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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engineering Viral Vectors for CRISPR-Cas Mediated Genome Editing in Plants

Uranga Ruiz de Eguino, Mireia 16 June 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En el contexto actual de cambio climático, resulta urgente desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de fitomejoramiento que garanticen el suministro de alimentos a una población en rápido crecimiento. La reciente aparición de herramientas basadas en las repeticiones palindrómicas cortas agrupadas y regularmente interespaciadas (del acrónimo CRISPR en inglés) y sus proteínas asociadas (Cas) ha revolucionado la edición genómica dirigida, resultando muy prometedora tanto para la biología vegetal básica como para la mejora de cultivos. Los sistemas CRISPR-Cas más comunes incluyen una endonucleasa Cas y un ARN guía que determina específicamente la secuencia diana a editar en el genoma. El suministro de los componentes de reacción CRISPR-Cas a una célula vegetal es un paso crucial que influye notablemente en la velocidad y la eficiencia de edición. Los enfoques convencionales se basan en el suministro de dichos componentes mediante tecnologías de transformación o la expresión transitoria en protoplastos, siendo ambos procesos laboriosos que pueden acarrear problemas legales. Alternativamente, estudios recientes han destacado el potencial de virus de ARN para ser utilizados como vectores de expresión transitoria de los componentes de reacción CRISPR-Cas en plantas, también conocido como edición genómica inducida por virus (VIGE en inglés). Puesto que la aplicabilidad de cada vector viral se encuentra limitada por sus propiedades moleculares y un rango específico de plantas huésped, esta Tesis ha tenido como objetivo principal expandir y mejorar las herramientas disponibles para el VIGE. En primer lugar, diseñamos un vector derivado del Virus X de la patata (PVX; género Potexvirus; familia Alphaflexiviridae) para suministrar múltiples ARNs guía a una línea transformada de Nicotiana benthamiana que expresaba constitutivamente la nucleasa Cas9 de Streptococcus pyogenes. Mediante el vector derivado de PVX, conseguimos editar genes endógenos de la planta huésped de manera eficiente, IV produciendo casi un 80% de modificaciones en tejidos de plantas adultas. Curiosamente, PVX permitió la expresión simultánea de matrices de ARNs guía no espaciados, lo cual resultó en la edición de múltiples genes en pocos días. Obtuvimos progenies editadas con una alta tasa de mutaciones bialélicas hereditarias tanto de plantas regeneradas a partir de tejido infectado como de semillas de plantas infectadas; en este último caso, el ARN guía fue previamente fusionado a un módulo de ARN móvil. Dado que PVX no se transmite por semillas, todas las plántulas editadas estaban libres de virus. A fin de expandir las estrategias basadas en virus de plantas para una edición genómica sin transformación, seguidamente desarrollamos un sistema de dos vectores virales compatibles para el suministro simultáneo de todos los componentes de reacción CRISPR-Cas en la planta. Modificamos el Virus del grabado del tabaco (TEV; género Potyvirus; familia Potyviridae) para que expresase una nucleasa Cas12a y, en combinación con el envío de ARN guía mediante PVX, logramos la edición sin transformación de una línea de N. benthamiana que expresaba constitutivamente la NIb del potyvirus. Además, demostramos que un único vector PVX era capaz de proporcionar la actividad de NIb, así como de suministrar el ARN guía para la edición genómica en plantas silvestres. En conjunto, el trabajo realizado en esta Tesis contribuye a la expansión de las herramientas actuales para VIGE. La amplia gama de huéspedes que poseen tanto PVX como TEV, particularmente entre solanáceas, postula a ambos virus como candidatos muy prometedores para futuras aplicaciones en genómica funcional y mejora de cultivos. / [CA] En el context actual de canvi climàtic, resulta urgent desenvolupar noves tecnologies de fitomillorament que garantisquen el subministrament d'aliments a una població en ràpid creixement. La recent aparició d'eines basades en les repeticions palindròmiques curtes agrupades i regularment interespaiades (de l'acrònim CRISPR en anglés) i les seues proteïnes associades (Cas) ha revolucionat l'edició genòmica dirigida, resultant molt prometedora tant per a la biologia vegetal bàsica com per a la millora de cultius. Els sistemes CRISPR-Cas més comuns inclouen una endonucleasa Cas i un ARN guia que determina específicament la seqüència diana a editar en el genoma. El subministrament dels components de reacció CRISPR-Cas a una cèl·lula vegetal és un pas crucial que influeix notablement en la velocitat i l'eficiència d'edició. Els enfocaments convencionals es basen en el subministrament d'aquests components mitjançant tecnologies de transformació o l'expressió transitòria en protoplasts, sent tots dos processos laboriosos que poden implicar problemes legals. Alternativament, estudis recents han destacat el potencial de virus d'ARN per a ser utilitzats com a vectors d'expressió transitòria dels components de reacció CRISPR-Cas en plantes, també conegut com a edició genòmica induïda per virus (VIGE en anglés). Com que l'aplicabilitat de cada vector viral es troba limitada per les seues propietats mol·leculars i un rang específic de plantes hoste, aquesta Tesi ha tingut com a objectiu