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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alytaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų darbuotojų požiūris į vadovų kompetencijas / Alytus comprehensive schools worker's attitude to leader's competences

Gecevičiūtė, Neringa 05 June 2006 (has links)
In this work are submitted coherences and differences of expertise, competence, qualification; there are sifted and structured various theories of personalities, objective communication, social – psychological, professional competences, there are structured theoretical and practical researches. There is analysis of competence’s levels, a contact with activity, broad-brush conceptions of common competences and necessity of effective leadership in the organization’s context. There are assessed results of research, analyzed in detail problems of leader’s personalities, objective competences. The research showed that leader’s and workers’ relations have a huge influence to leader’s activities efficiency. Leaders become the main axis of organization, of their competence solutions depend all results of organization and luck of subjects. The organization will be that, what will be relations between people. Effective commanding leader should be able to assess people and their actions, to trust in his subordinates, to assess and understand them. That’s why, leader should have specific features, strong character and personal features, which have a huge meaning for quality of leadership.

Pamainos vadybininkų Didžiojo Penketo asmenybės bruožų, socialinio pageidaujamumo ir kompetencijų vertinimo ryšio ypatumai / Relations between big five personality traits, social desirability and competences ratings of shift managers

Naudužienė, Gitana 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šiuo metu padidėjo domėjimasis asmenybės klausimynais kaip darbo atlikimo prognostiniais požymiais. Asmenybės testai atrankose naudojami siekiant nustatyti pretendento tinkamumą konkrečiai pareigybei ar profesijai. Šiame darbe buvo tiriama Didžiojo Penketo modelio faktorių sąsajos su pamainos vadybininkų darbo efektyvumo, matuojamo kompetencijų vertinimu. Tyrime naudotos šios metodikos: Didžiojo Penketo klausimynas, pamainos vadybininkų vertinimo anketa, Kalifornijos psichologinio inventoriaus Gero įspūdžio skalė. Tirta 70 pamainos vadybininkais viešojo maitinimo įmonėje dirbančių žmonių. Rastos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp Didžiojo penketo faktorių ir pamainos vadybininkų kompetencijų: Nustatytos statsitiškai reikšmingos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp Didžiojo Penketo klausimyno Taikumo faktoriaus ir Bendradarbiavimo, Konfliktų sprendimo ir Atsparumo stresui kompetencijų. Nustatytos statistiškai reikšmingos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp Didžiojo Penketo klausimyno Sąžiningumo faktoriaus ir Produktyvumo, Patikimumo, Planavimo, Orientacijos į svečią, Organizacinių sugebėjimų, Orientacijos į rezultatą kompetencijų. Nustatytos statistiškai reikšmingos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp Didžiojo Penketo klausimyno Ekstraversijos faktoriaus ir Iniciatyvumo, Vadovavimo sugebėjimų, Kitų motyvavimo, kompetencijų ir Bendro kompetencijų vertinimo. Nustatytos statistiškai reikšmingos teigiamos koreliacijos tarp Didžiojo Penketo klausimyno Emocinio stabilumo faktoriaus ir Sprendimų priėmimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Has been an increased sense of optimism regarding the utility of personality tests in personnel selection. This study linked traits from Big Five- Faktor model of personality to shift managers competncies. Neurotizm, Emotion stability, Extraversion, Openness to Experience and Agreebleness were hypothesized to link with shift managers competencies. Results based on 70 samples of shift managers from 1 organization reavel that Ekstarversion positevely corelated with Initiative, Supervisory abilities, Motivating others competencies and overal supervisor rating. Agreeablenes was positively correlate with Conflict managment, Stress managment and Cooperation competencies. Openess to Experience was positively correlate with Initiative, Decision quality competencies. Consientiousness was positevely correlate with Productivity, Responsibility, Planing, Custumer focus, Organizational, Results Orientation competencies.Emotion Stability was positively correlate with Stress managment, Custumer focus, Decision quality and Conflict managment competencies. As self report measures, personality measures scale scores can be influenced by social desirabible responding.Response bias continues to be the most frequently cited criticism of personality testing for personnel selection. In this stude examining the link social desirability to Big –Five model of personality and to shift managers competncies. Was found that social desirability in fact realated to real individual diffrences in... [to full text]

