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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study, Work and the Effects of Culture / Studier, arbete och effekterna av kultur

Hartman, Dan January 2015 (has links)
This paper is about culture, cultural meeting in a new place or organization, and also about identity and how identity takes form with the help of culture. The information is gathered from three informants, and their information is connected to research in those areas; culture, globalization, identity, study and work. With the information that I will get through interviews with my three informants is to help explain if there are differences and similarities. I go through how these three individuals think and act in their meeting with a new place’s culture. I use that information to find ways to make it easier to go and work or study abroad, and be prepared that culture differences will occur, and hopefully this paper will give some insight into how to deal and cope with these problems. / Den här uppsatsen handlar om kultur, kulturmöten, identitet, studier och arbete. Informationen är tagen från tre informanter, och den information jag fått från dem kopplar jag ihop med undersökningar inom dessa områden (kultur, globalisering, assimilation, identitet, studier och arbete). Det är för att hjälpa mig se och visa likheter och skillnader mellan mina informanters berättelser. Jag går igenom hur mina tre informanter tänker och agerar när de möter en ny plats kultur. Det här är då för att se om det kan bli lättare att arbeta eller studera utomlands, för att vara beredd att skillnader kommer att uppstå, och med hjälp av den här forskningen hoppas jag att svaren kommer ge en insikt i hur man enklare kan hantera dessa problemsituationer.

Space Shuttle Program (SSP) retirement and NASA transition to the Vision for Space Exploration (VSE)

Reyes, Carlos Joel 20 September 2010 (has links)
On January 14, 2004, President George W. Bush announced the Vision for Space Exploration (VSE). The goals of the vision include developing a new generation launch capability while completing assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) and retiring the Space Shuttle by 2010. In support of this goal, the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) initiated evaluation of hardware, infrastructure, and workforce skill mix needed to continue Space Shuttle flights until the projected 2010 retirement. The SSP also studied how NASA will deploy personnel from, and use the facilities of, the SSP to ensure that the Space Shuttle operates safely through its final flight, and to ensure personnel and facilities from the SSP are effectively transitioned to NASA’s exploration programs. NASA funding, like other federal agencies, is affected by various factors including domestic and international political environments, current and emerging technologies available to meet agency goals, and sustainability and potential economic return of federal expenditures. In this paper I will present a retrospective analysis of federal budget allocations to NASA as a percentage of the Federal Budget from years 1958 to 2010 (adjusted to 1979 dollars). The classic method for calculating net present value (NPV) is not well suited for projecting potential value of future R&D technologies. A quantitative analysis of R&D technologies transferred to private industry will be presented, as well as a description of a method of evaluating their significance will discussed relative to current budgetary considerations will likely for past, current and upcoming funding cycles. The opportunity at hand for NASA’s transition from SSP to Constellation in support of the VSE initiative is to advocate their culture as R&D innovators and emphasize the future benefit of increased funding. / text

Modèles de dépôt sous-glaciaires et dynamique de remplissage des vallées tunnel : exemple au Quaternaire (Bray, Irlande) et application à l'Ordovicien supérieur de l'Anti-Atlas (Alnif, Maroc) / Subglacial depositional models and tunnel valley infill : example in the Quaternary record (Bray, Ireland) and application to the Upper Ordovicien record in the anti-Atlas (Alnif, Morocco)

