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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handbollspelares efficacy på individ och kollektiv nivå, samt tävlingsnivån vid utövandet / Handballplayers Efficacy as an Individual and a Collective, and the competition level.

Nilsson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka handbollsspelares generella efficacy, individuella - och kollektiva efficacy inom handbollssituationer samt nivån av utövandet. Studien bestod av två delar. Den första var kvantitativ med två frågeformulär; Schwarzers och Jerusalems Generell Self-Efficacy Scale samt Chase, Feltz och Lirggs Team Efficacy Questionnaire. Två lag från elitnivå (n=36) och två från lägre nivå (n=37) representerades. Resultatet visade att handbollsspelare på högre nivå har en högre grad av self-efficacy och kollektivt efficacy än de på lägre nivån. Den kvalitativa delen bestod av fyra intervjuer, två från varje nivå. Resultatet indikerade till särdrag mellan grupperna, gällande vad self-efficacy och kollektivt efficacy baserades på. Fortsatt forskning kring området är väsentligt för att öka förståelsen för spelares och ledares handlingar, därav kunna höja prestationen. / The purpose was to examine handballsplayers general efficacy, self-efficacy, collective efficacy and two levels within the sport. The study had two parts. Part one had a quantitative approach with two questionnaires; General Self-efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) and Team Efficacy Questionnaire (Chase, Feltz & Lirgg, 2003). Two teams of the highest (n= 36) and two teams of a lower (n= 37) level were represented. The result showed that the athletes in the higher level had higher Self-Efficacy and Collective Efficacy. Part two was qualitative and contained four interviews. The result indicated that there was a difference between the two levels within the sport. Continued research is important to increase the comprehension in this area, and there for increase the athletes’ performances.

Lagsammanhållning hos handbollsspelare : Herr- och damlags uppfattning om sammanhållning samt ledarens uppfattning om team buildning / Team-cohesion in handball : Men's and women's teams perception about cohesion and coaches perception about team building

Andersson, Lisa, Samuelsson, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är främst att studera sammanhållning hos herr- respektive damlag samt undersöka eventuella skillnader/likheter. Författarna avser vidare att undersöka ledares uppfattningar om sin egen roll för sammanhållningen i ett lag samt deras uppfattningar om hur sammanhållning skapas och bibehålls. Totalt deltog 96 manliga och kvinnliga handbollsspelare, från division 1 och 2, i åldrarna 16-34 i den kvantitativa undersökningen och 4 tränare deltog i den kvalitativa undersökningen. Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan sammanhållningen i dam- respektive herrlagen då kvinnor upplevde en högre grad av sammanhållning. Resultaten visade vidare att tränarna ansåg att sammanhållningsarbetet bör se olika ut för kvinnor och män då kvinnor lägger större vikt vid att känslan i gruppen var bra och män fokuserar mer på prestation. Slutligen visade resultatet att sammanhållning ständigt bör underhållas för att uppnå bästa resultat. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till olika teoretiska perspektiv. / The purpose of this study is mainly to study the cohesion of the men's and women's teams and investigate any differences / similarities. The authors also intend to explore coaches perceptions about their own role in the cohesion of a team, and their perceptions of how cohesion is created and maintained. A total of 96 male and female handball players, in division 1 and 2, from age 16 to 34 participated in the quantitative study, and four coaches participated in the qualitative survey. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the cohesion of the men and women, as the female handball players experienced a higher level of cohesion then the male handball players. Further, the results showed that the coaches felt that the cohesion is different in men's and women's teams,as women attach higher value to how well the members of the group get along and men tend to focus on their own performance. Finally, the results showed that cohesion should be constantly maintained in order to achieve success. The results were discussed in relation to different theoretical perspectives.