5 ir 10 klasių moksleivių bendrųjų technologinių kompetencijų tyrimas / General technology competence research for fifth and tenth classes pupil

Pinkevičiūtė, Danguolė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiandieną bendrosios programos ir išsilavinimo standartai akcentuoja moksleivių kompetencijų ugdymą. Jose aptariamos asmens kompetencijos - žinių, gebėjimų bei nuostatų visuma, įgalinanti kelti prasmingus tikslus bei jų siekti, mokytis visą gyvenimą, būti aktyviu piliečiu ir dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime, susirasti tinkamą darbą. Kadangi bendrasis privalomasis ugdymas turi suformuoti asmens kompetencijas, todėl svarbu ne tik žinoti kokios kompetencijos yra būtinos šių dienų augančiam vaikui, bet kokios bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos galėtų būti ugdomos, atsižvelgiant į vis sparčiau tobulėjančią visuomenę. Atlikto tyrimo metu tirtos 5 ir 10 klasių moksleivių bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos. Išanalizavus mokslinę, metodinę literatūrą atskleista kompetencijų samprata. Tyrimui atlikti buvo sudarytas bendrųjų technologinių kompetencijų modelis remiantis bendrosiomis programomis ir išsilavinimo standartais Atliktoje anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 314 moksleivių: 205 penktokai ir 107 dešimtokai, 2 moksleiviai nenurodė kurioje klasėje mokosi. Apibendrinant atliktą literatūros analizę galima teigti, kad mokslininkai atskleisdami kompetencijų sąvoką, dažniausiai remiasi profesinėmis kompetencijomis. Šiuolaikinių edukologų darbuose kompetencija nusakoma kaip tam tikrų asmenybės nuostatų, gebėjimų, žinių, veiklos ir teisės tam tikrai veiklai atlikti visuma. Remiantis bendrosiomis programomis ir išsilavinimo standartais bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos traktuojamos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today general programmes and education standards put emphasis on the development on pupils’ competence. They discuss person’s competence – a unity of knowledge, skills and attitudes enabling pupils set sensible goals and pursue them, study throughout their lives, be active citizens and participate in the social life, and find an appropriate job. Since general compulsory education is intended to form personal competence, it is important to know not only what kind of competence is necessary for a growing child of today but also what kind of the general technological competence could be developed taking into account the fast advancing society. During the research there was investigated the technological competence of 5th and 10th grade schoolchildren. Analysis of scientific methodological literature revealed the notion of competence. In order to conduct the research, there was designed a general technological competence model based on general programmes and education standards. A survey in form of questionnaires involved 314 schoolchildren: 205 5th grade pupils and 107 10th grade pupils. The results of the literature analysis allow concluding that scientists usually rely on the professional competence when assessing for the notion of competence. In works of present day educologists, competence is presented as a unity of certain personal attitudes, skills, knowledge, activity and the rights for such activity. Relying on general programmes and education standards, the general... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigos ir šeimos bendradarbiavimo reikšmė vaikų kompetencijų ugdymui / Role of cooperation between kindergarten and family in development of children‘s competencies

