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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detection and Identification of Prevalent Cutting Agents in 'Street' Samples Utilizing Handheld and Benchtop Raman Spectroscopy and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

Kenny, Nicole 01 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter med substansberoende i form av narkotika och alkohol / The experience of nurses caring for patients with substance addiction in form of drugs and alcohol

Babucarr, Mbye January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Narkotika och alkoholberoende definieras som kontinuerlig användning av substansen trots skadlig effekt. Under årtiondet har det rapporterats ca 124 000 narkotikabrott i Sverige och detta har ökat med 39%. Alkohol och narkotikaberoende påverkar hjärnan och individens beteende som orsaka oförmåga att kontrollera substans intaget. Personer med substansberoende är oftast stigmatiserade och karaktäriseras som aggressiva och våldsamma individer. Sjuksköterskor har ett stort ansvar i omvårdnaden och att vårda patienter med narkotika eller alkoholberoende kan vara tidskrävande. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med åtta kvantitativ och kvalitativ vetenskapliga artiklar. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av att vårda patienter med substansberoende i form av narkotika och alkohol. Resultat: Resultaten presenterades i fyra huvudkategorier som består av 1. Brist på kunskap och utbildning. 2. Känsla av rädsla och hotfulla situationer. 3. Frustration och tillitsproblem. 4. Stigmatisering. Konklusion: Att vårda patienter med alkohol och narkotikaberoende beskrevs att vara utmanande och komplex. Brist på kunskap samt utbildning har visat sig vara den största orsaken till att sjuksköterskor känner sig osäkra att vårda dessa patienter. / Background: Alcohol and drug addiction is defined as continuous use of the substance despite the harm it causes. In the last decade, approximately 124 000 drug crimes were reported in Sweden and it has increased 39%. Drug and alcohol addiction affects the brain and the person's behavior which causes the inability to control the drug use. Individuals with substance addiction are often stigmatized and characterized as dangerous and violent people. Nurses have a huge number of responsibilities caring for patients in general and nursing patients with drugs and alcohol addiction can take a lot of effort. Method: A literature review study with eight scientific articles with quantity and quality research. Aim: The aim of the study is to describe the experience of nurses caring for patients with alcohol and drug addiction. Findings: The results are presented in four main themes: 1. Lack of knowledge and education. 2. Feeling of fear and threatening situations. 3. Frustration and mistrust. 4. Stigma. Conclusion:Caring patients with drugs and alcohol addiction was described as challenging and complex. Lack of knowledge and education was the main reason that nurses felt insecure caring for patients with drug and alcohol addiction.

Social Identity’s Role in Illicit Drug Consumption Among Swedish Youth in Affluent Areas : A Qualitative Study

Köhler, Erik, Einhorn, Kim January 2021 (has links)
Background and aim: The consumption of illicit drugs remains stable among youths in Sweden, yet an increase in consumption has been observed in affluent areas. This study aims to explore the reasons for illicit drug use in these areas and if this could be further understood using Social Identity Theory. Methods: Twenty participants from four high schools in an affluent municipality participated in semi-structured in-depth interviews regarding substance use. The interviews were coded using thematic analysis and six themes emerged.  Results: Social influence was the prominent influence for illicit drug use. Furthermore, this use was normalized and availability was high. The influence of family norms and outspoken negative effects of drugs caused a decrease in consumption. Conclusion: These results are in accordance with previous research claiming social influence on illicit drug use, and further confirms this in an affluent area. Social Identity Theory (i.e. how informants categorize, identify and compare themselves with their social group) had an impact on consumption.

Margins of Prevention : - On Older Adolescents' Positive and Negative Beliefs about Illicit Drug Use

