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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation moléculaire et élémentaire des produits pétroliers lourds / Molecular and elemental characterization of heavy petroleum products

Desprez, Alain 19 November 2014 (has links)
Les pétroles utilisés en raffinage étant de plus en plus lourds et chargés en métaux et hétéroélements, il est d’une grande importance pour les activités de raffinage de connaître la spéciation de ces espèces au sein des produits pétroliers et leurs comportements durant les procédés de raffinage. Afin d’apporter des réponses à cette problématique des techniques de caractérisation élémentaire et moléculaire ont été utilisées notamment par ICP MS Haute Résolution et FT ICR MS respectivement. Ces techniques analytiques sont appliquées à différents échantillons pétroliers provenant parfois de procédés de raffinage et les informations obtenues au niveau élémentaire et moléculaire sont utilisées de manières complémentaires pour améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes se produisant au sein de nos échantillons durant les activités de raffinage. / The crude oils available for the refining industry are heavier and heavier and more concentrated in metals and heteroelements. It is thus of great importance to study the speciation of these species within the petroleum products and their behavior during the refining processes. To answer that problematic, elemental and molecular characterization techniques have been used, mainly High Resolution ICP MS and FT ICR MS for the elemental and molecular characterization respectively. The analytical techniques quoted are used for the analysis of several petroleum products sometimes originating from refining processes and the information obtained at the elemental and molecular level are combined to improve our understanding of the mechanisms occurring within our samples during refining activities.

Stratégies analytiques pour la caractérisation physico-chimique des particules ultrafines métalliques. Application aux aérosols ultrafins générés lors de procédés thermiques (fonderie, projection thermique). / Analytical strategies for the physico-chemical characterization of metallic ultrafine particles. Application to the ultrafine aerosols generated during thermal processes (smelter, thermal projection)

Durand, Thibaut 30 June 2014 (has links)
Dans l’industrie, les sources d’expositions aux particules ultrafines (PUF) sont nombreuses et connues depuis longtemps. Ces particules quelles soient manufacturées ou non intentionnelles (générées au cours de procédés industriels) présentent des propriétés singulières qui impliquent des effets sur la santé différents de ceux induits par des particules de plus grande taille (micrométrique). L’étude spécifique des PUF nécessite donc le développement de méthodes de prélèvement et d’analyse adaptées permettant d’obtenir des informations pertinentes complémentaires à la masse totale de poussières prélevées. Cette métrique semblerait insuffisante pour caractériser correctement les effets toxiques des PUF. La thèse a donc été menée dans l’optique de disposer de méthodes dédiées à l’analyse des nanoparticules et en particulier sur la caractérisation chimique des particules en fonction de leur taille (couplage entre dispositifs de prélèvement en fonction de la taille des particules et méthode d’analyse). Les méthodes développées ont ensuite été testées sur des échantillons provenant soit de sites et/ou procédés industriels (fonderie, projection thermique) soit d’essais en laboratoire par prélèvement sur banc de génération de PUF. / Expositions to nanoparticles (NPs) are known in industrial hygiene for a long time. Either from primary or secondary sources (industrial processes), these particles have specific properties which imply different toxicities compared to larger particles (micrometric) from the same material. Therefore NPs study requires adapted sampling and analytical technique development and more specifically methods allowing to access relevant information other than total dust mass. The latter seems not be sufficient for toxic effect assessment. Thus, this work has been conducted in order to dispose of analytical methods dedicated to NPs and especially on size-dependent particle chemical analysis. Then, the developed methods have been applied on samples collected either from industrial sites and/or processes (smelter, thermal projection), either from NP generation bench.

Développement de méthodes analytiques basées sur la spectrométrie de masse de haute résolution pour l’étude de molécules contenant des métaux chez les organismes vivants / High resolution elemental and molecular mass spectrometry for studies of endogenous metal-containing molecules in living organisms

