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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nu har du tid att studera - En studie om notifikationers påverkan på inter-time / Time to Study - How Notifications Affect the Usage of Inter Time

Bäckström, Emma, Westling, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Många universitetsstudenter reser kollektivt till skolan, och under sin tid i kollektivtrafiken är det många som spenderar sin tid genom att använda sin smartphone. Flera använder den då för att kolla sociala medier, lyssna på musik eller bara fördriva tid. Detta är något som är väldigt intressant då många inte inser att de har en tid här som de kan utnyttja till att få saker gjort. Därför undersöker denna studie i vilken utsträckning notifikationer i smartphones kan fungera som ett hjälpmedel för universitetsstudenter att utnyttja inter-time; tillika sin restid, på ett effektivare sätt med avseende på deras egna studier. Studien genomfördes under en vecka och bestod av en inledande enkät, en testperiod med notifikationer, samt en avslutande enkät. Under testperioden mottog deltagarna notifikationer varje dag under fem dagar samt förde dagbok under periodens tre sista dagar. Notifikationerna var platsbaserade och innehöll en uppmaning om att studera. Studiens resultat visade att ingen av deltagarna följde notifikationernas uppmaning. Vidare visade det sig att åsikten och upplevelsen av notifikationerna varierade brett mellan deltagarna, med enstaka svar om att notifikationerna var välskrivna, destruktiva, bra, tydliga, ensidiga, hjälpsamma, motiverande, repetitiva. Tre deltagare ansåg notifikationerna som störande. Orsakerna till detta resultat berodde till stor del att deltagarna hade olika syn på sin inter-time och vad de helst gjorde under denna tid, samt att ingen av deltagarna såg sin smartphone som ett användbart hjälpmedel i deras studier. Vidare är slutsatsen för denna studie att för att notifikationerna ska påverka deltagarnas utnyttjande av sin inter-time behöver notifikationerna vara individuellt anpassade till varje deltagares schema samt preferenser. En annan intressant aspekt var att deltagarna inte såg sin smartphone som ett studieverktyg, trots att de var Medieteknikstudenter och alltså är vana att använda sin smartphone. / Many university students use public transport as a means to get to school, and during this time in transit a great many pass their time by using their smartphone. Most use it to check social media, listen to music or just to make time pass faster. This is something really interesting since many of these student do not realize they can use their smartphone for studying during this time in transit. For that reason, this study investigates to what extent notifications in a smartphone during these times can work as a reminder for university students to use their inter-time; their time in transit, in a more efficient manner with regards to their studies. This study was conducted during a school week and consisted of an initial questionnaire, a test period with notifications, and lastly a conclusive questionnaire. During the test period the participants received notifications every day for five days and for the last three days of the study they also wrote a diary. The notifications were location based and encouraged the students to study. The results of the study showed that even though none of the participants followed the suggestion to study during their inter time, the participants had both negative and positive attitudes towards the notifications as some deemed them irriating while some saw the potential but would rather have receieved a more personalized  suggestion. The reasons for these results were mainly due to the participants' different views on their inter-time and what they preferred to do during this time, furthermore, none of the participants regarded their smartphone as a useful tool to help them study. The conclusion of this study is that in order for the notifications to influence the students' usage of their inter-time, the notifications need to be individually adapted to each student's schedule and preferences. Another interesting aspect was that the participants did not see their smartphone as a mean to study, despite the fact that they were students of Media Technology and accustomed to use their smartphone.


