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Women and men in management : Stereotypes, evaluation and discourseKusterer, Hanna Li January 2014 (has links)
Very few women hold top corporate positions in Sweden, and women are underrepresented as managers in all work sectors. The present thesis examined stereotypes, perceptions and presuppositions about women, men and management with a combination of perspectives from social and organizational psychology, discourse analysis and gender in organization research. Study 1 of Paper I was a content analysis of management attributes and cultural stereotypes of female and male managers. In Study 2, an inventory of these attributes was formed, and participants’ stereotype endorsements tested. Stereotypes of female managers resembled good management more than male managers, and they were rated more positively, but a masculine norm was implied. Paper II aimed to study and compare gender-related management stereotypes and evaluations of actual managers, and examine perceived gender bias. Men evaluated the female manager stereotype more positively on communal attributes, and, contrary to women, judged the male manager stereotype more positively on agentic attributes. This may help explain the scarcity of women in top management. Women perceived more gender bias favoring male managers than men. Actual male and female managers were rated similarly. Still, the Euclidian distances showed that ratings of actual managers and stereotypes were linked. Paper III examined the discourse on the lack of women in top corporate positions, explanations and links to proposed measures in a project to counter the gender imbalance. A liberal discourse with contradictions and textual silences was exposed. Gender had to be construed in line with traditional gender norms and division of labor to make sense of the proposed explanations. To conclude, one can be reassured by the largely communal portrayal of good management and positive evaluations of female managers, but also apprehensive about the masculine norm of management, perceived gender bias in favor of men, and traditional gender constructions.
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Tonårsavslut inom idrott : Hur kön, könskodning och personlighet påverkar avslutCallne, Clara, Fridh, Wendela January 2023 (has links)
Antalet ungdomar och särskilt flickor som slutar med sport i tonåren har ökat senaste decenniet. Eftersom fysisk aktivitet främjar hälsan är det viktigt att vi försöker vända trenden. Studien ämnade skapa ökad förståelse för varför vissa personer slutar tidigare än andra, genom att undersöka hur kön, sporters könskodning samt maskulin och feminin personlighet (MF-poäng) baserat på Big Five Inventory (BFI 44) påverkar deltagande och avslut i sport. Antalet deltagare var 6 139, och tre grupper skapades; de som slutat i sin sport innan 20 års ålder, de som slutat i sin sport efter 19 års ålder och de som fortfarande var aktiva. Två studier genomfördes, först en systematisk översikt av könskodning av sport, som gav värden för 123 sporter på hur maskulin-feminin de har skattats. Analyserna visade att kön predicerar vilken grad av maskulint eller feminint kodad sport man väljer att delta i, där män väljer mer maskulint kodade sporter och vice versa för kvinnor. Maskulina personlighetsegenskaper predicerade att pojkar och aktiva män valde maskulint kodade sporter, och vice versa för flickor och aktiva kvinnor. Pojkar och män var aktiva i sin sport fler år än flickor och kvinnor. Deltagande i en feminint kodad sport predicerade att flickor var aktiva längre. Maskulin och feminin personlighet predicerade inte antalet aktiva år inom sport. Mer kunskap behövs för att behålla så många som möjligt aktiva så länge som möjligt, oavsett typ av sport och kön. / The rate of adolescents, especially girls who are quitting sports has increased in the last decade. Since physical activity is an important factor for good health, it´s important that we try to turn the trend around. The aim of the present study was to understand why some people are quitting sports earlier than others, by examining how sex, sports gendertyping, and masculine and feminine personality (MF-score) based on the Big Five Inventory (BFI 44) affect participation and termination in sport. The sample size was 6 139 and three groups were created, adolescents that stopped doing their sport before age 20, adults that stopped doing their sport after age 19,and adults that were still active. Two studies were conducted, a systematic review of sports gendertyping, which provided values on how masculine-feminine each of 123 sports have been rated. The analyses showed that sex is a significant predictor of sport choice. Males chose more masculine sports, and vice versa for females. Masculine personality predicted choice of masculine coded sports for boys and active males, and vice versa for girls and active females. Boys and men were also active in sports more years than girls and women. Feminine sports predicted more active years among girls. Masculine and feminine personality did not predict how many years participants were active in the sport. Further knowledge is needed to keep as many active as long as possible, regardless of type of sport and sex.