Wang, Shuanglong 25 September 2017 (has links)
Les ions métalliques (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Mo…) jouent un rôle vital dans un grand nombre de processus biologiques. Leur carence et leur excès entraînent des défauts de croissance voire la mort. Pour survivre et croître, certaines bactéries ont développé des stratégies pour acquérir les métaux dans leur environnement basées sur la synthèse de ligands complexant les métaux. Les plantes, elles, stockent les métaux et les transportent entre les tissus sous des formes chimiques particulières et un rôle grandissant pour les petits complexes métalliques semble se révéler. La spéciation des métaux gouvernerait donc leur biodisponibilité pour les consommateurs en ce qui concerne les plantes comestibles. Cette thèse a pour but le développement de méthodes analytiques pour l’identification et la quantification des formes chimiques des métaux chez les bactéries et les plantes.Les techniques de séparation chromatographique, comme la chromatographie d’exclusion stérique (SEC) et la chromatographie d’interaction hydrophile (HILIC), furent couplées à la spectrométrie de masse (MS) avec une ionisation préalable par plasma induit (ICP MS) ou par électrospray pour une détection élémentaire et moléculaire respectivement. La méthodologie analytique développée ici, qui est basée sur l’utilisation de l’HILIC avec détection double par ICP MS et électrospray MS, s’est avérée cruciale pour la découverte et la caractérisation de deux nouveaux métallophores, la staphylopine chez Staphylococcus aureus et la pseudopaline chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ces métallophores sont synthétisés et exportés par les bactéries et servent pour l’acquisition des métaux de transition divalents dans les milieux très pauvres en métaux grâce à leur pouvoir complexant.Des techniques dédiées de préparation d’échantillons, incluant le fractionnement des extraits solubles à l’eau, furent mises en place pour l’analyse du fer dans le maïs. Les approches instrumentales développées, notamment après le fractionnement du fer l’échantillon, permirent l’identification par spectrométrie de masse de complexes du fer avec le citrate, le muginéate et le phytate dans les grains de maïs. Il existe aussi une différence significative dans les concentrations de certaines polyamines entre certaines variétés de graines contenant du fer faiblement biodisponible et celles contenant du fer fortement biodisponible. La plus grande abondance de complexe fer-muginéate dans les extraits gastro-intestinaux des variétés à fer fortement biodisponible semblerait indiqué un rôle important pour ce complexe dans la biodisponibilité du fer. Finalement, des ratios molaires plus faibles entre le phytate extrait et le fer qui lui est associé sembleraient aussi être un des facteurs lié à une plus grande biodisponibilité du fer. / Metal (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Mo…) ions play a vital role in a large number of biological processes. Both their deficiency and excess will lead to severe growth impairment or death. In order to survive and to grow, bacteria developed strategies to acquire metals from the environment based on the synthesis of metal complexing ligands. Plants store metals and transport them between tissues in particular chemical forms and a rising role for small metal complexes seems to be revealed. Therefore their speciation governs the bioavailability of the metals to consumers in the case of edible plants. This thesis aims at the development of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of metal chemical forms in bacteria and in plants.Chromatographic separation techniques, such as size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) were coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) using ionization in an inductively coupled plasma (ICP MS) or electrospray for elemental and molecular detection, respectively. The developed analytical methodology based on HILIC with dual ICP MS and electrospray MS detection turned out to be crucial for the discovery and characterization of two novels metallophores, staphylopine in Staphylococcus aureus and pseudopaline in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These metallophores are synthesized and exported by the bacteria and serve for the uptake of divalent transition metal in metal scarce conditions by means of chelation. Dedicated samples preparation techniques, including fractionation of water soluble extracts, were developed for iron analyses in maize. The developed instrumental approaches following the iron fractionation methods allowed the identification by mass spectrometry of citrate, mugineate and phytate complexes with iron in maize kernels. There was also a significant difference in some polyamine concentrations observed between some kernels with low and high bioavailable iron. The higher abundance of the iron-mugineate complex in the gastrointestinal extract in high bioavailable maize variety possibly indicates that iron-mugineate would have an important role in iron biodisponibility. Finally, lower molar ratios between extracted phytate and iron associated to it would seem to be also a key aspect for higher iron bioavailability.

