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Företagsförvärvad goodwill : Hur revisorer förhåller sig till nedskrivningsprövning enligt IFRSÅhman, Evelina, Eklund, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur revisorer reviderar goodwillposten gällande företagsförvärvad goodwill i svenska noterade bolag och hur revisorer förhåller sig till nedskrivningsprövning enligt IFRS. Studiens syfte är även att undersöka vad revisorer anser om de tre faktorerna neutralitet, väsentlighet samt revidering som grund för framtida beslutsfattanden och hur dessa tre faktorer påverkar revideringen. Den metod som använts är en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en kombination av en induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Den empiriska undersökningen har gjorts utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer och dessa utfördes övervägande med auktoriserade revisorer. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats och återkopplats till tidigare forskning för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. Studien visar att goodwill är ett omdiskuterat ämne på grund av att posten är svår att värdera samt att det är svårt att separera övriga immateriella tillgångar från goodwill. Studien visar även att revisionsbevis är en viktig del i revisionsprocessen. Gällande nedskrivningsprövning enligt IFRS visar studien att regelverket är komplicerat och att det därmed kräver kompetens och förståelse. Med detta konstateras att tydligare regelverk och riktlinjer skulle vara fördelaktigt. Resultaten från studien visar att revisorerna anser ej att agera neutralt i sin bedömning är ett problem och att detta anses vara en förutsättning för att utöva yrket. Gällande goodwillpostens väsentlighet visar studien att postens storlek är avgörande samt att det ej finns någon fastställd modell vid bedömning av väsentlighetstal. Studien visar även att revidering av goodwillposten bidrar med kvalité och tillförlitlighet till årsredovisningarna. Reviderade årsredovisningar är därmed viktigt för investerarnas framtida beslutsfattanden. Ett förslag till vidare forskning är att utföra en liknande studie med ett större urval samt komplettera denna med företagens synvinkel av hur de arbetar med nedskrivningsprövning enligt IFRS. / The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how auditors should audit existing goodwill in Swedish listed companies and how the auditors relate to impairment test under IFRS. The study's purpose is also to investigate what auditors consider about the three factors - neutrality, substantial and auditing as a basis for future decision-shaping process and how these factors influence the auditing. The method used is a qualitative research method with a combination of inductive and deductive approach. The empirical investigation was made based on semi-structured interviews and these were conducted predominantly with certified public auditors. The empirical data have been compared to previous research in order to answer the research questions. The study shows that goodwill is a debated topic due to the record is difficult to value and that it is difficult to separate other intangible assets from goodwill. The study also shows that the statement of qualifications is an important part of the audit process. Applicable impairment according to IFRS study shows that the regulatory framework is complicated and that it therefore requires expertise and understanding. This shows that clearer rules and guidelines would be beneficial. The results of the study show that the auditors do not think that acting neutral in their assessment is a problem and that this is considered a prerequisite for the exercise of the profession. Existing goodwill substantial study shows that the record size is crucial, and not see any fixed model when assessing materiality speech. The study also shows that the auditing of goodwill contributes to quality and reliability to the financial statements. Audited financial statements are thus important for investors ' future decision shaping process. A suggestion to further research is to conduct a similar study with a larger sample and supplement this with enterprise point of view of how they work with impairment testing under IFRS.