OLGA REGINA FRUGOLI SODRÉ 02 December 2005 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese investiga uma forma nova de diálogo entre monges, o diálogo de experiência, focalizando o processo psicossocial de identidadealteridade religiosa. A pesquisa baseou-se em documentos e testemunho do Diálogo Inter-religioso Monástico (DIM), órgão ligado ao Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Inter-religioso (CPDI) do Vaticano, que reúne monges de mosteiros católicos do mundo inteiro, participando de comissões de diálogo com monges de outras tradições religiosas. Embora recente este tipo de diálogo indica uma tendência inovadora na relação entre as religiões ocidentais e orientais; e é fruto não apenas do esforço pessoal de alguns pioneiros, mas também das transformações religiosas e sociais que se aceleraram na atual etapa de mundialização. Assim sendo, após apresentar os fundamentos do monaquismo, tendo salientando as diferenças entre suas principais tendências e a referência a uma base comum, situo o desenvolvimento deste tipo de diálogo na perspectiva da história monástica cristã, do atual contexto de pluralismo religioso e de elaboração católica sobre o tema. A importância deste tipo de diálogo para o campo de estudo da religião reside em sua ênfase na experiência, em sua associação entre diálogo e contemplação (ou meditação), e no compartilhamento de práticas monásticas por membros de diferentes tradições religiosas. Ao mesmo tempo, como as experiências relatadas pelos monges estão enraizadas em uma vida religiosa tanto pessoal como comunitária e foram orientadas para o testemunho, elas permitiram um enfoque das representações históricas que relaciona estas representações às práticas religiosas, às experiências espirituais, e às histórias de vida dos monges e comunidades monásticas. A convergência da reflexão vinda de vários campos do conhecimento em direção à experiência transformou esta última em um ponto nodal de referência, em torno do qual foi possível integrar estes campos e estabelecer uma articulação com o testemunho, a narração e o processo psicossocial. Baseada na fenomenologia hermenêutica de Ricoeur e na concepção da consciência religiosa de Nabert, e tendo colocado em evidência a contribuição da psicologia social para esclarecer a dinâmica de identidade-alteridade entre o ego e o alter, a tese analisa o sentido, a formação e a consolidação de uma nova dinâmica desenvolvida no contexto do diálogo intermonástico, estudando-a do ponto de vista da comunidade monástica católica e de sua experiência viva e histórica de diálogo e contemplação. Esta rompe com a visão de subjetividades separadas e com a negação e exclusão da alteridade religiosa, chegando a uma perspectiva de unidade na pluralidade e a um novo tipo de identidade e espiritualidade dialogal. Tendo verificado a importância central desta dinâmica e seu sentido religioso para o desenvolvimento do diálogo entre contemplativos, a tese destaca não apenas a dimensão psicossocial desta dinâmica, mas seu enraizamento no mais profundo centro do ser, sublinhando a relação estabelecida pelos monges católicos entre o diálogo inter-religioso e seu diálogo com Deus. A concepção cristã da alteridade de Deus e do próximo foi determinante para a formulação e prática dialogal de reconhecimento mútuo e para as experiências monásticas de paz e harmonia entre os monges de diferentes religiões. É possível, portanto, distinguir a dinâmica de reconhecimento mútuo da dinâmica de autoafirmação e recusa do outro, relacionada à experiência de negação da diferença, de guerra e eliminação da alteridade. A dinâmica de reconhecimento mútuo é favorecida pela ruptura social da vida monástica, pelas práticas contemplativas e pelo profundo processo de reformulação da identidade- alteridade pela qual passam os monges em sua caminhada para o Absoluto. Atualmente, o reconhecimento da identidade cristã e da alteridade religiosa está sendo considerado por estes monges como central para seu diálogo inter-religioso e está lhes permitindo rever sua relação com a própria identidade, ultrapassando, ao mesmo tempo, as representações históricas negativas sobre as outras religiões e promovendo a abertura para outros seres, culturas e religiões. Estes monges consideram que sua tradição monástica católica está sendo renovada pela esperança espiritual e pela pesquisa de outras tradições e que o diálogo os está ajudando a aprofundar sua própria identidade cristã. A tese descreve suas profundas transformações pessoais e comunitárias, as resistências e avanços, assim como as mudanças nas representações históricas dos monges católicos em relação com a experiência da alteridade e do aprofundamento da identidade cristã, que provocaram uma revisão crítica da postura católica sobre as outras religiões. A análise de todas estas mudanças em relação com o contexto da Babel contemporânea pôs em relevo a contribuição monástica para uma nova perspectiva dialogal sobre a unidade na diversidade de linguagens e seres, permitindo distinguir a visão de pluralidade no reconhecimento da identidadealteridade de outras perspectivas de unidade e pluralidade