Caracterização química, física e isotópica de U3Si2 para fins forenses nucleares / Chemical, physical and isotopic characterization of U3Si2, for nuclear forensics purposes

Rosa, Daniele Scarpim 29 August 2011 (has links)
No início dos anos 90, os primeiros indícios do tráfico ilícito de materiais nucleares e radioativos foram observados principalmente na região européia. Uma década marcada por inúmeros casos de apreensão desse tipo de material. Como resultado, esses atos passaram a ser alvo de investigações criminais forenses, desenvolvendo-se a partir daí, a ciência forense nuclear. No Brasil não há registros oficiais do tráfico ilícito de material nuclear, entretanto, é amplamente conhecida a extração e o transporte ilegal de materiais geológicos radioativos, assim como a apreensão de fragmentos de materiais utilizados como blindagem de fontes radioativas. Uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas na ciência forense nuclear consiste no estabelecimento de bancos de dados de materiais nucleares. Esses documentos devem conter o maior número possível de informações sobre as características físicas, químicas e nucleares do material apreendido, permitindo a identificação de sua origem, processo de fabricação ou mesmo a idade (age). Assim, se estabelecem padrões de composição característicos de cada material, denominados assinaturas químicas (chemical finger print). Nesse trabalho foi adotado o protocolo forense nuclear seguindo as três etapas de avaliação sugeridas pela Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica (AIEA) na identificação da origem de Siliceto de urânio (U3Si2). Realizaram-se ensaios de caracterização física, química e isotópica dos materiais em estudo e compararam-se os dados com aqueles obtidos para outros compostos de urânio (Tetrafluoreto de urânio, UF4; óxidos de urânio, UO2 e U3O8; tricarbonato de amônio e uranila, TCAU) estabelecendo-se uma assinatura característica para cada um. A partir dos resultados foi possível classificar os compostos por grupos de origem, uma vez que são provenientes de diferentes processos de fabricação e/ ou origem. Demonstrou-se também a importância da criação e manutenção de um banco de dados nuclear na investigação de um evento forense nuclear. / In the early 1990´s, the first illicit trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials was observed mainly in Europe. A decade marked by numerous cases of seizures of these materials. As a result, these events have become the subject of criminal forensic investigations and develop from there, nuclear forensics. In Brazil there are no illicit trafficking official records of nuclear material, however, is widely known the extraction and illegal transportation of radioactive geological materials, and the materials pieces attachment used as shielding for radioactive sources. One of the main tools used in nuclear forensics is the nuclear materials databases establishment. These documents must contain the most information as possible about the physical, chemical and nuclear material seized, allowing the identification of their origin, manufacturing process or age. Thus, it sets characteristic composition standards of each material, called \"chemical signatures (chemical finger print). In this work nuclear forensic protocol was adopted as well as the three stages of assessment suggested by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in identifying the origin of uranium silicide (U3Si2). Assays were performed in order to make physical, chemical and isotopic characterization of the studied materials and compared the data with those obtained for other uranium compounds (Uranium tetrafluoride, UF4; uranium oxide, UO2 and U3O8; Yellow cake) by establishing a characteristic signature for each one. Through the assays the uranium compounds were classify by origin groups, as far as they are from different manufactured process and/ or origin. It was also possible to show the importance of a nuclear forensic database during an investigation of a nuclear forensic event.