principal expandir i millorar les eines disponibles per al VIGE. En primer lloc, dissenyem un vector derivat del Virus X de la creïlla (PVX; gènere Potexvirus; família Alphaflexiviridae) per a subministrar múltiples ARNs guia a una línia transformada de Nicotiana benthamiana que expressava constitutivament la nucleasa Cas9 de Streptococcus pyogenes. Mitjançant el vector derivat de PVX, aconseguim editar gens endògens de la planta hoste de manera eficient, produint quasi un 80% de modificacions en teixits de plantes adultes. Curiosament, PVX va permetre l'expressió VI simultània de matrius d'ARNs guia no espaiats, la qual cosa va resultar en l'edició de múltiples gens en pocs dies. Vam obtindre progènies editades amb una alta taxa de mutacions bial·lèliques hereditàries tant de plantes regenerades a partir de teixit infectat com de llavors de plantes infectades; en aquest últim cas, l'ARN guia va ser prèviament fusionat a un mòdul d'ARN mòbil. Atés que PVX no es transmet per llavors, totes les plàntules editades estaven lliures de virus. A fi d'expandir les estratègies basades en virus de plantes per a una edició genòmica sense transformació, seguidament desenvolupem un sistema de dos vectors virals compatibles per al subministrament simultani de tots els components de reacció CRISPR-Cas en la planta. Modifiquem el Virus del gravat del tabac (TEV; gènere Potyvirus; família Potyviridae) perquè expressara una nucleasa Cas12a i, en combinació amb l'enviament d'ARN guia mitjançant PVX, aconseguim l'edició sense transformació d'una línia de N. benthamiana que expressava constitutivament la NIb del potyvirus. A més, vam demostrar que un únic vector PVX era capaç de proporcionar l'activitat de NIb, així com de subministrar l'ARN guia per a l'edició genòmica en plantes silvestres. En conjunt, el treball realitzat en aquesta Tesi contribueix a l'expansió de les eines actuals per a VIGE. L'àmplia gamma d'hostes que posseeixen tant PVX com TEV, particularment entre solanàcies, postula a tots dos virus com a candidats molt prometedors per a futures aplicacions en genòmica funcional i millora de cultius. / [EN] Innovative breeding technologies are urgently needed to ensure food supply to a rapidly growing population in the face of climate change. The recent emergence of tools based on the clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins has revolutionized targeted genome editing, thus holding great promise to both basic plant science and precision crop breeding. Most common CRISPR-Cas arrangements include a Cas endonuclease and a single guide RNA (sgRNA) that determines the specific target sequence to edit in the genome. The delivery of CRISPR-Cas reaction components within a plant cell is a crucial step that greatly influences editing speed and efficiency. Conventional approaches rely on supplying editing reaction components by transformation technologies or transient delivery to protoplasts, both of which are laborious processes that can raise legal concerns. Alternatively, recent studies have highlighted the potential of plant RNA viruses as transient delivery vectors of CRISPR-Cas reaction components, following the so-called virus-induced genome editing (VIGE). Since the applicability of each viral vector is limited to its molecular biology properties and a specific host range, the main objective of this Thesis has been to expand and improve the available toolbox for VIGE. First, we engineered a vector derived from Potato virus X (PVX; genus Potexvirus; family Alphaflexiviridae) to deliver multiple sgRNAs in a Nicotiana benthamiana transformed line constitutively expressing Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9. Using the PVX derived vector, host endogenous genes were efficiently targeted, producing nearly 80% indels in the tissues of adult plants. Interestingly, PVX allowed the simultaneous expression of unspaced sgRNA arrays, achieving highly efficient multiplex editing in a few days. We obtained edited progeny with a high rate of heritable bi-allelic mutations either from plants regenerated from infected tissue or infected plant seeds; in the latter II case, the sgRNA was previously fused to a mobile RNA module. Hence, since PVX is not seed-transmitted, all edited seedlings were virus-free. Aiming to expand the virus-based toolbox for transformation-free editing, we next developed a two-compatible virus vector system for the simultaneous delivery of all CRISPR-Cas reaction components in the plant. Tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus Potyvirus; family Potyviridae) was engineered to express a Cas12a nuclease, and in combination with PVX-assisted sgRNA delivery, we achieved successful transformation-free genome editing in a N. benthamiana line constitutively expressing potyviral NIb. Moreover, we demonstrated that a single PVX vector can supply the potyviral NIb activity as well as perform sgRNA delivery for genome editing in wild-type plants. Altogether, the work performed in this Thesis contributes to the enrichment of the current VIGE toolbox. The wide host range that both PVX and TEV possess, particularly among solanaceous species, postulates them as promising candidates for future applications in VIGE-mediated functional genomics and precision breeding. / Uranga Ruiz De Eguino, M. (2022). Engineering Viral Vectors for CRISPR-Cas Mediated Genome Editing in Plants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183374 / TESIS / Compendio

