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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

« Université-monde » : l'internationalisation des politiques universitaires en France et en Russie / « World - university» : the internationalization of university policies in France and in Russia

Filimonova, Ekaterina 06 November 2015 (has links)
La thématique de la thèse concerne un sujet très actuel, car elle s’inscrit dans le contexte de larecomposition du monde universitaire visant à réussir dans la compétition mondiale des systèmesuniversitaires. Dans notre recherche, nous considérons l’internationalisation, d’abord commecatalyseur, puis comme analyseur de changements produits dans le système universitaire. Pourétudier ces changements, nous recourrons à l’approche de B. Jobert et P. Muller, par référentiel, etfaisons l’hypothèse qu’au milieu des années 2000 nous assistons à la formation d’un nouveauréférentiel de « l’université compétitive», dont le degré supérieur de développement est l’université« de classe mondiale ». Ce référentiel, commun à plusieurs pays, présente des particularités àdifférents niveaux des systèmes universitaires. Ainsi, la première partie de la thèse est une réflexionsur la construction d’un nouveau système de représentations dans le domaine de l’enseignementsupérieur et de la recherche. Dans la deuxième partie, nous poursuivons la recherche avec une étudede terrain, afin d’évaluer dans quelle mesure ce référentiel change en pratique. / The thesis is devoted to a topical issue of universities reorganization in condition of internationalcompetition of university systems characteristics. In our research we consider the internationalizationas a catalyst, on one hand, and as an analyzer of changes in university systems, on the other hand. Forthe purpose of studying these changes, we appeal to B. Jobert’s and P. Muller’s concept ofréféréntiél. The basis of our hypothesis is the fact that since the middle of 2000s we could witness аcreation of a new référéntiel of a « competitive university » that could set a new standard of a“world-class university” in the nearest future. Even though this référentiel is common for manycountries, it presents some particularities when applied to different levels of university systems.Thus, in the first part of the thesis we would like to present the main principals of a new socialrepresentation system in terms of higher education and research. In the second part of this work, wehave recourse to a field study in order to explore if the référentiel changes in reality.

Enjeux de la coopération internationale dans les multinationales de l'industrie automobile : L'exemple d'équipes multiculturelles du BMW group / Challenges of international cooperation in multinationals of the automotive industry : The example of the BMW Group

Dziatzko, Nina 22 June 2015 (has links)
La mondialisation et la quête vers la diversité au sein des multinationales confrontent celles-ci à un défi d’envergure : fournir un cadre propice au développement de talents venant du monde entier. L’internationalisation a un grand impact sur l’économie, en particulier, sur le secteur automobile. Celui-ci est encore très présent sur le marché domestique européen, mais dépendant du marché étranger – en termes de coûts de production, de clientèle et de fournisseurs. Cela en fait un terrain d’enquête particulièrement passionnant concernant le travail d’équipes multiculturelles. Le métier et la formation d’ingénieur, très importants dans le secteur technique, sont également analysés sous un angle culturel. Pour illustrer nos propos, nous utiliserons l’exemple du groupe BMW. Nous nous intéressons en particulier à cinq dimensions de la coopération d’équipes multiculturelles. La première est la motivation, la seconde l’intégration des membres de l’équipe. Ensuite, nous regardons quelles compétences sont nécessaires à un chef de groupe afin de diriger ce genre d’équipe. Finalement, la communication et surtout l’usage de la langue sont analysés. La langue joue un rôle particulier pour cette cotutelle. D’une part, le travail théorique tente de rendre compte au mieux des écoles de pensée françaises, allemandes et anglophones. D’autre part, le travail pratique est également effectué en français, allemand et anglais en vue des langues utilisées dans le travail quotidien de l’équipe. L’étude empirique effectuée à cet effet, vise à partager l’expérience d’équipes multiculturelles au sein du groupe. Cela permet d’établir un état des lieux de leurs conditions de travail et à en déduire des conseils pour d’autres équipes au sein de l’organisation pour le futur de l’entreprise ou l’intérêt d’autres acteurs travaillant dans un contexte culturel similaire. / The globalisation and the quest for diversity within multinational firms confront them to a big challenge : to provide a frame in order to develop talents from all over the world. The internationalisation has a big impact, especially, on the automotive sector. It is still very present on the domestic market, but also dependent on the foreign market – regarding costs of production, customers and suppliers. This makes it a fascinating field of study regarding work within multicultural teams. The profession and education as engineer, very important in technical domains, are also analysed from a cultural point of view. To illustrate our purpose we will use the example of the BMW Group. We are particularly interested in five dimensions of the work within multicultural teams. The first one is the motivation, the second one the integration of the team members. Then, we look at which competencies a team leader needs in order to manage this team. Finally, the communication and especially the use of the language are analysed. Thelanguage plays a particuliar role for this cotutelle. On the one hand, the theoretical work tries to describe the related French, German and English work. On the other hand, the applied work is also done in French, German and English regarding the languages used by the team in its daily work. The empirical study aims to share the experience of multicultural teams within thegroup. This helps to identify the status quo of their working conditions and to deduce advice for other teams within the organisation in the future.

