Spelling suggestions: "subject:"individuella"" "subject:"individuelle""
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Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrottGustavsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport.</p><p>The following questions are the focus of the essay:</p><p>• How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people?</p><p>• How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport?</p><p>To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality. The model is divided into four different domains that stretch from a macro to micro level. The first domain discusses sport in the near context and is followed by sport environment, the sport situation and finally sport and the self.</p><p>To be able to interpret and analyze the empirical material and come to a better understanding of how young people’s choice of sport influence the development of their identity I have used a number of theories. The theories follows Layders model and goes from more general theories regarding identity and the individualised society and groups as a social constellation to fall out in more specific theories about youth, identity and youth groups.</p><p>The study shows that all of the participating young individuals valued belonging to a group highly but they found it equally important to develop as an individual. The soccer player has his/her specific position in the team which leads to a feeling of togetherness, solidarity and security, but this also lead to a limited individual freedom. The swimmers on the other hand experienced less security in the group but felt that they had a bigger individual freedom. The studies also shows that, for an individual, the importance of togetherness is not so much the fact that you belong to a team as it is important to belong to a bigger collective context.</p><p>A swimmer gets a direct and concrete confirmation on their individual accomplishments which can lead to a greater self-confidence in young people who practices individual sports in comparison to the young people who practises team sports. However, within a soccer team they have collective ideals that help the players understand the importance of cooperation, team work and to show consideration for other people.</p><p>Keywords; identity, youth, sport, team, individual</p>
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Utvecklingssamtal : - ett sätt att tydliggöra lärandeBlom, Alicia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The parent-student-teacher conference presumes school responsibility of the development of the student. Teacher, student and parents are supposed to talk freely and in confidence, the conference should lead to a forward looking and long term plan. The parent-student-teacher conference should presume equality amongst the parties. The intention of this paper is to illuminate how the conference can be a way to clarify the process of learning. I intend to do this by showing the practice of four teachers, by making conclusions from their experiences they have made in their practice. The research will be done by qualitative interviews. The paper will show that the interviewed teachers think that they have good documentation and that good documentation before the conference will clarify the development of learning towards the set goals to student and parent.</p><p>Keyword: documentation, goal, individual plan of development, parent-student-teacher conferences</p>
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Individuella utvecklingsplaner i praktiken : En fallstudie om IUP och delaktighet på en skola i årskurs femHellman, Sarika, Rapp, Tiana January 2007 (has links)
Den första januari 2006 trädde en ny lagändring i grundskoleförordningen i kraft. I och med den ska lärarna dokumentera elevernas utveckling i en individuell utvecklingsplan (IUP). Ändringen i grundskoleförordningen är ett politiskt beslut som lärarna ska genomföra tillsammans med eleverna praktiskt i skolan. Syftet med fallstudien är att undersöka tre lärares arbete med de individuella utvecklingsplanerna i årskurs fem på samma skola, samt se hur de gör eleverna delaktiga i arbetet, enligt dem själva. Men även undersöka hur delaktiga och medvetna deras elever är enligt dem själva i arbetet med de individuella utvecklingsplanerna.
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Hur stor betydelse har personlighet och arbetsklimat för attityden till individuell lön och lönetillfredställelse?Pettersson, Elin January 2008 (has links)
Tvetydigheter i tidigare studier om vad arbetstagarna uppfattar som viktigast vid ett prestationsbaserat lönesystem ligger till grund för denna undersökning. Syftet var att ta reda på hur personlighetsegenskaper och arbetsklimat, som båda är påtagliga faktorer i en organisation, påverkar attityden till individuell lön respektive löntillfredställelse. Data består av enkätsvar från 523 landstingsanställda sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor i Sverige. Hierarkiskt multipla regressionsanalyser visade att personlighet och arbetsklimat har en viss innebörd för attityden till individuell lön och lönetillfredställelse, men att även andra variabler har betydelse. Då dessa faktorer bidrar med en viss förklaring till attityden till individuell lön och lönetillfredställelse kan det vara värt att de uppmärksammas i organisationer. Studien kan vara till hjälp för att få en större förståelse och komma tillrätta med eventuella problem som individuell lönesättning kan innebära.
