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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nature e Science: mudança na comunicação da ciência e a contribuição da ciência brasileira (1936-2009) / Nature and Science: changes in the communication of science and the Brazilian contribution to science (1936-2009)

Barata, Germana Fernandes 25 October 2010 (has links)
A escolha dos meios em que se vai comunicar a ciência é uma importante estratégia para progredir na carreira científica ou, simplesmente, garantir o cumprimento da demanda cotidiana. Publicar em periódicos considerados de melhor qualidade e visibilidade tem sido uma exigência cada vez mais comum entre cientistas, sobretudo da área de ciências biomédicas e exatas. A comunicação da ciência nestes quase 350 anos, desde a criação dos primeiros periódicos, ganhou dimensão, prestígio e influência. Nesse cenário, Nature e Science, periódicos centenários e multidisciplinares, estão entre as publicações de maior prestígio na academia mundial. Esta tese de doutorado busca entender a mudança de papel dos periódicos científicos, desde a primeira metade do século XX, e o histórico das contribuições brasileiras para a ciência mundial. Um levantamento sobre tais contribuições foi realizado, por meio de busca no banco de dados internacional Web of Science, totalizando 370 contribuições na Nature (1937- 2009) e 254 contribuições na Science (1936-2009). Também foram realizadas entrevistas com 16 cientistas que publicaram nesses periódicos para entender suas escolhas e os impactos pessoais e profissionais de suas contribuições. À estratégia para difundir e compartilhar informações para a construção da ciência somou-se o marketing científico a priorizar veículos, autores, instituições, áreas do conhecimento, temas, visões, paradigmas. Nature e Science são representantes ativos e paradigmáticos desse novo ciclo da comunicação e da própria percepção sobre a construção da ciência. Suas páginas sugerem um desenvolvimento da ciência feito em saltos qualitativos e revolucionários, o que contribui para uma visão parcialmente deturpada sobre a construção da ciência e, inclusive, para uma percepção distorcida dos próprios cientistas sobre suas colaborações para a ciência mundial, que passam da prioridade do envolvimento intelectual, para a visibilidade e os resultados cientométricos. / The choice of the means to communicate science becomes an important strategy to progress in the scientific career or, simply, to guarantee the fulfillments of daily demands. Publishing in journals considered of better quality and visibility has been a frequent requirement among scientists, mainly from the biomedical and hard sciences. The communication of science in the last 350 years, since the creation of the first journals, has acquired dimension, prestige and influence. In this scenario, Nature and Science, centenarian and multidisciplinary journals, are among the publications of greater prestige in the world-wide academy. This thesis aims at understanding the change of role of scientific journals, since the first half of 20th Century, and describing the Brazilian contributions for international science. A survey on such contributions was carried through, by searching in the international data base Web of Science, which totalized 370 contributions in Nature (1937-2009) and 254 in Science (1936-2009). Interviews had also been carried through with 16 scientists who had published in these journals to understand their choices and the personal and professional impacts of their contributions. The strategy to spread out and share information in order to build science up has been added to the science marketing which prioritizes journals and means of communication, authors, institutions, fields of knowledge, topics, opinions and paradigms according to the interest. Nature and Science represent active and paradigmatic assets of this new cycle of communication and of the perception of the construction of science. They suggest a development of science made in qualitative and revolutionary jumps, which contributes to a partially distorted perception about the construction of science and, also, about the scientists own contributions to science, that once has prioritized the intellectual involvement and now focuses on the visibility and the scietometric results.

O portal de revistas científicas da CAPES: seu uso por pesquisadores de ciências humanas da USP / O portal de revistas científicas da CAPES: seu uso por pesquisadores de ciências humanas da USP

Passos, Mariana de Aquino 07 February 2011 (has links)
Pesquisadores da área de Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo participaram de investigação sobre o uso do portal de periódicos CAPES Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, em que são referenciados artigos consagrados pelo meio científico do mundo inteiro. O objetivo foi contribuir com a geração de novos valores e conhecimentos, indicando dificuldades no acesso e divulgação da produção científica. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória que utilizou dados quantitativos extraídos de questionários. O trabalho mostra o processo de mudança na sociedade, causado pelas novas tecnologias, e a facilidade na obtenção de informações para o enriquecimento do debate acadêmico e para o progresso da ciência. / Researchers at the Human Sciences, University of São Paulo participated in study on the use of journal portal CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education, which are referenced by the scientific articles on the world. The objective was to contribute to the generation of new knowledge and values, indicating difficulties in access and dissemination of scientific production. We performed a descriptive and exploratory research that used quantitative data extracted from questionnaires. The work shows the process of change in society caused by new technologies, and ease in getting information to enrich the academic debate and the progress of science.

