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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Är det inte på tiden att välfärdssamhället tar itu med detta?" : Gunnar Inghe, socialmedicin och medborgarskap i 1960-talets Sverige

Rask, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Undersökningen i den här uppsatsen fokuserar på Gunnar Inghe och en del av det arbete han utförde med att etablera och legitimera socialmedicinen i Sverige på 1960-talet. Genom treolika typer av publikationer, Fattiga i folkhemmet – en studie av långvarigt understödda i Stockholm från 1960, Den ofärdiga välfärden från 1967 och två artiklar ur Socialmedicinsk tidskrift från 1959, går det att se hur Inghe använder sig av diverse forum och publikt tilltal för att nå ut med sin socialmedicin. Auktoriteten hos medicinen och naturvetenskapen visade sig stark när det kom till politik, ny vetenskap och sociala frågor. Socialmedicinen som nytt ämne behövde därför hävda sig inom dessa områden.Åren efter andra världskriget får socialmedicinen allt större plats när det kommer till att ge grund till politiska förändringar i samhället och välfärden. Hur denna etablering och legitimering visade sig i praktiken kan säga oss mycket om tidigare föreställningar inom såväl medicinen, samhället och det sociala. Inghes publikationer studeras ur tre återkommande teman, det vetenskapliga idealet, det sociala medborgarskapet och det publika. Det första temat berör hur gränsdragandet mellan vetenskap, politik och samhället förändras med socialmedicinen. Temat för det sociala medborgarskapet tar upp hur skapandet och definitionen av olika kategorier formar samhället och dess medborgare. Innehållet i publikationerna tolkas utifrån de två första temana och deras utformning utifrån temat om det publika, hur utformning och tilltal spelar roll för att väcka intresse och legitimitet.

Centerpartiet  fallet med mitten : En rationalistisk motivanalys av Centerpartiets vägval iregeringsfrågan 2018 och 2022

Saletti, Veronika January 2023 (has links)
The Center Party’s election results in 2022 was a great loss in comparison to the previous election. A distinguishing difference was the Center Party’s attitude to and choice of coalition partner where they 2018 proclaimed the Social Democrats to one of its main contenders along with the Sweden Democrats for to in the coming election express a will to partake in the same government as the Social Democrats, even though many party members and voters indicated that it wasn’t something they would prefer. This study therefore aims to explain the change in attitude by investigating underlying motives based on Gunnar Sjöblom’s rational theory about parties as strategic actors acting on three arenas: the internal arena, the electoral arena and the parliamentary arena. The arenas have different objectives and the motives are predefined based on these arenas to consist of reaching party cohesion, vote maximization and parliamentary power. Motive analysis is the method which is used to analyze the empirical material which is then analyzed in relation to the arena theories. The result shows that in similarity with previous research, a single motive cannot itself explain a party’s behaviour, however the motive indicators together with the party’s actions that the parliamentary arena’s motive showed to weigh heavier than the other motives.

Bindningar och lösningar : En studie kring tematiken bunden/löst i Lars Ahlins roman Fromma mord / Ties and liberations : A study around the theme tied/liberated in Lars Ahlins' novel Fromma mord

