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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Words of War: Their Speeches and Correspondence, November 1940-March 1941.

Bean, Leslie A. Mattingly 19 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt inspired the Allies with memorable speeches in their fight against the Axis Powers during World War II. These speeches resulted from their personalities, preparation, and correspondence; and the speeches directed Allied conduct and challenged Axis aggression. The speeches examined here pertain to Lend-Lease in November, 1940-March, 1941. The author consulted the collections of Churchill's and Roosevelt's speeches and correspondence and drew from memoirs and newspapers. The first two chapters examine Churchill and Roosevelt's rhetorical abilities; the third chapter looks at how their correspondence shaped their speeches; and the fourth chapter looks at the Lend-Lease rhetoric. Roosevelt and Churchill's speeches contributed to the success of the Lend-Lease bill and strengthened the Anglo-American alliance. Their words and actions led to the emergence of America as the leader in the alliance and affected Hitler's perception of the Anglo-American relationship and policy.

Empirical Study on the Term Structure for Stockholm Commercial Property Leases

Alveman, Filip, Karlsson, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Over recent years, the economic climate on the Swedish office market has been advantageous, and, as a result, both property prices and market rents have been on a constant rise for almost a decade. Moreover, an increased demand for flexibility in lease terms has been seen on the market, which begs the question; how would changing preferences in length of tenure affect rent levels? There exist several convincing theoretical cases that leases should yield different pricing dependent on its maturity and expectation about future market conditions. The conceptual framework developed by Grenadier (1995, 2005) has been used for the valuation of general leasing contracts and lease terms - applying an option-pricing approach. In total, three papers have analysed the effect length of tenure has on office equilibrium lease rates. However, the empirical evidence, to this date, has been inconclusive in its result when trying to isolate the effects. The purpose of this report is to investigate the relationship between rent and lease maturity. A hedonic pricing model will be developed, which allows for different shapes of the term structure curve, building on the model created by Gunnelin and Soderberg (2003), while controlling for price-relevant characteristics omitted in previous research – such as, building quality, quality of office premise, location, and tenant industry. The model will be used in an empirical study applied to commercial office contracts in Stockholm, Sweden, concluded between 2012 and 2019. The data used in the regression comprise of 1 508 office leases, contracted on the Stockholm market during the investigated period. The result showed a significant term structure for 4 out of 8 years for the full sample, and 5 out of 8 years for the subsample only including leases signed in the CBD. Concludingly, giving further evidence to the reasoning that the market adjusts the rents after lease length, according to future market expectations.

Hur kan hyreskontrakt utvecklas i offentlig förvaltning för att möta hyresgästernas behov? : En fallstudie av Teknikringen 10B / How Can Leases be Developed in Public Administration to Meet the Requirements from Tenants? : A Case Study of Teknikringen 10B

Widlund, Helena, Dahlbäck, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Behovet av kontorslokaler har förändrats kraftigt under de senaste åren. Denna rapport är en fallstudie på Teknikringen 10 B på KTH:s campusområde, där delar av ABE-skolan har sitt kontor. Här sitter institutionen för Fastigheter och Byggande och SEED. Byggnaden ägs och förvaltas av Akademiska Hus med KTH som hyresgäst och ABE-skolan som brukare. En viktig aspekt är att hyresförhållandet mellan ABE-skolan och Akademiska Hus faller inom ramen för offentlig förvaltning. Till skillnad från ett normalt hyresförhållande har KTH inte lika stor möjlighet att påverka deras hyreskontrakt. Detta på grund av deras roll som statlig aktör vars fastigheter också ägs av en annan statlig aktör, staten. Resultatet av denna fallstudie visar att det finns flera förslag till hur man kan utveckla hyreskontrakt i offentlig förvaltning. I det aktuella fallet krävs det delvis högre och förändrade incitament för Akademiska Hus att ha en mer hållbar lokalförsörjning, där ansvaret för att skapa dessa incitament ligger hos staten. Ett ytterligare förslag för att utöka flexibiliteten i avtalen kan vara möjligheten att hyra per våningsplan i stället för hela byggnader. Detta skulle göra det lättare för hyresgästerna att hyra endast den yta de är i behov av. Till sist skulle de interna kontrakten mellan institutionerna och KTH centralt kunna ses över. Om KTH centralt kunde få större auktoritet och frihet att besluta om lokalernas utformning och fördelning skulle det förenkla för skolorna att avstå yta som de inte längre är i behov av och därmed kunna sänka sina lokalkostnader. Skolorna på KTH är måna om att sänka sina lokalkostnader eftersom de har en stor påverkan på kvaliteten i undervisningen. / The need for office space has changed dramatically during these recent years. This case study is performed at Teknikringen 10 B on KTH's campus area, where parts of the ABE school have their office. In this building the Department of Real Estate and Construction and SEED are stationed. The building is owned and managed by Akademiska Hus with KTH as tenant and the ABE school as user. An important aspect is that the rental relationship between ABE school and Akademiska Hus falls within the framework of public administration. Unlike a normal tenancy, KTH does not have as great opportunity to influence their lease. This is because of their role as a state actor, whose real estate is owned by another state actor. The result of this case study shows that there are several different proposals for how to develop leases in public administration. In this specific case, higher and changed incentives are required for Akademiska Hus to have a more sustainable local supply and the responsibility for creating these incentives lies with the state. An additional proposal to increase the flexibility of the agreements may be the possibility of renting floors instead of entire buildings. Lastly, the internal contracts between the departments and KTH could be improved. If KTH could have greater authority and ability to determine the distribution of the premises, it would make it easier for the schools to give up space that they no longer need and be able to reduce their premises costs. The schools at KTH are keen to reduce their premises costs because they have a major impact on the quality of teaching.

