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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livscykelanalys av interiöra golvmaterial / Life cycle analysis of interior floor material

Svärd-Husu, Jennie, Ljungman, Martin January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige används många olika interiöra golvmaterial i offentliga byggnader. Studien har undersökt fyra interiöra golvmaterial, keramik, enomer, massivt furu och linoleum. Dessa material är vanligt förekommande i svenska offentliga miljöer och de jämfördes ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Studien undersökte materialens olika livsskeden, från produktion till slutskede och omfattade materialens totala GHG-utsläpp för en referensbyggnad med en livslängd på 75 år, belägen i Växjö.Denna fallstudie visar att en byggnads klimatpåverkan går att minimera vid val av interiört golvmaterial. Keramik är att rekommendera i fuktkänsliga utrymmen då klimatpåverkan är 38 % minder och linoleum rekommenderas i allmänna utrymmen då klimatpåverkan är 20 % mindre. Det finns ytterligare möjlighet att minimera klimatpåverkan genom att använda trägolv i utrymmen med mindre folk i rörelse. / In Sweden, lots of different interior flooring materials are used in public buildings. This study examines four interior flooring materials, ceramics, mineral based, solid pine floor and linoleum flooring. These materials appear regularly in public buildings in Sweden and are compared to each other in a life cycle assessment perspective. The study examines the materials different life stages from production to its end of life and included the materials GHG-emissions for a reference building with a lifespan of 75 years in Växjö, Sweden.This case study shows that a buildings climate impact can be minimized through choices for interior flooring materials. Ceramics are to recommend in areas sensitive to moisture, do to 38 % less climate effect and linoleum are to recommend more public areas do to 20 % less climate effect. Further possibilities to minimize climate impact is through use of massive pine flooring in areas with low traffic.

Reducing corporatescope 1 emissions on a voluntarily basiswith a focus on European biomethane and hydrogen markets

van Mol, Vic January 2023 (has links)
This research project represents a collaborative effort between E&C Consultants, an international energy procurement consultancy, and aims to address the increasing demand for guidance on scope 1 emissions reduction strategies expressed by their clients. From a procurement perspective, companies are actively seeking alternative commodities, such as biomethane or hydrogen, to substitute their natural gas consumption. In response to this growing trend, multinational corporations are displaying an increased interest in voluntary emission reduction initiatives, including the Science Based Targets initiative and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Subsequently, the research project encompasses an investigation into the sustainability plans adopted by companies. Furthermore, an analysis of the European biomethane and hydrogen markets is made. Most of the information is derived from interviews conducted with diverse stakeholders, including multinational companies, energy traders, an energy supplier, a gas market expert, and a carbon removal expert. The findings of this research project indicate that multinational corporations have established robust short-term sustainability plans, yet encounter challenges in formulating long-term strategies, primarily due to legislative ambiguities and limited resources and expertise. The implementation of REPowerEU [1] is expected to significantly augment the production levels of both biomethane and hydrogen by 2030. The biomethane market is predominantly characterised by supply constraints, owing to the high demand it experiences, resulting in elevated prices. Conversely, the hydrogen market is less mature and exhibits comparatively lower demand as companies have to implement alternative technologies that are required for hydrogen adoption. Eventually, both biomethane and hydrogen possess the potential to emerge as cost-competitive alternatives to natural gas, depending upon the maturation and development of their respective markets. / Detta forskningsprojekt representerar ett samarbete mellan E&C Consultants, en internationell energiupphandling, och syftar till att möta den ökande efterfrågan på vägledning om scope 1-strategier för minskning av utsläppen uttryckt av deras kunder. Ur ett upphandlingsperspektiv söker företag aktivt alternativa råvaror, såsom biometan eller väte, för att ersätta deras naturgas konsumtion. Som svar på denna växande trend visar multinationella företag ett ökat intresse för frivilliga initiativ för att minska utsläppen, inklusive initiativet Science Based Targets och Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Därtill omfattar forskningsprojektet en utredning av antagna hållbarhetsplaner av företag. Dessutom görs en analys av den europeiska biometan- och vätemarknaderna. Merparten av informationen kommer från intervjuer med olika intressenter, inklusive multinationella företag, energimäklare, en energileverantör, en gasmarknadsexpert och en expert på koldioxidinfångning. Av denna studie indikerar att multinationella företag har etablerat robusta kortsiktiga hållbarhetsplaner, men stöter på utmaningar i att formulera långsiktiga strategier, främst på grund av oklarheter i lagstiftningen och begränsade resurser och expertis. Implementeringen av REPowerEU [1] förväntas avsevärt förstärka produktionsnivåer av både biometan och väte till 2030. Biometanmarknaden kännetecknas övervägande av utbudsbegränsningar på grund av den höga efterfrågan, vilket resulterar i förhöjda priser. Omvänt är vätgasmarknaden mindre mogen och uppvisar jämförelsevis lägre efterfrågan eftersom företag måste implementera alternativa tekniker som krävs för att använda väte. Så småningom kan båda biometan och väte ha potential att vara konkurrenskraftiga alternativ till naturgas, beroende på deras mognad och utveckling de respektive marknaderna.

