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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tactical Police Officers, Romantic Attachment and Job-Related Stress: A Mixed-Methods Study

Fagan, Natalie 01 January 2015 (has links)
Stressors stemming from tactical policing such as social isolation and increased work responsibilities often spill over into the home and affect personal relationships. Using attachment theory as the guiding framework, this mixed methods study aimed to obtain a better understanding of the factors involved in maintaining long-term relationships between tactical officers and their romantic partners. Phase I consisted of surveys administered to tactical officers in Kentucky and measured romantic partner attachment, organizational and operational police stressors. Research questions examined how operational and organizational stress correlated with attachment while controlling for demographics. Analysis indicated that holding a rank above an officer has a significant relationship to both operational and organizational stress. Influenced by the findings from phase I, phase II consisted of 30 qualitative interviews with both tactical officers and their romantic partners. Using elements of attachment theory, symbolic interactionism, and components comprising the spirit of grounded theory, four primary themes with supporting subthemes were discovered: (1) communication, a key component of successful relationships; (2) isolation, particularly from socializing with those outside policing or tactical policing; (3) job related stress, where participants indicated more stress with tactical duties; and (4) tactical team as family and trust where participants indicated that personal support among team members was essential to building the mutual trust needed for the dangers of tactical policing. These themes indicated important findings including better communication between couples who had a romantic partner working in a criminal justice related field and discovery of stressors unique to tactical policing including increased job-related stress pertaining to the higher physical, moral and intellectual standards needed for tactical policing. Participant-based advice and recommendations for more tailored support services for tactical officers and their families were also developed from the findings of phase II and included a need for family notification systems and creation of family-oriented trainings. Relationships between the phases highlighted unique aspects of police subculture within tactical policing and its effects on the personal and occupational lives of tactical officers.

Alla ensembler är en grupp människor : Musiklärares syn på arbetet med gruppdynamik i elevensembler / All Music Ensembles Consists of Groups of People : Music teachers’ view of working with group dynamics in student ensembles

Casimir Lindholm, Agnes January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka, beskriva och analysera musiklärares syn på sitt arbete med gruppdynamik i ensembleundervisning inom olika musikgenrer. Metoden som har använts för att uppnå detta är kvalitativa intervjuer enligt hermeneutisk metod samt analyser. Analyserna utgår från teoretiska perspektiv hämtade från Lewin, Forsyth och Blumer och används för att definiera informanternas syn på ensembler samt beskriva hur olika faktorer påverkar varandra när det gäller dynamik i grupper. Resultatet handlar om hur informanterna definierar grupperna de leder och därigenom vad de anser skapar en grupp. Det handlar även om vilken energi som finns i en grupp, hur informanterna går till väga för att fånga gruppen i stunden samt varför de anser det vara viktigt och hur gruppers sammansättning påverkar gruppdynamiken och lärandesituationen. Sammanfattningen av analysen genom Lewins formel gav bland annat att energin i grupper har en framträdande roll för informanterna, till exempel hur någon(-s) energi påverkar annan(-s) energi. Lärare och elevers dagsform gör att de påverkar på olika sätt samt är olika mycket mottagliga, och att det aldrig går att förutse hur en grupplektion kommer att bli. Analysen genom Lewins formel visar också i informanternas svar att ensemblen är beroende av sammansättningen av elever, vilka elever som kom just den dagen, och vad de varit med om. Lärarens jobb är att kunna hantera situationen i stunden och vara beredd på föränderligheten. / The purpose of this study is to explore, describe and analyze the views of music teachers and their work with group dynamics in student ensembles in various musical genres. The applied method in this study is qualitative interviews according to phenomenological methodology and analysis. The theoretical perspectives are taken from Lewin, Forsyth and Blumer, and are used to define the perspectives of the informants regarding ensembles and how they affect each other regarding group dynamics. The result appertains to how the informants define the groups they are leading, and thus what they consider creates a group. It is also about the energy contained in a group, how the informants are capturing the group at a particular moment and why they believe this is important and how the make-up of a group affects the group dynamics and the learning situation. The summary of the analysis by Lewin's formula states that the energy of the groups have a prominent role for the informants, such as how some/someone’s energy affects another/another’s energy. The emotional state of teachers and students make an impact in different ways and are also affected in various ways, and that it is impossible to predict how a group lesson will be. The analysis by Lewin's formula related to the result also indicates that the ensemble depends on the composition of students. Which students who came that day, and in which mental state they are. The teacher's duty is to handle the situation at hand, and be prepared for the unexpected.

