Spelling suggestions: "subject:"late middle age"" "subject:"late middle aged""
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Bildwerke des Meisters HW / Entwicklungen der spätgotischen Skulptur zwischen Raumkonstruktion und GraphikSchellenberger, Simona 25 April 2007 (has links)
Etwa 20 skulpturale Arbeiten des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts werden auf der Basis stilkritischer Untersuchungen dem so genannten Meister HW zugeschrieben. Die Bildwerke gruppieren sich um drei mit den Buchstaben HW monogrammierte und datierte Bildwerke: die Figur der Hl. Helena von der Hl.-Kreuz-Kapelle des Rathauses in Halle/Saale (1501/1502), das Altarretabel in der Bornaer Marienkirche (1511) und die Schöne Tür von der Franziskanerklosterkirche in Annaberg (1512). Neben zwei Arbeiten in Goslar und Braunschweig konzentrieren sich die Erhaltungsorte und die Provenienzen im albertinisch regierten sächsischen Raum, wobei insbesondere die Städte Chemnitz und Freiberg, Annaberg und Ehrenfriedersdorf im oberen Erzgebirge sowie die südlich bzw. südwestlich von Leipzig gelegenen Orte Borna und Pegau hervortreten. Seit den 1938 von Walter Hentschel vorgelegten Untersuchungen stand die Gruppe von Bildwerken nicht erneut im Mittelpunkt einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit. Die jüngste Beschäftigung mit den Werken kann auf die Forschungen insbesondere der letzten 10-15 Jahre zu bildkünstlerischen Äußerungen des ausgehenden Mittelalters und der beginnenden Neuzeit aufbauen. Im Vordergrund der vorgelegten Arbeit stehen umfassende Untersuchungen der drei monogrammierten und datierten Bildwerke sowie der Tulpenkanzel in der Freiberger Marienkirche. Dabei gewähren die Untersuchungen zu den künstlerischen Voraussetzungen nicht nur Einblicke in den Schaffensprozess des Bildhauers und Bildschnitzers, sie ermöglichen zugleich eine Positionsbestimmung der skulpturalen Arbeiten im Kontext des bildnerischen und raumkünstlerischen Geschehens des ausgehenden 15. und beginnenden 16. Jahrhunderts innerhalb des deutschen Sprachraums. / Approx. 20 sculptural works from the early 16th century are ascribed to the so-called Master HW on the basis of stylistic examinations. These sculptures are grouped around three dated sculptures monogrammed with the letters HW: the sculpture of St. Helena in Hl.-Kreuz-Kapelle (Holy Cross Chapel) of the town hall in Halle/Saale (1501/1502), the altar retable in St. Mary’s Church in Borna (1511) and Schöne Tür [Beautiful Gate] at the church of the Franciscan monastery in Annaberg (1512). Apart from two other pieces in Goslar and Brunswick, the places of preservation as well as the provenances are concentrated in the Saxon region formerly governed by the Albertine dynasty with the towns of Chemnitz and Freiberg, Annaberg and Ehrenfriedersdorf in the upper Ore Mountains as well as the towns of Borna and Pegau located to the south and south-west of Leipzig as especially prominent locations. Since the examinations presented by Walter Hentschel in 1938 this group of sculptures has never been the centre of another scientific examination again. The most recent thesis on these works can build on the research in particular of the last 10 to 15 years regarding sculptural expressions at the end of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the modern age. Comprehensive examinations of the three monogrammed and dated sculptures as well as of Tulpenkanzel (tulip pulpit) in St. Mary’s Church in Freiberg form the focus of the thesis submitted. In this respect, the examinations regarding the artistic preconditions do not only provide insights into the sculptor’s creative process; at the same time, they also allow a positioning of the sculptural work in the context of the events in graphic arts and interior design in the German speaking territories at the end of the 15th and at the beginning of the 16th century.