Clerc, Sylvain 26 October 2012 (has links)
Au cours du Paléozoïque inférieur, un changement climatique majeur a permis le développement d’une calotte glaciaire sur paléocontinent Gondwana. Cette calotte a plusieurs fois recouvert la plateforme nord-gondwanienne au cours des différents épisodes d’avancée et de recul des fronts glaciaires. Cette dynamique a permis le développement d’un modèle glaciaire, qui inclut des surfaces d’érosion majeures d’extension régionale et des vallées glaciaires. Parmi ces vallées, les vallées tunnel font référence aux vallées glaciaires mises en évidence en Europe, et qui sont associées aux grandes glaciations quaternaires. Par définition, ces vallées regroupent des dépressions linéaires de plusieurs kilomètres de large et de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres de long. Elles sont en générale profondes de quelques centaines de mètres et leur fond présentent des zones de surcreusement. Des vallées tunnel ordoviciennes sont localisées en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient. Les sédiments glaciaires ordoviciens représentent un important objectif pour l’exploration des hydrocarbures et les vallées tunnel, qui constituent des hétérogénéités lithologiques dans l’enregistrement sédimentaire, sont d’excellentes roches-réservoirs. En Europe, les anciennes vallées tunnel quaternaires constituent des aquifères dont la mise en évidence et la préservation constituent un véritable enjeu. Un intérêt majeur réside donc dans une meilleure connaissance de l’architecture du remplissage de ces vallées, mais également une compréhension des paramètres qui contrôlent leur distribution et des mécanismes qui participent à leur formation sous les calottes de glace. Le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire est principalement basé sur une étude de terrain, dont les résultats recouvrent trois grands axes : (1) l’environnement sous-glaciaire, (2) la dynamique de remplissage des vallées tunnel et (3) les facteurs contrôlant leur distribution. / The icehouse period during the lower Palaeozoic led to the development of large continental ice-sheet over the Gondwana. This ice-sheet fluctuated in size and repeatedly recovered the north-Gondwana platform. The resulting glacial record includes major erosional surfaces of regional extent, with subglacial landforms and morphologies, as well as glacial valleys and specific glaciogenic sedimentary record. Among these valleys, tunnel valleys refer to Quaternary analogues, associated with the development of ice-sheets over Europe and North-America. Tunnel valley defines elongated, linear to slightly sinuous depressions, measuring few kilometers in width and several kilometres in length. They start and terminate abruptly, are generally a few hundred of meters deep, and display frequent overdeepening along the floor. Ordovician tunnel valleys are described from North Africa to the Middle East. Ordovician glacial deposits are considered as a major target for hydrocarbon exploration in these regions, with tunnel valleys forming lithological heterogeneities with excellent reservoir properties. In Europe, Quaternary tunnel valleys are targeted for groundwater resources as they form reliable aquifers. A major interest therefore exists for these valleys, as well as a need for better understanding of the nature and the stratigraphy of the infill, their origin and the parameters controlling their distribution. The recherché project presented in this thesis is based on an extensive fieldwork that focused on three main issues, regarding tunnel valleys: (1) the subglacial environment, (2) the sedimentary processes and depositional environments associated with their infill and (3) the parameters controlling their distribution

Réviser la constitution : une histoire constitutionnelle française / Amending constitution : a french constitutionnal history

Bédarrides, Édouard 05 December 2014 (has links)
Au cours de l’histoire constitutionnelle française, l’expression « pouvoir constituant » a toujours été ambivalente. Sous la plume des juristes et des théoriciens ou professée à la tribune des assemblées politiques, elle n’a cessé de désigner, indistinctement, l’organe constituant ou la fonction constituante. Si la diversité des situations offertes par le premier cas a été facilement et rapidement acceptée (exercice du pouvoir constituant par une assemblée, par une personne, par le corps électoral), le second a longtemps véhiculé une alternative passée sous silence entre la rédaction et la modification de la constitution. Malgré l’utilisation du vocable « pouvoir de révision » par Georges Burdeau en 1930 ou la distinction pérenne de Roger Bonnard entre un pouvoir constituant originaire et un pouvoir constituant dérivé, la vision unitaire de la fonction du pouvoir constituant s’est imposée jusqu’à nous. Cela étant, une autre acception de la fonction constituante, selon qu’elle instaure ou qu’elle modifie l’ordre juridique, permet une relecture de l’histoire constitutionnelle française, jamais entreprise sous cet angle. Celle où, d’une part, le « pouvoir constituant » est cantonné à, et ne désigne que, la fonction de fondation de l’ordre juridique, et où d’autre part, le « pouvoir de révision », prévu ou non par le texte constitutionnel, a pour fonction de protéger et d’améliorer la Constitution. / No abstract