Diga-me quantos te citam, e eu te direi quem és: estudo sobre as citações no âmbito da pesquisa contábil brasileira / Tell me how many quote you, and I\'ll tell who you are: study about citations in the context of Brazilian accounting research

Soares, Sandro Vieira 11 April 2017 (has links)
Existe uma perspectiva teórica que afirma que os diversos motivos para que artigos sejam citados transitam entre dois polos chamados universalista e social-construtivista. Características como originalidade dos resultados e rigor metodológico são classificados como fatores universalistas; enquanto características como fama do autor e prestígio do periódico são classificados como social-construtivistas. Diante dessa perspectiva teórica, se coloca a questão de pesquisa desta tese: quais fatores do polo social-construtivista influenciam as citações que um artigo sobre contabilidade recebe no âmbito da pesquisa contábil brasileira? Para responder essa questão, fez-se uma coleta de dados de 2.540 artigos, publicados por revistas brasileiras de contabilidade, entre os anos de 2007 e 2012. Para a análise desses dados, utilizaram-se estatísticas descritivas, correlação de Pearson e teste de qui-quadrado, análise de correspondência e regressão binomial negativa. Foram criadas 16 hipóteses de fatores que influenciam a quantidade de citações dos artigos, sendo, totalmente, aceitas as hipóteses sobre a influência dos fatores afiliação institucional do primeiro autor, revista em que o artigo foi publicado, linha de pesquisa e número de referências no artigo. Mostraram-se estatisticamente significantes, em apenas determinadas circunstâncias, as hipóteses sobre a influência da quantidade de autores, do gênero do primeiro autor, da titulação do primeiro autor, do estrato do Qualis da revista e da idade da revista, assim, portanto, foram apenas parcialmente aceitas. Foram rejeitadas as hipóteses sobre a influência do número de termos no título do artigo e nas palavras-chave, do número de páginas, da posição do artigo e do tipo de edição, da proporção de autoras e da abordagem de análise dos dados. A aceitação das hipóteses sobre afiliação, revista, linha de pesquisa e número de páginas indica que há influência do polo teórico social-construtivista no padrão de citações na pesquisa contábil brasileira. Contudo, a rejeição das demais doze hipóteses mostram que essa influência é menor que no âmbito internacional, no qual mais hipóteses desse polo são aceitas. Assim, no Brasil, o padrão de citações de pesquisas é influenciado por características construídas socialmente e valorizadas pela comunidade científica. / There is a theoretical perspective that maintains that the various reasons that lead to articles being cited fall between two poles called universalist and social-constructivist. characteristics such as originality of results and rigorous methodology are classified as universalist factors, and characteristics such as author\'s prestige and journal\'s prestige are classified as social-constructivist. With this perspective in mind, the research question of this dissertation is posed: what are factors that influence the citations received by a paper within the scenario of Brazilian accounting research? To answer this question, we collected data from 2,540 papers published in Brazilian accounting academic journals between 2007 and 2012. The data analysis is based on descriptive statistics, Pearson\'s correlation and chi-square test, correspondence analysis, and negative binomial regression. We created 16 hypotheses of factors that influenced the number of times articles were quoted. The rejected hypotheses were the ones about the influence of the number of terms in the title or in the keywords of the paper, the number of pages, the position of the article and the type of edition, the proportion of female authors, and the data analysis approach (qualitative or quantitative). The following hypotheses were only statistically significant in certain circumstances, and thus, were only partially accepted: the influence of the number of authors, the gender of the first author, the academic degree of the first author, the Qualis grade of the journal, and the age of the journal. The totally accepted hypotheses were the ones about the influence of the factors such as the institutional affiliation of the first author, the journal in which the paper was published, the research line, and the number of references in the article. From these results, we can state that, in Brazil, the citation pattern of a paper is influenced by social-constructivist criteria, but to a lesser degree than that of the international context, in which more social-constructivist hypotheses are accepted. Therefore, in Brazil, the citation pattern is influenced by characteristics that are socially constructed and valued by the scientific community.

