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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo meta-avaliativo de uma experiência de autoavaliação em uma Instituição de Educação Superior / A meta-evaluative study of an experience of auto-evaluation in an Institute of Higher Learning

Gimenes, Nelson Antonio Simão 06 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PED - Nelson Antonio Simao Gimenes.pdf: 789344 bytes, checksum: 63da06ff367e5a8ac14f6d1673ee8d56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-06 / With the objective to analyze the process of auto-evaluation developed in an Institute of Higher Learning in the interior of the state of São Paulo, we carried out a meta-evaluation from the point of view of the coordinators in the area of biological-health of the institution that is being used for the study utilizing an instrument of meta-evaluation, based on the standards of Utility and Accuracy developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation and made based on a free adaptation of the Program Evaluation Models Meta-evaluation Checklist. There was a main concern, during this work, of reflecting on the public policies of evaluation, not as one more legal demand of institutions in relation to the responsible government authorities, but as a procedure able to generate essential information for Institutions of Higher Learning, with the intention of contributing to its improvement and institutional development. The results show that although the autoevaluation carried out at the Institution of Higher Learning has been, in the opinion of the respondents, satisfactory; we identified some problems, especially concerning the difficulties of the internal evaluation of promoting adequate conditions for the generation of institutional improvements; as well as the effective involvement of the community from the perspective of amplified participation. We believe this study can contribute in the debate over the role of auto-evaluation and the importance of it in the improvement of the System of Higher Learning in Brazil, as well as reflecting on the adequate standards for the development of evaluative processes that generate changes and improvements on and for the different sectors of an Institution of Higher Learning, such as teaching, research, complementary activities and management, overpassing the legal-bureaucratic demands of the regulatory agencies of this system. Finally, we believe that to overcome these problems it is necessary to develop various and efficient forms of access, dissemination and feedback of the information collected during the evaluative process, which would make possible an improved comprehension of the objectives for the different segments of the local academic community / Com o objetivo de analisar o processo de auto-avaliação desenvolvido em uma Instituição de Educação Superior do interior do estado de São Paulo, realizamos uma metaavaliação a partir do ponto de vista dos coordenadores de curso da área de Saúdebiológica da instituição em estudo utilizando um instrumento de meta-avaliação, baseado nos padrões Utilidade e Precisão desenvolvidos pelo Comitê Misto sobre Diretrizes para a Avaliação Educacional (Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation) e feito a partir de uma adaptação livre do Program Evaluation Models Metaevaluation Checklist. Houve uma preocupação central, neste trabalho, de refletir sobre as políticas públicas de avaliação, não como mais uma exigência legal das instituições em relação aos órgãos governamentais responsáveis, mas como um procedimento capaz de gerar informações essenciais para as IESs, no intuito de contribuir para seu aperfeiçoamento e desenvolvimento institucional. Os resultados apontam que embora a auto-avaliação realizada na IES tenha sido, na opinião dos respondentes, satisfatória, identificamos alguns impasses, sobretudo em relação às dificuldades da avaliação interna de promover condições adequadas para a geração de melhorias institucionais, bem como de envolvimento efetivo da comunidade a partir de uma perspectiva de participação ampliada. Entendemos que este estudo pode contribuir para o debate sobre o papel da auto-avaliação e da importância desta para o aperfeiçoamento do Sistema de Educação Superior no Brasil, bem como de se refletir sobre padrões adequados para o desenvolvimento de processos avaliativos geradores de transformações e melhorias nos e pelos diferentes setores de uma IES, como o ensino, a pesquisa, a extensão e gestão, transpondo as exigências burocrático-legais dos órgãos reguladores deste sistema. Por fim, entendemos que para a superação destes impasses faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de formas variadas e eficientes de acesso, divulgação e retorno das informações coletadas ao longo do processo avaliativo, o que possibilitaria a melhor compreensão dos seus objetivos pelos diferentes segmentos da comunidade acadêmica local

O Programa Universidade para Todos e a inserção de negros na educação superior : a experiência de duas Instituições de Educação Superior de Mato Grosso do Sul - 2005 - 2008

