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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D Graphics Technologies for Web Applications : An Evaluation from the Perspective of a Real World Application / Tekniker för 3D-grafik i webbapplikationer : En utvärdering sedd utifrån en riktig applikations perspektiv

Waernér, Klara January 2012 (has links)
Web applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated and functionality that was once exclusive to regular desktop applications can now be found in web applications as well. One of the more recent advances in this field is the ability for web applications to render 3D graphics. Coupled with the growing number of devices with graphics processors and the ability of web applications to run on many different platforms using a single code base, this represents an exciting new possibility for developers of 3D graphics applications. This thesis aims to explore and evaluate the technologies for 3D graphics that can be used in web applications, with the final goal of using one of them in a prototype application. This prototype will serve as a foundation for an application to be included in a commercial product. The evaluation is performed using general criteria so as to be useful for other applications as well, with one part presenting the available technologies and another part evaluating the three most promising technologies more in-depth using test programs. The results show that, although some technologies are not production-ready, there are a few which can be used in commercial software, including the three chosen for further evaluation; WebGL, the Java library JOGL and Stage 3D for Flash. Among these, there is no clear winner and it is up to the application requirements to decide which to use. The thesis demonstrates an application built with WebGL and shows that fairly demanding 3D graphics web applications can be built. Also included are the lessons learned during the development and thoughts on the future of 3D graphics in web applications.

Skapandet av en webbaserad informationsplattform : Designprocess från koncept till slutprodukt / The creation of a web based information platform : Design process from concept to final product

Norén, Jonathan January 2012 (has links)
Jag kommer i denna uppsats beskriva den designprocess som pågått vid skapandet av en webbaserad informationsplattform från koncept till slutprodukt. Mitt uppdrag har varit att effektivisera en webbyrås nuvarande sätt att hantera och sprida information på, som bestod av en blandning mellan digital och analog information, och skapa en ny webbaserad informationsplattform. Den nya webbaserade informationsplattformen ska kunna samla all information på en plats och skapa ett effektivare informationsutbyte mellan de anställda på företaget. Jag har använt mig av två teoretiska ramverk; Nielsens tio heuristics samt Krugs visuella design hierarki. Jag har arbetat nära beställaren för att kunna skräddarsy webbplatsen till deras behov. Resultatet efter ett omfattande arbete med designmallar och front-end kodning blev grunden för webbyråns webbaserade informationsplattform, utvecklad för att effektivisera spridningen av information på företaget. / In this essay I will describe the design process during the creation of a web-based information platform, from concept to final product. My assignment has been to take a web agency’s current way of managing and distributing information, which consisted of a mix between digital and analog information, and create a new web-based information platform. The new web-based information-platforms purpose is to gather all information in one place for easier exchange of information between employees at the company and make it more efficient. I used two theoretical frameworks as a theoretical base working on the project; Nielsen's ten heuristics and Krugs visual design hierarchy. I have worked closely with the client to customize the platform to their needs. The result after extensive work with design templates and front-end coding became the foundation for the web agency’s web-based platform, developed to distribute information more efficiently within the agency.

Smart-TV hybridapplikation : En undersökning i hur hybridapplikationer kan skapas mellan Smart-TV och surfplattor, samt användbarheten för dessa typer av applikationer

Göransson, Albin, Persson, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
De senaste åren har marknaden för surfplattor växt massivt samtidigt som Smart-TV’s har kommit fram som en ny produktkategori. Detta arbete är en undersökningen i hur surfplattor tillsammans med Smart-TV kan användas för att skapa en bättre upplevelse för användaren. För detta utvecklades en applikation på en LG Smart TV som sammankopplades med en surfplatta för att visa information om ett pokerspel. Sedan utfördes en undersökning med intervjuer där hybridapplikationen jämfördes gentemot att bara spela på surfplattan. Resultatet visade att denna typ av applikationer har potential att fungera som ett bra komplement till att bara visa information på surfplattan i vissa situationer, men mer forskning inom området krävs. / In recent years the market for tablet has grown massively, while a new type of Television device called Smart TV has started to find its way into people’s homes. This study is dedicated to finding out if tablets can be used together with Smart TV’s in a single application to craft a better user experience. To enable this study, a poker application combining LG Smart TV with an Android tablet were created, where the TV was used as a way to show information on a much larger screen. The study used research interviews as a tool to compare this application to a similar application running on the tablet alone. The results points to this type of application having potential when designed properly, but that more research in the area is needed.