baseadas apenas na identidade. / [en] The present thesis investigates a new form of dialogue among monks, the dialogue of experience, bringing into focus the psychosocial process of religious identity-alterity. The research is based on documents and testimonies of the Monastic Inter-religious Dialogue (MID), organism attached to the Vatican s Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue (PCID), that gathers monks from Catholic s monasteries of all the world participating at dialogue s commissions with monks of others religious traditions. Although recent, this type of dialogue indicates a renewable tendency in the occidental and oriental religions relationship; and it is fruit not only of the personal efforts of some pioneers, but also of religious and social transformations, that are accelerating in the actual world-wideness stage. Then, after presenting the monachism s foundations, having presented the differences among their main tendencies and the references to a common base, I situate the dialogue s development in the perspective of Christian monastic history, of the current context of religious pluralism and of Catholic s elaboration about this subject. The importance of this type of dialogue to the religious study s field lies in its experience s emphasis, in its association between dialogue and contemplation (or meditation) and in the sharing of monastic practices by the different religious traditions members. At the same time, as the monk s experience accounts are rooted in their personal and communitarian religious life and are orientated to testimony, they allowed an approach of historical representations that relates these representations to religious practices, to spiritual experiences and to life s histories of monks and monastic communities. The convergence of reflections coming from various fields toward experience has transform this one in a central point of reference around which it was possible to integrate these fields and establish the articulation of experience to testimony, narration and psychosocial process. Based on Ricoeur s hermeneutical phenomenology and on Nabert`s conception of religious consciousness, and having put in evidence the social psychology s contribution to clarify identityalterity s dynamic between the ego and the alter, this thesis analysis the sense, the formation and the consolidation of a new dynamic developed in the inter-monastic dialogue s context, studying it from the point of view of the catholic s monastic community and of their living and historical dialogue and contemplation s experience. This one breaks off with the separated subjectivities vision and with the negation and exclusion s of religious alterity, arriving to a unity in plurality s inter-subjectivity perspective and to a new type of catholic dialogical identity and spirituality. Having verified the central importance of this dynamic and its religious sense to the dialogue s development among contemplatives, the thesis stands out not only this dynamic s psychosocial dimension, but also its rooting in the deepest center of being, underlying relation established by catholic monks between the inter-religious dialogue and their dialogue with God. The Christian conception of God and fellow s alterity has been determinant to the dialogical mutual recognition and to the peace and harmony s monastic experiences among monks from different religions. The study of this conception and of its application on inter-monastic dialogue conducts to the distinction between this dialogical dynamics from the one established in terms of auto- affirmation and other s deny, that is related to the differences negation, to war, and to several kinds of alterity s elimination. The mutual recognition was favored for the monastic social rupture, for the contemplative practices and for the profound process of identityalterity s reformulation the monks go through in their path toward the Absolute. Nowadays, the recognition of Christian identity and religious alterity is being considered by these monks as central to their inter-religious dialogue, and is allowing them to revise their own identity going, at the same time, beyond negative historical representations about other religions and promoting an opening to other beings, cultures and religions. These monks consider that their catholic monastic tradition has been renewed by the spiritual hope and research of other traditions, and that dialogue is helping them to go deeper in their own Christian identity. The thesis describes their profound personal and communitarian transformations, the resistances and progress, as well as the changes in historical representations and spiritual experiences, provoking a great reformulation of catholic posture about others religions. The analyses of all this changes in relation with the contemporary Babel context put in relief the monastic contribution to a new dialogical perspective about unity in diversity of languages and beings, allowing distinguishing the vision of plurality in the recognition of identityalterity from others perspectives of unity and plurality based only on identity.