Apport de la géochimie isotopique du Nickel à l'étude des dépôts métallifères océaniques / Contribution of nickel isotope geochemistry to the study of oceanic metalliferous deposits

Guéguen, Bleuenn 22 November 2013 (has links)
Les explorations scientifiques menées depuis une quarantaine d’années ont permis d'identifier la diversité et la complexité des processus géologiques et géochimiques conduisant à la concentration des métaux dans les grands fonds océaniques. Les dépôts métallifères riches en hydroxydes de Fer et de Manganèse, tels que les encroûtements hydrogénétiques et hydrothermaux et les nodules polymétalliques, présentent des enrichissements variés en éléments d'intérêts économiques tels que le Ni, Cu, Co, Te, Pt et les Terres Rares. Bien que la minéralogie et la géochimie de ces dépôts aient été largement étudiées dans la littérature, les sources de métaux restent encore mal déterminées. Par conséquent, comprendre la géochimie de ces dépôts implique d’une part, de connaître les processus participant à leur genèse, et d’autre part d’avoir de meilleures connaissances sur les sources impliquées (par ex. flux continental et hydrothermal) et leur importance dans les grands cycles biogéochimiques des métaux dans les océans. Afin d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de réponse, notre approche a consisté à utiliser les compositions isotopiques des métaux comme traceurs biogéochimiques. Ce projet est structuré autour de deux hypothèses, (1) le développement et l’utilisation d’un nouveau outil géochimique que sont les isotopes du Ni pour tracer les sources et les processus d’enrichissements en métaux dans les dépôts métallifères océaniques ; (2) la combinaison de plusieurs systèmes isotopiques tels que Fe, Pb, Cu et Zn (et Ni) dans les encroûtements de fer-manganèse comme proxy de la composition isotopique de l’eau de mer profonde. Après avoir développé une méthode d’analyse des isotopes du Ni par MC-ICP-MS et estimé la variabilité isotopique du Ni dans les systèmes naturels par la caractérisation des grands réservoirs terrestres, nous avons évalué expérimentalement le fractionnementisotopique du Ni lors de son adsorption sur les oxyhydroxydes de Fe et Mn comme analogue à ce qui pourrait se produire dans les dépôts de Fe-Mn naturels. Les résultats indiquent que lors de l’adsorption du Ni, la phase solide est enrichie en isotopes légers par rapport à la solution avec des facteurs de fractionnement (Δ60/58Nimin/sol) variant de -1 ‰ pour la birnessite, -0.9 ‰ pour la goethite et -0.4 ‰ pour la ferrihydrite. A partir de ces résultats et d’autres études récentes, nous avons pu appuyer l’hypothèse selon laquelle d’un point de vue global la variabilité isotopique du Ni dans les dépôts métallifères océaniques riches en Fe et Mn s’explique par des processus d’enrichissement et de formation lors de l’incorporation des métaux dans les phases minérales de Fe et Mn plutôt que par des variations des compositions isotopiques des sources. Ainsi les encroûtements hydrogénétiques formés lentement à partir de l’eau de mer ne montrent pas de fractionnement isotopique du Ni, tandis que les dépôts hydrothermaux formés par des processus rapides liés aux apports hydrothermaux montrent des fractionnements du Ni plus importants. Puis, afin d’évaluer la possibilité d’utiliser les signatures isotopiques du Ni comme nouveaux traceurs paléocéanographiques, nous avons mené une étude comparative sur des encroûtements collectés dans le Pacifique Nord (proche de Hawaii) et le Pacifique Sud (proche de Tahiti). Dans ce contexte, les ncroûtements de fer-manganèse formés par précipitation très lente de l’ordre de quelques mm/Ma entre 1500 et 3000 m de profondeur, fournissent un enregistrement de plusieurs millions d’années des métaux dissous dans l’eau de mer. Après avoir réalisé une étude minéralogique et géochimique (éléments majeurs et traces) et calibré les taux de croissance des encroûtements, nous avons mesuré pour la première fois les compositions isotopiques du Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu et Pb sur la même série temporelle. / Scientific explorations implemented for around forty years allow to identifying the diversity and the complexity of geological and geochemical processes conducting to metals concentration on the deep seafloor. Fe- and Mn-rich metalliferous deposits such as hydrogenetic and hydrothermal ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts and polymetallic nodules, present various enrichment in elements of economic interests like Ni, Cu, Co, Te, Pt and Rare Earth Elements. Although the mineralogy and geochemistry of these deposits have been largely studied in the literature, metal sources remain poorly determined. Accordingly, understanding the geochemistry of these deposits implies to know which processes are involved in their formation but also to have a better knowledge of the sources (e.g. the continental and hydrothermal fluxes) and their importance in the global oceanic metal biogeochemical cycles. In order to fill this gap, our approach consisted in using metal stable isotope compositions as biogeochemical tracers. This project is organized around two hypotheses, (1) development and utilization of a new geochemical tool, namely Ni isotopes, for tracing metal enrichment sources and processes in oceanic metalliferous deposits; (2) combination of several isotope systematics such as Fe, Pb, Cu, Zn (and Ni) in Fe-Mn crusts as proxies of the deep seawater isotope composition. Upon developing an analytical method for measuring Ni isotopes by MC-ICP-MS and estimating the Ni isotopes variability in natural systems through the characterization of terrestrial reservoirs, we experimentally evaluated Ni isotope fractionation during adsorption on Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides since similar processes may potentially occur in natural Fe-Mn deposits. Results indicate that after Ni adsorption, the solid phase is enriched in light Ni isotopes relatively to the solution with fractionation factors (Δ60/58Nimin/sol) varying from -1 ‰ for birnessite, -0.9 ‰ for goethite and -0.4 ‰ for ferrihydrite. These results, and other recent studies, strengthen our hypothesis according to which Ni isotopes variability in Fe- and Mn-rich metalliferous deposits can be explained by enrichment and formation processes during metal incorporation in Fe and Mn mineral phases rather than variations in the isotopic composition of the sources. Thus, hydrogenetic Fe-Mn crusts formed slowly from seawater dissolved metals do not show significant Ni isotope fractionation, whereas hydrothermal deposits formed by relatively rapid processes as a result of hydrothermal inputs exhibit important Ni isotope fractionation.