New Zealand businesses in India: opportunities and challenges

Nagar, Swati January 2008 (has links)
As a resource based economy international engagement plays a critical role for the growth and development of New Zealand. One of the most notable trends over the past 15 years has been the rise of some of the largest markets around the world, that have led to a rapid and substantial increase in international trade and investment flows. The liberalisation and consequently the rise of emerging markets has today changed the economic geography for the business world, with companies entering these markets with the hope of getting superior returns arising from rapid economic growth and related market opportunities. Amongst other emerging markets, the economic resurgence of the Indian market in the recent years has been widely noticed and in many senses has influenced and changed the structure and operations of businesses around the world. The prospects offered by India have allowed firms to substantially expand their activities beyond their domestic borders and access new growth opportunities generating significant productive growth. The benefits that markets like India today generate are likely to be particularly significance for New Zealand, given the small size of the domestic market. Indeed, increasing New Zealand’s exporting and international investing activity is vital to raising New Zealand’s growth rate. The rapid rise and deregulation of the Indian market has seen a rise in the number of New Zealand businesses keen to tap into the vast prospects across different sectors over the recent years. Nevertheless, New Zealand businesses have not been participating to nearly the same extent as most businesses from other small developed countries currently operating in the Indian market. Reasons for this limited interaction are unclear and not well documented in the current literature that examines the economic activities amongst the two markets. Given the importance of international engagement New Zealand businesses cannot afford to isolate themselves from the opportunities provided by the Indian market. Considering this, the main aim of this research is to focus on the opportunities that India provides and the benefits that New Zealand businesses stand to gain from those. On identifying, this may help devise actions that might lead to substantially increased levels of international investments by New Zealand firms, given the challenges of entering the Indian base from a small remote country. Drawing on insights gained from existing literature and case studies of companies operating in India, the research will identify appropriate strategies and policies that might help New Zealand businesses to succeed and better direct operations in India.

L'internationalisation de la science politique : une comparaison franco-britannique (1945-2010)

Boncourt, Thibaud 04 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse a pour objectif de contribuer à l'étude des processus d'internationalisation scientifique à travers l'étude du cas spécifique de la science politique sur la période 1945-2010. Elle s'appuie, pour ce faire, sur une comparaison franco-britannique et sur un cadre théorique inspiré de travaux de sociologie des sciences et de sociologie politique. Articulé autour de la notion de champ, ce cadre constitue la base d'une analyse en trois temps. Le premier consiste en une sociohistoire comparée de deux organisations transnationales de science politique - l'Association Internationale de Science Politique (AISP) et le European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Le deuxième repose sur une analyse comparée de trois instances de consécration éditoriales - la Revue Française de Science Politique, Political Studies et le European Journal of Political Research. Le troisième est une analyse comparée des carrières internationales de politistes français et britanniques, sur la base de récits de vie. Les apports de ces trois terrains amènent à conclure, d'une part, à l'émergence progressive d'un champ international partiellement autonome des espaces nationaux mais dont les règles du jeu sont en partie liées aux rapports de force en vigueur dans le champ américain. Ils permettent aussi, d'autre part, de mettre en évidence une structuration du processus d'internationalisation des champs nationaux par les phénomènes de décentralisation, d'autonomisation et de spécialisation qui modifient, au fil du temps, leur physionomie.