Peer leadership in a virtual community of practice

Ross, Jack John Wesley January 2009 (has links)
This interpretive research study examines peer leadership in a distributed online MBA community of practice at New States University (NSU pseudonym, based in USA). It explores ways in which faculty members in a global business course, NMBA616 (pseudonym), negotiate relationships, meaning and identity in their efforts to be effective teachers and address their own needs for professional growth and development. The research participants provide insights about community formation and function in a virtual domain where they work together at a distance without meeting face-to-face. The study appears to be a new application of culture code methodology, symbolic interactionism and social learning theory as they conjoin on social, psychological and organizational levels. To my knowledge it is the first study of an MBA virtual community of practice. Research interviews were conducted primarily by distance using web-based technology, teleconferences and email, as well as some face to face discussion. The central questions are: 1) To what extent does a distributed faculty team in an online global business management course constitute a community of practice? 2) What is the nature of faculty relationships in the online global business management course? and 3) What are the leadership issues in a virtual practice setting? Findings reveal that online community practitioners are resourceful in creating peer leadership that is embedded within the group and its relationships. The study is motivated by my personal interests and professional experience, as well as by the quest of online colleagues for ways to assess, support and improve themselves and their practice. Building on personal experience as an online business communications instructor, the thesis presents an example of peer leadership in a virtual global business community of practice and in its completion stands as a case study.

“Att vara närvarande när jag ska vara närvarande” : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av det emotionella mötet med klient. / “Being present when I should be present” : A qualitative study of social workers’ experiences and management of the emotional meeting with the client.

Hultberg, Nicole, Al-Musfi, Mays January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur olika socialarbetare, verksamma inom det sociala arbetets fält, upplever sig påverkas emotionellt av och i sitt arbete med klient, till följd av mötet med klienten. Vidare hur de hanterar eventuell påverkan och upprätthåller en sund balans mellan arbete och privatliv utifrån krav, återhämtning, och professionalism. Vår metod är kvalitativ och nio socialarbetare har blivit intervjuade. De teorier som har använts för analys är copingteori, interaktionism, KASAM och begreppet stress. Studiens resultat har visat att i interaktionen med klient tenderar socialarbetare i större utsträckning bli negativt påverkade. Däremot finns också en tydlig positiv påverkan som härstammar ur klienters visade uppskattning och tacksamhet vid lyckat stöd. Den negativa påverkan kan visa sig genom olika stressymptom som leder till att informanter har svårt att släppa arbetet. Gällande hantering av mötet med klient har resultaten visat att erfarenheter av olika slag utgör en viktig faktor i hur socialarbetare hanterar mötet. Andra faktorer är socialt stöd från chef, kollegor och handledare, samt stöd i privatlivet. Meningsfull fritid har också varit en viktig faktor. Den kanske viktigaste faktorn som resultatet har visat på är vikten av en ständig självreflektion för att öka medvetenheten om egna behov, problem och förmågor. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how different social workers working in the field of social work feel emotionally affected by and in their work with clients as a result of the meeting with the clients. Furthermore how they handle possible impact and maintain a healthy balance between work and privacy based on demands, recovery, and professionalism. The method has been qualitative where nine social workers have been interviewed. The theories used for the analysis of the material were copingtheory, interactionism, KASAM and the concept of stress. The results of the study have shown that in the interaction with the client, social workers tend to be more negatively affected. On the other hand, there is also a clear positive impact that comes from clients' appreciation and gratitude for successful support. Negative impact can be manifested by different stress-symptoms, which causes the participants difficulty in focusing, away from their work. When it comes to the managing of the meetings with clients, our study has shown that experience of different kinds is an important factor in how social workers handle the meeting. Other factors are social support from the boss, colleagues and supervisors, as well as support from friends and family. Meaningful time off work has also been an important factor. The perhaps most important factor that the outcome has shown is the importance of constant self-reflection to raise awareness about individual needs, problems and abilities.

