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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Private Women with Public Opinions : Negotiating Gender in Early Modern Fashion Magazines

Popp, Nele January 2023 (has links)
This thesis researches the construction of gender ideals for the new Middle Class and women’s involvement in the same by analysing fashion magazines published in Germany and Sweden between 1786 to 1827 and 1818 to 1844, respectively. The analysis consists of two parts: first, the share of women’s involvement in the public sphere as defined by Habermas as well as the justification of the inclusion of female-written texts and second, the nature of gender ideals in relation to the separate spheres’ framework. They show that the highest percentage of female contributions to fashion magazines was 5.3 % for the Swedish magazine from 1840 to 1844, while the lowest percentage of female contributions was 2.1 % for the German magazine from 1820 to 1827. Furthermore, the inclusion of texts written by women was often justified through their domestic virtue or the statement that they never wanted their texts to be published. The publication was thus against their will, which firmly anchors the female authors in the private sphere. In the second part, this study shows that women authors in the fashion magazines mainly advocated for the separation of the public and private but, in comparison to gender ideals shared by male authors, did not advocate for the submission of women. Regarding the stereotypes of emotionality and rationality, I find that women were mostly portrayed as emotional by men but would contest these negative portrayals of their sex. At the same time, men were portrayed as emotional and rational by both female and male authors, which is surprising considering the prominent male ideal of rationality.

Zoinks! Könsrollen var är du? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av könsroller i barnprogrammet Scooby-Doo

Berner, Charlotta January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen bygger på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys som mäter manliga respektive kvinnliga egenskaper i syfte att identifiera könsroller hos huvudkaraktärerna i barnprogrammet Scooby-Doo. Arbetet har utgått från ett teoretiskt ramverk som grundats i ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Analysen bygger på en vidareutveckling av Maria Nikolajevas schema för ”Kvinnliga” respektive ”Manliga” egenskaper för att kunna identifiera könsroller. I den empiriska delen har data från 30 avsnitt av barnprogrammet från olika tidsepoker bearbetats och sammanställts. Empirin bestod av nästan 2 000 uppmätta egenskaper.Min huvudfrågeställning löd: vilka könsroller återfinns hos huvudkaraktärerna i barnprogrammet Scooby-Doo år 1969, 2002 samt 2015? Resultaten visade att den karaktär som var mest fast i en könsroll var Fred som 1969 enbart påvisade 5% kvinnliga egenskaper. Dock skedde en mindre förändring till 2002 då han uppvisade 20% kvinnliga egenskaper. Velma däremot bryter mot den stereotypiska kvinnliga könsrollen då hon uppvisade främst manliga egenskaper under alla säsonger. Daphne och Shaggy visade sig båda vara mångfacetterade, ingen av demuppvisade en tydlig könsroll. Dock var Shaggy inramad på ett vis som bjöd in publiken att skratta åt honom när han uppvisade de kvinnliga egenskaperna och Daphne fick låga uppmätta egenskaper, oavsett manliga eller kvinnliga på 1960-talet, vilket gjorde att hon hamnade i bakgrunden. / This essay is based on a quantitative content analysis that measures male and female characteristics in order to identify the gender roles of the main characters in the children's program Scooby-Doo.The work has been based on a theoretical framework founded in a social constructivist perspective. The analysis is based on a further development of Maria Nikolajeva's scheme for "Feminine" and "Masculine" characteristics in order to be able to identify gender roles.In the empirical part, data from 30 episodes of the children's program from different eras have been processed and compiled. The study consisted of almost 2,000 measured characteristics.My main question was: what gender roles are found in the main characters of the children's program Scooby-Doo in 1969, 2002 and 2015? The results showed that the character that was most stuck in a gender role was Fred, who in 1969 only showed 5% female characteristics. However, there was a minor change in 2002 when he exhibited 20% female characteristics. Velma breaks the stereotypical female gender role as she exhibits mainly male characteristics in all seasons. Daphne and Shaggy were both shown to be multi-faceted, neither exhibiting a clear gender role. However, Shaggy was framed in a way that invited the audience to laugh at him when he exhibited the feminine qualities and Daphne was given low measured traits, whether male or female in the first season, which made her fade into the background.

John Fox Jr.'s Commentary on the Roles of Women in the Progressive Era.