Bildandet av kommunalförbundet Räddningstjänsten Väst mellan Falkenberg och Varbergs kommuner / The formation of the municipality association Räddningstjänsten Väst between the municipalities Falkenberg and Varberg

Oskarsson, Ana January 2024 (has links)
Collaboration between small municipalities has become a necessity in order to cope with municipal difficulties such as emergency services. Collaboration has also been mentioned as a possible solution to the challenges facing the public sector in light of economic and demographic developments that will continuously increase the demands on these municipalities. Inter-municipal collaboration is therefore something that is sought after and strived for. This essay will analyse the process surrounding the formation of this inter-municipal association, and to help understand and explain this process I will use the following theories: framing theory and public choice theory. The results show that the primary motivation for establishing Räddningstjänsten Väst was to create a robust and efficient emergency service, not just an economical one. A significant factor in its success was the tradition of trust and cooperation between these two municipalities. Another factor was the hiring of an experienced and objective consultant. The analysis indicates that those responsible for the process acted rationally based on the set goals, with shared ideas and values serving as a framework for their collaboration. Thus the focus of the essay is on municipal collaboration structures, particularly inter-municipal associations, highlighting the process and ideas behind the formation of these associations, as well as who has taken the initiative for their establishment.  In 2011 the municipalities Falkenberg and Varberg began planning their municipality association, Räddningstjänsten Väst, and in 2013 it began its operations.

The latest progress in human rights protection of LGBTI community in the Inter-American field / Los avances más recientes en la protección de los derechos humanos del grupo LGBTI en el ámbito interamericano

Negro Alvarado, Dante Mauricio 10 April 2018 (has links)
The text describes the main progress in depicting the LGBTI topic in the Inter-American area. It begins with the analysis of some conceptual issues that are crossed to the topic and discuss the importance of including political commitments and statements in the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of OAS (Organization of American States) related to the LGTBI community protection. Even though, a few cases have gone to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, some landmark cases have deserved the Inter-American Court of Human Rights opinion. This produces an interesting case law on the matter. Finally, the text covers the latest Inter-American Convention on human rights adopted by the General Assembly of OAS in 2013, which includes the LGBTI community. That Conventionconstitutes the first regional treaty in force on the matter. / El artículo describe los principales avances que han contribuidoa visibilizar la temática de las Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Travestis e Intersexuales (LGBTI) a nivel interamericano. Para ello, comienza con el análisis de algunas cuestiones conceptuales que son transversales al tema y discute la importancia que tiene la inclusión de varios compromisos políticos y declaraciones en las resoluciones de la Asamblea General de la OEA referentes a la protección de la comunidad LGBTI. Si bien aún pocos casos han llegado a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, algunos casos emblemáticos han merecido el pronunciamiento de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, lo que ya genera una jurisprudencia interesante sobre el tema. Finalmente, el texto aborda el contenido de la más reciente Convención Interamericana sobre derechos humanos adoptada por la Asamblea General de la OEA en 2013, la cual incluye dentro de su ámbito de aplicación al colectivo LGBTI. Así, dicha Convención constituye el primer tratado regional en vigor referido a la materia.

Responsabilidade internacional do estado no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos

Rojas Solano, Indra January 2007 (has links)
Analisa a figura jurídica da Responsabilidade Internacional Estatal por violações aos direitos humanos, na teoria e na prática, com ênfase no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Para tanto, relata a evolução histórica do conceito de responsabilidade internacional e sua interação atual com os direitos humanos, assim como os elementos característicos, natureza jurídica e exceções destas possíveis violações por parte dos órgãos ou funcionários do Estado ao qual pertence à suposta vítima, seja nacional ou estrangeiro. Alega que no sistema Interamericano, existe uma desigualdade de legislações e falta de conscientização por parte dos Estados da importância que tem o respeito ao sistema regional de proteção dos direitos humanos ao qual voluntariamente se têm submetido. / It analyses the legal figure of the State International Responsibility for violations to the human rights, in the theory and in practice, with emphasis in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. In such a way, it tells the historical evolution of the concept of international responsibility and its current interaction with the human rights. Also, the characteristic elements, legal nature and exceptions for possible violations of the institutions or employees of the State witch belongs the supposed victim, either national or foreign. It claims that in Inter-American system an inequality of legislations exist, also, and awareness of the States about the importance that must be the respect to the regional system of protection of the human rights, witch voluntarily has been submitted.