Marques, Eugenia Portela de Siqueira 22 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2973.pdf: 1593287 bytes, checksum: 815d71fbdc64835ca464ab6cd908d4ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-22 / In this Doctoral Thesis the implantation of the University for All Program (ProUni) has been analyzed for the period of 2005 2008 and the insertion of Negroes into higher learning, bringing out this implementation in two Institutes for Higher Learning localized in Campo Grande, South Mato Grosso. ProUni is a public policy elaborated in the context of the reform of higher learning during the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva that envisions the democratization of access to this level of learning, by conceding scholarships for partial or fulltime studies. The fundamental presupposition that sustained this Thesis is the following: although ProUni is a policy focused and elaborated within the neoliberal context, it can represent a strategy of access and permanence for young Negroes into higher learning. On explaining and understanding the aim of the research, as well as its guiding theme, three questions came up during this process. Is ProUni one of the conquests of the Negro Social Movements for the implementation of policies of affirmative action or merely a strategy for the transfer of public resources to the private sector via fiscal exemption? Does the insertion of Negroes into higher learning by way of racial quotas sharpen the debate on racial bias or question the ideology of the racial democracy myth in Brazilian society? Do the Programs of promotion of racial equality represent conquests for the Negro population or appear as a centralized and newly signified policy by the convergent antagonism between the Negro Social Movement and the government, which process was initiated during the presidency of Fernando Henrique Cardoso? In this perspective, the objectives of this investigation consist of: a) analyze the implantation of the University for All Program (ProUni) in the context of higher learning in the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva seeking to identify its significance as a policy for democratization which envisions the insertion of negroes into higher learning; b) investigate the significance of ProUni for the scholarship students, specially in what refers to their permanence in university courses; c) investigate the perception of the scholarship students of ProUni, as to the policies of affirmative action, the quota policies, racial discrimination and racial bias. The Thesis presents the struggle of the Negro Social Movements for the implantation of public policies for the promotion of racial equality, in the context of the historical reconfiguration of the role of the Brazilian State. It shows the theoretical debate and the contradictions on the policies of affirmative action, the system of quotas and ProUni. The research was carried out with the application of socioeconomic questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with thirty-one Negro students, studying at night, in the Law and Pedagogy courses of the two Institutions of Higher Learning in Campo Grande MS. The classification and analysis of the legislation that oriented and normalized the implantation of ProUni on a national scale was carried out along with the bibliographical research, which makes up the theoretical basis for the realization of this Thesis. The conclusion points out that the problems relative to racial inequalities and the access of young negroes to higher learning in Brazil will certainly not be solved by the intermediation of ProUni and focalized policies, and can be gradually withdrawn at the same rate as policies of a universalist character are able to guarantee for all Brazilians, the right to citizenship and a dignified life, independently of the color of their skin. / Nesta Tese de Doutorado, analisamos a implantação do Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni), no período de 2005 2008, e a inserção de negros na educação superior, destacando a sua implementação em duas Instituições de Educação Superior localizadas em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. O ProUni é uma política pública elaborada no contexto da reforma da educação superior do Governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva que visa a democratização do acesso a esse nível de ensino por meio da concessão de bolsas de estudo integrais e parciais. O pressuposto fundamental que sustenta esta Tese é o seguinte: embora o ProUni seja uma política focalizada, elaborada no contexto neoliberal, pode representar uma estratégia de acesso e permanência para jovens negros na educação superior. Ao explicarmos e compreendermos o objeto de pesquisa, bem como seu eixo norteador, três questões surgiram no decorrer desse processo: O ProUni é uma das conquistas dos Movimentos Sociais Negros pela implementação de políticas de ação afirmativa ou apenas uma estratégia para transferir recursos públicos para o setor privado via isenção fiscal? A inserção de negros na educação superior por meio de cotas raciais pode acirrar o debate sobre o preconceito e o racismo ou questiona a ideologia do mito da democracia racial na sociedade brasileira? Os Programas de promoção da igualdade racial representam conquistas para a população negra ou configuram-se como política centralizada e ressignificada pelo antagonismo convergente entre o Movimento Social Negro e o governo, processo iniciado durante a presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso? Nessa perspectiva, os objetivos desta investigação consistiram em: a) analisar a implantação do Programa Universidade para Todos - ProUni no contexto da reforma da educação superior no governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, procurando identificar o seu significado como política de democratização que visa a inserção de negros na educação superior; b) investigar o significado do ProUni para os estudantes bolsistas, especialmente no que se refere à sua permanência nos cursos superiores; c) investigar a percepção dos estudantes, bolsistas do ProUni, sobre as políticas de ação afirmativa, as políticas de cotas, a discriminação racial e o preconceito. A Tese apresenta a luta dos Movimentos Sociais Negros para a implantação de políticas públicas para a promoção da igualdade racial, no contexto da reconfiguração histórica do papel do Estado brasileiro. Demonstra o debate teórico e as contradições sobre as políticas da ação afirmativa, o sistema de cotas e o ProUni. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se por meio da aplicação de questionário socioeconômico e entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com trinta e um acadêmicos negros, do período noturno, dos cursos de Direito e Pedagogia de duas Instituições de Educação Superior de Campo Grande-MS. Realizamos a classificação e a análise da legislação que orientou e normatizou a implantação do ProUni em âmbito nacional e a pesquisa bibliográfica, que constituiu a base teórica para a realização desta Tese. A conclusão apontou para o fato de que os problemas relativos às desigualdades raciais e ao acesso dos jovens negros à educação superior no Brasil certamente não serão solucionados por intermédio do ProUni e pelas políticas focalizadas; poderão, contudo, ser gradativamente extintos, à medida que as políticas de caráter universalista forem capazes de garantir a todos os brasileiros o direito à cidadania e uma vida digna, independente da cor de sua pele.