Mobile HTML5: Efficiency and Performance of WebSockets and Server-Sent Events

Estep, Eliot January 2013 (has links)
The advent of HTML5 (Hyper Text Markup Language revision 5) technologies are re-standardizing the web and paving the way for a new breed of real-time web applications. This has great potential for mobile browsers that are now supporting protocols such as WebSocket and Server-Sent Events (SSE). These protocols can provide ecient real-time communication in a scalable manner, especially for \always-on" applications requiring persistent connections that are now widely used. Mobile devices are inherently restricted due to their limited battery power and require frequent charging. Therefore, experimentation that potentially promotes breakthroughs in mobile energy eciency is useful at this time. Extensive measurements were conducted over 3G, 4G, and WiFi networks to analyze the performance of WebSocket and SSE across a variety of popular mobile devices, browsers, and platforms. Devices were connected to a power monitor for a precise understanding of the energetic effects of keep-alive mechanisms and their overall effects on long-lasting connectivity. The results reveal that application level keep-alive mechanisms are not necessary to sustain the connections indefinitely, given proper server and network congurations. However, to avoid timeouts and to detect prematurely disconnected clients, keep-alive exchanges are necessary and useful in practice. The effects of short and long keep-alive interval values are examined in detail for all devices. Browser performance varies widely as no browser was completely successful for both WebSocket and SSE tests. Further improvements in mobile browser support for these technologies will be necessary to reach the full potential of real-time applications in the future. / Tillkomsten av HTML5 (Hyper Text Markup Language revision 5) teknik är åter standardisera webben och bana väg för en ny typ av realtid webbapplikationer. Detta har stor potential för mobila webbläsare som nu stödjer protokoll såsom WebSocket och Server-Sent Events (SSE). Dessa protokoll kan ge effektiv kommunikation i realtid på ett skalbart sätt, särskilt för \alltid-på" applikationer som kräver beständiga anslutningar som nu används i stor utsträckning. Mobila enheter är i sig begränsade på grund av deras begränsade batteri och kräver frekvent laddning. Därför är experiment som potentiellt främjar genombrott i mobil energie ektivitet användbar vid denna tid. Omfattande mätningar utfördes över 3G, 4G och WiFi-nätverk för att analysera resultatet for Web-Socket och SSE över en variation av populära mobila enheter, webbläsare och plattformar. Enheter var ansluten till en monitor för en exakt förståelse av de energiska effekter keep-alive-mekanismer och deras samlade effekter på långvarig anslutning. Resultaten visar att applikationsnivå keep-alive-mekanismerna är inte nödvändigt att upprätthålla anslutningarna på obestämd tid, ges rätt server och konfigurationer nätverk. Men för att undvika timeout och att upptäcka tidigt frånkopplade klienter, keep-alive-börser är nödvändiga och användbara i praktiken. Effekterna av korta och långa keep-alive intervallvärdena granskas i detalj för alla enheter. Browser prestanda varierar kraftigt eftersom ingen webbläsare var helt lyckat för både WebSocket och SSE tester. Ytterligare förbättringar av mobila webbläsare stöd för denna teknik kommer att vara nödvändigt för att uppnå den fulla potentialen av realtidsapplikationer i framtiden.

Återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5 : En studie om möjligheten att återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5 / Reuse model code written in C across Android, iOS and HTML5 : A study on the possibility of reusing model code written in C on Android, iOS and HTML5

