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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing Pupils’ Attitude Towards School Lunch by Designing a User-Friendly Interface

Sjöberg, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
A hungry student has challenges absorbing knowledge. So, maintaining good habits regarding food is important for their health and education. The objective of this paper is to provide insights into how the content and the usability of an application have an impact on pupils' attitudes toward school lunches. By redesigning the Mitt Käk mobile application, the aim is to make school lunches a more positive experience. The Design Thinking method was used throughout the study, which consists of five phases, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. During the emphasize phase, a survey, focus group, and two stakeholder interviews were held. The define and ideate phases consisted of bringing the data and information into insights and turning these into ideas and solutions. These were brought into the next phase, prototype, in which two prototypes were made, one low fidelity and one high fidelity. They were tested as the next phase, test, instructs. The result from the first phase, empathize, shows that the general impression of the current application is good. It was found that the pupils choose their lunches mainly based on the taste of the food. Other important aspects are the look of the food and its climate impact. The pain point that causes the pupils to feel negative feelings is that the pupils do not think that the pictures of the dishes are realistic and that they would like more information about what they are eating. It has been shown that the gamification feature of the application has increased the pupils' presence in the can-teens and that more pupils are eating the lunch that the school provides. It was noted that the pupils found that gamification also creates an engagement between their friends as well as their attitude toward the dishes. The study's final results confirm that including more gamification features creates a more engaging and positive effect on the pupils. As well as improving functions that have been shown to cause aggravation, and had a positive effect on the pupils. These actions have created a more positive and rewarding experience, that could lead to a more positive attitude toward food.

Designing a user interface to promote motivation : Creating a user interface to encourage employees toparticipate in competence development activities.

Häggström, William January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, the user interface design was developed for an internal website to help employees' competence development by getting them to attend more activities for competence development. Since it is generally up to the employee to develop their competence, they must be motivated. Therefore, this thesis aimed to design the website to motivate employees to search for, choose and participate in more competence development activities. The method chosen to design this user interface consisted of 3 phases. The first phase consisted of a preliminary study to understand what motivated employees to apply for activities. This phase proved very important to the final design as most design decisions related to motivation were made during this phase. The second phase involved developing a LoFi prototype based on the preliminary study and refining it based on results from user tests conducted during this phase. The final phase involved designing and implementing a HiFi prototype in code based on the LoFi prototype and then testing the HiFi prototype for motivation. The results from the HiFi prototype tests showed that the website's user interface motivated employees to search for, choose, and attend more activities for competence development. These results showed that the method used did yield good results. However, because many key findings from this motivation-focused preliminary study were related to usability, it is impossible to know how the results would differ if the preliminary study had focused on usability instead of motivation. Although it could not be concluded that the focus on motivation was necessary to achieve these results, it did seem to force the designer to understand users’ needs on a deeper level which could contribute to better results.

Customizing WCAG 2.1 for In-Flight Entertainment Systems

Lindahl, Håkan January 2023 (has links)
Entertainment on airplanes has increased in later years and is a significant part of the flight experience. In-flight Entertainment (IFE) can consist of many different types of entertainment such as movies, music, live-tv, and games. Recently, the attention to making accessible websites has also increased. WCAG is a set of guidelines for creating accessible web pages. The target devices for WCAG are computers, laptops, and mobile phones. This thesis aims to customize the guidelines and success criteria in WCAG to increase their utilization when applied in an IFE system. Additionally, this thesis focuses on finding differences in accessibility for IFE systems and websites.    The procedure to customize WCAG was done through literature and case studies. The data gathered from these two methods were used together to customize the guidelines and success criteria. The case study was done on people working with the development of IFE systems. Following the customization of WCAG, a comparison was made in a specific scenario between the customized guidelines and WCAG. The study showed that customization of some guidelines and success criteria in WCAG was necessary if WCAG was applied in an IFE system. However, the results also showed that most guidelines and success criteria can be used in an IFE system without changes. The customized guidelines are called IFCAG - In-Flight Content Accessibility Guidelines. To conclude, the guidelines and success criteria in IFCAG should work better than WCAG when applied in the development of an IFE system. However, this cannot be determined before IFCAG is applied during an actual development of an IFE system. Furthermore, WCAG consists of a large ecosystem of additional supporting documents. Future research could also look at these documents with IFE systems in mind.

