - to provide further robust qubit control in the presence of multiple noise sources. The works in this thesis provide knowledge of color center spin qubits and concrete control methods towards quantum information technologies with color center spin qubits.
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Photonic logic-gates: boosting all-optical header processing in future packet-switched networksMartínez Canet, Josep Manuel 06 May 2008 (has links)
Las redes ópticas de paquetes se han convertido en los últimos años en uno de los temas de vanguardia en el campo de las tecnologías de comunicaciones. El procesado de cabeceras es una de las funciones más importantes que se llevan a cabo en nodos intermedios, donde un paquete debe ser encaminado a su destino correspondiente. El uso de tecnología completamente óptica para las funciones de encaminamiento y reconocimiento de cabeceras reduce el retardo de procesado respecto al procesado eléctrico, disminuyendo de ese modo la latencia en el enlace de comunicaciones.
Existen diferentes métodos de procesado de datos para implementar el reconocimiento de cabeceras. El objetivo de este trabajo es la propuesta de una nueva arquitectura para el procesado de cabeceras basado en el uso de puertas lógicas completamente ópticas. Estas arquitecturas tienen como elemento clave el interferómetro Mach-Zehnder basado en el amplificador óptico de semiconductor (SOA-MZI), y utilizan el efecto no lineal de modulación cruzada de fase (XPM) en los SOAs para realizar dicha funcionalidad. La estructura SOA-MZI con XPM es una de las alternativas más atractivas debido a las numerosas ventajas que presenta, como por ejemplo los requisitos de baja energía para las señales de entrada, su diseño compacto, una elevada relación de extinción (ER), regeneración de la señal y el bajo nivel de chirp que introducen.
Este trabajo se ha centrado en la implementación de la funcionalidad lógica XOR. Mediante esta función se pueden realizar diversas funcionalidades en las redes ópticas. Se proponen dos esquemas para el reconocimiento de cabeceras basados en el uso de la puerta XOR. El primer esquema utiliza puertas en cascada. El segundo esquema presenta una arquitectura muy escalable, y se basa en el uso de un bucle de realimentación implementado a la salida de la puerta.
Asimismo, también se presentan algunas aplicaciones del procesado de cabeceras para el encaminamiento de paquetes basadas en el uso d / Martínez Canet, JM. (2006). Photonic logic-gates: boosting all-optical header processing in future packet-switched networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1874
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Optical performance monitoring in optical packet-switched networksVilar Mateo, Ruth 15 November 2010 (has links)
Para poder satisfacer la demanda de mayores anchos de banda y los requisitos de los nuevos servicios, se espera que se produzca una evolución de las redes ópticas hacia arquitecturas reconfigurables dinámicamente. Esta evolución subraya la importancia de ofrecer soluciones en la que la escalabilidad y la flexibilidad sean las principales directrices. De acuerdo a estas características, las redes ópticas de conmutación de paquetes (OPS) proporcionan altas capacidades de transmisión, eficiencia en ancho de banda y excelente flexibilidad, además de permitir el procesado de los paquetes directamente en la capa óptica. En este escenario, la solución all-optical label switching (AOLS) resuelve el cuello de botella impuesto por los nodos que realizan el procesado en el dominio eléctrico. A pesar de los progresos en el campo del networking óptico, las redes totalmente ópticas todavía se consideran una solución lejana . Por tanto, es importante desarrollar un escenario de migración factible y gradual desde las actuales redes ópticas basadas en la conmutación de circuitos (OCS). Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis se centra en la propuesta de escenarios de migración basados en redes híbridas que combinan diferentes tecnologías de conmutación. Además, se analiza la arquitectura de una red OPS compuesta de nodos que incorporan nuevas funcionalidades relacionadas con labores de monitorización y esquemas de recuperación.