Lenkauskaitė, Sandra 13 June 2014 (has links)
Visose Europos šalyse didėja dėmesys vaikų ankstyvajam ugdymui. Intensyviausiai formuojasi vaiko pažintiniai gebėjimai, kurie ne tik lemia tolimesnę sėkmę mokykloje, bet ir turi didelę svarbą vėlesniame gyvenimo tarpsnyje. Todėl svarbu užtikrinti vaikui tinkamą ugdymą pirmaisiais septyneriais jo gyvenimo metais. Kokybišką vaiko ugdymą savarankiškai ir aktyviai pažinti pasaulį, gali užtikrinti tik nuolatinė darželio ir šeimos sąveika, pedagogų profesionalumas, šiuolaikinėmis kompetencijomis grįstas vaikų ugdymas. Problema. Nemažai pedagogų neskiria pakankamai dėmesio visų reikiamų vaikui kompetencijų ugdymui ir kartu su šeima neieško naujų kompetencijų ugdymo galimybių. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti šeimos ir pedagogo bendradarbiavimo reikšmę, ugdant vaikų kompetencijas. Tyrimo objektas pedagogo ir šeimos bendradarbiavimas, ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kompetencijas. Tyrimo įgyvendinimui buvo pasirinkta kiekybinių tyrimų metodologija. Darbo uždaviniai: ♣Aptarti vaikų kompetencijų ugdymo sampratą ir jų ugdymo sritis; ♣Atskleisti pedagogo ir šeimos bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo tikslus, uždavinius, principus, sėkmingo bendradarbiavimo prielaidas; ♣Nustatyti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kompetencijų lygį; ♣Nustatyti ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir šeimos bendradarbiavimo intensyvumą; ♣Nustatyti ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir šeimos bendradarbiavimo reikšmę vaikų kompetencijų lygiui. Apibendrinant šio tyrimo rezultatus apie šeimos ir darželio bendradarbiavimo reikšmę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In all countries of Europe there is AN increasing attention to early education of children. Cognitive skills of children are those that form most rapidly and are responsible not only for sucess at school, but also have a big influence on children‘s life later in time. Those are the reasons why it is important to make sure children get proper education in first seven years of their life. Only permanent interaction between a kindergarten and a family, pedagogical professionality and children education based on modern competencies can ensure qualitative education of a child, to get acquainted with the world actively and on his own in his first seven years of living. The main problem – some pedagogues do not give enough attention to education of all competencies essential for a child or do not search for possibilities to educate new competencies together with his family. The research aims at grounding the importance of cooperation between a pedagogue and a family theoretically and empirically while developing the main competencies of preschool-aged children: artistic, communicative, cognitive, social and health safety. Objectives of research are: ♣To review conception of competiences in children‘s cognition; ♣To show the importance of pedagogues and families work together; ♣To determine the level of competiences of pre-school children; ♣To determine the intensity of working together by pre-school teachers and families; ♣To determine the importance of working together by... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų ir pedagogų informacinės komunikacinės kompetencijos bei jų tobulinimas / Information communication competencies of managers and teachers at comprehensive schools and their development

Petraitis, Valdas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniam pasauliui įžengus į žinių amžių kiekvienas žmogus susiduria su vis naujomis, greitai besikeičiančiomis situacijomis, reikalaujančiomis greito ir efektyvaus sprendimo priėmimo. Nauja mūsų laikų valiuta tampa ne gamybinis meistriškumas, o informacija ir mokėjimas tinkamai ja pasinaudoti. Pastaroji situacija tapo aktuali dėl nuolat tobulėjančių informacinių technologijų, kurios siūlo naujus problemų sprendimo būdus, lemia naują ugdymo turinį, atveria naujus mokymo ir mokymosi metodus. Moderniu tampa ne tik ugdymas, bet ir įmonių valdymas, kuris glaudžiai siejasi su šiuolaikinėmis informacinėmis komunikacinėmis technologijomis. Efektyvus jų pritaikomumas edukacinėje ir vadybinėje veikloje priklauso nuo vadovo ir pedagogo informacinės komunikacinės kompetencijos. Suvokiant, kad viena svarbiausių šiuolaikinių vadovo ir pedagogo charakteristikų tampa gebėjimas efektyviai pritaikyti informacines komunikacines technologijas (IKT) praktinėje veikloje, buvo suformuluota tyrimo problema: kokios yra bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų ir pedagogų informacinės komunikacinės kompetencijos. Norint ištirti šią problemą buvo atliktas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų ir pedagogų informacinių komunikacinių kompetencijų tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų ir pedagogų informacines komunikacines kompetencijas bei numatyti jų tobulinimo galimybes. Atlikus šį tyrimą buvo suformuluotos išvados, kuriuose teigiama, kad mokyklų vadovų informacinė komunikacinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As the modern world has stepped into a new age, each individual encounters still new, fast changing situations that require a fast and efficient decision making. Not an industrial mastership, but information and command in adequate benefiting from it becomes a new currency in our time. The latter situation has become an urgent one due to constantly improving information technologies that offer new ways of problem solution, determine new contents of education, open new training and learning methods. Not only education, but also enterprise management, which closely relates to the state-of-art information communication technologies, becomes up-to-date. Their efficient adaptation in educational and managerial activities depends upon information communication competence of a manager and teacher. Perceiving that one of the most important characteristics of a modern manager and teacher becomes the ability to efficiently adapt information communication technologies (ICT) in practice, the research problem has been formulated: what are the information communication competencies of managers and teachers of comprehensive schools. In order to examine this problem, a research on competencies of the managers and teachers of comprehensive schools has been conducted, the purpose of which is to examine competencies of managers and teachers of comprehensive schools and to envisage the possibilities for their improvement. Having conducted the aforementioned research, the conclusions have been... [to full text]

