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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Websites are capable of reflecting a particular human temperament : fact or fad?

Theron, Annatjie 01 September 2008 (has links)
This study suggests that it is possible to classify websites as either extrovert or introvert and logical or emotional in style, impact and appearance. Both the extraversion/ introversion and logical/emotional dichotomies are major descriptors in the character typology devised by C.G. Jung and extended by others. Apart from the dichotomies mentioned above, Jung’s typology also makes use of various emotional characteristics of human beings as descriptors of temperament or character. The study suggests that it is useful to identify websites in terms of the descriptors that Jung and others propose, and that different websites will display various “temperamental” differences that are as important for website design as is a clear understanding of the temperaments of its target users. By taking account of the most common temperamental differences in websites, it should be possible to maximise the efficiency and appearance of different kinds of websites such as those created for government agencies, banks, online shopping, social networking and search engines. / Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Informatics / unrestricted

Taran: An individuated hero for the collective unconscious

Raetz, Edward Tucker 01 January 2004 (has links)
This study analyzes Lloyd Alexander's The Prydain Chronicles through a Jungian lens. Previous scholarship on Alexander's works has briefly considered archetypal criticism, but not extensively. Bruno Bettelheim's thoughts are used intermittently throughout the thesis. This study concentrates on Taran's individuation process, the discovery of true selfhood, and his consequent development of a whole psyche.

Enchanted Pedagogy: Archetypal Forms, Magic, and the Transmission of Knowledge in Fantasy Literature

Razdow, Kari Adelaide January 2020 (has links)
This study examines pedagogical patterns associated with wizard, witch, and fairy archetypes in fantasy literature. The fact that magic exists in fantasy literature as a mysterious and elusive element allows narratives to maintain and validate various means of knowledge acquisition – one archetypal form, such as a wizard, pursues a radically different mode of pedagogical engagement with magic than another archetypal form, such as a fairy. According to Carl Jung, archetypes are anchored by ancient elements of mythological lore, yet continuously shape-shift in the present day. My qualitative research process involved close readings of selected passages in popular works of fantasy literature, selected for analysis based on their salient educational themes as well as a presence of witches, wizards, and fairies. I examine how archetypes in fantasy literature frame various approaches to education, investigating whether these pedagogical multiplicities tend to re-codify magic itself. I investigate how these archetypes acquire, dispel, manipulate, and embody magic with opposing or unique tactics, while considering how each archetype confronts the unknown. I also reflect on the relevant folkloric and mythic dimensions of each archetype, examining the extent in which the magical discourse surrounding each archetype relates to ideas about teaching and learning. Each archetype presents pedagogic nuances, subtle parallels, layers, and metaphorical veins of meaning. How does education in fantasy literature establish broad and vexing challenges to the realities that we are familiar with or conscious of in the everyday contemporary educational field? Are there idiosyncratic pedagogical possibilities (and impossibilities) through archetypal representations in fantasy literature, allowing for multifaceted and meaningful representations of teaching and learning? I find that each archetype’s distinct pedagogical model includes variations as well as overlapping representations of creative agency, amplified possibilities, enhanced notions of growth, radical receptivity, calls for empathy, and visions of transformation. After examining each archetype in consecutive chapters, my conclusion summarizes the prismatic meaning of their pedagogical engagements, while reflecting on the implications and cross-pollination of education and magic. The intersection of praxis and knowledge for each archetype induces a mythopoeic imagination in relation to education, as each reconciles and renews significant transformational elements of pedagogy.

HOMO  PULCHRITUDUS : Beauty as a Product of Dominant Ideology and its Representations in Film