Andersson, Nicklas January 2015 (has links)
Background: The need to find the underlying causes to handball injuries and to develop injury prevention programs is great. In other sports a relationship between maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and injury have been seen. Purpose: To examine the relationship between VO2 max and/or lactate threshold and injuries in elite handball players. Methods: A prospective, non experimental correlational study was conducted. Thirty elite handball players and handball high school players were included. Injuries and test results for VO2-max, lactate threshold and potential confounders ( re-injury of the previous injury, re- injury of previous injury of the lower limb, age, BMI and legs and core strength for the high school players) were registered during the season 2014-2015. A bivariate analysis using Spearman's rank correlation calculation was conducted. Twenty-six respectively 11 of the players had data on VO2-max, respectively lactate threshold. Confounders that showed connection with injuries or injuries in the lower extremity were analyzed for the bivariate correlation with VO2-max and lactate threshold. Results: No significant correlation was found between VO2-max respectively lactate threshold and injury. Significant correlations were seen between previous injury respectively previous injury to the lower extremity and to get a re-injury. A significant correlation were seen between re-injury of a previous injury in the lower limb and VO2-max. Conclusions: Significant associations were seen between re- injury of earlier injury and between re-injury of the lower extremity and VO2-max and should therefore be considered in the clinical practice. Larger studies are needed to clarify the relationship between VO2-max and lactate threshold and injuries. / Bakgrund: Behovet att hitta bakomliggande orsaker till handbollsskador för att kunna utforma skadepreventiva åtgärder är stort. I andra idrotter har ett samband mellan maximal syreupptagningsförmåga (VO2-max) och skador kunnat ses. Syfte: Att undersöka samband mellan VO2-max och/eller laktattröskelvärde och skador hos elithandbollspelare. Metod: En prospektiv icke experimentell sambandsstudie utfördes. Trettio elithandbollsspelare och handbollsgymnasiespelare inkluderades. Skador och testresultat för VO2-max och laktattröskel samt tänkbara konfounders (återskada av tidigare generell skada, återskada av tidigare skada i nedre extremitet, ålder, BMI och ben och bålstyrka för gymnasiespelarna) registrerades under matchsäsongen 2014-2015. En bivariat analys med Spearmans rangkorrelationsberäkning utfördes. Tjugosex respektive 11 av spelarna hade data på VO2-max respektive laktattröskelvärde. Konfounders som visade samband med generella skador eller skador i nedre extremiteten analyserades bivariat för samband med VO2-max och laktattröskelvärde. Resultat: Inga signifikanta samband fanns mellan VO2-max respektive laktattröskelvärde och skador. Signifikanta samband fanns för tidigare generella skador respektive tidigare skada i nedre extremiteten och att återfå densamma samt mellan återskada av tidigare skada i nedre extremiteten och VO2-max. Konklusion: Signifikanta samband fanns för återskada av tidigare skada samt mellan återskada i nedre extremiteten och VO2-max vilket bör beaktas i den kliniska vardagen. Större studier behövs för att klargöra det sambandet mellan VO2-max respektive laktattröskel och skador.

Prevention av överbelastningsskador i axelleden hos elithandbollsspelare : En åtta veckors interventionsstudie under tävlingssäsong