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Rysslands implementering av IFRS : en jämförande studie mellan RussianAccounting Standards och internationella redovisningsregler / The implementation of IFRS in The Russian Federation : a comparative study between Russian Accounting Standards and international accounting standardsCedercrantz, Julia, Harrysson, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
År 2005 infördes regeln om att samtliga noterade bolag inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) skulle uppföra sin koncernredovisning enligt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)med start räkenskapsåret 2005. Målet med IFRS är att världsekonomin ska bli mertransparent, ansvarsfull, jämförbar och effektiv. IFRS ska även bidra till att världsekonomin får förtroende, tillväxt och långsiktig finansiell stabilitet. Detta införande har setts som en revolution inom den finansiella ekonomin. Flera länder tog efter EU:s implementering men den nya regeln har dock inte implementerats lika smärtfritt i alla länder. Ryssland är ett land med ett redovisningsregelverk som skiljer sig väsentligt mot IFRS, men också från andranationella regelverk. Studiens problemdiskussion visar på att Ryssland har haft och har stora problem med implementeringen av IFRS till skillnad från EU-länderna vilket har lett fram tillstudiens syfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka de skillnader som finns mellan IFRS och ryska redovisningsstandarder för att påvisa hur väl Ryssland framgångsrikt har lyckats implementera IFRS jämfört med ett av medlemsländerna i EU, i detta fall Sverige. Syftet medstudien är också att undersöka hur Rysslands kultur kan ha påverkat dess utveckling och implementering av nationella och internationella regelverk inom redovisningen. Studien har ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt och syftar till att göra en komparativ studie. En granskning sker av tidigare forskning samt av koncernredovisningar enligt både IFRS och RAS från de 25 största företagen i Ryssland, baserat på jämnviktiga mätningar av intäkter, vinster, tillgångar och marknadsvärde. Därefter görs analyser och jämförelse mellan de olika regelverken. Detta görs även ur ett kulturellt perspektiv. Slutsatsen av studien visar att rysk redovisningspraxis har många väsentliga brister vilka påverkar dess förmåga att implementera IFRS. Bristerna existerar dels i regelverkets grundstenar men även i landets kulturella värderingar, vilket gör landets förutsättningar att framgångsrikt implementera IFRS väldigt små. Studien visar på stora skillnader i innebörden av likartade standarder mellan Rysslands nationella regelverk RAS och det internationella regelverket IFRS vilket försvårar harmoniseringen. Två stora skillnader är att IFRS är principbaserat och RAS är regelbaserat men även att IFRS fokus i rapporterna är tillaktieägarna och andra intressenter medan RAS främst är till för skattehantering. De största anledningarna att harmoniseringen mellan IFRS och RAS försvåras är den okunskap och bristfälliga utbildningen som råder hos ryska revisorer och upprättare av finansiella rapporter. Företagen känner sig obekväma och omotiverade och väljer därför inte att frivilligt uppföra finansiella rapporter enligt IFRS. Ur ett kulturellt perspektiv visar studienäven att Rysslands bristande utveckling inom redovisningssystem kan hänvisas till landetsdimensioner inom kulturella värderingar vilka är: lagstadgad kontroll, enhetlighet, konservatism och sekretess. Detta i motsats till IFRS värderingar: professionalism, flexibilitet, optimism och transparens. Länder, såsom Ryssland, med kulturella värderingar inom redovisningspraxis vilka är avlägsna gentemot IFRS värderingar måste övervinna högre hinder för att framgångsrikt implementera och fortsatt kunna använda IFRS. / In 2005, a new rule was introduced. The rule demanded that all listed companies within the European Union (EU) were to maintain their consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), starting in the fiscal year of2005. The objective of the IFRS is to make the world economy more transparent, responsible, comparable, and effective. Additionally, the IFRS also was designed to bring confidence, growth, and long-term financial stability to the world economy. The introduction of IFRS has been seen as a revolution in the world of global economy. Many countries all over the world followed the EU and implemented their own new legislation, but many countries were not quite as successful with their implementations or had drastically different approaches to handling the economy. For instance, the Russian Federation is a state with an accounting framework that differs significantly from that of the IFRS and other national accounting frameworks. The discussion of this study shows that, unlike the countries within EU, the Russian Federation has major problems with the implementation of their own IFRS, which led to the purpose of this study. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between IFRS and the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS), while also comparing how much the Russian Federation implemented IFRS into their economy practices compared to that of a country within EU. In this case, Sweden. Another purpose of this study is to examine how Russian culture can affect the progress and implementation of national and international rules in their reporting sectors. This study will increase the understanding of accounting within the Russian Federation and its development from a cultural perspective. This work is done to facilitate trade between different countries and to increase the comparability of the accounting reports. This study has an abductive approach and the goal is to make a comparative study. An examination of previous research and consolidated financial statements, according to both the IFRS and RAS, can be scrutinized. The examination is limited to the 25 largest companies in the Russian Federation, based on facts of consistent measurement of revenue, profits, assets and market value. When the selection of companies is done, there will be an analysis comparing between the different regulations. An additional cultural perspective will be added contrasting Sweden to Russia. The results of this study show that Russian accounting has a lot of shortcomings in different aspects, which affects the ability to implement IFRS. The issues do not solely exist in the fundamental part of RAS, but also in the cultural values of the country. This makes it difficult for the companies of the Russian Federation to fully implement IFRS. The study demonstrates the big differences between the meaning of similar standards in the RAS compared to IFRS, which complicates the harmonization. One major difference between IFRS and RAS, is that IVIFRS is based on principles and RAS is based on rules. Another important difference is that IFRS put the focus on the reports to the shareholders and other stakeholders, while the RAS primarily focuses on tax management and the government. The main reason why the harmonization between the IFRS and RAS is so complicated is due to the fact that the Russian accountants’ lack both the proper knowledge and education. The companies feel insecure and unjustified, and therefore choose not to voluntarily set up financial reports according to the IFRS. From a cultural point of view, this study also shows that the Russian Federation’s lack of progress in the accounting system can be referred to the cultural basic values of the country, which are: statutory control, uniformity, conservatism and confidentiality. Contrary to this, IFRS basic values are: professionalism, flexibility, optimism and transparency. Countries such as the Russian Federation, with cultural values that differ radically compared to IFRS values, must overcome bigger barriers to successfully implement and continue to use IFRS properly.
