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Rissbildung und Rissbreitenentwicklung bei Stahlbetonbauteilen unter verformungsinduziertem ZwangGebauer, Daniel 10 November 2022 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich – motiviert vom Detail des monolithischen Anschlusspunktes der Stützen an den Überbau semi-integraler Brücken und den damit einhergehenden Besonderheiten für den Entwurf – mit der Thematik der verformungsinduzierten Rissbildung und ihren Einflussfaktoren. Anhand zweier Versuchsreihen wird der Einfluss der geometrischen Querschnittsparameter (Bewehrungsgrad, Bewehrungsumfang und Anzahl der Bewehrungslagen) auf die Rissbildung infolge Zwangsverformung untersucht.
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Разработка стратегии развития транснациональной корпорации : магистерская диссертация / Establishing the development strategy for a transnational corporationХумран, Р. В., Khumran, R. W. January 2021 (has links)
В работе рассмотрены теоретико-методические основы разработки стратегии развития транснациональной корпорации. Проведён анализ эффективности стратегии развития транснациональной корпорации Bayer AG. На основе корреляционно-регрессионного анализа разработана модель по влиянию отдельных факторов на эффективность текущей стратегии развития корпорации. Разработаны предложения по формированию стратегии развития корпорации, что позволит повысить его конкурентную позицию на мировом фармацевтическом рынок. / The paper examines the theoretic and methodical basis for the development strategy of a transnational corporation. An analysis of the effectiveness of Bayer AG's development strategy has been carried out. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, a model has been developed on the influence of individual factors on the effectiveness of the current strategy of the corporation's development. Proposals have been developed to form a strategy for the development of the corporation, which will increase its competitive position in the global pharmaceutical market.
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Elevers syn på vårdnadshavares inflytande över gymnasievalet : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie om elevers uppfattningar av vårdnadshavares inverkanPetersson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för hur elever upplever att vårdnadshavare inverkar på elevernas gymnasieval. Samt utforska på vilket sätt eleverna utifrån deras kulturella bakgrunder liknar varandra samt vilka olikheter som finns dom emellan. Sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes på två olika grundskolor med elever i årskurs 9 med olika bakgrunder. Till hjälp av analysarbetet användes tidigare forskning inom ämnet men även teorierna från Pierre Bourdieu om habitus, klass och kapitalformer samt Hodkinson och Sparkes Careership teori. Resultatet visar att eleverna blir påverkade av sina vårdnadshavare i stor utsträckning. Det visar skillnader elevgrupperna emellan men också likheter kring definitionen av begreppet påverkansfaktor vilket i detta fall varit vårdnadshavares påverkan till största del. I analys och resultatdelen påvisas det även att eleverna blivit mera påverkade av sina vårdnadshavare än vad dom själva ville erkänna. / The purpose of this study was to investigate and gain a deeper understanding for how students feel that guardians affects the student’s choice of upper secondary school. As well as explore in which way the students, based on their cultural backgrounds, are similar and what differences there are between them. 6 qualitative interviews were conducted at two different primary schools with students in year 9 who have different backgrounds. With the help of the analysis work, previous research was used within the subject but also the theories from Pierre Bourdieu on habitus, class and forms of capital as well as Hodkinson and Sparke’s careership theory. The result largely show that the students are influenced by their guardians to a large extent. But that there are differences between the student groups but also similarities around the definition of the concept of influence factor, which in these cases has been guardian’s influence for the most part. The study also shows that students are more affected than they thought they were.
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Einflüsse auf das ZahngesundheitswissenNagel, Steffen 19 November 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Einflüsse auf das Zahngesundheitswissen bei den Patienten. Für die Ermittlung von Informationen wurde als Untersuchungsmethode das schriftliche Interview mittels Fragebögen für die Patienten und für die Zahnärzte angewandt. Damit konnte ein Überblick über das aktuelle Zahngesundheitswissen und das damit verbundene Zahngesundheitsverhalten erreicht werden. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte auf freiwilliger Basis. Insgesamt konnten die Fragebögen von 510 Patienten aus 3 Zahnarztpraxen ausgewertet werden.
