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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personal experiences of victims of violent crimes: an African perspective

Mpata, Modjadji Fletta 02 1900 (has links)
This research focused on the personal experiences of both male and female victims of violent crimes. The aim of this research was to explore how indigenous Black South Africans understand and deal with victimisation. An African epistemology was used to help gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of the participants. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling strategy. Five participants were selected for this study. Data was collected using individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Based on the transcribed data, themes were extracted and analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that participants attributed varying meanings to their victimisation. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Entrepreneurial intent of final-year commerce students in the rural provinces of South Africa

Malebana, Mmakgabo Justice 02 1900 (has links)
Owing to the fact that entrepreneurship is widely considered to be a mechanism for reducing unemployment, the purpose of the study was to assess whether final-year Commerce students in the predominantly rural provinces, the Eastern Cape Province and the Limpopo Province, have the intention to start their own businesses.The study draws heavily from entrepreneurial intent models and focuses on the relationship between three key variables, namely, exposure to entrepreneurship education, awareness of entrepreneurial support and social capital to establish whether they are related to the intention of final-year Commerce studentsto start their own businesses. The literature review concentrated on entrepreneurial intent and entrepreneurial intent models; government entrepreneurial support initiatives in South Africa and in other countries and their role in the development of entrepreneurial intent, emergence of new ventures and the growth of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs); entrepreneurship education and its role in enhancing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial intent;the influence of social capital on entrepreneurial intent and the different stages on the new venture life-cycle; and concludes with the link between entrepreneurship and the establishment of SMMEs. A survey was conducted among National Diploma (ND): Internal Auditing, Cost and Management Accounting and Financial information systems students (IAUD, CMA and FIS) (who had six months exposure to entrepreneurship education), ND: Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management (E/SBM) (who had three years exposure to entrepreneurship education) and ND: Management (without exposure to entrepreneurship education). The respondents for the study comprised 355 final year students of which 276 were from Walter Sisulu University in the Eastern Cape Province and 79 were from Tshwane University of Technology (Polokwane Campus) in the LimpopoProvince.Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and nonparametric statistics. The findings reveal that the majority of the respondents had the intention to start a business in the future.The entrepreneurial intent of the ND: E/SBM students was v stronger than the entrepreneurial intent of the ND: IAUD, CMA and FIS students and ND: Management students. Some significant relationships were found between entrepreneurial intent and the key variables of the study. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)

A Critical discussion of Section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1 of 1988

De Chermont, Charles Roblou Louis 11 1900 (has links)
A brief analysis of South African Law relating to intoxication as a defence prior to 1988 is given. This is followed by an in-depth discussion and evaluation of the statutory crime created by section 1 (1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1 of 1988. Various points of criticism against the wording of section 1 (1) as well as the problems with regard to its application in practice are set out. In conclusion a draft for a new, more effective wording for section 1 (1) is given / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Criminal & Procedural Law)

Organisasievernuwing : 'n penologiese perspektief

Bruyns, Hennie, 1959- 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die tradisionele benadering tot bestuur het die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe sisteem sedert sy ontstaan gedomineer. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of daar enige praktiese, werkbare altematiewe is, veral omdat die huidige strategiese ingesteldheid, argitektuur en menslike hulpbronne onder verdenking is. Hierdie navorsing bevestig die vermoede dat 'n nuwe benadering tot strategie, struktuur, kultuur, bestuursfilosofie, werkspraktyke en mense te voorskyn kom en dat dit alleenlik gemobiliseer kan word deur organisasievernuwing. 'n Penologiese sisteem wat 'n deelnemende bestuursbenadering aanvaar, sal as 'n wereldleier geklassifiseer word. / The traditional approach to management has dominated the South African correctional system since its conception. The question arises whether there are any practical workable alternatives, especially as the present strategic intent, architecture and human resources are under suspicion. This research confirms the supposition that a new approach to strategy, structure, culture, management philosophy, work methods and people is emerging and that this approach can be enabled only by organisational renewal. A penological system that adopts a participative management approach would be classified as a world leader. / Penology / M.A. (Penology)

Facebook與Instagram之跨訊息綜效比較 / A comparison of cross-message synergy effect between Facebook and Instagram