Gustafsson, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Axelskador är vanligt förekommande inom idrott. Det finns ett tydligt samband mellan axelskador och idrotter som innefattar hand- och armrörelser ovanför huvudhöjd, som till exempel handboll. Axellederna utsätts för såväl hård fysisk kontakt som hög belastning vid repetitiva kaströrelser vilket ställer stora krav på axelledens strukturer. Prevalensen av aktuell eller tidigare axelskada rapporteras vara mellan 58 till 75 % hos spelarna. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett preventivt träningsprogram riktat mot riskfaktorer för skada i axelleden, utfört under åtta veckor i slutskedet av tävlingssäsong, påverkade prevalensen av överbelastningsskador i axelleden hos elithandbollsspelare i Sverige. Hur påverkas prevalensen av överbelastningskador och av allvarliga överbelastningsskador i axelleden under åtta veckor med samtidigt genomförande av ett preventivt träningsprogram för axelleden på elithandbollsspelare i Sverige? Metod: Studien var av kvasi-experimentell design vilken bestod av sex mättillfällen under åtta veckor. Nio elithandbollslag aktiva i Mellansverige rekryterades, varav 110 av 162 tillgängliga spelare inkluderades vid studiestart. Exkludering under och efter studieperioden gjorde att analysen utfördes på ett färre antal spelare. Lagen delades in i interventions- (n = 48) eller kontrollgrupp (n = 32) genom stratifierat urval, medelålder (± SD) 22.0 (3.3) respektive 21.9 (4.0). Interventionsgruppen tilldelades ett preventivt träningsprogram bestående av tre övningar i syfte att förbättra riskfaktorer för axelskador hos ”overhead athletes”. Kontrollgruppen tilldelades ingen intervention. Träningsprogrammet utvärderades genom att analysera prevalensen av överbelastningsskada och allvarlig överbelastningsskada i axelleden mätt med en modifierad version av The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire. Resultat: Totalt 455 överbelastningssymtom rapporterades hos 42 spelare (53 %) varav 95 symtom var allvarliga hos 18 spelare (23 %). Prevalensen av överbelastningsskada minskade för både interventions- och kontrollgruppen från 42 % (95 % CI 28-56 %) till 25 % (95 % CI 13-37 %) respektive 53 % (95 % CI 36-70 %) till 31 % (95 % CI 15-47 %). Prevalensen av allvarliga överbelastningsskador minskade för både interventions- och kontrollgruppen från 15 % (95 % CI 5-25 %) till 6 % (95 % CI -1-13 %) respektive 19 % (95 % CI 5-32 %) till 13 % (95 % CI 1-24 %). Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna gällande prevalensen efter åtta veckors intervention. Allvarlighetspoängen minskade genomgående med en signifikant skillnad (p = 0.001) över tid för båda grupperna där kontrollgruppen förbättrades något mer. Det fanns en tendens till skillnad mellan grupperna (p = 0.064) gällande allvarlighetspoäng. Slutsats: Resultaten av denna studie visar på att prevalensen av allvarlig överbelastningsskada i axelleden hos elithandbollsspelare i Sverige möjligtvis kan reduceras till viss del genom utförande av ett preventivt träningsprogram två eller fler gånger per vecka under åtta veckor. Prevalensen av allvarliga symtom för överbelastningsskada minskade till ett något lägre värde för interventionsgruppen. Skillnaden för prevalens av överbelastningsskada inom interventionsgruppen, undergrupperade på antal utförda förebyggande träningspass, var signifikant (p = 0.044). Allvarlighetspoängen minskade i båda grupperna under studien. Det fanns en tendens till signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna (p = 0,.064), där kontrollgruppen förbättrades något mer trots ett högre värde vid mätning vecka 8. Axelskada och dysfunktioner hos ”overhead athletes” kan orsakas av olika faktorer vilket innebär att även riskfaktorerna bakom var och en av dessa tillstånd kan variera. Det är därför viktigt att upplysa om att träningsprogrammets påverkan på individnivå kan se annorlunda ut jämfört med resultatet på gruppnivå i den större populationen. / Background: Shoulder injuries are common in sport. In particular there is a clear relationship between shoulder injuries and sports that includes hand- and arm movements over the head, for example handball. In handball, the shoulder joints are exposed to hard physical contact as well as high loads during repetitive throwing which puts high demands on the structures inside and surrounding the shoulder joint. The prevalence of current or previous shoulder injuries is reported to be between 58 to 75 % in studies of handball players. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate how a preventive training program aimed at risk factors for shoulder injuries in the shoulder joint, performed during eight weeks in the final stage of competitive season, affected the prevalence of overuse injuries in the shoulder joint for elite handball players in Sweden.  How is the prevalence of overuse injuries and severe overuse injuries in the shoulder joints of elite Swedish handball players affected by the implementation of an eight-week preventive training program? Method: The study was of a quasi-experimental design which consisted of six measurements taken during eight weeks. Nine elite handball teams active in the middle regions of Sweden were recruited, from which 110 of the 162 available players were included. Exclusions during and after the study period reduced the number of players. The teams were divided into an intervention (n = 48) or control group (n = 32) through stratified sampling, with mean age (± SD) 22.0 (3.3) and 21.9 (4.0), respectively. The intervention group was assigned a preventive exercise program consisting of three exercises with the purpose of improving riskfactors for shoulder injuries for overhead athletes. The control group was not assigned any intervention. The training program was evaluated by analyzing the prevalence of overuse and severe overuse symptoms in the shoulder measured with a modified version of The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Overuse Injury Questionnaire. Results: A total of 455 overuse symptoms were reported by 42 players (53 %) of which 95 symptoms in 18 players (23 %) were severe. The prevalence of overuse injuries decreased in both the intervention and the control group from 42 % (95 % CI 28-56 %) to 25 % (95 % CI 13-37 %) and 53 % (95 % CI 36-70 %) to 31 % (95 % CI 15-47 %), respectively. The prevalence of severe overuse injuries decreased in both the intervention and the control group from 15 % (95 % CI 5-25 %) to 6 % (95 % CI -1-13 %) and 19 % (95 % CI 5-32 %) to 13 % (95 % CI 1-24 %), respectively. There was no significant difference between the groups regarding prevalence after the intervention of eight weeks. Severity score consistently decreased with a significant difference over time (p = 0.001) for both groups, with a slightly greater improvement in the control group. There was a tendency towarda difference between the groups (p = 0.064) regarding the severity score. Conclusions: The results of this study show that the prevalence of severe overuse injuries in the shoulder joint of elite handball players in Sweden might be reduced to some extent by performing a preventive exercise program two or more times per week for eight weeks. The prevalence of severe symptoms of overload injury decreased to a slightly lower value for the intervention group. The difference of prevalence of overuse injuries within the intervention group, stratified by the number of executed preventive exercise programs (<2 and ≥2), was significant (p = 0.044). Severity score decreased in both groups during the study. However, there was a tendency to a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.064), where the control group improved slightly more in spite of a higher value when measured at week 8. Shoulder injury and dysfunctions of overhead athletes can be caused by various factors, which means that the riskfactors for each of these conditions may vary. It is therefore important to highlight that the effects of a training program may be different at the individual level compared with the results at group level.