Die Studie dient der Ermittlung möglicher Einflussfaktoren auf das Zahngesundheitswissen. Durch die Befragung sollte festgestellt werden, wo und bei welchen Bevölkerungsgruppen Informationsund Wissenslücken bestehen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Gesundheitswissen und dem individuellen Gesundheitsverhalten galt es zu erkennen. Die Arbeit analysiert, in welcher Art und Weise die Zahnärzte und ihre Praxismitarbeiter ihre Patienten über ihren Zahngesundheitszustand informieren, um bei den Patienten eine Verbesserung der individuellen Mundhygienegewohnheiten zu erreichen. Durch geschickter, psychologischer Führung der Patienten, sollte der Zahnarzt der Initiator zum positiven Zahngesundheitsverhalten seiner Patienten werden. Die Mundgesundheitsberatung geht weit über eine informatorische Vermittlung von Hygienetechniken und geeigneten Ernährungsweisen hinaus und schließt vor allem die Notwendigkeit einer ausführlichen zahnärztlichen Motivationsarbeit ein. Je mehr die individuellen Erwartungen der Patienten berücksichtigt werden und ihnen dabei insbesondere die Möglichkeiten gegeben werden, auch emotionale Einwände frei zu äußern, werden die Patienten die
zahnärztlichen Maßnahmen eher akzeptieren. Hierbei stellt der individuelle Zuschnitt auf die psychische und soziale Situation des einzelnen Patienten eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Wichtig sollte z.B. die Behandlungsangst erkannt und gegebenenfalls angesprochen werden, ihre Ursachen und Auslöser abgeklärt und Möglichkeiten für ihre Reduktion getroffen werden. Fragen und Probleme zur Zahngesundheit werden noch nicht zur Genüge an den Patienten herangetragen. So gibt es noch Unklarheiten über die Aufgaben der Zähne bezogen auf den Gesamtorganismus. Es fehlt noch das Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge mit anderen Organen und Organsystemen. Die Patienten sind gewillt, ihr Mund-und Zahngesundheitsverhalten im positiven Sinne zu verändern. Inwieweit die Realisierung dessen hundertprozentig erfolgt, ist eine andere Frage. Als Zahnärzte sollten wir jedoch hierbei alle mögliche Unterstützung gewähren.:1. Einleitung und Problemstellung
2. Ansätze und Perspektiven der Forschung
3. Fragestellung und Zielsetzung
4. Material und Methode
5. Evaluation zum Zahngesundheitswissen
6. Diskussion
7. Zusammenfassung
8. Literaturverzeichnis
9. Fragebogen
10. Abbildungsverzeichnis
11. Inhaltsverzeichnis
12. Anhang
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Le vélo au féminin : déterminants et pratiques cyclistes dans les perspectives des femmes de Montréal et de Belo HorizonteDutra Dias Viola, Priscilla 03 1900 (has links)
Les caractéristiques environnementales, dont celles reliées au cadre bâti et qui correspondent notamment à la présence et au type d’infrastructures disponibles, sont considérées comme facteurs déterminants pour la pratique du vélo. Leur influence peut toutefois varier selon les individus (en fonction du genre, de l’âge, etc.) ainsi que selon les contextes socioculturels spécifiques. Menée dans une perspective comparative et avec une méthodologie mixte (quantitative et qualitative), cette recherche explore les expériences vécues des jeunes femmes de deux grandes villes, soit Montréal (Canada) et de Belo Horizonte (Brésil), dont la participation parmi les cyclistes est très contrastée, allant respectivement de moins de 10 % à 48 % , pour répondre la question suivante : Quelles sont les pratiques et les facteurs déterminants du vélo chez les jeunes femmes dans ces deux contextes urbains ? La recherche adopte une approche écologique et, dans sa composante qualitative, prend appui sur l’analyse de 46 entrevues semi-dirigées (28 à Montréal et 18 à Belo Horizonte) menées auprès de femmes cyclistes âgées entre 18 et 35 ans. En complément, plusieurs analyses quantitatives des données des enquêtes Origine Destination 2012 (Belo Horizonte), 2013 et 2018 (Montréal) ont été réalisées, en plus d'autres analyses basées sur les données géoréférencées du Système de classification du confort et de la sécurité des voies cyclables