La diffusion culturelle internationale : les enjeux de la politique de prêts d'oeuvre et d'expositions du MNAM-CCI (Centre Georges Pompidou) pendant la période 2000-2007

Kinoshita, Harumi 17 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le musée contemporain ne se caractérise plus seulement comme un lieu voué à préservation, conservation et présentation des collections mais comme un lieu inscrit dans des réseaux, comme le montre l'étude de la politique de diffusion : celle-ci est l'objet de ma thèse en sciences de l'information et de la communication intitulée " La diffusion culturelle à l'échelle internationale : les enjeux de la politique du prêt des œuvres et des expositions du Mnam-Cci (Centre Georges Pompidou) pendant la période 2000-2007 ".Le Mnam-Cci est l'un des plus importants musées au monde grâce à sa collection d'art moderne et contemporain. Il offre non seulement des expositions temporaires mais aussi de nombreuses activités culturelles : cinémas, conférences, concerts, spectacles. Sa collection se compose de 60 000 œuvres, est empruntée auprès des musées du monde entier.Compte tenu de la richesse de la collection, la politique du prêt des œuvres est l'une des stratégies importantes du musée. Dans la perspective d'une étude muséologique, l'analyse de la politique du prêt des œuvres nous paraît des plus pertinentes.La première partie de la thèse met en évidence les mécanismes de la circulation des œuvres et celles des expositions dans un contexte des territoires à l'échelle internationale. La deuxième partie de la thèse décirt la circulation des biens culturels à l'heure de la mondialisation. La dernière partie de la thèse montre le développement de la stratégie communicationnelle à l'échelle internationale à travers la politique de diffusion.C'est ainsi que ce travail montre la diffusion culturelle à l'échelle internationale par l'intermédiaire de la politique du prêt des œuvres et des expositions du Mnam-Cci.

The institutionalisation of the SADC protocol on education and training: a comparative study of higher education in two South African countries

Watson, Pamela January 2010 (has links)
<p>Regional integration is being proposed as a means to development in Southern Africa. As a part of the formal agreements regarding this cooperation, a Protocol on Education in the Southern African Development Community region has been signed. This research set out to compare the higher education systems of two Southern African countries and to examine the extent to which this Protocol has had an impact on national policies and practices. The research sought to investigate this by means of exploring the extent to which the Protocol has provided an institutional frame which is guiding the development of higher education policy in each of the two countries. The findings of the study indicate that the Protocol, rather than providing leadership in the area of education policy, is to a large extent a symbolic document, reflective of norms already existent in national policy in the two countries studied.&nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / &nbsp / </p>

Democracy Reconsidered : Britain, France, Sweden, and the EU

Agné, Hans January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether some positions in democratic theory should be adjusted or abandoned in view of internationalisation; and if adjusted, how. More specifically it pursues three different aims: to evaluate various attempts to explain levels of democracy as consequences of internationalisation; to investigate whether the taking into account of internationalisation reveals any reason to reconsider what democracy is or means; and to suggest normative interpretations that cohere with the adjustments of conceptual and explanatory democratic theory made in the course of meeting the other two aims. When empirical methods are used, the scope of the study is restricted to West European parliamentary democracies and their international affairs. More particularly, the focus is on the making of budget policy in Britain, France, and Sweden after the Second World War, and recent budget policy in the European Union. The aspects of democracy empirically analysed are political autonomy, participation, and deliberation. The material considered includes parliamentary debates, official statistics, economic forecasts, elections manifestos, shadow budgets, general election turnouts, regulations of budget decision-making, and staff numbers in government and parliament budgetary divisions. The study reaches the following conclusions among others. (i) The fact that internationalisation increases the divergence between those who make and those who are affected by decisions is not by itself a democratic problem that calls for political reform. (ii) That international organisations may have authorities delegated to them from democratic states is not sufficient to justify them democratically. Democratisation still needs to be undertaken. (iii) The fear that internationalisation dissolves a social trust necessary for political deliberation within nations seems to be unwarranted. If anything, views argued by others in domestic budgetary debate are taken increasingly serious during internationalisation. (iv) The major difficulty with deliberation seems to be its inability to transcend national boundaries. International deliberation at state level has not evolved in response to internationalisation and it is undeveloped in international institutions. (v) Democratic political autonomy diminishes during internationalisation with regard to income redistribution and policy areas taken over by international organisations, but it seems to increase in public spending. (vi) In the area of budget policy-making there are no signs that governments gain power at the expense of parliaments during internationalisation. (vii) To identify crucial democratic issues in a time of internationalisation and to make room for theoretical virtues like general applicability and normative fruitfulness, democracy may be defined as a kind of politics where as many as possible decide as much as possible.

