Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gender anda work"" "subject:"gender ando work""
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Jämställdhetsarbete i grundskolan / Gender equality in primary schoolHultman, Hanna, Bondza Olsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
In today's schools, gender equality is a widely discussed topic among pedagogues. During our internship we had a differencing experience regarding the equality work done by each school. The aim of this study is to investigate how pedagogues teach gender equality in primary school and what difficulties that brings to the educational process. This was approached by gathering information from various papers published online in databases made available to us by Malmö University. We chose to restrict the search parameters to include mostly Swedish research as it’s mostly relevant for our line of work. The result shows research about how Swedish and some international schools work with gender equality. Most of the papers also include difficulties when teaching gender equality. The conclusion of the discussion is that pedagogues use different methods when teaching about the topic. For example value transmission, equality work is not included in regular teaching and to use books in gender equality work. Some difficulties have occurred. For example lack of competence, lack of time, a feeling that the assignment is difficult to interpret and that books contain the traditional gender roles, which complicates gender equality work. We have come up with how to further research the values.
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Kvinnor i ledande positioner i en mansdominerad bransch / Equal opportunities for women to take on leadership positions in a male-dominated industryGradin, Emma, Jonsson, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
This qualitative study has been focused on investigating and comparing the opportunities and obstacles for women to take on leadership positions in a male dominated industry. Despite the fact that women in leadership positions have increased over time, the fact remains that leading positions are male dominated which makes it harder for women to pursue careers on higher levels. The study’s theoretical framework consists of pedagogical theories about gender equality systems, male dominated organizations, homosociality and organizational culture . To make a foundation that includes a broad perspective to this work, both existing and previous female leaders were interviewed to draw attention to their experiences and in turn comparing similarities and differences between them. According to the purpose of this study, an analysis of the relation between the ones that are staying and the possibilities that the company offers have also been carried out through this study. To make a difference and to continue to achieve improvement of equal conditions, the greatest development potential comes by identifying, questioning and analyzing the process of where the company is today, where they want to be followed by the possibilities to make it happen. This perspective was an aspect to achieve improvements to create a sustainable gender equality work over time. The result of the women first named experiences showed the same opportunities to reach leading positions regardless of gender and no perceived obstacles were named. Through a closer analysis , the women experienced obstacles in a more hidden form. The women also described that they have to make more effort than men in working life, which may indicate that there are difficulties for women in male-dominated organizations to be able to reach leadership positions.
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“Welcome to Womanhood!” The Impact of (Trans) Gender at WorkYavorsky, Jill 20 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Professional Immigrant Women's Experiences of Managing Work and Family Conflicts: The Case of Chinese and Taiwanese Faculty in Research Intensive UniversitiesLi, Yun Ling 05 June 2017 (has links)
This study investigates first-generation Chinese and Taiwanese immigrant women faculty's workplace experiences and their strategies for managing work and family demands. By looking at how immigration, ethnicity, gender, and work processes shape these women's ideology and practices, this study addresses the following questions: How do married Chinese and Taiwanese immigrant women in research-intensive universities handle work and family conflicts? How do they negotiate their gender-role expectations and actual practices at work and home? And, finally, do their practices vary by academic disciplines based on the work processes involved in conducting research? This study points to the dynamic nature of cultures such that immigrant women can challenge some aspects of the traditional culture and retain those aspects that help them to receive support for managing work and family demands. Findings from this study also suggest that based on different work processes, what may seem to be flexible can, in fact, present particular barriers and impede workplace performance. Finally, these findings show that in some academic fields, being women may place obstacles for career advancement, but that co-ethnic network provides alternative opportunities for them and can lead to greater research productivity. This study resonates with previous studies showing that childcare responsibilities place women faculty at a disadvantageous position in terms of job evaluation and career advancement. As well, it illuminates how disciplinary differences concerning work process shape women faculty's capability of arranging work schedule flexibly. / Ph. D. / This study investigates first-generation Chinese and Taiwanese immigrant women faculty’s workplace experiences and their strategies for managing work and family demands. By looking at how immigration, ethnicity, gender, and work processes shape these women’s ideology and practices, this study addresses the following questions: How do married Chinese and Taiwanese immigrant women in research-intensive universities handle work and family conflicts? How do they negotiate their gender-role expectations and actual practices at work and home? And, finally, do their practices vary by academic disciplines based on the work processes involved in conducting research? Findings from this study suggest that based on different work processes, what may seem to be flexible can, in fact, present particular barriers and impede workplace performance. Finally, these findings show that in some academic fields, being women may place obstacles for career advancement, but that co-ethnic network provides alternative opportunities for them and can lead to greater research productivity.