Estudo da área de turismo: em busca da adequação dos critérios de avaliação Qualis / P. Study of the tourism area: in search of the adequacy of Qualis evaluation criteria

Koebsch, Elaine Cristina Miranda 10 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar a comunicação científica da área de Turismo para fornecer subsídios à política científica na avaliação da produção com base nas suas características. Parte do questionamento sobre a adequação dos critérios de avaliação da área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo, analisando se as três subáreas são atendidas da mesma maneira. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva com abordagem quantitativa dos dados, baseada na análise dos documentos das grandes áreas de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e Humanas, dos periódicos classificados na área Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo e dos currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores dos PPG\"s da área de Turismo. Está estruturada em seis capítulos, sendo o primeiro a introdução e o último as conclusões. O capítulo 2 inicia traçando um panorama da evolução da ciência para, em seguida, tratar da comunicação científica e da avaliação. Para tanto se utiliza do conhecimento da Ciência da Informação. O terceiro capítulo apresenta alguns estudos sobre como a área de Turismo e suas abordagens, bem como algumas considerações sobre a comunicação científica na área e a avaliação. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados são apresentados no capítulo 4, e as análises dos dados no capítulo 5. Os resultados apontam que, Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo são áreas em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, o que resulta em magnitudes incomparáveis, de número de programas de pós-graduação, de pesquisadores e de produção científica, e que redunda em uma estrutura de comunicação científica mais consolidada, com periódicos melhor estabelecidos - os critérios utilizados favorecem a ADM, cujos periódicos predominam nos estratos mais altos. Observou também que os pesquisadores de Turismo têm grande parte das suas publicações em eventos, seguida de artigos em periódicos nacionais, na maioria classificados no estrato B3 do Qualis. Destaca o fato que essas características podem levar a uma subavaliação da sua produção. Conclui que é necessária uma adaptação do modelo de avaliação Qualis da Capes para a área que considere seu estágio de desenvolvimento e sua produção, que considere a participação em eventos, e valorize a sua identidade social e humana, não sendo somente uma atividade econômica. / The objective is analyze the scientific communication of the Tourism area research to provide subsidies for scientific research in the evaluation of production at the national level based on its characteristics. It starts questioning about the adequacy of the evaluation criteria of the tourism area, comparing it with Administration and the Accounting Sciences the other subareas that are classified together, to identify if they correspond at the same way to the three subareas. This is a descriptive exploratory research with a quantitative data approach that was carried out through analyzes of the area documents from the major areas of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities, through the periodicals classified in the area of Administration, Accounting and Tourism and analysis of Lattes data of the researchers from the postgraduate programs of the Tourism area. It is structured in six chapters, the first makes and introduction and the last present some conclusions. Chapter 2 begins by drawing a panorama of the evolution of science and scientific knowledge and then dealing with scientific communication and evaluation. To do so, the tools of Information Science were used. The third chapter presents some of the main studies on tourism and its approaches, as well as some considerations about scientific communication in the area and evaluation. The methodological procedures were presented on chapter 4 and the data analyzes were done in chapter 5. The results point out to the Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism are areas at different stages of development and the criteria used are better for Administration, a larger area. It also notes that tourism researchers have a large part of their publications in events, followed by articles in national journals, most of them classified as B3. It draws attention to the fact that these characteristics could lead to underestimation of their production. It concludes the Capes Qualis evaluation model needs to be adapted, based on other types of criteria, more qualitative rather than quantitative, that valorize the human and social aspects of tourism.