陳又瑈, Chen, Yu Jou Unknown Date (has links)
數位行動浪潮襲捲全球,智慧型手機的普及讓行動行銷成為一股趨勢,如何善用行動媒體的特性來提高整合行銷傳播的綜效亦是近年來數位行銷領域相當關注的話題。APP是行動媒體中最能直接與消費者接觸的工具,而社群APP因為內容具備即時性、社群性等特徵,成為各大品牌搶奪消費者眼球的必爭之地。   在眾多社群APP中,Facebook的廣告服務已行之有年,後起之秀Instagram亦於2015年9月對台灣企業開放廣告功能,讓廣告主能以付費的方式觸及更多的使用者。此二平台的廣告運作機制非常相似,消費者都會先接收貼文廣告,再從貼文廣告連接到品牌帳號的主要頁面,兩個品牌訊息加總將有機會產生跨訊息綜效。不過,這兩個平台在內容表現形式上卻不盡相同,且Instagram強大的濾鏡功能能讓照片更具美感,進而影響使用者對品牌的解讀及反應,所呈現的綜效也可能有所不同。   因此本研究選定Facebook與Instagram為研究對象,以社群APP平台為自變項,廣告態度及品牌態度為依變項,來驗證跨訊息綜效是否產生,並比較此二平台在廣告資訊處理歷程及效果上的差異。本研究採用實驗法,招募100名政治大學非傳播學院之大學生及研究生進行實驗,所得結果如下: 一、 單一媒體的跨訊息綜效並不顯著,但不同媒體(Facebook與Instagram)的資訊處理歷程、態度形成及跨訊息效果卻不盡相同。 二、 與說服知識相比,美感反應才是影響操弄意圖推論高低的主要變項,接收Facebook廣告的消費者會因為較低美感反應產生較高操弄意圖推論,接收Instagram廣告的消費者則會因為美感反應較高而使操弄意圖推論較低。 三、 操弄意圖推論對訊息涉入度具顯著負向影響,操弄意圖愈高,訊息涉入度愈低,反之亦然。Facebook的操弄意圖推論較高,因此訊息涉入度較低,消費者較缺乏訊息處理動機,而Instagram的操弄意圖推論較低使得訊息涉入度較高,亦即消費者具備較高的訊息處理動機。

Parametric CAD Modeling to aid Simulation-Driven Design : An evaluation and improvement of methods used at Scania

Grandicki, Andreas, Lokgård, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
This report documents a thesis conducted at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden. The main purpose of the thesis has been to examine and improve upon current practices of parametric CAD-modeling at Scania, with the ultimate goal of increased design automation and simulation-driven design. The thesis was initiated with a literature study, mainly covering the fields of parametric CAD-modeling, design automation and knowledge-based engineering. Furthermore, a questionnaire and multiple interviews were conducted to assess the awareness and mind-set of the employees. Finally, a case-study was carried out to follow current methodologies, and address any deficiencies found. Some of the most important findings were that while parametric modeling has considerable potential in enabling design automation, it is crucial, and most beneficial in terms of automation efficiency, to start with the fundamentals, namely achieving a uniform modeling practice. With these findings, a new proposed methodology has been introduced, as well as a recommended plan for a widespread implementation of parametric modeling at Scania. Such implementation would allow for shorter lead-times, faster adaptation to changing conditions, and reduced development expenditures.

Culture du bloc opératoire, rétention infirmière et intention de quitter : une ethnographie focalisée

Laflamme, Karine 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

資通訊服務公司策略經營模式研究—以NEC公司為例 / Strategic business model of ICT servicescorporation-case study of NEC group corporation

