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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stravovací návyky dětí předškolního věku v kraji Vysočina / Nutritional Habits of Preschool Children in Vysočina Region

Srnská, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Title: Nutritional Habits of Preschool Children in Vysočina Region Annotation: I focus on the issues of eating habits of preschool children in my diploma project. Nowadays, this topic is very current due to increasing overweight and obesity of children, already in preschool age. The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge of preschool children healthy eating, to emphasize the importance of child nutrition, draw attention to mistakes inflicted in child nutrition, and also point to the nutrition recommendations in this age. The integral part of this work is the specification of external influences and risks to a child in this field. At the same time, I mention some issues related to nutrition and eating habits that currently worry parents. The aim of an exploratory survey was to map the level of dietary habits of preschool children in the Region Vysočina. Results are based on the survey, which took place in different nursery schools in the Region Vysočina. Key words: eating habits, healthy nutrition, preschool age

Rozvoj zdravotní gramotnosti prostřednictvím mateřských center / Development of health literacy through mother's centers

Hromková, Renata January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: The development of health literacy through mother's centers AUTHOR: Renata Hromková DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: MUDr. Bc. Rostislav Čevela, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The World Health Organization defines health literacy as "... the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of people to access, understand and use health information to support their health." At present there is a great development of information in this area, but this information is often improper and contradictory. Maternity centers with their programs, which are suitable for the development of health literacy. Since 1992, when the birth of the first in our maternity center has been a great development of these organizations. Now, the covering organization of Mothers' Centers Network, which has a motto on its website: "The hand that moves the cradle moves the world.", Brings together more than 330 maternity centers. This password can be transformed in a plane Health Literacy "Healthy Family = healthy society". Clients maternity centers become often the women already pregnant and traffic concerns mainly families with young children through grandparents, which is a suitable environment for primary prevention in a holistic approach to health. YMCA in the Czech Republic has in its emblem the red...

Kauno miesto ir Raseinių rajono vidurinio mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių mitybos įpročių tyrimas / The research of nutrition habits of middle-school age students from Kaunas and region of Raseiniai

Sabonaitytė, Sandra 03 August 2007 (has links)
Tikslas: ištirti ir įvertinti Lietuvos miesto ir rajono vidurinio mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių mitybos įpročius. Uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti mieste ir rajone gyvenančių moksleivių mitybos ypatumus; 2. Palyginti berniukų ir mergaičių mitybos skirtumus. 3. Nustatyti ir įvertinti sąsajas tarp moksleivių mitybos įpročių ir socioekonominių gyvenimo sąlygų; 4. Ištirti ir įvertinti moksleivių žinias apie sveiką mitybą Metodika: Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2007 metų sausio–vasario mėnesiais. Apklausai naudota anoniminė anketa. Anketą sudarė 39 klausimai. Apklausoje dalyvavo 8-9 klasių moksleiviai iš Kauno miesto ir Raseinių rajono. Iš viso buvo apklausta 329 moksleivių. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį paketą SPSS (13 versija). Rezultatai: Tik 54,4 proc. moksleivių pusryčiauja kiekvieną rytą. Visada mokykloje pietauja tik 13,0 proc. kauniečių (Raseiniuose – 25,6 proc.). Tik pusė (51,3 proc.) Raseiniuose gyvenančių respondentų kasdien valgo vaisius, Kaune - 66,3 proc. Net trečdalis (30,2 proc.) Kauno moksleivių kokakolą ar kitus gazuotus vaisvandenius geria kasdien (Raseiniuose – 20,6 proc.), penktadalis (20,7 proc.) apklaustųjų Kauno moksleivių kasdien valgo bulvių traškučius (Raseiniuose – 10,0 proc.). Kebabus, hamburgerius ir picas taip pat dažniau valgo Kauno moksleiviai. Daugiau berniukų nei mergaičių kasdien valgo rūkytos mėsos gaminius, picas, hamburgerius bei kebabus ir geria kokakolą bei kitus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the research: to analyze and evaluate nutrition habits of Lithuanian urban and rural middle-school age students. Objectives: 1. To compare the nutrition habits of urban and rural schoolchildren. 2. To compare differences between the nutrition habits of boys and girls. 3. To establish and evaluate relationship between the nutrition habits of schoolchildren and socioeconomic living conditions. 4. To analyze and evaluate schoolchildren knowledge about healthy nutrition. Methods: The research was conducted in January – February 2007. Anonymous questionnaire was used for the survey. The questionnaire included 39 questions. Schoolchildren from grade 8th to grade 9th from Kaunas and region of Raseiniai took part in the survey. In the study 329 schoolchildrens were questioned. The statistic data analysis was carried out by using statistic package “SPSS 13”. Results: Only 54.4 % of schoolchildren eat breakfast every morning. Only 13,0% of Kaunas schoolchildren and 25,6% of Raseiniai schoolchildren always have dinner at school. Only 51,3% of respondents living in Raseiniai and 66.3% of respondents living in Kaunas eat fruit every day. Even third (30,2%) schoolchildren from Kaunas drink Coca-Cola or other sparkling drinks every day (10,0% in Raseiniai). Students from Kaunas more eat kebabs, hamburgers and pizzas also. More boys than girls eat smoked meat foods, pizzas, hamburgers, kebabs and drink Coca-Cola and other sparkling drinks every day. Only 3,5% of pupils... [to full text]

Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 7 klasių mokinių sveikos mitybos nuostatų ugdymo galimybės technologijų pamokose / Possibilities of developing Vilnius 7th-formers’ attitudes towards healthy nutrition in technology lessons

Artiomovaitė, Lina 29 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema: „Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 7 klasių mokinių sveikos mitybos nuostatų ugdymo galimybės technologijų pamokose“. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti Vilniaus miesto mokyklų 7 klasių mokinių sveikos mitybos nuostatų ugdymo galimybes technologijų pamokose. Taikyti šie tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė. 2. Anketinė mokinių apklausa. 3. Statistinių duomenų analizė. 4. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti 345 mokiniai iš penkių, atsitiktinai pasirinktų, Vilniaus miesto mokyklų. Literatūros ir dokumentų analizė atskleidė, jog mokinių sveikos mitybos nuostatų ugdymas yra svarbi sveikatos ugdymo dalis, kurios svarbą pabrėžia tarptautinės bei atskirų šalių patvirtintos sveikatos strategijos ir programos. Sveikos mitybos nuostatų ugdymo galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje sudaromos dėstant technologijas. Mokinių nuostatos gali būti keičiamos taikant tiesioginius nuostatų keitimo metodus. Atlikus statistinių duomenų analizę paaiškėjo mokinių nuostatos sveikos mitybos atžvilgiu: mokiniai išreiškė teigiamas nuostatas mitybos higienos atžvilgiu. Dauguma (92 proc.) mokinių mano, jog svarbu gaminant maistą jį gerai termiškai apdoroti, o taip pat svarbu (91 proc.) prieš kiekvieną valgį plauti rankas. Mokinių nuostatos mitybos režimo atžvilgiu nėra pakankamai tvirtos, nes didžioji dalis (80 proc.) mokinių valgo 3-4 kartus per dieną ir iš jų 72 proc. mano, jog tai yra svarbu. Taip išreikšdami teigiamas nuostatas šiuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of this master paper is “Possibilities of developing Vilnius 7th-formers’ attitudes towards healthy nutrition in technology lessons”. The aim of the research is to reveal possibilities of developing Vilnius 7th-formers’ attitudes towards healthy nutrition in technology lessons. The following research methods were applied: 1. Analysis of scientific literature and documents; 2. Pupils’ questionnaire survey; 3. Statistical data analysis; 4. Qualitative data analysis. 345 learners from five schools in Vilnius city chosen at random were surveyed for the research. Analysis of documents and literature has revealed that the development of learners’ attitudes towards healthy nutrition is an important part of health education which is stressed by various international health policies and programs that have been proved by some countries. Statistical data analysis has shown learners’ attitudes towards healthy nutrition: pupils have positive attitudes towards food hygiene. The majority of the pupils (92 %) think that proper thermal processing of food is important when preparing it, and it is also crucial to wash one’s hands before every meal (91 %). Learners’ attitudes towards nutrition regime are not strong enough since most pupils (80 %) have 3-4 meals a day and 72 per cent of them take positive attitudes towards this factor considering it important. However, almost half of the respondents (48 %) have their meals at a different time every day and they think it is not... [to full text]

Problematika fastfoodů ve spojitosti se stravovacími návyky u studentů gymnázií / The issue of fast food restaurants in conjunction with the eating habits of grammar school students

KOŠÍKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of fastfoods in conjunction with eating habits of grammar school students. The theoretical part summarizes basic informations about factors influencing dietary habits, healthy nutrition, nutrition specifics of juvenile and drinking regime. Furthermore there is outlined the problems of fastfood restaurants, quality of fastfood meals and nutritional value of fastfood meals in two of the largest fastfood chain in the Czech Republic. In practical part are the grafs and charts presenting results of the research. For the research was used a quantitative method.