Analysing the possibilities of a needs-based house configurator

Ermolaev, Roman January 2023 (has links)
A needs-based configurator is a system or tool that assists users in customizing products based on their specific needs. This thesis investigates the challenges of obtaining data for a needs-based machine learning house configurator and identifies suitable models for its implementation. The study consists of two parts: first, an analysis of how to obtain data, and second, an evaluation of three models for implementing the needs-based solution. The analysis shows that collecting house review data for a needs-based configurator is challenging due to several factors, including how the housing market operates compared to other markets, privacy concerns, and the complexity of the buying process. To address this, future studies could consider alternative data sources, adding contextual data, and creating surveys or questionnaires. The evaluation of three models: DistilBERT, BERT fine-tuned for Swedish, and a CNN with a Swedish word embedding layer, shows that both the BERT models perform well on the generated dataset, while the CNN model underperformed. The Swedish BERT model performed the best, achieving high recall and precision metrics for k between 2 and 5. This thesis suggests that further research on needs-based configurators should focus on alternative data sources and more extensive datasets to improve performance.

Designing a Digital Twin to Improve Adherence and Care

Karlström, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to create a design concept for a digital twin to understand how it could be used to increase the health adherence of users through risk communication. This was done while also looking at how such a system could counteract potential health anxiety. The massive digitization and available data has enabled better opportunities to accurately represent and affect a person’s health in the form of a digital twin. The primary way of conducting the study was by using the ’Design Thinking’ method which incorporates five steps: Empathizing with the users’ needs, defining the problems, ideating, creating prototypes, and finally testing these. A literature study, four user interviews as well as two interviews with healthcare professionals were conducted to get a better understanding of what problems needed to be solved. The findings from these together with a brainstorming session resulted in low fidelity (LoFi) and high fidelity (HiFi) versions of a mobile prototype. A single overview page of a desktop version for health professionals was also created. The mobile prototypes were user tested, and input was asked from stakeholders and healthcare professionals regarding the risk communication and visualization via walkthroughs of the prototypes. The usability results of the tests were positive with the HiFi version scoring 83.5 / 100 on the System Usability Scale which measures usability, and this score is deemed to be ’good’. The risk communication used received positive feedback, and the findings showed that a digital twin could potentially help with adherence and prevention by the use of summaries, visualization, as well as combining icons with the use of absolute risk and frequencies. To minimize the risk of health anxiety, a digital twin could reduce health information that is not very serious or important through a ”less-is-more” approach. Other effective means could be to show positive visualization and by being mindful of the ordering of risks and benefits, showing the user the positive aspects after the negative ones. Despite this, because of the lower sample size and hypothetical test scenario, further studies need to be conducted to verify the validity in more real-life scenarios. More isolated testing should be done to understand the effects better, both in terms of risk communication and usability. Additional things that could be beneficial to look at could be the implementation of gamification elements in the digital twin, further development of a desktop version for healthcare staff, as well as using more personalization options.

Design för beteendeförändring : Minska digitalt beroende bland ungdomar

Flemström, Albin, Larsson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Många sociala medier-plattformar är programmerade för att fånga dig som användare, genom algoritmer som baserar innehållet som visas för dig på dina intressen. Med detta tillkommer risker att digitalt beroende kan utvecklas, vilket kan påverka personer negativt fysiskt, psykiskt och/eller socialt. Hur applikationer kan utvecklas för att motverka denna problematik är emellertid ett område det saknas vetenskaplig praxis kring. Denna studie undersöker vilka designprinciper som bör avspeglas i en applikation som syftar till att motverka digitalt beroende hos ungdomar, en användargrupp som enligt studien mår allt sämre genom ökad mobilanvändning. Mer specifikt fokuserar studien på att klargöra vilken funktionalitet som krävs för att stödja användare som önskar uppnå beteendeförändringar samt hur användare kan utveckla en större medvetenhet kopplat till sin mobilanvändning.  Genom tillämpning av metodvalet Design Science Research har den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen bestått av två iterationer. Den första handlade om att bättre förstå nuläget kring potentiella användarbehov och krav samt lämpliga funktionalitetsval i en applikation för minskat digitalt beroende. Iterationen bestod av en litteraturöversikt, en enkätundersökning samt benchmarking av befintliga applikationer inom området. Den andra iterationen bestod av användartester och semistrukturerade intervjuer där respondenter från den tilltänkta användargruppen gav insikter i hur prototypen kunde vidareutvecklas för att bättre möta deras behov samt krav.  Resultatet av studien består av en prototyp som utvecklats baserat på användarbehov och krav samt tidigare forskning inom området. Även teorier om hur en applikation ska designas utifrån designprinciper samt design för beteendeförändring har beaktats vid prototyputvecklingen. Analys av resultatet har bidragit med en större förståelse för vilka designprinciper som applikationsutvecklare och UX-designers kan beakta vid utveckling av applikationer som syftar till att motverka digitalt beroende. Utvecklare bör tillåta användare att reflektera över sina handlingar för att öka medvetenheten kring dess beteenden, tillhandahålla användare information om åtgärder som kan tilltas för förändrat beteende, samt ha inslag av motivationshöjande feedback över användarens framsteg i sin beteendeförändring. Även förklarbar information om varför specifik funktionalitet kan hjälpa användare till önskade beteendeförändringar är viktigt att inkludera i en applikation som syftar till att motverka digitalt beroende.