Las redes ópticas permiten mejorar la transparencia de la red, pero a costa de aumentar la complejidad de las tareas de gesión. En este escenario, la monitorización óptica de prestaciones (OPM) surge como una tecnología capaz de facilitar la administración de las redes OPS, en las que cada paquete sigue su propia ruta en la red y sufre un diferente nivel de degradación al llegar a su destino. Aquí reside la importancia de OPM para garantizar los requisitos de calidad de cada paquete. / Vilar Mateo, R. (2010). Optical performance monitoring in optical packet-switched networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8926
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Enzyme-functionalized hybrid mesoporous nanodevices for sensing, controlled release and molecular communicationLlopis Lorente, Antoni 04 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral titulada "Nanodispositivos mesoporosos híbridos funcionalizados con enzimas para detección, liberación controlada y comunicación molecular" se centra en el diseño, preparación, caracterización y evaluación de distintos nanodispositivos híbridos orgánico-inorgánicos utilizando como soporte nanopartículas tipo Janus de oro y sílice mesoporosa, que se equipan con enzimas, especies fluorescentes y puertas moleculares.
Como conclusión general, los estudios realizados muestran que la incorporación de enzimas sobre nanopartículas permite introducir funciones de reconocimiento con alta especificidad y diseñar nanodispositivos avanzados para distintas finalidades. La combinación de nanopartículas híbridas con grupos orgánicos como puertas moleculares, efectores enzimáticos y especies cromo- fluorogénicas o fármacos puede resultar muy versátil; y se espera que los resultados obtenidos puedan inspirar el desarrollo de nuevos materiales inteligentes con aplicación en distintas áreas como la nanomedicina y la detección de moléculas de interés. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral titulada "Nanodispositius mesoporosos híbrids funcionalitzats amb enzims per a detecció, alliberació controlada i comunicació molecular" es centra en el disseny, preparació, caracterització i avaluació de distints nanodispositius híbrids orgànic-inorgànics utilitzant com a suport nanopartícules tipus Janus d'or i sílice mesoporosa, que s'equipen amb enzims, espècies fluorescents i portes moleculars.
Com a conclusió general, els estudis realitzats mostren que la incorporació d'enzims sobre nanopartícules permeten introduir funcions de reconeixement amb alta especificitat i dissenyar nanodispositius avançats per a distintes finalitats. La combinació de nanopartícules híbrides amb grups orgànics com portes moleculars, efectors enzimàtics i espècies cromo-fluorogèniques o fàrmacs pot resultar molt versàtil; i s'espera que els resultats obsessos inspiren el desenvolupament de nous materials intel·ligents amb aplicació en distintes àrees com la nanomedicina i la detecció de molècules d'interés. / [EN] This PhD thesis entitled "Enzyme-functionalized hybrid mesoporous nanodevices for sensing, controlled release and molecular communication" is focused on the design, synthesis, characterization and evaluation of several hybrid organic-inorganic nanodevices using Janus gold-mesoporous silica nanoparticles as scaffolds, equipped with enzymes, fluorescent species and molecular gates.
In conclusion, these studies show that the incorporation of enzymes on nanoparticles allows to introduce recognition capabilities with high specificity and to design advanced nanodevices for different purposes. The combination of hybrid nanoparticles with organic groups such as molecular gates, enzymatic effectors and chromo-fluorogenic species or drugs can be very versatile; and we hope that the obtained results inspire the development of new smart materials with application in different areas such as nanomedice and sensing. / Llopis Lorente, A. (2019). Enzyme-functionalized hybrid mesoporous nanodevices for sensing, controlled release and molecular communication [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117612 / Compendio
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Smart drug delivery systems designed to improve Inflammatory Bowel Disease therapyHernández Teruel, Adrián 21 October 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente tesis doctoral titulada "Sistemas de liberacio'n controlada de fa'rmacos diseñados para mejorar el tratamiento de Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal" se centra en el diseño, preparación, caracterización y evaluación in vivo de distintos sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos en colon (CDDS, por sus siglas en inglés) utilizando como soporte micropartículas de silice mesoporosa, funcionalizadas con puertas moleculares.
