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Säkerställa information för myndigheter i ett kontrollsystem för kassaregister : En studie med fokus på sårbarhetsanalys / Secure information for authorities in a cash register control system : A study focusing on vulnerability analysisBianchi, Guillaume January 2021 (has links)
With a control system for cash registers, the Swedish Tax Agency intends to make transaction data available in a more flexible way by transferring data to a database server. The transaction data of the control system are private and must be protected. However, systems that are connected to a network can be vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks where attackers use security vulnerabilities to steal, modify, and destroy private and sensitive information. To contribute to new knowledge, the aim of this thesis was to research and present which type of vulnerabilities could be present in a control system for cash registers. In addition, an appropriate method that could be used in future research was created for the use of penetration tests in a control system or similar systems. To gather empirical data, an observation of the use of the penetration tests as well as the results obtained by the tests were made. The results of the penetration tests showed that, the data generally are transferred in a secure manner but a severe type of vulnerability in the Oracle database server was also found. In this study, the exploitation of the vulnerability was left out of scope. We have not proven that the vulnerability who was found could be exploited and whether confidentiality, integrity and availability could be compromised in the event of a successful attack.
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Informationsarkitektur och användarbehov av internetbehandlingarSawut, Sabit, Troche, Amir January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the usability of internet services for health treatments. The purpose of this study is to investigate how to improve the usability on Internet-based platforms to enhance the user experience around these systems. This, by examining the e-service 1177 as an example of such services, by using theories and previous research. Theories and methods that are dealt with are based on the literature regarding usability on web-based websites. Previous research suggests that usability is essential on similar platforms that offers online treatments. The data collection was done using a qualitative data collection method called think aloud. This data collection is used as user cases. By analyzing the content of the web applications' different pages and functions, development suggestions in the form of guidelines are generated on how to improve the current stage of similar e-services. This thesis is intended to create a foundation with guidelines for other organizations profiling themselves for onlinetreatments. The conclusion is that several components should be improved for enhancing the usability on such platforms.
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Det ökade användandet av Instagram : En studie om design och innehåll på Instagram / The increased use of InstagramMorsing, Sabina January 2020 (has links)
As a result of the emergence of new technological opportunities in the last decade, new digital oppor-tunities have been created. Social media is a relat-ively new phenomenon that has contributed to a greater interest in the world offered online. This study focus on Instagram and aims to create know-ledge and understanding of what it is that has con-tributed to it being the most used social media today. This study aspire to answer questions about which design elements and in what way information and content is structured on Instagram, and how it can contribute to its increased use. To answer the ques-tions, a method combination of qualitative and quantitative research was used and a questionnaire was created to collect empirical data. A content ana-lysis was used to examine the collected empirical data. The result indicates that design elements that offer the user the opportunity to interact with content and the infinity scrolling function contribute to an increased use of Instagram. The result also shows that Instagram's information and content are struc-tured in a simple and clear way through good navig-ation options and personalization algorithm, which also contributes to increased use of Instagram.
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Bilders påverkan på webbplatsers informationsarkitektur : hur bildval kan påverka användarnas upplevelse i webbplatssammanhang / Images impact on the information architecture of websites : how image selection can affect user experience in site contextSjölin, Mikael, Vapnar, Kine January 2020 (has links)
The proverb ’a picture is worth a thousand words’ expresses the effective use of imagery as a mode of communication. An image has the advantage of being able to convey difficult to express information, such as with posters, instruction manuals or road signs. Additionally, these visuals can affect the recipients emotional state. This study divides the term image into two categories: informative and decorative. The former describes an image containing information, while the latter primarily intends to be aesthetic. Research predating this paper makes different suggestions as how to best use informative and decorative images, in relation to creating a positive online user experience. By conducting semi-structured interviews as a method, this study aims to answer the questions: how does these two differing types of imagery affect the users understanding of a website? Is it easily manageable? And ultimately, does the user feel their reward meets the effort invested in maneuvering the site? The result shows that although the users perceive the decorative images to be aesthetically pleasing, they generally prefer the convenience of the informative ones on a government web site. However, their opinions differ in the question of when either image is the most appropriate and effective to use.
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Tillit i en ny e-handelskontext : Hur aspekter av informationsarkitektur påverkar användarnas tillit / Trust in a new e-commerce context : How aspects of information architecture affects users’ trustJohansson, Marcus, Lundgren, Robin January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis aims to examine how users’ trust is affected on a single product e-commerce website. With a focus on aspects of information architecture that have been identified as critical to users’ trust in traditional e- commerce, we aim to examine how these aspects are valued by the users in regard to trust in this new e- commerce context. A mixed method approach, consisting of an evaluation survey that generated both quantitative and qualitative data was applied. The survey gathered the participants’ attitude on how the aspects of the website affected their trust and was supplemented by open-ended answers explaining which dimensions of the aspect that were critical on their perceived trust. Findings from this study are consistent with previous research on traditional e-commerce websites, proving all examined aspects to have a significant impact on the users’ perceived trust. Further findings in this study identify both opportunities and complications in regards to implementing information architecture that comes with the use of the single product website business model.