Plan de negocios para la creación de un lounge-bar lúdico en Lima-Perú / Recreational Lounge-bar business plan creation in Lima Peru

Díaz Campos, Paula Sofía, Salazar Villacorta, Valeria Fernanda 18 July 2020 (has links)
La población de Lima metropolitana se caracteriza por tener un ritmo de vida ajetreado que lleva a elecciones de comida rápida y muchas veces poco saludables, que tiene como consecuencia el aumento de índices de sobrepeso u obesidad. En la actualidad se ha observado un aumento de la preocupación de las personas sobre su salud y alimentación y se ha evidenciado por el aumento de locales que ofrecen servicios y alimentos saludables en la ciudad. Sin embargo, según nuestro estudio de mercado no hemos encontrado que esta tendencia haya llegado a los locales de entretenimiento nocturno como son los bares o lounge-bar. En el presente trabajo planteamos un plan de negocio que incluye alimentación saludable, entrenamiento y que busca rescatar las interacciones interpersonales perdidas por el aumento del uso de la tecnología mediante la diversión basada en juegos lúdicos. “Cheers Lounge-bar” es un espacio innovador que busca la comodidad del cliente y promueve un estilo de vida saludable. / Lima city's population its characterized by a busy lifestyle that leads to unhealthy fast food choices, with increased obesity and overweight index. Nowadays, there has been an increased concern about health and nutrition and there has been an increased amount of locations in the city that offer healthy food and services. However, according to our market research, we haven't found that this trend has reached nightlife venues such as bars or lounge-bars. In this work we propose a business plan that includes healthy eating, training; that seeks to rescue the interpersonal interactions lost by the increase in the use of technology through fun and playful games. "Cheers Lounge-bar" is an innovative space that seeks the clients comfort and promotes a healthy lifestyle. / Trabajo de investigación

Evaluación de la calidad química de aceites de Sesamum indicum (ajonjolí) y Linum usitatissimun (linaza) que se expenden en dos Bioferias de los distritos de Miraflores y Barranco en Lima, Perú / Evaluation of the chemical quality of Sesamum indicum (sesame) and Linum usitatissimum (flax) seed oils sold in two Biofairs of the districts of Miraflores and Barranco in Lima, Peru

Talavera Barra, Paloma Jimena, Urrutia Correa, Micaela 19 November 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general evaluar la calidad química de aceites de Sesamum indicum (ajonjolí) y Linum usitstissimum (linaza) que se expenden en dos Bioferias de los distritos de Miraflores y Barranco en Lima, Perú. Fue un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se llevó a cabo en el laboratorio de bioquímica de alimentos de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), sede Villa en Chorrillos, y en el laboratorio Société Générale de Surveillance - SGS Perú, entre los meses de setiembre y octubre de 2018. Se realizaron distintas pruebas químicas a las muestras de aceite de ajonjolí y linaza: determinación de densidad, índice de acidez, acidez libre, índice de iodo e índice de peróxidos; a estas se le sumaron la evaluación de las condiciones de almacenamiento, del etiquetado y del registro sanitario. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos podemos indicar que en términos generales los aceites de linaza y ajonjolí de las marcas analizadas que se expenden en las Bioferias de Miraflores y Barranco se encontraban fuera de los rangos establecidos en por lo menos un indicador químico, tomando como parámetro de contrastación la Norma CODEX (STAN 210-1999) para aceites comestibles. / The general objective of this research was to evaluate the chemical quality of Sesamum indicum (sesame) and Linum usitatissimum (flax) seed oils sold in two Biofairs of the districts of Miraflores and Barranco in Lima, Peru. This was a descriptive, cross-cutting study. Analyses were made in the laboratory of food biochemistry of Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), campus of Villa in Chorrillos, and in the laboratory of Société Générale de Surveillance - SGS Peru, in the months of September and October 2018. Different chemical tests were performed to the sesame and flax seed oils to measure: density, acidity, free fatty acid, iodine and peroxide values. Additionally, storage conditions, labeling and sanitation registration were also evaluated. According to the results obtained, we can state that in general terms flax and sesame seed oils of the analyzed trademarks sold in the Biofairs of Miraflores and Barranco were out of the ranges established in at least one chemical indicator, taking CODEX standard for edible oils (STAN 210-1999) as the reference standard. / Tesis

