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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Future Forests - Vision 2030 : Bachelor Thesis Report - Jenny Holmsten

Holmsten, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Forests cover about 30% of the earth surface and is a vital resource as a habitat for plants, animals and humans. Today climate change and global warming is a fact and something must be done. We burn massive amounts of fossil fuels and during this combustion carbon dioxide is created. To help eliminate this global change we need to start caring about the forests. The forests have a major role in climate change and global warming. It currently contributes to about one-sixth of the global carbon emissions. But today deforestation is a real environmental threat. The world trees are being cut down too quickly for the earth to regenerate new forests. And while the society is moving into a more bio-based economy the pressure of a efficient forest industry and forest regrowth is increasing drastically. A new way of reforestation must happen, a sustainable and natural method must be im plemented. In Sweden and the Scandinavian area the method has had a stagnant development. Is done manually with a standardized procedure not taking natural properties into account. Money often goes over quality. My project will focus on developing a concept that can live up to the upcoming future demands and the environmental aspects that needs to be taken in account to ensure a healthy and sustainable forest. The final result performs an efficient and precise reforestation and enables for a detailed planning and analysis of the area in advanced.

Peter Schat's Tone Clock: The Steering Function and Pitch-Class Set Transformation in Genen

Fernandez Ibarz, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Dutch composer Peter Schat’s (1935-2003) pursuit of a compositional system that could generate and preserve intervallic relationships, while allowing the composer as much flexibility as possible to manipulate musical material, led him to develop the tone-clock system. Fundamentally comprised of the twelve possible trichords, the tone clock permits each to generate a complete twelve-tone series through the “steering” principle, a concept traced to Boulez’s technique of pitch-class set multiplication. This study serves as an overview of Schat’s tone-clock system and focuses primarily on the effects of the steering function in “Genen” (2000). Furthermore, I expand on the tone-clock system by combining transformational theory with Julian Hook’s uniform triadic transformations and my proposed STEER and STEERS functions, which express the procedures of the steering principle as a mathematical formula. Using a series of transformational networks, I illustrate the unifying effect steering has on different structural levels in “Genen,” a post-tonal composition.

Språklig förlust i främmande framtid : Nyspråk och språkkontroll i svenska dystopier 1958–1979 / Estranged Futures and Language Lost : Newspeak and Language Control in Swedish Dystopian Fiction 1958–1979

Järpedal, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Dystopian fiction seeks to make conscious the faults of contemporary society through estrangement. Newspeak plays an important role in this estrangement, being a euphemistic and propagandistic language meant to distort the characters' perception of the fictional world. This type of language, however, has two different functions: one fictional and one didactical, where the latter seeks to emphasize the negative aspects of the fictional world to the reader. In this thesis I analyze the use of newspeak and language control as a means for social criticism in five Swedish dystopian novels published from the late 1950s through to the late 1970s. The novels analyzed are: Strålen (1958) by Ann Margret Dahlquist-Ljungberg, De sista (1962) by Arvid Rundberg, Elektra. Kvinna år 2070 (1967) by Ivar Lo-Johansson, Klotjorden (1970) by Kerstin Strandberg, and Järnblommorna (1979) by Jenny Berthelius. Apart from newspeak and language control I also examine the use of obsolete language and literary onomastics. Additionally, the thesis contains a smaller bibliography of Swedish utopian and dystopian novels published from 1950 to 1979. Language plays a central role in the novels analyzed: they contain different forms of newspeak and whilst these languages only figurate sporadically, their function is clearly didactic and meant for social criticism. Language control on the other hand, is a common theme that is often used to accentuate a totalitarian threat towards society. Most of the novels, however, primarily deal with obsolete language. It is the lost and forgotten that produces anxiety. This type of language emphasizes a loss of normative values that makes the reader question the fictional society as well as their own.

