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CarmesimGirotto, Nara Lucia January 2011 (has links)
Veio do nada em direção à palavra, perseguindo os efeitos imprevisíveis da invenção. Lufadas de linguagem para capturar circunstâncias ínfimas, aleatórias. Exploração das potências expressivas presenteadas pela sintaxe. Nuances, estados sensoriais, sensualismos, cores, formas, sensações, impressões. Trama, teia de aranha, palavras no ar. Pesquisa no limiar entre o nome e a cor, a realidade e a ficção. Uma alegria: afastar o fascismo da palavra, ter um leitor que a leia para além da intenção. / It came from the void towards the word, seeking the unexpected effects of invention. Blasts of language in order to capture imperceptible, random circumstances. Exploration of the expressive powers offered by syntax. Shadings, sensorial states, sensualisms, colors, forms, sensations, impressions. Threads, spider's webs, words in the air. A research in the limit between the name and the color, the reality and the fiction. A joy: to banish the fascism of language, to have a reader who could read it beyond the intention.
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Saber e objeto no discurso capitalistaSgarioni, Matheus Minella January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho parte da interrogação acerca do funcionamento discursivo contemporâneo e de suas implicações nos fenômenos clínicos atuais. As novas formas de nomeação e de produção de saberes são problematizadas a partir da teoria dos discursos de Jacques Lacan, a fim de traçar as particularidades referentes à instauração do “discurso capitalista” ou “discurso do Mestre moderno”. Iniciamos o trabalho com a tentativa de identificar a incidência de mecanismos de subjetivação atuantes na contemporaneidade. Em diálogo com alguns autores que trabalham esta temática, foi possível identificar um funcionamento próprio ao sujeito contemporâneo, cuja característica é o envolvimento na dinâmica que os objetos apresentam em nossa sociedade. Se a psicanálise procura escutar o desejo que se articula através do significante, perguntamos: é possível realizar uma leitura que leva em consideração o endereçamento que os sujeitos mantêm com o mercado de objetos de consumo? Na medida em que acreditamos que o objeto pode velar o movimento desejante, e que, nos dias de hoje, o objeto torna-se objeto de consumo, assumindo lugar privilegiado na busca por gozo e por filiação, percorremos o arcabouço teórico psicanalítico numa tentativa de situar a produção de diferença que se faz possível no atual panorama discursivo. Há espaço para a invenção no atual regime de incitação ao gozo pelo consumo? Neste sentido, encontramos na arte e na psicanálise o que parece contribuir para que vislumbremos alternativas ao sujeito que se encontra na clausura dos signos que o petrificam perante o Outro. / This research starts from questions about the contemporary discoursive functioning and it’s implications on nowadays clinical phenomenons. The new ways of knowledge naming and producting are problematized using Jacques Lacan’s discourses theory, in order to set the particularities surrounding the “capitalist discourse” or the “modern Master discourse” introduction. We start this writing trying to identify the incidence of subjectivation mechanisms that act in contemporaneity. On a dialogue with some authors that worked on this task, we started a search for the contemporary subject by the functioning attached to the dynamics presented by the objetcs on our society. If Psychoanalysis intends to listen desire articulated trough the significant, we ask: is it possible to perform a reading that considers the adressing that the subjects keep with consumption objects? Since we believe the object can obliterate desire’s movement, and that, nowadays, the object has become the consumption object, assuming privileged position on the seek for jouissance and filiation, we searched on psychoanalytic theory for trying to establish the production of a possible difference on the current discoursive panorama. Is there room for invention on the current jouissance incitating performed by consumption? In this way, we have found on art and psychoanalysis what seems to contribute on alternative ways to the subject that find himself petrified under the prision of signs of the Other.
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Sobre o videogame e cognição inventivaSilva, Carlos Alberto Baum da January 2012 (has links)
Os videogames são frequentemente considerados uma mídia marginal que conduz a repetições mecânicas ou comportamentos violêntos. Muitas dessas críticas partem de pessoas pouco familiarizadas com seu uso e a partir de comparações com mídias narrativas, principalmente o cinema. Esse trabalho propõe é o abandono da ideia de modelo cognitivo, como um modo de existência transcendente da cognição, e aposta em uma política cognitiva inventiva, um agenciamento que produz um operar que transforma constantemente a cognição. Para isso explora-se o interior da experiência do videogame em partidas do jogo Defense of the Ancient. Tal experiência revela que os videogames não são textos que podem ser decodificados da posição de expectador, mas constitui-se como um contexto de ação cujas imagens só adquirem sentido a partir da participação do operador. A invenção aparece nesse cenário como a capacidade do jogador de colocar os problemas pertinentes a cada situação do jogo. A interação com o videogame por sua vez não se dá por dominação ou hierarquia, mas acontece por acoplamento, o jogo só existe enquanto operação conjunta de seu operador e dá máquina que o suporta. O aprendizado do jogo, porém, ocorre pelo encorporamento das ações impossíveis; isso se dá por um treinamento corporal que se parece mais com ensaios musicais do que com um experimento pavloviano. Por fim, apontamos algumas linhas para interações com videogame na educação e na saúde. / Videogames are often considered a marginal media that leads to mechanical repetition or violent behavior. Many of these criticisms are made by people unfamiliar with its use and from comparisons with narrative mediums, especially the cinema. This study proposes the abandonment of the idea of cognitive model, as a transcendent mode of existence of cognition, and bet on a inventive cognitive policy, an assemblage that produces an operation that constantly transforms the cognition. For that we explore the inside of the videogame experience through playing Defense of the Ancient. This experience reveals that the videogames are not texts which can be decoded from the position of spectator, but constitutes itself as a context of action whose images only make sense from the operator's participation. The invention appears in this scenario as the ability of the player to put the problems relevant to each game situation. The interaction with videogame in its turn does not occur by domination or hierarchy, but by coupling, the game only exists as a joint operation of the machine and its operator. Learning the game, however, occurs by embodiment of the possible actions, this is for a body training that looks more like musical rehearsals than a Pavlovian experiment. Finally, we point out some lines for interactions with videogames in education and healthcare.