Os desafios da inclusão e a prática docente no nível superior: uma questão de direito fundamental

Marilene Ferreira dos Santos 15 August 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa traz uma breve discussão sobre o processo de inclusão no nível superior, buscando identificar de que maneira ocorre a prática docente junto aos alunos com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (NEE), de forma que garanta não só a acessibilidade, mas a sua permanência nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Tem como objetivo geral refletir sobre os desafios da educação inclusiva no nível superior, e a prática pedagógica dos docentes, identificando as possibilidades de inserção de discentes que necessitam de atendimento educacional especial. Inicialmente é feito um resumo histórico da Educação Especial no Brasil, analisando diversos documentos legais para traçar a visão acerca da legislação educacional. Posteriormente é feita uma retrospectiva histórica do Ensino Superior no Brasil, desde os primórdios da escolarização. O terceiro momento traz uma análise da prática docente universitária, desde a formação inicial até a formação continuada desse profissional refletindo sobre os desafios encontrados na docência na área da inclusão. No quarto e último momento são apresentadas alternativas para a mediação na prática inclusiva através do diálogo com as abordagens teóricas: pedagógica, teológica e psicopedagógica. Para efetivar o suporte teórico da pesquisa foi necessário analisar e refletir os estudos de alguns autores, distribuídos pelos subtemas apresentados: Educação Especial; Ensino Superior; Prática Docente; Mediação. Também foram analisados os documentos nacionais e internacionais além das Diretrizes Nacionais para Educação Especial (2001), dados do IBGE e CENSO (2010). A metodologia usada para delinear a pesquisa é a bibliográfica de natureza qualitativa que permite um bom andamento da investigação. / This research presents a brief discussion about the process of inclusion in higher learning, seeking to identify in what way the teaching practice takes place with students with Special Educational Needs (NEE), so as to not only guarantee accessibility, but also their permanence in the Higher Learning Institutions (IES). Its general goal is to reflect on the challenges of inclusive education at the higher level and on the pedagogical practice of the professors, identifying the possibilities of insertion of students who need special educational attention. Initially a historical summary is presented of Special Education in Brazil, analyzing various legal documents to outline the perspective on educational legislation. Following this a historical retrospective is made of Higher Learning in Brazil, since the beginnings of school education. The third moment brings an analysis of university teaching practice, from the initial formation up to the continuing education of this professional reflecting on the challenges encountered in teaching in the area of inclusion. In the fourth and last moment alternatives are presented for mediation in inclusive practice through dialog with the theoretical approaches: pedagogical, theological and psychopedagogical. To make effective the theoretical support of the research it was necessary to analyze and reflect the studies of some authors, distributed in the following subthemes: Special Education; Higher Learning; Teaching Practice; Mediation. National and international documents were also analyzed besides the National Guidelines for Special Education (2001), data from the IBGE and CENSO (2010). The methodology used to delineate the research is bibliographic of a qualitative nature which permits a good investigative process.

The perceptions of postgraduates students about female condoms at the University of Limpopo

