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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Substituir a revolução dos homens pela revolução do tempo" : uma história do conceito de povo no Brasil ; revolução e historicização da linguagem política (1750-1870) / "Substituer la révolution dés hommes pour la révolution du temps" : une histoire du concept de peuple au Brésil ; révolution et historicization du langage politique (1750-1870)

Luisa Rauter Pereira 11 January 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese propõe uma linha de interpretação acerca da história do conceito de povo no debate político luso-brasileiro entre a segunda metade do século XVIII e últimas décadas do século XIX, sob uma perspectiva teórica que busca compreender o processo de historicização das linguagens e conceitos políticos como marca do mundo moderno. Procuramos traçar o processo de abalo e desmantelamento dos significados e usos tradicionais e a incorporação crescente da temporalidade histórica na semântica conceitual, fenômeno ocorrido em meio aos conflitos e debates políticos durante a formação, consolidação e crise do estado imperial brasileiro. Acreditamos que nestes anos houve uma acentuada historicizaçao do conceito de povo, processo que teve como marca seu crescente contingenciamento, isto é, sua maior fundamentação em diagnósticos da situação histórica presente, e também sua maior inserção em visões processuais e futuristas da história.

"KRIS" : en begreppshistorisk analys utifrån ett Nato-perspektiv

Öberg, Rebecka January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie tar avstamp i begreppet kris, då dess komplexitet och mångtydighet gör det intressant att studera utifrån en begreppshistorisk ansats. För begreppets fortlevnad har det historiskt sett utvidgats till att inrymma flera bakomliggande meningar som passar den aktuella verkligheten. Syftet med studien är således att urskilja hur begreppet kris förändrats utifrån Natos konceptdokument under årtalen 1968, 1991, 1999 samt 2010 med hjälp av begreppshistorisk teori och metod. Reinhart Koselleck är en av begreppshistoriens urfäder vilket gör att hans teoretiska ramverk samt metod fungerar som verktyg vid illustrerandet av den begreppsliga förändringsprocessen. Dessutom tillmötesgår den begreppshistoriska metoden det spontana intresset för språk och ordbetydelser, varför den bedöms vara som given för denna uppsats. Materialet som ligger till grund för denna begreppshistoriska analys består av fyra strategiska konceptdokument från Nato. Att studien genomförs utifrån ett Nato- perspektiv beror på att ett av alliansens huvudsyften är att hantera kriser av varierande grad. Dessutom fokuserar Natos konceptdokument på aktuella hot och utmaningar i vilka den begreppsliga förändringsprocessen kan skönjas. De slutsatser som presenteras är att begreppet kris förändrats i och med alla de nya hot och risker vilka återfinns som konsekvenser av bland annat globaliseringen och den teknologiska utvecklingen. Den begreppsliga förändringen tar sig uttryck i att det utvidgats till att innehålla fler bakomliggande meningar, såsom exempelvis cyberattack och klimatförändringar.

Att materialisera (fram)tiden : Om temporalitet och modernitet i Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder

Alvmo, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine and analyse if it is possible to distinguish a new perception of time and temporality in the Swedish fashion magazine Magasin för konst, nyheter och moder, and in that case how it is expressed. To discover this, I have used the theories of the philosophers and historians Reinhart Koselleck and Marshall Berman. In their works they have pointed out and described how the early decades of the nineteenth century was a crucial time for our perception of the modern world, in the sense that we ever since then have experienced a gap between the past and the future where we cannot derive our expectations from our past experiences anymore. I have studied if this notion is communicated in the articles, and came to the conclusion that there is a new awareness of time articulated in the magazine. Mainly  there are three different understandings of time and temporality expressed within the magazine – first are those articles that shows a general new awareness of time in a constructive way, neither through a positive or negative perspective. Furthermore, there are also expressions for connections between the materialistic content in the magazine and the view on temporality, where the acknowledgment of a new temporality in fashion seems to also have an impact on a more ideological perception of time. Finally there are articles which portrays the discrepancy between expectation and experience as something with a negative significance for the future, but similarly puts this in a way that illuminates that the future is now something adaptable and possible to influence in a certain direction. This shows a new way of understanding how, in a Swedish nineteenth century context, material culture could affect people’s awareness of time and temporality and hence also their thoughts and outlook of the future even in more abstract issues. The upcoming becomes possible to interpret as something materialistic, and therefore also something more concrete and arguable.

