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Vulnerabilidade sociodemografica e instruçãoMoura, Sabine Foditsch Quaresma de 21 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Elisabete Doria Bilac / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T02:36:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Este estudo investiga a relação existente entre nível de instrução e inserção no mercado de trabalho de responsáveis por domicílios, segundo sexo. Com base nos dados do Censo Demográfico do Brasil de 2000, comparou-se a inserção ocupacional de responsáveis analfabetos absolutos e analfabetos funcionais com a de responsáveis com oito anos completos de estudo, assim como as implicações na escolaridade e ocupação de filhos residentes. A análise compara ainda as condições de vida destes grupos em três contextos urbanos diferentes: Campinas, Hortolândia e Indaiatuba a fim de verificar possíveis diferenças entre elas / Abstract: The present study investigates the relation between instruction level and labor market insertion of households heads by sex. Based on the Demographic Brazilian Census 2000, the occupation of illiterate and functional illiterate households heads is compared with the occupation of households heads with eight years of study, as well as the implications of scholarship and occupation of resident sons and daughters. This analysis also compares the life conditions of these groups in three different urban contexts ¿ Campinas, Hortolândia and Indaiatuba ¿ in order to verify possible differences between them / Mestrado / Mestre em Demografia
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Revisitar Paulo Freire : uma possibilidade de reencantar a educaçãoPereira, Dulcineia de Fatima Ferreira 22 February 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: James Patrick Maher, Ana Maria Araujo Freire / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T22:01:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Pereira_DulcineiadeFatimaFerreira_M.pdf: 10703199 bytes, checksum: 49571c326b0a676e69f17d35ffe77d32 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Mestrado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Mestre em Educação
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Iowa Gambling Task: avaliação da tomada de decisão em idosas saudáveis analfabetas e com baixa escolaridade / Iowa Gambling Task: evaluation of decision-Making in healthy illiterate older adults and with low educationLuciana Cassimiro 16 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A TD pode ser definida como um processo no qual o indivíduo tenta maximizar benefícios através da seleção de respostas que levam a resultados positivos. O efeito da baixa escolaridade na TD ainda é pouco compreendido. Objetivos: Descrever o desempenho de uma amostra de idosos saudáveis analfabetos e com baixa escolaridade no Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 164 idosas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. Destas, 60 eram analfabetas e 104 apresentaram escolaridade entre um e quatro anos, divididas em 1-2 e 3-4 anos de escolaridade. As participantes foram submetidas aos instrumentos: Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo (BBRC), Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Fluência Verbal (FV), Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR), Escala Depressão Geriátrica (EDG), Inventário de Ansiedade Geriátrica (IAG), Dígitos Ordem Direta e Ordem Inversa, Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven (MPCR), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) e Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Resultados: Os grupos divididos pela escolaridade foram equivalentes quanto à idade, número de doenças, uso de medicamentos, sintomas depressivos e ansiosos. Observou-se que no IGT as idosas alfabetizadas realizaram mais escolhas vantajosas do que as analfabetas. A análise do desempenho por blocos revelou diferenças significativas entre os grupos de escolaridade, exceto no primeiro bloco. A partir do bloco 2 observou-se uma diferenciação nas escolhas de cartas entre as faixas de escolaridade. As idosas analfabetas passaram a escolher as cartas das pilhas vantajosas com maior frequência somente a partir do bloco 3. Entretanto, no último bloco, quando os baralhos vantajosos e desvantajosos foram igualmente escolhidos pelas idosas analfabetas. O desempenho no IGT correlacionou-se significativamente com a escolaridade e todos os testes cognitivos, com exceção do teste de memorização de figuras da BBRC. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem a influência da escolaridade na TD, com pior desempenho entre as analfabetas. O desempenho no IGT melhorou linearmente com maior nível de escolaridade. Descritores: Testes psicológicos; Cognição; Tomada de decisão; Idoso; Envelhecimento; Analfabetismo; Mulheres·. ABSTRACT Cassimiro L. Iowa Gambling Task: evaluation of decision-Making in healthy illiterate older adults and with low education [Dissertation]. São Paulo: \"Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo\"; 2016. Background: Decision making can be defined as a process in which the individual attempts to maximize benefits through the selection of responses that lead to positive results. The effect of minimum schooling on decision making is poorly understood. Objective: to investigate the pattern of decision making in a sample of healthy illiterate older adults and with low education in the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Methods: 164 non demented community-dwelling women participated in the study. 