Secure and Reliable Data Outsourcing in Cloud Computing

Cao, Ning 31 July 2012 (has links)
"The many advantages of cloud computing are increasingly attracting individuals and organizations to outsource their data from local to remote cloud servers. In addition to cloud infrastructure and platform providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, more and more cloud application providers are emerging which are dedicated to offering more accessible and user friendly data storage services to cloud customers. It is a clear trend that cloud data outsourcing is becoming a pervasive service. Along with the widespread enthusiasm on cloud computing, however, concerns on data security with cloud data storage are arising in terms of reliability and privacy which raise as the primary obstacles to the adoption of the cloud. To address these challenging issues, this dissertation explores the problem of secure and reliable data outsourcing in cloud computing. We focus on deploying the most fundamental data services, e.g., data management and data utilization, while considering reliability and privacy assurance. The first part of this dissertation discusses secure and reliable cloud data management to guarantee the data correctness and availability, given the difficulty that data are no longer locally possessed by data owners. We design a secure cloud storage service which addresses the reliability issue with near-optimal overall performance. By allowing a third party to perform the public integrity verification, data owners are significantly released from the onerous work of periodically checking data integrity. To completely free the data owner from the burden of being online after data outsourcing, we propose an exact repair solution so that no metadata needs to be generated on the fly for the repaired data. The second part presents our privacy-preserving data utilization solutions supporting two categories of semantics - keyword search and graph query. For protecting data privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which obsoletes traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. We define and solve the challenging problem of privacy-preserving multi- keyword ranked search over encrypted data in cloud computing. We establish a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system to become a reality. We first propose a basic idea for keyword search based on secure inner product computation, and then give two improved schemes to achieve various stringent privacy requirements in two different threat models. We also investigate some further enhancements of our ranked search mechanism, including supporting more search semantics, i.e., TF × IDF, and dynamic data operations. As a general data structure to describe the relation between entities, the graph has been increasingly used to model complicated structures and schemaless data, such as the personal social network, the relational database, XML documents and chemical compounds. In the case that these data contains sensitive information and need to be encrypted before outsourcing to the cloud, it is a very challenging task to effectively utilize such graph-structured data after encryption. We define and solve the problem of privacy-preserving query over encrypted graph-structured data in cloud computing. By utilizing the principle of filtering-and-verification, we pre-build a feature-based index to provide feature-related information about each encrypted data graph, and then choose the efficient inner product as the pruning tool to carry out the filtering procedure."

Dietary risk factors for prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia

Ambrosini, Gina L January 2008 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis examines the potential role of dietary intake in the development of two common conditions affecting the prostate gland; prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Diet is of interest as a potential risk factor for prostate cancer because of geographical variations in prostate cancer incidence and increased prostate cancer risks associated with migration from Asian to western countries. Some geographical variation has been suggested for BPH, but this is less certain. However, both prostate cancer and BPH have potential links with diet through their positive associations with sex hormone levels, metabolic syndrome, increased insulin levels and chronic inflammation. In addition, zinc is an essential dietary micronutrient required for semen production in the prostate gland. The original work for this thesis is presented in six manuscripts of which, four have been published in peer-reviewed journals (at the time of thesis completion). BPH investigated in this thesis is defined as surgically-treated BPH. The following hypotheses were investigated. Regarding foods, nutrients and the risk of prostate cancer and BPH: 1. Increasing intakes of fruits, vegetables and zinc are inversely associated with the risk of prostate cancer and BPH 2. Increasing intakes of total fat and calcium are positively associated with the risk of prostate cancer and BPH. 3. Dietary patterns characterised by high meat, processed meat, calcium and fat content are positively associated with the risk of prostate cancer and BPH. 4. Dietary patterns characterised by high fruit and vegetable and low meat content are inversely associated with the risk of prostate cancer and BPH. v Regarding methodological issues related to the study of diet-disease relationships: 5. Dietary patterns (overall diet) elicited from principal components analysis yield stronger diet-disease associations than when studying isolated nutrients. 6. Remotely recalled dietary intake is reliable enough to be used in studies of chronic disease with long latency periods, such as prostate cancer and BPH. Methods: Data from two studies was used to address the hypotheses above. ... Based on the literature reviewed and the original work for this thesis, the most important dietary risk factors for prostate cancer and BPH appear to be those common to western style diets, i.e. diets high in red meat, processed meat, refined grains, dairy products, and low in fruit and vegetables. This type of diet is likely to result in marginal intakes of antioxidants and fibre, excess intakes of fat and possibly, moderate intakes of carcinogens associated with processed meat and meat cooked at high temperatures. These dietary factors have been linked with biomarkers of inflammation, and they support the hypotheses that chronic inflammation is involved in the development of both prostate cancer and BPH. In addition, this work builds on evidence that zinc is an important factor in prostate health. There is scope for more investigation into the reliability of dietary patterns and the use of nutrient patterns as an alternative to focussing on single food components. Further studies on the reliability of remote dietary intake would also be useful. Because of the latency of chronic disease, it can be theorised that remote dietary recall may uncover more robust diet-disease relationships.