Análise da produção científica internacional sobre gagueira

Carvalho, Audrey Vendramini de 14 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:11:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Audrey Vendramini de Carvalho.pdf: 3298911 bytes, checksum: 729d595701605b0f4740c710ddcc9680 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-14 / Introduction: Studies about the characteristics of the scientific production of a field of knowledge are important because they provide an overview of the past and present trends within a determined area of knowledge and thus highlight the boundaries that remain to be crossed as a guideline for future research. Aims: Our aim was to analyze the international scientific literature relating to stuttering published between 2005 and 2010 in order to identify current trends in reporting progress towards understanding and management of this complex speech disorder. Method: Our approach involved the selection and analysis of online, peer reviewed publications. We examined the publication frequency over yearly intervals and organized the data to highlight the following characteristics: publication period; number of publications per period; the theme addressed; the methodological procedure used, the epistemological affiliation of contributor(s), and the age range of the subjects studied. Results: A total of 339 articles from 76 international journals were analyzed. Prior to 2005 the average number of publications per year was 49(14,3%). However, we identified a total of 72(21,22%) publications in 2010. The Journal of Fluency Disorders, which is specialized in stuttering, was the most frequent contributor (94; 27,73%) in the studied interval. Next, was the Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research (42; 12,39%), followed by the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders (29;8,55%). Two themes stood out: Characteristics of Stuttering, with 150(44,25%) articles, and Treatment of Stuttering, with 106(31,27%) articles. The research method most used was Survey (157;46,31%), followed by Experiment (118;34,8%). The majority of research featured the Positivist (324;95,57%) paradigm. The age group most studied was adult (174;45,31%), followed by children (120;31,25%).Conclusion: The analysis of the international scientific production about stuttering presented a discreet growth which, from an epistemological perspective, is predominantly within the positivistic science paradigm. Due to the presence of a lesser number of studies in the phenomenological and historical dialectic features; the fact that the positivistic feature starts to present studies that actually quantify qualitative data perceiving stuttering as a multifactorial phenomenon; the fact that the same aspects were treated either as characteristic or as cause of stuttering; we conclude that stuttering is a complex theme which represents a challenge to researchers, pointing the need of searching through new epistemological paradigms in order to unveil it. Our findings suggested there is need for more research on stuttering for preventive health and wellness promotion, as well as to use the clinical case study as method of investigation, and also to focus on adolescents. These aspects may direct decisions about further research on stuttering / Introdução: Os estudos sobre as características da produção científica de uma área são importantes porque fornecem uma visão geral das tendências passadas e atuais do que se tem estudado em determinado campo do conhecimento e destacam assim as fronteiras a serem cruzadas como diretriz para a pesquisa futura. Objetivos: Levantar e caracterizar a literatura científica internacional sobre gagueira produzida entre 2005 e 2010. Método: Trata-se de pesquisa de caráter documental em que se analisaram artigos online, considerando-se os seguintes aspectos: 1- distribuição da freqüência por período; 2) temáticas abordadas; 3) vertente epistemológica; 4) procedimento metodológico utilizado; 5) faixa etária dos sujeitos estudados. Resultados: A produção científica sobre gagueira no período considerado perfez um total de 339 artigos distribuídos em 76 revistas. O Journal of Fluency Disorders apresentou maior número de publicações (94;27,73%); seguido do Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research (42; 12,39%). As temáticas mais freqüentes foram: Características da Gagueira (150;44,25%) e Tratamento da Gagueira (106;31,27%). O método de pesquisa mais utilizado foi o Levantamento (157;46,31%), seguido pelo Experimento (118;34,8%). A maioria das pesquisas pertenceu à vertente epistemológica positivista (324;95,57%). As faixas etárias mais estudadas foram adultos (174;45,31%) e crianças (120;31,25%). Conclusão: O levantamento e a caracterização da produção científica internacional sobre gagueira mostraram que ela está em discreto crescimento, o qual, do ponto de vista epistemológico, está preponderantemente dentro do paradigma positivista. O fato de a produção apresentar, embora discretamente, pesquisas nas vertentes fenomenológica e dialético-histórica; o fato de a vertente positivista começar a apresentar pesquisas que quantificam dados qualitativos para olhar a gagueira como fenômeno multifatorial; o fato de termos encontrado os mesmos aspectos tratados ora como característica, ora como causa da gagueira; apontam: para a complexidade do tema; para o desafio que a compreensão da gagueira tem representado para os pesquisadores; para a necessidade de buscar novos caminhos epistemológicos para decifrá-la. As temáticas encontradas indicaram a falta de pesquisas sobre prevenção e promoção de saúde. Os procedimentos encontrados indicaram falta de pesquisas com delineamento de estudo de caso clínico. As faixas etárias estudadas indicaram a falta de pesquisas sobre adolescentes. Estes aspectos podem nortear as decisões sobre futuras pesquisas a respeito da gagueira