Konsltantų kompetencijos modelis / Model of consultant competency

Makūnas, Julius 08 June 2005 (has links)
Summary Model of consultant competency Master studies final thesis, 52 pages, 18 pictures, 9 tables, 42 sources of literature, 15 suplements, written in lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: Competence, consultants, model of competency, development of competency Object of research: CSC. „Abišala ir partneriai“, Lithuanian agriculture consulting agency consultants of research group – 2004-2005 of Lithuanian university of agriculture, faculty of economics, business management department. Work object – to create model of consultant competency Goals: 1. To generalize the concept and understanding of competence 2. To submit a theoretical model of consultant competency, referring to analysis of scientific literature and singularity of consultant work 3. To perform the assesment of consultant competence in Kaunas region agriculture consulting agency, CSC „Abišala ir partneriai“ and research group – 2004-2005 of Lithuanian university of agriculture, faculty of economics, business management department. 4. To give advise for consultants‘ competence development. Methods of research – scientific literature analysis and synthesis, data comparison and assesment, questionnaires, methods of modelling. Referring to works and periodic literature of lithuanian and foreign scientist authors about structure and conception of competency, and analysing specifics of consultants‘ work, a model of consultant competence assesment is given, also components mostly missing in today‘s consultant... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų kompetencijų raiška taikant informacines technologijas vadybinėje praktikoje / Competence expression of comprehensive school general managers applying information technologies in managerial practise

Dagilienė, Rima 12 July 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikiškas pasaulis su kiekviena diena keičiasi, tobulėja, pateikia vis naujus problemų sprendimo būdus. Švietimas įsipareigoja neatsilikti nuo naujovių, priimti besikeičiančio pasaulio iššūkius. Tokia padėtis daro įtaką ne tik ugdymo procesui ir jo organizavimui, bet žinoma ir visos švietimo įstaigos valdymui. Informacinės technologijos leidžia pateikti informaciją visuomenei apie jų vadovaujamą mokyklą internete, leidžia sudominti tuos, kurie nori mokytis jų ugdymo įstaigoje. To pasekoje atsiranda galimybės modernizuoti švietimo valdymą, gerinti mokyklų bendruomenių bendravimą. Besikeičiant švietimo įstaigoms, organizacinis ir administracinis darbas turėtų taip pat tapti šiuolaikiškesnis, kuriame būtų taikomos elektronin÷s priemonės ir metodai. Švietimo įstaigų vadovai tampa pagrindiniais dalyviais, iš kurių tikimasi naujovių diegimo ir palaikymo strategijos įgyvendinimas. Kitaip tariant mokyklai tampa reikalingas toks vadovas, kuris turi įgūdžių, sugebėjimų, žinių ir supratimą, kurių reikia įgyvendinant valstybinę strategiją mokykloje ir gerinant švietimo kokybę. Taip pat atsiranda būtinybė skatinti tobulinti informacines kompetencijas mokyklos vadovą, pagrindžiant informacinių technologijų galimybes, jų įtaką švietimo sistemai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, buvo iškelta problema – kokios yra bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų IT kompetencijos, kokie jų gebėjimai taikyti jas vadybinėje praktikoje, kokie galimi šių kompetencijų tobulinimo būdai. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti bendrojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The modern world is changing every day, improving, give the new challenge. Education must keep pace with innovation, accept the challenges of a changing world. This situation affects not only the educational process and its organization, but of course all the educational institutions and governance. Information technology enables the public to provide information on the Internet led by the school, allowing interest to those who want to learn the educational institution. As a result, allows to modernize the management of education, to improve communication between school communities. Changing educational institutions, organizational and administrative work should also become more modern with the use of electronic tools and techniques. Educational institutions are the major players, which is expected to support innovation and strategy. In other words, the school is required for such a leader who has the skills, abilities, knowledge and understanding needed to implement the state strategy for school improvement and educational quality. Also, there is a need to promote the development of information competencies Head of the School in support of information technology capabilities and their impact on the education system. In this context, it was raised - what are the general education competencies of IT managers what their managerial skills to apply them in practice, what the possible ways of improving skills. Objective of the study - to examine general education competencies of... [to full text]