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Les campagnes littorales saintongeaises à la fin du Moyen Âge (XVe- mi XVIe siècles) / The coastal rural areas of Saintonge in the late Middle Age (XVth- first half of XVIth centuries)Périsse, Sébastien 28 February 2011 (has links)
Région frontalière, exposée aux descentes ennemies autant qu’aux transgressions marines et aux invasions de sables, la Saintonge présente nombre de contraintes. Pourtant, au XVIe siècle, nombre d’indices témoignent d’une reconstruction réussie dans cette région enclavée. Durement éprouvée lors de la guerre de Cent Ans, la population a modifié son approche du littoral pour compenser l’absence de grand pôle urbain susceptible de mener à bien la reprise économique. L’économie saintongeaise développe dès lors des activités s’appuyant sur la dualité des campagnes côtières. Cette combinaison des ressources de l’estran et des terres offre aux habitants une forme de résilience efficace face aux risques alimentaires. Cette relative sécurité alimentaire facilite la reprise démographique dans les paroisses littorales. Le sel, le poisson, la récolte du varech, des coquillages ou de la salicorne permettent non seulement d’accroître les ressources locales, mais génèrent aussi d’autres activités comme la verrerie ou le tannage entre autres. Avec la céréaliculture, l’exploitation du bois ou le développement conséquent de l’élevage, la région dispose d’un panel conséquent de denrées commercialisables. La Saintonge intègre ainsi les sphères d’influence de La Rochelle et de Bordeaux. En tant que périphérie plus ou moins intégrée de ces deux pôles, les campagnes saintongeaises entrent dans leurs réseaux de relations commerciales avec les marchands fréquentant le golfe de Gascogne. Les deux villes-ports apportent également à la région les capitaux qui manquent. En effet, malgré la pluriactivité et la formation de communautés taisibles, la population saintongeaise ne parvient pas à générer les capitaux indispensables permettant à la région de poursuivre son développement économique. A la fin du Moyen Âge, la Saintonge offre donc le visage d’un territoire enclavé mais ouvert au commerce maritime par de petits ports, mais aussi d’une région riche avec des fortunes locales limitées. / Saintonge presents a certain number of constratints: it is a border zone and as thus exposed to enemy raids; it also suffers from the encroachments of the sea and the invasion of sand dunes. Nevertheless, in the 16th century, converging signs show that this region, however distant from the main economic centers, has experienced a successful reconstruction. Victims of the Hundred Year’s war, local people have modified their approach of the coast to compensate the lack of a major urban center that would have organized economic recovery. From then on, the Saintonge economy is grounded on the dual resources of the coastal zones. The inhabitants combine the resources of the seashore and the countryside to better resist food risks. This relative food safety is instrumental in the demographic recovery of the coastal parishes.Salt gathering, fishing harvesting kelp (varech), picking shells or salicorne not only increase local resources, they generate other activities such as glass-making or tanning among others. With the cultivation of cereals, the exploitation of wood or the significant developpement of breeding, the area has a substantial panel of marketable foodstuffs to offer. In this way, Saintonge integrates the spheres of influence of La Rochelle and Bordeaux. It takes part in the trade connections that they have established with the merchants from the bay of Biscay. Both harbour-cities also contribute financial capital, something Saintonge itself coul nod provide. The fact is, in spite of its range of activities and economic developpment. So that at the end of the Middle Ages, Saintonge offers several aspects: it is out of the way but it compensates for it with its small coastal harbours and it has become prosperous, with some significant fortunes emerging from the area.
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Počátky rodu erbu půlměsíce. Rytíři z Vřesovic v pozdním středověku / The beginning of family with half-moon in the coat of arms. Knights of Vřesovice in the late Middle AgesBoukal, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is history of the knights (later lords) of Vřesovice in the late Middle Ages. The work deals mainly with political and economic role of the family members in the late medieval Bohemia, with special attention to the hussite captain Jakoubek of Vřesovice, who was mainly responisible for family rise. Furthermore, this work tries to answer the question, what happened to the family of Vřesovice since Jakoubek's death until the late Middle Ages, because during the 16th century, knights of Vřesovice belonged to the most powerful aristocratic families in Bohemia. Family members from the times of king George and Jagellonian rulers were not yet reflected by many historians. Fates of individual family members are assessed and placed into historical context. The work deals with property relations of knights of Vřesovice and manifestations of their aristocratic representation. As a whole, the work probes into political, economic, cultural and social life in late medieval northwest Bohemia. Key words: Jakoubek of Vřesovice, gentry, nordwest Bohemia, late Middle ages, 15.-16. century, castles, heraldy
