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Kampen om Kvinnan : Professionalisering och konstruktioner av kön i svensk gynekologi 1860-1925 / The Politics of Woman : Professionalisation and Constructions of Gender in Swedish Gynaecology 1860-1925Nilsson, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates how gynaecology was established as a medical speciality in Sweden in the 1860s and onwards. Gender, power, professionalisation and the production of scientific knowledge are central themes. While previous research has shown that gynaecology as a discipline depends upon notions of Woman as radically different from Man, I show how this was manifested within Swedish gynaecology, an initially all male environment. Of special interest is institutionalisation, early career-paths and the development of therapy methods and theory. I argue that gynaecology reproduced and contributed to notions of sex-difference and a gender complementary way of thinking. </p><p>While gynaecology was formed as a surgically interventionist speciality with strong manly connotations, an education reform aiming at opening higher education to women was simultaneously discussed and eventually carried out during the 1860s and 70s. The advocates of this reform portrayed women as especially fit for becoming teachers and physicians, particularly treating women and children. Thus, two opposing gendered professional ideals operated. By focusing an elite group of early women physicians, I outline how the gynaecological construction of womanliness related to women physicians and how women physicians engaged with this notion: what strategies they used to enter a profession as manly as gynaecology had become; and how women gynaecologists engaged with their men colleagues’ therapeutic methods and views on patients and women.</p>
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Kampen om Kvinnan : Professionalisering och konstruktioner av kön i svensk gynekologi 1860-1925 / The Politics of Woman : Professionalisation and Constructions of Gender in Swedish Gynaecology 1860-1925Nilsson, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
This thesis investigates how gynaecology was established as a medical speciality in Sweden in the 1860s and onwards. Gender, power, professionalisation and the production of scientific knowledge are central themes. While previous research has shown that gynaecology as a discipline depends upon notions of Woman as radically different from Man, I show how this was manifested within Swedish gynaecology, an initially all male environment. Of special interest is institutionalisation, early career-paths and the development of therapy methods and theory. I argue that gynaecology reproduced and contributed to notions of sex-difference and a gender complementary way of thinking. While gynaecology was formed as a surgically interventionist speciality with strong manly connotations, an education reform aiming at opening higher education to women was simultaneously discussed and eventually carried out during the 1860s and 70s. The advocates of this reform portrayed women as especially fit for becoming teachers and physicians, particularly treating women and children. Thus, two opposing gendered professional ideals operated. By focusing an elite group of early women physicians, I outline how the gynaecological construction of womanliness related to women physicians and how women physicians engaged with this notion: what strategies they used to enter a profession as manly as gynaecology had become; and how women gynaecologists engaged with their men colleagues’ therapeutic methods and views on patients and women.
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En liten gärning med stor betydelse : En jämförande innehållsanalys av finskspråkiga allmännyttiga texter om covid-19 i Sverige och Finland / Pieni teko. Suuri vaikutus : Vertaileva sisällönanalyysi suomenkielisistäyleishyödyllisistä koronavirusteksteistä Ruotsissa ja SuomessaEngver-Jensen, Joachim January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur finskspråkiga texter om covid-19 skiljer sig mellan den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM) och det finländska Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (THL). Uppsatsens hypotes är att FHM:s svenska källspråkstexter bör ha påverkat de finskspråkiga texterna i Sverige, med risk för att informationen