Key success factors : The internationalisation of Swedish fashion companies

Lind, Stefan, Knudsen, Jerry January 2008 (has links)
Background: The Swedish fashion market today quickly becomes too small, even for the new companies, and they are quick to take the step abroad and launch their internationalisation process. With a focus on the four Swed-ish fashion companies Filippa K, Acne Jeans, Nudie Jeans and Whyred, we have analysed how these representatives of the industry have interna-tionalised themselves. The companies have chosen different ways to promote their brand and how to control the perceived image of the brand. As there is a lack of earlier in-depth studies into this particular question of the Swedish Fashion industry, we have set out to investigate how this is done. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to look at the internationalisation process of Swedish fashion companies, with a focus on the growth and the penetra-tion of the international markets in order to determine the key success factors for successful international expansion. We will also investigate to what extent branding, country of origin (COO) and psychic distance to geographical markets has an influence on the internationalisation process and its success. Method: We used a qualitative approach and conducted a case study consisting of four Swedish fashion companies. The data have been collected through interviews and secondary sources. The information has been put into dif-ferent models for internationalisation, branding and key success factors. Conclusion: We have interpreted the collected data together with the theories used, thereafter drawn the conclusions that the key Success factors that have taken these firms so far and have been important in the building of the successful brands/companies, are in fact to a large degree COO, rela-tions in the Swedish fashion Industry and the creation of superior prod-ucts. The companies have both similar and specific factors for their suc-cess on the international market.

Internationella universitet – lokala språkval : Om bruket av talad svenska i engelskspråkiga kursmiljöer / International universities – local language choices : On spoken Swedish in English-medium course environments

Söderlundh, Hedda January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of spoken Swedish on six English-medium university courses in Sweden. The courses are taken by both Swedish and foreign students, with English as the common language of instruction. The aim of the study is to describe and understand the oral use of Swedish, by students in particular, in the type of linguistic environment that arises when English is the medium of instruction. Language use is studied from three angles: the use of spoken Swedish, the functions of Swedish in interaction, and participants’ attitudes to Swedish and English and to the choice of one language or the other. The analysis is based on observations and recordings of naturally occurring talk on courses in the subject areas business studies, engineering and computer science, and on interviews with students and teaching staff. Close analysis of the Swedish spoken is combined with ethnographic knowledge of the broader social context of the courses, and in both theory and method the thesis combines the research fields of sociolinguistics and ethnography. The study shows that Swedish is spoken on all the courses observed. It is used primarily outside whole-group teaching, in interactions not involving foreign students. The language occurs both in talk relating to the course subject and in private conversations. Thus, English-medium education does not by definition mean that English is the only language employed; Swedish, too, has a more or less prominent place. In the thesis, attitudes and patterns of language choice are attributed to the national, rather than international, character of the courses, and to the fact that most of the students and lecturers have experience of and routines from Swedish-medium education. The old routines are carried over into the nominally English-medium courses, giving Swedish a special position and local prestige in these environments. / Avhandlingen handlar om hur svenska används i den muntliga interaktionen i sex engelskspråkiga universitetskurser i Sverige. Kurserna följs av både svenska och utländska studenter och engelska är det gemensamma språket i undervisningen. Undersökningen utgår från studenternas språkbruk och syftet är att beskriva och förstå särskilt studenters muntliga användande av svenska i den typ av språkmiljö som uppstår då engelska är undervisningsspråk. Språkbruket undersöks från tre infallsvinklar: den talade svenskans användning, svenskans funktioner i interaktionen samt deltagarnas attityder till dels svenska och engelska, dels valet av språk. Analysen utgår från observationer och inspelningar av naturligt förekommande samtal i undervisning inom ämnesområdena företagsekonomi, teknik och datavetenskap samt från intervjuer med studenter och lärare. Näranalyser av den talade svenskan kombineras med etnografisk kunskap om kursernas bredare sociala sammanhang, och i teori och metod kombineras forskningsfälten sociolingvistik och etnografi. Resultatet visar att svenska förekommer i alla undersökta kurser. Svenska används främst utanför helklassundervisningen i samtal där utländska studenter inte deltar. Språket talas både i samtal som rör studieämnet och i privata samtal. Att kurserna är nominellt engelskspråkiga betyder alltså inte att engelska är det enda språk som används i samband med undervisningen, också svenskan har en mer eller mindre framträdande plats. I avhandlingen förklaras attityder och språkvalsmönster med att kurserna till sin karaktär är nationella – i motsats till internationella – och att majoriteten studenter och lärare har erfarenhet och rutiner från svenskspråkiga utbildningar. De gamla rutinerna förs över till de nominellt engelska kurserna och ger svenskan en särställning och lokal prestige i miljöerna.

