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Distributionskanaler förekologisk samt närodladfrukt och grönt i dagligvaruhandeln : En komparativ studie med fokus på relationer ochmaktbalans mellan detaljister, detaljhandelsgrossister och producenter / Distribution channels of organic and local fruit and vegetables in the food retail : A comparative study focusing on relationships and power balance between retailers, retail wholesalers and producersJonsson, Lina, Rustan, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Den svenska dagligvaruhandeln blir alltmer koncentrerad med större och färre livsmedelskedjor. Detta har resulterat i en maktobalans mellan livsmedelskedjorna och dess leverantörer. Trots livsmedelskedjornas uppenbara maktövertag ser aktörerna många anledningar till att samarbeta med varandra. Det har blivit allt viktigare för aktörer inom distributionskanaler för färska livsmedel att samarbeta för att bland annat kunna erbjuda konsumenten högkvalitativa produkter. Som följd av detta har det skett en utveckling av relationerna inom dessa distributionskanaler med ökad interaktion mellan aktörerna. För leverantörer som erbjuder närodlade produkter har det visat sig vara av stor vikt med interaktion för att bygga en förtroendefull relation till det köpande företaget. Den svenska konsumtionen av både närodlad och ekologisk frukt och grönt har ökat markant under de senaste åren och har blivit viktiga produktkategorier för dagligvaruhandeln. Med utgångspunkt i den kunskapslucka som finns inom svenska distributionskanaler för ekologisk och närodlad frukt och grönt, avser studien att undersöka dessa produktkategorier närmare. Studien har främst fokuserat på hur odlare som erbjuder ekologisk respektive närodlad frukt och grönt kan stärka sin position på marknaden. Studien vill även påvisa skillnader mellan närodlat respektive ekologiskt och om leverantörer som erbjuder någon av dessa produktkategorier har en starkare position på marknaden än den andra. Syfte Syftet med studien är att analysera relationer och maktbalansen mellan aktörer i distributionskanaler för ekologisk respektive närodlad frukt och grönt, där fokus är att komparera dessa två produktkategorier. MetodFör att svara på syftet med studien genomfördes totalt 11 intervjuer med fem olika företag inom distributionskanalen för frukt och grönt. Dessa företag var detaljisten och grossisten ICA, grossisten Östgöta Trädgårdshall och tre olika producenter (odlare). Slutsats Studien visar på att det finns en tendens till att leverantörer för närodlade produkter har en starkare maktposition på den studerade marknaden än ekologiska leverantörer. Det kan även fastställas att relationerna är viktiga i distributionskanalen för frukt och grönt, inte minst mellan aktörer som har ett utbyte av närodlade produkter. Relationer kan även konstateras ha en inverkan på maktförhållandet mellan aktörer, då det har visats att den enskilda leverantören kan stärka sin maktposition gentemot livsmedelskedjan genom att investera i en nära relation. / Background The Swedish food distribution industry is becoming increasingly concentrated with fewer and larger supermarket chains. This has resulted in power imbalance between supermarkets and their suppliers. Despite the power of the supermarkets, the channel members recognise the need to cooperate with each other. It has become increasingly important for members of the distribution channels for fresh food to cooperate in order to offer the consumers high-quality products. The outcome of this is an elaborated relationship and a higher interaction between channel members. For suppliers that offer local products, it has proved to be of even greater importance with interaction in order to gain trust from the purchasing companies. Consumption of both local and organic fruit and vegetables has increased significantly in the recent years in Sweden. Therefore these product categories have become important to the supermarkets. Based on the lack of research of the Swedish distribution channels for organic and local fruit and vegetables, this study intends to analyse these product categories further. The study has mainly focused on how growers, who offer local or organic fruits and vegetables, can strengthen their position in the market. The study also intends to demonstrate possible differences between suppliers offering local and organic products, to see if one of these categories has a stronger market position than the other. Purpose The purpose of the study is to analyse the relationships and the power balance between members in the distribution channels for organic and local fruits and vegetables, where the focus is to compare these two product categories. Execution To answer the purpose of the study, a total of 11 interviews with five different companies in the distribution channel for fruit and vegetables were conducted. These companies were the retailer and wholesaler ICA, the wholesaler Östgöta Trädgårdshall and three producers (growers). Conclusion The study implies that suppliers for local products may have a greater power position within the studied market than suppliers for organic products. Furthermore, the study confirms that relationships are important between actors in the distribution channel of fruits and vegetables, especially in channels that involve an exchange of local products. Relationships also have an impact on the power balance between the actors thus it appeared that individual suppliers strengthen their power position towards the supermarkets by intimate relationships.