Coliving - svenska bostadsmarknadens nya trend : en analys av befintliga coliving-projekt i Stockholmsregionen / Coliving – the swedish housing markets new trend : An analysis of existing coliving projects in the Stockholm region

Cedervall, Ofelia, Wränghede, Tove January 2021 (has links)
De senaste tio åren har konceptet coliving etablerats på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. På grund av bostadsbristen i storstadsregionerna i Sverige har behovet av nya innovativa boendeformer varit av betydelse. Detta gäller främst unga vuxna i Sverige mellan 20–35 år. Det nya konceptet coliving innebär ett gemensamt boende där hyresgästerna erbjuds både privata och gemensamma ytor. Utvecklingen av coliving grundar sig i andra kollektiva boendeformer, men denna typ av boende inkluderar en bredare målgrupp och mer tjänster samt service. Detta har medfört att coliving är en attraktiv och innovativ bostadsform som företag i Sverige valt att implementera i sina fastigheter. Syftet med arbetet, som är i samarbete med Stena Fastigheter, är att undersöka hur och varför företag i Stockholm väljer att implementera konceptet coliving i sina fastigheter. Författarna har även valt att fördjupa sig inom de olika regler och lagar som finns tillgängliga idag för att undersöka vilka hinder det finns i uppstartsfasen av coliving-projekt.  För att kunna uppfylla arbetets syfte har författarna haft semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från olika coliving-aktörer i Stockholm. Det har även utförts en litteraturstudie för att kunna få en fördjupad inblick av konceptet samt regleringen kring det. Idag råder en viss problematik kring regleringen av coliving, detta inkluderar Hyreslagen och Boverkets byggregler, som medför att det inte finns en tydlig struktur av konceptet och hur det ska utformas. I och med detta har företagen utformat sina coliving-enheter på olika sätt. Respondenterna nämner hur efterfrågan och en alternativ lösning till bostadsbristen för unga vuxna är två av drivkrafterna för att utveckla konceptet coliving. / For the past ten years, the concept of coliving has been established in the Swedish housing market. Due to the housing shortage in the metropolitan regions in Sweden, the need for new innovative forms of housing has been important. This mainly applies to young adults in Sweden between the ages of 20-35. The new concept of coliving means a shared accommodation where the tenants are offered both private and common areas. The development of coliving is based on other forms of collective housing, but this type of housing includes a broader target group and more services as well as services. This has meant that coliving is an attractive and innovative form of housing that companies in Sweden have chosen to implement in their properties. The purpose of this master’s thesis, which is in collaboration with Stena Fastigheter, is to investigate how and why companies in Stockholm choose to implement the concept of coliving in their properties. The authors have also chosen to delve into the various rules and laws available today to examine the obstacles that exist in the start-up phase of coliving projects.  In order to fulfill the purpose of the work, the authors have had semi-structured interviews with respondents from various coliving actors in Stockholm. A literature study has also been carried out in order to gain an in-depth insight into the concept and the regulations surrounding it. Today, there is a certain problem with the regulation of coliving, this includes Hyreslagen and Boverkets building regulations, which means that there is no clear structure of the concept and how it should be designed. As a result, companies have designed their coliving units in different ways. The respondents mention how demand and an alternative solution to the housing shortage for young adults are two of the driving forces for developing the concept.