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Potentials and Economics of Selected Biochemicals in Germany

Musonda, Frazer, Millinger, Markus, Thrän, Daniela 20 April 2023 (has links)
In this paper, biochemicals with the potential to substitute fossil reference chemicals in Germany were identified using technological readiness and substitution potential criteria. Their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were quantified by using life cycle assessments (LCA) and their economic viabilities were determined by comparing their minimum selling prices with fossil references’ market prices. A bottom up mathematical optimization model, BioENergy OPTimization (BENOPT) was used to investigate the GHG abatement potential and the corresponding abatement costs for the biochemicals up to 2050. BENOPT determines the optimal biomass allocation pathways based on maximizing GHG abatement under resource, capacity, and demand constraints. The identified biochemicals were bioethylene, succinic acid, polylactic acid (PLA), and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Results show that only succinic acid is economically competitive. Bioethylene which is the least performing in terms of economics breaks even at a carbon price of 420 euros per ton carbon dioxide equivalent (€/tCO2eq). With full tax waivers, a carbon price of 134 €/tCO2eq is necessary. This would result in positive margins for PHA and PLA of 12% and 16%, respectively. From the available agricultural land, modeling results show high sensitivity to assumptions of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration in biochemicals and integrated biochemicals production. GHG abatement for scenarios where these assumptions were disregarded and where they were collectively taken into account increased by 370% resulting in a 75% reduction in the corresponding GHG abatement costs.

Klimatberäkning av indirekta växthusgasutsläpp inom bygg- och anläggningssektorn : En fallstudie utifrån GHG-protokollets ramverk på en tunnelavstängning utförd av Ramudden