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Jämställt ledarskap? Genus, organisation och ledarskap i skolans värld. / Gender equal leadership? Gender, organization and leadership in the educational system.Persson, Alma January 2002 (has links)
<p>In today´s labour market, men and women are segregated, both vertically and horizontally. Exceptions to the rule of gender segregation are few. There is, however, one managerial group where women and men are equal in numbers: school principals. In a short period of time, the distribution in terms of sex among principals in Sweden has changed dramatically. How does gender equality in numbers affect gender equality in a qualitative sense? That is the focus of this thesis. In order to find out, I interviewed eight senior level school principals, on the topics of sex/gender, leadership and gender equality.</p><p>Three important conclusions were drawn from the interviews. The first one is that there is a strong connection between masculinity and leadership among the principals. When they talk about establishing boundaries and discussing right and wrong, they focus on male principals. In certain situations, no woman is good enough, no matter how good a principal she is. Male principals are described as different, in a positive way. The second conclusion has to do with the way men and women are described. The male principals describe themselves as intuitive and focused on relationship issues – features traditionally labelled as female. The women, however, describe themselves as masculine in some ways. It appears that who and what is labelled as male or female is negotiable among the principals in this study.</p><p>The final conclusion concerns gender equality. It appears that the strive for gender equality in a quantitative sense has led to a focus on men and masculinity. The strive for gender equality in numbers, seems to put egual opportunitys for men and women at risk.</p>
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Stereotyped Gender Role Perceptions And Presentations In Elementary Schooling: A Case Study In Burdur (2001-2002)Kaya, Havva Eylem 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A schooling system that claims to offer its students the opportunities to develop their
talents and help towards self-determination in their adult lives might be expected to
have a career structure itself that demonstrated these virtues, one in which there was
equality of the genders in positions of influence and leadership, and no gender
stereotyping of roles. Apart from the fairness and consistency of that expectation, it
is also reasonable to expect the neutral template of teacher employment and textbook
selection in schools.
Many children may grow up with few books in their homes but lots of those in their
schools. Many of the textbooks used in elementary schools, according to recent
studies, contain gender stereotypes. In these, females are rarely found as central
characters and when they appear at all, they are often passive figures dependent on
male characters. Women are frequently shown in domestic roles / in most textbooks it
is assumed that only males ' / go out to work' / whereas daughters are the best helpers of
their mothers whose sons are allowed to do what they wish.
In the light of those allegations, this research is designed as a case study which
addresses itself to the aim of looking into stereotyped gender role presentations
existing in elementary school textbooks used by the students studying at 1st-5th
grades in 2001/2002 academic year of an elementary school placed in Burdur and to
see whether these students are affected by the exposure of those stereotyped gender
role presentations. For this purpose, the textbooks being studied are analyzed
according to pre-set categories to deduce how they include stereotyped gender role
presentations and the evaluation of the effects of that exposure on students are made
by asking 1st-3rd grade students to draw and 4th-5th grade students to write
compositions on a given topic.
This study also attempts to find out both whether Turkish elementary school teachers
teaching at 1st-5th grades are aware of stereotyped gender role presentations in those
textbooks that they use and their own points of view about stereotyped gender role
presentations via interviews carried out with them. In conclusion, stereotyped gender
role presentations are encountered in those analyzed school textbooks studied at 1st-
5th grades in 2001/2002 academic year of the elementary school placed in Burdur and
the perceptions of those presentations are also obtained in the drawn and written
productions of the students studied at the same school. Through the teachers' / interviews, various kinds of perceptions towards gender role concept and its
stereotyped presentations that take place in those textbooks are observed in their
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Jämställt ledarskap? Genus, organisation och ledarskap i skolans värld. / Gender equal leadership? Gender, organization and leadership in the educational system.Persson, Alma January 2002 (has links)
In today´s labour market, men and women are segregated, both vertically and horizontally. Exceptions to the rule of gender segregation are few. There is, however, one managerial group where women and men are equal in numbers: school principals. In a short period of time, the distribution in terms of sex among principals in Sweden has changed dramatically. How does gender equality in numbers affect gender equality in a qualitative sense? That is the focus of this thesis. In order to find out, I interviewed eight senior level school principals, on the topics of sex/gender, leadership and gender equality. Three important conclusions were drawn from the interviews. The first one is that there is a strong connection between masculinity and leadership among the principals. When they talk about establishing boundaries and discussing right and wrong, they focus on male principals. In certain situations, no woman is good enough, no matter how good a principal she is. Male principals are described as different, in a positive way. The second conclusion has to do with the way men and women are described. The male principals describe themselves as intuitive and focused on relationship issues – features traditionally labelled as female. The women, however, describe themselves as masculine in some ways. It appears that who and what is labelled as male or female is negotiable among the principals in this study. The final conclusion concerns gender equality. It appears that the strive for gender equality in a quantitative sense has led to a focus on men and masculinity. The strive for gender equality in numbers, seems to put egual opportunitys for men and women at risk.
