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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation de la voie d'activation des interférons de type I

Clément, Jean-Francois 11 1900 (has links)
Durant ces quatre dernières années, le champ de recherche concernant l’immunité innée a grandement été influencé par la découverte des IKK-related kinases, TBK1 et IKKi, deux kinases régulant l’activité des facteurs de transcription IRF-3/IRF-7 et NF-κB. Les kinases TBK1 and IKKi furent notamment démontrées comme étant responsables de la phosphorylation en C-terminal de IRF-3. Toutefois, l’identité des sites phosphoaccepteurs ciblés par ces kinases restait un sujet de controverse. En combinant la spectrométrie de masse aux essais de phosphorylation in vitro de His-IRF-3 par la kinase recombinante TBK1, nous démontrons que les sérines 396 et 402 sont directement phosphorylées par cette kinase. Nos analyses biochimiques révèlent également que la mutation S396A, localisée dans le cluster II, abolit l’homodimérisation, l’association à CBP et l’accumulation nucléaire de IRF-3. De façon intéressante, la mutation de la sérine 339, impliquée dans la stabilité de IRF-3, provoque également une perte d’association à CBP et de la dimérisation du facteur de transcription sans toutefois affecter la transactivation des gènes antiviraux en autant que la sérine 396 soit disponible pour accepter un événement de phosphorylation. Nos expériences de complémentation de MEFs IRF-3 KO révèlent la présence d’un mécanisme compensatoire impliquant la sérine 339 et la sérine 396 dans l’induction des IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), ISG56 and ISG54. Globalement, les données présentées dans cette étude nous ont permis de reconsidérer le modèle d’activation du facteur de transcription IRF-3 actuellement proposé et d’y ajouter certaines subtilités. TRAF3 est également un médiateur central impliqué dans l’induction de la réponse interféron de type I. Cette fois, en couplant la spectrométrie de masse à la technique de purification protéique par affinité, nous avons identifié Sec16A et p115, deux protéines du système de transport vésiculaire ER-Golgi , comme étant des nouveaux partenaires protéiques de Flag-TRAF3. Nos expériences démontrent la localisation cellulaire de TRAF3 au niveau du système de transport vésiculaire. De plus, la diminution des niveaux d’expression de p115 ou Sec16A provoque une redistribution cellulaire de TRAF3 et affecte la réponse interféron suivant une stimulation par de l’ARN double brin. Nos résultats démontrent également une colocalisation de TRAF3 et TRADD au niveau du cis-Golgi ainsi qu’une interaction avec la protéine du translocon Sec61β médiée par l’intermédiaire de Sec5. De façon générale, nos données suggèrent que la localisation cellulaire de TRAF3 au niveau des compartiments de transport vésiculaire est requise afin d’obtenir une réponse antiviral optimale par la voie de signalisation cellulaire associée aux RIG-I-like RNA helicases, RIG-I et MDA5. Nos données appuient également le rôle potentiel précédemment suggéré de l’exocyste dans l’établissement d’une réponse antivirale. / Over the past four years, the field of the innate immune response has been highly influenced by the discovery of the IκB kinase (IKK)-related kinases, TBK1 and IKKi, which regulate the activity of IRF-3/IRF-7 and NF-κB transcription factors. The IKK-related kinases, TBK1 and IKKi, were recently shown to be responsible for the C-terminal phosphorylation of IRF-3. However, the identity of the phosphoacceptor site(s) targeted by these two kinases remains unclear. By combining mass spectrometry analysis to in vitro kinase assays using full length His-IRF3 as a substrate, we have demonstrated that serine 402 and serine 396 were directly targeted by TBK1. Analysis of Ser/Thr to Ala mutants revealed that S396A mutation, located in cluster II, abolished IRF-3 homodimerization, CBP association and nuclear accumulation. Interestingly, mutation of serine 339, which is involved in IRF-3 stability, also abrogated CBP association and dimerization without affecting gene transactivation as long as serine 396 remained available for phosphorylation. Complementation of MEFs IRF-3 KO also reveals a compensatory mechanism of serine 339 and serine 396 in the ability of IRF-3 to induce IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) ISG56 and ISG54 expression. These data lead us to reconsider the current model of IRF-3 activation. TRAF3 is also a central mediator that is important for inducing type I interferon production in response to intracellular double-stranded RNA. By combining Flag-Affinity purification using Flag-TRAF3 as a bait to mass spectrometry, we have identified Sec16A and p115, two proteins of the ER-to-Golgi vesicular transport system, as novel TRAF3 interactors. We found that TRAF3 localizes to the ER-to-Golgi vesicular pathway and behaves like a cis-Golgi protein. Depletion of p115 or Sec16A disrupts the cis-Golgi cellular localization of TRAF3 and affects type I Interferon response following double-stranded RNA treatment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TRAF3 colocalizes with TRADD at the cis-Golgi and also interacts with the translocon protein Sec61β in a Sec5 dependent manner. Together, our data suggest that the cellular localization of TRAF3 to the ER-to-Golgi transport compartments is required for an optimal RIG-I-like Helicases (RLH)-Cardif-dependent antiviral immune response. Our findings also highlight the potential role of the exocyst in the innate immune response. / Codirecteur de recherche: Dr Sylvain Meloche