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Hodnocení aktuálního stavu pohybového systému u dětí mladšího školního věku. / Evulation of actual state of childern locomotor system for students of primary schoolStachová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of actual state of children locomotor system for students of primary school. Objectives: Determine the current satus of locomotor system of children of primary school age by assessing a body posture of chosen sample of children and create compensation exercises for school and after-school physical education moments. Methods: We used the method of aspection in which we were watching deviations in body posture of different parts of body and their mutual position in sagittal and lateral view with using the test of Jaroš and Lomíček, Klein and Thomas. Results: We found out that within the chosen sample more than half participants have a correct body posture. Nevertheless, 48,5 % of participants have defective body posture. Weakening occurred primarily in the abdominal area and pelvis, in the back curve and when looking from behind a lot of participants have left to stand shoulder blades. Keywords: physical education moment, poor body posture, muscle imbalance, compensatory exercises.
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Výskyt dolního zkříženého syndromu u sprinterů a možnosti jeho ovlivnění ve fyzioterapii / The Occurrence of Lower Crossed Syndrome in Sprinters and the Possibilities of Influencing it in PhysiotherapyZikmundová, Naďa January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Occurrence of Lower Crossed Syndrome in Sprinters and the Possibilities of Influencing it in Physiotherapy Objectives: To determine the prevalence of lower crossed syndrome in specific group of sprinters and compare it with control group. To compare occurrence especially in men and women in sprint. Methods: To obtain informations from the research were used clinical tests- muscle test by Janda for testing muscle strength of m. rectus abdominis (trunk flexion test), m. gluteus maximus (test of extension in hip with contemporary flexion in knee), m. gluteus medius et minimus (test of abduction in the hip joint) and examination of frequently shortened muscle groups by Janda for examination shortening of the hip flexor muscles (m. iliopsoas, m. rectus femoris and m. tensor fascia latae) m. quadratus lumborum- lateral variant and paravertebral back muscles. To select probands into research and control groups was created nonstandard questionnaire with open and closed questions. In the research there were 40 probands. Results: The results show that the lower crossed syndrome by Janda is more common in sports recreationally individuals than sprinters. Furthermore the lower crossed syndrome by Janda is more common in sprinters- men than in sprinters- women, but here the results are not so clear....
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Recherche de méthodes expérimentales de simulation de canaux de propagation en chambre réverbérante à brassage de modes / Research of experimental methods to simulate propagation channels in mode-stirred reverberation chamberAndriés, Mihai Ionut 04 April 2013 (has links)
Les tests de dispositifs de communication sans fil peuvent être réalisés en utilisant des simulations numériques ou des sondeurs de canaux. Bien que ne reflétant pas un environnement électromagnétique réaliste, une chambre réverbérante peut néanmoins émuler un canal de propagation comparable à un cas réel si l’on modifie convenablement ses propriétés. Les propriétés des signaux générés dans une chambre réverbérante sont fonction de différents paramètres. Au cours des trois années de thèse, nous avons analysé et mis en oeuvre plusieurs techniques pour mesurer et contrôler ces paramètres à l’intérieur d’une chambre réverbérante. D’abord, différents estimateurs du facteur K sont testés et leurs propriétés sont évaluées. Nous présentons les limites de fonctionnement utiles dans lesquelles différents estimateurspeuvent être utilisés. Ensuite, nous proposons deux nouveaux estimateurs qui utilisent comme données d’entrée seulement l’enveloppe du signal. Ils apportent en outre des améliorations sur la gamme des valeurs détectables du facteur K. Une des possibilités pour contrôler un canal de propagation à l’intérieur d’une chambre