Genetic Engineering of Rubber Producing Dandelions

Zhang, Yingxiao January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Biochemical characterization of CRISPR-associated nucleases – what determines the specificity of Cas9?

Bratovič, Majda 17 February 2020 (has links)
CRISPR-Cas ist ein adaptives Immunsystem, dass Bakterien und Archaeen vor eindringenden Nukleinsäuren schützt. Es besteht aus einem sogenannten CRISPR-Array, der als genetisches Gedächtnis vorangegangene Infektionen speichert und einem cas Lokus, welcher für die Abwehr essentielle Proteine codiert. Das CRISPR-assoziierte Protein 9 (Cas9) des Typ II CRISPR-Cas Systems aus Streptococcus pyogenes ist heutzutage das Mittel der Wahl für Gentherapie und Genom-Modifikationen. Allerdings gibt es nach wie vor Probleme mit der Ungenauigkeit dieses Systems, welche für eben genannte Ansätze behoben werden müssen. Aus diesem Grund ist es besonders wichtig zu verstehen, in welcher Weise die Spezifität von Cas9 beeinflusst wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Voraussetzungen für eine spezifische Erkennung der Zielsequenz durch drei verschiedene Cas9 Proteine des Typs II-A und ein Cas12a Protein des Typs V-A CRISPR-Cas Systems untersucht. Wir zeigen, dass Arginin Seitenketten der sogenannten „bridge“ Helix in Cas9 von S. pyogenes eine wichtige Rolle in der Bindung und Spaltung der DNS spielen. Diese Seitenketten können in zwei Gruppen unterteilt werden, welche die Spezifität von Cas9 entweder vergrößern oder verkleinern. Die Aminosäuren R63 und R66 reduzieren die Spezifität von Cas9 indem sie den sogenannten R-loop in Anwesenheit einer Fehlpaarung stabilisieren. Wir zeigen außerdem, dass Q768 eine erhöhte Toleranz von Cas9 zu Fehlpaarungen an Position 15 der Zielsequenz vermittelt und dass das Entfernen dieser Aminosäure die Spezifität von Cas9 im Bereich der Zielsequenz, die am weitesten von der PAM entfernt ist, erhöht. Eine Kombination der Mutationen der oben genannten Arginin und Glutamin Seitenketten führt zur Erhöhung der Gesamtspezifität von Cas9. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit tragen zum Verständnis bei, wie Cas9 Fehlpaarungen innerhalb der Zielsequenz detektiert und können dabei helfen weitere Strategien für eine verbesserte Spezifität von Cas9 zu entwickeln. / CRISPR-Cas (CRISPR-associated) systems are adaptive immune systems that have evolved in bacteria and archaea for protection against invading nucleic acids. They consist of a CRISPR array, where the genetic memory of the infection is stored and ultimately transcribed and processed into CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs), and of an operon of cas genes that encodes the Cas proteins. This thesis is focused on class 2 CRISPR-Cas systems that employ single RNA-guided nucleases in the interference phase. Dual-RNA guided CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) of the type II CRISPR-Cas system has become the tool of choice for genome editing applications in life sciences. However, off-target cleavage by Cas9 is one major issue that needs to be addressed for applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology for therapeutic purposes. Therefore, understanding the features that govern Cas9 specificity is of great importance. In this thesis, seed sequence requirements of three Cas9 proteins from the class 2 type II-A and one Cas12a protein from the class 2 type V-A CRISPR-Cas system have been investigated. We analyze the influence of mismatches and show that they affect target binding and/or cleavage by S. pyogenes Cas9. Additionally, we demonstrate that the arginine residues from the bridge helix of S. pyogenes Cas9 are important for target DNA binding and cleavage. Furthermore, these residues comprise two groups that either increase or decrease Cas9 sensitivity to mismatches i.e. specificity. R63 and R66 reduce Cas9 specificity by stabilizing the R-loop in the presence of mismatches. We also show that Q768 mediates Cas9 tolerance to a mismatch at target position 15 and removal of Q768 increases Cas9 specificity in the PAM-distal part of the target. Combination of arginine mutations and Q768A increased overall the sensitivity to mismatches. The results of this thesis elucidate how Cas9 senses PAM-adjacent mismatches and provide a basis to develop strategies for Cas9 variants with enhanced specificity.