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Patentový systém v České republice / Patent system in the Czech RepublicLebedová, Radana January 2015 (has links)
Submitted master thesis discusses patent law legislation in the Czech Republic. The purpose of this thesis is to examine current legislation in particular with the focus on gaining the patent protection as well as following proceedings and to point out possible uncertainties and particularities of such proceedings given by special nature of patent proceedings in relation to administrative proceedings in general. Considering the mutual bond between the substantive and procedure patent law, this thesis also deals with selected substantive issues. Except for the introduction and the conclusion the work is divided into six chapters. These chapters are notionally split in two main parts. First part consists of first three chapters and is considered to be the introduction to the issue of patent law; second part, consisting of last remaining chapters, represents the core of the thesis on its own. First chapter deals with defining the main terms in the field of patent law and intellectual property law as such. Firstly, it deals with the term intellectual property following by industrial property which are commonly defined by enumeration of subjects belonging to one or the other. Moreover, this chapter concentrates on explaining what patent law, patent and invention legally mean. Second chapter is dedicated...
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Re-Composition: Considering the Intersections of Composition and Creative Writing Theories and PedagogiesBerg, Danita 02 April 2010 (has links)
Maintaining composition studies and creative writing as discrete disciplines may not be in the best interests of either field. But so long as the majority of scholars and practitioners of either field remain largely uninformed about one another, it is unlikely that any progress toward conjoining the two fields will occur. Various important and constructive efforts have been made for more than thirty years to establish a scholarly, interdisciplinary community that dedicates itself to examining points of intersection between composition and creative writing. Initially, such efforts appear to attract the attention from the broader communities of each discipline. Before long, however, participation in such scholarly discussions diminishes, as do most prospects for integrating changes inspired by the collaborative exchange-let alone any prospects for merging composition studies and creative writing into a single discipline.
Critical examinations of commonalities between composition studies and creative writing, while crucially important, cannot lead to a greater alliance between the two fields unless each field incorporates aspects of one another's disciplinary identity into its own. Chapter One introduces my study and considers the disciplinary histories of composition and creative writing, histories that reveal when and how they came to be separated even as they consistently were (and are) situated in the same department, the department of English. Chapter Two investigates how inventional techniques that have been conceptualized primarily in the field of composition studies can assist creative writing students in developing insights about their writing. Chapter Three extends this conversation by considering the social and collaborative techniques that can benefit the creative writing workshop. Chapter Four considers how a writing classroom can integrate genres traditionally associated with either composition or creative writing to allow students to develop a broader writing repertoire and, perhaps, an enhanced commitment to its continued development.
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A Comparison of Effectiveness of Structured and Non-Structured Strategies of Rhetorical Invention for Written Argumentation Produced by Community College StudentsSmolova, Alona A. 28 April 1999 (has links)
A recent shift in the composition studies has resulted in the renewal of interest in rhetorical invention. There is no uniformity among researchers and professionals about the optimal conditions preceding the composing process, especially among college students. This study was intended to explore the effectiveness of structured (Larson's Heuristic) and non-structured (freewriting) strategies of rhetorical invention produced by community college students. The objectives of this study were to determine the following: 1) whether there is an overall improvement of students' written argumentation after instruction in the strategies of rhetorical invention; 2) whether college student writers are more likely to use structured than non-structured strategies of rhetorical invention after instruction in both strategies; 3) whether there is a relationship between the nature of invention strategy used by the students spontaneously on the pre-test and the type of rhetorical invention used by them in the post-test; and 4) whether there is a relationship between the type of rhetorical invention and the quality of final drafts of argumentative essays.
The study was designed as a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Matched-samples t-test, chi-square goodness-of-fit tests, and ANOVA procedures were employed to address specific research questions of this research. Focus groups, conducted during the final stage of the research, provided emic data about students' experience in and attitude toward the strategies of rhetorical invention.