A pesquisa jurídica no Brasil: uma análise dos artigos científicos na área de Direito Constitucional

Soares, Cristiano Quintela 17 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Leoná Rodrigues (leonarodrigues@id.uff.br) on 2017-07-26T18:55:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A pesquisa jurídica no Brasil - Cristiano Quintela.pdf: 514031 bytes, checksum: 09c30bd147afa31d31cce5b8de64b092 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Faculdade de Direito (bfd@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-08-17T15:47:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 A pesquisa jurídica no Brasil - Cristiano Quintela.pdf: 514031 bytes, checksum: 09c30bd147afa31d31cce5b8de64b092 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-17T15:47:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A pesquisa jurídica no Brasil - Cristiano Quintela.pdf: 514031 bytes, checksum: 09c30bd147afa31d31cce5b8de64b092 (MD5) / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar artigos científicos publicados nos periódicos da área de Direito Constitucional. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados consistiram na análise do conteúdo dos artigos selecionados, com base em critérios de cientificidade estabelecidos. Os resultados apontaram para a existência de problemas relacionados à cientificidade dos trabalhos analisados, notadamente em relação à coerência e à consistência das pesquisas. De outro lado, a amostra não apresentou problemas consideráveis no que se refere aos critérios de originalidade e objetivação. As conclusões do trabalho conduzem a uma reflexão mais atenta sobre os aspectos metodológicos envolvidos na pesquisa em Direito atualmente. / This study aims to analyze scientific articles published in journals in the area of Constitutional Law. The methodological procedures used consisted of content analysis of articles selected based on established scientificity criteria. The results showed the existence of problems related to the scientificity of studies reviewed, especially with respect to the coherence and consistency of research. On the other hand, the sample showed no considerable problems as regards the criteria of the originality and objectivity. The conclusions of this work lead to a more attentive reflection on the methodological aspects involved in research in Constitutional law today.

Music in the Year 8 Classroom: An Action Research Project

Hartwig, Kay, n/a January 2004 (has links)
The number of students electing to study music at the Senior Level in Queensland State High Schools has declined over recent years. Year 8 is the last time that students experience music lessons before being faced with subject choices. This study investigates the year 8 music program - its content and delivery. What can be done to improve music teaching in year 8? How can we present experiences at this level that will stimulate students' interest; improve their knowledge and skills; and develop students' aesthetic sensitivity to the art of music? This study involved conducting an action research project in a year 8 music class. This was done in collaboration with the classroom music teacher and her class of 25 students. The cyclical process as described by Zuber-Skerritt - acting, observing, reflecting, planning - was adopted. The study aimed: (a) to document positive experiences that could be used in the year 8 music classroom; (b) to stimulate new interest in the studying of senior music; (c) to discover ways to encourage music teachers to become reflective practitioners with a view to improving their practice; (d) to offer an action research model that other music teachers could implement in their classroom. The data collection involved the keeping of journals by the teacher and researcher; recorded interviews with the teacher and students; videos and photographs of the class; as well as interviews with other year 8 music teachers. The study identified a negative attitude by music teachers to the teaching of year 8 music. The dominant theme being taught at this level is Pop Music with a foundation unit being the starting point. Year 8 students also revealed a negative attitude to music lessons. This research project has demonstrated that it is possible to set up a program which engages year 8 students in music making and provides them with worthwhile learning experiences. However, at the end of the project, there was not a significant increase in the number of students electing to study music at the senior level. The study also set up a model for action research that could be adopted by other music teachers in their classrooms. The results of reflective practice employed by the researcher and the music teacher provided positive attitudes for other music teachers and encouragement for others to implement this practice in their classroom. Further studies are needed to involve other music teachers in reflective practice; collaboration in action research (especially in the year 8 classroom); and also the implementation of the new syllabus that will have a positive effect on the future of the subject of music and a positive effect on students' attitudes to the music subject.