Karlsson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study explores older adolescents’ positive and negative beliefs about illicit drug use from a preventive perspective. By positive beliefs is meant positive expectancies and benefit perceptions. By negative beliefs is meant negative expectancies and risk perceptions. The choice of studying beliefs originates from the assumption that there is much to gain for prevention in considering the target audience’s starting point. An appraisal of the extent to which positive and negative beliefs are held suggests the margins for change.</p><p>The data used for the study derive from a survey conducted among a sample of third-year students in upper secondary school in the greater Stockholm area (n=2104). Overall, findings demonstrate that high negative beliefs are held and that positive beliefs to some extent are held. While this being the general trend, marked differences emerge between individuals who have used illicit drugs and individuals who have not. By and large, experienced individuals rate the negative sides as lower and the positive sides as higher than the other group. Substantial differences are found among lifetime users of illicit drugs as well. Those who have used illicit drugs more frequently during the last 12 months differ in particular from those who have refrained during this period. The differences are dramatic in some cases. In addition, consistent differences are documented between the sexes. Males are found to hold lower negative beliefs and higher positive beliefs across most measures employed. Few systematic relationships are found between other variables and outcomes.</p><p>Plausible explanations for the findings are discussed theoretically and potential implications for drug prevention are highlighted. A saturation hypothesis is introduced in order to accentuate that the overall room for change in negative beliefs probably is limited. Conversely, the fact that positive beliefs are held to a certain degree suggests a belief domain with change potential.</p>

Verificação do uso de anfetaminas (\"rebite\") por motoristas profissionais através da análise toxicológica em urina / Assessment of amphetamine use by professional drivers through urine toxicological analysis

Takitane, Juliana 08 August 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, estudos apontam aumento de quase 30% no número de acidentes de trânsito em rodovias federais de 2008 a 2010 sendo que, no último ano, os veículos de carga, especificamente, estiveram envolvidos em 88.963 acidentes. Relata-se que muitos motoristas profissionais têm estreitos prazos de entrega a serem cumpridos e, portanto, se veem obrigados a dirigir por longo período de tempo e/ou sem paradas para descanso. A fim de atingir tal objetivo, alguns motoristas acabam recorrendo ao uso de anfetaminas, estimulantes do SNC, popularmente conhecidas como \"rebite\". Análises toxicológicas utilizadas para verificar o uso de drogas por motoristas de caminhão em estudos epidemiológicos, por exemplo, baseiam-se em testes de triagem utilizando imunoensaios, cujos resultados positivos são confirmados por técnicas de espectrometria de massas. Os testes disponíveis no mercado para a triagem detectam a presença de anfetamina, que pode ser proveniente da biotransformação de alguns medicamentos. Entretanto, motoristas de caminhão relatam também o uso dos anorexígenos Dualid® S, Inibex® S e Hipofagin® S, cujo princípio ativo é a dietilpropiona, que se biotransforma diretamente em fenilpropanolamina e, portanto, não é detectada pelos testes de triagem convencionais, o que pode gerar resultados falso-negativos e, assim, subestimar o número de casos positivos em uma pesquisa. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento e validação de um método para detecção de anfetamina, dietilpropiona e femproporex, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC-DAD) e a posterior aplicação deste método em amostras de urina coletadas de caminhoneiros. A extração líquido-líquido da urina (2,0 mL) foi realizada com éter etílico (4,0 mL) e a validação seguiu o guia do United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Os limites de detecção e quantificação encontrados foram 120 e 150 ng/mL respectivamente. O método mostrou-se preciso, com coeficientes de variação inferiores a 15% e a recuperação para os três analitos foi superior a 50%. A linearidade abrangeu a faixa de 150 ng/mL a 1000 ng/mL (r2 > 0,99) e para a dietilpropiona e anfetamina foi utilizado o coeficiente de ponderação 1/y devido à heteroscedasticidade apresentada. Entre as amostras analisadas (n=385), nove foram positivas para anfetamina e uma, para femproporex e anfetamina. Através da aplicação de questionário, foi traçado também o perfil sociodemográfico dos entrevistados. O método desenvolvido se mostrou preciso e sensível, podendo assim ser utilizado em estudos epidemiológicos e testes em ambientes de trabalho para a análise de anfetamina, dietilpropiona e femproporex em urina / In Brazil, studies indicate an increase of approximately 30% in the number of traffic accidents on federal highways, from 2008 to 2010 and, in 2010, cargo vehicles, specifically, were involved in 88,963 accidents. In fact, many professional drivers have tight deadlines to be met and, therefore, are forced to drive for long periods of time and/or without rest stops. In order to achieve this goal, some drivers end up resorting to the use of amphetamines, CNS stimulants, popularly known in Brazil as \"rebite\". Toxicological analyses used to verify the use of drugs by truck drivers in epidemiological studies are based on immunoassays screening tests and positive results are confirmed by mass spectrometry techniques. The commercially available screening tests detect the presence of amphetamine, which can be derived from the biotransformation of some drugs. However, truck drivers also report the use of anorectic Dualid® S, Hipofagin® S and Inibex® S, whose active compound is diethylpropion, which metabolizes directly to phenylpropanolamine. Therefore it is not detected by conventional screening tests, which can generate false-negative results and underestimate the number of positive cases. Thus, the aim of this study was the development and validation of a method for the detection of amphetamine, diethylpropion and fenproporex by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD) and the subsequent application of this method in urine samples collected from truck drivers. The liquid-liquid extraction of urine (2.0 mL) was carried out with diethyl ether (4.0 mL) and the validation was performed according to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime guidelines. The limits of detection and quantification were 120 and 150 ng/mL, respectively. The method was precise, with coefficients of variation less than 15% and the recovery for the three analytes was greater than 50%. The linearity covered the range of 150 ng/mL to 1000 ng/ml (r2 > 0.99) and for diethylpropion and amphetamine it was applied the weighting factor 1/y due to heteroscedasticity. Among the analyzed samples (n=385), nine were positive for amphetamine and one tested positive for femproporex and amphetamine. Sociodemographic profile of the interviewees was obtained through the application of questionnaires. The developed method proved to be accurate and sensitive, and thus can be used in epidemiological studies and in workplace drug testing