Métodos de análise de materiais híbridos: um estudo comparativo entre fluorescência de raios-x com detecção dispersiva em energia usando fonte tradicional e luz síncroton / Hybrid Materials Analysis Methods: A comparative study of X-ray Fluorescence Detection in Energy Dispersive using Traditional Source and Synchrotron Light

Orlando Armando Elguera Ysnaga 10 June 2015 (has links)
Os Ormosils pertencem aos sistemas nanoestruturados, apresentando uma grande diversidade de estruturas e permitindo o controle das propriedades dos materiais obtidos. Os Ormosils contribuem ao desenvolvimento de materiais multifuncionais pela sua estrutura flexível (matriz hospedeira), que permite a oclusão de diversas espécies (moleculares, iônicas), a qual pode ser ajustada pela mudança dos grupos funcionais dos silanos precursores. Os filmes dos Ormosils têm potencial aplicação em fitas dosimétricas, janelas inteligentes, selos antifraude, dispositivos fotônicos, filmes fotocatalíticos e dispositivos fotocrômicos. Esta Tese abordou a determinação qualitativa, semiquantitativa e quantitativa dos filmes dos Ormosils (contendo nanopartículas de TiO2, ZnO e Fosfotungstatos ([PW12O40]3)) e aqueles constituídos por uma rede interpenetrante de sílica, sesquisiloxano e hidroxiuretana de poli(dimetilsiloxano) contendo Fosfotungstatos, com potencial aplicação em membranas para células combustíveis e na produção de janelas fotocrômicas. Outro dos materiais analisados constituíram Ormosils ocluídos na matriz de Poli(imidas), com potencial aplicação no armazenamento de Hidrogênio, membranas para células combustíveis e revestimentos isolantes e anticorrosivos.<br /><br /> A quantificação e mapeamento dos elementos fotoativos são relevantes para a melhoria no desenvolvimento destes materiais, entretanto, esta não é uma tarefa trivial devido à natureza intrínseca destes materiais híbridos em que a fase orgânica e a inorgânica estão intimamente ligadas e devido à presença de um grande número de elementos químicos que muitas vezes interferem na análise. Desta forma, estes materiais híbridos se constituem em matrizes complexas de análise e há necessidade de se desenvolver e estudar métodos analíticos específicos. A fim de melhor compreender as propriedades fotocrômicas, anticorrosivas e mecânicas destes materiais, é importante conhecer a distribuição dos silicatos e dos fosfotungstatos no interior dos filmes.<br /><br /> Os Estudos de Interferência da Autoabsorção da Fluorescência de Tungstênio pelos demais elementos nos filmes dos Ormosils, nos induziram a abordar a quantificação por XRF, não somente pelo ponto de vista atômico, senão complementar com a abordagem molecular. O Espalhamento Raman Ressonante de RaiosX mostrouse igualmente importante para entender os fenômenos de interferência observados nestes sistemas complexos. <br /><br /> Foi possível identificar e detectar o dopante Ti na faixa de dezenas de mg.Kg1 , mediante análises de Fluorescência de RaiosX em ângulo rasante (GIXRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron. De maneira complementar, análises de Microfluorescência de RaiosX (&micro;XRF) assistida por Radiação Síncrotron possibilitaram conhecer a distribuição espacial do Titânio e Zinco nos Ormosils. Nestas análises XRF não se empregaram materiais certificados para validação, contudo fora preparados no nosso laboratório materiais de referência, com procedimento de preparo similar àquele das amostras usando o método de semiquantificação baseado em Parâmetros Fundamentais. Os resultados de Fluorescência de RaiosX foram validados pelos resultados das análises por ICPOES e Ativação por Nêutrons (INAA). Os diferentes métodos de análise empregados (&micro;XRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) foram efetivos em precisão e em exatidão na quantificação de Tungstênio e Zinco. Entretanto para o caso de Titânio, somente puderam se considerar os resultados de &micro;XRF e ICPOES. Portanto, serão necessários métodos analíticos adicionais para validar os resultados da concentração deste elemento nos Ormosils. ICPOES e INAA demonstraram serem métodos de referência para os resultados XRF (Laboratório, Radiação Síncrotron) nossos materiais.<br /><br /><br /><br /> / Organically modified silicates or Ormosil are nanostructured systems displaying a wide range of structures, which facilitates the control of properties of materials obtained from them. Ormosil contribute to the development of multifunctional materials because of their flexible structure (matrix host), which allow the occlusion of various species (ionic, molecular), can be adjusted by changing functional groups of precursor silanes. Ormosil films have potential for application to dosimetric tapes, smart windows, antifraud sealing, photonic devices, photocatalytic films, and photochromic devices. In this thesis was investigated qualitative, semiquantitative and quantitative determination of ormosil films (containing TiO2 nanoparticles, ZnO, and phosphotungstates ([PW12O40]3))and those composed of an interpenetrating network of silica, sesquisiloxane, and polydimethylsiloxane hydroxyurethane containing phosphotungstate for use in fuel cell membranes, and production of photochromic windows. It also investigated Ormosil containing phosphotungstate occluded in a polyimide matrix with potential application to hydrogen storage, fuel cell membranes, and insulating and anticorrosion coatings.<br /><br /> Quantification and mapping of photoactive elements are important to promote the development of these materials. However, these are not trivial tasks due to the intrinsic nature of these hybrid materials in which organic and inorganic phases are closely linked and the presence of a large number of chemicals elements interferes with the analysis. Since these hybrid materials constitute complex matrices to analyze, it is necessary to develop and examine specific analytical methods. In order to better understand the photochromic, anticorrosive, and mechanical properties of these materials, it is important to identify the distribution of silicates and phosphotungstates inside the films.<br /><br /> Selfabsorption interference studies of Tungsten XRay fluorescence by the others constituents in the Ormosil films led us to approach quantification by XRF, not only from the atomic perspective, but also to supplement with the molecular approach. XRay Resonant Raman Scattering (XRS) was equally important to explain interference phenomena observed in these complex systems. <br /><br /> It was possible to identify and detect Ti dopant in the range of tens of mg.Kg1 by means of Grazing Incidence XRay Fluorescence (GIXRF) analysis assisted by Synchrotron Radiation. In addition, Microscopic Xray Fluorescence analysis (&micro;XRF) assisted by Synchrotron Radiation enabled the identification of spatial distributions of Titanium and Zinc within ormosils. Since these XRF analyses did not employ certified materials for validation, standards were prepared at our laboratory following a similar protocol to that used to prepare the samples. The semiquantification method based on fundamental parameters was also used, which demonstrated be very useful and efficient. Xray fluorescence results were validated by those obtained from Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The different methods of analysis employed (&micro;XRF, GIXRF, EDXRF, ICPOES, AAS) were effective regarding precision and accuracy in Tungsten and Zinc quantification. In the case of Titanium, however, only &micro;XRF and ICPOES results could be taken into account. Therefore, there is the need for additional analytical methods to validate concentration results for this element in ormosils. ICPOES and INAA proved to be reference methods for results obtained through XRF (Laboratory and assisted by Synchrotron Radiation) for our materials.