60 were illiterate, 52 had 1-2 years of schooling and 52 had 3-4 years of schooling. Participants completed the instruments: Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Verbal Fluency Test (animal category), Clock Drawing Test (CDT), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Digit Span Forward and Backward, Raven\'s Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Results: The groups, divided by levels of schooling, were equivalent as to age, number of diseases, medications taken daily, depression and anxiety symptoms. In the IGT the literate older adults made more advantageous choices than the illiterate. Analysis of performance per block revealed significant differences among the groups for all blocks except the first. From Block 2 onwards, a significant difference in the pattern of card choices among the educational levels was observed. The illiterate seniors started to choose cards from the more advantageous piles more frequently only after block 3. However, on the final block, both advantageous and disadvantageous cards were chosen with equal frequency by the illiterate seniors. IGT performance correlated significantly with education and all cognitive tests scores with the exception of the memorization of pictures on the BCSB. Conclusion: The results suggest that education influences IGT, with worse scores among the illiterate. IGT performance improved linearly with higher levels of education / Background: Decision making can be defined as a process in which the individual attempts to maximize benefits through the selection of responses that lead to positive results. The effect of minimum schooling on decision making is poorly understood. Objective: to investigate the pattern of decision making in a sample of healthy illiterate older adults and with low education in the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Methods: 164 non demented community-dwelling women participated in the study. 60 were illiterate, 52 had 1-2 years of schooling and 52 had 3-4 years of schooling. Participants completed the instruments: Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Verbal Fluency Test (animal category), Clock Drawing Test (CDT), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Digit Span Forward and Backward, Raven\'s Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Results: The groups, divided by levels of schooling, were equivalent as to age, number of diseases, medications taken daily, depression and anxiety symptoms. In the IGT the literate older adults made more advantageous choices than the illiterate. Analysis of performance per block revealed significant differences among the groups for all blocks except the first. From Block 2 onwards, a significant difference in the pattern of card choices among the educational levels was observed. The illiterate seniors started to choose cards from the more advantageous piles more frequently only after block 3. However, on the final block, both advantageous and disadvantageous cards were chosen with equal frequency by the illiterate seniors. IGT performance correlated significantly with education and all cognitive tests scores with the exception of the memorization of pictures on the BCSB. Conclusion: The results suggest that education influences IGT, with worse scores among the illiterate. IGT performance improved linearly with higher levels of education
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Uso do S-TOFHLA em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer leve e comprometimento cognitivo leve como medida da avaliação ao analfabetismo funcional / The S-TOFHLA in mild Alzheimer\'s disease and mild cognitive impairment patients as a measure of functional literacyMaira Okada de Oliveira 29 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O maior desafio no diagnóstico de perdas cognitivas na nossa população é sua heterogeneidade educacional, com um espectro que vai do analfabetismo, analfabetismo funcional até os escolarizados com diferentes graus de alfabetização mesmo com o mesmo grau de escolarização. OBJETIVOS: Comparar os resultados obtidos no S-TOFHLA entre indivíduos controles, pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) e pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) e correlacioná-los aos anos de escolarização formal, aos testes de Avaliação Neuropsicológica e aos escores alcançados no teste Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven e nos subtestes Vocabulário e Cubos do WAIS-III como medida de nível intelectual estimado. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 148 sujeitos, sendo 61 controles saudáveis, 42 pacientes com CCL e 45 com DA. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a avaliação neuropsicológica, S-TOFHLA e avaliação funcional. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação observou-se que nos testes: Cubos, Raven e QI Estimado foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos controle e CCL; controle e DA, mas não entre os grupos CCL e DA. No S-TOFHLA, observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante no item de Compreensão e Leitura e no escore total nos três grupos (controle, CCL e DA). No item Numérico, a diferença estatística ocorreu somente entre os grupos controle e DA. O S-TOFHLA correlacionou-se fortemente o QI estimado. CONCLUSÕES: O S-TOFHLA sofre influência da progressão da doença apresentando diferença entre os grupos estudados. As alterações em inteligência fluida ocorrem desde início da doença. O subteste Vocabulário permaneceu com resultados semelhantes durante os graus de comprometimento cognitivo, mostrando que memória semântica e inteligência cristalizada são preservadas. / INTRODUCTION: The greatest challenge in the diagnosis of cognitive loss in our population is its educational heterogeneity, with a spectrum ranging from illiteracy, functional illiteracy and various degrees of literacy even with the same level of schooling. OBJECTIVES: To compare the results obtained in the S-TOFHLA among control subjects, patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and patients with Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) and correlate those scores with years of formal schooling, Neuropsychological Assessment, and the scores achieved on Raven\'s Colored Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary and Block Design subtests of the WAIS-III as a measure of estimated intellectual level. METHODS: The sample consisted of 148 subjects, of which 61 were healthy controls, 42 had MCI and 45 had AD. All participants underwent neuropsychological assessment, S-TOFHLA and functional evaluation. RESULTS: In the neuropsychological evaluation it was observed that in the tests Block Design, Raven and IQ Estimate statistical differences were found between MCI and control groups, control and AD, but not between the MCI and AD groups. In the S-TOFHLA, there was a statistically significant difference in reading comprehension and in the total score in all three groups (control, MCI and AD). In the Numeric item, the only statistical difference occurred between control and AD. The S-TOFHLA strongly correlated with the estimated IQ. CONCLUSIONS: The S-TOFHLA is influenced by disease progression showing significant difference between groups. The changes in fluid intelligence occur since the onset of disease. The Vocabulary subtest remained with similar results in different degrees of cognitive impairment, showing that semantic memory and crystallized intelligence are preserved.