Söderberg, Janna January 2016 (has links)
Lars Ahlins’ Fromma mord (Pious murder) is an incredibly complex novel. Is it even possible to say what the deepest sense is about? Erik A Nielsen and Gunnar D. Hansson has presented reasonable interpretations in their analysis of Fromma mord. However, they have not necessarily right to all points, hence it is possible to draw other conclusions. When I chose to explore the characters' strategies to liberate their ties, a relationship between the novels’ micro- and macro level was revealed, that had not been presented previously. The two issues underlying the basis for this essay are: 1) What are the different solutions Lilly, Agnes, Evangeline, Aron and Brinkman seek to be liberated from their ties? 2) Who is liberated and why? The method used for this analysis is a hermeneutic close reading of the novel Fromma mord. The results found were that the characters who were able to assert their needs and get others to cooperate with their strategies - had the best chance of becoming free. However, the most important condition for becoming liberated was that they could offload the money that tied them to Brinkman. Arons’ death was the last step that made a new future possible for Agnes, Roland, Lilly and Sven. The struggle of the characters at the novels’ micro level, was linked to the struggle between God and the devil at the novels’ macro level, through the allegorical dimension of the characters Aron and Brinkman. The essence of the whole novel is that all men are prisoners and that there is a battle going on, where even God is involved risking His own life. / Lars Ahlins Fromma mord är en oerhört komplex och idérik roman. Går det ens att säga vad den djupast sett handlar om? Erik A Nielsen och Gunnar D Hansson har presenterat möjliga tolkningar i sina analyser av Fromma mord. Men de har inte nödvändigtvis rätt på alla punkter, det går också att dra andra slutsatser. När jag valde att undersöka karaktärernas strategier för att bli fria från sina bindningar så kunde jag se ett samband mellan romanens mikro – och makroplan som inte tidigare presenterats. De två frågeställningar som ligger till grund för denna C-uppsats är: 1) Vilka olika lösningar söker Lilly, Agnes, Evangeline, Aron och Brinkman för att befrias ur sin bundenhet? 2)Vilka blir befriade och varför? Den metod jag använde för min analys är en hermeneutisk närläsning av romanen Fromma mord. De resultat jag fann var att de karaktärer som kunde hävda sina behov och få andra att samarbeta med deras strategier - hade störst chans att bli fria. Men den viktigaste förutsättningen för befrielse, var att huvudkaraktären Aron tog på sig de andras bindningar och att hans död möjliggjorde de andras fortsatta liv. Den kamp karaktärerna utkämpar på romanens mikronivå, blir genom den allegoriska dimensionen av karaktärerna Aron och Brinkman, sammanlänkad med den kamp mellan Gud och Djävulen som pågår på romanens makronivå. Jag ser som romanens essens att alla människor är fångar och att det pågår en kamp där till och med Gud är indragen på liv och död.

”Den är den enda räddningen för Europas kulturfolk – varken mer eller mindre” : En komparativ studie av svenska tidningars framställningar av Rasbiologi 1919–1958 / “It is the only salvation for Europe’s cultural people – no more no less” : A comparative study of Swedish newspapers’ representations of Racial Biology 1919–1958

Svensson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines two daily newspapers’ representations of eugenics from the incipient racial biological investigation 1919 until 1958, and the State Institute for Racial Biology is reorganized. The dissertation also aims to examine whether there are any distinct turning points where the newspapers distance themselves from the ideas and the research of eugenics. The analysis material is based on newspaper articles from two national dailies, i.e., Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The theoretical framework and method are based on Fairclough’s discourse theory and analysis to observe and elucidate how eugenics is represented over a longer period of time. The conclusion of the dissertation is that the newspapers continuously designate racial biology as something unique and being the salvation from degeneration until Herman Lundborg resigns as head of the institute. After Gunnar Dahlberg took over the managerial position the activities at the Institute changed course and the research undertaken there became engaged in medical genetics and social medicine instead of racial biology. The main argument for the establishment of the institute was that it would provide protection for the Swedish race. The norms and attitudes were more about the science and somewhat about nationalism, while what we now call racism did not seem to be included at all. The discourses about racial biology that have arisen have been maintained in society through the newspapers, as the recipients have been continuously fed with praiseworthy and warning words. This fits with Foucault’s reasoning and theory which he clarifies the fact that discourses are conditioned by how society discusses about something that over time has been an influence on how people are classified or treated by the newspapers that maintains it.