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Jämställdhet som ideal och praktik på ett IT-företagDjäken, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Utifrån ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöktes i uppsatsen vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för jämställdhetsarbete på ett IT-företag. En enkätundersökning utifrån en bearbetning av ett enkätförslag från JämO kompletterades med kvalitativa intervjuer och relaterades till koncernens jämställdhetsplan och personalpolicy. Att organisationen bestod av tjänstemän och hade en platt organisationsstruktur var två faktorer som antogs prägla dess genuskontrakt, ett begrepp som hämtades från Hirdmans teoribildning. För att undersöka skillnaden mellan det samhälleliga jämställdhetsidealet och jämställdhet som praktik användes två teman, arbetsmiljö relaterat till genus och attityder till jämställdhet. Resultaten visade en organisation där jämställdhet var ett outtalat ideal, medan praktiskt jämställdhetsarbete saknades. Stort individuellt ansvar och hög grad av informell arbetsdelning var delar av de interna rutinerna. De främsta möjligheterna för aktivt jämställdhetsarbete var att det fanns kvinnor och män på alla nivåer och att individens kompetens värderades mycket högt. När det gällde hinder för jämställdhetsarbete var det för det första komplicerat för såväl chefer som medarbetare att över huvud taget definiera problem i termer av genus- och jämställdhetsfrågor. För det andra riskerade den som påtalade jämställdhetsproblem att mista viktiga kontakter och uppdrag. För det tredje fick medarbetarna själva på grund av den ständiga tidspressen och bristen på ledningsinitiativ i jämställdhetsfrågor hantera genusrelaterade problem individuellt, i mån av egen tid och kraft. Paradoxalt nog medförde anammandet av jämställdhetsidealet och företagets fokus på individens kompetens att genus inte tilläts bli en uttalad faktor som kunde påverka arbetsmiljön. På grund av det doldes ojämställdhet och därigenom även vikten av praktiskt jämställdhetsarbete.</p> / <p>In this essay, the opportunities and obstacles of gender equality work were examined from a gender theory perspective. A survey was used, based on a questionnaire from the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (JämO), which was complemented by qualititative interviews. The data was then analyzed in relation to the equal opportunities policy and staff policy of the corporation head quarters. The organization had a non-hierarchical structure and consisted of salaried employees, which was asumed to influence its gender contract – a concept derived from the theories of Hirdman. In order to examine the difference between the ideal of gender equality in the Swedish society and the gender equality in practice, two themes were used, the work environment in relation to gender and attitudes towards gender equality. The result showed an organization where gender equality was an unspoken ideal, while active work for it was lacking. In the company, a high degree of individual responsibility and an informal distribution of work were parts of the internal routines. The foremost opportunities for actively working for gender equality were the fact that both men and women were found at all levels of the company, and that individual competence was highly valued. Three obstacles were identified. Firstly, it was complicated for both managers and staff to define problems in terms of gender and gender equality issues. Secondly, those who called attention to problems risked losing important contacts and commissions. Thirdly, due to the constant time pressure and the lack of initiative from management in gender equality issues, the employees had to handle problems arising relating to gender on their own, depending on their own time and energy. Paradoxically, the adopting of the ideal of gender equality and the focus on individual competence prevented gender being seen as a factor that could affect the work environment. By that, inequalities relating to gender were hidden and thereby also the importance of active gender equality work.</p>