Sykes, Heather Mac 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
John Fox, Jr. provides commentary on the changing roles of Progressive Era women in The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, “A Cumberland Vendetta,” and “The Pardon of Becky Day.” Fox’s portrayals provide evidence that although he recognized the changes in his society with women spearheading reform, he did not entirely approve of these changes or of women taking an aggressive role in advocating change. This thesis provides textual examples and analysis demonstrating Fox’s beliefs. Chapter two focuses on the stories of “The Pardon of Becky Day” and “A Cumberland Vendetta.” Chapter three analyzes The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come and focuses on the relationships of Chad Buford, Margaret Dean, and a mountain girl named Melissa. Chapter four analyzes the relationship between June Tolliver and Jack Hale from The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. Chapter five concludes the thesis and analysis of Fox’s commentary on women and gender roles.

Attitudes towards gender roles and the transition to marriage in Germany

Florean, Daniele 24 April 2023 (has links)
Diese Dissertation nutzt die Heterogenität der Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen in der deutschen Bevölkerung, um zu untersuchen, ob individuelle Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen den allmählichen Bedeutungsverlust der Ehe erklären können. Mit Hilfe der Event-History-Analysis von Daten der PAIRFAM-Umfrage wird in drei empirischen Studien untersucht, ob und wie Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen die Heiratswahrscheinlichkeit beeinflussen. Eine Querschnittsbetrachtung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Geschlechtsrolleneinstellungen und Heiratsverhalten zeigt, dass Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen in der Stichprobe mit Zeitpunkt und Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Heirat korreliert. Befragte, die traditionalistische oder konservative Einstellungen vertreten, heiraten eher als Liberale und Egalitäre. In einer Längsschnittbetrachtung werden die Auswirkungen von Einstellungsänderungen im Laufe der Zeit erforscht, wobei häufige Änderungen der Geschlechtsrolleneinstellungen mit späteren und weniger wahrscheinlichen Übergängen zur Ehe korrelieren. Eine Betrachtung beider Partner untersucht, wie sich Paare mit kohärenten Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen von nicht übereinstimmenden Paaren unterscheiden, wobei eine gemeinsame Einstellung nicht mit einer höheren Heiratswahrscheinlichkeit korreliert ist. Paare, die mit unterschiedlichen Einstellungen beginnen und zu einer gemeinsamen Einstellung gelangen, heiraten jedoch mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit. Diese Dissertation trägt zur aktuellen Literatur bei, indem sie den Zusammenhang zwischen Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen und Heirat untersucht. Durch die Anwendung von Handlungstheorien auf Mikroebene und die Übertragung von Makro-Theorien des demografischen Wandels auf die Einzel- und Paarebene zeige ich, dass Geschlechterrolleneinstellungen eine potenzielle Triebkraft des demografischen Wandels sind. Sie beeinflussen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Heirat und stellen einen potenziellen Übertragungsmechanismus für Theorien des Wandels auf Makroebene dar. / This dissertation leverages the heterogeneity in gender role attitudes in the German population to investigate if individual attitudes towards gender roles can explain the gradual loss of relevance of marriage. Using event history analysis on data from the PAIRFAM survey, I test if and how gender role attitudes influence the likelihood of marrying in three empirical studies. Chapter 3 offers a cross-sectional assessment of the empirical relationship between gender role attitudes and marital behavior. Gender role attitudes are in the sample correlated with the timing and likelihood of marriage. Respondents expressing traditionalist or conservative attitudes are more likely to marry than liberals and egalitarians. Chapter 4 investigates the relationship with a longitudinal outlook, exploring the effect of attitude change over time. Here I show that respondents whose attitudes are more stable over time tend to be more likely to marry, while frequent changes in gender role attitudes correlate with later and less likely transitions to marriage. Chapter 5 focuses on both partners, investigating how couples with gender attitudes that are coherent differ from mismatched couples. I show that sharing a common attitude is uncorrelated to more likely marriages. However, couples who start with different attitudes and reach a shared one are more likely to marry. This dissertation contributes to the current literature by exploring the connection between attitudes and marriage. By applying micro-level theories of action and transposing macro-level theories of demographic change at the individual and couple level, I show that gender role attitudes are indeed a potential driver of demographic change through their role in shaping the likelihood of marriage, offering a potential mechanism of transmission for macro-level theories of change.