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“You play like a girl” : An investigation of the gender-typing of Esports as well as the effect of gender stereotypes on player performances / "Du spelar som en tjej" : En undersökning av könsstereotypningen av Esport samt effekterna av könsstereotyper på spelarprestationerShaw, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this study has been to critically examine Esports through a gender perspective. The study therefore investigated the gender-typing of Esports and if these stereotypes affect players’ performance. The research questions were: Do players gender-type Esports to be a neutral, feminine, or masculine sport? Do gender stereotypes in Esports affect female players’ performance? Do gender stereotypes in Esports affect male players’ performance? Method: A quantitative research design was used, and two different surveys were sent out to respondents. Both surveys contained the exact same information and questions on the first page. These were aimed at answering questions regarding gender-typing (i.e. if the respondents perceived Esports to be a neutral, feminine or masculine activity and how appropriate they perceived Esports to be for women respectively men). The survey’s second page had identical questions on both surveys, however the respondents got to see different texts of information (stereotypes) depending on which survey they participated in. The first survey (Group 1) included two different conditions groups (women = stereotype threat; men = stereotype lift) and primed the respondents with the stereotype that “women are inferior to men in Esports”. The second survey (Group 2) also included two different condition groups (men = stereotype threat; women = stereotype boost) and primed the respondents with the alternative stereotype manipulation that “women are equally as good as men in Esports”. After participating in the surveys, the respondents played three games of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive that were then analyzed against the respondents’ three most recent matches before partaking in the study. As such, the players’ performance could be evaluated and a result could be determined (i.e. either an improvement or impairment in performance). A control group (Group 3) that did not partake in the surveys was used as a reference group and to evaluate the participants’ performances. As a total, 290 persons participated in the study, of which 50 were women and 240 men. Results: The results showed that the players perceived Esports to be more of a masculine sport. For the stereotype effects on players’ performance, an ANOVA of the results showed that stereotype threat had a statistically significant effect on female players’ performance (p = .008), whereas stereotype boost did not. For the men, the results showed that neither stereotype threat nor lift had any statistically significant effect on male players’ performance. Conclusion: The findings suggest that players gender-type different aspects of Esports in different ways. The participants perceived Esports to be more of a masculine activity but on the other hand to be almost equally as appropriate for women and men. As a whole, the respondents perceived Esports to be more of a masculine sport than neutral or feminine. The findings from this study also suggest that women in Esports are more affected by gender stereotypes than men are, and that negative gender stereotypes about women’s ability may impair female players’ performance. Finally, the findings suggest that the awareness as well as the occurrence of gender stereotypes in Esports are widespread among players. However, players in Esports consider