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Soubor textilních fragmentů z novověkých smetištních vrstev z archeologického výzkumu v Praze 1 - Na rejdišti čp. 77 / The collection of textile fragments found in rubbish dump dated to modern times from archaeological excavation in Praha 1- Na rejdišti čp. 77Šmidová, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the master thesis is an evaluation of archaeological textiles from the site Na Rejdišti 1 - Praha 1, which are coming from the rubbish dump. They are dated from the 16th to the 18th century. Key sources of information are analogical situations coming mainly from Poland and Germany where the textile fragments have been evaluated from rubbish dumps, water wells, cesspits and sewers. Outcome of the paper is also a tabular catalogue of findings. Key words textile, clothing, late Middle Ages, modern times, town, central Europe, dump, Na Rejdiši, Praha
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Les lettres de rémission des ducs de Bourgogne : étude sur les normativités sociales, politiques et juridiques / The letters of remission of the dukes of Burgundy : study on the social, political and juridical normativitiesBeaulant, Rudi 30 November 2018 (has links)
Les lettres de rémission ont longtemps été délaissées par les historiens qui ne voyaient pas l'intérêt d'une étude approfondie, ou ne les exploitaient que pour leurs aspects « folkloriques ». Depuis une trentaine d'années les lettres de rémission des rois de France ont cependant été étudiées dans la perspective d'éclairer l’histoire de la criminalité médiévale, de proposer une histoire sociale et d'apporter une contribution à l'histoire politique de l'État royal. Les archives des ducs de Bourgogne, dispersées dans de nombreux fonds, contiennent 800 lettres datées des XIVe et XVe siècles, qui n'ont pas fait l'objet d'étude globale pour l'ensemble des territoires bourguignons. La transcription et l’analyse de ces documents, réalisées notamment à l’aide de bases de données informatiques, doivent permettre de saisir les évolutions dont ces pratiques du droit de grâce font l’objet à la fin du Moyen Âge, en tenant naturellement compte de leurs contextes historiques pour mieux comprendre leurs enjeux sociaux, juridiques et politiques.La dimension normative est ici privilégiée, dans la mesure notamment où les lettres sont des modèles partiellement stéréotypés qui renvoient l'image du bon sujet et celle du bon prince. Ces normes se définissent généralement par la pratique, mais leurs évolutions dans le temps suggèrent un rapprochement entre l’usage de la grâce et le droit, bien que le pardon demeure une dérogation à la loi. Certaines d’entre elles constituent également des spécificités bourguignonnes, qu’il importe d’étudier au regard des contextes dans lesquelles elles se construisent et des espaces dans lesquels elles s’appliquent, afin de déceler d’éventuelles disparités géographiques entre les multiples territoires constituant l’espace bourguignon. La dimension comparative des pratiques de grâce criminelle des ducs doit également être privilégiée, particulièrement avec les rémissions royales mais aussi avec celles émises par d’autres princes territoriaux. Enfin, dans la mesure où la lettre de rémission devient un outil récurrent du paysage judiciaire tardo-médiéval, il est nécessaire de la confronter aux autres sources de la pratiques avec lesquelles elle s’articule dans les rouages de l’administration bourguignonne, qu’il s’agisse d’archives judiciaires locales ou encore de registres de comptabilités. / The letters of remission have long been neglected by historians who did not see the point of a proper study or exploited them only for their “folkloric” aspects. Yet, over the past three decades, the letters of remission of the kings of France have been studied with the aim of highlighting the history of medieval crime, proposing a social history and contributing to the political history of the royal State. The archives of the dukes of Burgundy, dispersed across many fonds, contain 800 letters from the 14th and 15th centuries, which have never been globally studied for all the Burgundian territories. The transcription and the analysis of these documents, conducted by means of computer databases, must allow to understand the evolutions of the practices of the right to pardon in the late Middle Ages and of course take into account their historical contexts so as to better understand their social, legal and political stakes.The normative dimension is privileged here, notably insofar as the letters are partially stereotyped models which reflect the image of the good person and the one of the good prince. These norms are defined by practice but their changes through time suggest a rapprochement between the practices of pardon and law, although pardon remains a derogation from the law. Some of them also constitute Burgundian specificities, which are important to study regarding the contexts in which they form and the areas in which they apply, in order to identify possible geographic disparities among the multiple territories composing the Burgundian space. The comparative dimension of the practices of criminal pardon of the dukes must be privileged too, particularly with the royal remissions but also with the ones granted by other territorial princes. Finally, in as much as the letter of remission becomes a recurring tool of the late medieval judicial landscape, it is necessary to confront it to other sources of the practice with which it articulates in the workings of Burgundian administration, whether it handles with court archives or account registers.