canadiennes (Can-BICS). Lors des entretiens, les participantes ont partagé leurs points de vue sur le contexte spatial dans lequel elles font du vélo, les avantages et les inconvénients du cyclisme, ainsi que les conflits et les peurs auxquels elles sont confrontées. L’analyse de leurs témoignages a permis de mettre en évidence des tensions entre les stéréotypes liés au genre et l'image véhiculée socialement à l’égard des femmes cyclistes. Le sentiment d’insécurité routière s’est avéré particulièrement important pour la pratique du vélo dans la perspective des interviewées. À Belo Horizonte, les participantes envisagent le déploiement d’infrastructures en site propre (pistes cyclables) comme condition à l’amélioration de leur sentiment de sécurité pendant leurs déplacements ; à
Montréal, ce sont davantage les caractéristiques spécifiques de telles infrastructures (largeur, éclairage, type de chaussée, etc.) qui sont considérées comme conditions à des déplacements plus sécuritaires et confortables. Sur la base de ces témoignages et en croissant des données de la plus récente enquête Origine Destination et des données Can-BICS, il a été possible d'analyser une hypothèse de relation entre la sécurité et le confort des infrastructures cyclables et la pratique du cyclisme féminin à Montréal. Cette évaluation a montré que les secteurs de la ville où il y a une plus grande concentration d'infrastructures cyclables de grand confort sont aussi les endroits où l’écart entre les femmes et les homes est moindre à l’égard du nombre de déplacements à vélo. À la lumière de ces résultats, un modèle écologique original est proposé, pouvant servir de cadre pour évaluer les facteurs qui influencent la pratique du vélo chez les femmes lors de recherches futures. En explorant ainsi les facteurs et leur niveau d’influence sur le cyclisme féminin, cette recherche contribue à une meilleure compréhension des défis contemporains de la promotion du vélo dans une perspective de genre et globale. / Environmental characteristics, including those related to the built environment, which correspond to the presence and type of available infrastructure, are considered determining factors for the use of bicycles. Its influence may, however, vary between individuals (depending on gender, age, etc.) or specific sociocultural contexts. Conducted from a comparative perspective and with a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative), this research explores the lived experiences of young women from two large cities, Montreal (Canada) and Belo Horizonte (Brazil), whose participation among cyclists is very contrasting, ranging from less than 10% to 48% respectively, to answer the following question: What are the practices and determinants of cycling among young women in these two cities? The research adopts an ecological approach and, in its qualitative component, is based on the analysis of 46 semi-structured interviews (28 in Montreal and 18 in Belo Horizonte) conducted with female cyclists between the ages of 18 and 35. In addition, several quantitative analyzes from the Origin Destination 2012 (Belo Horizonte), 2013 and 2018 (Montreal) surveys were carried out, in addition to other analyzes based on georeferenced data from the Canadian Bikeway Comfort and Safety Classification System (Can-BICS). During the interviews, the participants shared their views on the spatial context in which they cycle, the pros and cons of cycling, and the conflicts and fears they face. The analysis of their testimonies has highlighted the tensions between gender stereotypes and the socially conveyed image of women cyclists. The feeling of road insecurity proved to be particularly important for the practice of cycling from the perspective of the interviewees. In Belo Horizonte, the participants envisage the deployment of infrastructure on their own site (cycle paths) as a condition for improving their feeling of safety during their travels; in Montreal, it is the specific characteristics of such infrastructures (width, lighting, pavement type, etc.) that are considered to be conditions for a safer and more comfortable travel. Based on these testimonies, the data from the most recent Origin Destination survey, and Can-BICS