The market potential and economic feasibility of a wooden pallet bin leasing system

Garrahan, Thomas Booth 15 November 2013 (has links)
The concept of a bin leasing system represents an effort to use bins more extensively. In a leasing system one inventory of bins would be used by two‘or more annual users. System benefits would be lower per-use costs for the user and the opportunity for the lessor to make a profit. In order to establish a working data base of information, a mailed questionnaire was sent to 333 fruit and vegetable processors. The response rate on the survey was 45%. A typical bin is built of hardwood lumber, lasts about seven years, and costs an average of $36.53. Seventy-eight percent of the owners considered bin repair a problem, 85% thought bin transport was expensive, 96.5% agreed that bins were a significant investment. Overall, 66% considered bin leasing a viable option to ownership. Eastern North Carolina was chosen as the most promising leasing system location. The system will cater to cucumber/pepper processors and sweet potato packers. The method chosen to establish the system is to contract with one or more large companies to supply, on a lease basis, the required replacement bins for future years. A sample system was designed based on cost and revenue information received from area bin owners. Calculations yielded a net present value of $31,056.99 for a 15 year run of the system when using a discount rate of 12.5%. The effects of changes in key variables were analyzed. The most dramatic changes in NPV were due to changes in bin life and per-bin revenues. / Master of Science

L'occupation immobilière : étude de droit privé / Estate occupancy : a private law study

Pezzella, Virginie 12 December 2012 (has links)
En droit privé, l’occupation s’entend, en principe, d’un mode d’acquisition originaire de la propriété des choses mobilières dépourvues de maître : c’est ainsi qu’elle a fait une entrée discrète dans le Code civil en 1804. Toutefois, depuis cette date, l’occupation a acquis une toute autre signification. Le législateur et le juge recourent aujourd’hui à cette notion pour désigner différents modes de jouissance de l’immeuble d’autrui. Il est question de conventions d’occupation précaire, d’occupation privative d’un bien indivis, d’occupant maintenu dans les lieux en suite d’un bail commercial ou d’habitation, d’occupant bénéficiaire d’une réquisition de logement, ou encore d’occupant sans droit ni titre. La notion d’occupation immobilière semble donc avoir acquis une place remarquable en droit privé. L’objet de cette étude est précisément de déterminer le rôle qu’elle tient en droit positif, dans ce domaine. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse réalise l’étude des diverses hypothèses dans lesquelles le terme « occupation » est utilisé pour désigner un fait d’emprise exercé sur l’immeuble d’autrui, que ce soit avec ou sans titre ; elle révèle également des situations officieuses d’occupation, telles que le mécanisme de la reconduction tacite applicable en matière de bail. Dans un second temps, est proposée une théorie générale de l’occupation immobilière en droit privé. L’occupation immobilière apparaît comme un fait d’emprise jouant un double rôle en droit positif : elle peut être simplement la traduction matérielle de l’exercice d’un droit d’usage préalablement reconnu à celui qui va devenir occupant, mais également l’élément permettant à ce dernier d’acquérir un tel droit ou, au moins, de le faire présumer. Reposant notamment sur diverses conditions d’efficacité, telles que la bonne foi ou l’univocité, elle présente alors un certain nombre de similitudes avec la possession, mais les deux notions ne sauraient pourtant être confondues. Au final, cette étude permet de mettre en lumière un nouveau fait créateur de droit, qui trouve sa place aux côtés de la possession et qui démontre une évolution de la propriété privée vers une « propriété pragmatique », soucieuse de s’adapter à des besoins divers, clairement reconnus par le droit positif. / In Private Law, occupancy (French “occupation”) is, in principle, understood as an original method of acquiring property of ownerless movable things: this is how it made a discreet entrance in the Civil Code in 1804. Since then, however, occupancy has acquired a whole new meaning. Today, both the legislator and the judge turn to this concept to describe different means of enjoying the property of others. It relates to precarious occupancy agreements, private occupancy of jointly owned property, tenant kept in the premises after the end of its commercial or residential lease, occupant beneficing an housing requisition, disseisor, or occupant without right or title. The notion of estate occupancy seems to have acquired a prominent position in Private Law. Hence, the purpose of this study is precisely to determine the role it holds in positive law in this area. First, this work aims at studying the various situations in which the term "occupancy” is used to designate the situation where a factual stranglehold is exercised over others’ property, whether with or without title. It also reveals informal occupancy situations, such as leases’ tacit renewal mechanism. Secondly, a general theory of occupancy in Private Law is proposed. Estate occupancy appears like a factual situation of stranglehold (“fait d’emprise”). It plays a dual role in positive law: it may simply be the substantive translation of the exercise of a right to use, previously recognized to whom will become the occupant, and, in the same time, the element allowing him to acquire such a right, or at least, assuming he does. Notably based on various effectiveness conditions, such as good faith or clarity, occupancy shows similarities with the notion of adverse possession, although in French law the two concepts should not be confused. Finally, this study shed light on a new fact giving rise to a right, which finds its place alongside the adverse possession and demonstrates an evolution from the private property to a "pragmatic property" caring to adapt to the various needs recognized by the Law.