themselves to not fully endorse these stereotypes but believe that other players do, especially the negative stereotypes about women’s ability in Esports. This finding generates an interesting area for further research and investigation. / Syfte och frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie har varit att kritiskt granska Esport ur ett genusperspektiv. Studien undersökte därmed könsstereotypningen (”gender-typing”) av Esport samt huruvida dessa stereotyper påverkar spelares prestationer. Frågeställningarna var: Könsstereotypar spelare Esport som en neutral, feminin eller maskulin sport? Påverkar könsstereotyper inom Esport kvinnliga spelares prestationer? Påverkar könsstereotyper inom Esport manliga spelares prestationer? Metod: En kvantitativ forskningsdesign användes, och två olika enkäter skickades ut till respondenter. Båda enkäterna innehöll exakt samma information och frågor på den första sidan. Dessa var ämnade att besvara frågor kring könsstereotypning (dvs. om respondenten ansåg Esport var en neutral, feminin eller maskulin aktivitet samt hur lämpligt de ansåg Esport vara för kvinnor respektive män). Enkätens andra sida hade identiska frågor på båda enkäterna men respondenterna fick ta del av olika texter av information (stereotyper) beroende på vilken enkät de deltog i. Den första enkäten (Grupp 1) inkluderade två olika tillståndsgrupper (kvinnor = stereotype threat; män = stereotype lift) och grundade respondenterna med stereotypen att ”kvinnor är sämre än män inom Esport”. Den andra enkäten (Grupp 2) inkluderade även den två olika tillståndsgrupper (män = stereotype threat; kvinnor = stereotype boost) och grundade respondenterna med den alternativa manipulationen av stereotypen att ”kvinnor är lika bra som män inom Esport”. Efter att ha deltagit i enkäterna spelade respondenterna tre matcher av Counter-Strike: Global Offensive som sedan analyserades mot respondenternas tre senaste matcher innan de deltog i studien. Som sådant, kunde spelarnas prestationer utvärderas och ett resultat kunde fastställas (dvs. antingen en förbättring eller en försämring i prestation). En kontrollgrupp (Grupp 3) som inte deltog i enkäterna användes som referensgrupp och för att utvärdera deltagarnas prestationer. Totalt deltog 290 personer i studien varav 50 var kvinnor och 240 män. Resultat: Resultatet visade att spelarna uppfattade Esport som mer av en maskulin sport. Angående stereotypeffekterna på spelarnas prestationer visade en ANOVA av resultaten att stereotype threat hade en statistisk signifikant effekt på kvinnliga spelares prestationer (p = .008), medan stereotype boost inte hade det. För männen så visade resultaten att varken stereotype threat eller lift hade någon statistisk signifikant effekt på manliga spelares prestationer. Slutsats: Resultaten tyder på att spelare könsstereotypar olika aspekter av Esport på olika sätt. Deltagarna uppfattade Esport som mer av en maskulin aktivitet men å andra sidan som lika lämpligt för kvinnor och män. Som helhet uppfattade respondenterna Esport som mer av en maskulin sport än neutral eller feminin. Resultatenfrån denna studie tyder även på att kvinnor inom Esport påverkas mer av könsstereotyper än män och att negativa könsstereotyper om kvinnors förmåga kan försämra kvinnliga spelares prestationer. Slutligen, resultaten tyder på att medvetenheten samt förekomsten av könsstereotyper inom Esport är utbredd bland spelarna.Spelarna inom Esport anser dock inte att de själva stödjer dessa stereotyper fullt ut men tror att andra spelare gör det, särskilt de negative stereotyperna om kvinnors förmågor inom Esport. Detta resultat genererar ett intressant område för vidare forskning och undersökningar.