Proteção judicial dos direitos humanos : o sistema interamericano e a eficácia das sentenças da corte interamericana no Brasil / International protection of human rights : the inter-american system and the effectiveness of the inter-american court s sentences in Brazil

Marinho, Saulo Lopes 29 May 2012 (has links)
The international protection of human rights is a theme that since the second half of the twentieth century has gained ground in Law studies. Starting on the ideological shift operated after the Second World War, the issue was initially founded in the existence of legal norms that are situated above states, in addition to rescue ethical bases long forgotten by the international law. In this context, it had been developed the so-called International Protection Systems as symbols of these new concern of international society, among which stands out in Brazil the Inter-American System of Human Rights. Its structure has a jurisdictional organ, the Inter-American Court, which acts in the resolution of human rights violations committed by one of the States submitted to it, appearing as ultimate guarantor of human rights in the Americas. The contributions of international protection and specifically of the Inter-American System to Brazil has been positives. It happens that the judgments of the Inter-American Court, although the legal technique gives them binding force and mandatory power, have suffered of a deficit of effectiveness in Brazil, which is revealed in cases that the country has already been convicted. This deficit is linked to lack of awareness Brazilian State regarding the paramount importance of human rights and the absence of coercive ways available to the Court to impose its decisions. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A proteção internacional dos direitos humanos é temática que desde a segunda metade do século XX vem ganhando espaço nos meios jurídicos. Tendo como marco a guinada ideológica operada após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a questão assenta-se inicialmente na existência de normas jurídicas que estão acima dos Estados, além de resgatar bases éticas há muito tempo esquecidas pelo direito internacional. Nesse contexto se desenvolvem os chamados Sistemas Internacionais de Proteção como símbolos dessa nova preocupação da sociedade internacional, dentre os quais se destaca na realidade brasileira o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Sua estrutura conta com um órgão jurisdicional, a Corte Interamericana, que atua na resolução de violações de direitos humanos cometidas por algum dos Estados a ela submetidos, figurando como última instância garantidora dos direitos humanos no continente americano. As contribuições da proteção internacional e especificamente do Sistema Interamericano ao Brasil têm sido positivas. Ocorre que as sentenças proferidas pela Corte Interamericana, apesar de a técnica jurídica lhes conferir obrigatoriedade e força vinculante, têm sofrido com um déficit de efetividade no Brasil, revelado nos casos em que o país já foi condenado e que se encontra ligado à falta de conscientização do Estado brasileiro quanto à importância superior dos direitos humanos e à ausência de meios coercitivos a dispor da Corte para impor suas decisões.

Étude des convertisseurs multicellulaires série - parallèle et de leurs stratégies de commande, approches linéaire et prédictive / Study of multicell power converters and their control strategies based in linear and predictive approaches