réverbérante est d’utiliser des matériaux absorbants. Nous présentons une méthode pour estimer la surface équivalente moyenne d’absorption en utilisant une seule antenne. Cette méthode exploite la mesure de la bande de cohérence du canal de propagation. Ensuite, nous étendons notre analyse à la prédiction de la surface équivalente moyenne d’absorption lorsqueles dimensions géométriques et les propriétés électromagnétiques des absorbants sont connues. On crée ensuite un modèle de canal de propagation en exploitant les régimes transitoire et permanent du signal. Avec ce modèle, selon les informations disponibles, on peut extraire le facteur K, la surface équivalente moyenne d’absorption et différents paramètres temporels (i.e., profil de l’étalement des retards). Nous poursuivons avec deux applications possibles des chambres réverbérantes. Tout d’abord, on évalue le gain d’une antenne à partir de mesures du coefficient de réflexion decette antenne. Nous étendons notre analyse à l’évaluation du diagramme de rayonnement de l’antenne et de son erreur d’estimation. Nous estimons aussi la désadaptation de l’antenne et son ouverture à 3 dB. La deuxième application porte sur l’évaluation du gain de diversité dans la chambre réverbérante. Nous isolons les influences des efficacités des antennes, des puissances des composantes brassées, et des facteurs K sur l’évaluation du gain de diversité.On obtient une relation simple de la corrélation de puissance en fonction de la corrélation complexe lorsque les facteurs K sur différents branches ne sont pas identiques. Nous montrons que lors d’un fort déséquilibre de facteur K il est impossible de conclure sur le gain de diversité à partir de la seule évaluation de la corrélation d’enveloppe ou de puissance. À l’aide de simulations statistiques on compare le gain de diversité mesuré avec les valeurs simulées. / The testing of wireless devices is generally done using numerical simulations or channel sounders. Though a reverberation chamber does not reflect a real transmission environment, its properties can also be appropriately modifiedto emulate one. This emulation may be achieved thanks to various parameters. Our PhD thesis has been devoted toanalyze and implement several techniques to measure and control these parameters inside reverberation chambers.First we evaluate different K-factor estimators and their capabilities. We present the useful limits in which severalcomplex, phase and envelope K-factor estimators can be used. Then, we propose two new envelope-based estimatorsimproving the useful range of detectable values of K-factor. One of the possibilities to control a propagation channel inside areverberation chamber is to use absorbing materials. We present a method to estimate the average absorbing crosssection by using only one antenna. This is done with measurements of coherence bandwidth of the channel. Then,we extend our analysis to predict the average absorbing cross section when we know the physical dimensions of aparallelepiped absorber as well its electromagnetic properties. Next, we create a model of the reverberation chamberpropagation channel using the transient regime and steady state of the signal. With this model, depending on the availableinformation, we can extract the K-factor, the average absorbing cross section and different time spreads parameters (i.e., mean delay spread and the root mean square delay spread). We continue with two possible applications of the reverberation chamber. First, we evaluate the gain of an antenna from only the measurement of reflection coefficient. We extend our analysis to the evaluation of antenna pattern and its estimation errors. We also estimate the antenna mismatch and half power beamwidth. The second application deals with the evaluation of the diversity gain in reverberation chamber. We isolate the effects on the diversity gain due to different antenna efficiencies, stirred powers and K-factors. Then, we estimate a simple relation of the power correlation as a function of the complex correlation when the K-factors on different branches are not identical. We show that using an envelope/power correlation as a criterion to characterize the diversity may bias the conclusions without taking into account other parameters. Using statistical simulations we compare the measured diversity gain with the simulated values.