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”Vi vill ha er till den här tunga arbetsplatsen” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av jämställdhet på en mansdominerad arbetsplatsFries, Elin, Zweifel, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av och arbetet med jämställdhet på ett mansdominerat företag, hur kvinnor i produktionen upplever jämställdhet och hur företaget arbetar med jämställdheten. För att kunna förverkliga syftet har vi gjort en undersökning på ett svenskt industriföretag med verksamhet i ett flertal länder. Inför vår studie har vi besökt en av deras arbetsplatser som kan ses som en klassiskt mansdominerad arbetsplats då de endast har 9,9 % anställda kvinnor. För att analysera studien har vi valt att utgå ifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv och har därefter valt passande teorier om bland annat skapande av kön och könsmärkning av organisationer. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär då det empiriska materialet samlades in genom elva intervjutillfällen med tio olika informanter. Sju av dem är kvinnor som arbetar inom produktionen och tre av dem representerar företagets jämställdhetsarbete. I resultatet beskriver vi hur företaget arbetar med jämställdhetsfrågor och hur kvinnorna upplever jämställdheten på arbetsplatsen. Vi kom fram till att kvinnorna tyckte om sin arbetsplats, men att de såg vissa förbättringsområden inom jämställdheten på arbetsplatsen. Därtill hade de flesta en önskan av ett mer transparent jämställdhetsarbete som omfattar alla i organisationen. / The purpose of the study is to investigate the experience of and the work with gender equality in a male dominated company, how women in production experience gender equality and how the company work with gender equality. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we have conducted a survey in a Swedish industrial company with operations in several countries. We visited one of their workplaces which can be seen as a classic male dominated workplace since they only have 9.9% employed women. For the analysis of the study we have chosen to proceed from a social constructivist perspective and we have subsequently chosen suitable theories about, among other things, the creation of gender and gender labelling of organizations. The study is of a qualitative nature as the empirical material was collected through eleven interviews with ten different informants. Seven of them are women who work in production and three of them represent the company's gender equality work. In the result, we describe how the company work with gender issues and how women experience gender equality in the workplace. We found that the women liked their workplace, but they saw some areas of improvement in the field of gender equality at the workplace. In addition, most had a desire for a more transparent gender equality work that includes everyone in the organization.
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Discursive Practices Constructing Normative and Trans* Sex/Gender Categories: The effects of the legal certification of sex in Belgium and the definition of the (gendered) worker subjectAguirre-Sánchez-Beato, Sara 17 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The main interest of this interdisciplinary thesis (psychology-law) is the understanding of transphobia and discrimination against trans* people. I locate the problem of this type of discrimination in the social construction of ‘sex/gender’ categories. Particularly, I situate it in the definition of the norms that constitute ‘woman’ and ‘man’ as two essential and mutually exclusive categories that sustain the unequal binary organisation of society. People who transgress those norms have been labelled as ‘mentally ill’ by psychiatry and psychology since the end of the 19th century. The emergence of trans* activism from the 1960s and especially Trans Studies in the 1990s has allowed questioning those pathologising discourses. In the present context, we observe a tendency towards the depathologisation of trans* experiences and identities. Depathologisation is coupled with increased visibility of trans* people in the cultural domain and a more favourable public opinion towards them. However, trans* people still face serious discrimination and the norm that divides humankind into ‘women’ and ‘men’ is still very much present. Drawing