Gerontaki, Evangelia January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation approaches the concept of beauty. Looking through the consistent efforts ofphilosophers and artists over the centuries to define and capture beauty, we come to the conclusionthat such a thing is impossible in its entirety. The rules and the standards that measure out thebeautiful. By being something that can be defined and measured, I come to the conclusion thatbeauty and the way we talk about it and recognize it, forms a set of rules that establish a system.This system helps the dominant beholding part of power to maintain its status. Nietzsche, throughhis genealogical method, managed to prove that perhaps the easiest way to define or try tounderstand a concept is to examine how it evolved in various historical contexts. Nietzsche realizedthat distinct historical periods give a variable conceptual results for a certain value. The onesregulating those standards of evaluation, are the relations of power within a society. Foucault,evolving Nietzsche's hypothesis and thought, finds that the respective systems of power are the onessetting the specifics of evaluation that better suit them in order to maintain control. Systemsaccording to Foucault define and set the limits for our actions and thoughts. The respective socialvalue systems set the limits for the beautiful in our case and its definitive characteristics, resultingto a series of variable beauty standards that have been dominant in different historical periods. Themost effective tool of the dominator is the creation of regimes of truth. Regimes of truth arehistorically specific mechanisms that produce discourses which function as true in particular timesand places. These systems of truth are being regulated through narratives. In our time screentechnology has achieved something unprecedented in the communication chronicles of humanity,the possibility of globalized broadcast. The emergence of cinema has managed to influence anddefine the standards of beauty with unprecedented results in pop culture.

The First Interactive Medium : How a Player Can Change a Game & How a Game Can Change a Player

Taherkhani, Kiarash January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the transformative potential of the co-authorship dynamic between game developers and players in The Squared Circle, an abstract video game designed to facilitate personality development. Drawing inspiration from existentialist philosophy, psychotherapy, and game design, the study examines the intricate interplay between gameplay mechanics, narrative depth, and psychological exploration. Employing a research-through-design methodology, the researcher analyzes The Squared Circle’s elements through psychological, philosophical, and ludological literature. The game's initial focus on engaging gameplay mechanics evolved to incorporate textual significance and symbolic play, inspired by Carl Jung's theory of Individuation. Through playtesting, observations, and interviews, the study investigates the psychological and philosophical effects of the game. Players engage in symbolic representation and journaling, delving into their unconscious aspects and exploring personal experiences within the game world. The co-authorship dynamic fosters introspection expands self-understanding, and invites transformative experiences. The findings highlight the significance of journaling and symbolic play as tools for personal growth and self-expression within the game. Players navigate the symbolic landscape, uncover hidden meanings, and co-create their own narrative, leading to increased self-awareness and psychological integration. This research contributes to understanding games as a medium for personal transformation and psychological exploration. The study underscores the importance of co-authorship, journaling, and symbolic representation in designing games that facilitate introspection, meaningful experiences, and the development of the player's personality.

Saved, sanctified and filled with gay liberation theology with aamsm and the black church

Green, Adam 01 May 2011 (has links)
AAMSM (African American men who have sex with men) endure homophobia and racism in their political realities because of their identity. How do multiple oppressions impact the experiences of AAMSM participating within Black churches? Despite the Black church's legacy for liberating African Americans, AAMSM feel demonized and alienated while enduring religion-based homophobia espoused within many Black churches. In the church, AAMSM are pushed further down the hierarchy of oppression and privilege. In response to these observations, this thesis employs a sexual discourse of resistance. I engage this discourse with a literature review in order to discover links between homophobia and AAMSM in an interdisciplinary manner. Jungian psychology is then utilized to interpret internalized oppression. This leads to a discussion of social and religious justice for AAMSM in the Black church through the lens of liberation theology. While the oppressed have become oppressors within the Black church as regards AAMSM, liberation theology affirms all of humanity. Liberation theology provides a message of love for AAMSM and a source of Christian ethics for the Black church.

Gudars Skymning! : en jungiansk studie om rökkatru

Malm Hjus, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker den moderna nypaganska livssynen Rökkatru genom ett jungianskt perspektiv. I undersökningen används forskningsmetoder som grundad teori även kallat GT och digital antropologi som inspirerats av netnografi för att bearbeta materialet som studerats. Det material som samlats in genom dessa två metoder härstammar från olika webbsidor och forum på internet som behandlar Rökkatru på olika plan. Genom GT har en kärnkategori växt fram från materialet, denna kärnkategori har sedan delats in i underkategorier och egenskaper, allt detta har studerats via en jungiansk teoretisk synvinkel tills slutligen ett teoretiskt begrepp växt fram som kan användas inom framtida forskning. Genom den teoretiska analysen har vikten av den personliga och kollektiva skuggan i relation till individuationsprocessen belysts, där rituella, mytologiska och filosofiska aspekter står i fokus.

