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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konzeption und Implementierung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Kunsttopographie am Beispiel Malerweg

Kien, Julia 08 February 2012 (has links)
Im Zuge der stärkeren Entwicklung des Web 2.0 und der damit vermehrten Veröffentlichung von nutzergenerierten Inhalten werden in dieser Arbeit neuartige Ansätze zur Analyse von hinzugefügten Tags, insbesondere von Geotags, betrachtet. Neben touristischen Erkenntnissen sind vor allem globale Fotosammlungen und 3D-Modelle aus einzelnen Fotos nennenswerte Ergebnisse dieser Forschungsarbeiten. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Diplomarbeit liegt bei der Entwicklung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Kunsttopographien entlang des Malerwegs für das Betriebssystem Android. Mit dieser Applikation wird gleichzeitig ein Ansatz zur Zusammenarbeit der Fachgebiete Kunstwissenschaft und Kartographie geliefert. Hierfür sollen Landschaftsgemälde im Untersuchungsgebiet der Sächsischen Schweiz in der mobilen Anwendung dargestellt werden. Durch die Georeferenzierung der Malerstandorte dieser Gemälde können sie anhand der somit definierten Geotags in einer Karte visualisiert werden. Die Applikation soll den Nutzer nicht nur bei der Wahl eines Wanderweges unterstützen, sondern mit Hilfe einer passenden Signatur auch jederzeit entsprechende Informationen zu einem Landschaftsgemälde liefern, zum Beispiel Entstehungszeit, Epoche, Ausstellungsort oder Name des Künstlers. In der App zum Malerweg ist außerdem auch die Verlinkung zu Wikipedia-Artikeln, sowie die Kameranutzung integriert. Mit einem Usability Test wird schließlich die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der mobilen Anwendung ermittelt. / In the course of the greater development of Web 2.0 and the resulting increased publication of “User Generated Content”, this work consider innovative approaches to the analysis of added tags, espacially of geotags. In addition to tourist findings, global photo collections and 3D models of individual photos are especially noteworthy results of this research. The main focus of this diploma thesis is the development of a mobile application for the visualisation of art topographies along the so called “Malerweg” for Android operating system. At the same time, an approach to the coorperation of the subject areas of science of art and cartography is delivered with this application. Therefore, landscape paintings of the study area Saxon Switzerland should be shown in the mobile application. By geocoding the painterlocations of these paintings, they can be visualized in a map based on the thus-defined geotags. The application will not only assist the user in choosing a trail, but also provide a matching cartographic symbol for delivering relevant information about a landscape painting at any time, for example, time of origin, epoch, place of issue or the name of the artist. In the app to “Malerweg”, there\'s furthermore a linking to Wikipedia articles integrated, as well as the camera use. Finally, a testing determine the usability of the mobile application.

Vilka roller och intentioner har era invånare? : En studie om platsambassadörskap online / Which are the roles and intentions of your residents? : A study about place ambassadorship online

Nilsson, Mia, Hansson, Emelie, Andersson, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Forskning visar att platsmarknadsföring som strategi används alltmer frekvent. Städer och platser uppfattas inte längre som konstanta utan befinner sig i en ständig utvecklingsprocess och behöver hanteras därefter. Då många platser konkurrerar om bland annat besökare, invånare och studenter är det viktigt att kunna differentiera sitt platsvarumärke och kommunicera platsens identitet på önskat sätt. Tidigare forskning har visat att invånare är en av de viktigaste intressenterna för destinationsmarknadsföringsorganisationer (DMO) på grund av deras inflytande på en plats. Invånarna är dock svåra att styra i önskad riktning då de är en heterogen grupp där åsikter, preferenser och attityder skiljer sig åt. Om detta inte sker finns en risk att invånarna inte känner delaktighet med platsen och dess platsvarumärke. Därför är syftet med denna studie att bidra till förståelsen för invånare som platsvarumärkesambassadörer (PVA) med nytta för DMO:s. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har 272 stycken Instagraminlägg samlats in från tre olika svenska DMO-konton på Instagram. I ett nästa steg analyserades dessa genom att applicera fyra roller och fyra intentioner som identifierats i tidigare forskning (Uchinaka, Yoganathan & Osburg 2019). Resultatet visar att invånarnas roller och intentioner skiljer sig åt mellan de olika platserna och därför inte kan generaliseras. Dessa variationer diskuteras och slutligen resulterar i förståelse för invånare som PVA:s. Med resultatet som stöd, uppmanar forskarna i denna studie att DMO:s bör intressera sig för invånarna på platsen vars platsvarumärke de verkar för. Det, då det mest effektiva sättet att skapa och bibehålla ett framgångsrikt platsvarumärke är genom samarbete med dess invånare. / In recent years, place marketing as a strategy has been more frequently implemented. Cities and places today are not seen as constant but as continual processes of development, in need of being treated with the dynamic in mind. As many places compete for, among other things, visitors, residents, and students it is of great importance to be able to differentiate and communicate the place's identity. Previous research has shown that residents are one of the most important stakeholders for destination marketing organizations (DMO) due to their influence on a place. However, residents are difficult to steer in the desired direction as they are a heterogeneous group where opinions, preferences and attitudes differentiate. If this does not happen, there is a risk that the residents do not feel involved with the place and its place brand. Therefore, it is crucial for DMO:s to understand the residents of the place in order to work effectively with the place brand. Hence, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of residents as place branding ambassadors online with use for DMO:s. Through a qualitative content analysis, 272 Instagram posts have been collected from three different Swedish DMO accounts on Instagram. Furthermore, these were analyzed by applying four roles and four intentions identified in previous research (Uchinaka, Yoganathan & Osburg 2019). Findings reveal that residents' roles and intentions differ between places and therefore can not be generalized. This variation is being discussed and the outcome of the discussions is understanding for residents as place brand ambassadors. With support from the result, the researchers of this study urge DMO:s to invest their interest in the residents of the place in order to create and maintain a successful place brand. (This study is written in Swedish.)