on these premises I argue that the transgression of ‘sex/gender’ norms have been redefined nowadays so that the binary opposition between women and men is maintained as the norm. Thus, trans* people are still depicted as ‘abnormal’ although pathologising and psychiatric discourses are not necessarily employed today. The general objective of the thesis is to understand how this redefinition is carried out and the effects of it in two specific contexts: the legal certification of sex in the civil status of individuals in Belgium and the definition of the worker subject. The choice of these two cases responds to the fact that trans* people report facing many obstacles and discrimination in them. Based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discursive psychology and Perelmanian new rhetoric, I realised the discourse analysis of two corpora: a legislative corpus and a corpus of interviews. The legislative corpus comprises texts of Acts, bills, amendments, parliamentary debates and Circulars regulating the mention of sex in the civil status in Belgium. The second corpus includes the transcriptions of five group interviews with workers carried out with co-workers from five work organisations in Brussels. In both cases, the identification of discursive practices and their variability allowed me to elucidate the effects they produce. Specifically, it allowed me to show that, although the identified practices seem less stigmatising, they still depict trans* people as a ‘deviation from the norm’, thereby legitimising a different legal treatment towards them and justifying the discrimination and exclusion they endure at work. Moreover, the identified practices reproduce the binary organisation of society and justify discrimination against women in the workplace. The ultimate purpose of this thesis is to promote an informed critical attitude towards those discursive practices and, in this way, to contribute to the struggle against transphobia and sexism. / Dans cette thèse interdisciplinaire (psychologie-droit) je m’intéresse à la transphobie et la discrimination à l’égard des personnes trans*. Je situe ce problème de discrimination dans la construction sociale des catégories « sexe/genre », notamment dans la définition des normes qui constituent les catégories « femme » et « homme » comme deux catégories essentielles et mutuellement exclusives qui soutiennent l’organisation binaire et inégale de la société. Les personnes qui ont transgressé ces normes ont été étiquetées comme « malades mentales » par la psychiatrie et la psychologie depuis la fin du 19ème siècle. L’émergence de l’activisme trans* dans les années soixante et notamment des Trans Studies dans les années nonantes ont permis la remise en question de ces discours pathologisants. Dans le contexte actuel, on observe une tendance vers la dépathologisation des expériences et identités trans*, accompagnée d’une croissante visibilité des personnes trans* dans le domaine culturel et d’une opinion publique globalement plus favorable à leur égard. Par contre, les personnes trans* font encore l’objet de nombreuses discriminations et la norme qui divise l’humanité entre « femmes » et « hommes » est encore extrêmement présente. Sur la base de ces prémisses, je soutiens que la transgression des normes de « sexe/genre » a été actuellement redéfinie de façon à ce l’opposition binaire entre les femmes et les hommes est maintenue comme norme. Ainsi, les personnes trans* sont encore définies comme « anormales » alors que des discours pathologisants et psychiatrisants ne sont pas nécessairement mobilisés aujourd’hui. L’objectif général de la thèse est de comprendre comment cette redéfinition est faite et quels sont ses effets dans deux contextes spécifiques :la certification légal de la mention du sexe dans l’état civil en Belgique et la définition du sujet travailleur. Le choix de ces deux cas se justifie par le fait que ce sont deux domaines dans lesquels les personnes trans* signalent beaucoup d’obstacles et de discrimination. M’appuyant sur les principes théoriques et méthodologiques de la psychologie discursive et de la nouvelle rhétorique perelmanienne, j’ai effectué l’analyse du discours de deux corpus :un corpus législatif et un corpus