Analyse des résidus de drogues illicites dans les eaux de stations d’épuration : rendements d’élimination et évaluation de l’impact écotoxique. Contribution à l’estimation des consommations / Analysis of illicit drug residues in sewage water treatment plants : removal efficiencies, evaluation of the ecotoxicological impact and estimation of consumption

Néfau, Thomas 16 January 2014 (has links)
Les drogues illicites consommées sont éliminées sous forme inchangée ou métabolisée dans les urines et/ou les fèces et rejoignent le réseau d’égout. La quantification de ces produits d’élimination dans les eaux usées présente un double intérêt : d’une part, permettre d’évaluer la contamination des milieux naturels par ces composés et d’autre part, contribuer à l’estimation de la consommation de drogues illicites dans une population dépendant d’un même bassin collecteur des eaux usées urbaines. Des méthodes analytiques adaptées à la charge organique complexe des eaux usées ont été développées et validées pour évaluer les niveaux de contamination des affluents et effluents de 26 stations d’épuration en France pour dix-sept composés (drogues illicites et métabolites). Les résultats d’analyses ont permis d’évaluer les taux d’élimination de ces composés en fonction des technologies de traitement utilisées dans les stations d’épuration. Les concentrations mesurées dans les affluents ont été utilisées pour estimer les consommations de drogues illicites par un calcul en retour et ont montré des différences qualitatives et quantitatives de consommation de stupéfiants entre zones urbaines en France métropolitaine et en Outre-mer. Dans une dernière partie, des études de toxicologie sur un modèle bactérien et des études comportementales sur un modèle animal ont été conduites à des niveaux de concentrations proches des teneurs relevées en eau de surface et aucun effet notable n’a été observé. / Illicit drugs are metabolized or eliminated unchanged in the urine and/or feces then join the sewer system. The quantification of these products in wastewater disposal has two advantages: firstly, to assess the contamination of the environment and also contribute to the estimation of illicit drug consumption in a catchment. Analytical methods adapted to the complex organic load of wastewater have been developed and validated to assess the levels of contamination of influents and effluents from 26 sewage treatment plants in France for seventeen compounds (illicit drugs and metabolites). The results of the analysis were used to evaluate the elimination of these compounds depending on the treatment technologies used in wastewater treatment plants. Concentrations in the influent were used to estimate the illicit drug consumption by back calculation and showed qualitative and quantitative differences of drug use among urban areas in metropolitan France and overseas. In the last part, toxicology studies on a bacterial model and behavioural studies with an animal model have been conducted with concentration levels close to the levels found in surface water and no significant effect was observed.