Solano Saenz, Eduard Hernando 19 November 2014 (has links)
L'évolution de l'électronique de puissance depuis ces dernières années est le résultat des enjeux énergétiques actuels qui exigent, entre autres, des architectures de conversion d'énergie capables de traiter des puissances de plus en plus importantes. Parmi les éléments les plus caractéristiques de cette évolution, l'avancement technologique des composants semi-conducteurs (nouveaux composants SiC ou GaN) ainsi que la conception de nouvelles architectures de convertisseurs statiques jouent un rôle important. Parmi ces architectures, différentes associations basées sur la connexion en série et en parallèle de cellules de commutation classiques ont été proposées. Ces associations permettent d'augmenter la puissance traitée par les convertisseurs sans accroitre les contraintes au niveau des interrupteurs. Elles permettent également l'obtention de signaux de sortie d'une meilleure qualité avec des fréquences apparentes de découpage plus importantes. Ces architectures utilisent des éléments de stockage d'énergie qui diminuent les contraintes au niveau des interrupteurs mais qui exigent, en revanche, une régulation précise des grandeurs de tension ou de courant propres à ces éléments. Pour l'association en série, les tensions des condensateurs doivent rester autour d'une fraction de la tension du bus d'entrée. Pour l'association en parallèle, le courant de sortie doit être réparti équitablement entre les différents bras afin d'éviter les phénomènes non linéaires propres aux éléments magnétiques utilisés dans les inductances (séparées ou magnétiquement couplées). Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous présentons les généralités de l'association en série et parallèle des cellules de commutation. La modélisation des éléments magnétiques utilisés pour la mise en parallèle est également détaillée dans le but d'identifier de possibles sources de déséquilibre sur la répartition du courant de sortie. Une modélisation matricielle est appliquée pour simplifier la relation entre les variables propres à chaque association et les ordres de commande de toutes les cellules. Cette modélisation matricielle sera la base des stratégies de commande que nous avons développées dans la suite de nos travaux. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous présentons les différentes stratégies de commande pouvant être appliquées sur ces convertisseurs. Les premières stratégies sont basées sur une approche classique utilisant un modulateur, un générateur d'ordres de commande et des régulateurs de type linéaire pour la régulation des variables internes et externes de chaque association. En termes de modulateurs, nous présentons principalement un modulateur de type PS (Phase Shifted), tandis que quelques applications et résultats sont présentés pour un modulateur de type PD (Phase Disposition). D'autres stratégies basées sur la commande prédictive sont également présentées. La première est la stratégie MPC qui utilise une fonction de coût pour choisir l'état optimal du convertisseur pour chaque période d'échantillonnage. Cette stratégie a été introduite récemment dans le domaine des convertisseurs statiques et présente des avantages liées à la facilité de sa mise en place ainsi qu'aux réponses du système lors des régimes transitoires. La deuxième stratégie, basée sur la commande prédictive, utilise des instants de commutation variables, une fonction de coût simplifiée et une machine d'état. Cette dernière permet de gérer les ordres de commande de toutes les cellules de commutation en fonction des variables à réguler. En plus des avantages liés à la stratégie MPC, sa mise en place est bien plus simple car elle fonctionne à une fréquence de découpage fixe et s'adapte facilement à différents points de fonctionnement. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous présentons l'implantation expérimentale de ces stratégies afin de valider leur performance sur les convertisseurs multicellulaires. / In the last years, the development in the power electronics field is the result of the current energy challenges. These challenges require power converters able to work with increasingly important powers. Among the most characteristic elements of this development, we can find the technological advancements of the semiconductor devices (based principally in SiC and GaN) and the conception of new power converters topologies. These new power converter topologies are principally based on the serial and parallel association of classical commutation cells. With these associations, the energy treated by the converter can be increased using the current semiconductor technology. The quality of the output signals can also be improved with higher apparent switching frequencies. These associations use elements for storing energy, such as inductors or capacitors. They equally allow the reduction of the constraints on the switches given the higher voltages and currents. However, the use of these elements requires a good control of the capacitors' voltage for the serial connection and a good distribution of the output current among the different phases for the parallel connection. In the parallel connection, when we use Inter Cells Transformers (ICT) instead of classical inductors, all the phase currents reduce their ripples while their frequency is reduced. Nevertheless, some differences between all the phases' currents can entail non-linear phenomena, producing perturbations and instabilities in the system. In the serial connection, the capacitor voltages must stay around a fraction of the input voltage in order to get an optimal multilevel output voltage. In the first part of this thesis, we present the generalities of the serial and parallel association of classical commutation cells. Different models of magnetic elements are used for getting a better representation of an ICT; these models are used for finding possible sources of currents imbalances. A matrix model is used to simplify the relationship between the control variables with the control of each commutation cell. In the second part of this thesis, some control strategies that can be applied with these converters are presented. The first strategy is based on a conventional approach that uses a modulator, a state machine for generating the commands of each cell and linear regulators for controlling the internal and external variables (output voltage and currents, capacitors in the serial association and the distribution of the current for the parallel connection). In terms of modulators, we present primarily a PS (Phase Shifted) modulator while some applications and results are presented for a PD (Phase Disposition) modulator. Other strategies based on predictive control are also presented. The first of these strategies is the classical MPC (model predictive control) strategy that uses a cost function to select the optimal state of the converter for each sampling period. This strategy has recently been introduced in the field of static converters and it has several advantages related to the facility of its implementation and the optimal transient responses. The second strategy uses variable switching instants, a simplified cost function and a state machine. The state machine is used to manage the capacitors' voltages and the differential currents (differences between the phase currents) while the cost function is used for controlling the output voltage and current. This strategy is simpler to be implemented, presents fast transient responses and works with a fixed switching frequency in different operating points. In the last part of this thesis, we present the experimental implementation of these strategies in order to validate their performance in the power converters based in the serial and parallel association of classical commutation cells.