Streamování počítačových her v České republice: kvalitativní studie / Live streaming of computer games in the Czech republic: a qualitative study

Válek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the phenomenon of live-streaming of computer games in the Czech Republic. This thesis is based on an approach of online ethnography and tries to describe what meaning do the producers of content (who are labeled as performers in this thesis) ascribe to streaming, what are their motivations to stream, how they present themselves on the streams and what is the content of those streams. The live-streaming of computer games in this thesis is put into context of user-generated content. The main part of this thesis is a qualitative research realized through an online observations of streams and through interviews with the performers, who stream on the streaming service Twitch. The findings show that streaming is entertaining and time passing activity for the performers, but also a form of a social contact. Some motivations of the performers include the satisfaction of their viewers and recurring contact with them. There were no financial motivations involved among the performers. Performers mostly do not stylize themselves into any specific role, however some of them do take on themselves the roles of teachers, who teach their viewers to be a better gamer, or the roles of entertainers. During the stream the performers mostly put their attention to only a single game and also to an...

Critical analysis and evaluation of interactive and customised applications on mobile television : interactive and customised mobile television applications are evaluated using the views of consumers, advertisers, and telecommunications operators with regard to services and also assessing the usability of mobile devices

Al Sheik Salem, Omar fuad abed al whab January 2011 (has links)
The shift of media from traditional forms to new digital ones has raised the possibility of new kinds of media services, including mobile television. In today's communications market, mobile phones are of increasing importance to users and, since mobile devices are connected most of the time, they have a high degree of location independence. The availability of 3G technology and the mobile devices needed to implement mobile television are now established and available. Mobile television is expected to be an important new service that could penetrate the market place and provide new applications, as well as create a market for new players and new investments, if the appropriate price, content and philosophy for content design are found. This research explores the many potential application areas for mobile TV, with a particular focus on advertising. Various organisations that seek success in this market can utilise the potential for advertising on mobile TV. Ultimately, mobile device users are able to use mobile TV for entertainment and information sourcing. However, a number of challenging issues remain to be addressed. The features that appealed to the consumers were studied in this research. Surveys were conducted to obtain an understanding of consumers' opinions and needs regarding the mobile TV experience. Many users clearly do like to interact with video content on mobile devices. Interactive mobile TV advertising can benefit users who will be able to use an essentially 'free' mobile TV service, funded by an advertising model. This research proposes an environment for interactive advertising on mobile TV and discussion of an implementation of the proposed designs.

Interações no Youtube e capital social : estudo em um canal de divulgação científica sobre Psicologia