data, it was possible to analyze a hypothesis of relation between the safety and comfort of cycling infrastructures and the practice of female cycling in Montreal. This evaluation showed that the sectors of the city where there is a greater concentration of comfortable cycling infrastructure are also the places where the gap between women and men is smaller in terms of the number of bicycle trips. In light of these results, an original ecological model is proposed, which can serve as a framework to evaluate the factors that influence cycling among women in future research. By exploring the factors and their level of influence on women's cycling, this research contributes to a better understanding of the contemporary challenges of promoting cycling from a gender and global perspective. / As características ambientais, incluindo as relacionadas com o ambiente construído, e que correspondem nomeadamente à presença e tipo de infraestruturas disponíveis, são consideradas fatores determinantes para a utilização da bicicleta. A sua influência pode, no entanto, variar entre indivíduos (dependendo do gênero, idade etc.) ou contextos socioculturais específicos. Realizada a partir de uma perspectiva comparativa e com metodologia mista (quantitativa e qualitativa), esta pesquisa explora as experiências vividas por mulheres jovens de duas grandes cidades, Montreal (Canadá) e Belo Horizonte (Brasil), cuja participação entre os ciclistas é muito contrastante, variando de menos de 10% a 48%, respectivamente, para responder à seguinte questão: Quais são as práticas e determinantes do ciclismo entre as mulheres jovens destas duas cidades? A pesquisa adota abordagem de uma metodologia ecológica e, em seu componente qualitativo, baseia-se na análise de 46 entrevistas semiestruturadas (28 em Montreal e 18 em Belo Horizonte) realizadas com mulheres ciclistas com idades entre 18 e 35 anos. Além disso, foram realizadas diversas análises quantitativas de dados das pesquisas Origem Destino 2012 (Belo Horizonte), 2013 e 2018 (Montreal), além de outras análises baseadas em dados georreferenciados do Sistema de Classificação de Conforto e Segurança das Ciclovias Canadenses (Can -BICS). Durante as entrevistas, as participantes partilharam as suas opiniões sobre o contexto espacial em que pedalam, os prós e os contras da utilização da bicicleta e os conflitos e medos que enfrentam. A análise dos seus depoimentos destacou as tensões entre os estereótipos de gênero e a imagem socialmente transmitida das mulheres ciclistas. O sentimento de insegurança viária mostrou-se particularmente importante para a prática do ciclismo na perspectiva das entrevistadas. Em Belo Horizonte, as participantes vislumbram a implantação de infraestrutura de ciclovias como condição para melhorar sua sensação de segurança durante seus deslocamentos; em Montreal, são as características específicas dessas infraestruturas (largura, iluminação, tipo de pavimento etc.) que são consideradas
como condições para uma viagem mais segura e confortável. Com base nestes testemunhos, nos dados da mais recente pesquisa Origem Destino, e nos dados Can-BICS, foi possível analisar uma hipótese de correlação entre a segurança e o conforto das infraestruturas cicloviárias e a prática do ciclismo feminino em Montreal. Esta avaliação mostrou que os setores da cidade onde há maior concentração de infraestruturas cicloviárias confortáveis são também os locais onde a disparidade entre mulheres e homens é menor no que diz respeito ao número de viagens de bicicleta. À luz destes resultados, é proposto um modelo ecológico original, que pode servir de estrutura para avaliar os fatores que influenciam o ciclismo entre as mulheres em pesquisas futuras. Ao explorar os fatores e o seu nível de influência no ciclismo feminino, esta investigação contribui para uma melhor compreensão dos desafios contemporâneos da promoção do ciclismo numa perspectiva de gênero e global.