Responsabilidade internacional do estado no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos

Rojas Solano, Indra January 2007 (has links)
Analisa a figura jurídica da Responsabilidade Internacional Estatal por violações aos direitos humanos, na teoria e na prática, com ênfase no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Para tanto, relata a evolução histórica do conceito de responsabilidade internacional e sua interação atual com os direitos humanos, assim como os elementos característicos, natureza jurídica e exceções destas possíveis violações por parte dos órgãos ou funcionários do Estado ao qual pertence à suposta vítima, seja nacional ou estrangeiro. Alega que no sistema Interamericano, existe uma desigualdade de legislações e falta de conscientização por parte dos Estados da importância que tem o respeito ao sistema regional de proteção dos direitos humanos ao qual voluntariamente se têm submetido. / It analyses the legal figure of the State International Responsibility for violations to the human rights, in the theory and in practice, with emphasis in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. In such a way, it tells the historical evolution of the concept of international responsibility and its current interaction with the human rights. Also, the characteristic elements, legal nature and exceptions for possible violations of the institutions or employees of the State witch belongs the supposed victim, either national or foreign. It claims that in Inter-American system an inequality of legislations exist, also, and awareness of the States about the importance that must be the respect to the regional system of protection of the human rights, witch voluntarily has been submitted.

Responsabilidade internacional do estado no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos

Rojas Solano, Indra January 2007 (has links)
Analisa a figura jurídica da Responsabilidade Internacional Estatal por violações aos direitos humanos, na teoria e na prática, com ênfase no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Para tanto, relata a evolução histórica do conceito de responsabilidade internacional e sua interação atual com os direitos humanos, assim como os elementos característicos, natureza jurídica e exceções destas possíveis violações por parte dos órgãos ou funcionários do Estado ao qual pertence à suposta vítima, seja nacional ou estrangeiro. Alega que no sistema Interamericano, existe uma desigualdade de legislações e falta de conscientização por parte dos Estados da importância que tem o respeito ao sistema regional de proteção dos direitos humanos ao qual voluntariamente se têm submetido. / It analyses the legal figure of the State International Responsibility for violations to the human rights, in the theory and in practice, with emphasis in the Inter-American System of Human Rights. In such a way, it tells the historical evolution of the concept of international responsibility and its current interaction with the human rights. Also, the characteristic elements, legal nature and exceptions for possible violations of the institutions or employees of the State witch belongs the supposed victim, either national or foreign. It claims that in Inter-American system an inequality of legislations exist, also, and awareness of the States about the importance that must be the respect to the regional system of protection of the human rights, witch voluntarily has been submitted.