Shiburi, Mkhotso George January 2021 (has links)
Thesis( MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Title: The Perceptions of Postgraduate Students About Female Condoms at The University of Limpopo Background: The female condom is one of the safest and effective female-initiated methods of contraceptives that has been promoted as an integral part of inventions that provide protection against the widespread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and other Sexual Transmitted Infections among the youth, including at institutions of higher learning. A number of university students in South Africa are at risk of contracting HIV because of their risky sexual behaviours. How one perceives the female condom can have greater potential to influence its use. There is a gap in literature about this condom. Therefore, this study seeks to understand and document perceptions of postgraduate students about the female condom at the University of Limpopo. Objectives: To explore demographic characteristics of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo regarding female condoms. To describe perceptions of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo about female condoms. Methods: The study used the qualitative research approach. Participants of the study were full-time male and female postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, participants were interviewed one by one using an interview guide. The sample size of the study was 10 participants which was determined by saturation of data. An audiotape was also used to record interviews with participants, and field notes were also taken during the interview. Data was analysed through Thematic Content Analysis. Results: Literature suggests that students are aware of the female condom and its potential to reduce the risk of contracting HIV and STI but are still reluctant to use it in preference of the MC which is well marketed and promoted. The observed discarding and misuse of female condoms among students is associated with lack of knowledge and their perceptions of it. Although this study does not generalise the overall students’ perceptions regarding the female condom, but as a qualitative research, the study provides a useful qualitative enquiry of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo about the female condom. Conclusion: Many studies have concluded that a female condom is a female-initiated method that is developed to empower and educate women to take control of their sexual health issues as well as to develop other programmes that prioritise women against HIV/AIDS and other STI. There is a need for effective interventions and campaigns to improve student knowledge in order to minimise wasteful expenditure in the process of the procurement and distribution of female condoms. There is also a need to increase the availability and accessibility of these condoms at institutions of higher learning.


Bonner, Brooke Alexis 18 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Positive experiences of working in academia : reflections on a higher learning institution

Makobe-Rabothata, Molebogeng Kalija 01 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of the study was to explore positive experiences of academic employees working in an academic environment with specific reference to an Open Distance Learning (ODL) institution. The study was further envisaged as serving as the foundation for future studies which aim to develop a measuring tool for understanding positive experiences of working in academia. A qualitative approach was used to answer the research question by adopting a case study method that allowed for an in-depth study of understanding positive behaviour. A total of 12 academics were selected purposively to participate in the study. In-depth face-to-face interviews were used to gather information about the positive experiences of working in academia. In line with Seligman‘s (2000) integrated model of happiness, a happy academic was described through the adoption of (sometimes contradictory) metaphoric themes. The main themes identified were: the mother hen role, creating positive spaces, it is not a bed of roses, the just and unjust world and us versus them.In a meta-reflection on the research, contradictions were revealed in the theoretical approach adopted in this study, the literature reviewed, the empirical research and pragmatic considerations. As a result, a deconstruction of understanding positive experiences of working in academia by applying Lekgotla as an indigenous South African model was conducted. Healey‘s (2011) notion of transformative dialogue and Bujo‘s (1998) model of palaver were used as part of the framework within which Lekgotla was contextualised to understand positive experiences of working in academia. In conclusion, as an alternative, higher learning institutions (HLI) could adopt other ways that are different from Western ways of understanding the authentic experiences of diverse people in an African university. This could be done through a process of what Smith (2012) described as ―considering carefully and critically the methodologies and methods of research, the theories that inform them, the questions which they generate and the writing styles they employ‖ (p. 41). She refers to this process as decolonisation. According to her, decolonisation offers an alternative way out of colonialism since it exists as a different, oppositional way of knowing. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Intercultural understanding in global education communities : tracing intercultural education in a pre-service teacher training program at the University of Stellenbosch