Svensk Kinamat : Export av svenska livsmedel till Kina

Serti, Patricia, Österlin, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Som en följd utav den växande efterfrågan för importerade livsmedel i Kina, finns det idag ett par svenska livsmedelsföretag som exporterar svenska livsmedel till Kina. Den ständigt växande ekonomin i Kina har skapat nya konsumentbehov och öppnat nya möjligheter för utländska företag att sälja sina inhemska produkter till landet med en enormt växande marknad. Enligt en färsk amerikansk rapport har den ekonomiska tillväxten i Kina bidragit till en växande medelsklass som efterfrågar säkrare och naturligare kvalitets produkter. I rapporten framgår att med en växande medelklass i landet har människor blivit mer måna om att köpa utländska livsmedel. Detta pga. ett antal tidigare livsmedelsskandaler, som orsakat förödande konsekvenser för befolkningen. Det finns således en omättad marknad i Kina, vilket utländska och i det här fallet svenska livsmedelsföretag kan tillgodose. Enligt färska siffror från Svenska Ambassaden i Peking går Sverige enskilt miste om minst 1,3 miljarder SEK i livsmedelsexport till Kina varje år. Sveriges exportförlust har dessutom konstant ökat de senaste åren, och vi ämnar ta reda på hur detta går att ändra på och vilka möjligheter som finns för att åtgärda detta problem. I samband med ett projekt där fyra svenska livsmedelsföretag fått möjligheten att marknadsföra sina produkter mot en gigantisk kinesisk detaljhandelskedja och möta dess 500 inköpare, har vi valt att belysa deras ingång på marknaden. Kina är i nuläget en svår marknad att komma in på, vilket också bidragit till blandade erfarenheter för de fyra svenska företagen. Som syfte med vår uppsats ämnar vi identifiera marknadsföringsstrategier som kan hjälpa till att överbrygga eventuella kommunikationsbarriärer för svenska livsmedelsföretag i Kina. Vi har kommit fram till att det finns olika värdehöjare som svenska företag kan utnyttja, samt även saker att undvika för att underlätta ingång på kinesiska marknaden. Slutligen har vi även kommit fram till faktorer som krävs för att gå från kontakt till relation. / As a result of the growing demand for imported foods in China, today there are some Swedish food companies who are exporting food to China. The growing economy in China has created new consumer needs and thus the opportunity for foreign companies to sell their domestic product to the country. According an American report, the current economic growth in China has contributed to a growing middle class, which demands for safer and more natural quality products. Chinese people have, in connection to this, become more eager to buy foreign food. This is due to a number of previous food scares, which have caused huge consequences among the population. Thus, there is an unsaturated market for foreign food companies to cover in China, which could also be a motive for Swedish food companies to enter this market. According to recent figures from the Swedish Embassy in Beijing, Sweden loses more than 1.3 billion in food exports to China every year. In connection to a project where four Swedish food companies were given the opportunity to launch their products at a large Chinese retailer, we have chosen to highlight their market entry in China. China is currently a difficult market to penetrate, which has also contributed to mixed experiences of the four Swedish companies. In this paper, we intend to identify marketing strategies that can overcome any communication barriers that Swedish food companies might face in China. In this paper we have identified different values, which we believe that Swedish companies can exploit. Other things we have found during our research are communication barriers to avoid when entering the market. At last, we have also found some factors which are required when going from contact to relation in a business process.

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