Spelling suggestions: "subject:"initiatives.""
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As iniciativas legiferantes compulsórias / The Compulsory legislative initiativesRadi Junior, Jorge 11 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-11 / The present work is mainly aimed to demonstrate the existence of compulsory legislative initiatives at the federal level, which force state(s) entity(ies) legitimated to present it at a given time, under penalty of accountability. The study focuses on the analysis of present Federal Constitution and begins with the investigation of state models adopted by the Federative Republic of Brazil, which resumes in federative form of medium-grade, self-controlled state, presidential system, democracy variable popular influence regimen and liberal republican form of short term governance. Because they are fundamental principles of the Brazilian state, these models greatly influence the rules of legislative initiatives. It was found that the legislative function in the Federal Constitution, equates to the law production, in the formal sense, and that is performed by all the Powers, but in main way, only by the Legislature. The drafting of the law is made by process, which, for teaching purposes, can be divided into phases, with an inaugural phase, called the initiative, in which is practiced the initiative-act (bill) from the exercise of initiative-competence. The rules of initiative-competence are exclusively settled in the Constitution, in an expressly and exhaustively manner. Although it has a particular structure, the rule of initiative-competence brings an common element of other competences, it is the duty-faculty, for which converge simultaneously the mandatory implementation of the rule (duty) and discretionary judgment to exercise (faculty). The mandatory implementation is raised by the existence of primary and/or secondary public interest, and the discretionary judgment derives from the political function. The combination duty-faculty guides the legitimated to implement initiative-competence. However, there are three sets of rules that, exceptionally, induce the duty and inhibit the faculty, turning compulsory execution the effect of the initiative-act, at the right term. The non-implement of initiative-competence in this given period, imply an omission unlawful act, and the improper implement of the rule results a commissive unlawful act. By practicing both acts, the legitimated may be liable / A presente obra tem como proposta principal demonstrar a existência de iniciativas legiferantes compulsórias, na esfera federal, que obrigam o(s) ente(s) estatal(is) le-gitimado(s) a apresentá-la, em determinado período, sob pena de responsabilização. O estudo se concentra na análise da Constituição Federal vigente e inicia-se com a investigação dos modelos estatais adotados pela República Federativa do Brasil, que se resumem à forma federativo de grau médio, Estado autocontrolado, sistema pre-sidencialista, regime democrático misto de influência popular variável e forma re-publicana liberal de curta governança. Por serem princípios fundamentais do Es-tado brasileiro, esses modelos influenciam sobremaneira as regras de iniciativa le-giferante. Constatou-se que a função legiferante, na Constituição Federal, equivale à produção da lei, em sentido formal, e que é desempenhada por todos os Poderes, mas de forma precípua, apenas, pelo Poder Legislativo. A elaboração da lei se da mediante processo, que, para fins didáticos, pode ser dividido em fases, sendo a fase inaugural, denominada iniciativa, na qual é praticada a iniciativa-ato (proposição legiferante), a partir do exercício da iniciativa-competência. As regras de iniciativa-competência têm sede exclusivamente constitucional e são postas de maneira taxa-tiva e expressa na Constituição da República. Embora disponha de uma estrutura particular, a regra de iniciativa-competência traz um elemento comum a outras com-petências, que é o dever-poder, para o qual convergem, simultaneamente, a obriga-toriedade de execução da regra (dever) e a discricionariedade para o seu exercício (poder). A obrigatoriedade é suscitada pela existência do interesse público primário e/ou secundário. Já a discricionariedade decorre da função política. A combinação dever-poder orienta o legitimado a exercer a iniciativa-competência. Mas há três conjuntos de normas que, excepcionalmente, induzem o dever e inibem o poder, tornando a prática da inciativa-ato de execução compulsória, a termo certo. A não aplicação da iniciativa-competência compulsória nesse período determinado, impli-cará ato omissivo ilícito, e a aplicação indevida da regra resultará ato comissivo ilícito. Pela prática de ambos os atos, o legitimado poderá ser responsabilizado
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Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsrapporten och dess samband med företagens branschtillhörighet och styrelsens könsfördelning : En kvantitativ studie av företag på Stockholmsbörsen Large CapPettersson, Elin, Karlsson, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsrapporten är en nödvändighet för att informationen ska vara användbar för användarna. För att främja jämförbar information ska svenska företag följa hållbarhetslagen som bygger på EU-direktivet om hållbarhetsrapportering. Till sin hjälp kan företagen tillämpa internationella frivilliga ramverk som exempelvis Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). I och med att det finns ett flertal frivilliga ramverk att tillämpa kan företagen välja ifall dem vill följa något ramverk, med det utgör inget krav, för att uppfylla hållbarhetslagen. Detta utrymme av frivillighet bidrar till den stora variation i antalet resultatindikatorer som företagen lämnar upplysningar om i hållbarhetsrapporten, vilket gör att informationen inte blir jämförbar. Denna studie vill bidra med kunskap till forskningsfältet genom att (1) kartlägga jämförbarheten i hållbarhetsrapporter i form av hur utförligt företagen noterade på Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap tillämpar resultatindikatorer till rapporteringskravets kategorier och (2) förklara och analysera sambandet mellan företagens branschtillhörighet, företagens andel kvinnor i styrelsen och utförlighetsnivån i hållbarhetsrapporter som omfattas av hållbarhetslagen. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av samtliga företag som uppfyllde kriterierna för hållbarhetsrapportering och GRI:s ramverk på Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap. Resultatet visade att båda sambanden var relativt svaga. Sambandet för företagens branschtillhörighet visade sig något starkare jämfört med andelen kvinnor i styrelsen. Det tyder på att det finns andra underliggande faktorer som påverkar jämförbarheten i hållbarhetsrapporten. / The comparability in the sustainability report is a necessity to serve its main purpose, which is to be useful for the stakeholders. To encourage comparable information in the sustainability report, Swedish companies must comply with the national sustainability law, which is based on the EU directive of sustainability reporting. To comply with the national sustainability law companies can apply international voluntary frameworks such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), but there is no imperative requirement. All the voluntary frameworks may contribute to the observed differences of indicators disclosed in the sustainability reports, which makes the information not comparable. This study contributes to the field of research by (1) mapping the comparability in the sustainability reports of firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap by investigating the level of completeness for the reporting requirements categories and (2) explain and analyse the correlation between the company´s sector, board diversity and the level of completeness of firms that are covered by the national sustainability law. Therefore, a quantity content analysis was conducted on all companies in our sample. The findings display a weak relationship between the investigated variables. This suggest that there are other underlying factors that may affect the comparability in the sustainability reports.
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Praxis inom hållbarhetsredovisning 2010 : Undersökning av svenska företag noterade på StockholmsbörsenThunström, Lisa, Bolos, Iuliana January 2011 (has links)
Problem formulation: The awareness and importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing within both corporations and society at large. The corporate progress in sustainable development can be both profitable and essential for the potential to compete globally. The value of sustainability reporting may differ between industries and companies of different sizes. The demands for sustainability reports are expected to increase. By 2010, no previous survey on sustainability reporting practices had been conducted within Swedish corporations. Purpose: The aim of the current study was to examine sustainability reports within Swedish corporations during 2010 and to compare the findings with preceding surveys to determine differences over time and between corporations. Furthermore, the study seeks to explain the determinants of voluntary sustainability reporting utilising a multi-theoretical framework. Method: This survey includes all 125 Swedish corporations listed at the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap and Mid Cap lists. Data was collected from the corporations annual and sustainability reports. Excel was used to code and analyse the obtained data. Results: The findings demonstrate that sustainability reporting is common practice among Swedish corporations. Taken together, the number of sustainability reports, the development and the presentation format indicates a high sustainability performance in general among the sampled companies. The findings found clear difference between industries and between companies of different sizes. Companies operating in high environmental risk industries as well as larger corporations scored higher on all variables of interest compared to companies operating in low environmental risk industries and smaller sized companies. Factors that have the potential to determine a company´s sustainability development practices were found to be its stakeholders and the type of institution it operates within. Moreover, the demand for legitimacy carries the potential to determine sustainability reporting practices. Companies operating in high environmental risk industries experiences a greater need for legitimacy and large companies has a greater number of stakeholders to consider. The findings indicate that sustainability reporting continues to increase and furthermore that standard practices is becoming increasingly widespread.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning : fyra bankers ekonomiska påverkan / Sustainability report : the economic impact of four banksNordström, Jenny, Cederqvist, Zandra January 2012 (has links)
Fokus i denna uppsats ligger i att jämföra fyra organisationers hållbarhetsredovisningar och se i vilken utsträckning de uppfyller GRI:s riktlinjer för ekonomisk påverkan. De fyra organisationer som granskas är Sveriges storbanker, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB och Swedbank. Eftersom att de agerar inom den finansiella sektorn har en avgränsning gjorts till det ekonomiska ansvaret eftersom det är det mest relevanta och intressanta att titta närmare på. Problemformuleringen i denna uppsats lyder: På vilket sätt, i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar, tillämpar Sveriges fyra storbanker GRI:s riktlinjer för ekonomisk påverkan? Syftet är att se hur bankerna har presenterat sin ekonomiska påverkan enligt GRI:s riktlinjer och jämföra dessa med varandra. För att få fram information om detta har respektive banks hållbarhetsredovisning för år 2010 granskats och tolkats. Den teoretiska referensramen som uppsatsen har utgått ifrån är CSR , ett begrepp som beskriver de tre ansvarsområdena ekonomi, socialt och miljö. Dessa tre områden är i grunden TBL (tripple bottom line). En stor del av teoridelen består av GRI:s riktlinjer och ramverk som även de bygger på TBL:s tre byggstenar.