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Production et consommation textiles à Tours aux XVe et XVIe siecles : Approche archéologique / Textile production and consumption in Tours at 15th and 16th centuries : archaeological approachHenri, Delphine 18 December 2015 (has links)
La découverte à Tours de plus de six mille fragments de textiles dans la même fosse, à l’extérieur du rempart qui longe la berge de la Loire (site 69 « place Anatole France »), a permis d’étudier tout le processus du travail textile, du fil au rejet. La quasi-totalité des éléments examinés sont en drap de laine, grande industrie en Europe aux 15e – 16e siècles. Tout comme pour les soieries, moins bien conservées, l’étude s’est attachée à déterminer s’il s’agit de produits tourangeaux. Le traitement des draps de laine, augmentant leur résistance, a permis l’observation des formes, dont quelques pièces de vêtements isolées. Les pièces vestimentaires ont été découpées pour produire lacets et chausses avec une fréquence qui incite à voir dans le rejet la vidange d’un atelier de fripier. Ce corpus et l’analyse de chartes concernant la ville de Tours ouvrent un aperçu de la vie quotidienne dans une capitale de la fin du Moyen Âge, où les habitants relativement fortunés sont vêtus de bon drap et, malgré l’interdiction, de vêtements et accessoires de soie / The discovery in Tours of a set of almost 6000 pieces in the same pit, located just outside the city walls along the Loire River ("place Anatole France") provides an opportunity to study the entire process of textile work. The fragments studied are mostly wool cloth, which was a significant commercial production on the 15th - 16th centuries. As for remains of silk which are less well preserved, the study attempted to determine if they were produced in Tours. Among the shapes of wool remains, remarkably preserved, were a few clear parts of garments. Textiles were re-used to fashion laces and hoses in such a high frequency that the corpus is interpreted as the emptying of a second-hand clothes dealer shop. This corpus, combined with law texts regarding Tours, provides a picture of a late medieval capital city, where bourgeoisie wore good broadcloth and, contrary to law, silk dress accessories
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Sůl nad zlato? Právní a ekonomické postavení města Prachatice v pozdním středověku / Salt More Than Gold? The Legal and Economic Status of the Town Prachatice in the Late Middle AgesVečeřová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis inquires into selected chapters from the late medieval history of the town Prachatice. The first part of the thesis deals with the unclear legal status of the town and with the issue of its promotion to the royal town and its subsequent pawnings in the 15th century. It is a question that has not been sufficiently reflected in literature yet and there is also no agreement whether Prachatice was a royal pawned town or a liege town. The second part discusses the issue of the economic status of the town Prachtice in the context of the Southern Bohemian salt business wherein Prachatice played a crucial role. This part of the thesis is based on a thorough analysis of the staple right of the town Prachatice and the right which covered the compulsory direction of the routes. Further, it deals with the competition of the town Prachatice in the import of salt to Bohemia and with the outline of the directions of the routes that were starting in Prachatice. These routes were the matters of disputes with other involved towns. This thesis is delimited by the period of the Late Middle Ages until the beginning or the first quarter of the 16th century. The attention is paid especially to the unsettled 15th century which brought a lot of turns of events into the history of the town. Key words:...
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Représentation du roi et pouvoir de « faire loy » : Enquête autour de l’activité normative du parlement de Paris à l’époque de Charles VI et de la double monarchie franco-anglaise (1380-1436) / Representation of the king and power to “make laws” : Investigation on the subject of the normative activity of the Parliament of Paris at the time of Charles VI and of the double Franco-English monarchy (1380-1436)Degoy, Axel 20 June 2017 (has links)
Puisqu’il est désormais avéré que les différents arguments avancés par les parlements de la monarchie à l’époque moderne afin de légitimer leur prétention à vérifier librement les édits royaux avaient des racines médiévales, il n’était pas injustifié de rechercher si leur propension à élever leurs arrêts de règlement au rang de véritables lois n’était pas, elle aussi, déjà en germe au Moyen Âge tardif. Une enquête dans les archives du parlement de Paris contemporaines du règne de Charles VI (1380-1422) et de la double monarchie franco-anglaise (1422-1436) permet de confirmer cette hypothèse. Il en ressort en effet qu’au tournant des XIVe et XVe siècles, dans le milieu parlementaire parisien, on considérait non seulement que par sa jurisprudence la « cour souveraine et capitale du royaume » dégageait des règles qui faisaient lois, mais en outre que les arrêts de règlement qu’elle édictait, ou du moins certains d’entre eux, étaient des actes normatifs souverains, voire constituaient de véritables ordonnances royales. Cette faculté reconnue à la cour suprême d’être un véritable co-législateur était au demeurant logique et naturelle, si l’on prend la peine de la replacer dans le contexte à la fois institutionnel, politique et idéologique du temps. / Since it is now recognized that the various arguments put forward by the parliaments of the monarchy in modern age in order to legitimize their claim to freely check the royal edicts had medieval roots, it was not unjustified to inquire whether their inclination to raise their regulation judgments to the rank of actual laws was not, similarly, already raising in the Late Middle Ages. An investigation of the archives of the Parliament of Paris contemporaneous with the reign of Charles VI (1380-1422) and with the double Franco-English monarchy (1422-1436) confirms this hypothesis. The investigation indeed shows that, at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, in the Parisian parliamentary environment, it was considered not only that, by its jurisprudence, the “sovereign and capital court of the kingdom” emanated regulations which made laws, but also that the regulation judgments it enacted, or at least some of them, were sovereign normative acts, or even constituted genuine royal rulings. This acknowledged ability of the Supreme Court to be a genuine co-legislator was, as it happens, logical and natural, if one takes the trouble to place it in the institutional, political, and ideological context of the period.