The uses of the outline for cultural formulation of the DSM-IV : from case conceptualization to treatment plan

Dinh, My-Hoa Nathalie 05 1900 (has links)
ARTICLE 1 : RÉSUMÉ Amputation traumatique: Une étude de cas laotien sur l’indignation et l’injustice. La culture est un contexte essentiel à considérer pour produire un diagnostic et un plan d’intervention psychiatrique. Une perspective culturelle met en relief le contexte social dans lequel les symptômes émergent, et comment ils sont interprétés et gérés par la personne atteinte. Des études ethnoculturelles sur les maladies nous suggèrent que la plupart des gens nous donnent des explications pour leurs symptômes qui ont un fondement culturel. Bien que ces explications contredisent la théorie biomédicale, elles soulagent la souffrance des patients et leur permettent de donner une signification à cette dernière. L’exploration des caractéristiques, contextes et antécédents des symptômes permet au patient de les communiquer au clinicien qui pourrait avoir une explication différente de sa maladie. Cette étude de cas permet de montrer comment le Guide pour Formulation Culturelle du DSM-IV (The DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation) permet aux cliniciens de solliciter un récit du patient en lien avec son expérience de la maladie. Notre étude examine l’utilisation par un patient laotien de « l’indignation sociale » (« Khuâm khum khang ») comme le modèle explicatif culturel de son problème malgré le diagnostic de trouble de stress post-traumatique qui lui fut attribué après une amputation traumatique. L’explication culturelle de son problème a permis au patient d’exprimer la signification personnelle et collective à sa colère et sa frustration, émotions qu’il avait réprimées. Cet idiome culturel lui a permis d’exprimer sa détresse et de réfléchir sur le système de soins de santé et, plus précisément, le contexte dans lequel les symptômes et leurs origines sont racontés et évalués. Cette représentation laotienne a aussi permis aux cliniciens de comprendre des expériences et les explications du client, autrement difficiles à situer dans un contexte biomédical et psychiatrique Euro-américain. Cette étude démontre comment il est possible d’améliorer les interactions entre cliniciens et patients et dès lors la qualité des soins par la compréhension de la perspective du patient et l’utilisation d’une approche culturelle. Mots clés: Culture, signification, idiome culturel, modèle explicatif, Guide pour Formulation culturelle du DSM-IV, indignation sociale, interaction entre patient et intervenant. ARTICLE 2 : RÉSUMÉ Impact de l’utilisation du Guide pour la formulation culturelle du DSM-IV sur la dynamique de conférences multidisciplinaires en santé mentale. La croissance du pluralisme culturel en Amérique du nord a obligé la communauté oeuvrant en santé mentale d’adopter une sensibilité culturelle accrue dans l’exercice de leur métier. Les professionnels en santé mentale doivent prendre conscience du contexte historique et social non seulement de leur clientèle mais également de leur propre profession. Les renseignements exigés pour les soins professionnels proviennent d’ évaluations cliniques. Il faut examiner ces informations dans un cadre culturellement sensible pour pouvoir formuler une évaluation des cas qui permet aux cliniciens de poser un diagnostic juste et précis, et ce, à travers les frontières culturelles du patient aussi bien que celles du professionnel en santé mentale. Cette situation a suscité le développement du Guide pour la formulation culturelle dans la 4ième édition du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux américain (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., DSM-IV) de l’Association psychiatrique américaine. Ce guide est un outil pour aider les cliniciens à obtenir des informations de nature culturelle auprès du client et de sa famille afin de guider la production des soins en santé mentale. L’étude vise l’analyse conversationnelle de la conférence multidisciplinaire comme contexte d’utilisation du Guide pour la formulation culturelle qui sert de cadre dans lequel les pratiques discursives des professionnels de la santé mentale évoluent. Utilisant la perspective théorique de l’interactionnisme symbolique, l’étude examine comment les diverses disciplines de la santé mentale interprètent et conceptualisent les éléments culturels et les implications de ce cadre pour la collaboration interdisciplinaire dans l’évaluation, l’élaboration de plans de traitement et des soins. Mots clé: Guide pour Formulation culturelle – Santé mentale – Psychiatrie transculturelle – Analyse conversationnelle – Interactionnisme symbolique / ARTICLE 1: ABSTRACT Traumatic Amputation: A Case of Laotian Indignation and Injustice. Culture is an essential variable of diagnosis and treatment. A cultural perspective draws attention to the social context within which symptoms arise, are given meaning, and are managed. Ethno-cultural work on illness narratives suggests that most people can provide culturally-based explanations for their symptoms. While these explanations are inconsistent with biomedical theory, they relieve patient distress by allowing the patient to create meaning for symptoms. Exploring the characteristics, context, and antecedents of the symptoms enables the patient to convey them to the clinician who may have a divergent explanation of sickness. This case study uses the Outline for Cultural Formulation of the DSM-IV created for clinicians to elicit a narrative account of the illness experience from the patient. Our study examines how the patient, a Laotian used social indignation (“Khuâm khum khang”) as an explanatory model for his ailment. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after having undergone a traumatic amputation. In the process of explaining his illness through a cultural idiom, the patient was able to reveal both personal and collective meaning of repressed anger and frustration, expressing them in a context that was acceptable to him. This cultural idiom allowed the patient to reflect upon the structure of the health care system and the specific context in which symptoms and their possible origins are recounted and explored. It also clarified to the treating clinicians some categories of experience and causal explanations that did not fit easily with western biomedical and psychiatric understanding. The case study illustrates how a cultural approach to illness from the patient’s perspective offers a reflexive stance on the clinician-patient interaction that allows for better patient care. Key words: culture, meaning, cultural idiom, explanatory model, DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation, social indignation, clinician-patient interaction. ARTICLE 2: ABSTRACT Impact of the Use the DSM-IV Outline for Cultural Formulation on the Dynamics of Multidisciplinary Case Conferences in Mental Health. The growth of cultural pluralism in North American society has required the mental health community to show a higher level of cultural sensitivity. Mental health professionals must not only be aware of the social and historical context of their clientele, but also of their profession. Clinical evaluations provide the information for clinical care. This information must be examined in a cultural-sensitive framework for assessment and case formulation that permits an accurate diagnosis across the cultural boundaries of both patient and mental-care professional. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) sets forth an Outline for Cultural Formulation (CF). It instructs clinicians not only on how to elicit culturally relevant clinical material, but also on how to assess the importance of the diverse cultural perspectives of patients and their families, thus increasing usefulness of their own cultural knowledge in treatment. This study is a conversational analysis of the nature and application of knowledge within a clinical, interdisciplinary context. It uses an expanded version of the CF as a framework, in which the discursive practices of mental health professionals are evolving. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, it examines the way different disciplines interpret and conceptualize cultural elements and the implications of this framework for interdisciplinary collaboration of assessment, treatment plan and care. Key words: Outline for Cultural Formulation – Mental Health – Cross-cultural psychiatry – Conversational Analysis – Symbolic Interactionism