Didelio meistriškumo rankininkų sportinės veiklos motyvacijos ypatumai / Peculiarities of High Peak Performance Handball Players’ Motivation for Sporting Activity

Žvaliauskaitė, Indrė 20 May 2005 (has links)
It is noticed that success of sporting activity is positively influenced by certain motives. That prompted to perform a research enabling to determine prevailing sporting activity motives of high peak performance handball players. There is a sporting activity motivation of high peak performance men handball players (n=57) analysed in the final paper of the Master studies. Having analysed sporting activity motives of high peak performance men handball players (n=29) and women handball players (n=28) it was established that prevailing motives of high peak performance men handball players’ sporting activity is “cooperation”, “orientation to activity content” and “collaboration”, however just the motive of “cooperation” is statistically reliable. An average failure evasion level and success motivation level are also prevailing, however there is no a statistically significant difference. Analysing sporting activity motives of high peak performance men handball players in the aspect of sex, we have established that a motive of “cooperation” of social motivation level is the most archetypal for men as well as for women, however statistically reliable difference was not determined; there is a statistically reliable motive of “cooperation” prevailing among men. Statistically unreliable “motive of orientation to activity content” is prevailing among women; an average failure evasion level and success motivation level are most of all expressed among high peak performance men handball... [to full text]

Analýza zatížení hráče v utkání národní házené / Analysis of player's load in national handball match