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Upplysningskrav gällande nedskrivning av goodwill : En komparativ studie av årsredovisningar av bolag i Kanada, Japan och Ryssland / Disclosures regarding impairment of goodwill : A comparative study of annual reports of companies in Canada, Japan and RussiaRomild, Sophie January 2017 (has links)
År 2005 blev det obligatoriskt för noterade bolag inom EU att upprätta sin koncernredovisning enligt IFRS. Dessa internationella redovisningsstandarder har som mål att skapa jämförbara, transparenta, relevanta, tillförlitliga och begripliga finansiella rapporter vilka behövs för att fatta ekonomiska beslut. Användandet av IFRS ökar inte bara inom EU utan också länder utanför EU, så som Kanada, Ryssland och Japan. Vid införandet av IFRS gick många bolag från att redovisa avskrivning av goodwill, till att göra nedskrivningstest enligt IAS 36 p. 134 och skriva ned goodwill vid behov. Användningen av nedskrivning av goodwill istället för avskrivning kan ge en klarare bild av företagen för intressenter. Det existerar dock kritik mot hur IAS 36 p. 134 och dess föreskrivningar för nedskrivningar tillämpas i redovisningspraxis. Tidigare studier i ämnet harmonisering, har visat att arbetet med att skapa jämförbarhet i praxis inte alltid lyckas. Samtidigt är differentieringen mellan anglosaxiska och kontinentala redovisningssystem inte lika tydliga idag som de varit i det förflutna. Detta gör det intressant att undersöka harmoniseringen och jämförbarheten i redovisningspraxis i företag, med länder som inte är medlemmar i EU. Genom en komparativ studie mellan länderna Kanada, Ryssland och Japan undersöks till vilken grad de tillämpar IFRS och vilken skillnad som existerar mellan de olika länderna.Studien använder sig av ett abduktivt förhållningssätt och syftar till att göra en komparativ studie över hur 85 företag redovisar nedskrivning av goodwill i länderna Kanada, Japan och Ryssland. En kvalitativ ansats, med en komparativ design används i första hand eftersom denna studie syftar till att undersöka harmoniseringsprocessen och dess kontinuerliga utveckling.Resultatet i studien visar att företagen i de tre länderna skiljer sig åt i vilken utsträckning som de redovisar enligt IAS 36 p. 134, som behandlar nedskrivning av goodwill. De kanadensiska företagen följer i genomsnitt paragraferna under IAS 36 p. 134 bättre än de andra länderna, medan resultatet för de företag som tillämpar nedskrivning av goodwill visar att de japanska företagen följer underparagraferna bäst.Slutsatsen som kan dras är att beroende på ett lands redovisningstradition samt vilka redovisningsprocesser som länderna använder, så kommer företagen följa internationella redovisningsprinciper i olika utsträckning. / In 2005, it became mandatory for listed companies within the EU to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. These international accounting standards aim at creating comparable, transparent, relevant, reliable and comprehensible financial statements that are needed to make financial decisions. The use of IFRS increases not only within the EU but also in countries outside the EU, such as Canada, Russia and Japan. When introducing IFRS, many companies failed to write impairment tests under IAS 36, p. 134, and write down goodwill if necessary. The use of goodwill write-downs instead of depreciation can provide a clearer picture of the companies for stakeholders. However, there is criticism of how IAS 36, p. 134, and its provisions for impairment are applied in accounting practice.Earlier studies in the subject of harmonization have shown that the work of creating comparability in practice does not always succeed. At the same time, the differentiation between Anglo-Saxon and Continental accounting systems is not as clear today as they have been in the past. This makes it interesting to investigate the harmonization and comparability of accounting practices in companies, with non-EU countries. A comparative study between Canada, Russia and Japan examines the extent to which they apply IFRS and the difference that exists between the different countries.The study uses an abductive approach and aims to make a comparative study of how 85 companies report goodwill impairment in the countries of Canada, Japan and Russia. A qualitative approach, with a comparative design, is used primarily because this study aims at examining the harmonization process and its continuous development.The result of the study shows that companies in the three countries differ to what extent they report in accordance with IAS 36, p. 134, which deals with write-downs of goodwill. Canadian companies, on average, follow the paragraphs of IAS 36, paragraph 134, better than the other countries, while the results of the goodwill impairment show that the Japanese companies comply best with the under-paragraphs.The conclusion that can be drawn is that depending on the country's accounting tradition and the accounting processes used by the countries, companies will comply with international accounting principles to a varying degree.