The subnuclear localisation of Notch responsive genes

Jones, Matthew Leslie January 2018 (has links)
Title: The subnuclear localisation of Notch responsive genes. Candidate Name: Matthew Jones Notch signalling is a highly conserved cell-cell communication pathway with critical roles in metazoan development and mutations in Notch pathway components are implicated in many types of cancer. Notch is an excellent and well-studied model of biological signalling and gene regulation, with a single intracellular messenger, one receptor and two ligands in Drosophila. However, despite the limited number of chemical players involved, a striking number of different outcomes arise. Molecular studies have shown that Notch activates different targets in different cell types and it is well known that Notch is important for maintaining a stem cell fate in some situations and driving differentiation in others. Thus some of the factors affecting the regulation of Notch target genes are yet to be discovered. Previous studies in various organisms have found that the location of a gene within the nucleus is important for its regulation and genome reorganisation can occur following gene activation or during development. Therefore this project aimed to label individual Notch responsive loci and determine their subnuclear localisation. In order to tag loci of interest a CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing method was established that enabled the insertion of locus tags at Notch targets, namely the well-characterized Enhancer of split locus and also dpn and Hey, two transcription factors involved in neural cell fate decisions. The ParB/Int system is a recently developed locus tagging system and is not well characterised in Drosophila. It has a number of advantages over the traditional LacO/LacI-GFP locus tagging system as it does not rely on binding site repeats for signal amplification and can label two loci simultaneously in different colours. This thesis characterised the ParB/Int system in the Drosophila salivary gland and larval L3 neuroblast. Using 3D image segmentation hundreds of nuclei were reconstructed and a volume based normalisation method was applied to determine the subnuclear localisation of several Notch targets with and without genetic manipulations of the Notch pathway.

