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Digital företagsidentitet : En studie om corporate identitys relation till företagswebbplatser / Corporate identity’s relation to corporate websitesKennerstedt, Maria January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine corporate identity’s relation to corporate websites. Corporate identity is a contextual concept with different definitions depending on the situation and who you ask. In this study corporate identity is defined as the corporate’s comprehensive identity of visual communication, corporate personality, values and the public opinion of the company. The study also deals with relating subjects such as corporate image, CSR and digital information architecture. In this study three companies’ websites are analyzed (Apple, IKEA and The Coca-Cola Company). The analysis was done through two methods, a qualitative content analysis and a combined qualitative- and quantitative survey. The study concludes that corporate identity is primarily identified through campaigns, products and web design, but also visible, and mainly examined, through the corporate values.
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Coffeehouse : - en målgruppsanpassad webbplatsGlimeld, Simon January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete har haft som syfte att i enlighet med god informationsdesign skapa ett förslag till en målgruppsanpassad webbplats åt Coffeehouse i Eskilstuna. Genom enkätundersökningar, intervjuer och analyser har jag tagit reda på hur målgruppen ser ut samt vilket informationsbehov de har.</p>
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Den kulturella faktorn i webbdesign : en undersökning av navigationen på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolans webbplats / The cultural factor in web design : en undersökning av navigationen på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolans webbplatsWold Ylenstrand, Anette, Nastasja, Thor January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study if culture influences users’ expectations of the organizing and labeling of the website navigation belonging to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Based on previous research, we hypothesize that users’ mental models differ depending on cultural heritage and that this in turn will affect the user experience. Using a mixed method approach, the navigation is tested from a usability perspective, focusing on the organization, hierarchy and labeling of content. Methods used are qualitative card sorting and quantitative tree testing to compare international students with Swedish students. The results show no significant differences between the two groups’ mental models. However, neither groups’ expectations correspond with the navigation structure, therefore affecting the user experience negatively.
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Webbdesign och förtroende inom e-handel : Hur påverkar webbdesign förtroendet för e-handelswebbplatser? / Web design and consumer trust within e-commerce : How does web design affect trust towards e-commerce websites?Wolk, Emma January 2018 (has links)
E-commerce has grown to be a big part of our everyday life. Previous research has found webdesign to have a great impact on trust towards e-commerce websites. Various findings indicate that consumers trust is affected by several design aspects. This bachelor thesis aims to find and describe potential correlations between web design and consumer trust within e-commerce using previous research concerning e-commerce, website design and trust as well as a theoretical framework from previous research. A qualitative method is used to gather information about consumers thoughts and opinions on how they consider web site design to affect their trust towards the web site. The study examines a group of consumers and their thoughts and opinions on whether web design has the potential to affect their trust towards the website itself and the company behind it. Findings from this bachelor thesis suggest that consumers do tend to assess a websites trustfulness by how well the webdesign is put together.
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Informationsarkitektur ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv : En fallstudie hos LänstrafikenDanielsson, Kristian, Eliason, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Förmedling av information inom en organisation är en viktig del för att det dagliga arbetet ska fungera. Rätt person ska få rätt information på rätt sätt. Vår undersökning syftar till att visa hur en informationsarkitektur som utformas utifrån användarnas behov kan förbättra en verksamhets informationsförmedling. Genom en fallstudie på Länstrafiken i Örebro undersöktes vad för information dess användare vill ha och hur de vill ha den. Frågorna som undersökningen ämnar besvara är: - På vilket sätt kan ett användbarhetsperspektiv leda till en förbättrad informationsarkitektur? - Hur optimeras informationsförmedlingen med en användarcentrerad informationsarkitektur? En användarcentrerad informationsarkitektur utformas utifrån användarnas behov. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes teorier om användbarhet och Zachman’s ramverk vilket beskriver informationsarkitektur utifrån sex olika frågor. I studien användes två av dessa frågor för att ta fram artefakter till en informationsarkitektur: Var och Hur. I första steget av undersökningen togs hur informationsarkitekturen ser ut idag fram utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer med de anställda. Därefter utformades en enkät för verksamhetens kunder för att ta reda på vad för slags information de vill ha, och hur de vill ha den. Utifrån svaren från enkäterna samt intervjuerna kunde en mer användarcentrerad informationsarkitektur tas fram. Användbarhet kan således påverka informationsarkitekturen positivt genom att låta fokus ligga på de som är involverade i hur information ska förmedlas. Då rätt information på snabbast sätt kommer genom rätt informationskanal så kan informationsförmedlingen optimeras. / Distribution of information within an organization is an important part of the daily working routine. It is important that the right information in the right way. Our study aims to show how usability in information architecture can help a business to improve the way of provide information. Through a case study at Länstrafiken in Örebro it was investigated what kind of information the users want and how they want it distributed. The questions the study aims to answer are: - How can a usability perspective lead to improved information architecture? - How can the flow of information optimize with a usable information architecture? A useful information architecture is designed based on user needs. To answer the questions we used theories of usability and Zachman's framework, which describes information architecture based on six different issues. The study used two of these issues in order to develop artefacts to form an information architecture: Where and How. The first step in the study was to establish how the information architecture looks today based on qualitative interviews with employees at Länstrafiken. As a second step a questionnaire was designed for the company's customers to find out what kind of information they are interested in and how they want it distributed. Based on the responses from the respondents and the employees an information architecture with usability was developed. Usability can therefore affect the information architecture positive by letting the focus be on those who are involved in how information is being communicated. When the correct information goes through the right information channel in the most effective way the way of communicate the information gets optimized.