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Gender treatment in Grade nine classroom instructional activities and representation in English textbookZenawi Nigussie Zewdie 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to explore how gender is perceived in classroom instructional activities and how it is represented in the Grade 9 English textbook in Ethiopia. To do this, the constructivist paradigm was used as a way of viewing the educational world. Underpinned by the Sociocultural Theory (SCT) and Gender Schema Theory (GST), the study was qualitative and used a multiple case study inquiry. The selection of participants was through purposive sampling and data were collected through interviews, observations and textbook review. The study was undertaken at four government high schools, and the focus was on Grade 9 at Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina and Mekoy Districts of North Shoa Zone in Amhara Region. Sixteen learners, four teachers and four principals were interviewed. The findings concluded in two significant findings: 1) improper gender treatment in classroom instructional activities, and 2) imbalance of gender representation in Grade 9 English textbook. The first finding generated emerging themes, for instance (a) imbalanced allocation of roles and responsibilities between girls and boys; (b) girls’ embarrassment by others; (c) girls’ incapability to manage group and use given opportunity in classroom; (d) male domination and female subordination; (e) gender policy implementation gap at school; (f) impediment of girls’ participation due to patriarchal thinking; (g) challenges of traditional gender thinking in classroom; (h) parents’ practices and experiences affected learners’ practices and experiences in classroom; (i) lack of girls’ recognition by others; and (j) self-overestimation seen by boys and self-underestimation seen by girls. The themes for the second major finding include: (a) men overrepresentation and women underrepresentation; (b) presence of gender-marked vocabularies to enhance women’s passive role; (c) encouragement of traditional gender representation by assigning women in baby-sitting, and domestic chores, such as cleaning, cooking or shopping; (d) manifestation of man first-ness; and (e) imbalance of pictorial representation between women and men. The study recommends that teaching gender equality to the school community and society could be used to discourage gender stereotyped and biased engagements. Female teachers should be role models for girls. Educators should use gender-sensitive materials for the development of a gender-free awareness by the young generation. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe gender in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite ervaar word en hoe dit in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek in Etiopië voorgestel word. Ten einde dit te doen, is die kontruktivistiese paradigma as beskouingswyse van die opvoedkundige wêreld gebruik.
Die studie was kwalitatief, onderlê deur sosiokulturele teorie en genderskemateorie, en die ondersoekmetode van veelvuldige gevallestudies is gebruik. Deelnemers is met behulp van doelbewuste steekproefneming geselekteer en data is deur middel van onderhoude, observasies en 'n handboekoorsig ingesamel. Die studie is by vier regeringshoërskole onderneem, en die fokus was op Graad 9 in die Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina en Mekoy distrikte van die Noord-Shoa sone in die Amhara streek. Onderhoude is gevoer met sestien leerders, vier onderwysers en vier skoolhoofde.
Daar was twee beduidende bevindings: 1) onvanpaste genderbehandeling in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite, en 2) 'n wanbalans in gendervoorstelling in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek.
Verskillende temas het uit die eerste bevinding voortgespruit, byvoorbeeld (a) die ongebalanseerde toekenning van rolle en verantwoordelikhede tussen seuns en dogters; (b) die vernedering van dogters deur ander; (c) die onvermoë van dogters om groepe te beheer en van gegewe geleenthede in die klaskamer gebruik te maak; (d) manlike oorheersing en vroulike ondergeskiktheid; (e) 'n leemte in die implementering van genderbeleid op skool; (f) belemmering van dogters se deelname deur patriargale denke; (g) die uitdagings van tradisionele genderdenke in die klaskamer; (h) die invloed wat ouers se praktyke en ervarings op leerders se praktyke en ervarings in die klaskamer het; (i) gebrekkige erkenning van dogters deur ander; en (j) self-oorskatting onder die seuns en self-onderskatting onder die dogters. Die temas van die tweede hoofbevinding het ingesluit: (a) die óórverteenwoordiging van mans en onderverteenwoordiging van vroue; (b) die teenwoordigheid van gendergekleurde woordeskat om vroue se passiewe rol te beklemtoon; (c) die aanmoediging van tradisionele genderverteenwoordiging deur huishoudelike take soos skoonmaak, kook en inkopies doen aan vroue toe te ken; (d) die manifestering van manlike uitnemendheid/"eerste wees"; en (e) 'n wanbalans in die verteenwoordiging van vroue en mans in illustrasies.