Findings indicate that though students' performance on the post-test was higher than on the pre-test, there was no statistically significant improvement in the quality of written argumentation after the completion of instruction in the strategies of rhetorical invention. Secondly, after completion of the instruction, students used structured (Larson's Heuristic) and non-structured (freewriting) strategies of rhetorical invention with comparable frequently. Thirdly, there was a moderate relationship between the type of rhetorical invention used by student writers in the pre-test and the type of rhetorical invention used by them in the post-test and that in the pre-test. Finally, there was a statistically significant relationship between the type of rhetorical invention and the quality of the final drafts of written argumentation in the pre-test. Further, the length of evidence of rhetorical invention was related strongly to the quality of the final drafts in the pre-test. No statistically significant relationship was detected between the type of rhetorical invention and the quality of written argumentation in the post-test. The results of this study enabled the researcher to articulate questions and provide suggestions for future investigation of written composing and rhetorical invention among college students. / Ph. D.
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Playing with Genre: Multigenre Composition as Rhetorical Pedagogy in the Writing ClassroomWelch, Alison Marie 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Toward a Relational Theory of InventionLaVecchia, Christina M. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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L’évolution contemporaine de la notion de brevetabilité : étude en droit français et européen / Contemporary evolution of the notion of patentability : study in french and european lawLouis, Axelle 27 January 2014 (has links)
L'impressionnante augmentation du nombre de dépôts de brevets, l'arrivée de nouvelles technologies mais également les nombreuses contestations du système des brevets invitent à se pencher sur la façon dont la notion de brevetabilité a su faire face à l'évolution des techniques et des pratiques. La présente étude propose d'analyser l'évolution contemporaine de la notion de brevetabilité en observant d'abord l'élargissement du domaine de la brevetabilité, avant de s'intéresser à l'assouplissement des conditions de brevetabilité. Les vecteurs de cette évolution vers une plus grande protection sont la lacune législative en matière de définition de l'invention et le recul successif des exclusions à la brevetabilité. Il ressort en outre de l'étude que le critère d'application industrielle doit être vu comme participant de la nature de l'invention, et non comme une condition de brevetabilité. Il apparaît également qu'en réaction à la complexité des nouvelles technologies et à la pression des acteurs économiques, les conditions de nouveauté et d'activité inventive se voient particulièrement assouplies. L'étude conclut a un abaissement du seuil de brevetabilité et à la prolifération de brevets de mauvaises qualité ayant un impact négatif sur l'innovation. / The impressive increase of patent applications, the advent of new technologies but also the numerous challenges that the patent system has to face invite to look at the way the notion of patentability copes with the evolution of art and practices. The present study analyses the evolution of the notion of patentability by observing at first the widening of patentability field, before looking at the softening.of patentability criteria. The means of this evolution toward a wider protection are the absence of any legal definition of invention and the successive backward movement of patentability exclusions. It is shown that industrial application must be seen as part of the ivention definition and not as a criterion. It also appears that in reaction to the complexification of technologies and the pressure of economic actors, novelty and non-obviousness criteria have been largely softened. The conclusion of the study is that the decrease of the patentability threshold and the increase of bad quality patents have a negative impact on innovation.
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MemÃrias, poÃticas e temporalidades: a invenÃÃo estÃtica de Limoeiro do Norte (1943 a 1957 e 1957 a 2016) / Memories, poetic and temporality : the aesthetic invention of Limoeiro do Norte ( 1943-1957 and 1957-2016 )Josà Wellington de Oliveira Machado 11 July 2016 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Esta pesquisa intenta perceber como os coronÃis, os padres, os bispos, os memorialistas, os poetas e outros personagens idealizaram o passado e o futuro da cidade de Limoeiro do Norte. Na primeira parte, intitulada TEMPOS, analiso as idealizaÃÃes do tempo ao longo do sÃculo XX, percebendo como se constroem espaÃos de experiÃncia e os horizontes de expectativa. Na segunda parte, MEMÃRIAS, estudei parte dos livros dos memorialistas e observei como eles construÃram representaÃÃes a partir das suas prÃprias famÃlias e de outras instituiÃÃes, como as escolas e a Igreja CatÃlica. Na terceira parte, IMAGENS, analisei como os textos escritos sÃo imagÃticos e como as imagens sÃo textuais. A intenÃÃo era perceber como as produÃÃes audiovisuais ajudam a criar esse imaginÃrio social limoeirense, produzindo a ilusÃo de uma identidade ou de um norte para Limoeiro do Norte. / This research attempts to understand in which way did the colonels, priests, bishops, memoir writers, poets and other characters have done idealizations for the past and the future of Limoeiro do Norte-CE. In the first part, titled TIMES, we analyze the time idealizations throughout the twentieth century, trying to comprehend how was builded the notions of space of experience and horizons of expectation. In the second part, MEMORIES, I studied some books of memoirs trying to observe how the writers of these books have done, in their writings, representations of their own families and other institutions such as schools and Catholic Church. In the third part, IMAGES, I analyzed texts and images. I was trying to understand how imagetic the written texts are and how textual the images are. The intention was to see how the audio-visual productions helps to create this social imaginary of Limoeiro, producing the illusion of an identity or a North to Limoeiro.
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