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Vers une interaction humain-robot à une initiative mixe : une équipe coopérative composée par des drones et un opérateur humain / Towards mixed-initiative human-robot interaction : a cooperative human-drone team frameworkUbaldino de Souza, Paulo Eduardo 19 October 2017 (has links)
L’interaction homme-robot est un domaine qui en est encore à ses balbutiements.Les développements se sont avant tout concentrés sur l’autonomie et l’intelligence artificielle et doter les robots de capacités avancées pour exécuter des tâches complexes. Dans un proche avenir, les robots développeront probablement la capacité de s’adapter et d’apprendre de leur environnement. Les robots ont confiance, ne s’ennuient pas et peuvent fonctionner dans des environnements hostiles et dynamiques - tous des attributs souhaités à l’exploration spatiale et aux situations d’urgence ou militaires. Ils réduisent également les coûts de mission, augmentent la flexibilité de conception et maximisent la production de données. Cependant, lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à de nouveaux scénarios et à des événements inattendus, les robots sont moins performants par rapport aux êtres humains intuitifs et créatifs (mais aussi faillibles et biaisés). L’avenir exigera que les concepteurs de mission équilibrent intelligemment la souplesse et l’ingéniosité des humains avec des systèmes robotiques robustes et sophistiqués. Ce travail de recherche propose un cadre formel, basé sur la théorie de jeux, pour une équipe de drones qui doit coordonner leurs actions entre eux et fournir à l’opérateur humain des données suffisantes pour prendre des décisions « difficiles » qui maximisent l’efficacité de la mission, selon certaines directives opérationnelles. Notre première contribution a consisté à présenter un cadre décentralisé et une fonction d’utilité pour une mission de patrouille avec une équipe de drones. Ensuite, nous avons considéré l’effet de cadrage, ou « framing effect » en anglais, dans le contexte de notre étude,afin de mieux comprendre et modéliser à terme certains processus décisionnels sous incertitude.Ainsi, nous avons réalisé deux expérimentations avec 20 et 12 participants respectivement. Nos résultats ont révélé que la façon dont le problème a été présenté (effet de cadrage positif ou négatif), l’engagement émotionnel et les couleurs du texte ont affecté statistiquement les choix des opérateurs humains. Les données expérimentales nous ont permis de développer un modèle d’utilité pour l’opérateur humain que nous cherchons à intégrer dans la boucle décisionnelle du système homme-robots. Enfin, nous formalisons et évaluons l’ensemble du cadre proposé où nous "fermons la boucle" à travers une expérimentation en ligne avec 101 participants. Nos résultats suggèrent que notre approche permet d’optimiser le système homme-robots dans un contexte où des décisions doivent être prises dans un environnement incertain. / Human-robot interaction is a field that is still in its infancy. Developments havefocused on autonomy and artificial intelligence, and provide robots with advanced capabilitiesto perform complex tasks. In the near future, robots will likely develop the ability to adapt andlearn from their surroundings. Robots have reliance, do not get bored and can operate in hostileand dynamics environments - all attributes well suited for space exploration, and emergency ormilitary situations. They also reduce mission costs, increase design flexibility, and maximizedata production. However, when coped with new scenarios and unexpected events, robots palein comparison with intuitive and creative human beings. The future will require that missiondesigners balance intelligently the flexibility and ingenuity of humans with robust and sophisticatedrobotic systems. This research work proposes a game-theoretic framework for a drone teamthat must coordinate their actions among them and provide the human operator sufficient datato make “hard” decisions that maximize the mission efficiency, according with some operationalguidelines. Our first contribution was to present a decentralized framework and utility functionfor a drone-team patrolling mission. Then, we considered the framing effect in the context of ourstudy, in order to better understand and model certain human decision-making processes underuncertainty. Hence, two experiments were conducted with 20 and 12 participants respectively.Our findings revealed that the way the problem was presented (positive or negative framing), theemotional commitment and the text colors statistically affected the choices made by the humanoperators. The experimental data allowed us to develop a utility model for the human operatorthat we sought to integrate into the decision-making loop of the human-robot system. Finally,we formalized and evaluated the close-loop of the whole proposed framework with a last onlineexperiment with 101 participants. Our results suggest that our approach allow us to optimize thehuman-robot system in a context where decisions must be made in an uncertain environment.