邱炳煌, Chiu, Ping Huang Unknown Date (has links)
2008 年擁有158 年歷史的美國投資銀行,雷曼兄弟控股公司( Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. )的破產,掀起全球性的金融風暴,進而促使全球經濟同時性大衰退。 曾經是美國、甚至全球最大的企業的通用汽車也蒙受嚴重波及,而宣告破產重整。 百年歷史的GM 公司的倒閉,使得『企業規模越大,越不會倒閉』的傳統觀念破滅 了!根據統計,一般企業的壽命,約在30 年,而世界上仍有許多維繫超過百年甚至 更久遠的企業。促使那些擁有百年歷史的企業,永續經營特質是什麼? 回顧1990 年,普拉哈(C.K. Prahalad) 和蓋瑞‧哈默爾 (Gary Hamel) 於「哈佛商 業評論」上發表了企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)模型的論文以及唐納.薩 爾 (Donald N. Sull) (2003) 在「成功不墜」所闡述企業永續經營模型。還有,日本 京都大學經濟學研究所的末松千尋教授於2002 年提出京都企業經營模式研究論 述。三者構成本論文研究的理論模型基礎架構。藉由NEC 的個案,以質化個案研究 的方式,對照這個模型架構,探討NEC 公司永續經營的特質,印證本理論架構基礎 的實用性與完整性。研究成果將可提供國內企業,邁向國際化、全球化、永續經營 上策略思考之參考。 本研究從NEC 個案中獲得企業永續經營準則、永續成功經營模式為: 一、 擬訂企業策略發展意圖,建構企業願景。 二、 藉由不斷創新,建構企業核心競爭能力。 三、 認識企業存在的意義,重視顧客滿意。 四、 建立開放平台,與供應商的水平分工。 五、 隨著經營環境變遷,勇於適時變革。 關鍵字:永續經營特質,企業核心競爭力,企業經營模式,成功經營模式 / A 158- year-old firm, the 4th largest investment bank in the USA, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. announced its bankruptcy in 2008.Rapidly stirred up a global financial credit crisis and became to a worldwide economic recession concurrently. The ever being biggest company in the USA and even in the world, General Motors Corporation was engulfed seriously and finally also sank into bankruptcy protection by the economic recession. Even having hundred years history company like GM Corp. was forced to reorganize by bankruptcy protection. The traditional concept, 「The larger of the scale of a company the less possibilty of the company will collapse」,was ruined!According to some statistics a company can last for about 30 years for average. But there are still many firms lasting for more than hundred years in the world. What is sustainable managerial essence of those firms? Let us review their theses of core compentence of the corporation in the article of Harvard Business Review in 1990 by Mr. C.K. Prahalad and Mr. Gary Hamel. and the theses of company`s sustainable managerial model in the book of「Revival of the Fittest」in 2003 by Mr. Donald N. Sull. Also let us review the theses of 「Kyo-siki strategic business model」in 2002 by Mr. Chihiro Suematsu, Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics. These three above expounding form the basic model of theory of this research. By the case study of NEC Corporation, taking antithesis of these expounding, a case study of qualitative research oriented, tries to find sustainable managerial essence of NEC and to prove the practicality and the completeness of the basic model of theory of this research. The research thesis is trying to offer some strategic references to the company in Taiwan during creating its sustainable managerial essence for company on the way of internationalization and globalization of company. From this research of NEC case study it has found some conclusions about company`s sustainable managerial priceples or company`s sustainable successful business model as the followings: 1. Implementing strategic intents and setting up visions for the company. 2. Building core competencies for the company by constant innovations. 3. Realizing the meanings of company`s existence and taking customer satisfaction as the first priority. 4. Constructting an open platforms for business collateral integration with vendors and partners. 5. Being brave in timly transfoming for the company fitting changes of the business environment. Key Words:sustainable managerial essence,core competence,managerial model,sustainable successful business model

Personal experiences of victims of violent crimes: an African perspective

Mpata, Modjadji Fletta 02 1900 (has links)
This research focused on the personal experiences of both male and female victims of violent crimes. The aim of this research was to explore how indigenous Black South Africans understand and deal with victimisation. An African epistemology was used to help gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of the participants. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling strategy. Five participants were selected for this study. Data was collected using individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Based on the transcribed data, themes were extracted and analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that participants attributed varying meanings to their victimisation. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

Entrepreneurial intent of final-year commerce students in the rural provinces of South Africa

Malebana, Mmakgabo Justice 02 1900 (has links)
Owing to the fact that entrepreneurship is widely considered to be a mechanism for reducing unemployment, the purpose of the study was to assess whether final-year Commerce students in the predominantly rural provinces, the Eastern Cape Province and the Limpopo Province, have the intention to start their own businesses.The study draws heavily from entrepreneurial intent models and focuses on the relationship between three key variables, namely, exposure to entrepreneurship education, awareness of entrepreneurial support and social capital to establish whether they are related to the intention of final-year Commerce studentsto start their own businesses. The literature review concentrated on entrepreneurial intent and entrepreneurial intent models; government entrepreneurial support initiatives in South Africa and in other countries and their role in the development of entrepreneurial intent, emergence of new ventures and the growth of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs); entrepreneurship education and its role in enhancing entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial intent;the influence of social capital on entrepreneurial intent and the different stages on the new venture life-cycle; and concludes with the link between entrepreneurship and the establishment of SMMEs. A survey was conducted among National Diploma (ND): Internal Auditing, Cost and Management Accounting and Financial information systems students (IAUD, CMA and FIS) (who had six months exposure to entrepreneurship education), ND: Entrepreneurship/Small Business Management (E/SBM) (who had three years exposure to entrepreneurship education) and ND: Management (without exposure to entrepreneurship education). The respondents for the study comprised 355 final year students of which 276 were from Walter Sisulu University in the Eastern Cape Province and 79 were from Tshwane University of Technology (Polokwane Campus) in the LimpopoProvince.Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and nonparametric statistics. The findings reveal that the majority of the respondents had the intention to start a business in the future.The entrepreneurial intent of the ND: E/SBM students was v stronger than the entrepreneurial intent of the ND: IAUD, CMA and FIS students and ND: Management students. Some significant relationships were found between entrepreneurial intent and the key variables of the study. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)

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