"Man får ju vara lite uppfinningsrik" : en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar om handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn / ”You just have to be a little inventive” : a qualitative study on the perspectives of social workers about discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care

Johansson, Lena, Johansson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Valet av uppsatsämne grundar sig i att det skett en förändring i synen på betydelsen av en relation mellan föräldrar och barn under senaste århundradet. Att föräldrarna har fått en större betydelse i barnens liv gör det därför intressant att studera hur föräldrar som har sina barn placerade i familjehem görs delaktiga i barnens liv utifrån socialsekreterares uppfattningar om delaktighetsfrämjande arbete och sitt handlingsutrymme i detta arbete. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv beskriva och analysera socialsekreterares uppfattningar om sitt handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats där materialet har skapats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer och empirin utgörs av fyra stycken transkriberade intervjuer. Urvalet har skett genom att socialsekreterare som har arbetsuppgifter som innefattar att arbeta med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn kontaktades. Empirin har sedan bearbetats och analyserats utifrån en tematisk analysmodell. Resultatet presenteras sedan i relation till studiens teoretiska ram samt tidigare forskning. Resultat: Denna studie visar på att tillgänglighet och kontinuitet är enligt socialsekreterarna av betydelse för skapandet av en relation mellan socialsekreterare och föräldrar, vilket i sin tur främjar föräldrarnas delaktighet samt att det kan vara av betydelse för barnets bästa. I detta arbete så upplever socialsekreterarna att deras handlingsutrymme är stort och att det har en frihet i hur de kan lägga upp ett delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Men samtidigt beskriver de även aspekter som de upplever begränsa deras handlingsutrymme. / Background: The choice of subject in this study is based on the altered perception of the importance of a relation between parents and children the last century. The enlarged importance of parent's involvement in their children's lives makes it interesting to study how these parents are made participated by the social worker and their perspectives of a work that promotes participation among these parents and how the social worker perceive their discretion in this work. Purpose: This study aims to describe and analyse, from a symbolic interactionistic perspective, the perspective of social workers about their discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. Method: This study has a qualitative approach where the material was made by semi-structured interviews and the empirics consists of four transcribed interviews. We contacted social worker who is working with parents that have children placed in foster care to make our selection. The empirics have then been processed and analysed with a thematic analyse model. The result is then presented in relation to this study's theoretical frame and previous research. Result: The results of this study shows that availability and continuity are, according to the social worker, of importance in the making of a relation between the social worker and these parents, which in turn can promote the parent's participation and it can also be for the child's best. In this work the social worker experiencing that they have a wide discretion which enables them to scheduled their own time which they spend in the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. At the same time, they also describe aspects that they feel is limiting their discretion.

