Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kvalifikacijos"" "subject:"kvalifikace""
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Chirurginio profilio slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos veiksniai / Motivation factors of surgical profile nurses workNamajuškaitė, Vaida 15 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – investigate the motivation factors of surgical profile nurses work.
The objectives of the study:
1. To investigate of satisfaction with work, to identify the motivation positive factors, emotional exhaustion of nurses, which are working in the surgical profile departments and operating-theaters.
2. To investigate negative factors (emotional exhaustion, salary, nursing load).
3. To give the offers for the main problems solutions.
Hypothesis – the nurses motivation, which are working in the operating-theaters or surgical profile departments, is the same.
Investigative – nurses, which are working in Kaunas University of Medicine clinic, departments of orthopedics and traumatology, neurosurgery, childrens surgery in the operating-theaters and departments.
Investigation method – Questionnaire-based inquiry, emotional scale.
Statistical analysis has been made by Microsoft Excel 2003 program. The obtained findings were processed using SPSS for Windows 12.0 statistical software package.
The results and conclusions of the study: 70% of all nurses are satisfied with theirs job, ‘cause they are „responsible for what they��re doing“. The bigger pay could induce to work better even 82,5% of nurses. Almost for the half of nurses, working in the departments, the motivation for better work could be financial support-awards; for the third of operating-theaters nurses – the compliments of the heads. Statistically significant (p = 0,002) was the emotional... [to full text]
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Pedagogų ir neaukštos kompetencijos darbuotojų kvalifikacijų kaita kaip tęstinio profesinio rengimo prielaida Panevėžio rajone / The fluctuation of the educators and low remit employees qualification as premise of continual training in Panevezys districtTurčinskienė, Dalia 27 June 2006 (has links)
Having a job occupies an important place in person’s life. At losing a job the person becomes an inferior citizen of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus it becomes important to learn.
The object of research – the attitudes of educators and other social groups towards the development of continuous professional training and its improvement.
The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of professional training and requalification and their improvement as well as the assumption of lifetime learning in the context of village community.
The theoretical part reviews and interprets the scientific literature, documents of educational system are analysed.
The research results displayed as follows:
- The necessity to improve qualification among the teachers of the province is formulated as the background to sustain the work positions however does not have deeper intrinsic motifs resultant. The need for requalification is understood by the unemployed in the village as an essential condition in order to get a job or a possibility to sustain it.
- The operating structures and systems are designed for teachers as well as the unemployed in order to provide them with possibilities to improve qualification or to retrain.
Thus neither working experience nor higher education among teachers reveal the fact that inner need for lifetime learning exists. Even respondents who have a university education do not think that once received their education can do enough for the whole span of their... [to full text]
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Informacinių technologijų panaudojimas UAB "Lintel" darbuotojų kvalifikacijai kelti / Usage of information technologies for qualification raise for workers of joint stock company „Lintel“:Plučiūtė, Ingrida 30 May 2005 (has links)
The main goal of the Master’s theses is to raise joint stock company „Lintel“ workers self-reliance and help them to plan monthly knowledge evaluation. Quick information technologies development becomes the most important reason for requirements chancing to education. Workers must learning all live and raise qualification if they want to survive in work market. Quick chance of information is very important not only for joint stock company „Lintel“. This problem is important for all companies, which work in information sector. Distance learning is the way, which can help to workers learning where they want; when they want and choose a temp how quickly they want to learn information. Workers can learn without going out from the work for a long time. The most important subject in this kind of studies is student. Students in distance learning course can study information, make self-tests and quizzes. The results of quizzes and self-tests allow to workers to know limitation of they profession knowledge’s.