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Právní aspekty nezapsaných označení zboží a služeb užívaných v obchodě / Legal Aspects of the Unregistered Marks of Goods and Services Used in the Course of TradeVozáb, Jakub January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation theses addresses the phenomenon of the unregistered mark for goods and services in accordance with trade mark law of the Czech Republic, while taking into consideration the given scope of EU law and its comparison with the legal protection of applied trade marks in the framework of the "passing-off" doctrine of the legal systems of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. While the subject of trade marks has already been thoroughly established in juristic theory and has also become commonplace in legal practice, the institute of the unregistered trade mark has not yet to be comprehensively examined, and as such it presents significant difficulties in applied practice, as it bears no solid legal foundation, and in the context of the regulations of trade mark law it is always possible to identify specific special entitlements arising from the existence or application of unregistered trade marks, whereas the nature of their verbal formulations and systematic classification presents difficulties in the interpretation and application of such entitlements. The basis for this reasoning is namely the historical evolution of the phenomenon of the unregistered mark in trade mark law in Austrian, respectively in subsequent Cisleithania, and its reception and evolvement within Czechoslovak law as the legal predecessor to the Czech Republic. The goal of the research presented herein is to identify answers to the underlying theoretical questions concerning unregistered marks of fundamental significance to applied practice, and in so far as they concern the nature of the unregistered mark as perceived by trade mark law and its definitional attributes, terms of origin, duration, and expiration of unregistered marks, or more precisely as they concern rights to them, as well as the terms and scope of disposition with unregistered marks, namely in so far as they in turn relate to transfer or conversion and the grant of license or other temporary right of use. Subsequently, the establishment of answers to the aforementioned questions addresses the problem of the absence of an explicit legal principle to the phenomenon of the unregistered mark and the interpretation difficulties offered in the poorly formulated laws and subsequent fluctuations in legal practice. This problem is examined within the legal setting of the Czech Republic as a democratic nation with a market economy, in which holds true the classic legal rudiment of "that which is not prohibited by law is permitted", and in which hold true the fundamental and indefeasible rights of man, a component of which is the right to freely pursue economic activities and possess property within a framework of restrictions favouring the preservation of the rights of others as set forth by the law.