Právo stavby a jiné možnosti postavit dům na cizím pozemku / Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another

Buchar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another The purpose of this thesis is to analyse comprehensively the institute of usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another. Other legal institutes that can be used to set up home on a foreign land are easements, lease, usufructuary lease, precarious loan and loan for use. The Civil Code, after more than sixty years, is returning to the superficial principle, with which is the usufructuary right of building inherently connected and which represents an exception from that principle. Thesis is divided into four parts. The largest is the first part, which deals with the usufructuary right of building. The second part is devoted to other institutes, which enable the establishment of a house on a foreign land. The third part is the comparison of the usufructuary right of building with other institutes. The fourth part focuses on the usufructuary right of building legislation abroad. The focus of this thesis is in the first part, which consists of nine chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts and institutes related to the usufructuary right of building. The second chapter describes the history of the usufructuary right of building. The third to the seventh chapter...

The Arsenal of the Red Warriors: U.S. Perceptions of Stalin's Red Army and the Impact of Lend-Lease Aid on the Eastern Front in the Second World War

Fancher, James Reagan 05 1900 (has links)
Through the U.S. Lend-Lease program, President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to keep Joseph Stalin's Red Army fighting Adolf Hitler's forces to prevent a separate peace and Nazi Germany's colonization of Soviet territory and strategic resources during the Second World War. Yet after the Red Army's 1943 counterattacks, Roosevelt unnecessarily increased Soviet Lend-Lease aid, oversupplying Stalin's soldiers with more armament than they required for the Soviet Union's defense and enabling their subsequent conquest of East Central Europe and large parts of East Asia. Roosevelt's underestimation of the Red Army's capabilities, his tendency to readily rely on Soviet-influenced advisers, and his unquestioning acceptance of Stalin's implicit threats to forge a separate peace all contributed to his excessive arming of Moscow from 1943 forward. Expanding on the findings of other scholars, this work identifies and explains the impact of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty on Roosevelt's reasoning, the key role of the Arctic convoys in delivering material to the Red Army, and how the unnecessary aid routes through Iran and Alaska resulted in the oversupplying of Stalin's troops. Had Roosevelt not opened these unnecessary routes, the Arctic convoys could have continued to sufficiently supply the Red Army's defensive efforts without empowering it to aggressively spread Communism at gunpoint.

Уговор о закупу пословних зграда и просторија / Ugovor o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija / Lease Contract of Commercial Buildings and Premises

