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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Högutbildade invandrares upplevelser av sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som står för högutbildade invandrares integration på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Alessa, Nouha January 2023 (has links)
According to several studies, it is difficult for highly educated immigrants to find a job that match their education. A large number of them are forced to work in low-skilled jobs to cope with their daily lives. In this study, I will examine highly educated immigrants experience of their situation in the Swedish labor market. The study aims to examine the obstacles and opportunities that highly educated immigrants face in the labor market. The study is based on internal opinions where personal experiences and reflections of different participants were analyzed. The focus of the study is how six educated immigrants describe their situation in the Swedish labor market. This paperaims to increase knowledge about highly educated immigrants' conditions, expectations, obstacles and opportunities in the Swedish labor market. The results of the interviews with the participants were analyzed using key concepts from the two sociologists Erving Goffman and Pierre Bourdieu. The results show that the lack of a valuable social network, loss of symbolic and cultural capital that the participants had in their home country, plus the various demands from the employer, which is a major focus on the Swedish language, makes it difficult for academic immigrants to find a qualified job. respond to their education. / Enligt flera studier är det svårt för högutbildade invandrare att hitta ett jobb som möter deras utbildning. Ett stort antal högutbildade invandrare tvingas arbeta i lågkvalificerade jobb för att klara av sitt dagliga liv. I den här studie kommer jag att undersöka högutbildade invandrares upplevelser av sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studien syftar till att undersöka de hinder och möjligheter som högutbildade invandrare står inför på arbetsmarknaden. Studien bygger på interna åsikter där personliga erfarenheter och reflektioner av olika deltagare analyseras. Studiens fokus ligger på hur sex högutbildade invandrare beskriver sin situation på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Syftet är att fördjupa förståelsen kring faktorer som påverkar högutbildade invandrares inträde och integration på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Resultaten av intervjuerna med deltagarna analyserades med hjälp av centrala begrepp från de två sociologerna Erving Goffman och Pierre Bourdieu. Mitt resultat visar att bristen på ett värdefullt socialt nätverk, förlust av symboliskt och kulturellt kapital som deltagarna hade i hemlandet, plus de olika kraven från arbetsgivaren som ligger stor fokus på det svenska språket gör det svårt för högutbildade invandrare att hitta ett kvalificerat jobb som bemöter deras utbildning.


LUIZA KUNZ AIRES 18 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo analisa os efeitos de um programa governamental de educação técnica no Brasil. Explorando o fato de que a seleção para o programa foi aleatorizada, com estudantes em classes com excesso de inscrições selecionados através de uma loteria, nós olhamos para os efeitos de uma oferta para o programa sobre emprego formal, tipo de ocupação e apego ao mercado de trabalho. Nossos resultados não mostram efeitos significantes sobre emprego formal, salários ou apego ao mercado de trabalho após o programa. Por outro lado, o programa melhorou significativamente o match entre estudantes e empregos, com um aumento de 1 p.p. (100 porcento) na probabilidade de um indivíduo estar empregado em uma ocupação relacionada com o curso escolhido. Nós também encontramos evidência de que receber uma oferta para o programa levou a uma maior probabilidade de estar empregado em uma ocupação com alta demanda por habilidade. Quando examinamos como esses resultados variam com o gênero dos aplicantes, encontramos que, enquanto ganhos em ocupações associadas são similares para ambos os grupos, os efeitos sobre empregos de alta habilidade aparecem apenas para homens e que nenhum experimenta melhoras sobre emprego ou salário após o término dos cursos. / [en] This study analyzes the effects of an extensive public technical education program in Brazil. Exploring the fact that acceptance to the program was randomized, with students in over-subscribed classes selected through a lottery, we look at the effects of an offer for the program over formal employment, type of occupation and attachment to the labor market. Our findings show no significant effect over formal employment, earnings or the level of attachment after the program. On the other hand, the program significantly improved the match between students and jobs, with an increase of 1 p.p. (100 percent) in the probability that an individual is employed in an occupation associated with the course chosen. We also find evidence that receiving an offer for the program led to a higher probability of being employed in an occupation with a higher skill demand. When we examine how these results vary by the gender of the applicant, we find that, while gains in associated occupations are similar for both groups, the effects for high skill jobs appear only men and neither experience improvements on employment or wages after the end of the courses.

Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen

Eriksson, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
"Pizza - en muntlig historia. Berättelser och erfarenheter från den svenska pizzabranschen." I denna uppsats tittar jag närmare på den svenska pizzabranschen och försöker hitta rötterna till några av de egenheter som man kan stöta på när man besöker pizzerior i Sverige. Hur kommer det sig egentligen att man i princip var man än befinner sig i landet kan besöka en pizzeria med italienskt tema, som drivs av en invandrare från Mellanöstern, där du kan beställa en pizza med kebabkött och bearnaisesås, där väggarna pryds av bilder på Marlon Brando och byggarbetare i New York? Syftet med denna uppsats är att placera in detta fenomen i en större svensk social och kulturell historisk kontext. Genom intervjuer med tre olika invandrade entreprenörer i pizzabranschen, så får jag ta del av deras berättelser och erfarenheter kring hur de först trädde in i branschen samt deras bild av pizzabranschen inifrån. De beskriver en bransch som emellanåt kan vara riktigt tuff med hög stressnivå och knappa ekonomiska marginaler. Trots att såväl deras respektive inträden i branschen som deras erfarenheter av densamma skilt sig från varandra så kan vi se ett mönster där alternativa karriärvägar varit få vilket har varit en bidragande faktor till att de slutligen hamnat i pizzabranschen. Andras erfarenheter som liknar deras kan också hittas i tidigare forskning, som tillsammans med intervjuerna i denna uppsats ger en bättre förståelse för varför den svenska pizzabranschen har några av sina utmärkande drag. Uppsatsens resultat pekar i kombination med tidigare forskning mot en tvådelad förklaring. För det första så finns det specifika historiska omständigheter såsom den italienska arbetskraftsinvandringen till Sverige på 40- och 50-talet i en period av låg arbetslöshet, som inledningsvis öppnade upp möjligheter för branschen att växa samt bidrog till att forma själva branschstrukturen. Den förändrade situationen på arbetsmarknaden under 90-talet med högre arbetslöshet försvårade dock, inte minst för invandrare, att hitta andra typer av jobb. Som ett resultat av detta så kom nya grupper av invandrare, ofta från Mellanöstern, att arbeta i branschen i betydligt högre utsträckning. Detta har sedan bidragit till att forma branschen till det vi ser idag. / "Pizza - an oral history. Tales and experiences from the Swedish pizza business." In this essay, I take a closer look at the Swedish pizza business and try to figure out the roots of some the peculiarities you can encounter at a pizzeria in Sweden. How can it be that almost everywhere you go, you’re able to find an Italian themed pizzeria, run by an immigrant from the middle east, where you can buy a pizza with kebab meat and Béarnaise sauce surrounded by pictures of Marlon Brando and workers in New York? The purpose of the essay is to put this phenomenon within a larger Swedish social and cultural historical context. Through interviews with three different immigrant entrepreneurs in the pizza business in Sweden, I get to share their stories and experiences of how they first got into the business as well as how the see the business from within. They all have in common that their different social networks have played a big role regarding their entry in the business. They also describe a business that sometimes can be really tough with lots of stress and tight financial margins. Even though their respective entrances into the business as well as their experiences from the business differ from each other we can see a pattern where alternative career opportunities have been scarce which was a contributing factor to them ending up in the pizza business. Other experiences similar to theirs can also be found when looking at the earlier research, which in combination with the interviews in this essay, gives a better understanding of why so many immigrants work in the pizza business. Regarding the question why the Swedish pizza business has some of its distinguished features. The results combined with prior research hint at an explanation in two parts. First there are specific historical circumstances such as Italian labor immigration to Sweden in the 40s and 50s as well as low unemployment, initially opening up opportunities for the business to grow and shaping its organizational structure. However, the changing situation in the labor market during the 90s with higher unemployment made it harder, especially for immigrants, to find other kinds of work. As a result, new groups of immigrants, most notably from the middle east, ended up in the business, shaping it into what it is today.