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Emergence et développement de la théorie financière de l'entreprise avant 1929 : la contribution de Thorstein Veblen / Emergence and development of the corporate finance before 1929 : thorstein Veblen's contributionDieudonné, Marion 26 April 2017 (has links)
Ma thèse s'intéresse à la théorie financière de l'entreprise qui émerge entre 1880 et 1929, ainsi qu’à l’apport de Veblen.Tout d'abord nous mettons en exergue les contributions analytique et macroéconomique que livre Veblen concernant la business enterprise. Il met en avant un triptyque crédit-actions-goodwill grâce auquel nous affirmons qu'il est un théoricien "pré-moderne" de la finance d'entreprise. Sa vision du goodwill lui permet de dresser une théorie de l'investissement qui s'ancre dans la filiation de la Q-Theory. Il propose ainsi un regard pionnier sur le management d'entreprise, avec son analyse du comportement de l'insider et de l'outsider. Dans un second temps, à travers un travail d'archives et une investigation dans les premiers manuels de finance d'entreprise, nous présentons une lecture de l'émergence de cette discipline académique, issue de la pratique des grandes entreprises. Un premier vocabulaire et les premières théories émergent. Par ailleurs, un débat plus large prend place concernant l'éducation aux Etats-Unis et l'institutionnalisation de l'enseignement des affaires dans la higher education, auquel Veblen prend part. / My PhD dissertation focuses on the theory of the corporate finance that emerged between 1880 and 1929, as well as the contribution of Veblen.First, we highlight Veblen’s analytical and macroeconomic contributions to the business enterprise. He highlights a trinity credit-equity-goodwill by which we assert that he is a "pre-modern" theorist of corporate finance. His vision of goodwill allows him to draw up a theory of investment that is rooted in the affiliation of the Q-Theory. It thus offers a pioneering look at the management of an enterprise, with its analysis of the behavior of the insider and the outsider.Secondly, through an archival work and an investigation into the first corporate finance manuals, we present a reading of the emergence of this academic discipline, resulting from the practice of large companies. A first vocabulary and the first theories emerge. In addition, there is a wider debate about education in the United States and the institutionalization of business education in higher education, in which Veblen takes part.
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Goodwill och dess påverkan på lönsamhet / Goodwill and its impact on profitabilityHultberg, Victor, Rehn, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
Goodwill utgör idag 16,5 procent av svenska noterade företags totala tillgångar. Trenden är ökande och i vissa fall överstiger goodwill det egna kapitalet. Att goodwill utgör en så stor del, innebär en risk då nedskrivningar av goodwill slår direkt mot eget kapital. Turerna och diskussionerna om goodwill har varit många och är idag ett hett ämne inom redovisningsbranschen. Redovisningsforskare är tudelade om goodwill ska redovisas som en tillgång eller inte. Vissa menar att goodwill inte passar in på definitionen av en tillgång, samtidigt hävdar andra forskare att goodwill kan innehålla komponenter som inte är lönsamhetsdrivande. Dessutom visar ytterligare forskning att goodwill används som ett verktyg för resultatmanipulation. Studier i bland annat England, Tyskland och USA visar dock att goodwill tenderar att generera avkastning och styrker därmed argumenten för att goodwill är en vinstdrivande tillgång. Inga tidigare studier har specifikt studerat den svenska marknaden om hur goodwill påverkar lönsamhet, vilket är i fokus i den här studien. Syftet med studien är att förbättra kunskapen om goodwill genom att undersöka om det går att identifiera goodwill som en vinstgenererande tillgång. För att svara på syftet haren kvantitativ undersökning genomförts där 106 företag på Large Cap och Mid Cap har studerats mellan 2010-2013, för att se om företag med goodwill har bättre lönsamhet än företag utan goodwill. Det övergripande resultatet i studien är att företag med goodwill har bättre lönsamhet än företag utan goodwill. Detta resultat är också helt i linje med vad tidig tidigare forskning funnit i andra länder. Dock visar studiens resultat att det inte finns ett signifikant samband mellan goodwill och lönsamhet när enbart Mid Cap-företagen studeras. Storleken på företag kan eventuellt ha en betydelse för om goodwill är en vinstgenererande tillgång eller inte. Vidare har studien också undersökt om det är så att företag som redan är lönsamma, förvärvar mer och därmed också ökar sin goodwillpost mer än andra företag. Studiens resultat kan dock inte bekräfta detta förhållande då det inte finns ett signifikant samband. / Goodwill represents 16.5 percent of Swedish listed companies' total assets. The trend is increasing, and in some cases exceeds the goodwill equity. Goodwill represents such a large part, implies a risk since amortization of goodwill strikes directly against equity. The discussions about goodwill have been many and has been a hot topic in the accounting industry. Accounting Researchers are dual of goodwill shall be recognized as an asset or not. Some argue that goodwill does not fit the definition of an asset, others argue that goodwill may contain components that not contributes to profitability. Furthermore, other research found that goodwill is used as a tool for earnings manipulation. Studies in Great Britain, Germany and the USA show that goodwill tends to generate returns and supporting the case for goodwill is a rent generating asset. No previous research has specifically studied the Swedish market and how goodwill affects profitability, which is the focus of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to improve the knowledge of goodwill by examining whether it is possible to identify goodwill as a rent generating asset. In relation to the purpose of this paper, a quantitative survey conducted in which 106 companies on the Large Cap and Mid Cap has been studied 2010-2013, to see if company with goodwill has better profitability than companies without goodwill. The main result of this paper is that companies with goodwill have better profitability than companies without goodwill. This result is also consistent with earlier research in other countries. However, this paper result shows that there is no significant correlation between goodwill and profitability when only the Mid Cap companies are analyzed. The size of the company may be of importance on whether goodwill is a rent generating asset or not. Furthermore, this paper also examined if companies that are already profitable, acquires more and consequently increases their goodwill more than other companies. This paper results cannot confirm this fact since there is no significant correlation.