Hedberg, Nova, Rosenlöf, Sophia January 2023 (has links)
Den pågående klimatkrisen kan otvivelaktigt förklaras av antropogena aktiviteter på jorden. Växthusgaserna som orsakar den globala uppvärmningen uppstår huvudsakligen genom förbränning av fossila ämnen och mätningar visar på exceptionella koncentrationer av växthusgaser i atmosfären – för koldioxid de högsta på 800 000 år. Planetens medeltemperatur har rubbats och lämnar idag inte någon del av planeten oberörd. Den globala uppvärmningen och klimatförändringarna bekämpas genom globala överenskommelser, så som Parisavtalet, om drastiskt minskade nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Sveriges krav på utsläppsminskningar genom EU ligger på 50 procent fram till 2030. Näringslivet har en väsentlig och ansvarsfull roll för en hållbar utveckling, den gröna omställningen och genomförandet av de globala klimatmålen. GHG-protokollet är en icke-vinstdrivande organisation som etablerades i slutet av 1990-talet utifrån det ökande behovet av ett globalt standardiserat ramverk för redovisning och rapportering av växthusgasutsläpp. Enligt GHG-protokollet sorteras utsläppen som direkta eller indirekta i tre scope: scope 1 (direkta), 2 (indirekta) och 3 (indirekta, som uppstår i värdekedjan utanför företagets grindar). Genom en fallstudie på Ramudden, ett företag inom bygg- och anläggningssektorn, utför den här studien klimatberäkningar inom scope 3 på ett trafikprojekt gällande en tunnelavstängning. Studiens utförande baseras på primär datainsamling från Ramudden, sekundär datainsamling från internationellt erkända databaser och med metodstöd genom GHG-protokollet. Målsättningen med studien är att utreda var de största växthusgasutsläppen uppstår i tunnelavstängningen, inom områdena material, transport och avfall, och var utsläppen kan minskas. Resultatet visar att de största utsläppen härrör från området transport, specifikt förbränning av diesel. Störst utsläppsreducering anses kunna uppnås inom området transport genom undvikande av nyinköpt material och byte från fossila bränslen till förnybara. Slutsatserna som dras är att inköp av nya produkter följer med höga växthusgasutsläpp genom transporten av dem. Vidare ger fossil diesel (miljöklass 1) sex gånger större växthusgasutsläpp än fossilfri diesel i form av HVO. / The current climate crisis can undoubtedly be explained by anthropogenic activities on Earth. The greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and cause global warming. Measurements show exceptional concentrations of greenhouse gases – for carbon dioxide the highest in 800 000 years. The planet´s average temperature has been thrown out of balance and does not leave any part of the planet unaffected.  Global warming and climate change are combated through global agreements, such as The Paris Agreement, with demands on drastically reduced net emissions of greenhouse gases. Sweden´s requirement within the EU is a 50 percent emission reduction until 2030. The business sector has an essential and responsible role for sustainable development, the green transition, and the implementation of global climate goals. The GHG protocol is a non-profit organization established in the late 1990s that arose out of the growing need for a globally standardized framework for accounting and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. The GHG protocol classifies emissions as direct or indirect emissions, into three scopes: scope 1 (direct), 2 (indirect) and 3 (indirect emissions that occur in the value chain and are not included in scope 2). Through a case study on Ramudden, a company in the building and construction sector, this study performs scope 3 climate calculations on a traffic project regarding a tunnel closure. The execution of the study is based on primary data collection from Ramudden, secondary data from international databases and a methodological guidance from the GHG protocol. The aim of this study is to examine where the largest greenhouse gas emissions occur within the project, in the areas of material, transport and waste, and identify where the emissions most effectively can be reduced. The result shows that the greatest emissions come from the transport area, specifically diesel emissions. The greatest emission reductions are achievable by avoiding purchases of new equipment and therefore avoiding its transportation emissions, and by switching from fossil fuels to renewable. The conclusions are that the purchase of new equipment generates large emissions from the equipment transportation. Furthermore, fossil diesel (environmental class 1) produces six times greater greenhouse gas emissions than fossil-free diesel (HVO).

Numerical model for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from pulp and paper industrial wastewater treatment systems in Vietnam

Dang, Xuan Hien, Nguyen, Thi Van Anh, Nguyen, Duc Toan, Dang, Thanh Son 05 February 2019 (has links)
At present, it is difficult and costly to measure directly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the wastewater treatment system. Application of model will reduce measurement cost and quickly obtain the forecast data set of GHG emissions. This study developed a mathematical model for both steady and dynamic states to calculate GHG (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions from wastewater treatment systems for industrial paper processing. These models are constructed based on mass balance equations of species, including substrate balance equations, biomass balance equations for reactors of treatment systems, stoichiometric coefficiences of species in biochemical reactions and biological processes. The obtained equations were solved based on algorithm of Runge-Kutta and the model was programmed by MATLAB. Results of applying the model to calculate GHG emissions from the paper industrial wastewater treatment system at Bai Bang and Tan Mai plants are as follows: total GHG emissions and emission factor are 3,070.3 kgCO2-eq/day, 0.38 kgCO2- eq/m3, respectively for Bai Bang plant (8,000 m3/day) and 7,413.6 kgCO2-eq/day, 0.74 kgCO2- eq/m3, respectively for Tan Mai plant (10,000 m3/day). The research evaluated a number of influencing factors, such as temperature, flow rate of influent, and substrate concentrations, to GHG emissions at the Tan Mai paper plant. / Hiện nay, việc đo đạc trực tiếp phát thải khí nhà kính (KNK) từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải còn khó khăn và tốn kém. Việc áp dụng mô hình sẽ giảm được chi phí đo đạc và nhanh chóng có được bộ số liệu dự báo một cách tương đối về phát thải KNK. Nghiên cứu đã thiết lập được mô hình toán ở trạng thái ổn định và trạng thái không ổn định để tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính (CO2, CH4, N2O) từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải sản xuất giấy. Các mô hình này dựa trên các phương trình cân bằng chất của các cấu tử bao gồm các phương trình cân bằng cơ chất, các phương trình cân bằng sinh khối trong các bể phản ứng và các hệ số tỷ lượng của các chất tham gia các phản ứng sinh hóa. Các phương trình được giải bằng thuật toán Runge-Kutta và mô hình được lập trình trên ngôn ngữ MATLAB. Mô hình được áp dụng tính toán phát thải khí nhà kính từ hệ thống xử lý nước thải tại nhà máy giấy Bãi Bằng và nhà máy giấy Tân Mai, được kết quả như sau: tổng phát thải khí nhà kính (KNK) và hệ số phát thải là 3.070,3 kg CO2-tđ/ngày, 0,38 kg CO2-tđ/m3 tại Nhà máy giấy Bãi Bằng (8.000 m3/ngày) và 7.413,6 kg CO2-tđ/ngày, 0,74 kg CO2-tđ/m3 nhà máy giấy Tân Mai (10.000 m3/ngày). Nghiên cứu đã đánh giá được một số các yếu tố ảnh hưởng như nhiệt độ, lưu lượng nước thải và nồng độ cơ chất dòng vào đến sự phát thải KNK tại nhà máy giấy Tân Mai.