Den performativa uppväxten : en studie i den heterosexuella matrisens verkan i tre svenska skolskildringar

Johansson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsen Den performativa uppväxten syftar till att studera den heterosexuella matrisens verkan i tre svenska skolskildringar. Som teoretisk grund för undersökningen används såväl Yvonne Hirdmans teori om hur genussystemet bärs upp av de logiska fundamenten isärhållning och könshierarki, som Judith Butlers queerfeministiskt filosofiska dekonstruktion av kön som kategori. De skönlitterära verk som analyseras är Agnes von Krusenstjernas Tony växer upp och Tonys läroår, Jan Guillous Ondskan och Jonas Gardells trilogi En komikers uppväxt, Ett ufo gör entré och Jenny. Genom ett textanalytiskt tillvägagångssätt med komparativa inslag undersöks hur genusstereotyper reproduceras och stabiliserar heterosexualiteten som obligatorisk norm, vidare hur dessa processer gestaltar ungdomars identitetstillblivelse i den skönlitterära skolmiljön. De tre skolskildringarna statuerar exempel som belyser hur grupptryck och okritisk medvetenhet resulterar i kollektiv könsseparerad performativitet. Den komparativa analysen av de olika skönlitterära verken framhäver genussystemets samtidigt stabila och föränderliga karaktär. De olikartade verken stärker tesen om könsnormer som kulturella, samhälleliga och tidsanpassade konstruktioner, där dock samtida manliga och kvinnliga ideal definieras utifrån varandra likt binära motsatser. Dessa, utifrån varandra definierade genus, stabiliserar en biologistisk heteronormativ beroendeställning mellan en dominant manlighet och en underordnad kvinnlighet. Genom applicerandet av Butlers teori om genussymmetri som en naturaliserad diskurs snarare än en biologisk sanning analyseras hur de olika utanförskap som gestaltas i skolskildringarna samtidigt avslöjar och stärker genussystemet.

The creation of literary character in the fiction of Theodor Fontane

Taylor, Nadine January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the creation of character in the work of Theodor Fontane. Although he is repeatedly praised as a great writer of human character, there is no comprehensive analysis of how Fontane's characters work. This thesis is intended to fill this surprising gap in Fontane research. Its analyses do not focus on the author-text interaction as many traditional critical approaches do, but instead look at what takes place between the text and the reader. The first section, entitled 'Character in Theory', has two chapters presenting my concept of literary character. It draws on the findings of cognitive studies, including formerly neglected aspects such as affective reading and empathy. The second section, 'Character in Practice', contains four chapters. Chapter three demonstrates how our emotions can contribute to our understanding and what role is played by empathy. Chapter four shows the active role readers are required to play when putting together information about characters in Fontane's polyphonous novels. Chapter five focuses on character speech, and chapter six asks to what extent Fontane's characters can be seen to develop. The third section, 'Character in Context', takes a less hermeneutic approach. Chapter seven asks what our expectations of Realist characters are and how these influence our reading of Fontane. Chapter eight examines how our access to these characters has changed compared to the author's contemporary readership. Chapter nine presents an excursus, looking at the author's development from renditions of 'real' people to fictional characters. The last section compares this author's creations to the tentatively Modernist characters of Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks. My findings show that Fontane's characters demand and support a more active reading than Realism is usually given credit for. They suggest that the concept of Realist characters as largely descriptive creations needs to be examined critically.

To portray the beautiful, exotic and feminine land of cheap export : How Sweden imagined Japan during Japonism, from 1858 to 1914

Ingemarsson, Hugo January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis explores the image of Japan in the artistic creations during Japonism in Sweden. Japan and Sweden first started trading in 1868 and knowledge about Japan in Sweden were limited at best. With the emergence of the Western art movement known as Japonism, ranging from 1858 to 1914, fascination for the unknown country grew in Europe. As the art movement Japonism became the first era of interest of Japan in Sweden, the portrayal and subsequent image of the country that emerged during this time is of interest to examine, as to better understand how Japan was imagined by Sweden. Herein, this study aims to analyse the portrayal of Japan in artworks from Swedish artists during Japonism in order to examine what components and ideas composed the image of Japan conveyed during Japonism. A collection of visual artworks depicting Japanese elements, based on Japonism associated artists and creators, have been collected using digital archives and databases to assess what is depicted and how by the creators. Japanese elements, such as objects, clothes, people and landscapes were subsequently analysed using a visual analysis based on researcher Jules David Prown’s three-step method of analysing historical objects. Using the concept of the image, as defined by scholar Torsten Burgman, as the basis of the analysis the depictions of Japanese elements are examined and categorised into several larger and smaller components. The examination is conducted within a framework of ethnocentrism and orientalism to contextualise the image of Japan with the thought structures in 19th century Sweden, as the creators portrayed Japan from both a Swedish and Western Eurocentric colonial perspective. As the source material is artistic depictions, an additional aesthetic framework was applied to contextualise the image of Japan with its artistic medium. Four major image components were found in the material: Japan presented as a commodity; Japanese things as something feminine; Japan as something faraway and exotic, contrasting the West; and Japan as a reference or commentary on the ongoing Japonism movement. The image of Japan found in these depictions of Swedish Japonism was a Eurocentric and ethnocentric understanding of the country. Japan and Japanese things, were imagined as something exotic and beautiful, and usually conveyed as exotic commercial flair for Western women.