Mécanismes d’apprentissage développemental et intrinsèquement motivés en intelligence artificielle : étude des mécanismes d'intégration de l'espace environnemental / Developmental and intrinsically motivated learning mechanisms in artificial intelligence : study of environmental space integration mechanisms

Gay, Simon 15 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet IDEAL (Implementing DevelopmentAl Learning) financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). La capacité à percevoir, mémoriser et interpréter l'environnement qui nous entoure est une capacité vitale que l'on retrouve chez de nombreux êtres vivants. Cette capacité leur permet de générer des comportements adaptés à leur contexte, ou d'échapper à un prédateur sorti de leur champ de vision. L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à doter un agent artificiel de cette capacité. Nous proposons un modèle théorique permettant à un agent artificiel de générer des connaissances exploitables des éléments constituant son environnement et une structure reflétant l'espace. Ce modèle est basé sur la théorie de la contingence sensorimotrice, et implémente une forme de motivation intrinsèque. En effet, ce modèle débute avec un ensemble de structure indivisibles, appelées interactions, caractérisant les échanges entre l'agent et son environnement. L'apprentissage des connaissances est développemental et émerge de l'interaction entre l'agent et son environnement, sans qu'aucune intervention extérieure (récompense), ne soit nécessaire. Notre modèle propose des mécanismes permettant d'organiser et d'exploiter ces connaissances émergentes dans le but de générer des comportements. Nous proposons des implémentations de ce modèle pour démontrer l'émergence d'une connaissance à partir de l'interaction entre l'agent et son environnement, et les comportements qui émergent de cette connaissance / This thesis is a part of the IDEAL project (Implementing DEvelopmentAl Learning) funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The ability of perceiving, memorizing and interpreting the surrounding environment is a vital ability found in numerous living beings. This ability allows them to generate context adapted behaviors, or escaping from a predator that escape from their sensory system. The objective of this thesis consists in implementing such a capacity in artificial agents. We propose a theoretical model that allows artificial agent to generate a usable knowledge of elements that compose its environment and a structure able to characterize the structure of surrounding space. This model is based on the sensorimotor contingency theory, and implements a form of intrinsic motivation. Indeed, this model begin with a set of indivisible structures, called interactions, that characterize the interaction possibilities between the agent and its environment. The learning is developmental and emerges from the interaction that occurs between the agent and the environment, without the need of any external intervention (like reward). Our model propose a set of mechanisms that allow to organize and exploit emerging knowledge in order to generate behaviors. We propose implementations of our model to demonstrate the emerging knowledge based on agent-environment interaction, and behaviors that can emerge from this knowledge

Tillhörighet i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex ensamkommande ungdomar om erfarenheter av tillhörighet i Sverige / Belonging in Sweden : A qualitative interview study with six unaccompanied youths about experiences of belonging in Sweden

Beckovic, Emina, Sejdic, Naila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand and lighten the interviewees’ descriptions and their experiences of being unaccompanied youths in Sweden. In order to research this, we have analyzed the barriers, opportunities and the strategies they use to become a part of the society but also to strengthen their position in the society. The method we have used is the qualitative method and the data has been gathered by semi structured interviews with six unaccompanied youths. In order to analyze our results we have used symbolic interactionism and Antonovsky’s theory about sense of coherence. The results of the study have shown that most of the interviewees experienced having a difficult first period in Sweden considering the fact that they left their family and their home country to start a new life in Sweden, young and alone. With the use of different strategies, this became better over time as they developed their Swedish language skills, started to study, entered the labor market and expanded their social contact network. At the same time they have faced multiple opportunities to become a part of the society in different ways. They have also faced several barriers which has prevented them of becoming a part of the society and also weakened their position in the society. Therefore they have developed and used different strategies to get through these barriers. The main conclusion is that there are more positive aspects and possibilities than barriers for the unaccompanied youths to feel that they are a part of the society.