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Factors influencing the capacity of extended families to provide psychosocial support to AIDS orphansVan den Berg, Elisabeth D. C. 30 November 2006 (has links)
Statistics on HIV/AIDS are alarming. Very little is known about how communities are actually coping with this disease and what methods seem to be working to empower them to deal with it.
Psychosocial distress is one of the dimensions of the impact of AIDS on children and families, and stresses the necessity to enhance the capacities of extended families and friends to be able to deal with these psychosocial issues.
Using qualitative research and a case study as the strategy of inquiry, this dissertation of limited scope explores and describes the factors influencing the capacity of extended families in providing psychosocial support to AIDS orphans.
A literature study was done to give a theoretical overview on the following aspects:
* AIDS orphans
* The extended family and HIV/AIDS
To reach the first objective of this study, an empirical study was done and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information from four extended families in the Mukwe area of the Kavango Region in Namibia.
The literature study and the empirical study enabled the researcher to draw conclusions on the factors which influence the capacity of extended families to provide psychosocial support to AIDS orphans.
The information was analysed, interpreted and published in this research report so as to reach the other objectives of this study. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play therapy)
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Factors influencing the capacity of extended families to provide psychosocial support to AIDS orphansVan den Berg, Elisabeth D. C. 30 November 2006 (has links)
Statistics on HIV/AIDS are alarming. Very little is known about how communities are actually coping with this disease and what methods seem to be working to empower them to deal with it.
Psychosocial distress is one of the dimensions of the impact of AIDS on children and families, and stresses the necessity to enhance the capacities of extended families and friends to be able to deal with these psychosocial issues.
Using qualitative research and a case study as the strategy of inquiry, this dissertation of limited scope explores and describes the factors influencing the capacity of extended families in providing psychosocial support to AIDS orphans.
A literature study was done to give a theoretical overview on the following aspects:
* AIDS orphans
* The extended family and HIV/AIDS
To reach the first objective of this study, an empirical study was done and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information from four extended families in the Mukwe area of the Kavango Region in Namibia.
The literature study and the empirical study enabled the researcher to draw conclusions on the factors which influence the capacity of extended families to provide psychosocial support to AIDS orphans.
The information was analysed, interpreted and published in this research report so as to reach the other objectives of this study. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play therapy)
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The role of school management teams in curriculum change managementNdou, Nkhangweleni Florence 03 1900 (has links)
The study focused on the role of the school management team in curriculum change management. Apart from a literature review, an empirical investigation based on a qualitative research paradigm involving semi-structured individual and focus group interviews was used to collect data at three secondary schools in the Tshilamba circuit in Limpopo Province.
Literature findings revealed that although, in the first place, politically inclined the introduction of Curriculum 2005 was also steered by the socio-economic needs of the country.
Empirical findings elicited that although managing curriculum changes was a challenging effort on account of an initial and continuous lack of adequate training, the school management teams of the selected schools were acquainted with significant knowledge and skills on curriculum change management. This pertains to lesson plan management, supporting and monitoring educators, managing the school register and timetable and managing school finances to select teaching and learning resources. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Educational Management)
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Factors influencing the adolescent pregnancy rate in the Greater Giyani Municipality, Limpopo ProvinceMushwana, Lenny Tina 16 January 2015 (has links)
This quantitative, explorative and descriptive survey attempted to determine factors that influence the adolescent pregnancy rate in the Greater Giyani Municipality. Data were gathered from adolescent girls attending four selected high schools. Non-probability convenient sample of 147 respondents was used with 100% return rate. Data was collected using a questionnaire which had a reliability of 0.65. Data were analysed using the SAS/Basic computer program, version 9.2. Findings indicated that 56.34% of respondents reported key psychosocial variables such as peer pressure and 58.90% of them changed values as contributory to high pregnancy rates. .Health services were reported as not freely available and relationships with nurses significantly cited as poor by 72.41% respondents with regard to maintenance of confidentiality. Recommendations were made to improve school health services, reproductive education and future research / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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Afrikaans : 'n ideologiese besinning in 'n multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaans bestelDe Wet, Johannes Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the ideology behind the debate on the position of Standard Afrikaans in
the new, multilinguistic South African dispensation with eleven official languages is examined
from a psycholinguistic perspective.