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Evaluation et valorisation de la communication environnementale et diffusion d’informations dans le document de référence : le cas des entreprises cotées du CAC 40, de 2007 à 2013 / Evaluation and valorization of environmental communication and disclosure in the registration documents : firms from the CAC 40 index from 2007 to 2013Guinchard, Julia 20 November 2014 (has links)
En se focalisant sur 38 grands groupes cotés au CAC 40, de 2007 à 2013, la question de l’affichage environnemental et de sa valorisation sur le marché est envisagée dans une étude exploratoire selon les axes suivants : Le premier consiste à identifier l’existence d’un effet sur les cours de bourse d’une diffusion publique d’éléments afférant à la stratégie environnementale, en faisant appel aux études d’événements. La publication du document de référence a ainsi retenu toute l’attention. Puis, il apparaît essentiel de caractériser cette information : L’objectif n’est pas d’évaluer la qualité de la politique adoptée, mais d’étudier et évaluer les comportements en la matière, en mobilisant une analyse de contenu pour un total de 228 documents de référence. Une méthodologie de scoring a été adoptée, afin d’établir un indice de diffusion d’informations environnementales, sur la base d’un référentiel reconnu internationalement et pertinent, le Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Enfin, une modélisation permet de tester la relation entre la réaction observée sur le marché financier et l’information environnementale. Sur la pratique de diffusion d’informations environnementales, les comportements des entreprises de l’échantillon se sont améliorés tant sur la nature des informations divulguées que sur les pratiques globales : Elles sont de plus en plus transparente sur la base des critères environnementaux définis par le GRI. A la publication du document de référence, des rentabilités anormales cumulées sont observées et significatives. Les résultats laissent apparaître que le pouvoir explicatif de la communication environnementale est au demeurant plus important que des variables financières, tel que la variation de l’effet de levier, bien qu’il soit affecté au cours du temps. / By focusing on 38 stock marketed companies from the CAC 40 from 2007 to 2013, to question on the link between environmental published information and market valorization is at stake. The response is organized trough 3 main objectives by performing an explorative analysis: First, one may identify an impact from the disclosure about environmental practices on the stock market thank to the event study methodology. Publication of the annual registration documents hold attention in order to appreciate public environmental communication: Thus, the issue is not to evaluate firms’ policies but to understand how do they behave concerning their communication, by performing a content analysis based on 228 registration documents. Then, one may use an innovative data sources through the Global reporting initiative (GRI) standardized items to explore and to score the published information concerning environmental practices, leading to build an disclosure index. Last, one may test the relationship between the disclosure practices and the impact of this disclosure on the stock market. Companies tend to be more and more transparent according to the GRI, as on the items itself than on their whole practices. When they circulate their registration documents, there are significant cumulated abnormal returns. As a result, one may observe that disclosure on environmental practices explains more the abnormal returns than financial datas, as the leverage variation, even if this effect tend to be less and less important with time.