Hokr, Jaromír January 2018 (has links)
Title: Analysis of player's load in national handball match Aim: The aim of the work was to measure the internal and external load of the national handball players during the second league match and then to analyze the data. Methodology: 7 players from TJ Šroubárna Žatec took part in the measurement, including 1 defender, 3 midfielder and 3 strikers. Prior to the load measurement, the maximum heart rate was determined for each player using the Yo - Yo Intermittent Load Test by using the Polar Team 2 Sporttesters. The load measurement took place in a second - league match between TJ Šroubárna Žatec and TJ Spartak Rožmitál pod Třemíšnem. The measured data was processed in MS Excel. The level of statistical significance was set at p <0.05. Results: The results show that the longest distance players have traveled in the zones of staying (49.2% distance), walking (26.5% distance) and running (15.4% distance). They spent the longest time in the zones of the staying (54.5% of the time), walking (21.6% of the time) and the troting (19.5% of the time) and their heart rate was mostly in the zones 80-90% SFmax (28.2% time), 70-80% SFmax (23.1% of time) and below 60% SFmax (18.5% of time). The average speed of the players was 2.3 km / h and the average heart rate was 146 beats per minute. The average distance...

Profesní kompetence pracovníků Českého svazu házené / Professional competencies of Czech handball federation staff

Šimůnek, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Title: Professional Competencies of Czech Handball Federation Staff Objectives: The aim of this work is to assemble competence profile of the Czech handball federation employee. Furthermore the goal also is to analyse the importance of perception of this profile's individual components from this institution's employees' point of view. Methods: Gathering of the necessary data for processing the topic is reached via the method of source study in order to create the competence profile. For the questioning was used the method of electronic questionnaire created strictly for the purpose of this work, and also the method of semi-structured interviews. Results: The research has provided and evaluated the list of competencies that are necessary for profession performance within Czech handball federation. Also the key competencies for particular departments of this institution were identified and the structure of this institution was described and examined. Keywords: Handball, staff competencies, abilities, personality, skills

Analise cinematica das trajetorias de jogadores de handebol obtidas por rastreamento automatico / Kinematical analysis of handball players trajectories obtained by automatic tracking