Noble, Nicole C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / 334 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages i-xiv and numbered pages 1-322. Includes bibliography, abbreviations and list of figures. / Scanned using a Hp Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:The world is at a rapid pace being confronted with the need to shift national education policies that reflect basic human rights, with equity and fairness to the forefront. Along side of this herald are demonstrations of active mobilizations on the part of institutions of higher learning to "internationalize" their policies and programs to help to produce global citizens that effectively interact in international settings. As South Africa experiences changing scenes in educational reform government officials, practitioners, and educators face a number of challenges. Particularly, those related to cultural interactions when engaging in activities across the diaspora of school environments. Often these challenges serve as impediments to open communication, understanding and sensitivity amongst diverse cultural groups. As these impediments are faced in classrooms teachers increasingly find themselves at a deficit to adequately host learning environments conducive to its participants. Institutions of higher learning have a responsibility to provide the kind of intercultural dialog that entrenches policies and program curricula that speak to the needs of diverse communities, in particular those preparing future teachers. The research introduces the concept of global education communities to contribute towards shaping the kind of institutions that provide opportunities for students to practice, and become skilled in intercultural understanding. The research also raises serious discussion through the proposal of the elements of intercultural education towards contributive measures to address intercultural education, communication, and training. A case study of a four year pre-service general education training program (BEd GET) at the University Stellenbosch was conducted to trace and examine the presence of intercultural education. Data was collected by means of triangulated document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires. The research looked to a metaphoric analogy using Appreciative Inquiry, power with, and elements of intercultural education. The data was analyzed using qualitative strategies including classification and category construction, with imaginative variation and heuristic inquiry. The findings revealed that themes from intercultural education found expression or appearance in some aspects of the program outcomes, various module offerings, and teacher practice and approaches of the BEd GET curriculum. While the research also revealed that intercultural education does not appear to be a wholly attended pedagogy and practice in the GET program, the findings and interpretations revealed that intercultural education has numerous opportunities for expression and appearance to lay foundations for intercultural practice in theory. Another dimension of the research also revealed that students and lecturers collectively were not familiar with the concept of intercultural education, nor could a distinction between multicultural, and intercultural education be made. Furthermore, students' understandings and feelings reveal some resistance to themes in cultural diversity. The findings seem to reveal a need to incorporate strategies that raise intercultural consciousness. In view of the University of Stellenbosch's plan to internationalize, the findings present critical implications and recommendations toward incorporating intercultural pedagogy and practice into the methodological framework of the BEd General Education program. It finally poses future program and module development with respects to intercultural education and practice through the suggested use of the Hammer and Bennett's (1998, 2002) Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wereld word teen 'n versnelde tempo gekonfronteer met die noodsaaklikheid om nasionale onderwysbeleid wat menseregte, veral billikheid en regverdigheid, op die voorgrond stel. Saam met hierdie oproep is daar aanduidings van die mobilisering van institusies van hoer opvoeding om hu1le beleid en programme te "internasionaliseer" om burgers te vorm wat effektief met 'n globale wereld kan omgaan. Soos wat Suid-Afiika veranderende situasies ervaar in onderwyshervorming, word amptenare, praktisyns, opvoeders en ander betrokke in onderwysgemeenskappe gekonfronteer met 'n verskeidenheid uitdagings. Veral die verbonde aan kulturele interaksies betrokke by 'n diaspora van skoolomgewings. Die uitdagings dien dikwels as hindernisse vir oop kommunikasie, begrip en sensitiwiteit tussen verskillende kulturele groepe. In besonder wanneer hierdie hindernisse in klaskamers aangedurf word deur onderwysers wat meesal self 'n tekort aan voldoende leerervaring het om leeromgewings in belang van die deelnemers te fasiliteer. Hoeronderwys institusies het 'n verantwoordelikheid om beleid en programkurrikula te voorsien wat interkulturele dialoog verskans wat spreek tot die behoeftes van diverse gemeenskappe, veral die wat voornemende onderwysers voorberei. Die navorsing stel die konsep globale onderwysgemeenskappe voor om by te dra tot die vorming van institusies wat geleenthede skep vir studente om interkulturele begrip te oefen en vaardig daarin te word. Die navorsing stel elemente van interkulturele onderwys voor wat kan dien tot die bevordering van dialogiese betrokkenheid in interkulturele onderwys, kommunikasie en opleiding. 'n Gevallestudie van 'n vierjaar voordiens algemene onderwysprogram (BEd Algemeen) by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch was ondemeem vir spore van en om die voorkoms van interkulturele onderwys in oenskou te neem. Data is versamel deur middel van 'n getrianguleerde dokument analise, onderhoude en vraelyste. Die navorsing kyk na 'n metaforiese analogie waarin waarderende ondersoek, mag-met, en elemente van interkulturele onderwys gebruik is. Vir die analise van die data is kwalitatiewe strategiee gebruik, wat klassifikasie en kategorie konstruksie in kombinasie met verbeeldingsryke variasie en heuristiese ondersoek insluit. Die bevindings toon dat temas van interkulturele onderwys uitdrukking vind of verskyn in aspekte van die programuitkomste, verskillende module aanbiedings, en onderwys praktyke en benaderings van die BEd Algemeen kurrikulum. Terwyl ook bevind is dat interkulturele onderwys nie werklik in die pedagogie en praktyk van die program figureer nie, toon die interpretasie talle geleenthede om interkulturele praktyk te vestig en tot uitdrukking te bring. 'n Ander faset van die navorsing het getoon dat studente en lektore kollektief nie bekend is met die konsep van interkulturele onderwys nie, en dat dit nie onderskei kon word van multikulturele nie. Boonop, het studente se begrip en gevoelens 'n neiging tot verset teenoor temas van kulturele diversiteit getoon. Die bevindinge suggereer 'n behoefte aan die insluiting van strategiee om interkulturele bewussyn te verhoog. In die lig van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se planne om te internasionaliseer, hou die bevindinge kritiese implikasies en aanbevelings in vir die inkorporasie van interkulturele pedagogie en praktyk in die metodologiese raamwerk van die BEd Algemeen-program. Dit stel die ontwikkeling van modules in interkulturele onderwys en praktyk voor deur die gebruik van Hammer en Bennett se (1998,2002) Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