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Coffeehouse : - en målgruppsanpassad webbplatsGlimeld, Simon January 2006 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har haft som syfte att i enlighet med god informationsdesign skapa ett förslag till en målgruppsanpassad webbplats åt Coffeehouse i Eskilstuna. Genom enkätundersökningar, intervjuer och analyser har jag tagit reda på hur målgruppen ser ut samt vilket informationsbehov de har.
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Att hitta rätt och inspireras : En studie om informationsarkitektur och övertygande webbdesign på Marknad Varbergs webbplats för näringsliv / To Find the Right Information and To Get Inspired : A Study of Information Architecture and Persuasiv eWeb Design on the Marknad Varberg Business WebsiteBellviken, Emelie, Håkansson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how the navigation structure as well as the userexperience of Marknad Varberg's website can be improved, in order for the intended users to find what they seek and feel motivated for entrepreneurship. Using two complementary qualitative methods within user-centered design, this study investigates how the intended users are experiencing the navigation on the current site, as well as the experience of the site’s ability to inspire entrepreneurship, and how each of these can beimproved. Methods used are Usability Test and CardSorting. The result of the study shows that the current navigation system rather worsens than improves navigability, and that the website fails to motivate entrepreneurship. The conclusion reached in this thesis suggests that the information architecture may be improved in terms of logical structure, clearer labeling which corresponds to the content being retrieved and new categories, to create a better navigability. Suggestions are also made on how to improve the site’s ability to inspire entrepreneurship in a specific location, using persuasive web design techniques which allude on designing for persuasion, emotion and trust. The development proposal is presented in the form of low-fidelity prototypes, which aims to illustrate how Marknad Varberg can redesign its current website, to provide their users with an improved user experience and to fulfill one of Marknad Varberg’s own objectives as a municipal establishment: to market and develop Varberg as an attractive municipality to visit, live and operate companies within.
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Samma mål i ny kontext : Utvecklingsförslag förwebbaserat läroverktyg / Same goal in new context : Development suggestionsfor a web-based learning toolAndersson, Joline January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to create development proposals for further development of the web-based learning tool Web Based Simulation of Patients (Web-SP). The tool is used in health care programs where students with digital help can link theoretical knowledge and practical actions to reach as close as possible to a true patient case. This study investigates whether the tool can be developed to apply to students in emergency and ambulance care. Hence, the study focus prehospital context and also solutions for a smoother use of the tool in line with user experience goals. Through contextual inquiry, interviews and focus group interviews, the development proposals have been reformed iteratively to better respond to new goals. The empirical results shows that parallel work is central to a prehospital patient case and how information architecture, navigation and structure should be reworked to better suit these conditions.
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En studie om användbarhet och sökmotoroptimering : utvärdering av ett gränssnitt på en webbplats / A study on web usability and Search Engine Optimisation : evaluation of an interface on awebsiteForsman Goga, Cleopatra, A. Mikaelsdotter, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
We live in the fourth generation (4G) of wireless and mobile communications, and for the next generation (5G) we can expect greater flexibility and increased network speed. This will likely contribute to an increased demand for functioning mobile web applications, and it is therefore beneficial for companies to comply with society's technological development. This study aims to investigate how users experience Södra’s website in a mobile interface with focus on the system’s usability, and to identify potential problems on the website regarding Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The research is based on both quantitative and qualitative methods, and the methods that are used in this study are usability testing and web analysis. The findings highlight usability and Search Engine Optimization issues on the website. The fundamental problems the participants had was difficulty using the internal search engine on the website, and locating information caused by intense scrolling. The data gathered through the web analysis shows that keywords are not strategically used in the HTML document, and that the meta descriptions tend to include too many characters. This paper suggests solutions and improvements to these issues found on the website.
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Riktlinjer för god användarupplevelse på livsstilsapplikationer : En analys av mobilapplikationerna Lifesum, FoodCheck och MyFitnessPal / Guidelines for good user experience on lifestyle applications : An analysis of the mobile applications Lifesum, FoodCheck and MyFitnessPalHolmström, Veronica, Sandgren, Frida January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to contribute to increased knowledge about how lifestyle applications should be formed to achieve good user experience. By analysing the content of three equivalent applications using comparative study along with results from user testing with follow up interviews, suggestions are made for future lifestyle applications. The suggestions are guidelines for improvement of the user experience based on content, interaction design, information design and information architecture. The result shows that the user experience is most impacted by the effectiveness of a lifestyle application. Other factors in the construction and configuration also affect the user experience.
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