Estudos dos metais e outros elementos presentes nos sedimentos das regiões costeiras de São Sebastião e Ubatuba - Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo / Studies of metals and other elements present in the sediments of the coastal regions of São Sebastião and Ubatuba - North Coast of the State of São Paulo

Karem Soraia Garcia Marquez 09 April 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo comparativo das concentrações de alguns elementos de origem antrópica e de constituição, na forma lixiviada e total, em amostras de sedimentos, coletadas no Canal de São Sebastião e Ubatuba, litoral norte de São Paulo. Dois métodos de dissolução de amostras foram usados: EPA 3051 para a fração lixiviada e o método EPA 3052, seguido por uma etapa de digestão em vaso aberto com adição de ácido bórico, para a determinação dos elementos na forma total. A determinação dos elementos Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo e Pb foi feita por ICP-OES, depois de elaboração de programas analíticos adequados, levando em conta possíveis interferências de matriz e usando materiais de referência certificados. Muito embora a Ilha Anchieta, em Ubatuba, compreenda uma região não poluída, os resultados indicam um processo de deposição, causado por atividades antrópicas locais, perto da área continental. O estudo comparativo entre os dois locais revelou um processo de deposição no Canal de São Sebastião causado pela influência de atividades antrópicas nessa área, principalmente devido à presença de um terminal marinho de descarga de óleo e despejos de esgotos. / This work presents the results of a comparative study of some anthropic and constituent elements. Their concentrations were determined as leachable and total form, in sediments samples, collected in São Sebastião\'s Channel and Ubatuba, north coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Two methods of samples dissolution were used: EPA 3051 for leachable fraction and the method EPA 3052, followed by an open vessel digestion step with addition of boric acid, for the total ones. The determination of the elements Al, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ti, Ca, S, P, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Sr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo and Pb was made through ICP-OES, after elaboration of suitable analytical programs, taking into account the possible matrix interference, using certified reference materials. Although Ilha Anchieta, in Ubatuba, comprises a not polluted region, the results indicated a deposition process, caused by anthropic local activities, near the continental area. The comparative study among the two sampling sites, revealed a certain depositional process in São Sebastião\'s Channel, caused by the influence of anthropic activities in this area, mainly due a presence of a marine terminal of oil and sewage discharges.

Construção de uma tocha indutiva para obtenção de plasma térmico à pressão atmosférica. / Construction of a inductive torch to obtain thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure.

Isoldi, Maurício 17 December 2012 (has links)
Espectrometria de emissão óptica, utilizando plasmas acoplados indutivamente, torna-se uma ferramenta indispensável para análises de elementos químicos. Neste trabalho é descrita a construção detalhada de um oscilador de rádio frequência para obtenção de uma tocha de plasma indutivo. O projeto é estruturado a partir da elaboração da fonte retificadora, da malha de acoplamento, até a construção da tocha, além de análises com amostras líquidas e sólidas. Pelo fato de a tocha de plasma indutivo ser mais estável do que outros métodos de atomização, como laser ou chama, a torna uma escolha atraente para métodos analíticos, em vasta gama de aplicações. Os resultados do desempenho elétrico do oscilador de rádio frequência foram alcançados, embora as perdas sejam eminentes, foi obtida uma tensão na malha de acoplamento de 620 volts, potência na tocha de 1400 watts, e frequência do oscilador, com valor estável de 13,56 mega-hertz. Os resultados das análises também foi outro ponto de destaque, uma vez que, foi possível detectar através de um espectrômetro óptico, todos os elementos contidos numa solução de aço inox, tais como: silício, fósforo, manganês, molibdênio, cromo, níquel e cobre, embora os resultados quantitativos ainda necessitem de alguns ajustes. Com relação à análise de amostras sólidas, onde foram utilizados eletrodos consumíveis de alumínio e cobre, o resultado foi muito promissor, graças ao projeto da tocha que permite modificações em sua estrutura; os eletrodos consumíveis também foram analisados com as técnicas de difração de raio-X e microanálise por feixe de elétrons para confirmação dos resultados. / Optical emission spectrometry using inductively coupled plasma becomes an indispensable tool for analysis of chemical elements. This work describes the detailed construction of a radio frequency oscillator for obtaining an inductive plasma torch. The project is structured from the elaboration of the source rectifier, matching network, until the construction of the torch, and analyzes with liquid and solid samples. Because the inductive plasma torch to be more stable than other atomization methods such as laser or flame, becomes an attractive choice for analytical methods in wide range of applications. The results of the electrical performance of the radio frequency oscillator been achieved, although losses are distinguished was obtained at a voltage matching network 620 volts, the torch power of 1400 watts, and oscillator frequency, with a steady value of 13.56 mega-hertz. The results of analyzes was also another important point, since it was possible to detect through an optical spectrometer, all elements contained in a solution of stainless steel, such as silicon, phosphorus, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, nickel and copper, although the quantitative results still need some tweaking. Regarding the analysis of solid samples, which were consumable electrodes of aluminum and copper, the result was very promising, due to the torch project that allows modifications in its structure; consumable electrodes were also analyzed through the techniques x-ray diffraction and microanalysis by electron beam, to confirm the results.