Avvikande grupper på skolor eller inte? : En intervjustudie bland elever och lärare om deras erfarenheter angående specialklasser.

Sandgren, Petra January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Syftet med studien är att få ta del av elevers och lärares egna erfarenheter och tankar angående specialklassundervisning. Det finns behov för anpassad undervisning för en del elever. Skolor har nedskärningar och hårt drabbade är de elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Begreppet en ”skola för alla” är något pedagoger försöker att nå i skolorna i dag. Alla elever skall få undervisning som baseras på den enskildes förutsättningar utan att skolan sätter etikett på eleverna samt segregerar dem. Hur skolan skall göra är ännu är oklart. Inkluderas elever från specialklasserna i ”en skola för alla”? Ämnet är viktigt att studera eftersom det alltid kommer att finnas elever som inte klarar av eller passar ihop med den traditionella skolpedagogiken. För att nå syftet valdes kvalitativa intervjuer, denna metod bygger på att ställa öppna frågor till deltagaren. Genom att välja denna metod av frågor kan följdfrågor ges till aktörerna. Följdfrågor kan ställas för att få ett så brett svar som möjligt. Svaren baseras på aktörens egna livserfarenheter. Den andra metoden som användes var ett skriftligt frågeformulär som skickades ut till de utvalda deltagarna. Kontakt togs med lärare som hade erfarenhet angående specialklass samt inkludering. Även kontaktades före detta elever som har gått i en specialklass på heltid under hela högstadiet. Elevernas upplevelser varierade angående specialklasser och integrering, de beskriver också hur negativt andra människor upplever elever i specialklass. Pedagogerna beskriver hur integreringen ofta misslyckas. Båda undervisarna ansåg det viktigt med specialklasser och hoppades att det i fortsättningen kommer att anordnas specialklasser för de elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd.</p>

Bensodiazepiner i primärvården

Edlund, Mattias, Arslan, Taskin January 2006 (has links)
Abstract School of Education Växjö University Social Science specialised in Care and Treatment of Juveniles and Substance Abusers C- Essay 10p Titel Benzodiazepines in primary care Authors Taskin Arslan and Mattias Edlund Supervisor Stellan Jeppsson Date March 2006 Number of pages 47 Keyword benzodiazepines, pharmaceutical abuse, tranquillizer, perspective of gender With this essay we have tried to bring up the different causes why there are so many prescriptions of benzodiazepines, the primary cares part in all this and why there are more prescriptions for women than men. The purpose of this study was to increase our knowledge about benzodiazepines, try to find out advantages and disadvantages in case of prescriptions of these preparation and if primary care was aware of these disadvantages in case of prescriptions especially at the matter of prescriptions for women. Some of the questions we asked ourselves were: what kind of risk is connected to benzodiazepines? What kind of responsibility does the doctor have in case of prescriptions of benzodiazepines? How is it that the women constitute the group which receives most prescriptions of benzodiazepines? Our method has been an explorative theoretical study combined with qualitative interviews. In our studies we have found that there is a big awareness about the disadvantages of benzodiazepines prescriptions among the doctors in primary care. And that the conversation between doctor and patient is important for the search of underlying causes. Finally that why women are overrepresented in the matter of benzodiazepine prescription could be due to that women to a greater extent seeks help in non-institutional care than men. / Abstract Institutionen för pedagogik/IKM Växjö universitet Pedagogik med inriktning mot Ungdoms- och missbrukarvård C- Uppsats 10p Titel Bensodiazepins in primary care Författare Taskin Arslan och Mattias Edlund Handledare Stellan Jeppsson Datum Mars 2006 Antal sidor 47 Nyckelord bensodiazepiner, läkemedel, lugnande, genusperspektiv Detta arbete har försökt ta upp de olika orsakerna till varför det föreskrivs så mycket bensodiazepiner, primärvårdens roll i det hela och varför det föreskrivs mer bensodiazepiner till kvinnor än män. Syftet med denna studie var att fördjupa våra kunskaper om bensodiazepiner, försöka ta reda på fördelarna och nackdelarna vid föreskrivning av dessa preparat och om primärvården var medveten om dessa nackdelar speciellt när det gällde föreskrivning till kvinnor. Några av frågorna vi ställde oss var: Vilken risk finns kopplade till bensodiazepiner? Vilken roll respektive vilket ansvar har läkaren vid föreskrivning av bensodiazepiner? Hur kommer det sig att kvinnor utgör den grupp som erhåller flest bensodiazepinförskrivningar? Vår undersökning har varit en explorativ litteraturstudie kombinerad med intervjuer. Det vi har kommit fram till utifrån intervjuerna och litteraturen är att det finns en stor medvetenhet hos läkarna kring riskerna med föreskrivning av bensodiazepiner. Att samtalet mellan läkaren och patienten är viktigt för att utreda de bakomliggande orsakerna och att orsaken till att kvinnor är överrepresenterade vad gäller föreskrivningen av bensodiazepiner kan enligt litteraturen och läkarna vi varit i kontakt med bero på att kvinnor i större utsträckning än män söker hjälp inom vården