Min kvinna - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om muslimska mäns syn på kvinnan och könsroller

Kvist, Helena, Sunesson, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för islamiskt grundade värderingar om könsroller, genom att undersöka muslimska mäns kvinnosyn och förväntningar på kvinnan som framtida hustru. Intervjuer med åtta muslimska män besvarar frågeställningar kring förväntningar på kvinnan, könsroller och äktenskapet. I denna studie undersöks muslimska mäns syn på skillnaden mellan könen. Sekulär och muslimsk feministisk teori används för att analysera empirin. I studien framkommer hur praktiserande muslimer som vill leva efter Koranen, kan uppleva en viss social press kring att leva upp till sin könsroll som ofta framställs som medfödd. Det finns en syn bland informanterna i studien att man och kvinna kompletterar varandra i ett äktenskap. Det centrala kring mannens könsroll är försörjningsplikt. Det centrala kring kvinnan handlar snarare om kropp och klädsel. Studien visar också på den heterogenitet som finns inom religionen och hur viktigt det är att se muslimer som individer, snarare än tillhörande en homogen, muslimsk kategori. / This thesis aims to increase understanding of islamic values based on gender roles, examining Muslim men’s view of women and expectations of the woman as a future wife. Questions regarding expectations on the future wife, gender roles and marriage are answered through eight interviews with Muslim men. This thesis examines Muslim men’s view on differences between the sexes. Secular and Muslim feminist theory analyzes the empirical data. The result shows how some practicing Muslims who want to live according to the Qur’an may experience a certain social pressure when it comes to living up to the gender role that is often portrayed as essential. Men and women complement each other through marriage according to the informants of the study. Men are portrayed as the responsible one for the economy of the family and when it comes to women, focus is more on the body and her clothing. This thesis also demonstrates the heterogeneity that exists within islam and the importance of seeing Muslims as individuals, rather than belonging to a homogenous category.


Nilsson, Daniel, Mårtensson, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Yrket sjuksköterska har bland personalen präglats av kvinnodominans och själva yrkestiteln i sig har en feminin ändelse. När män i större utsträckning väljer att utbilda sig till sjuksköterskor så uppstår nya situationer som inte förekommit tidigare när det bara funnits kvinnlig personal att förhålla sig till. Syfte: Att undersöka och beskriva manliga sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda och bemöta kvinnliga patienter i nära vårdsituationer inom den somatiska vården, samt kvinnliga patienters emotionella erfarenhet av att ha blivit vårdade av manliga sjuksköterskor. Metod: Studien bedrevs som en litteraturstudie med sökningar i databaser för omvårdnadsforskning. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa granskningsmallar användes vid kvalitetsgranskning. En beprövad innehållsanalysmodell användes till att finna gemensamma teman ur artiklarna som till skulle bli resultatet. Resultat: Studien visade att manliga sjuksköterskor ofta är rädda för att bli anklagade för sexuella olägenheter av kvinnliga patienter. För att undvika missförstånd och tvetydigheter använde manliga sjuksköterskor sig av olika strategier som hjälp till att klara av att utföra intim vård. Intima samtal kunde enligt den manliga sjuksköterskan upplevas som lika intimt som intimberöring. Ur ett patientperspektiv framkom det att yngre kvinnliga patienter önskade att få vård av samma kön, medan äldre kvinnliga patienter inte hade samma preferenser för könet på sjuksköterskan som utförde vården. Beröring av intim karaktär var något som kunde väcka starka känslor hos den kvinnliga patienten. / Background: Nursing has traditionally been predominantly staffed by women and the work title itself has had a female connotation. When men to a larger degree enter nursing, new situations arise which didn’t before when the patients only had female staff to take into consideration. Aim: To investigate and describe the experience of nurses who are male in their care and treatment of women patients in intimate care situations in a hospital setting, as we as the emotional experience of the women clients of having been cared for by nurses who are male. Method: The study was carried out as a literature review through searches in databases containing nursing sciences. Both qualitative and quantitative review templates were used to carry out the quality review. A proven method for content analysis was used to find common themes in the articles, which eventually formed the basis for the result. Result: The study found that male nurses often were afraid of being accused of improprieties by the female patients. In order to avoid misunderstandings, male nurses used different strategies in order to be able to perform intimate care. Conversations of an intimate nature were seen as an equally sensitive matter to the male nurses. From a patient perspective it was discovered that younger female patients preferred to be cared for by nurses of the same gender, while older female patients did not specify the same preference. Intimate touch was something that could evoke strong feelings in the female patient.