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Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas appris à lire ? : analyse transculturelle des facteurs de vulnérabilité et de protection dans le rapport aux savoirs / Why have they not learnt how to read ? : a transcultural analysis of vulnerability and protection factors in the relationship to knowledgeSarot, Adeline 30 November 2016 (has links)
Afin d'identifier finement les facteurs de vulnérabilité et de protection face au risque d'illettrisme, nous avons choisi une méthode de recherche qualitative, fondée sur la théorisation ancrée, le complémentarisme et la triangulation. Nous avons rencontré vingt-trois adolescents en situation d'illettrisme, scolarisés dans six lycées professionnels parisiens, leurs parents et leurs enseignants, dans le cadre d'entretiens semi-directifs. Ce processus de recherche nous a peu à peu permis d'élaborer les guides d'analyse T.FAME et T.FAME sco, qui permettent une analyse fine de processus de filiation, affiliations et métissage, concernant les cultures ethniques - y compris sociales et régionales - et les cultures scolaires respectivement. L'analyse transversale du matériel recueilli fait ressortir une importante altération de la fonction parentale dans la migration, qui entrave la transmission transgénérationnelle des savoirs familiaux à l'enfant et entraîne pour l'enfant un important sentiment d'insécurité et d'illégitimité dans le cadre scolaire, qui se traduit par des difficultés d'apprentissage, notamment au moment de l'entrée dans l'écrit, et une difficulté à tirer profit des aides extérieures proposées. Cependant, le désengagement scolaire qui en découle semble avant tout constituer une stratégie de sauvegarde narcissique face à l'échec mais aussi une stratégie de sauvegarde des savoirs autres que scolaires. L'orientation en filière professionnelle offre une possibilité de reprise dans l'après-coup et de réinvestissement scolaire, que les enseignants de lycées professionnels sont susceptibles de favoriser. Ainsi, nos résultats nous amènent à poser l'hypothèse de l'illettrisme comme stratégie de résistance face à une école vécue comme coloniale. Nous avons de ce fait mis en œuvre le dispositif Métisco, premier dispositif de médiation scolaire transculturelle, pour accompagner les professionnels scolaires, leurs élèves et les parents d'élèves dans l'élaboration de ces enjeux collectifs et favoriser l'instauration d'une nécessaire alliance éducative. / In order to identify vulnerability and protection factors regarding the risk of illiteracy, we chose a qualitative research methodology, based on the grounded theory, complementarism and triangulation. We interviewed twenty-three illiterate teenagers in six Parisian Vocational high-schools, their parents and teachers. This process allowed us to develop the two guides T.FAME and T.FAME sco, in order to analyze transcultural processes such as filiations, affiliations and metissage, regarding ethnic cultures - including regional and social ones - and school cultures respectively. Transversal analyses show the importance of the maternal function alteration in the migration process, which hinders the transgenerational transmission of familial knowledge to children. This leads to children feeling insecure and illegitimate within the school environment, which causes learning difficulties, notably when it comes to reading and writing. It also leads to difficulties to benefit medical help. However, the resulting school disengagement appears to mainly constitute a strategy to preserve one's self esteem when facing failure, as well as to preserve knowledge other than the school one. Streaming towards vocational studies offers a possibility to reinvest school learning. Vocational teachers are an asset for such reconciliation. Thus, our results lead to the hypothesis of illiteracy as a resistance strategy against a school system which is experienced as a colonial one. We then developed Metisco, the first transcultural school mediation design. It aims at accompanying school professionals, their students and the students' parents to elaborate such conflicts and at promoting the instauration of a necessary educative alliance.