Cardiovascular Disease and Immune Mechanisms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Leonard, Dag January 2014 (has links)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease characterized by autoantibody production and an activated type I interferon system. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is as a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this thesis was to identify genetic risk factors for CVD in SLE. The role of T cells in regulation of the interferon-α (IFNα) production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) was also investigated.    In paper I, a thicker intima, thinner media and increased intima/media ratio was found in young premenopausal women with SLE compared to healthy controls indicating increased cardiovascular risk. As traditional ultrasound assessment of the common carotid intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) in SLE has given conflicting results separate measurement of the intima and media can be a useful tool to identify SLE patients at increased risk of CVD.    In paper II, an association was demonstrated in SLE between a STAT4 risk allele and ischemic cerebrovascular disease and presence of anti-phospholipid antibodies (aPL). The association remained after adjustment for traditional CVD risk factors. A possible mechanism for this association is that the risk allele leads to increased production of aPL, which promotes thromboembolism.    In paper III, a genetic locus in IRF8 was identified to be associated to coronary heart disease (CHD) in SLE. The association remained after adjustment of other CHD risk factors.  Patients with the IRF8 risk variant had increased CCA-IMT, more carotid plaques and reduced frequency of circulating B cells. Weaker binding of nuclear protein to the risk allele was demonstrated, suggesting a regulatory function of the IRF8 risk variant.    In paper IV, activated T cells were found to strongly enhance the IFNα production by pDC stimulated with RNA-containing immune complexes via GM-CSF and IL-3. Activated SLE T cells enhanced the IFNα production to the same extent as T cells from healthy controls. This finding together with previous observations in SLE of increased levels of GM-CSF and IL-3 suggests that T cells contribute to the activated type I interferon system in SLE.    In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that genetic predisposition is important for CVD in SLE and describes a new role for T cells in the pathogenesis of SLE.

Immunological Studies using Human and Canine Model Disorders / Immunologiska studier av modellsjukdomar i människa och hund

Ahlgren, Kerstin M. January 2011 (has links)
The studies presented in this thesis focus on human and canine models for autoimmune disease, with the main aim to gain new knowledge about disease mechanisms and to further evaluate the dog as a model for autoimmune disease. Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome type 1 (APS-1) is a hereditary human multiorgan disease caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. Hallmarks of APS-1 are chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis caused by Candida albicans, together with the autoimmune endocrine disorders hypoparathyroidism and adrenocortical failure. Many human diseases have an equivalent disease in dogs. Because humans share environment, and in part life style with the dogs they provide an interesting model for further genetic studies. Immune responses to Candida albicans in APS-1 patients displayed an increased secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17A and similar results were also found in AIRE deficient mice. Anticytokine autoantibodies to IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22 were detected in APS-1 patients, and a radioligand binding assay for measuring these autoantibodies was developed and evaluated. In the canine studies we investigated whether canine diabetes mellitus could serve as a model for human autoimmune diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, we investigated type I IFN responses in Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever dogs with a systemic autoimmune disease resembling human SLE. Four assays were used in search for signs of humoral autoimmunity in diabetic dogs. However, no evidence for a type 1 diabetes-like phenotype in dogs was found. Sera from Nova Scotia duck tolling retrievers suffering from steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis elicited an increased expression of IFN-inducible genes in the canine MDCK cell line. This suggests that these dogs have an IFN signature, as seen in human SLE.

Multiple sclerosis : MRI diagnosis, potential treatment and future potential for nanoparticle applications /

Wu, Xingchen, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Gene therapy with interferon alpha and the angiogenic inhibitor, vasostatin, in neuroendocrine tumors of the digestive system /

Liu, Minghui, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Mechanistic insights into physical and chemical stability of albumin fusion proteins in aqueous solution /

Chou, Danny Kochen. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2008. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 219-242). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;

Charakterisierung der Aktivierung von murinen plasmazytoiden dendritischen Zellen nach Stimulation mit CpG-DNA, Resiquimod (R-848) und Herpes-simplex-Virus-1

Schlatter, Beatrix. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2005--München.