En religionspsykologisk studie av poeten och mystikern Gunnar Ekelöf : Om poeten som mystiker och poesi som mystikens språk

Wahlström, Emil January 2017 (has links)
With this essay, I mean to investigate if the poetry of the Swedish poet, writer and cultural elitist Gunnar Ekelöf shows signs and meanings of a mystical character. First, I research and compare the theories of Nathan Söderblom, Hjalmar Sundén and Antoon Geels about mysticism and use these in my interpretation of Ekelöfs poetry. It soon becomes clear that Ekelöf is a person with an inner religious reality and in context with the definition of mysticism this essay presents and uses, it goes to show that his poetry can be seen as mystical and furthermore that Ekelöf himself can be considered a mystic. This essay, leads to a discussion about a wider interpretation of mysticism and that mysticism can be seen in poetry.

État, économie et population : de Malthus à Keynes et Myrdal

Brodeur, Abel 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'accroissement de plus en plus rapide de la population mondiale pousse un grand nombre de chercheurs à s'interroger sur les limites de la croissance. Dans le même ordre d'idée, cette recherche vise à comprendre la dynamique entourant l'économie et la démographie. Une analyse exhaustive des différents écrits d'économistes permet d'approfondir la connaissance sur ce sujet précis de même qu'à répondre à une question en particulier: Quelles politiques doivent être mises en place pour améliorer le sort des affamés? Thomas Robert Malthus est l'un des premiers à avoir remis en question l'efficacité d'un accroissement de la population. Sa critique de certains des thèmes clés du courant mercantilisme marque ainsi le commencement d'une analyse privilégiant le bonheur individuel sur celui de la nation. Après s'être penché sur les différentes propositions développées par Malthus dans ses Essais sur le principe de population, il s'avère possible d'examiner l'influence qu'il a eue sur deux autres économistes, soit John Maynard Keynes et Karl Gunnar Myrdal. La présente étude analyse ainsi les idées de Keynes et de Myrdal quant à la relation économie-démographie. Bien que Keynes et Myrdal aient modifié au fil du temps leur vision quant à un accroissement démographique, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'ils conservèrent un argumentaire basé sur les théories malthusiennes. Après avoir examiné les différentes politiques démographiques proposées par ces économistes, une dernière section permet de prendre conscience des développements récents dans l'économie de la population. De plus, les politiques proposées par Malthus, Myrdal et Keynes sont analysées dans une perspective contemporaine où l'Inde et la Chine occupent une place prépondérante. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : John Maynard Keynes, Thomas Robert Malthus, néo-malthusianisme, Karl Gunnar Myrdal, population, redistribution des revenus

För gull och för edela kransar : en identifiering av 22 nyfunna ballader

Sverkersson, Micael, Bäckvall, Louise January 2006 (has links)
In February 2005, a collection predominantly containing medieval ballads was found in the library of Växjö. The collectors were mainly George Stephens, originally from Scotland, and Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius, both active in Småland in the nineteenth century. In connection with an intital inventory of the material, Magnus Gustafsson, ethnomusicologist at Smålands Musikarkiv, marked ballads of uncertain origin with a question mark. The purpose of this essay is to investigate 22 of these marked ballads. To be able to compare them with other material we have developed a method to identify differences. By means of the method both the text and the melody are compared and in addition the differences in terms of quality and quantity are assessed. We have compared the collection, named Växjö Stadsbiblioteks Stephenssamling (VSS), with the Swedish edition of medieval ballads, Sveriges Medeltida Ballader (SMB). In the comparison, a ballad forgotten since the mid nineteenth century was retrieved .

För gull och för edela kransar : en identifiering av 22 nyfunna ballader

Sverkersson, Micael, Bäckvall, Louise January 2006 (has links)
<p>In February 2005, a collection predominantly containing medieval ballads was found in the library of Växjö. The collectors were mainly George Stephens, originally from Scotland, and Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius, both active in Småland in the nineteenth century. In connection with an intital inventory of the material, Magnus Gustafsson, ethnomusicologist at Smålands Musikarkiv, marked ballads of uncertain origin with a question mark.</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate 22 of these marked ballads. To be able to compare them with other material we have developed a method to identify differences. By means of the method both the text and the melody are compared and in addition the differences in terms of quality and quantity are assessed. We have compared the collection, named Växjö Stadsbiblioteks Stephenssamling (VSS), with the Swedish edition of medieval ballads, Sveriges Medeltida Ballader (SMB). In the comparison, a ballad forgotten since the mid nineteenth century was retrieved .</p>