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Kompenzační cvičení a jejich využití v lyžařském oddlílu / Compensation exercises and their use in a skiing clubKmochová, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to examine the presence of the poor posture or the muscle imbalances at younger school-age children. Children do actively sports in a ski club for a long time; they also have a year training plan. Stationary functions and muscle activity in physiological position were investigated by physiotherapist who indicated some poor posture and muscle imbalances. On the basis of that examination there were recommended some compensatory exercises that can help to adjust or to eliminate detected imbalances. Recommended exercises became a part of the club training program, but the main part was practiced at home. According to the entrance and final examination of the participants we can assess the positive influence of the compensatory exercises to muscle imbalances and the children musculoskeletal system. Considering the results of the thesis we are able to proclaim that the long-term exercises can completely eliminate muscle imbalances. The contribution of this thesis has an irreplaceable importance for the work with children in the ski club.
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Concentration des activités et compétitivité des régions en TunisieBelhadj Mohamed, Akram 25 September 2013 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est de voir si les régions les plus concentrées sont les plus compétitives. On va analyser la distribution et la concentration géographique et économique de la population, de l’emploi et des entreprises à travers le territoire tunisien pour ensuite passer à l’étude de l’état de la compétitivité à différents niveaux et en prenant le cas des régions tunisiennes comme référence. Pour se faire nous avons usé, dans une première partie, d’un ensemble d’indices absolu et relatifs qui nous ont permis de découvrir l’état de la concentration au niveau nationale et régional pour après appliquer la méthode d’analyse structurelle résiduelle (ASR) afin de comprendre si l’évolution des schémas d’implantations de l’emploi et des entreprises est le fruit de facteurs propres aux secteurs ou au contraire relatifs à l’environnement. Une deuxième partie dans laquelle, nous avons use d’un ensemble d’indicateurs et déterminants pour appréhender la compétitivité qu’elle soit macroéconomique et mésoéconomique. Ensuite, nous avons essayé de déterminer l’état de développement de la compétitivité ainsi que les avantages qui font la dynamique économique pour les différentes régions tunisiennes. Globalement, on a conclu que les régions les plus concentrées en Tunisie sont les plus compétitives. Ainsi, il existe un déséquilibre que ce soit en matière de concentration des populations, de l’emploi et des entreprises entre les régions du littoral et celles de l’intérieur. Ce déséquilibre est palpable aussi en matière de compétitivité entre ces différentes régions. / The purpose of this work is to see, if the more concentrated regions are more competitive. We will analyze the distribution and geographic concentration and economic population, employment and businesses across the Tunisian territory before moving on to the study of the state of competitiveness at different levels and taking the case of Tunisian regions as reference. To do this we use, in a first part, a set absolute and relative indices that have allowed us to discover the state of the concentration at national and regional levels to implement the following method of structural analysis residual (ASR) to understand whether the changing patterns of employment offices and businesses is the result of factors specific to sectors or otherwise relating to the environment. A second part, in which, we used a set of indicators and determinants to understand the macroeconomic and mesoeconomic competitiveness. Then, we tried to determine the status of the development of competitiveness and the benefits are economic dynamics for different regions of Tunisia. Overall, it was concluded that the most concentrated areas in Tunisia are the most competitive. Thus, there is an imbalance whatsoever regarding concentration of population, employment and business between the coastal regions and those inside. This imbalance is also palpable in competitiveness between these regions.