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Tęstinio neformalaus ugdymo institucijos parengtis vykdyti mokytojų nuolatinį mokymąsi / Continued informal training of institute preparedness for lifelong teachers permanent studiesŽvinienė, Romualda 17 June 2005 (has links)
The work aims at exposing the importance of constant learning of teachers under conditions of changing education, teachers' needs and how the informal lifelong in-service educational institution, called Educational Centre, meets them. The characteristics of Educational Centre and its readiness to fulfil teachers' lifelong teaching are analyzed. The conceptualism of constant learning is analyzed in this work: the concept of qualification and competence, the importance of general skills, possibility to improve them and to get them while learning constantly. Pedagogical, psychological and social presumptions of lifelong learning are discussed. In the unit on methodology of lifelong learning it is said that constant learning of the teachers is an important condition of changing education, it is cleared up what the aims of adult teaching and psychological parameters of adult education are. The teachers' constant (lifelong) learning is investigated in details. The qualitative analysis of activity of Molėtai Educational Centre and its readiness to meet the needs of teachers' constant learning are presented. At the end of the work the conclusions about teachers' lifelong learning and readiness of the Educational Centre to do it are presented. Key words: constant learning, lifelong learning, informal in-service adult education, teachers' educational centre, qualification, qualification improvement, competence, andragogics, adult teacher.
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Pedagogų požiūris į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose / Teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studiesJaruševičienė, Oksana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sparti socialinio bei kultūrinio gyvenimo kaita, informacinės visuomenės plėtra, globalizacija kelia Lietuvos švietimui naujus iššūkius, kurie lemia jau antrą dešimtmetį vykstančius jo pokyčius. Gyvenimo pokyčiai sąlygoja ugdymo idėjų kaitą, vyksta naujų efektyvesnių mokymo ir mokymosi teorijų bei metodų paieškos. Šiandieniame švietime svarbus pedagogų papildomų kompetencijų įgijimas, todėl vis didesnis dėmesys skiriamas perkvalifikavimo studijų organizavimui. Nes nuo pedagogų kvalifikacijos bei turimos kompetencijos, priklauso švietimo kokybė ir sėkminga švietimo įstaigų veikla.
Šio mokslinio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti pedagogų požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose. Darbo uždaviniai yra panagrinėti pedagogų perkvalifikavimo sampratą ir procesą Lietuvos švietimo reformų kontekste, aptarti suaugusiųjų mokymosi organizavimo ypatumus ir ištirti pedagogų, dalyvaujančių perkvalifikavimo programose, požiūrį į mokymo ir mokymosi metodų panaudojimą perkvalifikavimo studijose.
Tyrimas parodė, kad pedagogų dalyvavimą perkvalifikavimo studijose dažniausiai lemia būtinybė įgyti dalykinę kvalifikaciją bei noras tobulėti, siekis įgyti pedagoginių ir psichologinių žinių. Tačiau šių studijų paskaitose taikomi mokymo(si) metodai dažniausiai tik dalinai tenkina besimokančių poreikius.
Nustatyta, kad perkvalifikavimo studijose yra naudojami įvairūs mokymo metodai. Vyraujantys du tradiciniai mokymo(si) metodai – paskaita ir aiškinimas – geriausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The rapid alternation of social and cultural life, development of informative society, globalization challenges the education of Lithuania and condition changes of the past two decades. The changes of life determine the alteration of educational ideas, search for new and more effective theories and methods of teaching and learning. It is important in recent education for teachers to gain additional competence. Thus, greater attention is paid at the organization of retraining studies, as the quality of education and successful work of educational institutions depend on the teachers’ qualifications and competence.
The aim of this research is to analyze teachers’ approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies. The objectives of the research are to study the conception of teachers‘ retraining and its process in the context of educational reforms in Lithuania, discuss the peculiarities of the organization of adult teaching, and survey teachers’ who participate in retraining programs approach to the use of teaching and learning methods in the retraining studies.
The research clearly shows that usually teachers’ participation in the refresher course centers is due to the necessity to have the right qualification for the job and a wish for proper pedagogical and psychological knowledge. However, the teaching-learning methods used during the lectures only partly meet the requirements of the teachers.
It is estimated that there are various teaching... [to full text]
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Socialinių darbuotojų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas tęstinių studijų metu / Improvement of social workers’ professional competencies during continuing studiesKrasnovskij, Miroslav 30 June 2009 (has links)
Tema: socialinių darbuotojų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas tęstinių studijų metu.
Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti socialinių darbuotojų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimą tęstinių studijų metu.
Darbo objektas: socialinių darbuotojų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas tęstinių studijų metu.
Hipotezė: tęstinių socialinės pedagogikos studijų universitetuose metu studentai tobulina socialinių darbuotojų ir plėtoja socialinio pedagogo profesines kompetencijas.
Raktiniai žodžiai: socialinis darbuotojas, kompetencija, profesinė kompetencija, profesinės kvalifikacijos tobulinimas tęstinės studijos, formalus mokymasis, formalusis profesinis rengimas, kompetentingumas, kvalifikacija.
Socialinis darbas tai veikla, skirta teikti pagalbą žmonėms, kuriems jos reikia ir kurie negali be kitų pagalbos išspręsti savo gyvenimo problemų. Socialinis darbas kaip praktinė veikla turi santykiškai gerą teisinį pagrindą, sukurta socialinių paslaugų teikimo ir socialinio darbo infrastruktūra, profesija gana populiari.
Socialinis darbuotojas siekia socialinio teisingumo ir teigiamų pokyčių visuomenėje, socialinės gerovės didinimo, valdžios ir piliečių didesnės atsakomybės, asmens, šeimos ir bendruomenės palaikymo sprendžiant socialines problemas ir vykdant jų prevenciją.
Socialinis darbas atliepia bendruomenių, žmonių grupių, turinčių bendrų interesų, taip pat individų poreikius ir problemas ir kaip praktinė veikla turi santykiškai gerą teisinį pagrindą, sukurta socialinių paslaugų teikimo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic: improvement of social workers’ professional competencies during continuing studies.
Objective: to analyze improvement of social workers’ professional competencies during continuing studies.
Object: improvement of social workers’ professional competencies during continuing studies.
Hypothesis: during continuing social pedagogy studies at the universities, students improve their social workers’ and develop social pedagogues’ professional competencies.
Kew words: social worker, competence, professional competence, the improvement of professional competence, continuing studies, formal learning, formal professional training, qualification.
Social work is the activity to provide help to people, who need that help and who are not able to deal with their problems and life difficulties without the help of others. Social work as the practical activity has relatively good juridical basis, created provision of social services and infrastructure of social work, profession is quite popular.
Social worker is seeking the social justice and positive changes in the society, the social welfare increase, bigger responsibility from citizens and government, support of individual, family and community solving social problems and pursuing prevention.
Social work reflects the needs and problems of communities, people with the common interests groups and individuals
Social work trend’s education is acquired after further education studies or basic also integral social work studies in... [to full text]
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Neformalaus ugdymo organizavimo ypatumai gimnazijoje: metodinių principų raiška / Particular features of organising the informal education in a grammar school: expression of methodical principlesVarnagirytė, Evelina 03 August 2009 (has links)
Gerai organizuotas vaikų ir jaunimo neformalus ugdymas ir laisvalaikio užimtumas yra būtina jaunosios kartos socializavimo(si) sąlyga, o taip pat ir veiksmingiausia nusikaltimo prevencija. Todėl būtina nuolat galvoti apie tai, kaip užtikrinti moksleivių saviraiškos galimybes.
Tyrimo problema – pedagogai mokyklose mažai dėmesio skiria neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų išpildymo kokybei, neformalaus ugdymo organizavimui reikalingų kompetencijų tobulinimui.
Tyrimo objektas – neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raiška gimnazijos neformalaus ugdymo užsiėmimuose.
Tyrimo tikslas – išryškinus neformalaus ugdymo pedagogų požiūrį į neformalų ugdymą bei kvalifikacijos kėlimą šioje srityje, įvertinti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raišką bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Siekiant šio tikslo, numatyti uždaviniai: 1) apibrėžti neformalaus ugdymo paskirtį bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje; 2) atskleisti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų sampratą bei šių principų taikymo reikšmę organizuojant neformaliojo ugdymo užsiėmimus; 3) išryškinti neformalaus ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijas bei kvalifikacijos tobulinimo galimybes Lietuvoje; 4) atskleisti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų raišką neformalaus ugdymo užsiėmimuose moksleivių požiūriu; 5) išryškinti neformalaus ugdymo metodinių principų taikymo aktualumą pedagogų požiūriu.