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Grassroots : Konceptdesign av donationsapp med fokus på användbarhet och användarupplevelseFischer, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Sommaren 2019 läste jag om Project Vesta, en organisation som ville motverka klimatförändringarna genom att sprida olivinsten över världens tropiska stränder,vilket skulle binda koldioxid från haven och atomsfären genom kemiska processersom sker på grund av olivinstenens egenskaper. Detta gav mig idén att jag skulle vilja kunna donera pengar till organisationen och få se när de täcker en strand med denna mineral, så att jag verkligen kunde känna att jag bidragit genom att få se hur det sågut före och efter. Jag insåg sedan att idén skulle kunna vara gynnsam för flera sorters välgörenhetsorganisationer, eftersom de skulle kunna visa arbetet som utförts till de som har donerat. Min första tanke var att gå till en specifik välgörenhetsorganisation med idén, men insåg sedan att den hade potential att stå på helt egna ben - en plattform som välgörenhetsorganisationer kan ansluta sig till. Tidigt togs beslutet att plattformen skulle delas upp i två separata gränssnitt - en till för de som representerar välgörenhetsorganisationer och en annan för donatorerna. Detta på grund av hur enormt skilda de två användargruppernas funktionalitet behövde vara, samt att andra jämförbara tjänster, till exempel Karma som låter restauranger sälja överbliven mat, har gjort samma sak. Syftet med projektet var att möjliggöra bättre kommunikation mellan välgörenhetsorganisationer och de som donerar till dem. Målet var att designa två mobilapplikationer som ger en fantastisk användarupplevelse som reflekterar de kärnvärden som tas fram i projektets slutskede, samt att bygga två interaktiva prototyper av dessa som är så pass långt utvecklade att de tydligt kan kommunicera konceptet till olika intressenter. I en litteraturstudie djupdyks det inom projektets teoretiska kontext - teknisk design, användarcentrerad design, användarupplevelse, användargränssnitt, användbarhet, informationsarkitektur, interaktionsdesign, semiotik och kundengagemang. Projektet delades in i de tre faserna inspiration, ideation och implementation, i enlighet med processen som beskrivs av designföretaget IDEO (2015). Inom dessa faser arbetades det med etablerade designmetoder där det utforskades kontext, idégenererades, prototypades och utfördes användartester. Resultatet är ett koncept av en ny donationstjänst, vilken är visualiserad i form av två gränssnitt som tagits fram som interaktiva, klickbara prototyper. Projektets fokus låg på användarcentrerad design, användarupplevelse och användbarhet. Konceptets sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska hållbarhet diskuteras under kapitlet diskussion.
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En studie av användarupplevelse (UX) i ett cross-channel sammanhang : Användarnas upplevelse av boklån på högskolebiblioteket i Borås / A study of user experience (UX) in the context of cross-channel : The users’ experience of book loan at the library of University of BoråsTan, Dennis, Truong, Hellen January 2021 (has links)
The bachelor thesis aims to explore whether students perceive the usage of self-service technology (SST) as positive, neutral or negative, which occurs before, under and after a visit at the library of University of Borås. In this paper, a qualitative user diary was used as a method to gather empirical data. An established UX method, customer journey mapping (CJM), was selected to analyze the empirical findings. The findings were further analyzed with a theoretical framework of the predecessor David Benyon to gain a deeper understanding of user experience in a cross-channel context. The study shows that students are overall positive to the usage of SST, but a deficiency of information affects the positive experience throughout the library.
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Kategoriers inverkan på kunder i digitala matvarubutiker / The impact of categories on customers in digital grocery storesAnderstedt, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to make a tentative approach to explore the use of categories by customers of a Swedish online grocery store. The study tried to detect factors that could affect the usage of categories and the effect they can have on the behavior of customers. The store's categories were divided into traditional and mixed types and their purposes described. The study also explored the emergence of impulse purchases when using different categories and if the usage of mixed categories can affect customers to buy things they had not planned for. In order to explore this 9 participants participated in a study with a think-aloud observation and interviews at the end of every observation session. The study was conducted on a small scale and results can therefore not be generalized. Findings showed that the impact of categories alone is hard to study and that you need to take many other factors into consideration when analyzing the results. Such as the type of purchase and its purpose, the day of the week, and the labeling of the category. The results indicate that users are aware of the stores' marketing tactics of mixed categories and often make an effort not to be exposed to them to avoid impulse purchases.
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OTT-företags aktivitet på Instagram : Vilka inläggstyper och mediatyper påverkar användares engagemang? / OTT companies activity on Instagram : Which types of content and media affect the users’ engagement?Nordquist, Annika January 2022 (has links)
This study examines how diverse types of content and media affect the users’ engagement with the Instagram accounts of OTT companies. The usage of Instagram as a marketing tool has increased over the years. This highlight's the importance of a company's ability to understand what their users like and will engage with. With the growth and development of sports streaming services, such as OTT platforms, a knowledge gap has formed on how these companies should best use social media to connect with current and future customers. A study was conducted, using mostly a quantitative research method, measuring the amount of ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ on the Instagram accounts of OTT companies on all their posts during 2021. To get more information about the consumers engagement habits, qualitative research was conducted on the comments. Neither of the selected company’s accounts had a high number of comments on their Instagram and they did not respond to the few comments they got. The results of the study were then implemented based on the information architecture model using the three primary pillars: content, context, and users. The study showed that entertainment, in combination with information about the service, engaged the greatest number of consumers. However, one of the companies in this study posted a lot of content that did not engage consumers since it was perceived as advertising. Content that is perceived as advertising should therefore not take up most of the feed on Instagram. The study shows us the importance of knowing what content is relevant, what type of context it is posted within, and what the users engage with.
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Unga mäns Instagramanvändande / Young men and their use of InstagramHedin, Ebba January 2022 (has links)
This study examines young men and their use of the social media platform Instagram. In this study I focus on Instagram since it is more popular than ever, especially among young people. The platform is also the social network that has been least studied. To answer the purpose of the study the empirical material has been collected through a survey study about Instagram use with 21 men aged 18-30. With support from relevant research and literature. The results of the study shows that Instagram is easy to use, which of course is an advantage for people that want to use the product. However, the results also shows that the majority of the young men uses Instagram as a time-killer. The function and features that Instagram has to offer doesn’t seem to have any major significance for their use.
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