Menezes, Rafael Pombo 02 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Machado Leite de Barros / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T20:09:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Menezes_RafaelPombo_M.pdf: 3429879 bytes, checksum: 7c82f9d00684b7656ae639300fa32080 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Os esportes coletivos têm se tornado um objeto de investigação científica em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Muitos desses estudos necessitam de desenvolvimento de metodologias para a quantificação das variáveis de análise. A análise cinemática dos jogadores por videogrametria fornece dados sobre a posição dos jogadores em função do tempo e apresenta vantagens, como a possibilidade de análise de diversos jogadores simultaneamente e a de ser um método não-invasivo, podendo ser aplicada em situações competitivas. Trabalhos recentes de desenvolvimento de metodologias para rastreamento automático de jogadores de futebol apresentam bons resultados para a obtenção de suas trajetórias e cálculo das distâncias percorridas e velocidades de cada jogador. Este trabalho consiste em propor e avaliar um método de rastreamento automático de jogadores de handebol por videogrametria e na aplicação desse método em uma partida oficial da Liga Regional de Handebol. Os objetivos do trabalho foram: a) especializar os algoritmos e habilitar o sistema de rastreamento automático desenvolvido para o futebol para identificação e rastreamento automático de jogadores de handebol; b) realizar testes de exatidão em ambiente controlado para validação da metodologia; c) obter as trajetórias dos jogadores e cálculo das distâncias percorridas e velocidades durante a partida. Os resultados da avaliação do sistema foram: erro sistemático (0,16 m), desvio padrão experimental (0,08 m) e exatidão (0,18 m). Para a segmentação das imagens foi obtida uma taxa de processamento de 2,7 quadros por segundo e a etapa de separação dos blobs aumentou em 25% o número de regiões identificadas referentes aos jogadores na quadra de jogo. Para o rastreamento com duas câmeras foram obtidos um percentual médio de automatização do sistema de 75% e um valor médio de 37 intervenções do pesquisador e, para o rastreamento com quatro câmeras, médias de 84% de automatização e 15.8 intervenções do pesquisador. Quanto à aplicação do método de rastreamento automático para uma partida de handebol foi possível obter as trajetórias de todos os jogadores. A partir das trajetórias foram calculadas as distâncias percorridas e as velocidades. A média das distâncias percorridas pelos jogadores foi de 4631,6 ± 361,6 m. A distribuição das velocidades de todos os jogadores apresentou os seguintes resultados para 27 minutos de análise: parado (4,2 ± 0,9 min); caminhando (16,5 ± 1 min); trotando (4,8 ± 0,6 min); corrida rápida (1,2 ± 0,3 min); sprint (0,3 ± 0,1 min). Foram desenvolvidas e apresentadas formas de visualização dos dados, como: a) a representação das trajetórias de acordo com as velocidades dos jogadores; b) Análise por Componentes Principais das trajetórias dos jogadores; c) desenvolvimento de duas interfaces para visualização dos dados cinemáticos. O método proposto mostrou-se satisfatório para a identificação das variáveis cinemáticas durante situações competitivas / Abstract: The collective sports have become object of scientific investigation in many knowledge areas. A lot of these studies need the development of methodology to quantify the analysis variables. The kinematical analysis of players by videogrammetry gives data about player¿s position in function of time and gives advantages, like the possibility to analyze lots of players simultaneously and the method is not invasive, so it can be applied in competitive situations. Recent works of development of methodology to automatic tracking of soccer players show good results to obtain their trajectories and calculate the covered distance and the velocity of each player. The aim of this work is to propose and evaluate a method of automatic tracking of handball players by videogrammetry and its application on an official game of the Regional Handball League. The specific aims of the work are: a) the specialization of the algorithms and qualify the automatic tracking system developed to soccer for the identification and automatic tracking of handball players; b) realize accuracy tests in controlled environment for the methodology validation; c) to obtain player¿s trajectories and calculate the covered distances and the velocities during the game. The results of the evaluation of the system were: systematic error (0,16 m), experimental standard deviation (0,08 m) and accuracy (0,18 m). For the image segmentation was obtained a processing rate of 2,7 fps and the step of blobs splitting increases in 25% the number of players regions identified in the image. For the tracking with two cameras the automatization of the system was evaluated in 75% (average) and an average value of 37 interventions of the researcher during the tracking. For the tracking with four cameras the automatization of the system was evaluated in 84% (average) and an average value of 15.8 interventions of the researcher during the tracking. About the application of the method of automatic tracking for a handball game it was possible to get all the players trajectories. Starting from the trajectories it was possible to calculate the covered distance and the velocity. The average of the covered distances by the players was 4631,6 ± 361,6 m. The distribution of the velocities of all players to 27 minutes of analysis was: stopped (4.2 ± 0,9 min); walking (16,5 ± 1 min); slow running (4,8 ± 0,6 min); fast running (1,2 ± 0,3 min); sprint (0,3 ± 0,1 min). It was developed and presented forms of data visualization, like: a) representation of trajectories in agreement to players¿ velocities; b) principal components analysis (PCA) of players¿ trajectories; c) development of two interfaces for kinematics data visualization. The purposed method was satisfactory for the identification of the kinematics variables during competitive situations / Mestrado / Biodinamica do Movimento Humano / Mestre em Educação Física

Efeitos de uma periodização de treinamento fisico sobre o desempenho anual de uma equipe de handebol feminino sub-21 / Effects of a physical training periodization on the annual performance of under-21 female handball team