"Substituir a revolução dos homens pela revolução do tempo" : uma história do conceito de povo no Brasil ; revolução e historicização da linguagem política (1750-1870) / "Substituer la révolution dés hommes pour la révolution du temps" : une histoire du concept de peuple au Brésil ; révolution et historicization du langage politique (1750-1870)

Luisa Rauter Pereira 11 January 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese propõe uma linha de interpretação acerca da história do conceito de povo no debate político luso-brasileiro entre a segunda metade do século XVIII e últimas décadas do século XIX, sob uma perspectiva teórica que busca compreender o processo de historicização das linguagens e conceitos políticos como marca do mundo moderno. Procuramos traçar o processo de abalo e desmantelamento dos significados e usos tradicionais e a incorporação crescente da temporalidade histórica na semântica conceitual, fenômeno ocorrido em meio aos conflitos e debates políticos durante a formação, consolidação e crise do estado imperial brasileiro. Acreditamos que nestes anos houve uma acentuada historicizaçao do conceito de povo, processo que teve como marca seu crescente contingenciamento, isto é, sua maior fundamentação em diagnósticos da situação histórica presente, e também sua maior inserção em visões processuais e futuristas da história.

Kreativitetens militära frammarsch : En begreppshistorisk analys i den amerikanska armékontexten

Olsson, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Creativity is a multifaceted concept which has seen an increased relevancy in the contemporary military debate. Creativity is often thought of as a desirable trait among leaders within military organizations, by viewing war as an art. Even though the concept has a stated importance in both science and doctrine, there is a noticeable shortage of explicit descriptive texts about the phenomenon. The US army has recently implemented a new design methodology, with the purpose of enabling and harnessing creativity. Creativity and its role within military organizations should not be seen as self-explanatory. The concept is allegedly barrowed from other scientific fields, such as sociology and psychology. This thesis aims to bring an understanding of military creativity and its construction in the US army context through Koselleck’s conceptual history analysis. This is done by studying contemporary and premillennial doctrines both synchronically and diachronically. The results show an increased overall value toward creativity as a concept and has been implemented on all levels of warfare. Military creativity revolves mostly around divergent thinking, though it also includes convergent thinking. This study suggests that part of the reason for its increased value is linked with the enhanced expectations of its importance in future, unknown conflicts, and environments.

How can things so old be so new? : A critical analysis of the current debate on the crisis of the liberal international order

Piironen, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
How can things so old be so new? The revival of debates on the fate of the liberal international order has reproduced discussions about what arguably are philosophical and theoretical tensions that have existed for a very long time. Taking a point of departure in Reinhart Koselleck’s Critique and Crisis: Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern Society, this thesis aims to contribute with an understanding of how the contemporary crisis can be understood in the context of deep historical tensions, and the implications for the current debate. To fulfil this aim, I ask the question of how Koselleck’s analysis of the structures emerging from modernity can cast light on the tension between modernity and the current crisis of the liberal international order. These structures are used, with an emphasis on the need for historical context and a critical stance towards the attempt to establish universal truths, to analyse selected material from oft cited and prominent scholars of the debate. By analysing their ideas in the light of these structures, I have found that some suggested solutions to these tensions reinforce what creates the tension from the start. Another finding is that the debate, in some ways, is constrained by dichotomies and underlying universal metaphysical principles, which potentially can limit the possibility for potential change. My conclusion is that a continued renewed interest in these historical tensions hopefully can be a pathway to move beyond some of the constraints the current debate revolves around.

"Löjligt, sjukt, perverst" : en modern begreppshistorisk analys av perversion

Burman, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Perversion är ett negativt laddat begrepp som används för att beskriva personer eller företeelser som avviker från normen, oftast den sexuella. Jag undersöker vad, vem och vilka som kallas perversa i tidningen Expressen år 1966, 1986 och 2016, med syftet att synliggöra hur begreppets användningsområde har förändrats. Min metod har sina rötter i den begreppshistoriska teorin och är utvecklad av Reinhart Koselleck. Genom synkrona och diakrona analyser granskar man politisk-sociala begrepp och sammanhangen de brukas inom. Resultatet visar att bruket av begreppet som ett icke-sexuellt, värdeladdat ord har varit konstant. Det har också åsyftat ett varierande antal sexuella läggningar och uttryck, varav några finns närvarande under alla årtal. Min slutsats blir att det perversa inte nödvändigtvis förblir perverst: ibland brukas begreppet impulsivt, som en reaktion mot det vi inte är vana vid. Begreppets associationer med det förbjudna och tabubelagda förblir dock beständiga.