Indirekt klimatpåverkan vid renovering av lokaler inom fastighetsbranchen : En fallstudie rörande Hufvudstadens scope 3-utsläpp vid ombyggnation / Indirect climate impact during renovation within the real estate market : A case study concerning the scope 3-emissions arising from refubishments of Hufvudstadens´s facilities

Ernström, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bygg- och fastighetsbranschens växthusgasutsläpp i Sverige står i paritet med utsläppen från inrikes transporter i Sverige. För att uppnå Sveriges regerings mål om att landets nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser ska vara noll vid 2045 krävs en omställning i branschen. Av de totala växthusgasutsläppen från bygg- och fastighetsbranschen står ombyggnationer och förvaltning för cirka 20 procent. För att kunna minska dessa utsläpp krävs det att fastighetsägare har möjlighet att ta medvetna val vid ombyggnationer för att minska deras klimatpåverkan. Det finns studier som fokuserar på klimatberäkning vid nybyggnationer av byggnader, men en aspekt som oftast utelämnas är klimatberäkningar vid ombyggnationer och renoveringar, trots att dessa bidrar med en betydande del av de totala växthusgasutsläppen från branschen. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka möjligheten för fastighetsbolag att beräkna deras indirekta klimatutsläpp från ombyggnationer, samt att modellera en typisk ombyggnation för att estimera dess klimatpåverkan i form av koldioxidekvivalenter per kvadratmeter. Metod: Studien utgår från forskning inom området för livscykelanalyser och information från leverantörer inom bygg- och fastighetsbranschen genom årsredovisningar, hållbarhetsrapporter och information från hemsidor. Studien är baserad på en fallstudie bestående av en nulägesanalys av fyra leverantörer anlitade av Hufvudstaden vars hållbarhetsarbete analyserades, samt modellering av en typisk ombyggnation genomförd av Hufvudstaden. Modelleringen genomfördes med hjälp av programmet One Click LCA (2015) där klimatdata om material kunde inhämtas från programmets databas. Slutsats: Studien visar att möjligheterna för att fastighetsbolag ska kunna beräkna deras indirekta klimatutsläpp vid ombyggnationer beror till stor del av kvalitén av informationsutbyte mellan leverantörer och fastighetsbolag, vilket visade sig variera mellan olika företag. Bristen på kunskap om hur man genomför livscykelanalyser är också ett hinder som framkommit av studien. Resultatet av modelleringen visade att en typisk ombyggnation ger upphov till ett klimatutsläpp på 210 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶2𝑒𝑒/𝑚𝑚2. / Background: Greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and real estate industry in Sweden stands for approximately the same amount as the emissions from Sweden’s domestic transports. To achieve Sweden´s governments goal that Sweden´s net emissions of greenhouse gases should become zero until 2045 a major readjustment in the industry is needed. Greenhouse gas emissions from reconstruction and management stands for approximately 20 percent of the total emissions from the whole construction and real estate industry. To reduce these emissions real estate owners must be able to take suitable options regarding material in the reconstruction process to be able to reduce their emissions. Most studies focus on climate calculation regarding new buildings, but often excludes emissions from reconstruction and refurbishments, although they stand for a significant part of the total emissions from the industry. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the possibility for a real estate owner to calculate their indirect emissions from reconstructions and construct a model for a typical reconstruction and estimate its climate emissions in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents per square meter. Method: The study is based on research in the field of life cycle analysis and information from suppliers within the construction and real estate industry through annual reports, sustainability reports and information from their websites. The study is based on a case study including an analysis of four suppliers and how they work with climate and model of a typical reconstruction of an office owned by Hufvudstaden. The model was based on the program One Click LCA (2015) where climate data could be retrieved from their database. Conclusions: The study show that it is important with information exchange between real estate owners and their suppliers to be able to calculate their indirect climate emissions, which can vary a lot between different companies. The lack of knowledge about life cycle analysis can also cause troubles while trying to get climate data about the material that is used during the reconstruction phase. The result from the modelling showed that a typical reconstruction causes climate emission of 210 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶2𝑒𝑒/𝑚𝑚2.