senare skulle kunna tolkas felaktigt av den sverigefinska minoritetsgruppen. Inledningsvis ges en teoretisk beskrivning av översättningsteorin, med fokus på de fyra grundaspekterna struktur, stil, semantik och pragmatik. Därefter följer en redogörelse av översättningsstrategier vid imperativa och informativa texter samt en metodbeskrivning för hur en jämförande innehållsanalys bedrivs, som också är den valda forskningsmetoden. Från de båda myndigheterna har sedan fyra texter undersökts; två imperativa och två informativa med utgångspunkt i de tidigare nämnda grundaspekterna. Resultatet visar att texterna framtagna av FHM följer finskans konventioner väl, men att språkbruket tenderar att vara något mer komplicerat än nödvändigt. En slutsats är därför att det skulle kunna leda till att informationsmaterialet förstås felakigt av de sverigefinska läsarna, då de inte lika ofta kommer i kontakt med denna typ av text som Finlands inhemska befolkning. / Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee suomenkielisiä tekstejä koronaviruksesta ja analysoi sitä mitä eroja teksteissä on ruotsalaisen Kansanterveysviraston (FHM) ja suomalaisen Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) välillä. Tutkielman hypoteesi on, että FHM:n ruotsinkieliset lähdetekstit vaikuttavat suomenkielisiin teksteihin Ruotsissa. Tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että ruotsinsuomalainen vähemmistö tulkitsee tietoja väärin. Tutkielmassa kuvaillaan aluksi käännösteoriaa, joka keskittyy neljään perusnäkökohtaan rakenne, tyyli, semantiikka ja pragmatiikka. Sitten esittelen käännösstrategioita, joita ylensä käytetään imperatiivisen ja informatiivisen tekstien kääntämisessä. Menetelmäosiossa kuvaan sitä, miten valittu tutkimusmenetelmä, vertaileva sisällönanalyysi, toteutetaan. Molemmilta viranomaisilta on tutkittu neljä tekstiä; kaksi imperatiivista ja kaksi informatiivista. Analyysi perustuu edellä mainittuihin perusnäkökohtiin. Tulos osoittaa, että FHM:n valmistamat tekstit seuraavat suomen kielen konventioita hyvin, mutta kielenkäyttö on yleensä monimutkaisempaa kuin on tarpeen. On siis perusteltua päätellä, että tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että tiedotusmateriaalia suomenkieliselle lukijoille ymmäretään väärin. Tämä johtuu siitä, että he eivät ole kosketuksissa tällaisten tekstien kanssa harvemmin kuin suomalaiset.
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Erratic Patterns : Unravelling the Cultural Transfers of Library Classifiers / Oberäkneliga mönster : Att avtäcka de kulturella överföringarna av biblioteksklassificerareLindkvist, Keeley January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the oft-overlooked influence of the classifier's input during the assignment of library classifications and draws upon cultural transfer theory to shed light on the underlying principles that guide the process. Classifiers' personal knowledge, experience, and beliefs, have a critical role in determining the 'aboutness' of a work and its subsequent classification. To explore this theory, this research employs a dual-methods approach, using qualitative analysis of past literature contrasted with a data set formed through a real-world reclassification project at The Swedish Institute in Rome (ISVRoma) using the Library of Congress Classification scheme (LCC), with classifications in the catalogue of the American Academy in Rome (AARome) used for comparison. The resultant data provides a basis for examining the classifier's cultural input and the manifestation of cultural transfer theory in library classification. The findings of this thesis reveal the dynamic nature of classification, which is not a mere static or administrative task, but rather an evolving process deeply embedded in the societal and cultural context. Classifiers are found to act as interpreters, translators, and shapers of knowledge, bringing a profoundly human element to knowledge organisation and retrieval. The classifiers' craft, therefore, extends beyond the implementation of a systemic and controlled vocabulary and involves an active contribution of their knowledge and experience. This contributes to the overall flexibility and adaptability of the classification system. The thesis also underscores the necessity of reassessing our understanding of library classification systems, especially in light of AI's increasing role in this field.