Tegnér & våldet : En undersökning av våldsbegreppet hos Esaias Tegnér

Ingison, Linus January 2020 (has links)
Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846) var en stor kulturpersonlighet i 1800-talets Sverige. I dikten ”Det Eviga” proklameras det att våldet inte förmår skapa något evigt, utan det som våldet skapar blir ”vanskligt och kort”. Den följande undersökningen tar avstamp ur detta, och vill sätta våldet hos Tegnér under närmare betraktelse. Detta gör den via att utgå från Helge Jordheims ”nya filologi”, som sätter språkets relation till historien i fokus, med specifik inriktning på Reinhart Kosellecks begreppshistoria – en teoretiker som Jordheim presenterar. Med denna teoretiska bakgrund antar undersökningen följande frågeställningar: Vad är det som Tegnér avser med våld? Hur behandlar han begreppet? Vad har begreppet för dimensioner – är det en nyanserad eller en platt förståelse? Sker det någon form av utveckling av begreppet med tiden? I sådana fall hur och vad är det som förändras? Undersökningen sätter två perioder av Tegnérs diktproduktion i huvudfokus: den tidiga diktningen 1799–1807, och den mogna periodens diktning 1808–1825. Ur detta kan uppsatsen visa på ett återkommande våldsbegrepp, som knyter an till Tegnérs idealistiska åskådning. I den första perioden är våldet är tillfälligt, negativt och känsloladdat, samtidigt som det finns en vilja att sätta begreppet under reflektion. När Tegnér mognar som diktare utvecklas begreppet. Den reflekterande hållningen byts ut mot en proklamerande. Våldet blir meningslöst, ondskefullt, krigiskt och ensamt.

En undersökning av 2003 och 2015 års PISA-studier : En jämförande studie av ord och begrepp ur ett begreppshistoriskt perspektiv som förekommer i PISA-studiernas två olika tider

Derin, Alan January 2019 (has links)
Every third year a PISA study is conducted, through international measurements for member states of the OECD-organization. This aims to measure each country´s pupils by the ages of 15 years old. Its purpose is to examine how each member´s pupils perform in mathematics, reading comprehensions, sciences and problem solving. In this essay we intend to examine how the PISA studies were received as a creation of opinion and self-image.  This research follows up on selected actors in the media debate surrounding PISA as a tool of argument and means of discussion. The natural demarcation is made by actors; mostly from professional teachers, but also journalists, lectures, writers and school experts in the fields. Its purpose is to give a well-balanced and comprehensive picture of the PISA-debates. From a political standpoint the actors represent different positions of the spectrum. The study consists of a total of 10 actors. Between the years of 2004-2005 and 2016-2017 of the PISA 2003 and 2015. This paper will focus on the PISA studies that were done by the years of 2003 and 2015. By working with different PISA studies with a long span of time between them. This is done as a conscious strategy in favor of the comparative study. In this essay the conceptual changes between these two PISA studies will be examined and studied with a conceptual analysis.

Medborgarmönstringen inom högern 1915–1936 : En begreppshistorisk och diskursorienterad undersökning av medborgarbegreppets utbredning, mening och funktion inom Allmänna valmansförbundet / The Gathering and Mustering of Citizens by the Swedish Right Wing 1915–1936 : A Conceptual and Discursive Study of the Distribution, Meaning and Function of the Concept of Citizen within the Allmänna valmansförbundet

Wallin, Martin January 2015 (has links)
During the 1920s and 1930s, the Swedish right-wing party Allmänna valmansförbundet (AVF) made citizen into a key concept within their political vocabulary and practice. This thesis examines the distribution, meaning and function of the concept of citizen within the AVF between 1915 and 1936. By using theoretical and methodological perspectives from both the English (Skinner) and German (Koselleck) side of conceptual history vis-à-vis Begriffsgeschischte, this study illuminates how a discursive framework took place within the AVF and expanded throughout the organisation. The constitutional reforms 1918/1921 and the organisational strength from opposite parties, stressed the importance for the AVF to assemble the citizens around conservative value laden concepts: responsibility, ansvar, and public participation, offentlighet. This new situation in political and social life, pushed the AVF towards a reorganisation. The aim was to educate the masses, women and youth into conservative citizens. Citizen became the sole tool in (i) upholding the traditional heritage between folk–state, and (ii) enabling the AVF citizen discourse to spread throughout the society. This study shows the multiple meaning and functions of the citizen concept within the AVF.  It provides a new understanding of how collective concepts became an important part of the struggle for power during the democratization process in Swedish political history and must in that respect be seen as an antithesis to the collective concepts of the Social Democratic Party during this period.

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