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Tydlighet! Merarbete! Stämpel! : En studie om skriftliga omdömen i skolår 1-3Maaninka, Catarina January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvecklingssamtal : - ett sätt att tydliggöra lärandeBlom, Alicia January 2006 (has links)
The parent-student-teacher conference presumes school responsibility of the development of the student. Teacher, student and parents are supposed to talk freely and in confidence, the conference should lead to a forward looking and long term plan. The parent-student-teacher conference should presume equality amongst the parties. The intention of this paper is to illuminate how the conference can be a way to clarify the process of learning. I intend to do this by showing the practice of four teachers, by making conclusions from their experiences they have made in their practice. The research will be done by qualitative interviews. The paper will show that the interviewed teachers think that they have good documentation and that good documentation before the conference will clarify the development of learning towards the set goals to student and parent. Keyword: documentation, goal, individual plan of development, parent-student-teacher conferences
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Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrottGustavsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport. The following questions are the focus of the essay: • How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people? • How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport? To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality. The model is divided into four different domains that stretch from a macro to micro level. The first domain discusses sport in the near context and is followed by sport environment, the sport situation and finally sport and the self. To be able to interpret and analyze the empirical material and come to a better understanding of how young people’s choice of sport influence the development of their identity I have used a number of theories. The theories follows Layders model and goes from more general theories regarding identity and the individualised society and groups as a social constellation to fall out in more specific theories about youth, identity and youth groups. The study shows that all of the participating young individuals valued belonging to a group highly but they found it equally important to develop as an individual. The soccer player has his/her specific position in the team which leads to a feeling of togetherness, solidarity and security, but this also lead to a limited individual freedom. The swimmers on the other hand experienced less security in the group but felt that they had a bigger individual freedom. The studies also shows that, for an individual, the importance of togetherness is not so much the fact that you belong to a team as it is important to belong to a bigger collective context. A swimmer gets a direct and concrete confirmation on their individual accomplishments which can lead to a greater self-confidence in young people who practices individual sports in comparison to the young people who practises team sports. However, within a soccer team they have collective ideals that help the players understand the importance of cooperation, team work and to show consideration for other people. Keywords; identity, youth, sport, team, individual
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Individuell sponsring ur ett företagsperspektivPetersén, Olof, Skönebrant, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats ge en ökad inblick i individuell sponsring då litteraturen kring detta fortfarande är väldigt begränsad. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ ansats då vi ansåg att detta skulle ge det djup vi eftersökte för att finna svaret på hur företag resonerar kring sina sponsringsåtgärder. Vi började med att studera den tillgängliga litteratur som vi fann både i bibliotek och i databaser, för att sedan jämför dessa teorier med de tre semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts i empiri kapitlet. Vår avgränsning gjorde urvalet av respondentföretag väldigt limiterat, dock fann vi tillslut tre företag som passade våra preferenser väl, vilket bidrog till en ökad validitet i arbetet. Resultat & slutsats: De tre olika respondentföretagen definitioner av sponsring skiljde sig åt, dock var kärnan i deras definition densamma. Vi tror även att sponsring inte skall användas i alla sammanhang. Istället bör företag noggrant överväga vilka personer och events som varumärket vill bli förknippade med, vilket stärker företagets profilering hos deras respektive målgrupp. Vi anser att det finns flera fördelar att rikta sina sponsringsinsatser gentemot individer istället för lag, då varumärkesbyggandet kring en individ gör att allmänheten lättare kan identifiera sig med en person då dennes värderingar avspeglar sig på varumärket. Även relationen mellan företag och sponsringsobjekt blir närmare och därmed ökar chanserna till ett framgångsrikt samarbete. Likt den begränsade litteratur inom individ sponsring är även företagens kompetens inom vissa av sponsringens områden begränsad. Vår empiriska undersökning visar att företag behöver ta ställning till fler parametrar och arbeta mer strategiskt för att uppnå sponsringens fulla potential. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Individuell sponsring är ett fortfarande ett område som kräver mer forskning. Det vi finner intressant att utreda vidare är allmänhetens uppfattning om sponsring som marknadsföringsåtgärd kontra vad företagen anser de får ut. Uppsatsens bidrag: Då det finns begränsat med litteratur om individuell sponsring, kan denna uppsats ses som ett bidrag till ett outforskat ämnesområde. / Aim: The purpose with this essay is to give a deeper insight of individual sponsorship, beacuse today the litterature is very limited. Method: The scientific approch we have used in this essay is a qualitative method, we used this method to give a deeper insight of corporates toughts about sponsorship as a marketing tool. We begun by study the avalible litterature on the subject, witch we found in both librarys and computer databases. Then we compared the theorys against the semistructerd interviews. Our delimitation made the selection smaller. Eventually we found there cooperating firms, that matched our prefrences. Result & Conclusions: The three companies we questioned had different definition of sponsrship, yet the cores in all definitions were the same. We believe that sponsorship not should be used in all coherence. In stead companies should carefully consider which individuals and events the brand are most liked to be associeted with, which can strenghten the opinion from respective target. We consider that there are severel advantages with individual sponsorship towards sponsoring a team. Brandbuilding around an individual makes it easier for the generell public to identify themselves with a indivudual. It´s also easier to build a closer relation between the company and the sponsored, which improves the chance for a succesful collaborate. Just like the limited literature on the subject, the companies’ capability in parts of the subject is limited. Our empirical study showed that the companies need to be aware of the several aspects of sponsorship. To achive the full potential of sponsorship the companies have to work more strategic. Suggestions for future research: We would find it interesting to find out the generel publics opinion of sponsorship as a marketing tool compared to corporates point of view. Contribution of the thesis: Since there is still very limited litterature in this subject. This essay can be used as a contribution to further research.
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INDIVDUELL LÖNESÄTTING- MOTIVATION ELLER STRESS? : - Hur typ av lönesättning påverkar anställdaLindberg, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Individuell lönesättning är sedan 1990-talet ett vanligt belöningssystem inom både privat och offentlig sektor. Under samma period har sjukskrivningarna gällande stressrelaterade sjukdomar ökat hos anställda i Sverige. Tidigare forskning inom områdena motivation och stress visar att lön kan både motivera och stressa en anställd. Utifrån denna bakgrund syftar denna studie till att undersöka om det finns några skillnader mellan anställda med individuell lön och anställda med fast lön gällande motivation och stress. En enkät med påståenden om motivation och stress skickades ut till statligt anställda där två grupper, en med fast lön och en med individuell lön sedan jämfördes. Resultaten visade signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna där gruppen med individuell lön var mer motiverade men även mer stressade än gruppen med fast lön. Slutligen diskuteras hur individuell lönesättning både kan motivera och stressa en anställd och vad det kan få för konsekvenser för både individen och organisationen.
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Individuell lönesättning för enhetscheferEricson Holm, Marie, MacDonald, Katarina January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The purpose with this study is to study the individual setting of salary rates among branch heads. We have chosen to look deeper into which criteria that are the base for the branch heads’ individual setting of wage rates within geriatric care and the care of disabled people. One other aspect we have looked into is how the setting of salary rates appears from a gender perspective. The empirical material in our thesis consists of both qualitative and quantitative methods in the shape of a questionnaire study and three open interviews. Our theoretical benchmarks are made up of the gender and power order and economic sociological perspectives. This study has partially brought a somewhat for us surprising result concerning the setting of salary through a gender perspective. The individual setting of salary rates is based on several factors like education, years within the profession and work experience. Our questionnaire study showed that most of the branch heads´ asked think that individual settings of salary rates are positive. Nevertheless there are not as many of those that are satisfied with their salary trend. Our interviews showed that gender does matter at the time of employment, because the organization strives for employing more men in this female-intensive occupation. Men generally had a higher average salary than their female colleagues when we compared informants with similar suppositions. Katarina MacDonald Marie Ericson Holm
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