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Nehmotná aktiva ve světově uznávaných účetních systémech / Intangible assets in world respected accounting systemsJirka, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on intangible assets especially from IFRS point of view. Then principles of IFRS are compared with principles of US GAAP and Czech regulation. This thesis provides theoretical base which is explained on practical examples. Finally, the study on goodwill from business combinations and its impairment is carried out. Author evaluates its results and he is trying to clarify cause of high recorded goodwill.
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Obrigação de não concorrência nos contratos empresariais: do trespasse de estabelecimento aos contratos associativos / Non-compete obligation in company contracts: from the sale and purchase agreement of business establishment to the association agreementsMartorano, Luciana dos Santos 27 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata da obrigação de não concorrência nos contratos empresariais. O trabalho divide-se em duas partes. A primeira será dedicada a introduzir os fundamentos teóricos necessários à compreensão da função exercida pela obrigação de não concorrência em cada um dos tipos contratuais que será individualmente analisado na segunda parte. Assim, a primeira parte traçará um panorama geral sobre os princípios e conceitos essenciais à compreensão da função jurídica e econômica que a obrigação de não concorrência exerce nos contratos empresariais. Inicialmente, dissertaremos sobre os princípios constitucionais da livre concorrência e da livre iniciativa, informando o papel que eles desempenham na proteção dos mercados e no desenvolvimento econômico nacional. Em seguida, apresentaremos um breve escorço histórico das políticas de defesa da concorrência engendradas pela legislação infraconstitucional pátria na consecução dos referidos princípios constitucionais. A partir da definição desses princípios e da análise da evolução histórica da defesa da concorrência, exporemos conclusões sobre o objetivo e os objetos mediatos e imediatos de tutela da concorrência. Em seguida, trataremos da atividade empresarial desempenhada nos mercados concorrenciais, dissertando de forma breve sobre a teoria geral da empresa e sobre os conceitos de empresário, empresa e estabelecimento empresarial, dedicando atenção especial ao estudo dos elementos e atributos da azienda, principalmente no que se refere ao aviamento e à clientela. Por fim, encerraremos a primeira parte com um capítulo dedicado à definição do conceito da obrigação de não concorrência, dissertando sobre a sua natureza jurídica, histórico doutrinário e jurisprudencial, aplicação no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e alienígena, teorias justificadoras, hipóteses de incidência e limites de aplicação nos contratos empresariais. A segunda parte será dedicada à análise efetiva dos contratos empresariais e terá como objetivo demonstrar a função que a obrigação de não concorrência exerce nos negócios jurídicos e como ela pode ser determinante para conferir eficácia às obrigações principais assumidas pelos contratantes. Por fim, apresentar-se-á conclusão ao trabalho, buscando-se evidenciar a importância da incidência da obrigação de não concorrência em determinados contratos empresariais como ferramenta essencial ao exercício da livre concorrência e da livre iniciativa. / This dissertation addresses the non-compete obligation in company contracts. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part will introduce the theoretical fundaments required to understand the function of the non-compete obligation in each contract type, which will be individually analyzed in the second part. Thus, the first part will trace an overall scenario of the principles and concepts required for understanding the legal and economic function of the non-compete obligation in corporate contracts. Initially, we will discuss the constitutional principles of free competition and free initiative, informing the role played by each in market protection and in the national economic development. Next, we will present a brief historical background on anti-trust policies adopted by the national infraconstitutional laws in meeting said constitutional principles. From the definition of these principles and the analysis of the historical course of anti-trust practice, we will present conclusions on the aims and mediate and immediate objects of anti-trust protection. Next, we will address business activities performed in competitive markets, briefly discussing the general theory of company and the concepts of company owner, company and business establishment, with emphasis on the study of the elements and attributes of the azienda, mainly goodwill and customer base. The first part will conclude with a chapter dedicated to defining the concept of the non-compete obligation, discussing the legal nature, doctrine and jurisprudence background, application in the Brazilian and international legal order, justifying theories, hypothesis of application and limitations on the application in company contracts. The second part will address the analysis of company contracts and will aim at demonstrating the function of the non-compete obligation in legal transactions and how decisive it can for the effectiveness of the main obligations undertaken by the contracting parties. In conclusion, this paper will highlight the importance of the application of the non-compete obligation in certain company contracts as an essential instrument for free enterprise and free initiative.