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Var profeten Muhammed analfabet? : En analys av den koraniska termen ummi.Khalaf, Muhammed January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine the interpretation of the qur’anic word ummi by analysing how the term was interpreted by medieval muslim scholars in juxtaposition to the interpretation of the contemporary shiite muslim scholar Husayn Tabataba’i. The essay utilises a method of close-reading based on the given definition of the method by Grenholm and focuses on the medieval interpretation of the word ummi as researched in Sebastian Günthers academic article Muḥammad, the Illiterate Prophet as well as the given interpretation of Tabataba’i in Tafsir al-Mizan. The prophet Muhammed is described in the Qur’an as al-nabi al-ummi, an epithet often understood as ”the illiterate prophet”. By analysing the various exegetical interpretations of term ummi, the thesis hopes to reach a conclusion regarding the literacy or illiteracy of the islamic prophet in addition to elucidate what the meaning of ummi might be on a general level. The essay departs from the theoretical understanding of prophethood and the Qur’an as describe in shiite tradition, thus regarding the doctrinal affinity of Tabataba’i in examining his interpretation. The essay concludes that the perception of the prophet Muhammed being illiterate is a rather contemporary notion not shared by medieval muslim exegetical scholars. Husayn Tabataba’is exegesis in Tafsir al-Mizan suggest a different interpretation of the word ummi providing clarification and coherent explanation in his reading of the term.
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The Aesthetics of News: Narrative Construction and Media Illiteracy in Contemporary IndiaNanjundaiah, Shashidhar 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Amidst the public’s declining trust in news, media prosumers—that is, media consumers who have also become producers of mediated texts—are not equipped with any credible alternative mechanism to better understand the world around them. Prior academic studies of news and its delivery have not adequately explored the ideological framework we need to confront this frightening situation. This dissertation does so. I problematize the narration of news as an aesthetic process. Such mass-mediated narration stitches together our world in ideological ways. A tidal flow of stories highlights and obscures selected truths in a frenzy of “new” news cycles, the frequency of which intensifies with each new delivery platform. Social media platforms, which peddle short videos, need to be understood using new analytical methods, given that the aesthetic and narrative dimensions of such audio-visual texts are so far removed from the pace, delivery, and meaning of 19th-century objects like newspapers. In the current moment, I theorize the process through which an incident is converted first into a media event, then a media spectacle, and finally into myth. My work breaks new ground in mass communication studies by understanding this aesthetic and narrative process as mystification, a formulation I borrow from contemporary philosophers, particularly Cornel West. As an aesthetic process, mediated narration presents what the power brokers of a society deem desirable, while evacuating that which contradicts their ideological position. In this dissertation, I theorize this process in terms of “absenting” as a narrative process and “invisibilization” as an aesthetic maneuver. Aesthetic value undergirds the narration of the news by falsely presenting certainty and consensus to media prosumers. To accomplish this, I employ Theodor Adorno’s aesthetic theory to explain how news narration routinizes values of visibility, forming a discursive field that envelops the media prosumer. Pierre Bourdieu’s habitus best explains this theoretical field. An important implication of my work concerns the current obsession with “media literacy.” I argue that media literacy has not adequately explained the ideological nature of mediated narration, shifting the blame for a disinformation society from the structural forces of textual production onto a purportedly “illiterate” public. I destabilize the current understanding of media literacy by revealing the ideological implications of the aesthetic and narrative construction of what both practitioners and scholars of the news reduce to a binary notion of truths and falsehoods. The domain to which I apply this theoretical apparatus is the narration of majoritarian nationalism. Postcolonial governments use nationalism as an emotional trigger to co-opt their citizens into participating in the modernization project. Current institutions use rationality to showcase their nation as modern. The general narratives I have just described are in fact gleaned from three disturbing media events in recent India. My nation’s shift in recent years from a pluralistic democracy to a majoritarian, authoritarian state makes it a timely location for inquiry. In my three case studies, news narration showcases the desirable and hiding undesirable elements; depicts farmers in a negative light, as obstacles to modernization; and discredits resistant voices and deems them illegitimate individuals with smartphones or unethical practitioners of journalism. First, I analyze a media spectacle created in the city of Ahmedabad in 2020 by Narendra Modi’s government for Donald Trump’s visit. The government showcased this Potemkin Village as an example of the modernization project, a false construction that illuminates presentable elements of the city while walling off the unpresentable. I evaluate eight