Tryggare kan ingen vara? : En diskursanalys av Europarådets konvention om förebyggande och bekämpning av våld mot kvinnor och av våld i hemmet

Harbe-Moghadam, Karin January 2022 (has links)
This essay intends to interpret the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210) using discourse analysis and theories of the sexual contract (Pateman 1988) and the male protective logic (Young 2003). The purpose is to find out which feminist discourses can be made visible in the convention, which subject positions are constructed within the framework of those discourses and how re- sponsibilities are distributed in contemporary policy documents. In summary the results show that the central subject positions within the convention consist of the protector, the victim and the perpetrator, which in turn include the majority of underlying subjects that both overlap each other and sometimes oppose each other's positions. The same subject who holds the po- sition of protector can also be the perpetrator and in this paradox are found, among others, the state and the violent man. A feminist discourse that underlies the convention's presentation is that unequal structures between binary gender categories, which is described as a fundamental problem when it comes to violence against women. Pointing out these structures risks of re- producing stereotypical notions of women and men as generalizable groups, but the convention also contributes through these representations to an international recognition of patriarchal structures and to shift the problem of men's violence against women and domestic violence from being a private matter to a problem for which the state should take responsibility.

The Identity, Agency and Political Influence of al-Hakkamat Baggara Women Poets in Armed Conflict in Darfur, Sudan, from 1980s to 2006.

Musa, Suad Mustafa Elhag January 2011 (has links)
This research explores the role of al-Hakkamat rural women poets in the context of armed conflict in Darfur, from 1980s to 2006. Utilising QSR NVivo7 software, the study analyses and interprets qualitatively collected data in the light of the posed research questions. Processes and attributes leading to the identification of al-Hakkamah, such as her singing and composing talents, are explored - from identifying and nurturing to fully constructing her role as a folk singer and agitator as well as a powerful social actor. Her nurtured personal and social identities reconstruct for her gender roles that are found to be both feared and revered by the community and appropriated by the government. She is found to respond effectively to situations ranging from gallantry (lauding), solidarity (lobbying) to downright belligerency (inciting). These roles exhibit robust and proactive gender roles and power relations in Darfur that enable women, not without historical precedence, to exercise their own identity, agency and political influence in an otherwise overwhelmingly patriarchal society. The study also reveals that the conflict of Darfur is rooted in the history of the neopatrimonial domestic politics pursued by the riverine ruling elites, marked by systemic failure to manage resource issues equitably between tribal and ethnic entities in Darfur. In such circumstances, al-Hakkamat agency is either volunteered or enlisted in the attempt to secure an advantage. In either case her agency is verifiably seen to bolster the hypothesis that rural women in Darfur exercise more power than their counterparts in rural northern Sudan. / Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund

Indian Women Between Tradition and Western Modernity. The Impact of Multi- and Transnational Corporations in India on the Life, Social Role and Self-Perception of Their Indian Female Employees in the Early 2000s

Mattheus, Sophie 11 August 2023 (has links)
Exploitation or empowerment? Arguing from the interface of Cultural Studies and Political Science, the following thesis investigates a specific effect of globalisation in India: the impact of Indian women’s employment in multi- and transnational companies (MNCs) on their life, social role and self-perception. On the basis of twelve case studies with MNCs, comprising comprehensive questionnaires and interviews with employees and experts, the study aims to assess possible socio-economic and cultural transformations by examining in detail the women’s work satisfaction, their responses to the influences of a foreign culture, the impact of their employment on their private lives as well as – in reverse – on the corporate culture of the company.

Shared leadership: An empirical investigation of its dimensionality, antecedents, and application / シェアド・リーダーシップの次元、前提と応用に関する実証研究

Cong, Xu 24 November 2021 (has links)
学位プログラム名: 京都大学大学院思修館 / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(総合学術) / 甲第23590号 / 総総博第22号 / 新制||総総||4(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院総合生存学館総合生存学専攻 / (主査)准教授 趙 亮, 教授 積山 薫, 准教授 関山 健 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy / Kyoto University / DGAM

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