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Combinações de negócios no Brasil: o que direcionou a alocação do goodwill nas empresas integrantes do IBr-A? / Business combination in Brazil: what droves the goodwill allocation by the companies listed in the IBr-A?Tancini, Gustavo Raldi 21 December 2017 (has links)
Em 2007 foi sancionada a Lei no 11.638, que possibilitou a adoção das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS) no Brasil. A convergência às IFRS trouxe diversas inovações, incluindo dentre elas a contabilização das aquisições de empresas, normatizadas pelo Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócio, que tornou obrigatória a aplicação do método de aquisição. Por esse novo modelo, a entidade adquirente contabiliza os ativos identificáveis adquiridos e os passivos assumidos da adquirida pelos seus respectivos valores justos. Já o ágio por expectativa de rentabilidade futura (goodwill) passa a ser mensurado pela parcela do valor justo da contraprestação transferida que não foi individualmente identificada, sendo realizado exclusivamente por meio do teste de impairment. Esta tese tem o objetivo de identificar fatores determinantes no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill nas combinações de negócios realizadas e divulgadas pelas 101 empresas que compõe o Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) durante o período entre 2009 e 2015. Foram identificados e coletados, em grande parte, manualmente, dados sobre 442 combinações de negócios, e utilizaram-se efetivamente as 307 observações em que foi reconhecido goodwill. Foi empregada uma técnica multivariada de dependência conhecida como modelos hierárquicos lineares ou modelos multinível (HLM), cuja característica basilar é a captura da estrutura aninhada dos dados, considerando a variabilidade dos dados dentro dos 39 segmentos econômicos das empresas da amostra deste estudo. Os resultados indicaram a existência de uma estrutura hierárquica, na qual o segmento econômico de atuação da adquirente explicou em torno de 15% da variabilidade no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill. Durante a pesquisa foram testadas cinco variáveis relacionadas a fatores de 1o nível (percentual de remuneração variável da diretoria, relevância da aquisição, número de analistas, contraprestação em ações e o aproveitamento fiscal do goodwill) e outras duas relacionadas ao 2o nível (índice de imobilização e market-to-book ratio do segmento). Individualmente, dentre as variáveis de 1o nível, apenas o número de analistas acompanhando as ações da adquirente apresentou associação com o percentual de goodwill. As interações entre o aproveitamento fiscal e o índice de imobilização médio do segmento com o número de analistas também apresentaram associação. / In 2007, the approval of the Law 11.638 made the adoption of the International Accounting Reporting Standard (IFRS) possible in Brazil. The convergence to the IFRS brought several innovations, among then, the accounting for business combinations, regulated by the Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócios, which made the acquisition method mandatory. Under this new model, the acquirer measures the identifiable acquired assets and the assumed liabilities by their respective fair values. The goodwill, in turn, is the portion of the fair value of the consideration transferred that are not individually identified, and it is realized exclusively by the impairment test. This thesis aims to identify the determining factors in the percentage of the acquisition cost allocated as goodwill in the business combinations realized and disclosed by the 101 companies which comprises the Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) in the period from 2009 to 2015. It was identified and, in great part, hand collected, data about 442 business combinations, and the 307 observationsin which a goodwill was recognized were effectively used. It was used a multivariate dependency technique known as Hierarchical Linear Models or Multilevel Models (HLM), thathas the fundamental characteristic of capturing the nested data structure, considering the variability within the 39 economic segments of the firms of this study\'s sample. The results indicated the presence of a hierarchical structure, in which the segment that the acquirer operates explains about 15% of the variability in the percentage of acquisition cost allocated as goodwill. During the research five first level variables were tested (variable remuneration percentage of the acquirer\'s directors, acquisition relevance, number of analysts, stock consideration and the goodwill tax allowance), as well as two related to the second level (properties, plants and equipment to total asset and market-to-book value of the segment). Individually, among the first level variables, only the number of analyst following the acquirer shares presented an association with the percentage of goodwill. The interactions between the use of the tax allowance and the properties, plants and equipment to total asset with the number of analyst also presented an association.