Διερεύνηση της σχέσης επιπέδων λεπτίνης και επιπέδων προ- και αντι-φλεγμονωδών κυτταροκινών σε νεογνά με σκοπό την αναζήτηση πιθανής συμβολής αυξημένων επιπέδων λεπτίνης στην παθογένεια αυτοάνοσων νοσημάτων

Ράπτης, Γεώργιος 06 August 2013 (has links)
Η λεπτίνη παράγεται από τα κύτταρα του λιπώδους ιστού, καθώς και από άλλους ιστούς συμπεριλαμβανομένων του πλακούντος και ρυθμίζει τη πρόσληψη τροφής, τη κατανάλωση ενέργειας, την αναπαραγωγική διαδικασία και τις ανοσολογικές λειτουργίες. Για τη διερεύνηση του ρόλου της λεπτίνης επί του νεογνικού ανοσολογικού συστήματος μετρήσαμε τα επίπεδα λεπτίνης και κυτταροκινών (INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 και IL-12) στον ορό αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου 481 φυσιολογικών νεογνών τα οποία γεννήθηκαν από υγιείς μητέρες. 317 ήταν νεογνά με ιδανικό βάρος γέννησης για την ηλικία κύησης (AGA) και 164 έφεραν αυξημένο βάρος για την ηλικία κύησης (LGA). Η ενδιάμεση συγκέντρωση λεπτίνης σε ολόκληρο το δείγμα ήταν 11.6 ng/ml. Στο 12% AGA νεογνών, τα επίπεδα λεπτίνης ήταν υψηλότερα του μέσου όρου (ενδιάμεση τιμή 34 ng/ml). Στο 33% των νεογνών αυτών (4% του ολικού δείγματος) τα επίπεδα λεπτίνης κυμαίνονταν μεταξύ 37.5-204 ng/ml, στην ομάδα αυτή βρέθηκαν επίσης υψηλά επίπεδα ιντερφερόνης-γ (μέση τιμή 27.11 pg/ml, διακύμανση 17.5-38.5 pg/ml). Κατόπιν μελετήσαμε εάν η λεπτίνη μπορεί να επηρεάσει τη γονιδιακή έκφραση κυτταροκινών στα Τ κύτταρα και μονοκύτταρα αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου. Η καλλιέργεια των κυττάρων ομφαλίου λώρου (Τ ή μονοκυττάρων) AGA νεογνών, τυχαία επιλεγμένων ή κυττάρων περιφερικού αίματος ενηλίκου, με λεπτίνη είχε σαν αποτέλεσμα τη γονιδιακή έκφραση IL-2, INF-γ και IL-4 από τα κύτταρα του ομφαλίου λώρου, καθώς και από τα Τ κύτταρα του ενηλίκου όπως και την έκφραση IL-10 κυρίως από τα μονοκύτταρα αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου. Σημαντικά υψηλότερη γονιδιακή έκφραση INF-γ παρατηρήθηκε σε Τ κύτταρα ομφαλίου λώρου θήλεος τα οποία καλλιεργήθηκαν με λεπτίνη συγκριτικά με τα Τ κύτταρα ομφαλίου λώρου άρρενος. Συμπερασματικά, η παρουσία υψηλών συγκεντρώσεων λεπτίνης και INF-γ στον ορό αίματος ομφαλίου λώρου φυσιολογικών AGA νεογνών, καθώς και το γεγονός ότι η λεπτίνη μπορεί άμεσα να διεγείρει τη γονιδιακή έκφραση κυτταροκινών σε κύτταρα ομφαλίου λώρου (Τ και μονοκύτταρα) δείχνει ότι τα υψηλά επίπεδα λεπτίνης μπορούν ανεξάρτητα να επηρεάσουν το ανοσολογικό σύστημα των φυσιολογικών νεογνών και να συμβάλλουν στη Th1 διαφοροποίηση της ανοσολογικής απόκρισης. / Leptin is a hormone synthesized by adipocytes and other tissues, including the placenta, and it regulates food intake and energy expenditure, reproductive and immune functions. To investigate the role of leptin in neonatal immunity, we measured serum leptin and cytokine (INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12) levels in cord blood (cb) of 481 healthy neonates, born to healthy mothers, of which 317 were appropriately grown for gestational age (AGA) and 164 were large for gestational age (LGA). The median serum leptin concentration in the whole sample was 11.6 ng/ml. In 12% AGA neonates, leptin levels were well above average, with a median of 34 ng/ml. In 33% of these neonates (4% of the total sample) leptin levels ranged between 37.5-204 ng/ml; in this group, significantly elevated levels of serum IFN- were also found (mean 27.11 pg/ml, range 17.5-38.5 pg/ml). We then investigated whether leptin can independently influence cytokine gene expression by cb T-cells and monocytes (Mc). Culture of cb T-cells or Mc, isolated from randomly selected AGA neonates or adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), with leptin, resulted in upregulation of IL-2, IFN- and IL-4 gene expression in cb and adult T-cells and IL-10 gene expression mainly in cb-Mc. Significantly higher expression of IFN- occurred in female cb-T-cells cultured with leptin, compared with male cb-T-cells. In conclusion, the concurrent presence of high concentrations in both leptin and INF- in cb of healthy AGA infants, together with the fact that leptin can directly upregulate cytokine gene expression in cb T and Mc cells, indicate that abnormally high leptin levels can independently influence the immune system of healthy newborns, and may mediate gender differences in the development of a Th1 polarized immune response.