Pušac Jovana 25 January 2017 (has links)
<p>Савремено друштво почива на принципима тржишне економије коју, у правилу, прати убрзан процес производње и промета, те јачање економске самосталности привредних субјеката. Отуда је и разумљива потреба ових субјеката да своје привредне циљеве остварују на што ефикаснији и економичнији начин. Један од њих је и прибављање употребне вредности одређеног добра путем закупа, при чему се, као најраспрострањенији правно - економски облик закупа, јавља закуп пословних зграда и просторија. Овај облигациони однос одликује низ специфичних елемената што га, спрам закупа у општем смислу, чини односом дифферентиа специфица. Управо та посебна обележја уговора о закупу пословних зграда и просторија, посматрана кроз етапе његовог рађања, стварања права и обавеза његових учесника и, најзад, специфицитет његовог гашења, чине окосницу овог истраживања.<br />Истраживање обухвата седам тематских целина, при чему резултати упоредноправне анализе овог института у евроконтиненталним правним системима (свим државама бивше Југославије, Руској Федерацији, Швајцарској, Аустрији, Немачкој, Француској и Италији), те у англосаксонском правном кругу (Великој Британији и Сједињеним Америчким Државама) прожимају целокупну материју дисертације.<br />Пружање научно утемељених и актуелном судском праксом поткрепљених аргумената за ново и модерно нормативно уређење закупа пословних просторија у правним системима Републике Српске и Републике Србије, по узору на савремене тенденције у упоредном праву, представља основни мотив истраживања. У исти мах, сврха овог научног подухвата исцрпљује се и у тежњи да се потенцијалним субјектима уговора о закупу пословних зграда и просторија пружи могућност за прецизним утаначењем уговорних воља (правних и економских интереса) како би се предупредили судски спорови или макар допринело бржем и ефикаснијем решавању истих, те како би се стране мотивисале за поштовање своје уговорне дисциплине.</p> / <p>Savremeno društvo počiva na principima tržišne ekonomije koju, u pravilu, prati ubrzan proces proizvodnje i prometa, te jačanje ekonomske samostalnosti privrednih subjekata. Otuda je i razumljiva potreba ovih subjekata da svoje privredne ciljeve ostvaruju na što efikasniji i ekonomičniji način. Jedan od njih je i pribavljanje upotrebne vrednosti određenog dobra putem zakupa, pri čemu se, kao najrasprostranjeniji pravno - ekonomski oblik zakupa, javlja zakup poslovnih zgrada i prostorija. Ovaj obligacioni odnos odlikuje niz specifičnih elemenata što ga, spram zakupa u opštem smislu, čini odnosom differentia specifica. Upravo ta posebna obeležja ugovora o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija, posmatrana kroz etape njegovog rađanja, stvaranja prava i obaveza njegovih učesnika i, najzad, specificitet njegovog gašenja, čine okosnicu ovog istraživanja.<br />Istraživanje obuhvata sedam tematskih celina, pri čemu rezultati uporednopravne analize ovog instituta u evrokontinentalnim pravnim sistemima (svim državama bivše Jugoslavije, Ruskoj Federaciji, Švajcarskoj, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Francuskoj i Italiji), te u anglosaksonskom pravnom krugu (Velikoj Britaniji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama) prožimaju celokupnu materiju disertacije.<br />Pružanje naučno utemeljenih i aktuelnom sudskom praksom potkrepljenih argumenata za novo i moderno normativno uređenje zakupa poslovnih prostorija u pravnim sistemima Republike Srpske i Republike Srbije, po uzoru na savremene tendencije u uporednom pravu, predstavlja osnovni motiv istraživanja. U isti mah, svrha ovog naučnog poduhvata iscrpljuje se i u težnji da se potencijalnim subjektima ugovora o zakupu poslovnih zgrada i prostorija pruži mogućnost za preciznim utanačenjem ugovornih volja (pravnih i ekonomskih interesa) kako bi se predupredili sudski sporovi ili makar doprinelo bržem i efikasnijem rešavanju istih, te kako bi se strane motivisale za poštovanje svoje ugovorne discipline.</p> / <p>Modern society is based on the principles of market economy, which, as a rule, follows an accelerated process of production and trade, and strengthening the economic independence of economic entities. Hence there is a clean need these entities to achieve their business objectives in the most efficient and economical way. One of them is the acquiring use value for certain goods through lease, in which, as the most widely used legal - economic forms of lease, appears lease of commercial buildings and premises. This contractual relationship is characterized by a set of specific elements of it, towards the basic type of lease, seems relations differentia specifica. Just these special characteristics of the lease contract of commercial buildings and premises, seen through the stages of its genesis, the creation of rights and obligations of its participants, and finally, through the specificity of its termination, are the backbone of this research.<br />Research includes seven thematic parts, whereby the results of the comparative analysis of this institute in the continental law systems (all countries of former Yugoslavia, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France and Italy) and in common law jurisdictions (the UK and the United States) permeate the entire matter of the dissertation.<br />Providing scientifically justified, a current jurisprudence substantiated arguments for a new and modern normative regulation of a lease of business premises in the legal systems of the Republic of Srpska and Republic of Serbia, modeled on contemporary trends in comparative law, is the basic motive of the research. At the same time, the purpose of this scientific project consists in striving to provide to potential subjects of the lease contract of commercial buildings an opportunity for precise contractual stipulations about legal and economic interests in order to prevent litigation, or at least contribute to a faster and more efficient resolution of the same, and to motivate the parties to respect their contractual discipline.</p>

Smlouva o nájmu podniku / A contract to lease an enterprise

Lužová, Irena January 2015 (has links)
A contract to lease an enterprise A contract to lease an enterprise (Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code) was replaced by an agreement of usufructuary lease of an establishment with effect from 1. January 2014, when the New Civil Code came into force. Due to a new legislation, thesis in some chapters mentions comparison between present and former legal regulations, especially represented by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code. Some chapters explain concept of usufructuary lease of an establishment from the historical point of view. The thesis deals with Czech legal regulation of the agreement of usufructuary lease of an establishment. It is an agreement regulated by Section 2349 atc. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the New Civil Code. Usufructuary lease of an establishment is a contractual type related to contract of purchase of an establishment. Firstly, the thesis explains term establishment and defines objects we can classify as an establishment. The work also deals with the term part of an establishment ( branch) and other contextual terms. The main part is devoted to contracts essentialia negotii and the content of the contract from the view of the changes that have occurred with the effect of the Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. Especially problematic issues are rights and obligations,...

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