Strategisk studiemiljöutveckling : och relevansen för studieplatsen Kokong

Segerström, Markus January 2021 (has links)
The task for the work was to find out how the study environment at LTU can strategically be developed. The background to this work is that the learning environment is a subject that engages more and more people, SUHF (2016) writes that it could almost be said to be red- hot as a theme. LTU is currently making major investments to update the premises at the university and my own interest in pedagogical issues and study environment is why I chose to do my degree project on how a study environment can be strategically developed at LTU. During the period 1 April 2019 to 1 June 2019, I did a work on how a piece of furniture can be designed and complement the existing physical environment at Luleå University of Technology to lead to a better study environment for the students. It resulted in a physical prototype with functions of a furniture that enable students to adapt the place of study to their own needs as, working position, lighting, visual shielding and sound absorbing. This prototype is today called the Kokong and got its name from the butterflies' cocoon where they can shield themselves and protect themselves from the environment while it goes from being a caterpillar to a fully formed butterfly. In this work, it will also be investigated whether or not it is relevant to complement the environment with the Kokong in the strategically develop study environment. The work is based on first defining what the main purpose of universities and colleges is and then, through research, questionnaires and co-design with students, deciding how the study environment can be designed to contribute to the main purpose of universities and colleges. / Uppgiften för arbetet var att ta reda på hur studiemiljön på LTU strategiskt kan utvecklas. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är att lärmiljö är ett ämne som engagerar fler och fler, SUHF (2016) skriver att det nästan skulle kunna sägas vara glödhett som tema.”  LTU gör just nu stora satsningar för att uppdatera lokalerna på universitet, i och med det och mitt eget intresse för pedagogiska frågor och studiemiljö så valde jag att göra mitt examensarbete om hur en studiemiljö strategiskt kan utvecklas på LTU. Under perioden 1 april 2019 till 1 juni 2019 gjorde jag ett arbete om hur en fysisk möbel kan designas och komplettera den befintliga fysiska miljön på Luleå tekniska universitet för att leda till en bättre studiemiljö för studenterna. Det resulterade i en fysisk prototyp som visar funktionen av en möbel som möjliggör för studenten att anpassa studieplatsen efter eget behov utifrån, arbetsposition, belysning, visuell avskärmning och avskärmning för ljud. Denna prototyp benämns idag som Kokong och har fått sitt namn från fjärilarnas kokong där de kan avskärma sig och skydda sig från omgivningen medan den går från att vara en larv till fullbildad fjäril.  I detta arbete kommer det också undersökas om det är relevant att vid strategisk utveckling av studiemiljö komplettera miljön med studieplatsen Kokong.  Arbetet bygger på att först definiera vad universitet och högskolors huvudsakliga syfte är för att sedan genom research, enkätundersökning och co-design med studenter bestämma hur studiemiljön kan utformas för att bidra till det huvudsakliga syftet.

Supporting social workers transition to remote work : A design concept for tackling communication challanges on social workers digital practices

Oyegun, Caleb January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the impact of the sudden transition on service delivery caused by the COVID 19 pandemic on social workers and career practitioners in related fields. Like most professional careers that the sudden takeover of the virus has obstructed, the field of social work has been one ofthe professions that the global pandemic has negatively impacted because of its heavy reliance on face-to-face interactions. By employing research methods, challenges faced while working remotely by the social workers were identified, and a main design concepts was proposed in supporting the work of the social workers.