L'art et la recherche du sens

Boucher, Micheline 11 April 2018 (has links)
La plupart des philosophes et des penseurs sérieux du XXe ont décrié et décrient encore le bouleversement sans précédent de notre monde d'aujourd'hui. Le laxisme, qu'ont apporté les sciences, la technique et le faux art, menace l'homme dans son statut d'humanité même. Nous sommes devant un terrible constat. C'est la désacralisation générale, le rejet de l'histoire et des mythes fondateurs. De plus, le relativisme des consciences multiplie la vérité par le nombre d'individus qu'il y a sur la terre. Les guerres où l'humain n'est plus ni homme ni bête sont banalisées par les médias qui dans leur surabondance d'images nous habituent à la terreur et à la haine qui déferlent sur notre monde. Tous et surtout la jeunesse seront victimes d'une sclérose du coeur et privés de la joie de vivre si nous n'apprenons pas l'amour, le respect de l'autre et n'entrons pas en communication avec lui. Sans gouvernail et sans éthique, la vie a-t-elle encore un sens? Nous avons questionné religion et art à travers des auteurs reconnus pour découvrir ce qui pourrait redonner un sens à la vie humaine. L'un des remèdes semble être la beauté qui cultive le sens et ouvre la voie à l'être. Le XXIe siècle, paradoxalement, devra compter sur la beauté pour faire sortir le monde du chaos, du morcellement d'un cosmos et du règne du mal qui étend ses tentacules presque partout sur la planète. Nous avons tenté, à l'aide de nos nombreuses lectures, de regarder le rôle que pourraient avoir les arts, c'est-à-dire la beauté, dans un éveil possible des affects de l'homme qui sont parties inhérentes de la nature même de sa conscience et que la rationnalité semble avoir occultés. Pour ce faire, nous avons fait appel surtout à la psychanalyse jungienne, à Michel Henry, Charles Taylor, Paul Ricoeur, etc. et nous avons tenté de présenter - - pour mieux comprendre et analyser le rôle possible des arts dans la recherche de sens - - le livre de Jean Clair, La barbarie ordinaire, alimenté par la théorie de Kandinsky sur la peinture. Nous avons esquissé la différence entre l'art et le kitsch, en nous appuyant sur les complexes autonomes inconscients (archétypes) à qui Jung donne une grande importance, faisant des arts, ni plus ni moins qu'un pont entre nos affects et le monde conscient. Ce n'est pas une beauté quelconque qu'apporte l'art véritable; à nos yeux, il n'y a qu'une seule beauté qui est aussi bonté et vérité. L'artiste, tout au long de ce cheminement, tente de devenir homme. Espoir jamais atteint mais marche assurée d'exprimer la vie, la sienne et celle des autres. Interpellation des autres à la chercher au moyen de l'art. L'art fécond prend sa source dans l'autoaffection pour établir un contact avec les autres car seul l'amour semble être la réponse capable de donner du sens à l'homme. Retour à la reconnaissance de l'histoire et des mythes adaptés à la modernité feraient toute la différence. Pour cela, une éducation et une culture de qualité seront les premiers remèdes au chaos et redonneront à l'homme toute la beauté et la grandeur de son humanité. Car seul l'homme, créature consciente, pourra dire avec Heidegger qu'il «est le berger de l'être».

Myter bland magiker och mugglare - en studie av Harry Potter-böckerna ur C. G. Jungs perspektiv