Demirel, Emre, Chowdhury, Shifat January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är utforska möjligheterna att återanvända modellkod, skriven i C, över flera plattformar, nämligen iOS, Android och HTML5. Målet är att undersöka kodstorlek och komplexitet vid återanvändning av modellkod skriven i C på plattformarna. Genom en noggrann granskning av tidigare forskning och existerande metoder identifierades lämpliga verktyg och metoder. Det som framkom är att WebAssembly var det rekommenderade verktyget för att koppla C- kod till HTML5. För Android var Java Native Interface (JNI) det mest lämpliga verktyget för att koppla C-kod till Kotlin. Swift, å andra sidan, har inbyggda verktyg för interoperabilitet som möjliggör koppling mellan Swift-kod och C. Därav påvisade resultaten att det är möjligt att återanvända modellkod skriven i C på Android, iOS och HTML5. Dock, för Android krävdes det tillsats av extra kod för att hantera kopplingen mellan Kotlin och C-modellkod. Eftersom dessa språk hanterar datatyper och minneshantering på olika sätt. Inom iOS krävdes inte lika mycket extra kod som på Android för att hantera kopplingen mellan Swift och C eftersom Swift är utvecklat med naturligt stöd för C. I HTML5 behövdes inte lika mycket extra kod som på Swift och Android eftersom Emscripten möjliggjorde automatisk generering av en omvandling från modellkod skriven i C till JavaScript. Detta underlättade utvecklandet av bindningen mellan C-baserad modellkod och HTML5-applikationen. / The purpose of this study was to explore the possibilities of reusing model code, written in C, across multiple platforms, specifically iOS, Android, and HTML5. The objective was to investigate code size and complexity when reusing model code written in C on these platforms. Through a thorough review of previous research and existing methods, suitable tools and methods were identified. It was found that WebAssembly was the recommended tool for linking C code to HTML5. For Android, the Java Native Interface (JNI) was the most appropriate tool for linking C code to Kotlin. Swift, on the other hand, has built-in tools for interoperability that allow for the connection between Swift code and C. The results indicated that it is possible to reuse model code written in C on Android, iOS, and HTML5. For Android, additional code was required to manage the connection between Kotlin and C model code, as these languages handle data types and memory management differently. However, within iOS, there was not needed additional code compared to Android, to manage the linkage between Swift and C. Since Swift is developed with inherent support for C. For HTML5, there was not as much additional code required as in Swift and Android, primarily because Emscripten enabled automatic conversion of model code written in C to JavaScript. This facilitated the development of the binding between C-based model code and the HTML5 application.

Network Test Capability of Modern Web Browsers

Klang, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
Web browsers are being used for network diagnostics. Users commonly verify their Internet speed by using a website, Bredbandskollen.se or speedtest.net for example. These test often need third party software, Flash or Java applets. This thesis aims at prototyping an application that pushes the boundaries of what the modern web browser is capable of producing regarding network measurements, without any third party software. The contributions of this thesis are a set of suggested tests that the modern browser should be capable of performing without third party software. These tests can potentially replace some of network technicians dedicated test equipment with web browser capable deceives such as mobile phones or laptops. There exist both TCP and UDP tests that can be combined for verifying some Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. The TCP tests can saturate a gigabit connection and is partially compliant with RFC 6349, which means the traditional Internet speed test sites can obtain more metrics from a gigabit throughput test then they do today.

Så Kan HTML5 Underlätta Crossplattform-utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om nytta och utmaningar för utvecklare

Sander, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The task of porting native applications to multiple devices can be considered tedious if this task involves getting accommodated to different development environments and a multitude of different tools, such as different programming languages, in order to complete said task.Cross-platform development, HTML5-basedsolutions, has proven an alternative with great potential. The question is what the strengths and weaknessesofthis kind of development environmentarefor a developer, and if they match what contemporary research claims, which tends to be focused on technical aspectsat many times.In contemporary research about cross-platform development, which generally comparesmany different approaches and as a result lack in depth, a perspective that also includes desktop solutions is also absent, even if there are multiple solutions on the desktop platform that can be considered equivalent to the frameworks that have been touched by previous research on mobile platforms. In addition, some research might be a bit out of dateas software development trends move forward at a tremendous speed. This paper aimedtoprovide fresh insight into the matter byevaluating strengths and weaknesses within contemporary software solutions in the genrefrom a development perspective, as well as try to widen the perspective to also include desktop solutions.The results have shown thatHTML-based solutions exceed inportability, modularity, scalability, development environment maturity, maintainability and simplicity, while there are small weaknesses to be found primarily within platform API accessiblityandlong-term feasibility from theversionconsistencyperspective.Multiple other weaknesses like performance that are outside the scope of this study were also mentioned. However, some respondents found thatthe ability to sacrifice some performance and API accessibility for more portability and simplicity without sacrificing all of it is one of the greatest strengths of HTML-based cross-platform solutions for application developmentby itself, rather than themoreconcrete aspects.