Enhanced Perceived Presence in Hybrid Meetings : Exploring Auditory Immersion Through Dynamic Binaural Audio Technologies

Bengtsson, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, companies and schools had to online go for meetings. With the opening of countries, people can now choose to attend meetings both physically and remotely which has led to the evolution of hybrid meetings. This thesis project focuses on how the perceived presence could be enhanced for remote participants. The purpose of the research is to explore the technology of dynamic binaural audio in the context of hybrid meetings and what the effects are on the remote participants.The paper presents the results through observations and interviews with the case study group, in combination with different literature studies. With the findings, a prototype for dynamic binaural audio has been developed and user-tested. As result, the remote participants reported a higher perceived presence with the implementation of dynamic binaural audio. Although, the implementation of dynamic binaural audio together with a static two dimensional video left some remote participants with a lower perceived presence due to asynchrony.

How to establish a community feeling post-donation

Tiller, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The post-donation process has long lacked attention, and the majority of users experience little to no personal updates after donating. Studies regarding the subject often tend to focus on attracting donors and keeping them interested in the charity, but rarely does it seem like the researchers study possible solutions for the post-donation process. This thesis aims to do that and investigate how an alternative to the process can be presented. Additionally, the aim is to explore if it is possible for a community feeling to arise when using the prototype and if the sharing aspect affects the perception of being part of a community. The thesis was split up into several different phases based on a human-centered design method called the Double Diamond. In the beginning, a literature study and qualitative interviews were executed to understand the problem area further. These interviews brought forward intriguing aspects, such as that users enjoy seeing others sharing donation information but avoid doing so themselves. The project continued with brainstorming to bring forward ideas. These ideas were then visualized in prototypes, iterated, and tested with the help of users and usability experts. Finally, after four iterations, a concluding design proposal was presented, which envisioned an alternative to a donation process. From the usability tests, users expressed an appreciation for the prototype and that the concept delivered a new aspect to donating. The users also stated that some elements in the prototype conveyed a sense of community. These elements were primarily the ability to participate in donation groups and the comment sections within posts and groups. Regarding the sharing aspect, the users mentioned that if the alternatives to interact and share thoughts with other users were removed, the community feeling would decline. Therefore, it was concluded that sharing affects the perceived sense of a community and that a community feeling can be present in a donation service. A disclaimer is that these conclusions are made within the study and apply to the users participating, and it is not certain that they can be applied to others. / Processen efter en donation har länge saknat uppmärksamhet, och majoriteten av dem som donerar erhåller få till inga personliga uppdateringar efteråt. Studier om ämnet i sig tenderar ofta att fokusera på att fånga nya donatorer och att bibehålla deras intresse av välgörenhetsorganisationen, men sällan verkar det som att forskarna studerar möjliga förbättringar för processen efter en donation. Det här examensarbetet ämnar till att utforska processen och undersöker hur ett alternativ kan presenteras. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka om det är möjligt för en känsla av gemenskap att uppstå när prototypen används och om en delningsaspekt kommer påverka denna känsla. Projektet delades up i ett flertal olika faser baserat på en metod vid namn Double Diamond som kan nyttjas när det är användaren som befinner sig i fokus. Till en början utfördes en litteraturstudie tillsammans med kvalitativa intervjuer för att skapa en förståelse för ämnet. Dessa intervjuer förde med sig intressanta insikter såsom att användare uppskattar när andra delar donationsinformation på sociala medier, men att de själva drar sig för att utföra samma sak. Arbetet fortsatte med en brainstormingssession med syftet att få fram många olika idéer. Idéerna blev sedan visualiserade i prototyper som itererades och testades med hjälp av användare och användbarhetsexperter. Efter fyra iterationer presenterades ett slutgiltigt designförslag som åskådliggjorde ett alternativ till donationsprocessen. Under testerna uttryckte användarna en uppskattning för prototypen och det nämndes att konceptet levererade en ny synvinkel till en donationstjänst. Användarna yttrade även att ett par av elementen inom prototypen förmedlade en känsla av gemenskap. Dessa element var främst möjligheten att delta i donationsgrupper och kommentarssektionerna inom inlägg och grupper. Angående delningsaspekten så nämnde användarna att om möjligheterna till interaktion med övriga användare försvann så skulle gemenskapskänslan minska. En slutsats blev därmed att delning troligen påverkar gemenskapen och att en känsla av en gemenskap kan uppstå i en donationstjänst. En begränsning kopplad till slutsatserna är däremot att de utgår från studiens deltagare och det kan därmed inte bekräftas att resultaten är representiva för alla användare.

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