Grenzbereiche: 9. Mai 2021

Erpenbeck, Jenny 24 May 2022 (has links)
Die Schriftstellerin Jenny Erpenbeck spannt in ihrer Dresdner Rede einen weiten Bogen über persönliche und kollektive „Grenz-Erfahrungen“: von der Zäsur des Falls der Berliner Mauer aus der Sicht einer jungen Ost-Berlinerin, von den unsichtbaren Grenzen, die seither bestehen, den Grenzen der Zeit und den ganz realen Grenzen der Abschottung um Europa und die USA herum. Die eigenen Erlebnisse, die Grenzerfahrungen – im doppelten Wortsinne – von Geflüchteten, mit denen sie im Rahmen ihrer Buch-Recherchen sprach, die blinden Flecken westeuropäischer Wahrnehmung sowie die aktuellen Eigenheiten deutscher Geschichtspolitik verbindet sie zu einem scharfzüngigen und unbedingt humanistischen Appell. Denn wenn bestehende Grenzen in Frage gestellt werden, sei es durch ein Virus oder durch Menschen, die Grenzbereiche überschreiten, dann ist der Status quo, den die grenzziehenden Gesellschaften definieren, selbst in Frage gestellt. Das Gefühl, das daraus resultiert, heißt Angst – und auch der widmet sich Jenny Erpenbecks Rede.

"Ich dichte in die wüste Zeit" - Ich-Konstruktionen in der Lyrik der deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller_innen Israels / "I am writing into deserted times" - Constructions of the I in the German poetry of the Israeli writers Netti Boleslav and Jenny Aloni

Poppe, Judith 27 August 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht eine in der bisherigen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung unbeachtete Literatur – die deutschsprachige Literatur Israels. Exemplarisch wird dafür die Lyrik zweier Autor_innen, Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav, in den Blick genommen. Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav emigrierten Ende der 1930er Jahre aus dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschland bzw. Prag nach Israel, fanden dort eine neue Heimat und verfassten bis zu ihrem Tod in den 1980er bzw. 1990er Jahren in deutscher Sprache Lyrik und Prosa. Leben und Werk der Autor_innen werden in der Arbeit auf der Basis von Dokumenten wie Tagebüchern, Briefen und unveröffentlichten Manuskripten rekonstruiert, die hier zum Teil erstmals aus dem Nachlass gezogen und in die literarische Öffentlichkeit eingebracht werden. Die hermeneutische Untersuchung der Gedichte in ihrem poetischen Eigenwert wird durch die Einbeziehung poststrukturalistisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Methoden ergänzt. Die Studie rückt die Ich-Konstruktionen in den Fokus – sowohl die der empirische Autor_innen als auch die der literarischen Ichs – und verfolgt damit die Fäden an unterschiedliche Zeiten und Orte zurück, in und an denen die Literatur ihre Spuren hinterlassen hat. Auf der Basis der Analysen wird die untersuchte Literatur, basierend auf Konzepten von Deleuze/Guattari und Kühne, schließlich als „Kleine Zwischenliteratur“ bezeichnet. Die Literatur Alonis und Boleslavs erscheint in Spannungsfeldern zwischen deutschem und israelischem Literaturbetrieb, mäandert zwischen Einheiten wie Böhmen, dem nationalsozialistischen und postnationalsozialistischen Deutschland, dem Staat Israel, der CSSR aber auch zwischen „jüdischer“ und „israelischer“ Literatur, deutscher Popkultur, Naturlyrik und zionistischer Geschichtsschreibung. Die Literaturgeschichte hat diese einmalige Positionierung der deutschsprachigen Literatur bisher nahezu unbeachtet gelassen. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser blinde Fleck geschlossen. Um dieser Literatur ihr Zuhause zu geben, so die abschließende Forderung der Arbeit, sind transdisziplinär und transnational Überlegungen anzustellen, wie die Literaturwissenschaft den Schnittmengen zwischen diesen zwei Literaturgeschichten institutionell und konzeptionell gerecht werden kann.

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