Gestão pedagógica na educação a distância: análise de uma experiência na perspectiva da gestora

Cerny, Roseli Zen 03 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Roseli Zen Cerny.pdf: 1733453 bytes, checksum: c20c37610dca2cc32d9d47b802d19818 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-03 / The present study attempts to analyze a pedagogical management system developed in a public institution of higher education during the implementing of one of the first distance education licentiate courses. The theoretic principals are based on the referential management of educational systems and the perspective of distance education systems. A qualitative methodology was utilized for this research, with the support of the enunciation theory of language and the method of self observation. The pedagogical management system was created based on the idea of collaborative work and anchors itself on the triad formation, materials production and research and evaluation. In the analysis of the distance education system it became clear that the main difficulties for the implementation of undergraduate courses are: the history of distance education in the institution, the culture of presence, the somewhat inflexible model of institutional organizations, the way by which financing is decentralized and administrated, the public and bureaucracy politics. In the organization of the teams there is the perception that the pedagogical management reproduces in part the presential model referring to the partnership between the centers of teacher formation. The study illustrates that the formation of the teams constitutes a privileged space for minimizing the prejudice against this modality of learning, promoting the integration between members, rethinking the didactic pedagogical action and providing reception to team members. Research and evaluation are pointed out as decisive conditions for the university s participation in distance education, aiding the partnership between centers. It has been made evident that the collective construction of work demands time and openness by part of teams for new constructions to arise. It is possible to conclude that, even with the tensions and troubles lived in this proposal of pedagogical management, the integrated work of formation, material productions and research and evaluation contribute to a more organic performance in distance education, breaking the fordist paradigms found normally in the experiments with this modality of learning / O presente estudo propõe-se a analisar um sistema de gestão pedagógica desenvolvido em uma instituição pública de ensino superior durante a implantação dos primeiros cursos de licenciatura a distância. Os pressupostos teóricos embasam-se no referencial da gestão dos sistemas educacionais e na perspectiva dos sistemas de educação a distância. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada para a análise é a pesquisa qualitativa, com suporte da teoria enunciativa da linguagem e o método da auto-observação. O sistema de gestão pedagógica foi construído a partir da ideia de trabalho colaborativo e ancora-se na tríade formação, produção de materiais e pesquisa e avaliação. Na análise sobre o sistema de EaD, ficou evidenciado que as principais dificuldades para a implantação de cursos de graduação a distância são: a história da EaD na instituição, a cultura do presencial, o modelo pouco flexível de organização institucional, o modo como os financiamentos são descentralizados e administrados, as políticas públicas e a burocracia. Na organização das equipes, há a percepção de que a gestão pedagógica reproduz em parte o modelo vivenciado no presencial no que se refere à parceria entre os centros formadores de professores. O estudo mostra que formação das equipes constitui um espaço privilegiado para minimizar os preconceitos contra a modalidade, promover a troca de experiências entre os pares, repensar as ações didáticas pedagógicas e proporcionar acolhimento aos integrantes das equipes. A pesquisa e a avaliação são apontadas como uma das condições determinantes para a atuação da universidade na EaD, auxiliando na parceria colaborativa entre os centros. Evidenciou-se que a construção coletiva do trabalho demanda tempo e abertura por parte das equipes para construção do novo. É possível concluir que, não obstante as tensões e desencontros vivenciados nesta proposta de gestão pedagógica, o trabalho integrado de formação, produção de materiais e de pesquisa e avaliação contribui para uma atuação mais orgânica na educação a distância, quebrando os paradigmas fordistas encontrados nas experiências com esta modalidade de ensino

Educação do campo e alternância no curso de licenciatura em pedagogia PRONERA/UFPB: encontro de teorias e práticas de educação popular