Omvårdnadsdokumentation : granskning av omvårdnadsjournaler inom psykiatrisk slutenvård / Nursing documentation : a study of nursing journals in psychiatric care of inpatient settings

Vejedal, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
Background Swedish nurses are required by law to document nursing care. Studies have proved scarce in nursing documentation with regard to written language, the nursing process and the nurse´s caring perspective. Educating nurses in using the VIPS model have improved nursing documentation. Few studies have included nursing documentation of psychiatric care. Aim The aim of this study was to describe nursing documentation within psychiatric care of inpatient settings. Method A quantitative, retrospective descriptive research design was applied. A total of 60 nursing journals from a psychiatric department of six wards were studied. Data was audited using the Cat-ch-Ing audit instrument that comprises 22 questions reflecting various issues relating to the VIPS model and the nursing process. Measurements of quantity and quality were evaluated for each question using a 4-point scale. Results The nursing documentation showed a better quantity and quality at the patients’ admission for care than the remaining documentation, long duration of hospital stay indicated better quantity of documented nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions, all of the wards showed a poorly quantitative documentation of status after admission for care as well as nursing care plans. Conclusion The nursing documentation within psychiatric care of inpatient settings of one department showed an inadequate documentation of nursing both quantitatively and qualitatively. The nursing care of the patient was neither described nor evaluated. Clinical implications The results suggest that strategies for improving nursing documentation will be needed in the future. In addition, further education in using the VIPS fully can be a means to enhance the nurses’ documentation.

Feminist Discussions On The Headscarf Problem In Turkey: Examination Of Three Women&#039 / s Journals / Feminist Yaklasimlar, Kadin Calismalari Dergisi, Amargi

Corbacioglu, Gul 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to explore the stance of feminist movement towards a dialogue with Islamist women and the &lsquo / headscarf problem&rsquo / in Turkey in 2000s. This is done by examining three magazines which claim to contribute to feminist movement and women&rsquo / s studies in Turkey, namely Feminist YaklaSimlar, Kadin &Ccedil / aliSmalari Dergisi and Amargi, all of which have been started to be published in 2006. It tries to explain the way in which feminists framed the issue has changed since the 1980s and 1990s, when the feminist movement and the debates on headscarves were on the rise in Turkey. In order to understand the shift of feminist discourse(s) on the headscarf issue, it also tries to explain how the women&rsquo / s movement and women&rsquo / s status in Turkey have transformed since the 19th century, along with the debates on the headscarf.

Excellent in-house journals in South Africa : case studies of five leading publications / E. Wood

Wood, Elvira January 2006 (has links)
Although companies and organisations worldwide publish in-house journals, there is no comprehensive theory (including technical and normative dimensions) available on this important public relations instrument. In particular, no research is available on what the characteristics of excellent South African in-house journals are or ought to be. In this study a number of dimensions are thus introduced in order to help create a comprehensive framework for analysing in-house journals, in particular South Africa’s leading in-house journals. Firstly, James Grunig’s excellence in public relations theory (published in 1992), which incorporates the concept of two-way symmetrical communication (which in turn is informed by a “symmetric” world view), is put forward as basic point of departure. Secondly, a set of technical criteria for excellent in-house journals gleaned from a wide range of sources, is compiled. Furthermore, the internal and external environments in which South African in-house journals function are identified. The role of other new media (such as e-mail, intranet, television and radio) is also taken into account. Five leading South African in-house journals are then analysed and the views of editors reflected. It was found that Abacus (Absa Bank), Harmonise (Harmony Gold Mining Company), Hello the future (MTN), Pick ’n Patter (Pick ’n Pay) and Sandaba (Sanlam) all measured up well against the theoretical statements flowing from the said theoretical points of departure. However, the analysis did also bring to the fore deviations from the said statements which give new insight into what is required to publish an excellent in-house journal. In conclusion, the criteria are evaluated against some of the more detailed findings of the analysis and adapted to create a set of theoretically based guidelines that can be used by South African companies, focusing inter alia on how the unique character and environment of a company influence its internal communication, to create excellent in-house journals. In final analysis, it is argued that all factors, starting with the philosophical points of departure informing communication strategies, management’s attitude toward internal communication, organisation culture, the socio-political environment in which in-house journals function as well as the technical aspects of these publications, need to be considered when formulating criteria for “excellent” in-house journalism. This study thus endeavours to contribute to the professional integrity of public relations in a sea of asymmetric, marketing-driven internal communication. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

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