Avvikande grupper på skolor eller inte? : En intervjustudie bland elever och lärare om deras erfarenheter angående specialklasser.

Sandgren, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Syftet med studien är att få ta del av elevers och lärares egna erfarenheter och tankar angående specialklassundervisning. Det finns behov för anpassad undervisning för en del elever. Skolor har nedskärningar och hårt drabbade är de elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Begreppet en ”skola för alla” är något pedagoger försöker att nå i skolorna i dag. Alla elever skall få undervisning som baseras på den enskildes förutsättningar utan att skolan sätter etikett på eleverna samt segregerar dem. Hur skolan skall göra är ännu är oklart. Inkluderas elever från specialklasserna i ”en skola för alla”? Ämnet är viktigt att studera eftersom det alltid kommer att finnas elever som inte klarar av eller passar ihop med den traditionella skolpedagogiken. För att nå syftet valdes kvalitativa intervjuer, denna metod bygger på att ställa öppna frågor till deltagaren. Genom att välja denna metod av frågor kan följdfrågor ges till aktörerna. Följdfrågor kan ställas för att få ett så brett svar som möjligt. Svaren baseras på aktörens egna livserfarenheter. Den andra metoden som användes var ett skriftligt frågeformulär som skickades ut till de utvalda deltagarna. Kontakt togs med lärare som hade erfarenhet angående specialklass samt inkludering. Även kontaktades före detta elever som har gått i en specialklass på heltid under hela högstadiet. Elevernas upplevelser varierade angående specialklasser och integrering, de beskriver också hur negativt andra människor upplever elever i specialklass. Pedagogerna beskriver hur integreringen ofta misslyckas. Båda undervisarna ansåg det viktigt med specialklasser och hoppades att det i fortsättningen kommer att anordnas specialklasser för de elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in American, Arab, and British Media: Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis

Kandil, Magdi Ahmed 27 May 2009 (has links)
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the longest and most violent conflicts in modern history. The language used to represent this important conflict in the media is frequently commented on by scholars and political commentators (e.g., Ackerman, 2001; Fisk, 2001; Mearsheimer & Walt, 2007). To date, however, few studies in the field of applied linguistics have attempted a thorough investigation of the language used to represent the conflict in influential media outlets using systematic methods of linguistic analysis. The current study aims to partially bridge this gap by combining methods and analytical frameworks from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Corpus Linguistics (CL) to analyze the discursive representation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in American, Arab, and British media, represented by CNN, Al-Jazeera Arabic, and BBC respectively. CDA, which is primarily interested in studying how power and ideology are enacted and resisted in the use of language in social and political contexts, has been frequently criticized mainly for the arbitrary selection of a small number of texts or text fragments to be analyzed. In order to strengthen CDA analysis, Stubbs (1997) suggested that CDA analysts should utilize techniques from CL, which employs computational approaches to perform quantitative and qualitative analysis of actual patterns of use occurring in a large and principled collection of natural texts. In this study, the corpus-based keyword technique is initially used to identify the topics that tend to be emphasized, downplayed, and/or left out in the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in three corpora complied from the news websites of Al-Jazeera, CNN, and the BBC. Topics –such as terrorism, occupation, settlements, and the recent Israeli disengagement plan—which were found to be key in the coverage of the conflict—are further studied in context using several other corpus tools, especially the concordancer and the collocation finder. The analysis reveals some of the strategies employed by each news website to control for the positive or negative representations of the different actors involved in the conflict. The corpus findings are interpreted using some informative CDA frameworks, especially Van Dijk’s (1998) ideological square framework.

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