d’entretiens. Le corpus législatif est composé de textes de loi, projets et propositions de loi, amendements, travaux parlementaires et circulaires régulant la mention du sexe dans l’état civil en Belgique. Le deuxième corpus inclut les transcriptions de cinq entretiens de groupe menés auprès de travailleuses et de travailleurs dans cinq organisations de Bruxelles. Dans les deux cas, l’identification des pratiques discursives et de leur variabilité m’a permis de dévoiler les effets qu’elles produisent. Spécifiquement, j’ai pu démontrer que, bien que ces pratiques semblent moins stigmatisantes aujourd’hui, elles continuent à définir les personnes trans* comme une « déviation de la norme », légitimant ainsi un traitement légal différent à leur égard et justifiant la discrimination et l’exclusion dont elles sont victimes au travail. En outre, ces pratiques discursives reproduisent l’organisation binaire de la société et la discrimination à l’égard des femmes au travail. Avec cette thèse j’espère contribuer à la promotion d’une attitude critique informée par rapport aux pratiques discursives identifiées et, par ce biais, à la lutte contre la transphobie et le sexisme. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Trabalho domiciliar feminino no Brasil: determinantes familiares e produtivos do trabalho remunerado exercido no próprio domicílio / Home-based work in Brazil: household and productive determinants for remunerated work at homeMartinez, Thiago Sevilhano 08 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga os determinantes e a evolução recente no Brasil do trabalho remunerado feminino exercido no próprio domicílio ou simplesmente trabalho domiciliar. Quase 10% da população feminina ocupada, aproximadamente 4,5 milhões de mulheres, tem esse tipo de ocupação. Constatando a inexistência de estudos sobre o tema com dados quantitativos abrangentes, a presente pesquisa utiliza informações da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostras Domiciliares (PNAD) de 1992 a 2005 para analisar como evoluiu a proporção de trabalhadoras domiciliares no total da população ocupada. As mais importantes hipóteses delineadas na literatura a partir de estudos de caso são discutidas pela confrontação com os dados. Sob a ótica da demanda por essa forma de trabalho, analisa-se os setores que mais fazem uso do trabalho domiciliar feminino e as mudanças nessa composição, bem como sua relação com as transformações no mundo do trabalho decorrentes da reestruturação empresarial. Quanto à oferta por trabalho domiciliar, investiga-se como atributos individuais e familiares afetam as chances da mulher estar nesse tipo de condição de ocupação. É debatido como as transformações na inserção produtiva feminina afetaram a importância relativa do trabalho domiciliar. Constrói-se um modelo Logit Multinomial no Stata a partir dos dados da PNAD para comparar como mudou no tempo o impacto de cada atributo sobre a probabilidade de que uma mulher seja trabalhadora domiciliar. / This research investigates the determinants and recent developments of female home-based work in Brazil. Almost 10% of the occupied female population, approximately 4.5 million women, has this kind of occupation. Noting the lack of studies on the topic with comprehensive quantitative data, the present research uses information from PNAD beginning on 1992 until 2005 to evaluate how the proportion of female home-based workers on occupied population evolved. The most important assumptions outlined in the literature from case studies are discussed by confrontation with the data. From the perspective of demand for this type of work, sectors that intensively use female home-based work are analyzed, as well as its relationship with the changes in the labor market resulting from firms restructuring. On the supply of home-based work, it is investigated how individual and family attributes affect the chances of a woman to be in this work condition. It is discussed how the changes on female\'s productive insertion affected the relative importance of home-based work. A Multinomial Logit model is built on Stata using the data from PNAD to compare how the impacts of each attribute on the probability of a woman being home-based worker changed over time.