Analyse des actinides dans les urines en situation de crise par couplage entre les colonnes calix[6]arènes et un spectromètre de masse à plasma induit / Actinides analysis in emergency situation by on-line coupling between a calix[6]arene-based chromatography column and an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer

Baghdadi, Sarah 27 May 2015 (has links)
En cas de crise nucléaire impliquant des actinides, il est nécessaire de disposer de méthodes d’analyses rapides afin d’identifier les personnes contaminées. Elles sont réalisées dans les excreta (urines et selles). Les méthodes usuelles d’analyse de ces émetteurs alpha sont performantes, mais elles sont longues et difficiles à mettre en œuvre et, de fait inadaptées à une situation de crise. Ce travail de thèse a donc consisté à développer une méthode d’analyse rapide des actinides dans l’urine par couplage entre une colonne à base de dérivés de calix[6]arène hydroxamique imprégné et un spectromètre de masse couplé à un plasma induit (ICP-MS). L’étude de la spéciation des actinides dans l’urine minéralisée a permis de mieux comprendre les réactions mises en jeu et de maîtriser leur extraction sur la colonne calix[6] arène. Un protocole a pu être élaboré, aboutissant à l’extraction simultanée des trois actinides à pH ≈ 5 puis à leur co-élution avec H3PO4 à 0,25 mol.L-1 avec des rendements de récupération moyens de 56 %, 74 % et 85 % pour U, Pu et Am respectivement. La colonne calix[6]arène a ensuite été couplée l’ICP-MS quadripolaire et les paramètres chromatographiques (diamètre de colonne, débit d’extraction et d’élution) optimisés. Ce système de couplage permet d’atteindre des limites de détection dans l’urine inférieures à 0,5 mBq.L-1 pour 238U et 243Am et inférieure à 5 mBq.L-1pour le 239Pu et 241Am, pour une durée totale d’analyse d’environ 6 heures. Ces performances ont démontré que cette méthode de couplage pourrait être utilisée en situation de crise. / In the event of a nuclear crisis, involving actinides (U, Pu, Am) it is important to have fast analysis methods available in order to identify people that could be contaminated. Usually, they are performed in urine or faeces. Even though, analytical methods used with alpha detection are reliable they are lengthy and tedious to set up. This work consisted in developing an on-line coupling method between a calix[6]arene-based chromatography column and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). To do so, a speciation study of actinides in mineralised urine was developed to understand the chemical equilibria happening during the actinides extraction. A protocol was elaborated to extract simultaneously all three actinides at pH ≈ 5, then co-elute them with 0.25 mol.L1 H3PO4. Recovery was 56 %, 74 % and 85 % for U, Pu and Am respectively. The column was then coupled to the ICP-MS. A parameter study helped defining mineralisation duration, extraction and elution flow-rates. It was then possible to propose an on-line coupling system allowing reaching detection limits lower than 0.5 mBq.L-1 for 238U and 243Am and lower than 5 mBq.L-1 for 239Pu and 241Am, for analysis duration lower than 6 hours. These analytical performances show the interest of this technique for a use in a nuclear crisis situation.

Avaliação da captação e acúmulo de arsênio em diferentes cultivares de arroz do Brasil / Uptake and accumulation evaluation of arsenic in different Brazilian rice cultivars