Metodologinį darbo pagrindą sudaro pragmatizmo nuostatos, kurios teigia, kad ugdymo tikslas yra mokyti vaikus gyventi.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Well-organised informal education and occupation of leisure time of children and young people is an indispensable condition of the socialisation of the young generation as well as the most effective means of crime prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to think about ensuring possibilities for self-expression of school students.
The problem of the study: pedagogues in schools pay little attention to the quality of the implementation of informal education methodical principles and to the improvement of competences necessary for the organisation of informal education.
The object of the study: the expression of informal education methodical principles in informal education classes of a grammar school.
The objective of the study: after identifying the attitude of informal education pedagogues towards informal education and qualification improvement in this area, to evaluate the expression of informal education methodical principles in comprehensive schools. In order to accomplish this objective, the following tasks were established: (1) to define the purpose of informal education in comprehensive schools; (2) to educe the concept of informal education methodical principles and the significance of the application of those principle in the organisation of informal education classes; (3) to identify competences of informal education pedagogues and qualifications improvement opportunities in Lithuania; (4) to educe the expression of informal education methodical principles in... [to full text]
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Įvairūs autoriai, nagrinėję mokytojų vadybines kompetencijas, nurodė mokytojų vadybinio kompetentingumo problemą, tačiau mokytojo vadybinių kompetencijų raiška mokyklos valdyme nėra tirta. Magistro darbe suformuluotas tikslas – ištirti Radviliškio rajono gimnazijų, vidurinių ir pagrindinių mokyklų mokytojų vadybinių kompetencijų įtaką jų dalyvavimui mokyklos valdyme. Darbe teoriškai pagrįstos ir ištirtos mokytojų vertybinės nuostatos, vadybinės žinios ir vadybiniai gebėjimai. Atlikta mokytojų vadybinių kompetencijų raiškos mokyklos valdyme analizė. Nustatyta, kad mokytojų socialiniai-demografiniai veiksniai neturi įtakos mokytojo vadybinės kompetencijos raiškai, tačiau Lietuvoje vykdoma švietimo įstaigų tinklo pertvarka daro įtaka mokytojų nuostatai dėl mokyklų ateities perspektyvų. Atskleista, kad gimnazijų, vidurinių ir pagrindinių mokyklų mokytojų vadybinių žinių ir gebėjimų tobulinimas yra vienas iš veiksnių, lemiančių mokyklos valdymo kokybę. Pastebėta, kad tobulinant vienus vadybinius gebėjimus, proporcingai didėja kiti. Tyrimas taikytinas priimant sprendimus mokytojų įtraukimo į mokyklos valdymą srityje, planuojant mokyklos veiklą, pertvarkant mokyklos valdymo sistemą, numatant mokyklų vadovų ir mokytojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimą. / Various authors who had investigated teachers’ leadership competence pointed out its problems however expression of teachers’ leadership competence in school management was not studied. The aim of the Master’s work is to examine how the leadership competence of the teachers of Radviliskis district gymnasiums, secondary and basic schools has influence on their participation in school management. Resolutions of values, knowledge of management and leadership abilities of teachers are theoretically proved and examined in the work. Analyses of expression of teachers leadership competences in school management is carried out. It is ascertained that social-demographical factors of teachers do not have any influence on teacher’s leadership competence however the reform of educational institutions which has been performed in Lithuania has an influence on teachers’ attitude towards the future perspectives of schools. It is revealed that improvement of management knowledge and abilities of teachers is one of the factors which decides the quality of school management. It is noticed while improving one kind of management abilities, the others improve in proportion. Research is applied to make a decision while involving teachers in school management, planning activities of school, reforming management system of school, determining improvement of professional skills of heads and teachers.
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Socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimo ypatumai skirtingo pobūdžio organizacijose: sociologinė analizė / The realization of social responsibility in organizations of different format: the sociological analysisBarysas, Mindaugas 02 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tema – Socialinės atsakomybės įgyvendinimas skirtingo pobūdžio organizacijose: sociologinė analizė.