visual moments of this event and draw attention to the aesthetic facets of visibilization and invisibilization. Second, I examine narrative performances in a news-based television show anchored by Arnab Goswami, who analyzes murders involving politicians and farmers in a small rural road on which farmers marched and a convoy of vehicles led by the son of a central minister ran over them from behind, inviting retaliation. The aesthetic practices of this coverage destabilize in a chilling way who are the perpetrators and victims in these stories. In the third event, I analyze moments of journalistic struggle in a story of the police forcibly burning the body of a victim of gang-rape. Four men of an upper caste allegedly gang-raped a lower-caste woman in a village, and her dead body was brought back from a hospital in New Delhi. The media followed, and their cameras serendipitously captured the alleged destruction of evidence by the police. My dissertation concludes with questions about what cultural capital would be required in a world in which a media prosumer would be able to read and interpret the aesthetic and narrative presentation of such mass media objects. I conclude by understanding how the visibilized and invisibilized maneuvers of our current news media lead to the construction, not of media literacy, but instead, of “media illiteracy.” It is my theoretical conclusion that demystification is the best process to undo the debilitating effects of this dire situation. My dissertation ends with recommendations for completely transformed media literacy programs that deliver to communities, and specifically not individuals in a classroom, pedagogical tools rooted in critical theory.
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Hope and Low Level Literacy of Haitians in Petit-Goave: Implications for Hope Theory and Adult Literacy EducationGrissom, Donita 01 January 2014 (has links)
This cross-sectional study extended Snyder's Hope Theory (1991) by analyzing the difference in trait hope levels, pathway thinking, and agency thinking of pre-literate (no prior access to literacy) and non-literate (access to literacy, but little or no prior literacy education) Haitian adults. The data were derived from archival records of 135 students enrolled in Haitian-Kreyol adult literacy classes in Petit-Goave, Haiti. Mann-Whitney U results indicated that there were no significant differences in trait hope, pathway thinking, or agency thinking between the pre-literate and non-literate Haitian adults. Both groups reported average trait hope, average pathway thinking, and low agency thinking. Potential implications for adult literacy program and curriculum developers, evaluators, and teachers are discussed.
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Språket är nyckeln till social integration. : En kvalitativ studie om språkets betydelse för analfabeta utrikesfödda kvinnors inlemmande i det svenska samhället / Language as the Key to Social Integration : A Qualitative Study on the Importance of Language for the Integration of Foreign-born Illiterate Women into Swedish SocietyIjaz, Sarwat January 2024 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som fokuserar på de språkliga hinder somutrikesfödda kvinnor som är analfabeter möter när de försöker integrera sig idet svenska samhället. Genom litteraturgenomgång och empirisk forskningmed kvalitativa intervjuer med sex illitterata invandrare kvinnor, identifieras flera viktiga aspekter som påverkar dessa kvinnors förmåga att lära sig svenska.Studien identifierar dess hinder som inkluderar kulturella skillnader, brist påtidigare utbildningserfarenheter, och det sociala trycket från att anpassa sig tillett nytt språk och en ny kultur. Forskningen undersöker olika strategier för attövervinna dessa hinder. Resultaten pekar på att språket spelar en avgöranderoll för att kommunicera och delta i samhället.För att överkomma dessa hinder föreslår studien strategier som inkluderarsvensk undervisning via modersmålet, digital undervisning och att använda digitala verktyg som kan ökad tillgång till delaktighet i samhället. Slutsatsen betonar vikten av att utforma integrationsåtgärder som tar hänsyn till despecifika behov hos analfabeter och tar sikte på att främja språkkunskaper ochkulturell förståelse för en mer framgångsrik integration i det svenska samhället, vilket i sin tur kan öka deras möjligheter till sysselsättning och social delaktighet. / The qualitative study focuses on the linguistic obstacles that foreign-bornwomen who are illiterate face when they try to integrate into Swedish society.Through a literature review and empirical research with qualitative interviewswith six illiterate immigrant women, several important aspects are identifiedthat affect these women's ability to learn Swedish.The research also examines different strategies to overcome these barriers.The results indicate that language plays a decisive role for integration andparticipation in society. The study identifies these barriers that includecultural differences, lack of previous educational experiences, and the socialpressure of adapting to a new language and culture. To overcome theseobstacles, the study suggests strategies that include Swedish teaching via themother tongue, digital teaching to use digital tools that can increase access toparticipation in society. The results emphasize the importance of designingintegration measures that consider the specific needs of illiterate people andaim to promote language skills and cultural understanding for a moresuccessful integration into Swedish society, which in turn can increase theiropportunities for employment and social participation.