Webbaserad eller plattformsspecifik tidrapporteringsapplikation / Web based or platform specific time reporting application

Laurell, David January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport tar upp för och nackdelar med att göra en webbaserad mobilapplikationgentemot en plattformsspecifik applikation för ett tidrapporteringssystem. Tre prototyperutvecklades för det existerande tidrapporteringssystemet XLTime hos Nlight Solutions.Prototyperna gjordes mot Android, Iphone och webbläsaren för dessa två plattformar.Efter att prototyperna iterativt gått igenom olika funktioner från en givenkravspecifikation går rapporten sedan in på att utvärdera hur funktionaliteten skiljer sigmellan de webbaserade och de plattformsspecifika applikationerna. Här kunde man se attswipe-funktionalitet betedde sig konstigt för vissa webbläsare, och att implementationenav input-element av datumtyp skiljer sig i webbläsaren. Felsökning och uppdatering avapplikationer var dock mycket snabbare för den webbaserade prototypen.Efter att funktionaliteten utvärderats startades användartest med 6 olika användare. Defick utföra ett antal uppgifter på varje prototyp och här kunde man se att olika problemuppstod. T ex fick användarna också problem med swipe-funktionaliteten. Näranvändarna fick välja plattform tyckte de mest om den webbaserade applikationen,eftersom de tyckte den var mest tydlig och lättare att förstå. Detta p.g.a. att den användetext på knappar istället för ikoner som de inte förstod.I slutsatsen av rapporten tas det upp att det är möjligt att skapa webbaseradetidrapporteringsapplikationer om man undviker att använda mycket animationer och inteanvänder element som inte stöds av alla webbläsare. / Program: Systemarkitekturutbildningen

User interaction of one-dimensional panoramic images for iPod Touch

Kottamasu, V.L.Phanikumar January 2012 (has links)
Modern handheld devices such as smart phones and tablets have become popular for capturing and viewing panoramic images, but navigation in these devices is a challenging task due to small screen size. In this thesis work, investigation is done for similarities and differences between two user interaction techniques of one-dimensional cubical panorama images. This work is carried out on a fourth generation Apple iPod Touch. The first user interaction technique swipe (drag-based panning) is developed using touch-gestures, while the second technique look-around (device-orientation panning) is developed using motion-sensors such as gyroscope and accelerometer for device-orientation. Both these techniques were implemented for touch-screen devices for an angle of 360 degrees.     In the swipe technique, the navigation is done by using finger movements on the screen, while in the look-around based panning technique the navigation is done by moving the device direction physically in space through an angle of 360 degrees. The experiments were conducted on 20 participants for the two panning techniques. The results have shown that the look-around based panning technique offers a better user interaction compared to swipe based panning technique. Look-around based panning technique is natural and more free to move physically in space. Swipe based panning technique is easy to use in some situations and it does not require any physical space to move around the system.

MPEG-V Based Web Haptic Authoring Tool

Gao, Yu 31 March 2014 (has links)
Nowadays the World Wide Web increasingly provides rich multimedia contents to its users.In order to further enhance the experience of web-users, researchers have sought solutions to integrate yet another modality into the web experience by augmenting web content with haptic properties. In those applications, users are able to interact with web virtual environments (such as games and e-learning systems) enriched with haptic contents. However, it is not easy for designers without pro cient web programming background and basic knowledge regarding haptics, to develop a web application with haptic content enabled. Additionally, there is currently no standard to describe and reuse a well-described haptic application which can be played in web browsers. In this thesis, I present an MPEG-V based authoring tool for facilitating the development procedure of haptics-enabled web applications. The system provides an interface for users to create their own application, add custom 3D models, and modify their graphic and haptic properties. Haptic properties include the speci cation of collision detection mechanism and object surface properties which in turn directly a ect the force simulations. Finally, the user is able to export a haptic-enabled 3D scene in a standard MPEG-V format which can be reconstructed in a web haptic player. A detailed experiment is conducted to evaluate the force simulations, application development process and design of user interface. The results not only verify my proposed methodology, but also show the high acceptance level by users with all levels of programming knowledge of the system.

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