Dechechi, Clodoaldo Jose 21 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Denise Vaz de Macedo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Fisica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T13:47:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dechechi_ClodoaldoJose_M.pdf: 755023 bytes, checksum: f223333297275f95a56b2e8aaca990ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de uma periodização de treinamento físico aplicada em uma equipe de handebol feminino sobre as capacidades biomotoras de força e potência de membros superiores, potência de membros inferiores e velocidade média em 30 m. A periodização consistiu de uma adaptação da proposta de aplicação de cargas concentradas e foi planejada visando atingir dois picos de performance durante a temporada. Os exercícios aplicados em cada fase do treino foram os mais próximos possíveis das condições de jogo. Os dados referentes aos testes de controle de arremesso de medicine ball ¿ 3 kg e 1 kg e salto triplo horizontal mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação aos testes do início da temporada (p<0,05) em pelo menos um dos períodos planejados para obtenção do pico de performance. As atletas não melhoram significativamente na velocidade média em 30 m nem na capacidade de realizar sprints consecutivos nos momentos desejados. Os resultados apresentados mostraram que o treinamento aplicado foi eficiente para a melhoria do condicionamento físico específico nos momentos anteriores as principais competições do ano. Eles propiciam também uma periodização melhor ajustada para a próxima temporada / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a physical training periodization applied in a female handball team on physical capacities as upper limb strength and power, lower limb power, 30 m speed and repetitive 30 m sprints. The periodization applied was an adaptation of the concentrated loads theory, looking for two performance peaks during the season. The applied exercises in each phase of the training were the closest possible of the game conditions. The data collect regarding the two performance peaks presented significant difference for the medicine ball 3 and 1 kg throwing and three pass running (p<0,05) in at least one of the periods drifted for obtaining of the performance peak. There was no significant improvement on median 30 m speed and number of sprint. The presented results indicated that the applied training was efficient to improve the specific physical conditioning in the previous moments for the main competitions of the year. Moreover, they permit an adjusted better periodization for the next season / Mestrado / Biodinamica do Movimento Humano / Mestre em Educação Física

Adaptação do handebol para a prática em cadeira de rodas / Handball adaptation for wheelchair practice