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Combinações de negócios no Brasil: o que direcionou a alocação do goodwill nas empresas integrantes do IBr-A? / Business combination in Brazil: what droves the goodwill allocation by the companies listed in the IBr-A?Gustavo Raldi Tancini 21 December 2017 (has links)
Em 2007 foi sancionada a Lei no 11.638, que possibilitou a adoção das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS) no Brasil. A convergência às IFRS trouxe diversas inovações, incluindo dentre elas a contabilização das aquisições de empresas, normatizadas pelo Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócio, que tornou obrigatória a aplicação do método de aquisição. Por esse novo modelo, a entidade adquirente contabiliza os ativos identificáveis adquiridos e os passivos assumidos da adquirida pelos seus respectivos valores justos. Já o ágio por expectativa de rentabilidade futura (goodwill) passa a ser mensurado pela parcela do valor justo da contraprestação transferida que não foi individualmente identificada, sendo realizado exclusivamente por meio do teste de impairment. Esta tese tem o objetivo de identificar fatores determinantes no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill nas combinações de negócios realizadas e divulgadas pelas 101 empresas que compõe o Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) durante o período entre 2009 e 2015. Foram identificados e coletados, em grande parte, manualmente, dados sobre 442 combinações de negócios, e utilizaram-se efetivamente as 307 observações em que foi reconhecido goodwill. Foi empregada uma técnica multivariada de dependência conhecida como modelos hierárquicos lineares ou modelos multinível (HLM), cuja característica basilar é a captura da estrutura aninhada dos dados, considerando a variabilidade dos dados dentro dos 39 segmentos econômicos das empresas da amostra deste estudo. Os resultados indicaram a existência de uma estrutura hierárquica, na qual o segmento econômico de atuação da adquirente explicou em torno de 15% da variabilidade no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill. Durante a pesquisa foram testadas cinco variáveis relacionadas a fatores de 1o nível (percentual de remuneração variável da diretoria, relevância da aquisição, número de analistas, contraprestação em ações e o aproveitamento fiscal do goodwill) e outras duas relacionadas ao 2o nível (índice de imobilização e market-to-book ratio do segmento). Individualmente, dentre as variáveis de 1o nível, apenas o número de analistas acompanhando as ações da adquirente apresentou associação com o percentual de goodwill. As interações entre o aproveitamento fiscal e o índice de imobilização médio do segmento com o número de analistas também apresentaram associação. / In 2007, the approval of the Law 11.638 made the adoption of the International Accounting Reporting Standard (IFRS) possible in Brazil. The convergence to the IFRS brought several innovations, among then, the accounting for business combinations, regulated by the Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócios, which made the acquisition method mandatory. Under this new model, the acquirer measures the identifiable acquired assets and the assumed liabilities by their respective fair values. The goodwill, in turn, is the portion of the fair value of the consideration transferred that are not individually identified, and it is realized exclusively by the impairment test. This thesis aims to identify the determining factors in the percentage of the acquisition cost allocated as goodwill in the business combinations realized and disclosed by the 101 companies which comprises the Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) in the period from 2009 to 2015. It was identified and, in great part, hand collected, data about 442 business combinations, and the 307 observationsin which a goodwill was recognized were effectively used. It was used a multivariate dependency technique known as Hierarchical Linear Models or Multilevel Models (HLM), thathas the fundamental characteristic of capturing the nested data structure, considering the variability within the 39 economic segments of the firms of this study\'s sample. The results indicated the presence of a hierarchical structure, in which the segment that the acquirer operates explains about 15% of the variability in the percentage of acquisition cost allocated as goodwill. During the research five first level variables were tested (variable remuneration percentage of the acquirer\'s directors, acquisition relevance, number of analysts, stock consideration and the goodwill tax allowance), as well as two related to the second level (properties, plants and equipment to total asset and market-to-book value of the segment). Individually, among the first level variables, only the number of analyst following the acquirer shares presented an association with the percentage of goodwill. The interactions between the use of the tax allowance and the properties, plants and equipment to total asset with the number of analyst also presented an association.
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