Saúde mental, consumo de drogas, problemas na vida e o suporte familiar entre os adolescentes / Mental health, drug abuse, problems in life and family support among teenagers

Felipe, Adriana Olímpia Barbosa 15 October 2015 (has links)
A adolescência é um período de transformações física, psíquica e social, de franca expansão das formas de ser e estar no mundo e de lidar com vitórias, derrotas e enfrentamento de adversidades. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar os problemas na saúde mental em adolescentes e sua relação com o consumo de drogas, com problemas enfrentados na vida e a percepção do suporte familiar. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, descritivo analítico, de corte transversal e de abordagem quantitativa. Desenvolvida com 539 adolescentes adscritos nas unidades de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Alfenas-MG. Os instrumentos de medidas utilizadas foram: Questionário para caracterização da amostra; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ); Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI) e o Inventário de Percepção do Suporte familiar (IFSF). Constatou-se que houve predomínio dos adolescentes do sexo feminino, com idade média de 15 anos, solteiros, estudando e pouco mais da metade vivem com os pais. Os resultados indicaram uma taxa de 15,1% de problemas na saúde mental; a hiperatividade e os problemas emocionais foram os mais comuns. Verificou-se que 16,7% consomem drogas lícitas e 8,5% consomem drogas ilícitas e/ou lícitas. A maioria dos adolescentes apresenta problemas significativos na vida; o problema de comportamento e as atividades de lazer e de recreação foram os mais evidentes. Quanto à percepção do suporte familiar, os adolescentes classificaram como baixo e médio baixo. Viver com outro membro familiar, não estudar, apresentar defasagem escolar e não praticar a religião são fatores que apresentaram associação significante com alteração na saúde mental, no consumo de drogas, nos problemas enfrentados na vida e na percepção negativa do suporte familiar. Os adolescentes que consomem drogas apresentaram mais chances de serem categorizados como anormais quanto a alterações na saúde mental e à percepção do suporte familiar como baixo. O grupo que consome drogas apresentou médias elevadas na densidade global e, em relação à densidade absoluta as médias também foram elevadas nas áreas problemas de comportamento; saúde; desordens psiquiátricas; sistema familiar; problemas escolares; trabalho; relação com os pares desviantes e atividades de lazer e recreação. Constatou-se associação significante entre as alterações na saúde mental e a densidade global, assim como a densidade absoluta em todas as áreas de problemas, exceto para os problemas emocionais e para o trabalho. O adolescente com alteração na saúde mental apresentou maiores chances para classificar o suporte familiar negativamente. Aqueles que percebem o suporte familiar negativamente apresentaram médias elevadas para todos os problemas enfrentados na vida. Pôde-se constatar uma taxa significativa de adolescentes com alteração na saúde mental, que consomem drogas e que percebem o suporte familiar como baixo. Esses adolescentes apresentam mais problemas e comprometimentos, que tendem impactar negativamente suas vidas. Nessa perspectiva é necessário políticas públicas que contribuam para maior inserção e manutenção dos adolescentes na escola; criação de espaços e oportunidades de lazer e recreação para os adolescentes, com atividades supervisionadas por profissionais capacitados para desenvolver oportunidades de maior integração social / Adolescence is a period of physical, psychic and social transformations, a real expansion of the forms of being in the world and deal with wins, losses and facing adversity. The study aimed to identify the problems in mental health in adolescents and its relation to drug use, with problems faced in life and the perception of family support. It is an epidemiological study, analytical descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative approach. It was developed with 539 teenagers ascribed, in the Family Health Strategy in the city of Alfenas-MG. The measuring instruments used were: Questionnaire to characterize the sample; Brazil Criterion of Economic Classification, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ); Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI) and the Inventory of Family Support Perception (IFSP). A predominance of female adolescents was found, with an average age of 15, unmarried, studying and more than half of them live with their parents. The results indicated a 15.1% rate of problems in mental health; hyperactivity and emotional problems were the most common ones. In addition, it was found that 16.7% of the adolescent consume licit drugs and 8.5% of them consume illicit and / or licit drugs. Most of the adolescent presents significant problems in life; behavior, leisure and recreation activities were the most obvious problems. As for the perception of family support, teenager classified as low and medium low. Living with another family member, not to study, backwardness at school, and not to practice religion are factors that showed significant association with alteration in mental health, drug use, problems faced in life and negative perception of family support. Adolescent who use drugs were more likely to be categorized as abnormal in relation to changes in mental health and perception of family support as low. The group which consumes drugs, presented high average in global density, in relation to the absolute density, the averages were also high in the areas of behavior problems; health; psychiatric disorders; family system; school problems; work; relationships with deviant peers, leisure and recreation activities. It was found a significant association between changes in mental health and global density, as well as the absolute density in all problem areas, except for emotional problems and work. The teenager with a alteration in mental health presented higher chances to rank family support negatively. Those who realize the negative family support showed high average for all problems faced in life. It can be seen a significant rate of adolescents with alteration in mental health, who use drugs and realize that family support as low. These teenagers have more problems and compromises that tend to impact negatively their lives. In this perspective is necessary public policies which contribute to greater integration and maintenance of teenagers at school; creating spaces and leisure opportunities and recreation for teenagers, with activities supervised by trained professionals to develop opportunities for greater social integration