Paulelli, Ana Carolina Cavalheiro 06 August 2015 (has links)
O arsênio (As) é um elemento não essencial ao homem, encontrado na natureza nas formas inorgânicas (As-i) e orgânicas (As-o). As espécies inorgânicas, arsenito e arsenato (As3+ e As5+), são as mais tóxicas, podendo interferir em reações bioquímicas, estado redox das células, formação de trifosfato de adenosina (ATP) e gerar danos oxidativos, ocasionando proliferação celular e câncer. O As-i pode sofrer metilação no organismo e no ambiente, gerando metabólitos que são menos reativos com componentes do tecido e mais facilmente excretados na urina, principalmente ácido monometilarsônico (MMA) e ácido dimetilarsínico (DMA). O As-i é encontrado no arroz (Oryza sativa L.), principalmente quando o cultivo ocorre pelo método irrigado, que leva a uma maior mobilização de elementos presentes no solo. Neste estudo, foram avaliadas 6 diferentes cultivares brasileiras de arroz quanto à predileção pela captação de As (EPAGRI 109, EPAGRI 108, SCS BRS Tiotaka, SCS 114 Andosan, Maranhão e Cáqui). Para cada cultivar foram plantados grupos controles (não expostos, n=4) e expostos (n=4). No grupo exposto, para cada kg de solo, foram adicionados 10 mg de As5+. Nos grupos controle não adicionou-se As5+, sendo submetidos às mesmas condições de solo, irrigação, temperatura e umidade. Após a completa maturação das plantas foram feitas determinações de As total (As-t) em raízes, solo, colmos e grãos por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS) e a especiação química de As nos grãos foi feita por HPLC-ICP-MS. Uma elevada capacidade de captação do As foi observada na seguinte ordem crescente: grãos<colmos<solo<raízes, sendo as concentrações médias dos grupos controle de 0,06; 0,32; 3,29 e 0,65 mg kg-1 e nos grupos expostos com médias de 0,54; 5,96; 13,5 e 95,48 mg kg-1. EPAGRI 108 foi a cultivar que menos acumulou As-t nos grãos, tanto nos grupos controle (0,05±0,005 mg kg-1) quanto nos grupos expostos (0,36±0,08 mg kg-1) apresentando também menores fatores de transferência (FTsolo-grão, FTraíz-grão, FTcolmo-grão) e concentrações de As-o nos grupos controle (0,015 mg kg-1) e expostos (0,13 mg kg-1). Entre as cultivares de arroz branco, Andosan (exposto) foi a que acumulou maiores quantidades de As-t (0,515±0,15 mg kg-1) e de Aso (0,37 mg kg-1 ou 72% do As-t) nos grãos. Esta mesma cultivar, entre os grupos controle, foi uma das que apresentou maiores porcentagens de As-i (65%) em relação ao As-t. EPAGRI 109 (controle) foi a cultivar de arroz branco com maior As-t e As-i no grãos (0,07±0,008 e 0,04 mg kg-1 respectivamente) e maior FTsolo-grãos (0,216). Nas plantas expostas a 10 mg Kg-1 As5+ no solo foi observada uma correlação positiva entre As-t (solo) x As-t e As-o (grãos) evidenciando o aumento da captação de As e transporte de As-o para as partes aéreas. Os elementos essenciais Co e Mn diminuíram significativamente em alguns cultivares sob alta exposição apresentando correlação negativa As-t (raíz) x Co (grãos). Os elementos tóxicos Cd e Pb, sob alta exposição ao As foram em geral menos captados pela planta. / Arsenic (As) is a nonessential element to man, found in the environment in inorganic (As-i) and organic forms (As-o). Inorganic species, arsenite and arsenate (As3+ and As5+) are the most toxic, and may interfere in biochemical reactions, cellular redox status, formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and generate oxidative damage leading to cell proliferation and cancer. As-i can be methylated in the body and in the environment generating metabolites which are less reactive with components of organisms and more easily excreted in the urine, mainly monomethylarsonous acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinous acid (DMA). As-i is found in rice (Oryza sativa L.), especially when the crop is flooded, which leads to greater mobilization of elements present in the soil. In this study, Brazilian rice varieties were evaluated and the predilection for As uptake in 6 different cultivars (EPAGRI 109, EPAGRI 108, BRS Tiotaka SCS, SCS 114 Andosan, Maranhão and Cáqui). For each cultivar it were planted controls (untreated, n = 4) and exposed (n = 4). In the group exposed, for each kg of soil was added 10 mg of As5+. Control groups were not added As5+, being submitted to the same conditions of soil, irrigation, temperature and humidity. After complete plant maturation were made determinations of the total Arsenic (As-t) in soil, roots, shoots and grains were performed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and the chemical speciation of the grains was performed by HPLC-ICP-MS. A high As uptake ability was observed in the following order: grain<shoot<soil<roots, and the average concentrations of control groups were 0.06; 0.32; 3.29 and 0.65 mg kg-1 and the average exposed groups were 0.54; 5.96; 13.5 and 95.48 mg kg-1. EPAGRI 108 was the cultivar less accumulated As-t both control groups (0.05 ± 0.005 mg kg-1) as the exposed group (0.36 ± 0.08 mg kg-1) also presenting the lowest FTsoil-grain, FTroot-grain, FTshoot-grain, concentrations of As-o in the control (0.015 mg kg-1) and exposed group (0.13 mg kg-1). Among the white rice cultivars, Andosan (exposed) accumulated larger amounts of As-t (0.515 ± 0.15 mg kg-1) and As-o (0.37 mg kg-1 or 72% As-t) in grains. This same cultivar was the one who had higher percentages of As-i (65%) compared to As-t, between the control group. EPAGRI 109 (control) was the white rice cultivar with high As-t and As-i in grain (0.07±0,008 and 0,04 mg kg-1 respectively) between the control group and higher FTsoil-grain (0,216). In high As exposure, it was observed a positive correlation between As-t (soil) x As-t and As-o(grains) highlighting the increased As uptake and the transport of As-o to the aerial parts. The essential elements Co and Mn decreased significantly in some cultivars under high exposure and showed negative correlation between As-t (root) x Co (grain). Toxic elements, Cd and Pb under high As exposure were generally less uptake by plant

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