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Is it just sustainability? The political-economy of urban sustainability, economic development and social justice / Political-economy of urban sustainability, economic development and social justiceSkinner, Lara Renee 06 1900 (has links)
xvi, 298 p. : col. map. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Cities in the United States are increasingly challenged with sharpening inequalities, social exclusion and the effects of a swelling environmental footprint. In response, city officials, political interest groups and residents have seized the framework of urban sustainability to address these mounting social and environmental problems. However, the push for environmental and social sustainability often directly contradicts the push by influential urban business coalitions for cities to be more economically competitive with other locales. I explore the compatibility of urban sustainability and economic development through a case study of Eugene, Oregon's Sustainable Business Initiative, led by Mayor Kitty Piercy. In this Initiative, the interaction between the urban sustainability and economic development discourses calls into question current entrepreneurial strategies and opens the door to exploring the implications of integrating sustainability and social justice concepts with urban economic development policy. Labor-community-environmental coalitions, with a broad vision for sustainability and regional equity, present an alternative to traditional business coalitions' influence on economic development policy and provide a strategy for economic development based in wealth redistribution and environmental health. / Committee in charge: Gregory McLauchlan, Chairperson, Sociology;
Yvonne Braun, Member, Sociology;
Linda Fuller, Member, Womens and Gender Studies;
Michael Bussel, Outside Member, History
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Um estudo de percepções de ONGs ambientalistas capixabas acerca da relevância de indicadores ambientais da GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)Paris, Patrícia Krauss Serrano 15 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) stands out worldwide in order to minimize perceived quality problems in Sustainability Reports. One of GRI s initiatives is the development of environmental indicators. In the context of growing concern about environmental impacts of human activity, and considering environmental disclosure tool relevance for users depends on their relevance perception on the information it contains, the purpose of this study is: to analyze the perceived relevance by environmentalists non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Espírito Santo (Brazilian state) on the essential environmental indicators in GRI s third version. Questionnaires were sent to 52 NGOs, resulting in 24 responses. Indicators and respondents were analyzed according to their responses profiles. It was found that all the environmental indicators considered essential by GRI were mostly indicated as being of significant importance, by respondents, what means GRI has the ability to meet this segment of Brazilian society s expectations. The results signalize the GRI essential environmental indicators importance on sustainability reports, and that disclosure standards internationalization for basic global issues related to the environment does not diminish its importance to users, in specific locations / A iniciativa da ONG internacional Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) se destaca mundialmente, no intuito de minimizar problemas percebidos na qualidade das informações divulgadas em Relatórios de Sustentabilidade. Dentre as iniciativas da GRI, tem-se a elaboração de indicadores relacionados a aspectos ambientais. No contexto de crescente preocupação em relação aos impactos da atividade humana no meio ambiente, e considerando que a relevância dessa ferramenta de evidenciação ambiental depende da percepção por parte dos usuários da relevância das informações nela contidas, o objetivo deste trabalho é: analisar a percepção de organizações não governamentais (ONGs) ambientalistas atuantes no Espírito Santo acerca da relevância dos indicadores ambientais essenciais na terceira versão do modelo GRI. Para tanto, um questionário foi encaminhado a 52 ONGs, obtendo-se 24 respostas. Indicadores e respondentes foram analisados de acordo com os perfis de respostas atribuídas. Verificou-se que todos os indicadores ambientais considerados essenciais pela GRI foram julgados, majoritariamente, como de significativa relevância, pelas ONGs respondentes, ou seja, o modelo GRI tem capacidade de atender a anseios desse segmento da sociedade, atuante no Espírito Santo. Os resultados sinalizam a importância dos indicadores ambientais essenciais da GRI nos relatórios de sustentabilidade, e que a crescente internacionalização de padrões para evidenciação de aspectos relacionados a problemáticas globais relativas ao meio ambiente não diminui, necessariamente, a sua relevância para usuários em localidades específicas
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Análise dos relatórios de sustentabilidade do varejo supermercadista brasileiro de grande porte / Analysis of sustainability reports of Brazilian retail supermarket largeResina, Rodrigo Alexandre 13 December 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-13 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The quest for sustainable development is becoming more widespread among government, private organizations and members of civil society, motivated primarily by environmental imbalance and social problems. So the companies conceptualize measure and work toward sustainability and it has become the goal of many of these organizations. This research aimed to analyze how large retail supermarkets companies, that have operation in Brazil, measure their practices aimed at sustainable development. It was carried out during the research, a review of theory and the multiple case studies exploratory; it realized the data collection through public documents (Sustainability reports). First, it s analyzed 32 reports of 3 retail businesses for several years. It was