Expressão gênica de interferon-gama, fator de necrose tumoral alfa e interleucinas 2 e 5 no baço de gatos naturalmente infectados por Leishmania spp: Karina Yukie Hirata. -

Hirata, Karina Yukie [UNESP] 15 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-17T16:51:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-05-15. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-05-17T16:54:42Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000863861.pdf: 1356360 bytes, checksum: 18b85330b53418de931a17e7f535d1fb (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Considering the complexity of the immune response against Leishmania spp. infection in different species and the lack of clinical signs in the majority of cats with visceral leishmaniasis, this study aimed to evaluate the gene expression of some cytokines involved in cellular (IFN-, TNF α, IL-2) and humoral (IL-5) immune response by real-time PCR, on spleen samples from 12 cats naturally infected by Leishmania spp., comparing to the immune response of four healthy cats; and to verify the correlation between the parasite load in the bone marrow and the gene expression of cytokines in the spleen of infected animals. An increase of 1.53 times in IFN- gene expression was observed in infected cats when compared to healthy cats (p=0.0005). Statistically significant differences were not observed in gene expression of the cytokines evaluated between infected and healthy cats (TNF-α p=0.4203, IL-2 p=0.1968, IL-5 p=0.6390). Correlation was not observed between the parasite load in the bone marrow and the gene expression of cytokines in the spleen of cats infected by Leishmania spp. (IFN- p = 0.1570; TNF- p = 0.5702; IL-2 p = 0.6081; IL-5 p = 0.2329). These results suggest that IFN- may play an important role in the protective mechanisms against feline leishmaniasis / FAPESP: 2013/02394-6 / FAPESP: 2012/10365-3

Analyses structurelles et fonctionnelles de l'intéraction de la tétherine avec le récepteur ILT7 / Structural and functional analyses of the interaction of tetherin with the dendritic cell receptor ILT7

Aschman, Nicolas 28 April 2015 (has links)
Le virus d'immunodéficience humaine 1 (VIH-1) cible spécifiquement les cellules CD4+ et empêche ainsi l'activation de cellules T cytotoxiques et B lors d'une infection secondaire. Le VIH-1 antagonise également la plupart des facteurs de restriction de l'hôte, y compris la tétherine. En l'absence de la protéine virale Vpu, la tétherine inhibe le relarguage de particules virales et provoque leur dégradation. La tétherine est également capable d'induire une signalisation pro-inflammatoire en réponse au bourgeonnement viral ainsi que d'activer le récepteur de cellules dendritiques ILT7. L'objectif principal de cette étude consistait à élucider les bases structurales de l'interaction entre la tétherine et ILT7. Malgré de nombreuses difficultés rencontrées dans la production recombinante de ILT7, on a pu déterminer la structure cristallographique du domaine N-terminale du récepteur. La ligation de la tétherine à l'ectodomaine entier de ILT7, mais pas au domaine N-terminal, a également été montré. Ces résultats constituent une base solide pour la caractérisation plus détaillée de l'interaction. / Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) specifically infects CD4+ T cells, thereby preventing an appropriate activation of cytotoxic T cells and B cells in response to opportunistic pathogens. In addition, HIV-1 antagonises host restriction factors, including tetherin. In the absence of the viral protein Vpu, tetherin potently inhibits virus particle release from infected cells. Tetherin also triggers proinflammatory signaling upon sensing virus assembly, and activates the dendritic cell receptor ILT7. The principal objective of this thesis was to elucidate the structural details underlying the interaction of tetherin with ILT7. Despite difficulties in the production of recombinant ILT7, the crystal structure of the N-terminal ILT7 domain could be determined. Furthermore, binding of tetherin to full-length ILT7, but not to the N-terminal domain, could be confirmed by SPR. These results provide a solid basis for the more detailed characterisation of the interaction.

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