Medveten rörelse och strukturerad spontanitet : En stilstudie av tre verk av Pierre Alechinsky / Concious Movement and Structured Spontaneity : A style analysis of three artworks by Pierre Alechinsky

Fabri, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
The Belgian artist Pierre Alechinsky (1927– ) is the last living member of Cobra (Copenhagen Brussel Amsterdam), a European avant-garde art movement, which was active between 1948 and 1951. The aim of this study is to examine the style of Alechinsky as it evolved after 1951 while also providing an introduction to the art of Alechinsky to a Swedish audience. To do so, I focus primarily on three of Alechinsky’s artworks: Migration (1951), Central Park (1965) and Passerelle (II) (1986). The theoretical framework is derived from Michael Baxandall’s book Patterns of Intention (1985), which explains historical objects through the cultural context in which they were created. The analyses are based on terms borrowed from Jan-Gunnar Sjölin’s semiotic method from Att tolka bilder (1998), and focus on the artworks’s materiality, comprising the use of materials, plasticity and verbal meanings.   The results show that Alechinsky incorporates stylistic features, such as Japanese calligraphy, derived from his trips abroad and his interactions with fellow artists. A shift from abstraction to figuration occurred between the earlier Migration and later Central Park. Alechinsky’s style in Central Park and Passerelle (II) is characterised by his use of sidenotes and marouflage while blending figurative and abstract images. Alechinsky’s style in the later artworks includes the usage of Indian ink as well as clear acrylic colours. Both Central Park and Passerelle (II) include brushwork and organic shapes, which between the two artworks have similarities with each other. The brushwork for example, creates lines that creates movement which can be seen in the central pictures of Central Park and Passerelle (II). Alechinsky’s style is also characterised by square and rectangular shapes that contains pictures. It is a style in the grey zone of abstraction and figuration, where conscious movement and structured spontaneity meet.

MultipliCities : the infrastructure of African American literature, 1899-1996

Dean, Jeremy Stuart 15 October 2014 (has links)
MultipliCities: The Infrastructure of African American Literature, 1899-1996 explores intersections between black fiction and canonical sociology through two extended case studies focusing on the authors Richard Wright and Paul Beatty. The formation of disciplinary sociology in the early twentieth century had a profound influence on the production and reception of African American literature. Sociologists at the University of Chicago were among the first to teach black fiction and poetry in the academy, and institutionalized a social scientific framework for comprehending black culture. This framework, which assumes that black writing produces racial knowledge about black experience, continues to pressure contemporary African American authors through the demands of the publishing industry today. At the same time, though, African American authors throughout the twentieth century have resisted sociological expectations for their work and responded critically to the social scientific study of the black community more broadly. MultipliCities studies black writers whose fiction is specifically critical of sociological conceptions of black personhood and place. While Richard Wright's best-selling Native Son (1940) has been canonized as a type of sociological fiction, I read against this critical tradition for the ways in which his juvenile delinquent protagonist, Bigger Thomas, evades his production as a social scientific object. I locate further evidence for Wright's revision of sociological knowledge production in his final, posthumously published novel, A Father's Law (1960; 2008), in which the main character is a sociologist and a serial killer who violently deforms the mastery of the social scientific expert. In my second case study, I turn to contemporary novelist Paul Beatty's post-civil rights era novel The White Boy Shuffle (1996), which I read as a mock ethnography in its description of a postindustrial ghetto that exceeds the sociological imagination of the so-called "culture of poverty." Though rap music is often interpreted as evidence of the alleged impoverishment of inner-city black community, in my final chapter I read Beatty's "hip hop novel" as challenging the social scientific expectations for black popular culture that are part of the ongoing legacy of the canonical sociology of race. / text

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