Variación de la calidad de la dieta por región natural del Perú en adolescentes y adultos / Variation of the quality of the diet by natural region of Peru in adolescents and adults

Garcia López, Camila María, Infantas Velarde, Claudia Alexandra 06 January 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de la dieta por región natural del Perú en adolescentes y adultos. Materiales y métodos: El presente es un análisis secundario de la base de datos del Estudio Latinoamericano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1113 sujetos de diferentes regiones del país (Lima, resto de costa, sierra y selva). Para medir la calidad de la dieta se calculó el HEI (Índice de Alimentación Saludable), a través de la información del consumo de alimentos por recordatorio de consumo de 24 horas de dos días no consecutivos. El HEI se clasificó en no saludable (<60 puntos HEI), medianamente saludable (60-79 puntos) y saludable (> 80 puntos). Resultados: La media del puntaje HEI fue 71.0 (DE: 10,0), las mujeres tuvieron mayor puntaje que los hombres (72,2 (DE: 10,0) vs 69,5 (DE: 9,7); p<0.001, respectivamente). El consumo de lácteos obtuvo un mayor puntaje en la Sierra y menor en la Selva (6,76 (DE: 4,53) vs 2,86 (DE: 4,24); p<0.001, respectivamente). Asimismo, las carnes tuvieron mayor puntaje en la Costa y Selva y menor en la Sierra (4,76 (DE: 0,89), 4,76 (DE: 0,84) vs 4,24 (DE: 1,49); p<0.001, respectivamente). La regresión lineal ajustada mostró que la Sierra tiene mayor puntaje de HEI (coef: 1.89 EE: 0.75; p=0.012) y la selva el menor puntaje (coef: -5.31, EE: 1.01; p<0.001) en relación a Lima y Resto de costa. Conclusión: El lugar de residencia afecta el índice de calidad, siendo la Sierra la que presenta un mayor índice de alimentación saludable y la selva el menor en comparación a las otras regiones. / Objective: To evaluate the diet quality in Peru by region in adolescents and adults. Materials and methods: This is a secondary analysis of the Latin American Nutrition and Health Study (ELANS) database. To measure diet quality, the HEI was calculated using information from a 24-hour food consumption reminder on two non-consecutive days. The HEI was classified as unhealthy (<60 HEI points), medium healthy (60-79 points) and healthy (>80 points). The sample was composed of 1113 subjects from four different regions of Peru: Lima Metropolitana, Costa, Sierra and Selva. A multiple linear regression was performed to analyze the effect of region, adolescents and adults. HEI score. Results: The mean HEI score was 71,0 (SD: 10,0), women scored higher than men (72,2 (10,0) vs 69,5 (9,7); p<0.001). Dairy products scored higher in the Sierra region and lower in the Selva region (6,76 (4,53) vs 2,86 (4,24); p<0. 001). Similarly, meats scored higher on the Costa region and the Jungle region and lower in the Sierra region (4,76 (0,89) vs. 4,76 (0,84) vs. 4,24 (1,49); p<0.001). The adjusted linear regression showed that the Sierra region has the highest HEI score (coef: 1.89, EE:0.75; p=0.012) and the Selva region the lowest score (coef: -5.31, EE:1.01; p<0.001). Conclusion: The region of residence affects the quality index, with the population of the Sierra having a higher index of healthy eating and the forest having the lowest score compared to the other regions. It is important to improve the quality of the population's diet across regions in Peru. / Tesis

Plan de Negocio Minimarket “Frutamía”