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Aplikace nových trendů podle neurofyziologických zákonitostí v individuální sportovní přípravě fotbalistů (Zdravotně - preventivní hledisko) / New trends on the basis of the neurophysiological laws in the sports training of the football players.Soukup, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Title: Application of new trends beneath the neurophysiological patterns in sports training footballers. Objectives: The main objective of this work is the application of intervention programs based on the neurophysiological patterns of motion and determine their effectiveness. Methods: It is a methodical work, respecting the individual needs of soccer players in sports training. Players club FK Dukla Praha U16 were chosen on the basis of orthopedic disorders followed by a recommendation intervention programs into the training process. Results: We found that soccer players selected after the application of intervention programs in the training process achieved a significant improvement, especially on the muscles, on which the program was targeted . We have verified that the intervention programs in football practice could be applied. On the basis of subjective feelings footballers can say that the players perceive intervention largely as beneficial. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Neurodevelopmental alterations in a mouse model of maternal immune activation / Altérations neurodéveloppementales dans un modèle murin d'activation immunitaire maternelleFernandez, Amandine 26 June 2018 (has links)
Les études épidémiologiques ont démontré un risque accru d’autisme chez les enfants nés d’une mère hospitalisée pour infection au cours de la grossesse. L’imitation d’une infection virale dans le but de déclencher une Activation Immunitaire Maternelle (MIA) a été réalisé avec succès dans des modèles animaux. Ceci a démontré qu’une MIA conduit à des altérations physiologiques et comportementales sur le long terme. Notre but consistait à étudier la présence de séquelles néonatales chez des souris nées de mère MIA. Nous avons observé que la MIA altère l’activité et la morphologie des neurones dès la naissance, et que ces modifications restaient présentes dans les animaux âgés de deux semaines. La MIA subie au cours de la grossesse altère donc les neurones dès la naissance. / Epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk for autism in children born from mothers hospitalized for infection during pregnancy. Mimicking a maternal infection during pregnancy to trigger a Maternal Immune Activation (MIA) has been successfully achieved in animal models, showing that it leads to long term physiological and behavioural alterations. Our goal was to investigate neonatal sequels in MIA mice offspring. We found that already at birth MIA alters neuronal activity and morphology, and these changes were still present in two-week-old animals. Consequently, MIA during pregnancy alters neurons already at birth.
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Les clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs : aspects de droit français, moldave et de l'Union Européenne / The unfair terms of consumer contracts. : aspect of French, Moldavian and of European UnionPlotnic, Olesea 28 June 2013 (has links)
Les droits français, moldave et communautaire de la consommation partagent, sinon une source, du moins, une certaine idée de la protection du consommateur contre les clauses abusives. La comparaison avec les systèmes français et de l’Union Européenne mettent, par exemple, en évidence l'opportunité de l'adoption d’un mécanisme de lutte contre les clauses abusives dans les contrats de consommation. Les critères de l’absence de négociation directe, de la contrariété à l’exigence de bonne foi et d u déséquilibre significatif, piliers du système de protection, permettent au juge d'apprécier les clauses abusives avec souplesse, dans les trois systèmes, à l’effet de garantir l'efficacité de la protection du consommateur comme partie faible au contrat.La comparaison avec le système en vigueur en France, plus particulièrement, met toutefois en lumière les limites du système moldave. En Moldova, les difficultés viennent de l’intérieur ; on voit se reproduire des erreurs du passé, lorsque, par exemple, les pouvoirs publics incitent les consommateurs -surtout les plus démunis -à la surconsommation. La notion de consommation durable doit s'appliquer aussi dans ce domaine. À défaut, des dysfonctions sociales surgissent inévitablement. En France, en revanche, les ennuis viennent de l'extérieur. Les besoins du marché européen unique ont parfois pour effet de réduire la protection organisée au sein de l'ordre juridique national. Le mécanisme d'harmonisation maximale de la législation de l’Union Européenne placele législateur national dans une position délicate par rapport aux attentes du mouvement consumériste. Il pourrait en être ainsi en matière des clauses abusives dans un futur proche. / French law, Moldavian law and Community law concerning the right consumer share, if not a source, at least, a certain idea of consumer protection against unfair terms. The comparison with the French and with the system of the European Union, put, for example, in evidence the desirability of adopting a mechanism to combat unfair terms in contracts concluded with consumers. Lack of direct negotiation, contradiction with the requirement of good faith and the significant imbalance, pillars of the protective system, allow the judge to appreciate unfair terms flexibly in