En conclusión, los estudios realizados demuestran que los materiales de silice mesoporosa, en combinación con puertas moleculares sensibles a estímulos específicos, tienen un gran potencial para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos en el colon, dirigidos a mejorar el arsenal terapéutico disponible para el tratamiento de EII. La posibilidad de adaptar o personalizar la carga y las puertas moleculares hace que estos soportes de sílice mesoporosa sean una opción interesante para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos en diferentes aplicaciones biomédicas. Finalmente, esperamos que los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral sirvan de inspiración para el desarrollo de sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos innovadores y cada vez más inteligentes, para su aplicación tanto en medicina como en otras áreas. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral titulada "Sistemes d'alliberament controlat de farmacs dissenyats per a millorar el tractament de Malaltia Inflamatoria Intestinal" se centra en el disseny, preparacio, caracteritzacio i avaluacio in vivo de diferents sistemes d'alliberament controlat de farmacs en colon (*CDDS, per les seues sigles en angles) utilitzant com a suport microparticules de si'lice mesoporosa, funcionalitzades amb portes moleculars.
En conclusio, els estudis realitzats demostren que els materials de si'lice mesoporosa, en combinacio amb portes moleculars sensibles a estimuls especifics, tenen un gran potencial per al desenvolupament de nous sistemes d'alliberament controlat de farmacs en el colon, dirigits a millorar l'arsenal terapeutic disponible per al tractament de MII. La possibilitat d'adaptar o personalitzar la carrega i les portes moleculars, fa que aquests suports de silice mesoporosa siguen una opcio interessant per al desenvolupament de nous sistemes d'alliberacio controlada de farmacs en diferents aplicacions biomediques. Finalment, esperem que els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi doctoral servisquen d'inspiracio per al desenvolupament de sistemes d'alliberament controlat de farmacs innovadors i cada vegada mes intel·ligents, per a la seua aplicacio tant en medicina com en altres arees. / [EN] This PhD thesis entitled "Smart drug delivery systems designed to improve Inflammatory Bowel Disease therapy" is focused on the design, synthesis, characterization and in vivo evaluation of several Colon Drug Delivery Systems (CDDS) using hybrid mesoporous silica microparticles as scaffolds containing molecular gates.
In conclusion, the studies shown in this Thesis demonstrate that mesoporous silica materials in combination with responsive molecular gates have great potential in the design and preparation of new CDDS to improve the therapeutic options available for IBD. The possibility to adapt the cargo and the molecular gate makes mesoporous silica support especially appealing for similar controlled drug delivery applications in the biomedical field. We hope that the obtained results could inspire the development of new innovative smart drug delivery systems in this or other fields. / We thank the Spanish Government (projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R and AGL2015-70235-C2-2-R (MINECO/FEDER)) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEOII/2014/047) for support. AHT thanks to the Spanish MEC for his FPU grant. We thank the Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEO2018/024) / Hernández Teruel, A. (2019). Smart drug delivery systems designed to improve Inflammatory Bowel Disease therapy [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129863 / Compendio
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Holonomic qutrit quantum gates in a tripodAxelsson, Oskar, Henriksson Lindberg, Elias January 2024 (has links)
In this project a qutrit tripod system is studied to implement quantum gates using non-Abelian geometric phases, allowing for holonomic quantum computation which in turn results in more robust computations. First, a general foundation of the theory is presented. This includes the relevant theory of matrices in Hilbert space, as well as theory of the quantum mechanics used in the report. The method is then described in depth, showing how the pulse area is fixed. Using properties of the Hamiltonian as well as the time-evolution operator of the tripod system the computational subspace can be derived. These findings are combined to show how the computational subspace evolves in time, resulting in the unitary matrix used to form quantum gates. Using educated guesses to find the necessary parameters or utilizing iterative methods to find the parameters are the two main approaches used for constructing the considered gates. Three of the suggested quantum gates are successfully implemented through educated guesses, namely X, T and Z using an angle parametrization of the phase and amplitude of the pulses. The last desired gate is the Hadamard-gate, but the implementation of said gate required numerical approximation. The reasons as to why this is the case, are later discussed.
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