Francia Faustino, Carmelina Rocillo, Narváez Ramírez, Marco Antonio, Tarazona Sacramento, Renzo 23 November 2020 (has links)
El presente plan de negocio identifica la necesidad de contar con un servicio de venta especializada en frutas y verduras, que no existe hoy en nuestra capital. El formato será el de Minimarket y presentará como valor agregado el ser una empresa que promueva una alimentación saludable, ofreciendo productos de alta calidad y brindando información y asesoría sobre los beneficios del consumo de frutas y verduras; incentivando así, a los clientes a realizar “compras conscientes”. El negocio se enfocará al mercado del distrito de Santiago de Surco, a las familias y/o residentes de los sectores NSE A, B y C. Nuestro mercado objetivo, presenta una cultura de compra direccionada a buscar servicios que le permitan ahorrar tiempo, le ofrezcan formatos innovadores y relacionados al cuidado de la salud, lo que nos lleva a interesarnos en el desarrollo de este plan de negocio. Considerando las nuevas necesidades de nuestro mercado objetivo, presentamos como propuesta de valor, productos de calidad, asesoramiento y una experiencia agradable en la compra de los clientes. Se ofrecen dos canales de venta: atención en tienda y servicio por delivery. Se efectuó una investigación de mercado, mediante 307 encuestas para identificar el reconocimiento de los beneficios que este tipo de negocio generaría en las familias del mercado objetivo y un 54% de los encuestados, indicaron que se encontraban de acuerdo en que la alimentación de frutas y verduras son las más nutritivas. Respecto al análisis Financiero de la implementación del negocio, demuestra que Frutamía es rentable y es factible su desarrollo, ya que se estima un VAN de S/380,588 y un TIR de 28%. / This business plan identifies the need for a specialized fruit and vegetable sales service, which does not exist today in our capital. The format will be that of Minimarket and will present the added value of being a company that promotes healthy eating, offering high quality products and providing information and advice on the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables; thus, encouraging customers to make "conscious purchases". The business will focus on the market in the Santiago de Surco district, families and / or residents of the NSE A, B and C sectors. Our target market presents a purchasing culture aimed at seeking services that allow you to save time, offer innovative formats related to health care, which leads us to be interested in the development of this business plan. Considering the new needs of our target market, we present as a value proposition, quality products, advice and a pleasant experience in the purchase of customers. Two sales channels are offered: store service and delivery service. A market research was carried out, through 307 surveys to identify the recognition of the benefits that this type of business would generate in the families of the target market and 54% of those surveyed indicated that they agreed that eating fruits and vegetables, vegetables are the most nutritious. Regarding the Financial analysis of the implementation of the business, it shows that Frutamía is profitable and its development is feasible, since an estimated VAN of S/380,588 and an TIR of 28%. / Trabajo de investigación

Thani U: Aplicación de salud y bienestar / Thani U: Health and wellness app

Altez Espejo, Alexis Bruno, Fung Nuñez, Marcos Alberto, Hau Vivanco, Alejandra Milagros, Miranda Castro, Bruno Alberto, Taco Carrasco, Sharay Marycarmen 03 December 2021 (has links)
La idea de este emprendimiento se desarrolló bajo la coyuntura actual en la que vivimos y para atender las nuevas necesidades que surgieron en el mercado del bienestar. Debido a las restricciones que fueron impuestas por el gobierno peruano, muchas personas dejaron de realizar sus actividades cotidianas. Con esto se evidenció un crecimiento del índice de sedentarismo en Perú. Por esta razón, Thani U ofrece una solución para mejorar el estilo de vida de las personas mediante el asesoramiento exclusivo y personalizado, todo al alcance de tu smartphone. Para determinar la factibilidad del proyecto, se realizaron experimentos los cuales se presentaron al público objetivo. Estos prototipos de la App servían para conocer sus opiniones y sugerencias, lo cual era importante para elaborar el prototipo final. Por otro lado, es de suma importancia desarrollar una gran variedad de planes y tener un seguimiento minucioso en las estrategias con el fin de incrementar la rentabilidad. Asimismo, hicimos uso de nuestros conocimientos en las áreas de marketing ,finanzas, recursos humanos y gestión empresarial. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones. / The idea of ​​this venture was developed under the current situation we are linving and to meet the new needs that arose in the wellness market. Due to the restrictions that were imposed by the Peruvian government, many people stopped carrying out their daily activities. With this, a growth in the sedentary lifestyle index was evidenced in Peru. For this reason, Thani U offers a solution to improve people's lifestyles through exclusive and personalized advice, all at the fingertips of your smartphone. To determine the feasibility of the project, experiments were carried out which were presented to the target audience. These prototypes of the App were used to get their opinions and suggestions, which was important to develop the final prototype. On the other hand, it is of utmost importance to develop a wide variety of plans and to have a careful follow-up on the strategies in order to increase profitability. We also made use of our knowledge in the areas of marketing, finance, human resources, and business management. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are presented. / Trabajo de investigación

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