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Juice/JDC ion measurement perturbations caused by spacecraft charging in the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosheathvan Winden, Derek January 2024 (has links)
In July 2031, a new chapter in the exploration of the Jovian system will begin with the arrival of the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) at Jupiter. Launched on April 14 2024 as part of ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme, the mission aims to study Jupiter and its icy Galilean moons Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede. Juice carries a whole suite of instruments for in-situ and remote ground observations, one of which is the Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition analyser (JDC). As a part of the Particle Environment Package (PEP), the particle detector will measure the energy, mass, charge and arrival direction of ions and electrons in the Jovian magnetosphere. Spacecraft charging caused by interactions between the spacecraft and its surrounding plasma environment poses a significant problem for JDC because the electrostatic potential of the spacecraft accelerates/decelerates charged particles, resulting in distorted measurements, particularly for the lowest energy particles. In this report, we show the results of spacecraft charging and instrument simulations performed in the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction System (SPIS) for the solar wind and Earth’s magnetosheath—two environments that Juice will encounter at the start of the cruise phase. We found that the conductive surfaces that cover the majority of the spacecraft become positively charged as a result of a large photoelectron current in both the solar wind and magnetosheath environments. We show that these surfaces are expected to reach potentials of 9 V in the solar wind and 4 V in the magnetosheath. The four radiators on Juice that are covered with dielectric paint and shaded by the sun shield become negatively charged in both simulated environments. The radiator potentials can be as low as -40 V in the solar wind and -100 V in the magnetosheath. We also conclude that due to blocking by the spacecraft main body, the ion population cannot be sampled in the solar wind unless a spacecraft roll is performed. Furthermore, due to the high ion f low energy, spacecraft charging will not influence JDC measurements in this environment. In the magnetosheath, the ion population can be sampled by JDC, and we identified three distortion mechanisms: (1) repulsion by the main body, (2) attraction by two of the radiators, and (3) repulsion by the MAG boom. Of all the distortion modes, the one originating from a negatively charged (-67.8 V) radiator close to JDC is the strongest, affecting ions with energies above 80 eV. The least powerful but most prevalent mode is the repulsion of ions by the main body. Our results can be compared with future in-situ measurements to identify distortion mechanisms well ahead of the science phase in which the scientifically important measurements will be carried out.
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Delaktighet som pedagogik : Föreställd ras och publikpositioner i den svenska folktypsutställningen. / Participation as Pedagogy : Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types.Eriksson, Britas Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
Participation as Pedagogy – Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types. This essay will analyse and give a deeper picture of the ”The Exhibit of Swedish People-Types” by focusing on the pedagogical ideals that formed the exhibit as an participatory media. The exhibit was led by the famous race-biologist Herman Lundborg and toured Sweden in 1919 displaying the racial constitution of the Swedish population using material gathered by the public itself. The exhibit has been described as an important tool in popularising eugenics in Swedish society during the early 20th century with the ambition of gaining funds to create the first race-biological institute and to influence policy-making. Nevertheless there has not been a single study which has focused solely on the exhibit and how the pedagogical ideals that permeated it affected the relation between the public and the media itself nor the political implications of this relation. I will show that the interactive participation enacted through the exhibit both defined a hierarchical relation between public and race-biological expertise, as well as it articulated a new “imagined community”, i.e., an “imagined race”. This participatory relation was not only key in creating the exhibit but also had implications on how the public should position itself and act in relation to society at large regarding eugenic matters. This gives me an opportunity to deepen our historical knowledge of the eugenics-movement and main-line racebiological networks in early 20 h century Swedish society. This essay also contribute to the history of participatory media and the popularisation of science.