Vaikų saugumo veiksniai ir kompetencijų ugdymo tobulinimas pradinėje mokykloje (atvejo analizė) / The factors of children security and improvement of competence training in primary school (case study)

Giedraitienė, Indrė 09 June 2006 (has links)
Modern - day school is complicated reflection of our reality. There are many problems in all education institutions that impede successfully collaborate with teachers and students. Occasionaly teachers aren‘t competetive to solve the problems. Education institutions aspiring only intellectual rearrangement forgot the principal thing, that there must be lots of schoolchildren laugh. Especialy significant, abstruse and extremely sore are social student‘s problems because they are indistinguishable part of adults‘ life and are associated with child‘s nature and growth. It is affecteted by proximate and collateral factors. Children‘s sucides, crime victims, their deteriorating health are increasing every day. Such situation caused anxiety and encouraged to research what reasons caused unsafe child‘s emotion. Safety is certain need which must be met at schools and in families. We have no right not to pay attention to students‘ unsafety. The purpose of master‘s work is to divulge children‘s unsafety situations at home, school , in a courtyard, in a street and substantiate children‘s safety competence guideline in the primarys school. 100 teachers and 50 learners participated in the survey. It was used the anonymous survey with 26 questions for learners and 13 for teachers. The questions of the survey were of opened and closed type and formulated regarding to the tasks of survey. The results of the survey showed that physical ambience of... [to full text]

Socialinės kompetencijos ugdymo aspektai X klasės gimtosios kalbos pamokose / Aspects of developing social competence in the lessons of nativelanguage in the 10 th form

Pabarčienė, Dalia 15 June 2006 (has links)
The decision to analyze the possibilities and problems of social competence in mother-tongue lessons is connected to the statement that in the lessons of above mentioned subject students should be encouraged to communicate more, understand the other, nearby person. Communication situations, variety of characters, their differences and generalities, questions analyzed in discussions, talking about polemic situations can help to do that. The aim of this thesis is to explore educational possibilities of students’ social competence in mother-tongue lessons. Today necessary condition of personal self-sufficiency is his virtuous maturity and versatile contemporary competence, new cultural, political and economic literacy. Social human competence gets special significance in present conditions. None the less important it is the purpose of education to proportion personal objectives to objectives of civil community and in this way to create the base for self-sufficient and creative national life. The education program has to be directly connected to giving value attitudes, general abilities and competences necessary for personal and social life. While looking through, improving, writing programs and standards of general education, the main attention is paid that new education program conveyed necessary value attitudes for personal and social life, gave general abilities and competences required for a present-day person. Language education, recognition and literary education are... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokytojų specialiosios kompetencijos integruoto mokymo sąlygomis / Special competencies of primary school teachers in integrated teaching conditions

Junevičiūtė, Jurgita 27 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of our paper is as follows: Special competencies of primary school teachers in integrated teaching conditions. Recently, discussions on integration of pupils with special needs into general education schools have become an important issue. Interviews with teachers demonstrate that teachers are not prepared to accept such pupils in their classes. This issue was discussed by many scholars such as J. Ambrukaitis (2002, 2004, 2005), A. Galkienė (1999, 2003, 2005), B.Valkaitienė (2004), J.Ruškus (2000, 2001, 2002), and others. Most attention was given to the defining of competencies of the teachers who work with pupils having special needs, whereas little attention was given to primary school teachers who provide the first knowledge and the basis for the pupils’ effective interpersonal communication. The problem analysed in our paper is as follows: the special competencies of the primary school teachers who work with heterogeneous forms, which are important for the education of pupils with special needs. In order to analyse the above-mentioned problem, the following goal was set: to define the special competencies which have to be demonstrated by primary school teachers who work in integrated education conditions.

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