Darbo tikslas – atskleisti skirtingo tipo organizacijų įgyvendinamą socialinę atsakomybę jų vadovų požiūriu.
Tyrimo koncepcija:
Organizacijų sociologija – tai speciali sociologinė teorija, aiškinanti organizacijų, kaip žmonių bendrijų, kūrimąsi, funkcionavimą ir plėtimąsi, toms bendrijoms įgyvendinant kokią nors programą ar tikslą bei veikiant remiantis tam tikromis procedūromis ir taisyklėmis. Šiame darbe remiamasi ir pagrindiniu darbo modeliu pasirinkta SOA modelis.
Organizacijos įgyvendinama socialinė atsakomybė gali liesti tokias sferas: 1) žmogiškasis kapitalas: personalo mokymosi skatinimas ir organizavimas; 2) psichologinio klimato darbe gerinimas, 3) organizacijos etika; 4) lygių galimybių pagal lytį, amžių plėtra.
1. Darbuotojų kvalifikacija rūpinasi viso tipo organizacijos, suvokdamos, kad tai – svarbiausi organizacijos ištekliai.
2. Etikos veiksniai daugiausia pasireiškia valstybinėse įstaigose, tačiau jų įgyvendinimas dar reikalauja didesnės kontrolės.
3. Nevyriausybinės organizacijos daugiau nei kitos organizacijos skiria dėmesio stiprios socialinės sanglaudos veiklos sferai.
4. Privačiose, valstybinėse bei nevyriausybinėse įstaigose (organizacijose) mikroklimato įkūrėjas ir jo tolimesnis iniciatorius yra vadovas.
5. Filantropinė bei etinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme of the work is “The realization of social responsibility in organizations of different format: the sociological analysis”.
The purpose of the work is to disclose the social responsibility that is realised in different type organizations in directors’ opinion
Conception of investigation:
The sociology of organizations is a special sociological theory that explains the creation of organizations as human communities‘, their working and expanding when these communities realize some program of purpose and acting with mentioning particular procedures and rules. In this work there is invoked and as the main model chosen the SOA model.
The social responsibility that is realized in organizations can involve such spheres: 1) human capital: the encouragement of personnel‘s learning and organising; 2) the perfection of the psychological climate at work; 3) ethics of organization; 4) the expansion of equal opportunities by sex and age.
1. All the organizations take care of qualification of workers because they understand that they are the most important resources of the organization;
2. Ethics factors shows themselves mostly in public offices, but their realization require major control;
3. Nongovernmental organizations more than other organizations pay attention to strong social cohesion’s activity’s sphere;
4. In private, governmental and nongovernmental office (organization) the former of the microclimate and the further undertaker is director.
5. Philanthropic and... [to full text]
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Lietuvių ir tautinių mažumų gimnazijos Kaune 1918 - 1940 metais / Developmental changes of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in 1918-1940Levanavičiūtė, Elvyra 10 June 2005 (has links)
Historically the period of 1918-1940 is not long but very complicated and important period of education development in our country. The gymnasium system of those times was created in very complicated circumstances.
The peculiarities of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in the independent Lithuania are being analyzed in this work. Chronological limit is year 1918-1940.
The purpose of this work is realized by the following tasks:
• To reveal the developmental changes of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in 1918-1940;
• To analyze the results of education, pupils’ crop changes and the reasons for that;
• To reveal the teaching programs in Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums;
• To analyze the gymnasium extracurricular activities, festivities celebrated in gymnasiums and commemorations;
• To discuss the qualification of gymnasium teachers.
After the First World War the revived Lithuania as a national state did not have a properly organized school system. That’s why school establishment was taken into consideration. The educated people of Lithuania were the first to start this work as they understood that establishing a national school is a very important condition for survival of a free state. Besides, the representatives of national minorities were also seeking to uphold their nationality and asked the Ministry of Education to allow them to establish their own gymnasiums.
The local intellectuals, communities of educated people, public and catholic... [to full text]
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