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Six weeks of high intensity interval training with hyperoxia or normoxia in trained cyclists : A polarized and periodized training approach / Sex veckors högintensiv intervallträning med hyperoxi eller normoxi för tränade cyklister : En polariserad och periodiserad träningsmodellManselin, Tom, Södergård, Olof January 2015 (has links)
Aim The main aim of this study was to investigate the longitudinal effects on cycling performance using a polarized and periodized scheme that was highly supervised and controlled. The second aim was to investigate the effect of using Hyperoxia. The questions used to address the aim were: (1) How does overall performance change after a six-week training intervention? (2) What is the time-course and pattern of performance changes to the training scheme? (3) How does the performance change within the groups? Method Nineteen male and female cyclists started the study (13 male and 6 female), however only 12 completed it (8 male and 4 female). The characteristics for the 12 subjects were: age (year) 33.6 ± 6.8, height (cm) 177 ± 9.1, body mass (kg) 73.4 ± 8.8. Using a randomized, double blind design, the test subjects were divided in to hyperoxia (HOT) (n = 6) and normoxia (NOT) (n = 6) training groups. Over a six week period the subjects followed a controlled polarized periodization that included 15 high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions (3 x 8 min, 3 x 8 + 4 min, 4 x 8 min & 4 x 4 min) on maximal sustainable intensity (isoeffort) on a cycle ergometer. The dosage of oxygen was administered intermittently by the oxelerate device. A 20 min all out test was performed as pre- and post test. Results The whole group (n = 12) increased mean power output (W) by 6.4 % (P = 0.002). The relative power output (W/kg) increased significantly 8.2 % (P = 0.0011). The HOT group (n = 6) increased their power output by 8.3 % (P = 0.028) and their relative power output increased by 9.4 % (P=0.011). The whole group (P = 12) significantly increased their VO2mean by 4.1 % (P = 0.03) and in the relative value by 5.4 % (P = 0.01) on the 20 min all out test. The whole group also had a significant increase in VO2peak of 3.7 % (P = 0.04). A very strong correlation could be found between the training data and the performance test. Conclusions The training intervention was favourable for increasing performance and VO2peak in cycling. Usage of hyperoxia during the training intervention increases the performance. / Syfte och frågeställningar Huvudsyftet med denna studie var att undersöka de longitudinella effekter på prestation i cykling med hjälp av ett polariserat och periodiserat träningsupplägg som var väl övervakat och kontrollerat. Det andra syftet var att undersöka effekten av att använda hyperoxi. De frågeställningar som hjälpte att besvara syftet var: (1) Hur förändras prestationen efter en sex veckors träningsintervention? (2) Hur anpassar sig försökspersonerna till träningsschemat över tid? (3) Hur förändras prestationen inom grupperna? Metod 19 manliga och kvinnliga cyklister deltog i studien (13 manliga och 6 kvinnliga), 12 fullföljde hela studien (8 manliga och 4 kvinnliga). Karaktäristiken för de 12 försökspersonerna var: ålder (år) 33.6 ± 6.8, längd (cm) 177 ± 9.1, vikt (kg) 73.4 ± 8.8. Försökspersonerna delades in i hyperoxi (HOT) (n = 6) och normoxi (NOT) (n = 6), studien var dubbelblind. Under sex veckor följde försökspersonerna en kontrollerad polariserad periodisering som inkluderade 15 högintensiva intervallträningspass (HIIT) (3 x 8 min, 3 x 8 + 4 min, 4 x 8 min & 4 x 4 min) på högsta genomförbara intensitet (isoeffort) på cykelergometer. Doseringen av syre administrerades intermittent genom Oxelerate-enheten. Ett 20 min all-out test utfördes som för- och eftertest. Resultat Hela gruppen (n = 12) ökade signifikant på prestationstestet (W) med 6.4 % (P = 0.002). Den relativa effekten (W/kg) ökade signifikant med 8.2% (P = 0.0011). HOT (n = 6) ökade signifikant på prestationstestet med 8.3% (P = 0.028) och den relativa effekten ökade med 9.4% (P = 0.011). Hela gruppen (n = 12) ökade signifikant i VO2medel under prestationstestet med 4.1 % (P = 0.03) och i det relativa värdet med 5.4 % (P = 0.01). Hela gruppen hade också en signifikant ökning av VO2peak med 3.7 % (P = 0.04). En mycket stark korrelation hittades mellan träningspassdata och prestationstestet. Slutsats Träningsupplägget är gynnsamt för ökning av prestation och VO2peak i cykling. Användning av hyperoxi under träningsupplägget ökar prestationen.
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