Die studie beveel aan dat die skoolgemeenskap en die gemeenskap in gendergelykheid onderrig word ten einde genderstereotipering en bevooroordeelde optredes te ontmoedig. Vroulike onderwyseres behoort 'n rolmodel vir dogters te wees. Onderwysers moet gendersensitiewe materiaal gebruik om gendervrye bewustheid onder die jong geslag te kweek / Inhloso yocwaningo bekuwukubheka ukuthi ubulili bubonwa kanjani kwimisebenzi efundiswa emakilasini, nokuthi ubulili bukhonjiswa kanjani ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezweni lase Ethiopia. Kulolu cwaningo kusetshenziswe i-constructivist paradigm njengendlela yokubheka ezemfundo. Ngokulandela ithiyori yezenhlalo namasiko i-sociocultural theory (SCT) kanye nethiyori i-gender schema theory (GST), ucwaningo lube yi-qualitative research kanti kusetshenziswe nocwaningo olubheka amacala amaningi i-multiple case study inquiry. Ababambe iqhaza bakhethwe ngokusebenzisa amasampula akhethwe ngenhlososo i-purposive sampling, kanti ulwazi luqoqwe ngokukuxoxisana ama-interviews, ukubhekisisa okwenzekayo (observations) kanye nokubuyekeza izincwadi zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ama-textbook. Ucwaningo lwenziwe ezikoleni eziphakeme ezine zikahulumeni, kanti kwagxilwa kakhulu ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezifundazweni zasezweni lase Ethiopia okuyi-Chacha, eMinjar, eDebreSina, kanye namaDistrikhthi aseNorth Shoa Zone kanye nasezifundazweni zase Amhara. Kuxoxiswene ngama-interviews nabafundi abayishumi nesithupha, othisha abane kanye nothishanhloko abane. Kutholakale imiphumela emibili esemqoka: 1) ukungaphathwa kahle kodaba lobulili kwimisebenzi yokufundisa emaklasini, kanye 2) nokungabekwa kahle ngokulingalingana kodaba lobulili ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa kubanga lika -Grade 9. Umphumela wokuqala uveze izingqikithi (themes) ezilandelayo, isibonelo, (a) ukungabiwa kahle ngokulingana ngendlela ehlelekile kwemisebenzi ngokubulili phakathi kwamantombazane kanye nabafana; (b) ukuhlazwa kwamantombazane okwenziwa ngabanye; (c), ukungabi nekhono kwamantombazane ukuhola amaqembu kanye nokusebenzisa amathuba emaklasini; (d) ukubhozomela kwabesilisa kanye nokuzithoba kwabesifazane; (e) igebe elikhona ngokusetshenziswa kwemigomo ebhekene nezobulili ezikoleni; (f) izihibe ezivimbela amantombazane ukubamba iqhaza ngenxa yemibono ebeka ukuthi abesilisa yibona ababalulekile (patriarchal thinking); (g) izinselele ezikhona ngezinkambiso zakudala maqondana nokucabanga ngezobulili emaklasini; (h) izindlela zezinkambiso zabazali zibe nomthelela kwizindlela zokwenza kanye nezipiliyoni zabafundi emaklasini; (i) ukungamukelwa kwamantombazane ngabanye; kanye (j) nokuzibeka phambili kakhulu kwabafana kanye nokuzibeka ezingeni eliphansi kwamantombazane. Izingqikithi (themes) zomphumela wesibili zibandakanya okulandelayo (a) ukumelwa kakhulu ngokweqile kwabesilisa kanye nezinga eliphansi lokumelwa kwabesifazane; (b) ubukhona besilulumagama i-vocabulary ephawula ngobulili nephakamisa nokungadlali ndima kwabesimame; (c) ukukhuthazwa kwezinkambiso zakudala zokumelwa kobulili ngokunikeza abesimame imisebenzi yokunakekela izingane kanye nokwenza imisebenzi yasendlini, efana nokuhlanza izindlu, ukupheka kanye nokuyothenga ezitolo; (d) umqondo wokubeka abesilisa phambili; kanye (e) nokungahleleki ngokufanele nokulingalingana ngokukhombisa ngezithombe phakathi kwabesimame nabesilisa. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukufundisa ngokulingana kwabafundi besilisa nabesifazane ezikoleni kanye nakwisizwe sonkana kungasetshenziswa ukudumaza umqondo wokubeka ubulili obuthile ngendlela nomqondo othize (gender-stereotyped) kanye nokwenza ukuthi abobulili obuthile kuphela okumele benze noma bangenzi imisebenzi ethile. Othisha besifazane kumele bebeyisibonelo kumantombazane. Abafundisi kumele basebenzise izincwadi zokufundisa ezingenabandlululo ngokobulili ukuze isizukulwane esisha bsiondisise ngezokulingana ngokobulili. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education in the subject Curriculum Studies)
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