As redes do tráfico: drogas ilícitas na fronteira Brasil e Paraguai / Trafficking networks: illicit drugs in the border Brazil and Paraguay

Gemelli, Vanderleia 13 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:41:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanderleia_Gemelli.pdf: 4462075 bytes, checksum: ebd5ec40f3c66326e23fcd388d4ef3a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Itaipu Lake is the main factor that favors the development of drug trafficking on the border between Brazil and Paraguay, whose relevant extension complicates the supervision of official agencies. In this sense, this Master s Thesis is aimed to analyze the flow of illicit drug trafficking on the border between Brazil and Paraguay the ones considered are, specifically, trafficking in marijuana, cocaine and crack, given the constant seizures of these drugs understanding that trafficking is a prerequisite for the formation of illegal geographical networks by territory. Therefore, the methodology used was based on literature readings, in statistics survey on drug trafficking, as well as public policies to combat illicit drug trafficking in Brazil and Paraguay, in the preparation and use of maps to represent the mapping of the border in the light of the subject studied, and fieldwork with interviews and questionnaires. From the results, it is worth noting that, given the existence of numerous routes, it is not possible to define through which ones drugs are transported. Notwithstanding the existence of fixed routes, the activity of illicit drug trafficking shows, through its movement, since the drug producing countries, to the end consumer, a complex illegal network by the territory. The main actors involved in this process include farmers working in the cultivation and processing of drug; individuals carrying drugs; big bosses of trafficking, responsible for coordinating the logistics activity, drug users and agents who are part of the bodies responsible for the repression of illicit activity, representing the State. / O Lago de Itaipu é o principal fator que favorece o desenvolvimento do tráfico de drogas na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai, cuja relevante extensão dificulta a fiscalização de órgãos oficiais. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação tem por objetivo central analisar o fluxo do tráfico de drogas ilícitas na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai são consideradas, especificamente, o tráfico de maconha, cocaína e crack, haja vista as constantes apreensões dessas drogas entendendo que o tráfico é pressuposto para a formação de redes geográficas ilegais pelo território. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada baseou-se em leituras bibliográficas, no levantamento de dados estatísticos sobre o tráfico de drogas, bem como de políticas públicas de combate ao tráfico de drogas ilícitas existentes no Brasil e no Paraguai, na elaboração e utilização de mapas para representar a cartografia da fronteira à luz do tema estudado, além de trabalhos de campo que contemplaram entrevistas e aplicação de questionários. Dos resultados obtidos, cabe destacar que, dada a existência de inúmeras rotas, não é possível definir por meio de quais as drogas são transportadas. Não obstante a existência de rotas fixas, a atividade de tráfico de drogas ilícitas evidencia, por meio de sua movimentação, desde os países produtores de drogas, até o consumidor final, uma complexa rede ilegal pelo território. Os principais agentes envolvidos nesse processo compreendem os produtores rurais que trabalham no plantio e processamento da droga; os indivíduos que transportam a droga; os grandes chefes do tráfico, responsáveis por coordenar a logística da atividade; os consumidores de drogas e os agentes componentes dos órgãos encarregados da repressão à atividade ilícita, representando o Estado.