Abjection and social transformation in John Fowles's Mantissa and A Maggot

Unknown Date (has links)
In John Fowles's last two novels, he alters his authorial project of discovering freedom for an individual from a social system to how a social system can be changed from within. Using Julia Kristeva's theory of abjection and her interpretation of the semiotic versus symbolic processes of signification, readers can determine how an imbalance in the human signifying process has become corrupted by power. Through Fowles's heroines and semiotic irruptions of the symbolic order in both Mantissa and A Maggot, Fowles reveals weaknesses in the symbolic, and consequently, moments where transformation of a patriarchal, symbolic system can be recognized. These moments of strain on the symbolic are significant because they cause a disruption of the rules and borders that define a social system like patriarchy. By calling attention to these moments, the categorical imperatives that have been imposed on women and perpetuated for the purpose of maintaining power relations can thus be subverted. In Mantissa and A Maggot, Fowles accomplishes a breaking of the boundaries, both within and of the text, by providing a literary space where readers can glimpse the power of the semiotic, the corruption of social conditioning, and gain a new perspective of their own symbolic/social system in the real world. / by Jenifer A. Skolnick. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

A construção imaginária e simbólica do stress psicológico: a compreensão do stress numa abordagem lacaniana / The imaginary and symbolic construction of the psychological stress: understanding stress in a lacanian approach.