Vägen in - En kvalitativ studie av åtta anställda i organisationen Krami i deras syn på sitt arbete med att vägleda före detta kriminella i deras väg in på arbetsmarknaden

Albertson, Emelie, Holmgren, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Av de före detta kriminella som avtjänat sitt straff återfaller hela 40 % i brottslighet inom tre år. Organisationen Krami arbetar för att minska antalet återfall genom att hjälpa målgruppen till sysselsättning. Med avstamp i detta är syftet med vår studie att undersöka hur anställda i Krami ser på sina arbeten med att värna om före detta kriminellas respekt och integritet i individernas process in på arbetsmarknaden och i att undvika återfall. Detta gör vi genom att undersöka hur åtta intervjupersoner A) ser på de före detta kriminellas möjligheter kontra begränsningar på arbetsmarknaden och B) hur dessa intervjupersoner ser på sina möjligheter att arbeta med de tidigare kriminellas värderingar för att motverka återfall i brott. De teorier som används i vår studie är: Värderingsbaserad teori med begreppet värderingar; Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) med begreppen självuppfattning, förväntade resultat och personliga mål; Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Utöver ovanstående teorier har begreppen cooling down och pushing up använts. Studiens resultat visar att intervjupersonerna använder sig av cooling down och pushing up med avsikten att öka målgruppens möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden. Intervjupersonerna upplever att de behöver stötta målgruppen i att öka sin känsla av hanterbarhet för att kunna förändra vissa värderingar, vilka intervjupersonerna anser nödvändiga för att öka sina möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden och för att motverka återfall. Samtliga intervjupersoner upplever att det är viktigt att tro på varje enskild individ, och att alla förtjänar en andra chans. / 40 % of convicted criminals relapse to criminal behavior within three years. Krami is an organization working towards dwindling/reducing recoil numbers by providing alternative occupation. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Krami employees perceive their task in shielding ex-convicts’ respect and well being through their journey towards employment as well as dodging any form of criminal relapse. This will be examined by analyzing how eight interviewees A) experience ex-convicts’ opportunities counter the limitation through the labor market, and B) how they evaluate the prospect to work with ex-convict valuation to diminish criminal relapse. The theories used in this study is: Value based theory based on the concept of valuation; Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) with the conceptions of self-efficacy, outcome expectations and personal goals; Sense of coherence (SOC) in the concept of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. In addition to aforementioned concepts, we have cooling down and pushing up. The results show that the interviewees make use of cooling down and pushing up with the intention to amplify the target audiences prospective as employees. The interviewees experience support requirements from the target audience to gain coping to handle and change certain values i.e. what the interviewees consider to be necessary to enhance employment opportunities and reduce criminal recoil. All interviewees feel that it is important to believe in every solitary individual and that everyone deserves a second chance.

Integrering av migrantkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om samverkan och integrationsarbete mellan olika aktörer / Integration of migrant women in the labor market : A study on collaboration and integration work between different agencies