analyzed as indicators of sustainability are reported by companies in the sector, it was also assessed developments in the application of sustainability reporting in retail and sustainability dimension is prioritized in the reporting of organizational management. It observed a non- regular reporting on sustainability in the periods analyzed, companies report a higher number of indicators related social issues and despite the use of the GRI indicators, the companies had different interpretations about the same indicators. Thus, it identified that companies need to improve their reports and using the external validation (audit) to ensure the transparency and quality of sustainable reporting, enabling the retail supermarket companies to act towards a sustainable management / A busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável se torna cada vez mais difundida entre os agentes governamentais, organizações privadas e membros da sociedade civil. Esses grupos são motivados, principalmente, pelo desequilíbrio ambiental e pelos problemas sociais. Desse modo, conceituar, mensurar e atuar rumo à sustentabilidade tem se tornado o objetivo de muitas dessas organizações. Essa pesquisa visou analisar como as empresas de varejo supermercadistas de grande porte, que operam no Brasil, reportam e mensuram suas práticas voltadas ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Foi realizado, durante a pesquisa, a revisão da teoria e uma análise documental descritiva, com a coleta de dados através documentos públicos (relatórios de Sustentabilidade). A pesquisa avaliou 32 relatórios de 3 empresas publicados nos últimos anos. Foram analisados como os indicadores de sustentabilidade são reportados pelas empresas do setor, também foi avaliado a evolução na aplicação dos relatórios de sustentabilidade no varejo e a dimensão da sustentabilidade, que é priorizada no reporte da gestão organizacional. Observou-se, uma não regularidade no reporte da sustentabilidade nos períodos analisados, as empresas reportam um volume maior de indicadores relacionados às questões sociais e apesar do uso do modelo da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) haviam interpretações diferentes dos indicadores por parte das empresas. Assim, identificou-se a necessidade das empresas aprimorarem seus relatórios e utilizarem a validação externa (auditoria) para garantirem a transparência e a qualidade das informações reportadas, possibilitando que as empresas do varejo supermercadista atuem rumo a uma gestão sustentável efetiva e eficiente.
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Essai de proposition d'un modèle de référendum d'initiative populaire dans l'ordonnancement constitutionnel de la Vème République / Try of proposal of a model of referendum of popular initiative in the constitutional sequencing of the Vth RepublicGirault, Quentin 24 November 2017 (has links)
Le référendum d’initiative populaire est souvent mentionné dans les réformes envisageables pour répondre à la « crise de la représentation ». Régulièrement utilisée dans quelques États occidentaux dont le régime est par ailleurs représentatif, cette procédure est donc assez bien connue. Pour autant, elle n’existe toujours pas en droit interne, et la tentative d’instauration envisagée lors de la révision constitutionnelle de 2008 s’est soldée par un échec puisqu’elle n’a abouti qu’à l’introduction d’un nouveau référendum « d’en haut ». L’objet de la thèse est de prendre au sérieux la question de l’incorporation d’un processus d’initiative populaire dans l’ordonnancement constitutionnel de la Ve République. Pour ce faire, elle vise à établir une proposition qui pourrait servir de modèle, au sens où elle serait susceptible d’inspirer une éventuelle intégration. Une telle démarche permet de mettre en évidence les interrogations que peut soulever l’introduction d’une telle procédure dans nos institutions et, en s’efforçant d’y répondre, de souligner qu’elles peuvent être résolues. Evidemment, la proposition ne fonctionne que dans les limites de l’hypothèse qui en fournit le cadre. Pour qu’elle conserve malgré tout son intérêt, elle est établie à partir du droit positif. Le droit interne fournit l’essentiel de la substance, il soutient l’ossature de toutes les hypothèses retenues et ce quel que soit le degré de transformation dont il fait l’objet. Le droit étranger permet les alternatives, les atténuations et les créations. La démarche peut contribuer à conférer un certain réalisme au résultat obtenu, et se présente comme un facteur de sa cohérence. La circonstance qu’elle ait été possible appuie le postulat général de la thèse selon lequel la transposition du droit existant à l’encadrement de l’initiative populaire favorise son institutionnalisation. / Popular initiative is often mentioned as one of the potential answers of the “crisis” of representative democracy. Frequently used in some western states even though their political regime is representative democracy, the initiative process is consequently well-known. Such initiative process does not exist already in french constitutionnal law, and the last attempt was a failure since it came down to the implementation of a top-down procedure. The purpose of this thesis relates to the instauration of an initiative process in the french constitution. As a postulate, it allows to establish a proposal which could be used as a model, an inspiration source for a potential real instauration. Such approach makes possible to highlight all the questions marks that an introduction of a popular initiative may arise. Trying to answer those questions, we may enlighten the fact that it could be resolved. Obviously, the proposal operates only in the limits of the assumption that it is at its origin. In order to keep its interest, it is going to be based on the positive law. The internal law gives to the proposal its basis, the others coutries’s law is used to adapt the intern law to the initiative’s own dynamic. This method may help to hold the proposal into a realistic framework. The fact that it is possible to follow this path accentuates the value of the general postulate on which the thesis relies.
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