all three systems, with the effect of guaranteeing the effectiveness of consumer protection as a socially vulnerable part of the contract. The comparison with the system in force in France, in particular, highlights in the same time the limits of the Moldovan system. In Moldova, the difficulties arise from inside, we see the same mistakes of the past when, for example, public powers encouraged consumers, especially the poor to overconsumption. The concept of sustainable consumption should also be applied in this area. Otherwise, social dysfunctions appear inevitable. In France, however, the problems are coming from the outside. The needs of the single European market sometimes have the effect of reducing the protection offered by the national legal order. The maximum harmonization of the legislation of the European Union places the national legislator in a difficult position in relation to the expectations of the consumerist movement. This might actually be, incidentally, in the field of unfair terms and, in the near future. / Dreptul francez, moldav şi comunitar cu privire la dreptul de consum împărtăşesc, dacă nu o sursă, cel puţin, o anumită idee de protecţie a consumatorului împotriva clauzelor abuzive. Comparaţia cu sistemul francez şi cu cel al Uniunii Europene, pune, spre exemplu, în evidenţă oportunitatea adoptării unui mecanism de luptă împotriva clauzelor abuzive în contractele încheiate cu consumatorii. Criterille de lipsa negocierii directe, contradicţia cu cerinţade bună credinţă şi de dezechilibru semnificativ, piloni ai sistemului de protecţie, permit judecătorului de a aprecia clauzele abuzive cu flexibilitate, în toate cele trei sisteme, cu efectul de a garanta eficienţa de protecţie a consumatorului ca parte defavorizată a contractului.Comparaţia cu sistemul în vigoare din Franţa, în mod special, evidenţiază în aceleaşi timp limitele sistemului moldovenesc. În Moldova, dificultăţile provin din interior, vom vedea aceleaşi greşeli din trecut cînd, de exemplu, puterile publice încurajau consumatorii, în special cei săraci -la supraconsum. Conceptul de consum durabil trebuie de asemenea să se aplice în acest domeniu. În caz contrar, disfuncţii sociale apar inevitabil. În Franţa, cu toate acestea, problemele vin din exterior. Nevoile unei pieţi europene unice au uneori ca efect de a reduce protecţia oferită de ordinea juridică naţională. Mecanismul de maximă armonizare a legislaţiei Uniunii Europene plasează legiuitorul naţional într-o poziţie dificilă în raport cu aşteptările mişcării consumeriste. Acest fapt ar putea fi, de altfel, şi în materia clauzelor abuzive, într-un viitor apropriat.
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Aktivitetsbalans och stress hos gymnasieungdomar på yrkesprogram i gymnasiet : En jämförelse mellan könen / Occupational balance and stress among youths at vocational programs in high school : A comparison between the gendersAnehall, Carola, Thongchai, Ming January 2019 (has links)
Gymnasieungdomar upplever mycket stress, främst på grund av studier. Den psykiska ohälsan bland ungdomar ökar och tjejer är betydligt mer stressade än killar. Stress kan påverka studiemotivationen negativt och kan leda till studieavbrott som försenar inträdet på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet var att kartlägga aktivitetsbalans och stress hos tjejer och killar på yrkesprogram inom gymnasiet. En kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning genomfördes med 50 respondenter på olika gymnasieskolor i södra Sverige. Spearmans rangkorrelationskoefficient (rho) användes för att analysera om det fanns något samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och stress. Majoriteten av respondenterna hade medelhög aktivitetsbalans (39) eller högre, det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad i aktivitetsbalans mellan könen. Det fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i upplevd stress mellan könen, tjejer upplevde mer stress än killar. Det fanns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan aktivitetsbalans och upplevd stress hos tjejerna men inte hos killarna. Att möjliggöra för ungdomar att bibehålla eller förbättra aktivitetsbalans kan vara ett sätt att främja och förebygga stress och annan psykisk ohälsa. / High school youths experience a lot of stress, mainly because of studies. The mental illness among young people increases and girls are significantly more stressed than boys. Stress can affect the study motivation negatively and can lead to interruptions that delay entry into the labor market. The aim of the study was to survey occupational balance and stress among girls and boys at vocational programs in high school. A quantitative study in the form of a survey was conducted with 50 respondents at various upper secondary schools in southern Sweden. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rho)was used to analyze whether there was any relationship between occupational balance and stress. The majority of respondents had medium occupational balance (39) or higher, there was no statistically significant difference in occupational balance between the sexes. There was a statistically significant difference in perceived stress between the sexes, girls perceived more stress than boys. There was a statistically significant relationship between occupational balance and perceived stress in girls. To enable for young people to maintain or improve occupational balance can be a way to promote and prevent stress and other mental illness.
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