The elements of dependence : A case study on inter-organizational dependence / Faktorer som påverkar företags beroende : En fallstudie

Broman, Christopher, Karlsson, Emilia January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this study is to investigate which elements constitute inter-organizational dependence and how inter-organizational dependence influences the relationship between GGP Sweden AB and Stoeryd AB.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>The notion of arm's length relationships relying on market competition has been replaced with a new ideal consisting of closer, mutually beneficial relationships with extensive collaboration, cooperative actions, and long-term orientation. The benefits of more collaborative supply chains have also been questioned. Collaborative relationships can bring numerous positive outcomes but also conveys reliance on resources or competences of others. Intensified, collaborative relationship is connected to higher dependence, generating vulnerability when depending on others for survival. Several perspectives in social science lay grounds for the research on inter-organizational dependencies. Dependence is regarded to be an important concept for understanding buyer-supplier relationships.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>This case study investigates the relationship and inter-organizational dependence of GGP Sweden AB and their supplier, Stoeryd AB. Various perspectives within business research have laid grounds for a framework by which to investigate dependence. Empirical material of the two case companies has been collected with aim to provide further insights and reflections about inter-firm dependence and the elements affecting it.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> A revised framework is presented in the shape of a model including the elements of dependence. The study recognizes the significance of regarding several elements for assessing dependence and that these must be seen in relation to other elements. Further, the behavioral factors of the relationship and intangible characteristics of the offering have been determined to significantly affect dependence. Finally, even if inter-organizational dependence is created within a relationship, elements must be seen in relation to alternative relationships. The connection between higher level of dependence and increased collaboration as apparent also in the case relationship. Trust, commitment and mutual interest are factors apparent in the relationship that may help to control the vulnerability striving from dependence.</p> / <p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka element som utgör beroende mellan företag samt hur beroende influerar relationen mellan GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB.</p><p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Det finns en utveckling som tyder på att affärsrelationer inte längre bygger på rena transaktioner där företag låter marknadskrafterna styra. Istället visar trenden på att långvariga, djupare relationer som är gynnsamma för båda parterna till högre utsträckning prioriteras. Dessa affärsrelationer karaktäriseras av omfattande samarbete med en strävan mot gemensamma mål. Forskare har även ifrågasatt fördelarna med denna typ av relation i leverantörskedjan. Relationer med hög grad av samarbete bidrar till en rad positiva följder, men bidrar även till ökat beroende av kompetens och resurser från utomstående parter. Detta i sin tur leder till en större sårbarhet då verksamhetens överlevnad beror på en annan aktör. Flertalet perspektiv inom den samhällsvetenskapliga litteraturen ligger till grund för studier om beroendeförhållanden. Beroende ses som ett viktigt koncept för att förstå förhållanden i leverantörskedjan.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka förhållandet och beroendet mellan företagen GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB. Flertalet perspektiv inom företagsekonomisk forskning har tagits i beaktning och grundat det teoretiska ramverk studien baseras på. Det empiriska material som samlats in syftar till att ge större insikt om beroendeförhållande mellan aktörer i leverantörskedjan och faktorer som påverkar detta förhållande.</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Ett reviderat ramverk presenteras i from av en modell, innehållande de element som påverkar beroende mellan företag. Studien påvisar att dessa element måste ses i förhållande till varandra för att ge en helhetsbild av beroendet. Det upptäcktes också att det fanns en länk mellan beroendet och beteendet i relationen. Även om det inter-organisatoriska beroendet skapas inom förhållandet, så visar studien att elementen ska ses i relation till alternativa förhållanden. Det påvisades också att en högre grad av beroende kan kopplas ett mer omfattande samarbete. Förtroende, engagemang och gemensamma intressen är faktorer som kan minska sårbarheten och öka kontrollen av beroendet.</p>

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