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Disposições culturais e analfabetismo no Brasil: histórias de exclusão educacional / Cultural provisions and illiteracy in Brazil: educational exclusion stories.Pupo, Vanessa de Oliveira 04 May 2011 (has links)
No entender do sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu, disposições culturais vêm a ser um conjunto de regras, incorporadas de maneira inconsciente pelos indivíduos, as quais perpassam os domínios éticos, estéticos, cognitivos e físicos. Como exemplo, podem ser citadas as disposições linguísticas, sexuais, religiosas e estéticas, que contém a nossa visão de mundo e o nosso posicionamento nele. As disposições produzem nossa visão de mundo e condicionam nossas tomadas de posição. Tais disposições são adquiridas através das experiências de vida e em instituições constituídas em nossa sociedade como a família e a escola. Embora não haja escritos específicos de Bourdieu com relação à Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), acreditamos que as disposições culturais incorporadas acabam por ser fundamentais para influenciar a exclusão de um grande contingente de estudantes dos bancos escolares quando ainda são crianças, bem como consolidar trajetórias sociais desprovidas de escolaridade institucionalizada. Na presente dissertação procura-se investigar os condicionantes que determinaram o fracasso escolar e, supostamente, social, de um conjunto de jovens e adultos inseridos em salas de alfabetização das escolas municipais de Piracicaba, estado de São Paulo. Observa-se que a grande maioria dos pesquisados é proveniente de zonas rurais de distintos municípios da região e que mantinham situações de existência divergentes da ideologia urbana propagada nas escolas formais de ensino fundamental em meados da segunda metade do século XX. Entendemos ser relevante o estudo do tema proposto, uma vez que a EJA surge em decorrência de um sistema social e escolar excludente que, através de sua ação pedagógica, modificou a trajetória de milhares de pessoas que buscam em tempos atuais o que não conseguiram na infância. Contudo, a escolarização é apenas uma das relações sociais das quais essas pessoas estão excluídas. Há o aprofundamento de uma exclusão marcada pela desigualdade. Por outro lado, a escola também pode ser considerada espaço de contradição e de superação das desigualdades sociais. Assim, a EJA pode representar subversão à lógica da exclusão, uma vez que historicamente a despossessão do capital escolar é presente nessas pessoas, e a procura pela escolarização na fase adulta pode representar uma forma de resistência. / To the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, cultural disposition is a group of rules, unconsciously incorporated by people, which pervades ethical dominion, aesthetic, cognitive and physical. As example, we can mention the linguistic dominion, sexual, religious and aesthetic, which contains our world view and our position in it. The dispositions produce our world view and condition our stance. Those dispositions are acquired through life experiences and in institutions as family and school. Although there isn´t specific Bourdieu literature related to Adult and Youth Education (AYE), we believe that incorporated cultural dispositions end up being essential to exclude a large students contingent from the school desks when they are still children, as well as consolidate social trajectory devoid of institutionalized schooling. In the present dissertation it´s tried to investigate the constraints that determine the school failure and, supposedly, social failure, of a group of young and adults inserted in literacy classrooms from Piracicaba´s municipal schools, São Paulo state. It´s observed that a big part of the individuals researched comes from rural zones of the region distinct municipalities and they were in existing situations different from the urban ideology propagated in the formal elementary schools during the midyears of the XX century´s second half. The study of the proposed theme is relevant because AYE arises from an excluding social and school system that, through its pedagogical action, changed the trajectory of thousands of people that seek, nowadays, what they didn´t achieve in their childhood. However, the schooling is only one of the social relations which those people are excluded from. There is a deepening of an exclusion marked by the inequality. On the other hand, the school can also be considered a place for contradiction and social inequalities overcoming. Thus, the adult and youth education can represent subversion of the exclusion logic, since historically the dispossession of the school capital is present in these people, and the search for schooling in the adult phase can represent a resistance form.
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