Calegari, Decio Roberto 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Ferreira de Araújo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T16:41:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Calegari_DecioRoberto_D.pdf: 2004907 bytes, checksum: c8498b578b827cd9b0f20b7bf9ac2a0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Este estudo teve por objetivo estabelecer parâmetros que permitissem adaptar a prática do Handebol para Cadeira de Rodas (HCR), desenvolvendo uma modalidade capaz de integrar deficientes à vida social, tendo sido construído em três etapas distintas, porém complementares. Inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa histórica, que serviu de fundamento para a discussão dos aspectos organizacionais da adaptação do Handebol para a prática em Cadeira de Rodas (HCR). Na segunda etapa, fundamentadas na metodologia da pesquisa-ação foram realizadas observações em competições e treinamentos para a identificação dos fundamentos técnicos e táticos do HCR. A terceira etapa implicou na coleta de dados de desempenho em competição que permitiram avaliar o volume de jogo dos atletas e classificá-los de acordo com seu nível de mobilidade, utilizando-se estatística descritiva para análise dos dados. A proposta de adaptação das regras possibilitou a criação de duas modalidades: o HCR7, que adapta as regras do Handebol de Salão para o jogo em Cadeira de Rodas, priorizando a inclusão, e o HCR4, que adapta as regras do Handebol de Areia, privilegiando a plasticidade do jogo, tornando-o agradável e atraente para público e mídia. No âmbito dos fundamentos técnicos (capítulo 3) a principal alteração que se observa é a necessidade de domínio do manejo da cadeira, elemento fundamental para o bom desempenho no jogo, sendo possível ainda identificar os seguintes fundamentos técnicos: passe e recepção, condução e controle da bola (inclusive fintas), lançamentos ou arremessos, bloqueio ofensivo e bloqueio defensivo. No que diz respeito aos elementos táticos (capítulo 4) do jogo de HCR7 as estratégias adotadas estão tomando por base as existentes no Handebol, com defesas individuais (quadra inteira, meia quadra, pressão e interceptação), por zona (3:3, 5:1, 4:2, 3:2:1 e 6:0) e mistas (5+1, 4+2, 3+3). Já o desenvolvimento tático do HCR4 está sendo construído de forma original e como a quantidade de competições ainda é pequena não foi possível estabelecer estratégias táticas pré-definidas em relação a esta modalidade. Os jogos realizados permitem inferir que a liberação para qualquer atleta de quadra ser o goleiro amplia sobremaneira as alternativas táticas do jogo. A Classificação Funcional (capítulo 5), elemento democratizador da prática esportiva para deficientes, tem por objetivo equilibrar as condições de competitividade entre equipes de deficientes, possibilitando tornar elegíveis para a prática de esportes em cadeira de rodas deficientes que não são obrigados a permanecer na cadeira o tempo todo (amputados, sequelados de poliomielite, entre outros). O capítulo 6 foi destinado à discussão da relação entre fundamentos técnicos e táticos e desempenho em competição, levando em consideração a classificação funcional. Um instrumento de coleta de dados - scout - foi criado e permitiu quantificar o desempenho dos atletas durante a disputa do 1º Campeonato Brasileiro de HCR, realizado em Toledo/PR, no mês de agosto de 2009. O Handebol em Cadeira de Rodas vem se constituindo numa alternativa eficaz de prática desportiva para a pessoa com deficiência, principalmente por atender a um grupo que tem dificuldades para jogar basquete, porém não possui comprometimento suficiente para praticar o rugbi, que somada à facilidade de aprendizagem transformam o Handebol em Cadeira de Rodas numa nova e atrativa opção de prática coletiva de Esporte Adaptado para pessoas com deficiência / Abstract: This study intends to establish parameters to allow the adjustment of handball practice to wheelchairs (Whellchair Handball - WCH), developing a modality that integrates disability people to social life. The work was built in three different but complimentary phases. At first, a historical research was the basis to discuss organizational aspects of the adaptation of the practice of handball to wheelchairs. On a second phase, the method of action-research was adopted in competitions and trainings, with the purpose of observation and identification of technical and tactical fundaments of the modality. The third stage of the study constituted in the utilization of the collected data, about the competition performance of athletes, to evaluate the volume of game of the athletes and classify them according to the level of mobility, using descriptive statistic for the analysis. The proposal of adaptation of rules allowed the creation of two modalities: WCH 7, that utilizes as basis the rules of Court Handball, and priories the inclusion of disabilities; and WCH 4, which adapts the rules of Beach Handball, and focuses on the plasticity of the game, making it attractive to the audience and media. In the field of technical fundaments (chapter 3), the main adaptation observed, in comparison to regular handball, is the necessity of manipulation of the wheelchair, which is a fundamental element to the development of the game. Also, it was possible to notice the technical fundaments of the modality: pass and reception, conduction and control of the ball, throwing, and defensive and offensive block. About the tactical elements (chapter 4) of WCH 7, the strategies are based on Court Handball, with individual defenses, zone defenses (3:3, 5:1, 4:2, 3:2:1 e 6:0) and mixed (5+1, 4+2, 3+3). The tactical development of WCH 4 is original, and, given the small amount of competitions promoted so far, it was not possible to identify tactical strategies for this modality. The games observed for this study show that the deliverance for any player in the team to be the goal keeper increases the tactical alternatives for the modality. The functional classification (chapter 5), on its side, is a democratizing factor of sports practicing for disability people. Its objective is to balance the conditions of competition between two teams, allowing people who do not necessarily need the wheelchair daily to play wheelchair sports (such as amputees, for example). On chapter 6, the relation between technical and tactical aspects and the performance on competition was analyzed, based on the functional classification. An instrument of data collection - scout - was developed specially for this analysis, and it permitted the quantification of many aspects of the game, in the 1st Brazilian Championship of WCH, which took place in Toledo (state of Paraná - Brazil), in august of 2009. In Brazil and other countries, Wheelchair Handball has constituted an effective alternative of sports practice for disability people, especially because it attends a group with specific needs in this matter. These disability have difficulties to play basketball, but are not injured enough to be accepted in a rugby's team. The facilities of learning also contribute to make Wheelchair Handball a new and attractive option of collective practice of adapted sports / Doutorado / Atividade Fisica, Adaptação e Saude / Doutor em Educação Física

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