Correia, Deyse Morgana das Neves 11 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:08:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 708686 bytes, checksum: 4b3c99d262c99c3f442322b3c444aed1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The following work approaches the theme of Rural Education regarding Higher Education as directed towards rural social subjects, using experience derived from the National Program of Land Reform (PRONERA on the original Portuguese language). This is a qualitative case study, examining the PRONERA's Pedagogy Licentiateship Course developed in the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and analyzing concepts and practices of Rural Education and how they are experienced. The research had the following specific goals: to comprehend Popular Education as a foundation of Rural Education; to analyze the unfolding of the concepts and practices of Rural Education as applied on Higher Education; and to analyze the repercussions of PRONERA's Pedagogy Licentiateship Course on rural settlements and their subjects. In order to achieve that, the research was developed using different (but complementary) methodological procedures, such as bibliographic and documental research, observation, interview and field journal. Our focus on the experience of alternance in the Course allowed us to examine the application of that pedagogical technique into the traditional structure of the university. With its organization into School Time and Community Time, the Course introduced different theoretical-methodological incursions into the knowledge's mode of production, articulating theory and practice, scientific and popular knowledge, academics and rural folk, recognizing the differences as approached by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2008). And finally, the formation in alternance has enabled the students of the Course to act as development agents on their own settlements, using the educational activities developed in the Community Time, incentives on participating at social life and politics in the settlement, and experiencing groundbreaking projects dedicated to improving the quality of education and life in the community. / O presente trabalho aborda a temática da Educação do Campo no âmbito do Ensino Superior direcionado aos sujeitos sociais do campo a partir da experiência do Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária (PRONERA). Caracterizando-se como um estudo de caso qualitativo, se debruça sobre a realidade do Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia do PRONERA desenvolvido na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) a fim de analisar as concepções e as práticas de Educação do Campo e alternância vivenciadas em sua dinâmica. A pesquisa buscou atender aos seguintes objetivos específicos: compreender a Educação Popular como fundamento da Educação do Campo e da alternância; analisar os desdobramentos das concepções e das práticas de Educação do Campo e alternância no Ensino Superior, a partir da realidade do PRONERA; e, analisar as repercussões do Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia PRONERA/UFPB, a partir da formação em alternância, para o desenvolvimento dos assentamentos e de seus sujeitos. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa se desenvolveu por meio de distintos, porém complementares procedimentos metodológicos, que foram, em alguns momentos, utilizados concomitantemente, a exemplo da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, da observação, da entrevista e do diário de campo. Nosso foco na vivência da alternância no Curso nos permitiu descobrir riquezas e estreitamentos na adoção dessa proposta pedagógica na estrutura universitária tradicional e fragmentada. Por sua organização em Tempo Escola e Tempo Comunidade, introduziu diferentes incursões teórico-metodológicas no modo de produção do conhecimento, articulando teoria e prática, conhecimento científico e conhecimento popular, acadêmicos e assentados, na perspectiva do reconhecimento das diferenças abordado por Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2008). E, finalmente, a formação em alternância possibilitou que os estudantes do Curso atuassem como agentes do desenvolvimento de seus assentamentos, a partir das atividades educativas desenvolvidas no Tempo Comunidade, do incentivo à participação atuante na vida social e política do assentamento, da vivência de projetos inovadores que influenciem na melhoria da qualidade da educação e da vida da comunidade.

GraduaÃÃo tecnolÃgica no Brasil: crÃtica à expansÃo de vagas no ensino superior nÃo universitÃrio / Technological graduation in Brazil: critical to the vacant expansion in not university superior education