Ljungberg, Sofia Emilia Mailen January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur olika yrkesgrupper inom socialt arbete jobbade kring migrantkvinnors integration på arbetsmarknaden. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnor som kommer i kontakt med migrantkvinnor och jobbar med integration. Inför denna studie användes genusteorin med ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visade att enligt intervjupersonerna var bland annat tillgänglighet, kommunikation och förståelse för varandras roller några faktorer för att samverkan med andra aktörer skulle kunna fungera. Resultatet visade även att arbetet kring migrantkvinnornas integration på arbetsmarknaden inte enbart omfattade insatser inom utbildning och arbetsträning, utan även insatser inom exempelvis vård, barnomsorg och försörjningsstöd. Vidare visade resultatet att arbetet med att integrera migrantkvinnorna på arbetsmarknaden kunde påverkas av olika faktorer, exempelvis hur samverkan såg ut med andra aktörer, vilka resurser verksamheterna hade tillgång till, samt den aktuella svenska migrationspolitiken och lagstiftning. Utifrån detta kunde slutsatsen dras att arbetet med att integrera migrantkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden var mycket komplext, och att samverkan med andra aktörer spelade en viktig roll i arbetet. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how different social work professions worked with different agencies to integrate migrant women into the labor market. The study was conducted using a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews with six women who work with integration and come in contact with migrant women. Gender theory with an intersectional perspective was implemented in this study. The results of this study showed that, according to the interviewees, factors such as accessibility, communication, and an understanding of each other’s professional roles were some important factors for collaboration with other agencies to work. The results also showed that integration of migrant women into the labor market not only involved interventions in education and vocational training, but also interventions in areas such as health care, childcare and welfare. Furthermore, the results showed that work to integrate migrant women into the labor market could be influenced by various factors, such as how a collaboration with other agencies was organized, what resources the organizations had access to, as well as the current Swedish migration policy and legislation. Based on this, the conclusion was drawn that integrating migrant women into the labor market was very complex, and that collaboration with other agencies played an important role in this work.

Молодежь и рынок труда: развитие предпринимательского потенциала : магистерская диссертация / Youth and the labour market: the development of entrepreneurial capacities

Лушникова, В. Ю., Lushnikova, V. Y. January 2020 (has links)
В работе раскрыты теоретико-методологические и правовые основы развития предпринимательского потенциала молодежи; проведен анализ развития предпринимательства среди молодежи выявлены проблемы развития предпринимательства среди молодежи Свердловской области, разработаны рекомендации. По результатом исследования разработаны программы проведения тренингов для начинающих молодых предпринимателей. / The paper reveals the theoretical, methodological and legal foundations for the development of the entrepreneurial potential of young people; analyzes the development of entrepreneurship among young people; identifies the problems of entrepreneurship development among the youth of the Sverdlovsk region; and develops recommendations. As a result of the research, training programs for young entrepreneurs have been developed.

Восприятие аутсорсинга на рынке труда и в образовательном учреждении: сравнительный анализ : магистерская диссертация / Perception of outsourcing in the labor market and in educational institutions: comparative analysis

Василишин, Р. В., Vasilishin, R. V. January 2020 (has links)
В России аутсорсинг является хотя и динамично развивающимся видом услуг, но в тоже время относительно новым. Перед отечественным рынком аутсорсинга стоит множество задач, включая формирование новой индустрии и профессии, подготовку профессиональных кадров аутсорсинга, разработку индустриальных стандартов. Руководители организаций с подозрением относятся к перспективе отказаться от реализации ряда обеспечивающих процессов, передать их на откуп сторонней организации. Таким образом, Цель исследования – проанализировать отношение организаций к использованию аутсорсинга в деловой практике на примере крупных промышленных компаний Уральского и других регионов России, а также в системе высшего образования (методом сравнительного анализа). Актуальность исследования усиливается ее практической направленностью. Материалы работы могут быть использованы в последующих научных исследованиях эффективности функционирования сферы аутсорсинговых услуг на рынке труда и подготовке рекомендаций для руководителей и сотрудников организаций, необходимых в рамках практического применения механизма аутсорсинга. Анализ эмпирического материала, полученного с помощью метода анкетного опроса в ходе изучения мнений организаций (на примере Уральского рынка труда и УрФУ) об эффективности использования аутсорсинга, показал, что отношение руководителей и персонала к этому механизму настороженное из-за наличия рисков, связанных с финансовыми, юридическими и психологическими аспектами в его применении для решения бизнес-задач организации. / In Russia, outsourcing is a dynamically developing type of service, but at the same time it is relatively new. The domestic outsourcing market faces many challenges, including forming a new industry and profession, training professional outsourcing personnel, and developing industry standards. Managers of organizations are suspicious of the prospect of abandoning the implementation of a number of supporting processes and transferring them to a third-party organization. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the attitude of organizations to the use of outsourcing in business practice on the example of large industrial companies in the Ural and other regions of Russia, as well as in the higher education system (by comparative analysis). The relevance of the research is enhanced by its practical orientation. The materials of this work can be used in subsequent research on the effectiveness of the sphere of outsourcing services in the labor market and the preparation of recommendations for managers and employees of organizations that are necessary for the practical application of the outsourcing mechanism. The analysis of empirical material obtained using the questionnaire method in the course of studying the opinions of organizations (for example, the Ural labor market and Urfu) on the effectiveness of outsourcing showed that the attitude of managers and staff to this mechanism is cautious due to the presence of risks associated with financial, legal and psychological aspects in its application to solve business problems of the organization.