Bilanzierung von Emissionsrechten: Literaturrecherche und empirische Untersuchung europäischer Unternehmen

Sonntag, Sebastian 09 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahr 2005 wurde als Reaktion auf die Unterzeichnung des Kyoto-Protokolls und der damit verbundenen Verpflichtung zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen der europäische Emissionshandel eingeführt. Versuche der Standardsetter für IFRS und US GAAP zu einer einheitlichen Bilanzierungsregel für Emissionsrechte scheiterten. Seitdem stehen den beteiligten Unternehmen speziell bei Ansatz und Bewertung von Emissionsrechten sowie der Verbindlichkeit für verursachte Emissionen Wahlrechte zur Verfügung. Da unterschiedliche Bilanzierungsansätze zu verschiedenen Resultaten beispielsweise in der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung führen können, schränkt die Regelungslücke die Vergleichbarkeit zwischen Unternehmen mit unterschiedlichen Bilanzierungsansätzen ein. Dabei wird zudem deutlich, wie wichtig die Offenlegung des gewählten Bilanzierungsansatzes ist. Diese Arbeit beschreibt mit Hilfe einer ausführlichen Literaturrecherche den Diskurs in der Forschung und fasst die theoretisch möglichen Ansätze zusammen. Dem schließt sich eine Analyse aller im STOXX Europe 600 gelisteten Unternehmen an. Untersucht wird, inwieweit die Unternehmen am Emissionshandel beteiligt sind, welchen Ansatz zur Bilanzierung von Emissionsrechten sie wählen und in welcher Vollständigkeit sie den gewählten Ansatz im Geschäftsbericht offenlegen. Insgesamt 70 Unternehmen im STOXX Europe 600 geben eine Beteiligung am europäischen Emissionshandel an, 68 davon erhalten Emissionsrechte kostenfrei von einer staatlichen Stelle zugeteilt. Davon wiederum können 31 Unternehmen sicher einem Bilanzierungsansatz zugeordnet werden; bei den übrigen Unternehmen werden nicht alle relevanten Bilanzierungsentscheidungen offengelegt. Die große Mehrheit dieser 31 Unternehmen wendet den Netto-Ansatz an, bei welchem die zugeteilten Emissionsrechte zu Anschaffungskosten (üblicherweise Null) angesetzt werden. Nur zwei Unternehmen bilanzieren Emissionsrechte nach der 2005 zurückgenommenen, aber weiterhin gültigen Interpretation IFRIC 3. Insgesamt gibt es bezüglich der Bilanzierung von Emissionsrechten in europäischen Unternehmen in Theorie und Praxis Unterschiede, welche die Vergleichbarkeit einschränken. Dies wird durch die häufig unvollständige Offenlegung der Bilanzierungsentscheidung verstärkt. Diese Kritikpunkte sollten aus Sicht der Standardsetter IASB und FASB ausreichend Anlass geben, eine einheitliche Regelung zur Bilanzierung von Emissionsrechten zu entwickeln.

Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in China

Zeng, Lei January 2006 (has links)
<p>China is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world. Since 68% of its primary energy is from coal, China’s average energy intensity is 7.5 times higher than the EU and 4.3 times higher than the US (EU, 2003). Therefore, introducing advanced clean technologies and management to China represents opportunities for Annex I countries to obtain low-cost CERs through CDM projects, and access to one of the largest energy conservation markets in the world.</p><p>The Chinese government considers that the introduction of CDM projects can bring advanced energy technologies and foreign investment to China, thereby helping China’s sustainable development. As energy efficiency is generally low and carbon intensity is high in both China’s energy supply and demand sectors, numerous options exist for cost-effective energy conservation and GHG mitigation with CDM.</p><p>This study has focused on the following areas:</p><p> Clean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaClean development Mechanism (CDM) Policy and Implementation in ChinaChina’s energy development strategy and climate change, how to make CDM work for sustainable development in China?</p><p> CDM projects in China: policies assessment and recommendations for improvement.</p><p> Energy efficiency CDM projects and renewable CDM projects in China: case studies</p><p>Firstly, this thesis reviewed the current CDM developments in China, attentions were given to the renewable energy, energy efficiency and methane capture project opportunities in China.</p><p>Secondly, this study introduced China’s current policy on CDM implementation, and reviewed its permission requirements, institutional arrangements and project procedures. Based on the observations, this study analyzed the current problems and pointed out the shortfalls of the existing Chinese CDM policies and institutional settings. Options to remove these barriers were given as recommendations. This thesis also looked at the problem of that CDM was designed to have double dividends, to reduce the compliance cost of the Annex I countries and to contribute to sustainable development in Non Annex I Parties, but in reality, CDM has caused concerns about whether it could really support sustainable development in host countries. This study analyzed the reasons underpin this problem.</p><p>Thirdly, based on the analysis made on energy efficiency and renewable CDM project development in China, case study was given on China’s landfill gas to energy project. This study analyzed the perspective of GHG mitigation through landfill gas capture and utilization in China, its opportunities and challenges. Moreover, this study demonstrated how CDM can add value to landfill gas-to-energy projects in China.</p>

Unpacking Swedish Sustainability : The promotion and circulation of sustainable urbanism

Hult, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Sweden has been praised for its achievements, and promoted as a role model, in sustainable urban development. This thesis, comprising five separate articles and a cover essay, is a critical study of the Swedish urban sustainable imaginary. The first article examines how this imaginary is produced. Using an actor-network theory approach, I view the Swedish pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010 as a node in a wider network, arguing that the notion of decoupling GDP growth from CO2 emissions constitutes a central storyline. The second and third papers study the circulation of this imaginary in practice, specifically examining two cases of exporting Swedish sustainable urban planning to Chinese eco-city projects. Few of these plans, I note, were materialised in built form; rather, they contributed to the circulation of a repetitive model of sustainable urbanism, reinforcing a paradoxical idea of urban sustainability as “green islands of privilege”. The storyline of decoupling – and the circulating business of sustainable urbanism into which it feeds – is based on a deficient territorial view of space. In this research, I advocate a political ecology perspective and relational view of space, wherein there are no such things as sustainable or unsustainable cities. Rather, planning should aim for more just socio-environmental relations within and across urban borders. The fourth and fifth papers address the wider question of how planning can foster more socio-environmentally just forms of urban sustainability. Here, I emphasise a consumption perspective on greenhouse gas emissions as an important counter-narrative and analyse two Swedish municipalities’ efforts to lessen citizens’ consumption through policy and planning practice.   This research highlights the need to continuously develop and contest imaginaries and planning practices of sustainability, of who is perceived as “sustainable” and what a socio-environmentally just perspective might mean in practice for policy makers and planners alike. / <p>QC 20170120</p>

Comparative Analysis of Wind, Solar and Landfill Gases as Alternative Sources of Energy for Electricity Generation

Verma, Suruchi 17 December 2010 (has links)
The document reviews the current and projected electricity demand until the year 2030 along with the fuel mix. Several projections based on different agencies were studied in order to understand the trend of fuel mix projected to be used. Clearly, the fuel mix being used or projected is unsustainable. Depletion of fossil fuels, increasing demand and environmental impacts are some of the factors that emphasize the use of Alternative Sources of Electricity. Three of the upcoming Alternative Sources - Solar, Wind and Landfill Gases - are discussed and compared in the document. Based on the comparison, Landfill Gas projects seem to be very favorable, despite the higher costs related with such projects, several advantages over the other two Alternative Sources are discussed in the document. The several advantages of Landfill Gas projects, such as emissions reduction, better power quality, reduction in transmission losses, and several others are discussed in the document

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