Modia, Esther Cabado 12 May 2008 (has links)
Somos uma construção social, a nossa produção de sentido, a compreensão que temos do mundo resulta das relações sociais e dos vínculos afetivos, subjetivados e resubjetivados desde a fase especular da infância. A linguagem, condição para a estruturação do inconsciente, inscreve e inaugura o sujeito no universo simbólico. A interação do sujeito com o entorno dá-se de acordo com as significações que faz sobre o mundo em que vive, e o objetivo da tese centra-se em compreender a construção dos significantes de stress. Os significantes de stress desenvolvidos e manifestados na atividade profissional resultam da produção de sentido do sujeito, foram construídos ao longo do tempo, permeados pelo contexto e por elaborações imaginário-simbólicas. Nesta tese, para dar conta do fenômeno estudado, mostrou-se a possibilidade de aproximação teórica entre a psicanálise lacaniana, no que se refere à dimensão imaginário-simbólica constitutiva do sujeito, com a teoria de stress psicológico de Lazarus para viabilizar aqui neste trabalho, a compreensão da origem do stress psicológico. Analisou-se a produção de sentido de stress em profissionais que exercem atividade gerencial, destacando os conteúdos ideativos das dimensões imaginário- simbólica, como constituintes da origem do stress psicológico e buscou-se na análise, entender a relação entre as significações de stress atribuídas à atividade pesquisada e à experiência de stress do sujeito. A pesquisa empírica, realizada com 20 sujeitos, constou de entrevistas-narrativa, com roteiro focal semi-estruturado. Escolheu-se o método de análise do discurso, seguindo dois modelos: Análise do Discurso-AD e Análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo-DSC, utilizando- se o recurso do software Qualiquantisoft. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as significações sobre o trabalho são centrais na vida dos homens e mulheres entrevistados. Os significantes de stress mais lembrados por eles, estão canalizados para as situações de trabalho, em que o estressor mais intenso está vinculado ao cumprimento das metas de prazos curtos. Em segundo lugar, foi lembrado o stress por não ter o controle da situação estressante. Quanto às significações de stress, os homens centram-se nos stressores externos e por sua vez, as mulheres apontam os sintomas como significantes de stress. A maioria dos homens, tem uma lembrança idealizada da infância, sem a presença de stress, sendo que os demais, 30% consideram ter tido uma infância difícil, e identificaram os stressores da infância. As mulheres, também, em sua maioria consideram a infância como um período muito bom de suas vidas, conseguindo identificar stress ocorrido nessa fase. Quanto às lembranças do stress da infância, predomina nos homens entrevistados, a categoria de não se lembrar de tido stress infância, o que não aconteceu no caso das mulheres, para elas, a infância foi muito boa, mas guardam na lembrança ativa, a primeira vez que sentiram stress, tal como o significam atualmente. Elas afirmaram que o stress atual é o mesmo stress da infância, confirmando a repetição significante, de acordo com psicanálise. Com relação aos processos de coping, a diversidade evidenciou-se nas respostas dos homens e das mulheres. As escolhas dos homens mostram três de categorias de coping: Eu enfrento o stress de frente, como um desafio; Eu me afasto para pensar melhor; Relaxar por meio de leituras de auto ajuda. O coping das mulheres também revelou diversidade de respostas quanto a enfrentar seus stressores: 40% tenta se acalmar primeiro, esquivando-se da situação e, depois enfrentam o stressor; 30% toma um calmante leve, uma faz terapia para fortalecer-se e aprender a lidar com os stressores, principalmente para aprender a dizer não às pressões sofridas. Uma afirmou enfrentar prontamente os stressores e sua estratégia consiste em diminuir os seus efeitos para poder controlá-los. Foi citado por outra entrevistada, o procurar relaxar e espairecer por meio de um lazer prazeroso com a família nos finais de semana. Fazer amigos e buscar apoio e trocar idéias foi citado como eficaz processo de coping. O estudo sobre a construção imaginário-simbólica do stress psicológico possibilitou desvelar a origem dos significantes de stress, à luz do saber lacaniano e a pesquisa empírica permitiu um olhar convergente, mas não conclusivo. / We are social constructions, our sense production, the comprehension we have of the world result from the social relations and of affective links, subjectively created since the infant´s mirror stage. The language, condition to the unconcious structuration, inscribes and inaugurates the subject in the symbolic universe. The subject interaction with the environment is realized in accordance with the significations that are made about the world in which the subject lives. The objective of this thesis centers in the comprehension of the construction of stress significants. The stress significants developed and manifested in the professional activity result from the subject´s sense production, and were constructed during the life time, permeated by the context and by imaginary-symbolic elaborations. In this thesis, in considering the studied phenomenon, it was shown the possibilities of a theoretical approximation between the lacanian psychoanalysis, in what it refers to subject´s imaginary-symbolic constitutive dimension, with Lazarus´ theory of psychological stress, to make viable the comprehension of the origin of the psychological stress. It was analyzed the production of stress sense in professional people in managerial activities, emphasizing the ideative contents of the imaginary-symbolic dimensions as constitutive of the origin of the psychological stress, searching to understand, in the analysis made, the relation between the stress significations addressed to the analyzed activities and to the subject´s experience of stress. The empirical research, realized with 20 subjects, was based on an interview/narrative approach, with semistructured focal survey. The method of discourse analysis was chosen following two models: the Discourse Analysis and the Collective Subject Discourse through the use of the Qualiquantisoft software.The results point that the significations about the work are central in the interviewed men and women´s lives. The most recalled stress significant pointed by them is directed to work situations in which the most intense stressor are linked to the achievement of short time goals. In second place it was recalled the stress by having no control over stressing situations. Concerning to the stress significations, men are centered in external stressors and women point the symptom as stress significant. The majority of men have an idealized remembrance of childhood, without the presence of stress, having 30% considered they had a difficult childhood and identified the childhood stressors. The majority of women also considered the childhood as a very good period of their lives and identify stress in this period. As the remembrance of stress in childhood prevails in the men the category do not recall stress in childhood, what have not happened with women. The childhood was to them very good, but keeping in the active memory the first sensation of stress as the same significant of nowadays. They have asserted that the present stress is the same stress of childhood confirming the significant repetition according to the psychoanalysis. In relation with the coping processes the diversity appeared in the response of men and women. Men´s choices show three categories of coping: I face the stress as a challenge, I step aside to think better, I relax reading self-help books.Women´s coping also revealed the diversity of answers when managing the stressors. 40% of them try to calm down first, avoiding the situation and then facing the stressor, 30% takes a light sedative, one of them makes therapy to become stronger and learn how to handle stressors, specially to learn how to say no to pressure situations. One of them declared promptly facing the stressor, being her strategy to diminish the effects of the situation to better control them. Another one searches to relax and distract herself by means of a joyful leisure weekend with the family. Making friends, search support, changing ideas with other people, was mentioned as effective coping process. The study about the imaginary-symbolic construction of the psychological stress made possible to unveil the origin of stress significants according to the lacanian psychoanalysis, having the research permitted a convergent view, despite of being not conclusive.

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