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Mirakler och helgonkult : Linköpings biskopdöme under senmedeltidFröjmark, Anders January 1992 (has links)
This work studies the introduction of three new cults of saints in the Linköping Bishopric during the Late Middle Ages. Two of them were based at Vadstena Convent: the Holy Bridgel (Birgitta, d. 1373) cult which had its beginning in 1374 and the cult of Katarina Ulfsdotter (d. 1381), which started during the 1410's. The third, the cult of Bishop Nils Hermansson (d. 1391), which originated at the latest in I40l. was associaled w ith the cathedral in Linköping. The introduction of a saint's cult may be relaled to the need of many people in medieval society for healing and protection. The tales about the saint's posthumous miracles played a key role in the introductory phase of the cults. In the dissertation such tales are used as the foundation for the analysis of the varied geographic and social patterns of distnbution of the three cults. The cult of the Holy Bridget was as much an intemational as a Swedish cult. The other cults studied were two of manv attempts to ride on the wave created by the successes of the Bridget cult. They may furthermore be regarded a response to various types of crises which the sponsoring institutions experienced. / Den 29 juni 1374 anlände ett skepp till Söderköpings hamn. Ombord fanns kvarlevorna efter den heliga Birgitta, vilka nu av dottern Katarina efter moderns önskemål skulle föras till Vadstena. När resföljet anlände till Sverige strömmade människor till från alla håll. De var redan klara över att i kistan låg relikema efter ett helgon. Ryktet om Birgittas förmåga att med sina förböner hjälpa sjuka och olycksdrabbåde människor var ett centralt inslag i den helgonkult som byggdes upp kring henne. Birgittakultens exempel lockade till efterföljd. Under det kommande århundradet etablerades ett pärlband av nya helgonkulter i Linköpings stift, däribland kulterna av Birgittas dotter Katarina (1381) och av biskop Nils Hermansson (1391). Denna doktorsavhandling fokuserar intresset på dessa helgonkulter i deras lanseringsskede. Den identifierar de grupper och institutioner som var särskilt aktiva i detta skede, och diskuterar de behov i dåtidens samhälle som gjorde att befolkningens breda lager tog till sig de nya helgonen. / <p>Doktoravhandlingen framlagd vid Uppsala universitet 1992</p>
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Místo lesa v literárních pramenech 14.-15. století v česko-francouzsko-anglické perspektivě / The Place of the Forest in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Literary Sources, a Czech-French-English PerspectiveTurek, Matouš January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis presents and analyses a range of different ways in which the motif of the forest was treated in late-medieval literary sources as an element of thematic and compositional construction of the text. At the theoretical basis of the thesis is the concept of diachronic text reception and adaptations which bring along the transmission and simultaneous transformation of the use of topoi, while this process is being related to the development of the literary chronotopos signalizing a change in the public's horizon of expectation. The majority of sources for analysis are drawn from Czech sources of the long 14th century - courtly and chivalric romance, the Old Czech verse legend of St. Procopius and the Dalimil Chronicle - while a shorter part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of individual tendencies in the development of the use of the forest topos in English and French literary allegory of the 14th and 15th centuries. In detailed comparison of specific passages from Old Czech texts with their actual models in other languages (Old Middle German, Latin), the thesis demonstrates, upon the example of the forest topos, that topoi do not represent fixed, inalterable clichés, but actually exhibit intense shifts in function, content and theme.
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