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Jämställdhet som ideal och praktik på ett IT-företagDjäken, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
Utifrån ett genusvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöktes i uppsatsen vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för jämställdhetsarbete på ett IT-företag. En enkätundersökning utifrån en bearbetning av ett enkätförslag från JämO kompletterades med kvalitativa intervjuer och relaterades till koncernens jämställdhetsplan och personalpolicy. Att organisationen bestod av tjänstemän och hade en platt organisationsstruktur var två faktorer som antogs prägla dess genuskontrakt, ett begrepp som hämtades från Hirdmans teoribildning. För att undersöka skillnaden mellan det samhälleliga jämställdhetsidealet och jämställdhet som praktik användes två teman, arbetsmiljö relaterat till genus och attityder till jämställdhet. Resultaten visade en organisation där jämställdhet var ett outtalat ideal, medan praktiskt jämställdhetsarbete saknades. Stort individuellt ansvar och hög grad av informell arbetsdelning var delar av de interna rutinerna. De främsta möjligheterna för aktivt jämställdhetsarbete var att det fanns kvinnor och män på alla nivåer och att individens kompetens värderades mycket högt. När det gällde hinder för jämställdhetsarbete var det för det första komplicerat för såväl chefer som medarbetare att över huvud taget definiera problem i termer av genus- och jämställdhetsfrågor. För det andra riskerade den som påtalade jämställdhetsproblem att mista viktiga kontakter och uppdrag. För det tredje fick medarbetarna själva på grund av den ständiga tidspressen och bristen på ledningsinitiativ i jämställdhetsfrågor hantera genusrelaterade problem individuellt, i mån av egen tid och kraft. Paradoxalt nog medförde anammandet av jämställdhetsidealet och företagets fokus på individens kompetens att genus inte tilläts bli en uttalad faktor som kunde påverka arbetsmiljön. På grund av det doldes ojämställdhet och därigenom även vikten av praktiskt jämställdhetsarbete. / In this essay, the opportunities and obstacles of gender equality work were examined from a gender theory perspective. A survey was used, based on a questionnaire from the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (JämO), which was complemented by qualititative interviews. The data was then analyzed in relation to the equal opportunities policy and staff policy of the corporation head quarters. The organization had a non-hierarchical structure and consisted of salaried employees, which was asumed to influence its gender contract – a concept derived from the theories of Hirdman. In order to examine the difference between the ideal of gender equality in the Swedish society and the gender equality in practice, two themes were used, the work environment in relation to gender and attitudes towards gender equality. The result showed an organization where gender equality was an unspoken ideal, while active work for it was lacking. In the company, a high degree of individual responsibility and an informal distribution of work were parts of the internal routines. The foremost opportunities for actively working for gender equality were the fact that both men and women were found at all levels of the company, and that individual competence was highly valued. Three obstacles were identified. Firstly, it was complicated for both managers and staff to define problems in terms of gender and gender equality issues. Secondly, those who called attention to problems risked losing important contacts and commissions. Thirdly, due to the constant time pressure and the lack of initiative from management in gender equality issues, the employees had to handle problems arising relating to gender on their own, depending on their own time and energy. Paradoxically, the adopting of the ideal of gender equality and the focus on individual competence prevented gender being seen as a factor that could affect the work environment. By that, inequalities relating to gender were hidden and thereby also the importance of active gender equality work.
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VEM ÄR EN BRANDMAN? : En kvalitativ studie om brandmäns syn på jämställdhet och jämställdhetsarbete.Kess, Josefin January 2013 (has links)
Gender equality and gender equality work is relevant for today's working life, and previously male-dominated occupations may be increasingly under pressure to become more equal. This paper aims to explore and understand how the firefighters at a station are experiencing gender and gender equality in rescue services. Using theories of how sex is done, how a power perspective and a structural approach can show men's and women's different conditions in an organization, and theories that are more specific to gender and change management the firefighters talk about gender and gender equality are analyzed. Essay results were collected through interviews with seven firefighters and then analyzed and interpreted with the help of theories. The analysis shows that there is a perception among the firefighters that men and women are biologically different and that required physical strength legitimizes the exclusion of women. Inequality is seen as something natural and by pursuing an active gender equality women are given unwarranted benefits. When physical strength becomes a legitimate reason for exclusion, the responsibility for gender inequality is put on women and that women don’t have what it takes. There is also a resistance against gender equality analyzed in the paper, and it's stated opposition seems to be directed against the management's way of recruiting women. Respondents argue that management must reduce requirements for the employment of women, and therefore risk their and society's safety. Deeper analysis shows however, a perception that a woman can´t do the physical requirements and that women are not suitable as firefighters. The physical strength is not an individual characteristic that women can have, but it becomes part of the social performance of masculinity. It is not strength that firefighters are demanding but male firefighters, and resistance therefore appears to be directed against the representation of women in the profession that increases.
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