Corrêa, Maurício de Vargas January 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a influência do conteúdo de divulgação científica publicado pelo canal Minutos Psíquicos do YouTube sobre a formação do capital social. O objeto de estudo foi analisado com o aporte da Teoria Fundamentada, uma ferramenta metodológica que tem sido recomendada por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros para o estudo das mídias sociais e das redes sociais na internet. O corpus de análise foi constituído pelo vídeo mais popular do canal selecionado e pelos comentários relacionados. Para a análise dos comentários foram utilizadas as três técnicas de codificação da Teoria Fundamentada: a codificação aberta, a codificação axial e a codificação seletiva. Ao final da pesquisa, foram identificadas três práticas discursivas que contribuem para a formação do capital social e de valores relacionados no contexto de estudo: a autoexpressão, as reações do canal e o suporte social. As formas de capital social que apareceram com maior frequência são o capital relacional, o capital cognitivo e a confiança no ambiente social. Porém, também foi possível constatar a presença do capital normativo e de indícios do capital institucional. Entre os valores construídos pelos usuários em suas práticas discursivas estão a visibilidade, a legitimação e o suporte social. Esse último merece destaque por perpassar todas as categorias principais. O intercâmbio de informações foi uma prática pouco expressiva naquele contexto. Por fim, conclui-se que o conteúdo publicado pelo canal funciona como um vetor para as diferentes formas de comportamento social que contribuem para a formação do capital social. / The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the content of scientific divulgation published by YouTube Minutos Psíquicos channel on the formation of social capital. The object of study was analyzed with the contribution of Grounded Theory, a methodological tool that has been recommended by Brazilian and foreign researchers for the study of social media and social networks on the internet. The analysis corpus consisted of the most popular video of the selected channel and related comments. For the analysis of the comments the three coding techniques of the Grounded Theory were used: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. At the end of the research, three discursive practices were identified that contribute to the formation of social capital and related values in the study context: self-expression, channel reactions and social support. The forms of social capital that have appeared most often are relational, cognitive, and trustworthiness of social environment. However, it was also possible to verify the presence of normative capital and evidence of institutional capital. Among the values built by the users in their discursive practices are visibility, legitimation and social support. The latter deserves special mention because it covers all the main categories. The information exchange was not very expressive in that context. Finally, it is concluded that the content published by the channel works as a vector for the different forms of social behavior that contribute to the formation of social capital.

Sociala Medier – Utifrån ett marknadsperspektiv

Pauve, Leonard January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och klarlägga SM ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Detta görs genom att redogöra för dess karaktär samt studera möjligheter och svårigheter som kretsar kring fenomenet. Metoden som använts är kvalitativ och studien bygger på samlad empiri från fem intervjuer. Informanterna har varierande anknytning till SM i sin vardag och yrkesroll vilket varit medvetet för att få en så nyanserad bild som möjligt av ämnesområdet. Intervjuerna finns presenterade i sin helhet som bilaga. På grund av bristande forskning och litteratur inom ämnet har stor del av den samlade teori hämtats in från olika artiklar på internet. Dessa artiklar har vid applicerbara och relevanta tillfällen koppats teoretiskt med annan litteratur kring tjänstemarknadsföring och kommunikation. Studien visar att företag och organisationer har mycket svårt att greppa SM:s otroligt snabba framväxt och hur man som organisation ska förhålla sig till området. Den bakomliggande tekniken och de nya ”arenor” och plattformar där allt äger rum skapar en komplex dimma över något som i grunden handlar om kommunikation. Kommunikation gentemot sina målgrupper och målgrupperna emellan. Komplexiteten skapar för många företag och organisationer ett paralyserat tillstånd. SM:s framfart har medfört att det har skett ett, från företagarens synvinkel, obehagligt maktskifte från företagen till konsumenten eftersom kunden fått helt nya verktyg för att dela, gilla eller ogilla. Kundens upplevelse sprids inte längre enbart genom mun till mun metoden utan upplevelser, positiva som negativa, delas konstant individer emellan på olika sociala plattformar. Som företagare har man två val, antingen står man vid sidan och observerar vad som sker, eller så implementerar man kommunikationsstrategier för hur man på bästa sätt ska delta i dialogen och på så vis möta sina kunder i de olika tillstånd de befinner sig i.

Normalização textual de conteúdo gerado por usuário / User-generated content text normalization