Sandström, Annika January 2003 (has links)
Vi vuxna känner igen en hel del schablonbilder i Harry Potter-böckerna; vi har stött på namnen och företeelserna förut i myter, religion och i symbolvärlden. Men de yngre läsarna med föga eller ingen tidigare läsvana, som troligtvis aldrig har stött på ”de gamla litterära motiven” tidigare, attraheras ändå av böckerna. Frågan jag därför ställer är om de unga läsarna enbart fascineras av äventyren, spänningen och humorn i böckerna. Eller om det finns något i människans inre som tilltalas av den dolda innebörden i texterna, som förmedlas av symbolerna och myterna i berättelserna. Finns det sålunda något i vårt gemensamma undermedvetna, i enlighet med Jungs teorier och tankemodeller om bl.a. det kollektivt undermedvetna, som tillfredsställs och som därmed kan förklara varför Harry Potter-böckerna gjort sådan succé? Mitt syfte är alltså att försöka upptäcka om det finns något i Jungs sätt att beskriva det mänskliga psyket som kan appliceras på Harry Potter-böckerna och som kan klargöra varför dessa tilltalar så många. Jag kommer fram till att det tydligt framgår hur C. G. Jungs förklaringsmodeller kan tillämpas i analys av Rowlings verk. Jag finner att de arketypiska strukturerna föreligger som grundmönster i romanernas komposition och struktur. De arketypiska tolkningarna bidrar till en ökad förståelse och en fördjupad upplevelse av berättelserna om Harry Potter. Det som från början verkade vara ren underhållning för barn visade sig ha ett psykologiskt djup som har rötter till mytologi, sagor och religion. Jag ställer mig därför tveksam till om Harry Potter-böckerna i själva verket är tänkta som barn och ungdomsböcker, strukturen verkar alltför komplicerad för att så vara fallet. Jag har upptäckt att det finns likheter och samband mellan Rowlings romaner och ett flertal mytologiska och religiösa motiv. Till stor del har alltså Jungs teorier visat sig vara tillämpliga på litteratur som utkommit mycket länge efter hans död, vilket kan bekräfta hans teorier.

The Dust Dwellers: The Environmental Philosophy of John Steinbeck, Robinson Jeffers, and Jack London

Johnson, Carter Davis 13 April 2022 (has links)
In this paper, I explore the environmental philosophy of three Californian modernists, who I have collectively named the Dust Dwellers: John Steinbeck, Robinson Jeffers, and Jack London. I argue that these writers participated in a broader modernist response to the ascendancy of the Enlightenment and its manifestation in industrial progress. Furthermore, I demonstrate that the Dust Dwellers' response was distinctly informed by their American identity. They engaged modernist themes of decay as applied to Western expansion and the dissolution of the American Edenic dream. Investigating the fractured relationship between civilization and the environment, they searched for a philosophy that could reconcile humanity to nature. Specifically, I argue that their environmental philosophy displays intellectual and creative congruencies that can be traced to the common influence of twentieth-century psychoanalyst Carl Jung. The foundational tenet of the Dust Dwellers' environmental philosophy parallels Jung's concept of the unus mundus. Mirroring Jung's interpretation of this alchemic term, the Dust Dwellers describe a cosmic unity that encompasses all of life. I discuss depictions of the unus mundus across the Dust Dwellers' work and outline other implications of this central philosophic presupposition. Ultimately, I conclude that their environmental philosophy, along with other attributes, permits and even encourages scholars to approach these writers as a distinct group of American modernists. / Master of Arts / In this paper, I explore the environmental philosophy of three Californian modernists, who I have collectively named the Dust Dwellers: John Steinbeck, Robinson Jeffers, and Jack London. I argue that these writers participated in a broader modernist response to the Enlightenment's failed pursuit of utopia. Furthermore, I demonstrate that the Dust Dwellers' response was distinctly informed by their American identity. They engaged modernist themes of decay as applied to the American frontier. Specifically, they recognized that America had failed to transform into a new Garden of Eden. Investigating the negative effects of industrial civilization, the Dust Dwellers searched for a philosophy that could create harmony between humanity and nature. I argue that their environmental philosophy displays intellectual and creative congruencies that can be traced to the common influence of twentieth-century psychoanalyst Carl Jung. The foundational concept of the Dust Dwellers' environmental philosophy parallels the Jungian concept of the unus mundus. Mirroring Jung's interpretation of this alchemic term, the Dust Dwellers describe a cosmic unity that encompasses all of life. I discuss depictions of the unus mundus across the Dust Dwellers' work and outline other implications of this central philosophic presupposition. Ultimately, I conclude that their environmental philosophy, along with other attributes, permits and even encourages scholars to approach these writers as a distinct group of American modernists.

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