“Are you in the mafia?” : Ethnic discrimination on the American labor market

Velic, Anes January 2023 (has links)
How did the Italian mafia affect honest Italian descendants on the American labor market? This is a study about how an exogenous shock to ethnic discrimination on the labor market affected a whole ethnic group. The goal with this study is to analyze how a massacre by Al Capone’s crew in 1929 affected Italian workers on the American labor market. Using linked census-data of all working-age men 1920-30, this paper studies the ethnic discrimination of second-generation Italian immigrants. The treatment group is Italian men, and the control groups are other immigrants and natives. Three different outcome variables will be used, employment, wage employment, and self-employment. The results suggest that Italians saw lower chances of being employed, lower chances of being wage employed, and higher chances of being self-employed post 1930 compared to other immigrants and natives. This suggest that Italians were forced into self-employment. A conclusion that the ethnic discrimination towards Italians is a result of the tragic massacre cannot be made due to no data on the news distribution. The news distribution system in America could give an indication on how the news were shown in surrounding areas and this could therefore reflect the employers’ attitudes towards Italians. Further studies are therefore required in order to conclude if the massacre gave Italians a harder time on the labor market or not but for now, we have an indication on that Italians were more affected post 1930 compared to other immigrants and natives.

Migrerande Mönster : En komparativ-kvantitativ studie om stadsförsamlingarna Kalmar och Karlskronas migration under 1900-talets första halvsekel. / Migratory Patterns : A comparative-quantitative study on the migration of the city parishes Kalmar and Karlskrona during the first half of the 20th century.

Lahti, Izabelle, Nilsson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to explore the migration from Kalmar and Karlskrona city parishes during the first half of the 20th century divided into three intervals 1915-1920, 1930-1935 and 1943-1948. As stated above the main part of the study aims to map the migration flows to and from Kalmar and Karlskrona and furthermore compare the empirical data to Swedish national statistics. To be able to correctly compare the data gathered the empirical data of the essay is divided into four variables; age, sex, professional or other titles and whether the individuals migrated alone or with family. A comparison between Kalmar, Karlskrona and national statistics will be made to investigate whether the two city parishes are able to act as representations of the national statistics or if the two city parishes have a different outcome than what the national statistical data presents. The results show that the migratory patterns differ both between Kalmar and Karlskrona and in the national statistics of migration in regard to the city parishes. With the usage of migration theories and perspectives such as the migration transition, secondary labor market theory and push- and pull perspective and concepts such as voluntary migration and chain migration the study was able to both analyze and understand the data provided from the city parishes archives

Economics of Science: Labor Markets, Journal Markets, and Policy

Staudt, Joseph M. 29 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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