The CRISPR-Cas system

Stens, Cassandra, Enoksson, Isabella, Berggren, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Derived from and inspired by the adaptive immune system of bacteria, CRISPR has gone from basic biology knowledge to a revolutionizing biotechnological tool, applicable in many research areas such as medicine, industry and agriculture. The full mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9 was first published in 2012 and various CRISPR-Cas systems have already passed the first stages of clinical trials as new gene therapies. The immense research has resulted in continuously growing knowledge of CRISPR systems and the technique seems to have the potential to greatly impact all life on our planet. Therefore, this literature study aims to thoroughly describe the CRISPR-Cas system, and further suggest an undergraduate laboratory exercise involving gene editing with the CRISPR-Cas9 tool. In this paper, we describe the fundamental technical background of the CRISPR-Cas system, especially emphasizing the most studied CRISPR-Cas9 system, its development and applications areas, as well as highlighting its current limitations and ethical concerns. The history of genetic engineering and the discovery of the CRISPR system is also described, along with a comparison with other established gene editing techniques.  This study concludes that a deeper knowledge about CRISPR is important and required since the technique is applicable in many research areas. A laboratory exercise will not only inspire but also provide extended theoretical and practical knowledge for undergraduate students.

Quantitative Agricultural Policy Impact Analysis at Enhanced Farm & Regional Resolution

Gocht, Alexander 18 June 2024 (has links)
In dieser Habilitationsschrift werden elf ausgewählte Zeitschriftenartikel vorgestellt. Alle Artikel zielen darauf ab, die Heterogenität der Betriebe des Agrarsektors durch eine bessere Auflösung der Angebotsmodelle zu berücksichtigen. Der erste Abschnitt konzentriert sich auf die Anwendungen mit dem partiellen Gleichgewichtsmodell CAPRI. Der Abschnitt deckt ein breites Spektrum politischer Fragen ab, zum Beispiel, Kopplung bzw. Konvergenz der Direktzahlungen, Ökologisierung, Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen und Kohlenstoffsequestrierung. Ich zeige, dass betriebsbezogene Angebotsmodelle eine detailliertere Analyse politischer Auswirkungen ermöglichen. Zudem erlauben diese Angebotsmodelle eine Verknüpfung mit Modellen höherer räumlicher Auflösung. Der zweite Abschnitt befasst sich mit methodischen Fragen zur Schätzung struktureller Veränderungen auf der Ebene der Betriebstypen in einem EU-weiten Ansatz. Der entwickelte Ansatz hilft, Faktoren, die den landwirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel beeinflussen, besser zu bestimmen und bietet die Möglichkeit einer umfassenden Analyse des landwirtschaftlichen Strukturwandels in der EU. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse zum Strukturwandel auch in der Modellierung berücksichtigt werden können. Dafür wurden Methoden entwickelt, die die Wahrung der Konsistenz der regionalen Ebene und die Berücksichtigung von betriebstypspezifischen Bilanzen, Indikatoren und Veränderungen in der Zahl der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe gewähren. Der letzte Abschnitt befasst sich mit Methoden zur Rückschätzung von zensierten Daten. Ich untersuche verschiedene Datenaggregationsansätze, wie zum Beispiel, ein lokales gewichtetes Durchschnittsverfahren und ein bayesianisches Schätzverfahren, um Parameter für die zensierten Daten zu ermitteln, die der Realität so weit wie möglich entsprechen. / In this habilitation thesis, eleven selected journal articles were presented. All articles aimed to improve the resolution and thus reduce aggregation error to better account for farm heterogeneity in the agricultural sector models. The first section focused on model application with the partial equilibrium model CAPRI at the farm-type level. It covered many policy issues, such as coupling, convergence, greening, GHG mitigation, and carbon sequestration. I demonstrate that the farm-type supply models enable a detailed analysis of various policy impacts. It was demonstrated that the EU's supply models could improve model linkage with higher spatial resolution models, thus further closing the gap with spatial land-use models. The second section addressed significant methodological queries about estimating structural changes at the farm-type level in an EU-wide approach. A regional approach helps to identify better factors affecting agricultural structural change. The approach offers the opportunity for a comprehensive and previously unachievable analysis of agricultural structural change in the EU. Integrating the development into the CAPRI farm-type model poses challenges with the top-down approach. It requires maintaining consistency with the regional NUTS2 level and considering farm-type-specific balances, indicators, and changes in the number of farms from the structural change estimation. The last section addressed methods for back-estimating censored data. I explored different data aggregation approaches, such as a local weighted average method and a Bayesian estimation procedure, to establish parameters for the censored data that match reality as closely as possible.

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