The study concentrates on how ideology and power played and are still playing a role in the
formation of the variety Standard Afrikaans. The study points out how historical and
present-day philosophical, social and language-political considerations influenced the natural
development of Afrikaans by advancing it in respect of status on the one hand and
prejudicing it in respect of lexicon and corpus on the other hand. The mutual bond of
Afrikaans and English as Germanic languages and the inherently hybrid nature of Afrikaans
are highlighted.
The study points out the artificial role of Eurocentrism and the ideal of "pure language" on
perceptions and myths about Afrikaans, as well as the historical influence of the European
heritage on Afrikaner thinking and the direct influence thereof on the appropriation of
Afrikaans as a symbol and product of an exclusive, ethnical group. Classical perceptions and
myths in respect of the origin of Afrikaans and the status of creole languages as opposed to
so-called "pure" languages are queried.
With reference to the results of the research the author reflects on the possibility of a
paradigmatic shift in respect of Standard Afrikaans in its present format.
Actual Afrikaans ("aktuele Afrikaans") as a basis for a generally accepted standard language
is presented as a new concept. The author reflects on the internal and external desirability
of a new approach to Afrikaans as the stimulus behind the survival and acceptance of
Afrikaans as an intranational and international language of, inter alia, science, technology,
philosophy and social interaction. Scientific arguments in respect of language change,
language influencing, language diffusion and language fusion are advanced in this respect. / In hierdie proefskrif word die ideologie agter die debat oor Standaardafrikaans se posisie in
die nuwe, multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaanse bestel met elf amptelike tale vanuit 'n
psigolinguistiese perspektief ondersoek.
Daar word gekonsentreer op hoe ideologie en mag 'n rol in die vorming van die varieteit
Standaardafrikaans gespeel het, en dit steeds doen. Daar word aangetoon hoe historiese en
hedendaagse filosofiese, maatskaplike en taalpolitiese oorwegings die natuurlike ontwikkeling
van Afrikaans bemvloed het deur dit onder andere enersyds statusgewys te bevoordeel en
andersyds leksikaal en korpusgewys te benadeel. Die gemeenskaplike band van Afrikaans
en Engels as Germaanse tale en die inherente hibridiese aard van Afrikaans word uitgelig.
Daar word gewys op die kunsmatige rol wat Eurosentrisme en die strewe na "taalsuiwerheid"
in opvattinge en mites oor Afrikaans gehad het, asook op die historiese invloed van die
Europese erfenis op Afrikanerdenke en die indirekte invloed daarvan op die toe-eiening van
Afrikaans as simbool en produk van 'n eksklusiewe, etniese groepering. Klassieke opvattinge
en mites oor die ontstaan van Afrikaans en die status van kreoolse tale vergeleke met
sogenaamde "suiwer" tale word bevraagteken.
Na aanleiding van navorsingsresultate word daar besin oor 'n moontlike
paradigmaverskuiwing ten opsigte van Standaardafrikaans in die huidige gedaante daarvan.
Aktuele Afrikaans as 'n basis vir 'n algemeen aanvaarbare standaardtaal word as nu we
konsep aangebied. Daar word besin oor die inteme en eksteme wenslikheid van 'n nuwe
benadering tot Afrikaans as die stukrag vir die voortbestaan en aanvaarding .van Afrikaans
as 'n intranasionale en intemasionale taal van, onder andere, die wetenskap, tegnologie,
filosofie en sosiale omgang. Hiervoor word wetenskaplike argumente. / Afrikaans / D.Lit. et Phil.(Afrikaans)
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