As redes do tráfico: drogas ilícitas na fronteira Brasil e Paraguai / Trafficking networks: illicit drugs in the border Brazil and Paraguay

Gemelli, Vanderleia 13 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:30:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vanderleia_Gemelli.pdf: 4462075 bytes, checksum: ebd5ec40f3c66326e23fcd388d4ef3a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Itaipu Lake is the main factor that favors the development of drug trafficking on the border between Brazil and Paraguay, whose relevant extension complicates the supervision of official agencies. In this sense, this Master s Thesis is aimed to analyze the flow of illicit drug trafficking on the border between Brazil and Paraguay the ones considered are, specifically, trafficking in marijuana, cocaine and crack, given the constant seizures of these drugs understanding that trafficking is a prerequisite for the formation of illegal geographical networks by territory. Therefore, the methodology used was based on literature readings, in statistics survey on drug trafficking, as well as public policies to combat illicit drug trafficking in Brazil and Paraguay, in the preparation and use of maps to represent the mapping of the border in the light of the subject studied, and fieldwork with interviews and questionnaires. From the results, it is worth noting that, given the existence of numerous routes, it is not possible to define through which ones drugs are transported. Notwithstanding the existence of fixed routes, the activity of illicit drug trafficking shows, through its movement, since the drug producing countries, to the end consumer, a complex illegal network by the territory. The main actors involved in this process include farmers working in the cultivation and processing of drug; individuals carrying drugs; big bosses of trafficking, responsible for coordinating the logistics activity, drug users and agents who are part of the bodies responsible for the repression of illicit activity, representing the State. / O Lago de Itaipu é o principal fator que favorece o desenvolvimento do tráfico de drogas na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai, cuja relevante extensão dificulta a fiscalização de órgãos oficiais. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação tem por objetivo central analisar o fluxo do tráfico de drogas ilícitas na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai são consideradas, especificamente, o tráfico de maconha, cocaína e crack, haja vista as constantes apreensões dessas drogas entendendo que o tráfico é pressuposto para a formação de redes geográficas ilegais pelo território. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada baseou-se em leituras bibliográficas, no levantamento de dados estatísticos sobre o tráfico de drogas, bem como de políticas públicas de combate ao tráfico de drogas ilícitas existentes no Brasil e no Paraguai, na elaboração e utilização de mapas para representar a cartografia da fronteira à luz do tema estudado, além de trabalhos de campo que contemplaram entrevistas e aplicação de questionários. Dos resultados obtidos, cabe destacar que, dada a existência de inúmeras rotas, não é possível definir por meio de quais as drogas são transportadas. Não obstante a existência de rotas fixas, a atividade de tráfico de drogas ilícitas evidencia, por meio de sua movimentação, desde os países produtores de drogas, até o consumidor final, uma complexa rede ilegal pelo território. Os principais agentes envolvidos nesse processo compreendem os produtores rurais que trabalham no plantio e processamento da droga; os indivíduos que transportam a droga; os grandes chefes do tráfico, responsáveis por coordenar a logística da atividade; os consumidores de drogas e os agentes componentes dos órgãos encarregados da repressão à atividade ilícita, representando o Estado.

Margins of Prevention : - On Older Adolescents' Positive and Negative Beliefs about Illicit Drug Use

Karlsson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
This study explores older adolescents’ positive and negative beliefs about illicit drug use from a preventive perspective. By positive beliefs is meant positive expectancies and benefit perceptions. By negative beliefs is meant negative expectancies and risk perceptions. The choice of studying beliefs originates from the assumption that there is much to gain for prevention in considering the target audience’s starting point. An appraisal of the extent to which positive and negative beliefs are held suggests the margins for change. The data used for the study derive from a survey conducted among a sample of third-year students in upper secondary school in the greater Stockholm area (n=2104). Overall, findings demonstrate that high negative beliefs are held and that positive beliefs to some extent are held. While this being the general trend, marked differences emerge between individuals who have used illicit drugs and individuals who have not. By and large, experienced individuals rate the negative sides as lower and the positive sides as higher than the other group. Substantial differences are found among lifetime users of illicit drugs as well. Those who have used illicit drugs more frequently during the last 12 months differ in particular from those who have refrained during this period. The differences are dramatic in some cases. In addition, consistent differences are documented between the sexes. Males are found to hold lower negative beliefs and higher positive beliefs across most measures employed. Few systematic relationships are found between other variables and outcomes. Plausible explanations for the findings are discussed theoretically and potential implications for drug prevention are highlighted. A saturation hypothesis is introduced in order to accentuate that the overall room for change in negative beliefs probably is limited. Conversely, the fact that positive beliefs are held to a certain degree suggests a belief domain with change potential.

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