Josà Deribaldo Gomes dos Santos 10 December 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta pesquisa de carÃter teÃrico, bibliogrÃfico e documental, fundamentada na onto metodologia marxiana, propÃe-se estudar, de forma geral, a implantaÃÃo do Ensino Superior NÃo UniversitÃrio (ESNU), que no Brasil à chamado de graduaÃÃo tecnolÃgica, ou seja, como o Estado brasileiro utiliza a fragmentaÃÃo do ensino superior em universitÃrio e nÃo universitÃrio para atualizar o aprofundamento do neoliberalismo. Para atender esse objetivo, analisa especificamente o processo de expansÃo desses cursos no Brasil; averigua a evoluÃÃo das ofertas de vagas, matrÃculas, cursos e instituiÃÃes dessa modalidade de ensino; estuda quais sÃo as propostas pedagÃgicas que embasam tal subsistema; procura, tambÃm, compreender qual o papel estratÃgico, para nosso paÃs, de um subsistema de Ensino Superior (ES), no atual quadro de crise do capitalismo contemporÃneo; e, ainda, verificar a importÃncia concedida à graduaÃÃo tecnolÃgica dentro da histÃrica necessidade brasileira de alargar o acesso ao ensino superior. A investigaÃÃo procurou percorrer, de forma breve, a histÃria de algumas teorias clÃssicas da educaÃÃo e na medida de suas possibilidades, apontar especificidades relativas à formaÃÃo profissional que, para garantir o privilÃgio dos jà privilegiados, distingue dois caminhos educativos: o profissional para a classe trabalhadora e o acadÃmico para a elite. Posteriormente, a exposiÃÃo levanta algumas questÃes teÃricas sobre o contexto que envolve a crise estrutural do capital (MÃSZÃROS, 2000, 2003, 2005) e a atualidade da Escola Ãnica de Gramsci (1968, 2004). Prosseguindo, historia as polÃticas pÃblicas brasileiras para a formaÃÃo profissional, recortando a partir do governo dos militares atà a atualidade, destacando a implantaÃÃo de dois decretos: n 2208/97 e n 5154/04; debate, com amparo teÃrico em Vieira Pinto (2008a, 2008b) o conceito de tecnologia; examina a relaÃÃo das contra reformas do Estado e a da universidade brasileira; discute criticamente, com apoio em Florestan Fernandes (1973, 1975a, 1975b), as tese do desenvolvimento industrial brasileiro. Para cercar rigorosamente o objeto, a comunicaÃÃo visita parte da bibliografia que discute a pedagogia das competÃncias; assim, entende que este paradigma educativo està na base pedagÃgica desse subestima de ES; em seguida, estuda os nÃmeros da expansÃo do ESNU cotejando esse exame com a interferÃncia dos organismos internacionais, nomeadamente, o Fundo MonetÃrio Internacional e o Banco Mundial. Apresenta, a pesquisa, em suas consideraÃÃes finais, que o Estado brasileiro opera modernos artifÃcios de aprofundamento do neoliberalismo. A graduaÃÃo tecnolÃgica brasileira, assim, representaria a histÃrica necessidade de expansÃo de vagas ao ES, contudo, ao ofertar o alargamento das portas da âcasa do saberâ pela via nÃo universitÃria, de forma estatal e pelo Programa EducaÃÃo para Todos (ProUni), agraciando os empresÃrios, o governo obstaculariza o desenvolvimento da pesquisa de base que acaba por dificultar na realidade o desenvolvimento do paÃs. A investigaÃÃo fecha suas argumentaÃÃes, registrando energicamente que o espantoso aumento dos Ãndices do ESNU nÃo deve servir como balizador de sua eficÃcia, pois em uma sociedade com taxa de jovens entre 18 e 24 anos que ocupam o ES girando em torno de 10%, a graduaÃÃo tecnolÃgica certamente seduzirà para esse subsistema os historicamente anteparados de cursar a universidade: os filhos da classe trabalhadora. / This theoretical, bibliographic and documental research, based on Marxian onto methodology, is proposed to study, in a general way, the implementation of the Non University Graduate Schools (ESNU), which is named technological degree in Brazil. This kind of course means that the Brazilian Government fragments higher learning into University and Non-University to update neoliberalâs engrainedness. In order to reach that goal, this research specifically analyzes this Non University kind of courses expansion in Brazil; it inspects the evolution in offers, admissions, courses and institutions of this kind in Brazil; it studies which are the proposed pedagogical approaches that support this system; it also pursues an understanding about the strategic role of having a subsystem of higher learning (ES) in our country, facing the present scenery of contemporary capitalism crisis; it additionally verifies the bestowed importance of technological degree in face of the Brazilian necessity to extend peopleâs access to higher learning. This investigation tried to cover, in a summarized way, the history of some classical theories about education and, respecting its limits, point to some particularities related to professional formation, which, to guarantee privileges to the ones already privileged, distinguishes two alternative education paths: one named professional, to working classes, and other named academic, to the elite. Afterwards, this exposition brings to attention some theoretical questions about the context that surrounds the structural crisis of capitalism (MÃSZÃROS, 2000, 2003, 2005) and the soundness of Gramsciâs Unique School (1968, 2004). It follows showing the history of Brazilian government policies related to professional formation, since military government until nowadays, focusing on two established decrees: numbers 2208/97 and 5154/04; it debates the technology concept, supported by Vieira Pintoâs theory (2008a, 2008b); examines the relation of Government counter reforms and Brazilian universities; discusses in a critical way, supported by Florestan Fernandes (1973, 1975a, 1975b), the Brazilian industrial development theses. In order to rigorously surround the object, the communication visits part of the bibliography that is related to the Pedagogy of the competences; in this way, it understands that this educational paradigm is the base of this higher learning subsystem; after that, it studies the numbers involving ESNU expansion, comparing with international agencies interference, more specifically International Monetary Fund and The World Bank. In its final remarks, this research concludes that the Brazilian Government operates modern artifacts to deeper neoliberal state. The Brazilian technological degree would address the historical necessity of broader access to ES, but, widening the doors to the âhouse of knowledgeâ by the non university way, in a government way and through the Education for All Program (ProUni), privileging entrepreneurs, government, in fact, hinders basic research development, which, in the end, makes more difficult the very development of the country. This investigation closes its arguments strongly registering that the outstanding growth of ESNU numbers should not be used as an indication of its effectiveness, because in a society with 10% of youngsters from 18 to 24 years attending to ES, the technological degree will surely seduce those historically hindered from using universities: the sons of the working class.

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