Bertaglia, Thales Felipe Costa 18 August 2017 (has links)
Conteúdo Gerado por Usuário (CGU) é a denominação dada ao conteúdo criado de forma espontânea por indivíduos comuns, sem vínculos com meios de comunicação. Esse tipo de conteúdo carrega informações valiosas e pode ser explorado por diversas áreas do conhecimento. Muito do CGU é disponibilizado em forma de textos avaliações de produtos, comentários em fóruns sobre filmes e discussões em redes sociais são exemplos. No entanto, a linguagem utilizada em textos de CGU diverge, de várias maneiras, da norma culta da língua, dificultando seu processamento por técnicas de PLN. A linguagem de CGU é fortemente ligada à língua utilizada no cotidiano, contendo, assim, uma grande quantidade de ruídos. Erros ortográficos, abreviações, gírias, ausência ou mau uso de pontuação e de capitalização são alguns ruídos que dificultam o processamento desses textos. Diversos trabalhos relatam perda considerável de desempenho ao testar ferramentas do estado-daarte de PLN em textos de CGU. A Normalização Textual é o processo de transformar palavras ruidosas em palavras consideradas corretas e pode ser utilizada para melhorar a qualidade de textos de CGU. Este trabalho relata o desenvolvimento de métodos e sistemas que visam a (a) identificar palavras ruidosas em textos de CGU, (b) encontrar palavras candidatas a sua substituição, e (c) ranquear os candidatos para realizar a normalização. Para a identificação de ruídos, foram propostos métodos baseados em léxicos e em aprendizado de máquina, com redes neurais profundas. A identificação automática apresentou resultados comparáveis ao uso de léxicos, comprovando que este processo pode ser feito com baixa dependência de recursos. Para a geração e ranqueamento de candidatos, foram investigadas técnicas baseadas em similaridade lexical e word embeddings. Concluiu-se que o uso de word embeddings é altamente adequado para normalização, tendo atingido os melhores resultados. Todos os métodos propostos foram avaliados com base em um córpus de CGU anotado no decorrer do projeto, contendo textos de diferentes origens: fóruns de discussão, reviews de produtos e publicações no Twitter. Um sistema, Enelvo, combinando todos os métodos foi implementado e comparado a um outro sistema normalizador existente, o UGCNormal. Os resultados obtidos pelo sistema Enelvo foram consideravelmente superiores, com taxa de correção entre 67% e 97% para diferentes tipos de ruído, com menos dependência de recursos e maior flexibilidade na normalização. / User Generated Content (UGC) is the name given to content created spontaneously by ordinary individuals, without connections to the media. This type of content carries valuable information and can be exploited by several areas of knowledge. Much of the UGC is provided in the form of texts product reviews, comments on forums about movies, and discussions on social networks are examples. However, the language used in UGC texts differs, in many ways, from the cultured norm of the language, making it difficult for NLP techniques to handle them. UGC language is strongly linked to the language used in daily life, containing a large amount of noise. Spelling mistakes, abbreviations, slang, absence or misuse of punctuation and capitalization are some noises that make it difficult to process these texts. Several works report considerable loss of performance when testing NLP state-of-the-art tools in UGC texts. Textual Normalization is the process of turning noisy words into words considered correct and can be used to improve the quality of UGC texts. This work reports the development of methods and systems that aim to (a) identify noisy words in UGC, (b) find candidate words for substitution, and (c) rank candidates for normalization. For the identification of noisy words, lexical-based methods and machine learning ones using deep neural networks were proposed. The automatic identification presented results comparable to the use of lexicons, proving that this process can be done with low dependence of resources. For the generation and ranking of candidates, techniques based on lexical similarity and word embeddings were investigated. It was concluded that the use of embeddings is highly suitable for normalization, having achieved the best results. All proposed methods were evaluated based on a UGC corpus annotated throughout the project, containing texts from different sources: discussion forums, product reviews and tweets. A system, Enelvo, combining all methods was implemented and compared to another existing normalizing system, UGCNormal. The results obtained by the Enelvo system were considerably higher, with a correction rate between 67 % and 97 % for different types of noise, with less dependence on resources and greater flexibility in normalization.

Den Andre i hyllan och på webben : Benämnandets makt i sociala taggar och ämnesord knutna till HBTQ-relaterad skönlitteratur / The Other on the Shelf and on the Web : The Power of Naming in Social Tags and Subject Headings Attributed to LGBTQ-fiction

Nääs, Lina January 2012 (has links)
The motivation for this thesis lies in the knowledge that there is a crucial information need amongst LGBTQ-persons wanting to read fiction related to LGBTQ in order to strengthen their own identity. This particular information need regarding identification has been said to be more central within LGBTQ-communities than within other user groups, largely because they represent a marginalized group in society. Critical feminists, such as Hope A. Olson, have proved that knowledge organization based on systems of subject representation in fact may lead to further marginalization and exclusion of already marginalized groups. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to compare subject representation and social tagging as methods of organizing LGBTQ-fiction. The empirical data is drawn from the collaborative tagging platform LibraryThing and five public library catalogs.Within a feminist framework based on queer theory, the advantages of user-generated metadata in the form of social tagging over professional knowledge organization in the form of subject representation are discussed, and in the end dismissed as an adequate replacement or alternative for the latter. The results of this study show that social tagging presents users with more diverse access points than those created within a controlled vocabulary system. However, while some of the social tags are more specific and in some ways inclusive, most of the tags consist of general terms describing the works of fiction. This is a two years master’s thesis.

I do it, you do it, we do it. Just do it.

Bergelt, Sven 13 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ermöglicht durch die Medientechnologien des Web 2.0 hat sich seit Mitte der 2000er Jahre ein kulturelles Nachahmungsphänomen im Internet entwickelt. YouTube, Flickr, Twitter und Co. haben zu einer Potenzierung und Beschleunigung der ohnehin vorhandenen ,Kultur des Kopierens’ geführt. Anhand der mehrteiligen Arbeit I’m too sad to tell you des Konzeptkünstlers Bas Jan Ader und deren Nachahmungen und Adaptionen wird hier beispielhaft untersucht, welche Auswirkungen, Potentiale und Begrenzungen sich aus dem Nachahmungsphänomen ableiten lassen und inwiefern der über die Videoplattformen erstellte User-Generated-Content als Archiv- und Quellenmaterial für eine künstlerische Forschung fungieren kann.

Analyse, Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Kartenanwendung auf Basis des Wanderkalenders der Sächsischen Zeitung

Hauthal, Eva 31 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die mobile Kartographie bedient sich dem mobilen Internet und der zivilen Nutzung des GPS-Signals. Der damit einhergehenden Mobilität des Benutzers, aber auch den technischen Schranken mobiler Endgeräte (wie geringen Prozessorleistungen, kleinen Displays und begrenzten Batterielaufzeiten) muss in Form einer Adaption der mobilen Karten Rechnung getragen werden. Die Adaption geschieht hinsichtlich des Informationsbedarfs, der sich aus dem aktuellen Nutzungskontext des Benutzers (d.h. seiner räumlich-zeitlichen Situation, seinen Interessen, Aufgabenkontext, aktuellen Umständen, Zielen, Bedürfnissen etc) ableiten lässt sowie hinsichtlich des Interaktionsgrades und der Interaktionsarten. Ein weiterer Aspekt mobiler Kartographie sind nutzergenerierte Inhalte. Dank der ständigen Verfügbarkeit des Internets und einer unkomplizierten Art der Positionsbestimmung können auch Amateurnutzer problemlos selber räumliche Daten erheben und veröffentlichen. Der Kartograph rückt damit mehr in den Hintergrund und stellt sein Fachwissen in Form von Komponenten wie Basiskarten, Software oder Interaktionsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Dadurch bedürfen traditionelle kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle hinsichtlich der mobilen Kartographie einer grundsätzlichen Weiterentwicklung, da eine strikte Trennung in Kartenhersteller und Kartennutzer nicht mehr vorgenommen werden kann. Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit stellt ein abgeleitetes kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell für mobile, interaktive Karten vor. Ein Anwendungsgebiet der mobilen Kartographie sind mobile touristische Applikationen, welche im mobilen Technologie- und Informationszeitalter eine zeitgemäße Form der Reiseinformation und des Reiseservices darstellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene existierende touristische Anwendungen für Smartphones analysiert und eine eigene mobile Kartenapplikation für Wanderungen in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz konzipiert und prototypisch implementiert. Diese Applikation schlägt Wanderrouten vor, liefert zahlreiche Informationen sowie Kartenmaterial und ist an den Wanderkalender der Sächsischen Zeitung angelehnt, welcher jährlich von Kartographie-Studenten der Technischen Universität Dresden erarbeitet wird. / Mobile cartography makes use of mobile internet and the civil utilisation of the GPS signal. The resulting mobility of the user as well as technical restrictions of mobile devices (such as low processor performance, small display sizes and limited battery life) has to be taken into account in the form of an adaption of mobile maps. The adaption is carried out with regard to the current need for information which can be derived from the context of the user (i.e. spatial-temporal situation, interests, task, circumstances, aims, needs etc). Another aspect of mobile cartography is user generated content. The permanent availability of mobile internet as well as the uncomplicated way of location determination makes it easy for amateur users to gather and publish own data. So the cartographer backs out and provides expert knowledge in the form of base maps, software and interaction techniques that can be used by the map user as an user interface for integrating own data. Thereby traditional cartographic communication models require a fundamental further development because a strict separation into map maker and map user can not be made anymore. The diploma thesis introduces a derived cartographic communication model for mobile interactive maps. An application field of mobile cartography are mobile map applications in tourism. These touristic applications are an up-to-date kind of travelling service in the century of mobile technology and information. In the context of this diploma thesis several existing touristic applications for smartphones for were examined and an own mobile application for hiking in Saxon Switzerland was conceived and implemented prototypically. This application suggests hiking trips, provides various information as well as maps and is based on a hiking calendar that is worked out annually by cartography students of Dresden University of Technology.

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